What is C#? What is the difference between C# and .NET?

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Hello friends today we have a very interesting topic if I ask you who you are are you a c-sharp developer or a dotnet developer what you will prefer what you will answer how they both are different today I will answer all these questions and I will also share how I was thinking that I am a dotnet developer but then one day one very senior client developer told me that he is a c-sharp developer [Music] so some years back I joined a new project and until then I was thinking that I am an ordinary developer okay on the very first day of the project introduction meeting everybody was introducing himself then a very senior client developer introduced himself something like this hey my name is this this around I have 22 years of experience and I am a c-sharp developer now in my mind I said what she sharp developer now whenever any senior or more experienced person claim something then you have to cross check your own understanding right so when it was like my turn then I have to introduce myself I was still in shock so instead of saying I am a.net developer because then that senior developer might judge me right so I said something like in a different way I said I have this much years of experience and I worked in both.net and she sharp Technologies I did not said that I am dot net developer or c-sharp developer so I think at that time it says smart answer but the questions there Remains the Same in my mind C sharp developer or dotnet developer now after doing some research on the internet what I found is there are Java developers python developers PHP developers etc etc right that means she sharp developer is the right answer right because all these C sharp Java python all these are programming languages then then if that is right then what is dotnet developer like many of many of us think that vr.net developers so is it wrong now to understand this first we should know what is the difference between G-sharp and Dot net right now first let's quickly see and revise it and then we will know who are we whether we are dotnet or c-sharp developer what is C Sharp what is the difference between C sharp and Dot net the simple answer is like all other programming languages JavaScript Java PHP C sharp is also just a programming language but to be more specific C sharp is an object oriented programming language which runs on the dotnet framework and what is dotnet dotnet is a framework see dotnet framework looks something like this here if you see there are many other things and components here in the dotnet framework like common language runtime which manages the execution of programs things like memory management Security checks extra extra are done by CLR only then we have framework class libraries which is the collection of classes provided by dotnet framework for example you may have used a string class or collection classes all those are part of the framework class libraries then we have data access together these two will make the Base Class libraries then we have we can create different type of projects and dotnet framework web services web forms window forms web API etc etc then common language specification component CLS is used to compile all these language into some common assembly for example if the same logic code is written in different languages like C sharp vp.net then what dot net compiler will do dot net compiler with the help of CLS and CTS will compile the code in the same common dll or assembly with no difference and finally at the top of.net framework we have our programming languages supported by dotnet framework it can be vb.net C plus plus C sharp or jscript now you know she sharp is just a programming language whereas dotnet is a framework for building and running softwares and applications hope the difference between them is now clear to you alright now you know the difference now if you see Java developers they call themselves Java developers because Java programming language is supported by multiple Frameworks so rather than calling themselves like a spring developer hibernate developer which are Frameworks spring and hibernate they simply call themselves Java developers because that means that they can work on any framework of java so which is good for them right similarly PHP developers call them PHP developers because again PHP is supported by more than one framework like laravel simophony codeigniter many others but in case of c-sharp C sharp is only supported by dotnet framework or you can say dotnet core framework therefore say being yourself a c-sharp developer or dotnet developer is 99 the same thing because 99 of dotnet projects are more are written in c-sharp languages only but here is a small one percent exception here if you have worked in C sharp that means you are a C sharp or dot net developer both but if you have never worked in G-sharp and worked in vb.net or C plus plus then you cannot say you are a c-sharp developer because then you are a dotnet developer or vb.net developer but still you might know C sharp then again you can say you are a C sharp developer so the that is the thing so I I so finally I agree that I am both both.net and the c-sharp developer so that's it that's the end of the video now the most important part is do not forget to like And subscribe the channel together we will make our learning experiences a very happy experience because my name is happy
Channel: Interview Happy
Views: 63,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #.NET, #C#, #Interview Questions and Answers, #Software Engineering, #IT Companies, #Product Based Companies
Id: jYjNigSmPE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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