What is Enochian Magic ? The Tools and Rituals that John Dee used to Speak with Angels

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by the early 1580s John D was an accomplished mathematician astrologer tutor in Greek cryptographer cartographer Etc he was fancy genius pants he had traveled to the continent learning a range and teaching on a range of topics from the exoteric to the deeply esoteric he learned the rudiments of cabala in Hebrew he amassed volumes and volumes about alchemy and in 1564 he had published his mono glyph a text that Brian Vickers once referred to as the most obscure book ever published by an Englishman back in England his library was the largest in allall of the land it brimmed with scientific equipment and antiquarium Toms pilfered from the recently dissolved monasteries by the early 1580s Dr John D had spent basically a lifetime searching for the most profound truths of mathematics mysticism Alchemy and the Occult he was in his mid-50s when he seems to have begun searching for what he called more radical truths by peering into the world Beyond his own into the world of the Angels through mediums known as scries D would apparently make contact with an entire Ecology of such beings who would reveal to him what is now known as enoan magic however prior to the arrival of the celestial speech or the anian language and the apocalyptic cryptography of the gabal ritual of the Libra loga before the hymns or the calls in the Angelic language revealed before the Divine Espionage of the parts of the earth system dwood and his scrier Edward Kelly receive Visions forming the foundation of a completely novel system of angelic planetary magic known most commonly as the Hep Taria mystica or the mystical Sevenfold rulership from roughly March of 1582 to November of the same year in a little bit of April 1583 the Angels would reveal the plans for the construction of a kind of magical Temple which would reconcile and dignify the megus with the Divine Celestial World otherwise has fallen into sinful disrepair a system of magic that would reach back reach back into the world of traditional solomonic Grim War style magic but also radically synthesize versally every form of medieval and Renaissance Magic The Magic dominating de's day into a grand unified system all as a precursor to the apocalyptic Angelic revelation to come through 1583 let's explore the magical genius and the baffling baffling cryptography of the HP Taria mystica make sure to subscribe and check out my other content on topics and esotericism and I'd hope you consider supporting my work of producing scholarly free topics like this on esoterism by taking a look at my patreon maybe a onetime donation or a shirt from our merch store you can also use a super thanks link below the video also I want to express my very deep thanks to you Aaron leech for taking a look over at this long rambling script I'm always humbled and honored when expert practitioners like leech and others help academics like me thank you Aaron you can find links to eron's Fantastic books including autograph books and ritual items in the description so support your local ult authors but now to the foundations of an noan magic the Hep Taria mystica I'm Dr Justin Sledge and welcome to esoterica where we explore the Arcane in history philosophy and [Music] religion [Music] as I mentioned in the introduction to appreciate and understand the Hep Taria mystica we have to place ourselves within John D's aims and situate ourselves among the access he had to his esoteric Holdings to put it bluntly John D began his mystical exercises to learn what he called radical truths radical in the most literal sense of that word meaning going down to the root this is an incredibly Renaissance style form of esotericism D wanted immediate access to the totality of Truth itself and going to the source of that truth was going to the well the one who created it all the Divine realm and that was a logical if not somewhat heterodox means to do so thus the scrying sessions the conversations with angels are not an reasonable means by which to achieve those truths that he so desperately taught not that that would have been much of a defense before an inquisitional tribunal which he was invited to while he was on the continent secondly D's library in the 1580s was among the largest if not the largest in England at that time and given his collection of volumes pilford from the dissolved monasteries and his buying during his time on the continent also contained a singular a singular concentration of occult literature perhaps singular in all of Europe at that time if a magical Revolution were going to take place it was going to take place at Mort Lake D had the driving motive but also the intellectual means to inform and decode any esoteric wisdom he would have received through the occult practice what he lacked what he lacked was a conduit for contact with the Divine world but he would find that in the early 1580s as well in The Alchemist notary and con man the mystical ad up Edward Kelly AKA Edward talut AKA Edward I I found some red powder in a grave guys and I can make gold and you need to stop calling me a con man or I'll murder you cuz he kind of did that one time he got drunk and murdered guy oh lovable Edward Kelly I love