What is Full Site Editing (FSE) in WordPress?

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Well, good afternoon and welcome to another live iThemes training event. My name is Nathan Ingram. I'm the host here at iThemes Training and today I am joined by my friend Birgit Pauli Haack, who's going to be talking to us about full site editing. Birgit is a WordPress developer advocate sponsored by Autommatic. She is also the curator at Gutenberg Times, and the CO Hearst, co host of the Gutenberg change log podcast. Before she started working for automatic Birgit ran an agency for about 20 years her built her team built online solutions for small businesses and nonprofits and artists. All using WordPress Birgit, it's great to have you back on iThemes Training. How are you today? Well, hi, Nathan, thank you so much for having me. It's wonderful to be here. Yeah, I absolutely. Yeah, we had Birgit on, I guess it was last year at some point, or maybe earlier this year talking about the the the great design opportunities with how the block editor handles photos. And I'll do my best to look that up and drop that link back in the chat for folks that want to know more about you. But give us a little bit of an overview of what we're covering today. Yeah, hey, everyone, and we'll talk about the projects that are actually under the FSE umbrella, the full site editing umbrella, and we will talk about the theme blocks, block themes, and all the things around it. And then we will look at the site editor where everything comes to gather for the user. And we will have a live demo on how this actually gonna work. So I'm really looking forward to it. And hope you too. Yeah, absolutely. So I've just once again, drop this slide link in our chat room, and I think.com forward slash chat. And just I see our attendee number ticked up significantly since we just got started here. So if you are just now joining us in Go To Webinar, I want to invite you to our chat room, which is located at i think.com. Forward slash chat. Now, it's important that you go there, because that is the place to ask your questions as we go today. And this is a live webinar, you're gonna is actually here. We're not here, here, but here virtually, and is producing this presentation and we invite your interaction, we'll have a time of q&a. So use our chat room to ask your questions. And I themes.com forward slash chat. If you ask a question, I have two requests. First, please put the word question and all uppercase at the beginning. So I'm sure to catch my attention. And second of all, if you ask a question, please watch the chat room for the next minute or two, just in case I need to ask a clarifying question, because when we get to our time of questions and answers, I want to be able to ask beer, get some good clear questions. And we want to get all of your questions answered in the process. You'll also find the link to today's slides there in the chat if you'd like to follow along. It's also important because because it has some great resource links on those in the slide deck, and you can't click her screen. So you'll need to download the PDF of the slides there in the chat room in order to get those resources. So with that begin, I'm going to turn it over to you. Let's talk about full site editing. All right, well, thank you so much, Nathan for facilitating this. Yeah, you're a master in doing that. So hello, everybody, again, full site editing in WordPress, let's go with if there. So yes, full site editing is a collection of features that bring the familiar experience or lots of familiar experience, and extensibility of blocks to all parts of your site, rather than just the post and pages. And that was quoted from the WordPress developer handbook. Just so we know where we are, there are four phases of Gutenberg, phase one was post and page editor, which is done sort of on of course, it's always going to be improved. And we have been in full site editing was phase two, and it will come to 5.9 in its first iteration. And if you're not familiar with it, the development path that WordPress takes that the developers take is we do a first iteration to see that the functionality and the flow all works, and then iterate very fast after it. Phase three of the four phases of Gutenberg is the collaborative editing. That's kind of a Google doc editing experiments in appearance on build into core and phase four is multi language content on to build into core. Matt Mullenweg, the co founder of WordPress and identified that project as a 10 year project and we are in its fourth year now. So that's kind of how this will progress. Is one is quite exciting for me. And maybe for you, too. So, okay, the projects that are under the full site editing umbrella. And they're all in various stages of development, and they are coming together now sort of. So there is the site editor, then there is a blog theme. Then we have templates and template parts, theme blocks, styling, and theme JS in theme JSON file. That's for the theme developers. And then the browsing, that means the editing part of the editor Navigation block, a query block, and navigation editor in the widget editor. So repper, siphon nine will only bring you a beta version of things. And it will all be still in development afterwards. But it's stable enough. So you can actually use it, if you want it, it will not come automatically to you, you need at least a full set editing theme. But we can talk about that in a bit. So first on the smallest item, or the smallest unit entity on WordPress, block editor is the block. So everything from a page title to a page comment and all that is going to be in a block. So theme blocks do for block themes. Yeah, nice