What is Docker? Easy way

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hey did everyone Hitesh here, back again with another video and in this video we're gonna talk about docker after watching this video I promise you that the concept of the docker will be absolutely clear to you and by the end of the video I will also share one experience the personal one where docker was absolutely life saver for me so let's get started and talk about what is docker whenever a product is being designed the first and the only goal with that product is I want to solve a specific problem or somehow I want to reduce the friction that users are currently facing in that problem so in order to understand the docker first and foremost we need to understand what is the problem statement that docker is trying to resolve whenever a developer develops any product there are certain issues which are probably almost every time occurs well that problem is whenever you are designing a project it works absolutely fine in your machine the developer machine but as soon as that project is being moved on to the production state maybe on two servers or maybe somebody's else computer maybe your friends or maybe your team managers computer in that case the project usually fails to work with the same performance or same optimization or the same level of working even when that project is moved from one place to another place although here we are talking about the big scale projects that include something like no Django Python JavaScript and all those stuffs but just to give you a bare minimum basic example whenever you develop any web site using PHP or maybe asp.net whenever you work on that project and move that project on to the web server there are definitely some uncertainties that occurs maybe your images are not being loaded properly maybe the path is a little bit different or glitchy in some of these cases that is a classic example when everything works on the developer machine but as soon as it moves to another place it doesn't work like that so the classic problem is it works on my machine this further brings the classic debate our developer saying it works absolutely fine on my machine you can come and check and while putting that project on to the production or any other machine the other guy says hey you probably forgot to mention some of the dependencies that you might have installed while working on some other projects and that's why the problem is occurring so this debate is pretty nasty docker is designed to specifically address this exact problem it works on my machine first and foremost docker is just completely a different thing and it's compatible with almost any programming language or any project that you are working on it's like almost a sheet of paper on which you can put up anything it's almost like that docker allows you to have absolutely sealed airtight container and these containers are the absolute heart of the docker these container wrap up your entire code and these are absolutely portable the portability is one of the absolute charm of the docker now we can take this container and wherever you are going to put this container it's going to work absolutely and exactly like how it worked on your machine not only that docker also allows you to have social containers what does that mean the containers are shared just like your social status on your Instagram or Facebook it allows you to publish these containers onto a social platform well the classic example is whenever you are learning MySQL installing the MySQL can be very challenging I'm not talking about the PHP MySQL package I'm talking about just the core MySQL it's one of the most challenging thing to install onto your system and I personally have felt in the boot camps that while somebody is running Windows Mac and Linux it's not an easy process to do so but that process can be done frictionless with the help of docker so docker is a software that allows you to create these container and these containers are not just any container they are super powerful and are super packed up and consist a lot of things these container are packed up with your code your dependencies your configuration some of the processes that you are running some of the networking information that you are running and in some of the special cases it also consists of the chunk of some of the operating system that is responsible of tweaking out some things in your code so in order to summarize we can divide this docker into three main essential thing that it does for you number one thing it's a client-side application program you can just install the docker and it can does all the things for you including designing a container for you and you don't have to worry about anything all of your codes and config will be packed and you can just move it anywhere you like docker can also act as a service and can be deployed on to any server so that you can take your container and can be deployed on any place you like docker also act as a social networking platform just like you share anything you can share your docker image so that whenever somebody wants to start at a given specific check point it can start there and last but not the least docker is also a company that does and manage all of this for you now as I promised in the start of the video I will share some of the personal experience with the docker as well so here we go now once I was teaching this amazing class of the students where we had to install some of the C++ library and our goal was to interact the MongoDB using the C++ drivers and some other libraries now in case you have worked any time with a C++ you know it's a nightmare because C++ is not a easy thing to take down and especially when you have to interact with the drivers of MongoDB you need to install couple of more things not just GCC but a ton of other libraries that need to be installed now our goal was to learn that how we can use these drivers into the C++ and the framework that we used was CROW now CROW is not an easy framework to install deploy and just even starting a HelloWorld in the CROW so what I did for saving some time for the entire student and for me in that bootcamp was to deploy a simple darker machine of the CROW and I taught the student that how the initial basics of the darker works and within a few moments they were able to download my socially shared docker machine of the CROW with the HelloWorld already configured and processed everything into it and we were just on the go so the training that could have used just my entire week in training the student about how to configure the CROW for the first time it just saved me a lot of time because the goal was not to understand the CROW but rather to understand the API integration of MongoDB and C++ I'll share the link in the description below it's a little bit outdated image that I created probably a little while ago it says hello CROW and it's almost nine months old but still works absolutely like a charm so in case you are interested in that I'll post a link in the description and in case you are interested to take a class about docker and the initial basics of docker let me know in the comment section that I'm interested in docker and I'll prepare some of the tutorials on the docker that will get used quickly up and running with the docker yeah I kind of a love docker there is no reason to hate it I absolutely love docker and one of the most important thing about this video in case you are new here hit that subscribe button and I'm gonna surely catch you up in the next video till then keep writing amazing code and join me up on Instagram - bye bye Visit LearnCodeOnline.in
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 362,635
Rating: 4.8915057 out of 5
Keywords: Programming, LearnCodeOnline, Docker, what is docker, docker contaniner, docker for beginners, containers, docker vs VM
Id: -LeV_c1zG-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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