you Edward while D would employ other scrier such as Barnabas Saul prior to Kelly and Bartholomew Hickman after Kelly even his own son author when Kelly huffed off in a puff once the sessions with Kelly are by all means the most preserved and the best well the most dramatic while the first sessions mostly concern questions about the Quasi Cipher text of the book of SOA you can check out my episode on the book of soga if you're interested in that in the card above it's fantastic Cipher algorithm that was just solved in the 1990s along with some dinner demonic interference with a false Layman of course you're always going to get some demonic interference here the Angels Uriel and Michael quickly began to reveal a series of ritual objects and magical Furniture meant as a means of conciliation and dignification of the megas allowing the megas to rise in Purity beyond their sinful Earthly condition to properly establish contact with the Divine realm in effect there are two general Revelations that make up the Hep Taria mystica the first is the spiritual cosmology of the cosmos from the highest Angelic beings down nearest to our realm the ministering Angels which have dominion over basically any given hour of any given day so from the very Throne of God down to here this Revelation showcases the great spiritual chain of being whereby the spiritual mechanism the spiritual efficient causation of the universe and the cosmos is revealed but as knowledge very truly is magic power in this case knowing the nature of that spiritual ecology provides the megus with Untold powers to well influence spiritual and occult forces or to behold the goings on of any remote region in the cosmos that uh that U Espionage element is going to persist as a theme right right through all of the so-called enoan magic it which is pretty unsurprising given de's place in the Royal Court as basically a spy who wasn't a spy back then as we'll see in a moment the revelation of the hepar ecology is one of also the more revolutionary in that most of the spirits which populate that system are otherwise no recorded in the history of magic or exoteric religious text for for that matter thus the revelation of the Hep tarus system makes a claim to be a restoration of ancient lost knowledge through which Fallen human beings can again one know the truth of how the Divine world is structured and Two Become reconciled in dignified such that they can again connect with the Divine world and interact with it more fully and that brings me to the second aspect of the Hep Taria Revelations it contains the ritual tools the items the jewelry the furniture by which to construct a kind of Temple in which the megas can achieve a state that state of otherwise lost Purity again the language is always one of conciliation and dignification conciliation with God and dignification of the megas all of this incredibly typical concerns of Renaissance Magic by which that contact with the spiritual world can be made and maintained through time it's through that contact that the megas can directly commune with the Divine realm learning its secrets and apparently again beholding parts of the world that are no longer available to human beings but also of course influencing the evolution and alteration of the cosmos itself and again this is all achieved by a grand synthesis of so much magical technology that had come before as if the Hep Taria mystica collected so much of the Solomon and the grimor and the cabalistic and the Renaissance traditions of the magical past and present of D's time synthesizing them and restoring them into a grand unified theory and practice of magic for that reason alone just that it's a bit of a Pity frankly that the hepar revelations are passed over as people Dash over in the direction to get to the celestial speech or the anian language material there with the Libra loga that material matal is only really appreciable in my opinion within the theory and practice of the Hep Taria mytica now as we'll get into it I think it'll be relatively obvious while people gloss over it sadly it's for me at least what makes an noan magic so fond and completely mind melting numbers and letters and grids and permutations and quasi cryptographic puzzles that just must have cranked D's tractor as we say down south John de yeah so I'm not going to strictly follow the spirit Diaries as I lay out all this my reasoning is pretty simple here and I hope you can appreciate it it's just much clearer to my mind to present a synthetic picture of what's going on in the sort of canonical versions of the HP Taria as much as much as there is one then go day by day through the March through November 1582 and april-ish and Beyond to 1583 and well beyond that too because the Diaries themselves are constantly being in a state of Correction tweaking being recalibrated by the Angels Kelly getting some random Revelation by himself and de's marginal notes correcting all of that and is he's trying to make sense of this entire system now I'd be lying if I told you there were some synthetic version of the revelations that exists which eliminates all doubts and presents a total logically coherent system nah nope but the evidence the system is surprisingly coherent if you study the Diaries carefully especially with an eye toward