iteration there. What theme tags in PHP due for the classic themes. So out of the get, underscore, the underscore title function becomes the post title, block, and all that on. So you will see here is the full list right now that's in a in the Gutenberg editor, the theme blocks there are 21 theme blocks available will be available in WordPress 5.9. Some were already released in 5.8. But when you it's all kind of a bit overwhelming, I can see, definitely but you see for a a single post, you would need the post title, you would need the post feature image, you will need to post content, the post date and the post author. So this is kind of the six blocks, word would have been six theme tags for a previous theme, and others. So there's a post list the term description for the archive pages, all that. And then oh, sorry. Then there comes the block scene that contains proxies contain a out of HTML for templates and template parts. They use theme blocks for the layout, and that there will be in the HTML. And then they use the theme json file to configure the theme supports the color palette, typography and style for the sidebar, even for single block as a global global styles. So that's how a template could look, you see something might look a little bit scary because it's code but it's actually common in HTML that are parsed through the editor when it comes to the front end, and then you see some some main class in there. And then I highlighted just a little bit of attributes there. This, these templates, you can actually build with the block editor without using code. So a theme provides you a one version of the theme template and you can then edit it later in the site editor. That's how our theme Jason looks. JSON file looks like it's the one place to configure the block editor and the theme support features or that's the also the file where you can turn them off. It's in the those the file is in the root directory of the same if you have a child theme or build a child theme from that for that editing theme, then you can put in a theme Jason there as well. And it will be merged with the parent theme but the child theme will take precedence. And that's you could also go very granular in this theme json file to configure actually core blocks as well and switch off for instance to a tone or switch off the gradients which have even custom colors or custom font size so you as a theme developer or someone who builds a pages, use the Page Builder uses natural page builder, it's a very, it's an easy to read file because the JSON format is meant to be human readable. So unless you forget a double quote or something like that, you're just fine in changing them, or if you want to change the primary color or something like that. And then there are 26 themes already in the WordPress repository that offered said editing. And underneath that slide, I have the link to it lets the wordpress.org forward slash slash themes forward slash tags forward slash full their site that editing. And they're all very good. Some of them are. So themes can be there for different kind of ways how theme developers can approach that full site editing. One is they stay classic, and do what they did before. But they use the theme json file to configure the block editor, even for the post of ages. So they can switch off some of the things there was a little bit more commerce with the functions php that is now considerably easier for theme developers that have classic themes or site builders that manage classic themes. And then there are hybrid themes, which is pretty much a classic theme with a theme JSON file. Then there is a universal theme and universal themes. In that loop that you just see. There's one that's called Block bass from automatic, and then there are five sub themes in there, they are considered universal theme there work for a site that does that wants to stay classic, as well as a site that wants to do full site editing or a site owner that wants to do full site editing. So there is quite a few or full set anything only. For instance, the TT one blocks is a copy of the 2021 theme, but only for full site editing. So if you want to have a site that uses that, you can test it out on a test site, please. Because all the features are not yet first not released and still in beta. So only the brave, go live side with that. So next, we talked about the theme blocks, we talked about block themes. And now through the site editor. There's a big word next to it that says beta. Everything comes together. If you're a user, and you want to go on an edit. So the site editor is the entrance for editing templates. For instance, using the home template, your archive template, your single page template, you query blog or the category pages, then there are template parts that you can create for header and footer or modify, they come with a theme. And then you can also just the styles in the right sidebar. So we have pretty much two new sidebars in the editor. So the first is this is a screen to edit the index page, I'm pretty much done. The other the summary of all the blocks, all the posts, that the newest post on the left hand side you see something very familiar. That's your blocks and patterns and reusable block, insert. And right now I scroll it up to the to the theme blocks so you can see them, but they all completely in there with the other themes. You could use other themes on your templates, other blocks on your templates. And then you see in the middle of the canvas where you can change the header and postcan Post post content on the right hand side. You see styles and also a little word there that says speeder and you see that is in the top navigation bar. In the top bar, you see there's the usual wheel there. And then there is the Styles button there so you can switch them switch between those two sidebars. And then on the right hand side you also see the typography section, a color section and a layout section and even a blog section but as I said, That's all a little bit Bita another screenshot is here. Then next screenshot and this shows you the new version of the ListView. And when you use it for site editing, this is going to be your friend, because now you can really target, you don't have to fiddle around where is my insert, you can actually do quite a few things here in the ListView. This is for instance, the query block, it shows you, there's a post template block, and then three smaller blocks there, just so it's highlighted. And it kind of it tells you exactly where you are, and what you can do them. Also, just a little note here, also, your friend is the top toolbar. In the post or pages, I don't. I don't have a hard time having the toolbar right at my blog. So I actually like it. But when I do the site editing, it's not that it covers too much from what I wanted to do. So I'll pack it to the top. And I show it right, when we go into demo how to do that. So that was a rundown of the little pieces. And I don't know how the question situation is. But so well, how do what do you need to enable this for, for yourself, so before December 14, and that date is actually the scheduled release date for WordPress 5.9. So before your site is updated to 5.9, you would need a theme built for full site editing, either from the WordPress repository. And there's also a theme experiment link here, that goes to a GitHub repository where the theme team shares their experiments, they also share the tools there, one of them is create theme. Script. So you can run this and then have a scaffolding of full set editing. theme that's very nice. And then of course, you need to Gutenberg plugin. And that 11.8 or higher. So next week, 11.9 times out there a few Gutenberg plugin versions before December 14, but trying to get the latest one, either from the WordPress repository, or if you want to be part of testing things out, before it actually is merged into WordPress 5.9. There's only another few days, but we'll see if we have in the bug fix. feature freeze is on next week. And after that it's all bug fixing. And if you want to help there is on Gutenberg nightly version available that is one almost every day by me. And it you can upload that to your test site, and also update it through a second plugin, that link goes to a web page where it explains everything to you. And of course, you need WordPress 5.8. Because that's where the theme Jason comes in, or that's already merged with core and you need that as well. Now after December 14, you only need two things. One is a theme built for full self editing, and then WordPress 5.9. And everything is should be working. Another caveat, it is in beta. Alright. So it's demo time. And we will have another caveat. I'm using pre release versions. And the screens are not final until they're released. So I'm gonna go into escape from the and then go to this is my demo site. And it's just all local. And I go to the dashboard. And I just wanted to show and I have the Gutenberg nightly here if I grab a theme. So just so you see what the message is, if I go back to a classic theme, activate that. And then I switch off the plugin, you get a nice little message and I want to be able to see it so you know what's happening. When you see it as an app. I forgot something. Yes, you forgot for editing the plugin or something like that. So if I would activate this one, it gives you the message. This theme owner uses force or anything which requires the Gutenberg plugin to be activated. Yeah, let's go and do that. I go into my install plugins. I activate it and then I go back to themes oops themes and activate my PA UI theme that I just, that's a very, very basic theme. And I, and then you see that the appearance menu changed on you. I don't know if you saw that. But there is editor. And that's the beta version of it. When I clicked in that you see, recognize things. But hey, in my previous screens, there were some featured image in there. So I'm going to demo how to put the featured image in there, how to put the date in there and the author. And so we can see this all in real life, there's a ListView. So that helps me a bit. So and I go into the query loop. And then I go into my blogs. And I go here and add a blog. And that's the Featured Post Featured Image. All right, but I don't want it on the bottom I wanted up there. So I go here. And you see it updated all four, all six of them on screen. And I have a few modifications that I can make here. If I do a 250 height. Yeah, and then I have I can contain it. So it keeps the same ratio, or I can fill it and it would skew it a bit. But I can also do a cover. And then it just crops it at a certain place to fill the space down. And then there's a Read More link that I already put in there. And I also want to add the author, post author, and it comes also a little higher here. Oops, that was too high. And I don't want to show the avatar, just leave it like that. And then I also want to add the date, first date, and I. So I could also use the the ListView to say, Okay, I want to kind of move it here. That's pretty cool. And I want to do this further up there. On the left hand side, can you all see the screen? Or do I have to make it bigger? That's probably that's probably pretty good. Okay. Okay, so, um, thank you, Nathan. Alright, so that's still Featured Image. But of course, the image has all the tools that not all the tools, but many of the