the agria influenced world view of the system of the correspondences and the astrology that's at working all this that nearly always informs D and Kelly so by turning to Sloan 3188 the initial transcription of those early Diaries along with D's Manual of the system itself SLO 3191 itself a synthesis and prees of the conversations we can forward a relatively coherent summary of the Divine ecology as it's presented in the hepar revelations along with some degree of detail with the ritual furniture and other objects unsurprisingly the system is going to prove something like a series of fractals of the number seven and the letter B repeated and nested over and over and over again from the heights of the Divine realm down to the angel of Any Given hour of the day to the planetary correspondences are out there in the world so one can basically pick anywhere to begin in the system and I suppose I'll pick where the system is probably its most Innovative the hepar spirits themselves the spirits of the Hep Taria so let's kind of start in media rest if you will and work our way forwards and backwards in the system both through the heara as spirits and also the Angelic Furniture revealed on Sunday April 29th the Angel Michael sets out the fundamental oay of the system in a single somewhat tortured session here there are a series of 7 by7 grids get used to grids with letters arrayed in a shape of a cross 343 squares in total each with esoteric significance all their own from these grids the angel Uriel instructs de and Kelly of the kind of quasy cryptog captic meme by which to extract the names of 45 spiritual Kings and princes that work and Rule under God those 49 names were subsequently arranged in a circle for more easy copae viewing revealing they exist under a planetary sign in a day of the week a king a prince and five governing angels all beginning their names all begin with the letter B these Angelic beings rotate in rulership through the cosmic eons time and space acting as a kind of grand clock in the hepar system such that during D's time there in the 1580s primary Authority was given over to the king imprints of Venus baso and bliston known as Kara or marar spelled with an M but always pronounce karmara and hagon which these might be transferable titles or further esoteric names of those The Prince and the king of Venus respectively further each Prince is given a command over a first further 42 ministering Angels divided into six groups of seven angels which are given dominion over the hours of the day and the night those drill all the way down basically to our realm of things the remaining Angels seem to follow General directors from their commanding officers again the system is very much kind of militaristic and feudal as is typical of the time thus the system at this level contains seven princes seven Kings 35 Governors and 294 ministering angels of which the those 294 the closest to the ongoing minations of physical reality though careful readers will also notice that the planets and the functions of the hepar Kings and the princes in these more grimoire likee sections are well they're patented confused and this is especially given their astrological correspondences and frankly they're just incomplete they're just incomplete tooot this is a place where indepth knowledge of the system of Renaissance magic the Angelic Diaries and a careful analysis of things like like D's marginal notes and other text from the Diaries has allowed to my mind I think a convincing reconstruction and frankly a correction of the hepar system as it appears in those more Grim War like sections from the lighter part of 1582 in fact I'll leave Aaron leech's wonderful article on sort of completing the Hep Taria system in the description if you want to go check that out now what is clear is that the hpar system is meant to allow one to interact with these beings and what follows in the spirit conversations is a series of introductions to these otherwise unknown angels in the well in the history of religion and Magic these are utterly new entities these Pages follow a grimoire like pattern a kind of lesser Keel Solomon is pattern of descriptions of these beings and their retinues their sigils and the system of grids from which they're ministering Angels the names of those angels are decoding reading downwards and then right Shifting the letters this stuff needs an animator again this is a place where the spirit Diaries are very traditional very solomonic like and at the time yet truly Innovative with a holy new Angelic host now I'm not going to go and summarize all those grimoire like sections though they are fabulously wonderful the Angels there are outfitted with all kinds of amazing costumes some of them have music IAL instruments and flags Etc you can go read those sections easily for yourself in the Diaries or other books however these are not by any means all the spirits in this well Angelic ecology by no means following this system is another system sometimes referred to as the hyaric angels of the family of light sounds like some kind of hippie cult out in California this is a system of four groups of seven generational Angels the the daughters of light the daughters of the daughters of light the sons of Light and the sons of the sons of Light these are in