tools. So first, I can also decide to link it to the post, which a lot of people kind of tried to click on images and want to go to the post, although that's the so here's an easy way to do that. You could also do this for the avatar, for the date, I'm sorry, link also to the post. And then you get the typography, you can change appearance of that you can say, Okay, I wanted thin, or I wanted old, what I want. Yeah, so yeah, you get the picture here, you could also do some text color changes, if you wanted to, you could say I want a green doesn't really work so much with the link, but if I do this, then so there's a link here, and I'm using a beta version. So it looks a little bit funny, that's kind of a bug here, but they're working on it. Um, so that's how you can change that. So I'm gonna take this away I have that show. Now I want to because I'm, this is all too much color for me. I say this. So I want to on and I could do in blue, but the orange I don't like so I can do have you ever played around with the duotone. So I could do that, or I could do that. That is kind of good. Alright, so and now you see that and then I save everything. And it says save, save the template. I could also change here the header but then kind of Gray's out everything else. And so I could actually add also the size It tag line in here if I wanted to. And then I'll can change the typography of it as well. And go a little bit at. Yeah, save that. And all of a sudden you see a multi entity save screen, I want to save the header and the customs dollars for the tag tagline. So, alright, so how does it look? Online, that's a little bit cumbersome, you need to go back to the dashboard, it's still back to the safe and surprise kind of approach that we still have with the classic editor, but they're working on it to make that also nice. In reactive to, to to changes. Alright, so Well, we have our front page, it's a little bit normalized. So the pictures don't distract from the text. And I have my information that I haven't wanted to in there. So that's the first demo. And I also wanted to show you. So you could also change the singular, both the post title, post author post date kind of thing. So if we do the featured image. We could also say we wanted also to be do atone. Oops, no, about that. Um, yeah. So going back to leave that Yes. And then. Okay. No, how does that look on I also did in. In preparation for this, I also did a few changes to this owner, one, and I did it all with the site editor. Yeah, so I had a different header image here. This one, I was able to change out with the images as well. And then I have my list of things here. So if I activate that, I can still do some editing as well. So this one here has some I can change out the picture, replace the picture. And it will keep it will keep the the gradient as well as the layout for it. The colors for it. And then here, I added different pictures here and then a button on top of it. But you see already, that is not how it looks without the side, sidebar open. So it goes to different places. And that's just images with a button. And when I go here and want to change that I could actually change who was in the who was in the image as a couple of luck there. Yeah, I can kind of make that. Yeah. And a lot of different things here. And I even could change the size of it. Of the buttons. So they go over the phone with stuff that and then save it. And all the preview that you see here is not the one that you received from the post and pages. This is just to you can double check on the mobile version of things. Yeah, so this will collapse and just show up nicely in the mobile version. Okay, so I think that's um and I go back to the desktop, and then I can go back. Oh, I saved it. Yes. So that's kind of for now, the demonstration I have and I get ready for your question. All right. Yeah, very commonly go back to some demos. Yeah. So I can show you things and answer some questions with that. So yes, definitely. So folks, if there are things that you would like to see in a demo, you can certainly request those in the chat. For now. We have quite a few questions stacked up here. And, yeah, we'll start off with a great question from Tanya. That's on the top Probably most people's mind who manage websites. So we know that WordPress 5.9 is scheduled to release on December the 15th. So about six weeks from now, Tanya would like to know, what is gonna, what's that going to do to existing websites during the busiest selling season of the year? Well, um, I don't know how long you've been with WordPress, but there were 4040 releases in December in the history of WordPress. So there is the full self editing part will not touch your website at all, unless you have a full site editing theme in place, and you probably don't want to do this on a live site anyway, right now. So nothing will happen there. And there is one feature is going to come in with the block editor, if you have it. That is the changes to the blocks, the gallery block has been refracted. And totally revamped is pretty much the the translation for refactor and now is consistent comprises of single image blocks. So you every gallery image could have its own design its own duotone, also its own link. So that will come with 5.9. And it will not touch your existing galleries, there's just four new galleries that you create, it will be a different interface. A slightly different it will still go through the media library and you select the galleries, but it will then I can demo is that if we want to, but other than that there is not a whole lot that will change on your website during the busiest time of the year. Yeah. And full site editing, as I understand it beer get is off for themes unless it's turned on specifically, is that right? Right. Right. Right, it will not turn on unless you actually have a theme that can handle full site editing. Yeah, so in all, all the themes that are in the repository, there are 26, and there would need to be newly installed to actually do that. The other part is, you know, there is no need to upgrade from 5.8 to 5.9. If you are on the cautious side, you can wait until January. There, there have to have on the docket a release next week for 5.8 point two that has one little bug fix that needed to come in for the gallery blog to not know for one of the themes that I saw. And then the other ones are just bugs on other on the back end of it. But there is a security thing attached to it. So that comes out next week. And if you stay at 5.8 Point Two for another three weeks after it is released, going into January, you're totally fine. Yeah. Yeah. And so this is, you know, for a lot of our audience, or people who build and manage sites for clients. And so if that is you, then, you know, what you just heard beer gets, say is no need to panic, nothing is gonna change. But if you're like me, I typically don't update to a major core release for at least a few weeks, especially the December release. That's usually you know, maybe the first week of January, we'll start really looking at that. Yeah, yeah, we did. A lot of those. If you're on managed hosting, they they test those things, two weeks, at a minimum and then upgrade. Right if that's part. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so Sue had a question. Earlier on, you showed the list of all of the theme blocks that are part of full site editing. How do you see those? Does that require the Gutenberg plugin to be active? Or is there something else you have to turn on to see those blocks? Well, they need to be. The Gutenberg plugin needs to be turned on. Yes. Up until December 14, until 5.9 comes out or later, you will need to have the Gutenberg plugin installed afterwards. You don't need it because there will be in core. Got it. And did those blocks appear for every theme or do you have to have a block enabled theme? That's a good question. I think that only appear when you have a full set editing theme. Yeah, but I'm not quite sure about that's a very good question. Thank you. I don't know either. Alright, let's see. Another question from Sue. Are our block patterns going to become as easy to save as reusable blocks? I'm not in 5.1 But there is a there is a discussion around that how to save blocks. In as a non coder pretty much in your own system, there are two plugins that actually do that already. And one is called reusable blocks extended. And that's by JB orders. Maybe I'll just find it quickly. Press logins, oops, if I could spell it right. And I'm placing that link in the chat right now, for anybody watching live. Yeah. And that's reusable blocks. Yeah, that's a reusable block extended, there's a feature there to actually hide highlight a group block or as a series of blocks, and then Save As block pattern. So that and JB orders. John Baptiste address is actually an outgoing theme. Rep. Team rep. For the core, reference core team. So he has you can pretty much it's, it's pretty well done. So you can certainly trust it. Yeah, that's that answer your question in Quora, there is not yet. Because what the but what they do is, in 5.9, you also see a category on the block patterns, wordpress.org. Patterns. You see now a, a featured category. And that will also be available in the inserter. So the the team is kind of curating a few of those, because they're now over 90, block parents already in the directory. So you can whittle them down and kind of just go to feature and kind of look at them. But you know, the gallery and header images. Yeah, images and text, panels. Yeah. And you could actually use block parents in your theme in your templates. And many of the themes and know that one of the theme is called Toby. Go back here and grab that link. Yeah. client told me that it looks a little bit funny. And it's great fun. But it's by Anders Noren. And he has built his own a theme developer who also worked on a few default themes. The 2020, for instance, and this one is his full site editing theme. And he has about 40 Block patterns in there. For for those who want to use it. It's really interesting. Interesting. Let's see. Marion had a question a bit earlier. That's interesting. How are custom fields incorporated in full site editing, or in the block editor in general? Custom fields, if they come from a plugin, they're probably in the sidebar of the editor. On the first set, editing, yeah, it probably needs to be a hybrid, though now. In terms of surfacing custom fields in the same like if you use ACF advanced custom fields are so you still would need the template engine from ACF to an end, your theme needs to have a functions or a theme template there in PHP to surface them on the front end. So that's not yet anything available in the full site editing part. Unless you build a block for it. Yeah, it doesn't mean that it's not gonna be there. Yeah, but those team is just kind of not there yet to, to have that implemented. Right. So at this point, whatever, if you're using a plugin, for example, to build a customer to create a custom field or create a custom post type, frequently, that plugin is going to have some way to incorporate that into your layout, whether it's a shortcode or a block or something. Right. Right, right. And if the if the custom post type has the the little settings falls show in rest, it will actually pull up the Gutenberg, the block editor for adding new posts for those post type. And