generational order which means that the sons of Light are born to the daughters of the daughters of light and the sons of the sons of Light are the great grandchildren of the daughters of light but to understand how these angels are revealed some of which play a decisive role in the anian revelations which follow we need to turn to some of the upper world of the Divine ecology and the revelation of the Seal of God of truth without any doubt the most iconic symbol of all of an Nokian magic although I think many people recognize this seal most people have no idea how any of these letters are actually generated Divine seals bearing an iconic or symbolic representation of the nature or name of God are simply a fixture in magical practice so much so that when the Angels actually B de and Kelly to go produce one the Angels basically told them just to go get one from one of D's magical Toms probably a version of the Libra yatu seal however D pointed out that he had several such seals he had a wealth of angelic and divine seals and inquired of the Angels which one to use of course they're not all the same this would prompt the angels to reveal a holy new Divine seal the sigillum day emth literally the Seal of God truth or the Seal of the true God depending on how you think that Hebrew word is functioning there random Hebrew word for truth there and that so how was this seal generated well get you some espresso pour you a stiff glass of whiskey maybe even eat a handful of golden teachers to n let's just let's just do it the Angel Michael produced a kind of showand tell an Angelic show and tell where a series of 40 Angels appeared revealing either a letter above a number a number of above a letter or sometimes just a letter sometimes capitalized sometimes not sometimes two letters together and then you know a random lowercase Greek Omega just just for funsies before of course praising God and disappearing with some pump and a puff of smoke these 40 letter number combinations form the outer circumference of the seal now a Divine name is revealed by using that Circle of letter and number combinations as a kind of combination lock it rotates back and forth so starting at various points of the system provided by the angels and then rotating the series clockwise and counterclockwise counting using the numbers in the position of the letter and the number if they're above or below clockwise when the number is above a letter counterclockwise when the letter is over a number counting until you get to a cell with only a letter then stop so it goes like this take those letters together when you finish with that you get a Divine name which the Angels provide an accompanying sigil and a number which corresponds to the starting of those cells the starting part of the cells that get you winding around this thing that Supreme name of God as the text has it is galag galag this Divine name is populated along with some of the little crosses on the outer heptagon of the seal within that heptagon is a series of angelic names revealed to Kelly in a 7 by7 grid more grids composed of the planetary angels of zel for Saturn zodel for Jupiter kumel for Mars Raphael for the Sun hanel for Venus Michael for mercury and Gabrielle for the moon and some more little cross little cross there at the end to fill the thing in but to populate the heptagon the square is readed right to left top to bottom thus beginning with z i i r h i a and ending e e i i mg cross these angels probably represent the highest Realm of the hepar closest to the Divine then another 7 by7 grid is revealed you having fun yet I'm having fun this time with a series of letters and numers letter number dot combinations which generally function as l r l Angelic of God typically Angelic Theon at least in Hebrew all right the daughters of light are generated by reading the square diagonally B downwards top right until the longest diagonal and populate the inner star the Suns of light are derived from Reading diagonally upwards from the bottom left to until the longest diagonal they both end an s m c u l stem cool again placed clockwise below the daughters the daughters of the daughters and the sons and the sons of Light are derived from Reading along the other diagonal ditto the sons of the Suns and they're all placing increasingly inward clockwise into the Sigil of Truth further zigzag decoding reveals the names of the planetary angels zapel for Saturn zedel for Jupiter mmel for Mars SEL for the sun noga L for Venus kavel for mercury and laavan for the moon laid out in a cross at the center of the sigil finally with some more crosses peppered in there the Sigil of God the truth is nearly complete you just got to flip it over and reverse it let me see Elliot style add a cross with the Divine name a adoni God is forever Mighty oh and you got to make five more of these in pure beeswax D wax the main one a little over an inch thick and around 9 in in circumference the other one's about about 5 in and so in thec conference the other four by the way are going to go into boxes upon which the great table of practice the holy table will be set but more on the table in a moment now how exactly the hepar royal family fit into the seven Kings seven princes 35 Governors and 294 ministering Angels mentioned earlier isn't totally clear the Suns of light do seem to minister to the Kings so there's likely some general ministerial relation here but it's opaque however the Angels derived from the second 7x7 grid aren't minor players in the revelations by any means Mimi who D would actually name his daughter after acts as a kind of angelic goet between the sessions she even grows up throughout the sessions that would eventually prompt the whole wife swapping incident you knew that the wife flopping incident was going to get talked about it's MMI Medi did it there she appears like a fully grown woman a is one of the sons of the sons of Light also plays the most enoic role in the whole business and would actually lay out the great table of the earth system ill like go by ill or Essa reveals the names of the 30 athers and the calls in the Angelic language to open them a reveals the proper use of the Libra loga and a shuts the boys down because they're trying to use the Libra logo to find buried treasure be still my heart very treasure in other words these Spirits are anything other than merely derivative or secondary in the later Revelations of the enoan system thus going through the torturous cryptographic process of understanding how at least the names of these entities come to populate the system well I think it's important I don't think you should just jump over all this just to get to all the cool can the wings of the one Wonder framed in the depth of my jaws yeah that stuffs cool but you got to earn it with cryptography I love this stuff just grids man I love grids however it's also worth mentioning here that there are a lot of other spiritual creatures or Angelic beings that seem to fit neither in the system of the 49 hepar Kings and their retinues nor in the system of the royal family derived from that second seven 7 by7 grid Galva for instance Galva this is like Sophia like wisdom in the whole text she's like the end for the revelation of the final page of the Libra logam nage is instrumental in the revelation of the celestial or Angelic speech the anian language along with Mama these Angels Among a few others seem to appear in neither system and it's unclear how they fit into the entire Angelic ecology and yet they nevertheless remain decisive in the fundamental Revelations of the magical system or systems thus making them well all the more mysterious more Mysteries to add to the pile here thus while the Hep taric squares in the second 7 by7 grid seem to produce many most and some of the more important Angels these systems do not exhaustively describe the totality of the Angelic ecology so I have no idea I have no idea again there's a pile over there I keep a pile of mysteries just right over it's off camera but I just it's on my pile you can go through my pile it's like the oxy rinkus of esotericism just right over there perhaps next it's best to describe the revelation of the Layman and the holy tablet the text of both of which is derive from two 12 by7 tables grids composed of the names of the hepar Kings and the princes which vary slightly I refer to the Layman table as the asymmetric table and to the table as the table table sorry there's a symmetric table these items were revealed in April of 1583 in the midst of the later Celestial speech and the Libra logos sections again showing just how much of this ship is absolutely being built at Sea the revelation of the Layman by the way had a bit of a bumpy start with a demon introducing a false one early on in the sessions so beware of demons but let's see how the correct one was revealed so let's start with the asymmetric 12 by7 Layman table this table read right to left is composed starting with the hpar solar King Bobble gel but with the venutian prince borogo and then it continues with this asymmetry on the left with solar befus and Marsha babalo and it continues like that I call it asymmetric because you would expect the solar King to be matched With It Solar prints which is exactly what you get with a symmetric table table that's the table that you use to make the holy table Yeah you got you got that already but from this 12 by7 Hep taric table the asymmetric one along with a center 3x4 section which overlaps the Kings and the prince's names the text of the Layman is derived in three sections those of the flesh the heart and the skin why flesh and skin are different I don't know the flesh letters are basically the rows and The Columns of the 12 by7 table though divided into groups of twos and threes the hearts are generated from the interior of the 3x4 table in weird inconsistent zigzag patterns finally the skin letters come from the left right and two columns with the upper and lower most forming the cardinal points of the center of the diamond of the Layman and the rest of the letters filling in the grid though not in a totally consistent way they seem to go left to right but then they get scrambled about three lines in now you switch all the letters from Latin to the celestial or the in Nokian alphabet and then you flip it and reverse it some more messy Elliot jokes at any rate you flip it over to the back side of the Layman you have to attach a small Crystal lens to it around which the names of Jupiter Mars Sun Venus and Mercury written why Saturn is missing and the moon are also missing from that is anyone's