then you can use the Query blocks that we saw where I did that has some nice features in there, oops, I need to log in my local site, okay. So when I go in here editor and say, Okay, I want to, I need to different see then you could cream, just a moment, I don't have to activate that. Go to the editor. And then I go here to my ListView, I go to the query blocks, again, Settings, and then I get here the settings. That's with what, how many items on the page, how to offset it and the max to show. And then on the right hand side, there's a post type right now I only have post and pages, but it would show the custom post types. And then you can also say in, in three column, or in, in different columns, numbers. Right now it's three columns. And it's newest to oldest. But you can also say, include exclude the sticky posts, or only the sticky posts, it depends on what kind of page you have. Or you can sort it differently. oldest to newest or A to Z or Z to A. So there's a few things that you can do here with the query loop. And so in this for this feed, you could actually even go over to the post editor. But that's these are the features that you already built into you can say, Okay, I want an author page. They use the same query loop, but only for that particular author. Yeah. So yeah, very good. Let's see. So there's a discussion happening in the chat room right now that I want to address. And there's always confusion about this, anytime we start talking about block editor and Gutenberg in full site editing, and so forth, and you're gonna, I'm gonna take a stab at, I'm gonna take a stab at explaining this and you fill in the places I'm deficient or comment further. Okay. So what we what I've always said here on I think training is that there's a difference between the block editor and Gutenberg. Gutenberg is the plugin in which all this new development is occurring. That includes the block editor, which is usable on pages and posts. It includes all these full site editing features, all that stuff is being built and released every two weeks in the Gutenberg plugin. At every major WordPress release all the development between the previous major release and this one is wrapped up and put into core. So the am I explaining that correctly? You're good? Yeah. Yeah, pretty much done some. Yeah. It's all the all the future features on the Gutenberg and also the development. So it's more so the block editor is the the result of the Gutenberg development that good that's, that's a great way to put it. And so the practical question is, for those of you who just don't want the block editor to show up at all, yet, for whatever reason, beer good if if someone after WordPress 5.9, if they have the classic editor plugin still installed, is anything going to change for them? No, nothing? Right. Okay, good. So hopefully that settles if you have follow up questions about that, please drop them there in the chat. Yeah, okay. So great, great questions from John. For those of us who are new to full site editing, can you suggest two or three themes to get our feet wet? Now you had, there's a whole list there? Do you have a couple of favorites? So I do have a couple of favorites. So totally is, I think one of the most comprehensive using all the features that are available. So but for a beginner, it's probably something like the where is it? The here the TT one blocks because that's what the theme team uses to also for testing. So that has been updated to the newest versions. And then there is also a block theme out there called clove. That's beautiful. Yeah. And if you want a very basic one, you use the cormorant as well, but yeah, those are the ones to Toby TT one blocks. And cool, Miranda's? Yeah, just to get started and kind of see. When you hit it. I hit my terminal. It's quite a bit, but it also gave me a thing. It gave me more confidence in using the site editor. And that is certainly a value in itself. And then I also liked a geologist. But that needs to wait for the next version of Gutenberg, because there was the bug in there that I mentioned before. And owner is really beautiful. That's definitely, yeah, she likes them all. She likes all the themes. Right? Yeah, sorry. So, if you ever go to the WP tavern, Jason Tadlock, who is a reporter on the WP tavern, he does quite a few theme reviews. And he is looking at and has some, some more than just the little snippets that's on the wordpress.org. It kind of he talks about owner. And then he talks about how to kind of scroll a little bit and then you come. This one is certainly nice. The blog theme revolution. He calls it. And so he has always a few seems that he and lately he has only only dealt with foods or anything themes. Yeah. Yeah. So alright, let's see. So while on the subject of themes, there's a great question from Tanya that came in about halfway through. Tanya, is just curious, you know, with full site editing, are we going to even need themes? Or and I might even broaden that to maybe explain Birgit what is the role of themes in a full site editing world. So the role of the so what's the role of a designer, right? actually makes your site beautiful, and it kind of starts out with something, then you don't have to spend hours and hours to design your own theme, you certainly can do this. But it's certainly a good place to start as any of the themes. If you want to start with a very basic theme that it's certainly possible, and then build up on it. But it also gives you a block patterns that you don't have to come up with, or it takes hours to build block patterns. And if they come out of the box, it also gives you something like, You know what Toby did? What he understood on in Toby, I can certainly put this out in the in the that. Goofy to seems and evil? I don't have it here. Okay. Yeah. So it gives you a look and feel of your site that is already matched by a designer by a professional, and then you can adopt certain things. Yeah. So looking at the 2022 is certainly something to where you can learn or start out from a very high level in building your site. Yeah, I don't know if that answers the question. But it actually it seems being themes, what themes did in the last 10 years is put a lot of things that are supposed to be in plugins into seen. Yeah. And then what you have is the content login, so you cannot switch the theme. So this brings it back to be the design tool and be the best looking website you can be, but not have all the functionality in there to let that be in a plugin. Yeah, that's why also the the WordPress core team says, blocks do not belong into themes. Because if you switch the theme, you lose the content, and you lose the block. And so I think that separates those two concerns quite a bit. Yeah. And yeah, and that's a great, great way to look at it. You know, the word and if you've been around the WordPress community for any length of time, you've heard what is called quote unquote, the WordPress way. And that applies to a lot of things. But one is exactly what you just described, there's core WordPress that's responsible for the funk the just kind of the content management, the content itself, then you've got your theme, which is responsible for how the content is displayed. And then you've got plugins which provide functionality and those three things should be independent like you should be able to swap any of the swap your theme swap your plugins without affecting the content itself. And we've gotten away from that a little bit. So it's interesting to see the the way, themes are coming back to really how they were originally designed and supposed to be, which also answers the question by the way of our our cadence plugin, our cadence, theme and plugins here and I themes, and we had a lot of questions of a wandering These blocks just included in cadence. Why are there so many plugins you have to install for cadence? And this is the reason what Birgit just explained. The blocks don't belong in a theme. They are a plugin. They provide functionality. So yeah, great stuff. Yeah, yep. Yep. Okay, I got several more questions. And we're starting to get close to the top of the hour. So Tanya is asking, if you click on the three dots in the top left, can we go back into the page or post editor real quick? Yeah. Okay. So click on the three dots in the top left, you choose Full Screen Mode, will you see the admin bar? So you can view site without going out? Or is that removed with full site editing? Oh, full site editing? Are you can you the full site editing is going to use the full set. But that is when you go in that and you will see there is no footside screen switch. But there is a top toolbar switch. So if I switch that off, and then you get the block toolbar there, again, if you you get it up here, and it's out of your way, but there is no so you always have to go through your toggle navigation kind of thing and go two steps back to get back to your dashboard. Menu. Yeah, excellent. It's, it's not it's not ideal yet. But I think that the they want to use a we want to use us to kind of test it a bit before we say, Okay, we need additional links somewhere. Right. Let's see. Ben has a question here. How is the speed of full site editing when it comes to Google core web vital scores? It's, well, I'm not sure it's actually tested. But because it's our block editor, and the blog editor has actually good way to score vital scores. There is no reason to think that footside Editing wouldn't have it. Because it's all HTML and the JavaScript ended. And so it's all on the client side, and only goes for the server side that takes the Turi up to get the dynamic content, but it should, yeah, it should be. We shouldn't have any effect should actually much better than a classic theme, depending on how the classic theme was done, if it was kind of full, all those mystery meats like shortcodes and widgets and sidebars and all that, then that takes processing time. And those are not here. It's not doesn't that you can't have a sidebar, of course you can have it. But it's all in the template parts. Right. All right, one final request for a demo from Cheryl she'd like to see the new gallery. The new gallery block, okay. Yeah. So I was actually just playing around with this yesterday on our WordCamp Birmingham site, which we just got live finally. It's, yeah, it is. The habit here. So let's add it here, on this one, edit the post. And we'll just go in here and do gallery. In a media library, I want this one and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one. And this one, okay. Alright, insert the gallery. And you see, they're all getting the image toolbar. So I can do do two on here with this one. And then I can do another one with this one. And I can do, if it goes to the sidebar, I can actually do round on pictures here. And here. And here. And so if you do speakers, like for your bootcamp, you could actually have a headshot and then have your circle speakers and each one of them can have their own insert link. We can oops, yeah, this one has its own link. And this one gets its own link. And booziness people and you see that there comes the search of your titles that have the posts that you have. So you can always kind of do that. Yep. So then you update that. And we go and view the post. So yeah. And then I go here, and you see how the cursor changes? Yeah. They have all the links. Very cool. Pretty cool. All