guess did it with how to attach the lens I mean they didn't like hot glue guns or anything back then but I don't know maybe could use some more dewax but when active the Layman is covered much like the other similar layman in the solomonic magical tradition in this case it's covered with a bit of light linen in fact a lot of this is covered over the way that Aaron leech had pointed out to me in private correspondence the Layman positive Mainstay in medieval ceremonial magic hearkens back to the days of the Israelite high priest vestment of the torim the rose this is a breastplate with jewels represent pres in the 12 tribes of Israel and the celestial zodiac if you believe the likes of Ezra further that breastplate also contained a means by contacting the Divine to learn the Divine will it's a divinely sanctioned form of divination allowed to by the Israelites and further it allowed you to know the future more generally though the rabbis debate about how exactly it was supposed to be used and how it worked the F Ur vumi it seems that the attached lens here allows the megas to see the of God's people throughout the whole earth and it's functioning in some analogous form to the the tuim and the UR V of the of the high priest of ancient Israel so again the megus is transformed into a priest-like character the holy table or the instrument of conciliation was to be composed of sweet wood I always imagine it being made from really fragrant Cedar but I'm probably wrong about that there's a lot of guesses around what it might mean it's about 3T Square and about as much off the ground set a top those boxes containing the smaller 5 in sigils of truth remember here we employ another 12 by7 table this time red left to right with the hepar Kings and princes now in symmetric planetary order Venus Sun Mars down to the moon this one's symmetrical however to get the lettering on the table one adds back the initial b on the corners of the table and then reads up and down vertically from the prince side of the table to the king side of the table in three lines going either clockwise or counterclockwise starting with the top row either left to right or right to left there's some debate about this calls A bonds table in true and faithful relations favors the former Peterson Peterson OG Peterson defends this view other occultists including leech and duette also Titans in the industry prefer the latter in a drawing of it by D honestly shows this configuration in the Diaries though D's often changes things in the Diaries honestly this is all very confusing here to me if is Celestial or in noan flows right to left like Hebrew kabon should be well backwards and the text should go counterclockwise around the table but to Peterson's credit the Diaries do seem to indicated left to right clockwise flow at least in one description of the table and the letters flow that way around the table luckily for me I ain't got to settle this debate y'all got to figure that practitioners y'all fix this let me know how it goes with the angels conversations though like other asymmetric 12x 7 there is also another overlapping 3x4 grid section at the center of the Kings and the princes well you simply rotate that 3x4 grid 45° counterclockwise or clockwise depending on your interpretation of the Diaries and the data presented in them and that becomes the center of the grid within the large hexagram on the table now like the Layman switch it and reverse it kind of you put everything in a no key and a Celestial letter sorry for I'm keep making that my joke but at any rate a table that once belonged to John D it's now lost in a fire had been painted red with a gold background with a blue border the large hexagram and the center was also gold the center letters were gold with a blue grid around them and that all looks frightfully garish to my opinion the Angels themselves don't really seem to care much about what color all this stuff is supposed to be they kind of turly were Mark at one point we have no respect of color I kind of Imagine them sounding like Transformers for some reason again the holy table conjures up to the mind the Israelite Temple imagery to but is most probably directly related to the RS almadel this is a mode of spirit and Angel Conjuring uh employing a similarly decorated portable Shrine table though the holy table the enoan table here doesn't feature holes drilled in it which incense could waft through but is meant again to support the central wax City Sigil of God the Sigil of God EMT which and again supports a well a sear Stone on top of that however with the incense of Creations placed at top the table it very much more resembles the table of practice we found in the astrological planetary magic of text like the RS Paulina which again would ultimately be found in the Lesser key of Solomon again so much of the hepar system is synthesizing previous forms of magic speaking of those in of creation they're just revealed out a whole cloth they're just revealed all complete at once following the revelation of the Seal of God and met they are seven planetary sigils or talismans made either from purified tin or they're just painted directly upon the holy table you have some options here again while they are revealed in Latin letters they're ultimately meant again to be