right. Well, Vicki, this has been really great today is we're starting to actually well and now one final point and perhaps in from Sally, can those images be adjusted with different ratios? Yes, they can, because there is the, and I was. So going to edit post again, I can do it a little bit here. So I can say, Okay, I want to. So first what you can do is, give me a little there. You can crop them if you want to. Yeah, and say, okay, one a square here, and you apply that, then you have a different ratio. Right, it that followed suit, but then if you round them, you can have full circles now. That's one that. So that's one thing. And if you there is one. So if you'd go into the parent. Block, yeah, that gives you that says crop images. And if you uncheck that, then you would have different aspect ratios. Interesting. Yeah. So now you see the different aspect ratios here. That's a square and it feels the same space in the width, but not with it. Here. Interesting. Okay, one last question from Cheryl, can you add a hover effect to those images that are linked? hover effect? Oh, yeah, you would need to do it through the CSS style. I don't think that is yet a hover functionality here on that. Yeah. And there may be other Gallery Blocks that offer that functionality. But the core one I don't think does, yeah. And we did an outreach to all the plugin developers, and checked with them that they are aware that the gallery block changes, so their plugins would need to change. I'm not sure if we, I double check with the cadence team that they know about it. I think they were a little bit further down on my list and to reach out, but of course, we tested quite a few plugins that modify the galleries, and they had no trouble with it. So we're pretty optimistic that there won't be any breaking changes. Yeah, very good. And I just dropped a link in the chat. The cadence advanced gallery block does have overlays and hover effects. For that, in there are a number of block plugins that offer that feature. Alright, well, this has been fantastic. Really appreciate your insight in all this and a great demo. Any final thoughts as we're wrapping up today? Well, my final thought is if you want to play it, try it out, but use the plus site on the full site editing. And if you want to reach out to me, stay in touch, I want to know what you're doing and how if you get stuck or something like that? Yeah, you can we can go to the WordPress slack by handles, BPH, as well as on Twitter and DMS are open or you can reach me by email pawnee@gutenberg.com Or, and then we have a YouTube channel. So those among you that are a theme developers or so I want to talk with to hear what other theme developers think about the full set editing and how they made the transition from classic to blog seems the Yeah, three, three weeks ago we did a live q&a was lol and Bella and as Noren and Karolina Nemo Numark on that topic. And then if you want to stay on top of Gutenberg, you can also subscribe to the Gutenberg times Weekend Edition. And stay in touch with me there. Yeah, and share it, whatever you come up with. And I want to see all those nice little sites. Because the creativity and I see this all around Reapers right now is really sparking up. There's a lot of creativity in the world. The last site that I wanted to show you is an inspiration, Tammy Lister who was on the design team, she did some work with patterns. And yes, she has some great ideas and designs there. And she she has code there that you can just copy paste into your code editor. Yeah, like these patterns. They're just marvelous. Something like that with the image and the text next to it. And yeah, so that's a lot of creativity coming up. And she has I think 20 was a 31 She did a one month every day, a new block pattern, and I love those really good stuff. All right, well, I've shared a bunch of resources there in the chat room, the Gutenberg times, YouTube channel. Subscribe to the Gutenberg times weekly edition. All those links are there in the chat also, the slides link, and the replay link. So if you'd like to go back and rewatch this or if you want to share it with someone else, we'll have this video up in about an hour or so at the link I shared in the chat, which is the same spot you used to register. If this was your first I think training webinar, really appreciate you spending an hour with us. It's been been a fun thing. I've learned a lot. We do these sorts of webinars all the time here on I think training and drop the link for our free upcoming webinars there in the chat. Period. Really appreciate your insight. A lot of thank yous and some coming in German as well there in the chat room to you. Wow. Thank you. And it was wonderful to be here. And there were some marvelous questions. Thank you so much for being so interactive in those these are the best shows or webinars that I have. So I will come back if you have any votes to have Bridget back. Let's hear from you in the chat. Any votes for having Bridget Yeah, yeah, there they go. Yeah, absolutely. So thanks again. Beer. Good. Thank you all for being with us as well. Hopefully it's been a valuable investment of your time. I'm back tomorrow here for members members only Office Hours webinar here at one o'clock Central and I think is training. Until then. Have a great evening, everybody. We'll see you back here on iThemes Training where we go further together.
Channel: iThemes
Views: 509
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Keywords: wordpress, ithemes, ithemestraining
Id: C6WpIgOGdq0
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Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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