shown and used with Celestial or in Nokian letters while they have some ritual use exactly how they're employed isn't clear I mean it's not like you have to pick them up otherwise they couldn't just be painted on the table but they were placed around the seal of God EMT used around the searstone that is in the traditional planetary order there because they were revealed wholly one inant at a time why some are square and others are circular inside of a square isn't clear again it's my panel Mysteries over there likewise the content of each of these incense is also so completely mysterious though will one will notice the preponderance of the letter b or the celestial in noan letter PA my own speculation is that D and Kelly via roylin or via agria VIA roylin latched onto the importance of the letter bet in the cabala and the Hebrew cabala is having to do with creation the first letter of the Torah bit is the well it's word in the beginning the first word for creation Bel like God in the beginning God created again bah blah commentaries in the letter bed and traditional kabalas strongly link the letter with the Act of Creation but again this is totally speculation on my part if I'm being honest here though interestingly enough Aaron leech and I did come to very similar conclusions independently in this regard I just found this out this morning when reading Erin's comments on this episode so great minds cracked minds think alike finally we come to the Golden Ring which the Angels make clear is necessary for the magical practice of course the Angel Michael also reveals that this was the ring given over to Solomon for his use in magical powers controlling demons to build the temple perhaps restored here in the enochian diaries for the first time unlike the rest of this complicated equipment the ring is rather simple it's just a gold band with a flat Square bezel with the Hebrew word Pelle Miracle written in the corners and a circle to line through it with a letter V or U and L vertically perhaps this is a reference to the same character on the solar incent of creation gold being a nice kind of piece of connective tissue between the solar incent and the gold ring the Divine name Pelle is written in Latin letters for some reason rather than in Hebrew but it's only three letters in Latin but it's only three letters in Hebrew which I guess would break the symmetry of the Ring I suppose just strikes me at odd that you would have a Hebrew name for God written in Latin letters whatever regard this is a Divine name it's used in Exodus and the Psalms we still use it every week in the Jewish liturgy again this is probably found in uh by D and Kelly and a gripa ult philosophy But ultimately it entered non-jewish cabala via roylin and texts like de verbo marao now along with all of this one uses a sear stone or scry stone in this case a pretty simple 2in diameter crystal ball though sometimes it is set into a kind of device in the Diaries but by the way there's no evidence that the black obsidian mirror in the British museum was ever owned much less used by John D in fact if you know anything about the hepar system it doesn't really fit into any of the ritual Furniture we've been describing you can't lay it flat on the Sigil of Truth you need to prop it up and how do you do that exactly now D actually draws the sear Stone he's using on several occasions in the Diaries you can see pictures of the searstone so again it's just a smallish crystal ball now with a little red silk as carpet for the holy table and the scrying chair and everything else described so far in the megus is basically ready to do well what exactly and how well we get some clues of the how from Sloan 3188 and 3191 which include petitionary prayers for the spirits to appear and for the Angels do strongly suggest that the ritual equipment was meant to reconcile and dignify the megus above their normal sinful station to commune with a Celestial world but to to what end the most common answer in the diary seems to be some kind of remote viewing whereby the megas and the scrier can kind of see what's going on with God's people throughout the creation and that's it it seems to be a kind of tool for divine Espionage but however it does seem that there are suggestions that there are further mystical uses of the system but exactly what all of this is meant to do in my opinion remains completely mysterious we have this whole system but it's not really clear what it does aside from spy on people that's really the only inkling that the Angels give us now this is compounded by the fact that we have no evidence no evidence that D or Kelly ever used this system now that's not to say they didn't they could have it's just that no records survive and not the kind of thing that usually makes it in history and I certainly think they meant to use the system some of their equipment survive D's Lifetime and does right down to this day further Sloan 3191 is clearly de's personal grimoire and is very oriented toward the very practice of the system so I certainly think they meant to practice the Hep Taria system but did they I actually doubt it why do I doubt it because the Angelic Revelations themselves shifted in priority after most of the hepar system was revealed through November 1582 and then a little bit in April 1583 the focus at that point was fully on the revelations of the Libra loga and the goua ritual that had all of this apocalyptic intensity D was simply taken trying to get all of the Libra logos stuff done prepared on a relatively short notice I think by August of that next year and all of that stuff is even more fun with grids and mystical languages and athers and script and all of that I think the revelations of the hpar material along with some of the probable preparation of some of it was just enough and to jump start things to the next level and that next level was the Libra loga rituals regardless of all that with some creativity especially knowing about the previous practice of solomonic Grim War magic through this period it isn't terribly difficult to imagine rituals for things like consecrating this equipment the kind of robes that one might wear while you're doing it what further it might be done for you can kind of fill out a lot of the final details of the system and contemporary occultists have done wonderful forensic work to do just that the genius involved here is breathtaking I really admire this kind of religious forensic sleuthing and I have to say but to me the Hep tarus system is incredible for not only its complexity and mystery but also how it basically synthesizes so many centuries of Grim War or solomonic magical practice that came before it into making one of the grand unified theories of practice of magic frankly of all time in some sense this system is a wonderful amazing hinge between the more medieval traditional conjuration of spiritual creatures that form of magic and the dignification of the Magus with Divine magic more typical of Renaissance magic like folks like facino also with a very strong ad mixture of cabalistic undercurrents coming in from royin and agria here the homon the liberatus more goetic style spiritual descriptions the planetary magic of the arbitel and Al Parina the theoria goisha along with I don't know athous Cur all of this and many Classics of grimor magic are fused with the newly imported Christian cabala and ficino imp picol like concerns likely via a grippa with mystical dignification of the megus and conciliation with the Divine in a true and I really mean this a true toward the force of magical theory and practice in this way I would say that the hapara mystica is to me far more impressive than the grids and the calls and the celestial Nokian language that often frankly just steal the show when studying this material indeed there is a fantastic Master thesis a dissertation maybe precisely on situating this magical system within the larger historical context of that laral magical Matrix I was just describing it's in fact a thesis that I very seriously thought about writing before I gave into my own intellectual masochism in tackled John D's 1564 monus hieroglyphica still Stockholm syndrome with that one the literature on in noan is just enormous but the volumes that have helped me without which I could not have written this episode are include duett's in noan Vision magic you just become cooler reading dukette Aaron leech's essential grimore magic James's transcription of saloan 3191 Joseph Peterson Joseph Peterson knows who he is his amazing website and his addition of John D's five books of mystery along of course with a constant reference back to the manuscripts themselves and and Jose Peterson's website I'd also point out that these texts are lovely not only because of their incredibly close attention to the details of how these famed Revelations came about again these guys are working so diligently it's amazing but also how they all slightly disagree with one another especially for instance in the creation of the Holy table or just in a sense in a practical sense about how one must attend to the Angel's instructions in the creation of these ritual objects with duette being a lot more liberal than someone being a bit more traditional about what should be done I love that again those are practical questions and I'll let those expert practitioners debate those matters but Lively debate if respectful of course is not only deeply productive it's also a sign of respect debate respectful debate respectful disagreement is a sign of respect and at this point if one were following the revelations you can turn frankly to my series on the enoan language and the reation of the Libra loga of course we're not done by any means with the Noki and Magic there's still lots more to cover including the later parts of the earth and the Watchtower working that are found in the cotton appendix or in true and faithful relation so more on all of that later again hey Aaron thank you so much for taking a look over this script I really appreciate you and your work and I really encourage people to go over to his website get an autograph copy of some of his books and support your your local esoteric practitioners but more enoan magic to come until then I'm Dr Justin Sledge and thank y'all for watching esoterica where we explore the Arcane in history magic magic philosophy and religion now I'm going to go dig around in my pile of mysteries see y'all
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Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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