ASP.NET, C# (Csharp) Job Market Analysis for the year 2024

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okay a very very very very very happy New Year 2024 to everyone good morning good afternoon good evening my name is sh Prasad kirala a very very warm welcome to Quest Channel I hope that you are always bable I hope that you are always on a job I hope that you always keep getting those increments and I hope that your family is always happy that's what we do at questpond trying to see that how a developer can better his life by getting good jobs by getting better jobs right now what is this this video all about this video is a non-technical video I rarely record non-technical videos but I thought that I should do this video what is this video all about this video is about how is the job looking for the market for 2024 it is an analysis video so what I'll be doing is that for the uh stack that means front end angular react middle layer Entity framework as the orm SQL Server as our database Azure devops and Azure um kubernetes and microservices right by by for this full stack you know how is the job market so what I'm going to do is that in this video uh we will go to we will search for uh job profiles and we'll try to analyze the job descriptions and we'll try to conclude that as an developer what should we do in 20124 so that we can apply in a proper way we can get into a job in a proper way right so that is the goal of this video job analysis of developer for the year 2024 now I have couple of disclaimers out here very important disclaimers for this analysis I'm going to use which is which belongs to infoedge uh and it is one of the biggest job portals of India so definitely I I don't own it so whatever I discuss out here it is all my personal views right so that is a first disclaimer that this video is not affiliated to right and My Views here are my personal views so it should not be taken as a views of the company right the second point which I also want to talk here is that whenever I'm going through a job description right um that is only for the analysis purpose right so whatever I talk about that job JD or I talk about that thing right there is nothing against the company right so the the company has put the profile out there and I'm doing just the analysis part so again whatever I talk about a JD out here it is all again my personal views so these are two important disclaimers which I want to highlight out here right okay so with all that disclaimers now you know that we have we have talked about right so let us go ahead and let us try to do the analysis for the job market let us get started before we move ahead right let us try to understand the different net job profiles which are available in the market because once we have an idea of the job profiles of net we can Target better we can understand better you know how we can uh apply for these jobs right the first one we can start is with the Retro One the Retro One means it had webforms it had web services remember that remoting and so on I would suggest if you are in this category please migrate yourself right please try to get into please try to learn angular please try to learn Cloud this area is not the area I would suggest someone to be there right the second kind of uh you know era which started was you know the WCF WPF MVC era wherein and also web API right so this was again one more era you know which was again NET Framework but it had that WCF WPF uh Windows workflow and MVC 5 MVC 45 right uh and the web API and the last one which is now running is the net core right wherein we have front the front end is angular and react the middle layer is MVC core and at the back end you have EF and SQL Server right and also you have web API now these are the three profiles right on the top of it you know some of the job profiles are demanding to add a zor into that so that's the fourth category so uh you know the the basic net stack MVC core stack angular stack plus Azure plus some of them are asking also for you know cicd devops and kubernetes and Etc right so this is again the uh fifth one right so these are the five things right and around these five things you know let us see that what kind of job descriptions are available and how we can uh apply for it or how we can approach for it okay so what I've done is that I have opened up the favorite job portal in India and uh many of the developers actually use this website you know to search jobs so I opened that on my on my computer out here and what I will do is I will go and I will search here for now remember as we said our focus is on core frontend angular react backend EF Azure and microservices and kubernetes so if I search for C you know probably I will get Prof profiles of WPF I will get profiles of silver light or I will get profiles of uh zarine and all that right so I don't want to focus on those things I want to focus on the course stack must be we can have separate videos on the other parts later on right so that's why what I'll do is I'll just search for so that we get everything around so MVC also that is good MVC MVC developer is also good why don't core MVC or scoree that is also good right and I will hit search out here also as we said this analysis you know will not focus on freshers right uh so what I'll do is I'll at least start with five years so I'm going to go and put this bar down out here and there it is 5 years so as as soon as I do that you can see now we are getting profiles you know which are of 5 to 9 years 5 to 8 years you know so 3 to 8 years so we are getting some senior profiles out here so let us try to analyze this search okay now the first thing which I see on my search out here is that which is very very exciting as well as very very encouraging is that a developer you know who has like you know 5 to 9 years of experience or must be even like 3 to 8 years of experience right can easily get a package of 8 to 10 lakhs look at the range the range is so wide you know so even if I scroll below I can see that some of these packages are again I can see ranging you know five to 15 lakhs so you can see that it's a quite a big range so that means that you know even if you even if you have less experience let us say like three years or four years experience and if your interview you can really crack very nicely I think you can easily make up a very good package right so that is the first important thing which I can analyze out here right so okay go let's go ahead and open some of these job profiles let us analyze so a 5 years of experience a 5 to 10 years of experience what kind of Market it has what kind of job profile it has so I'm going to go and click you know uh some of these links out out here and let us try to analyze them one by one okay so let me click some of them and uh we can then start analyzing okay so the first job description is before us remember it is 5 to 10 years you know that is the range and you can see it is a basic MVC the web API the jQuery the HTML 5 uh so that is one let us look at the second job profile again here also we can see the basic basic. net again remember uh SQL Server uh uh I can see there's an mvvm framework you know they have written that this is an mvvm framework uh because you know he's talking about angular and react right so when you talk about angular you know angular is an MVC isn't it it has a model it has a view it has a component so from that perspective you can see rest but again this is the our simple I I don't see her any asure or anything so again a normal JD you know which which is there okay let me see this one this one again now see in this job profile very interesting uh it is for a very big Airway uh company out here and you can see that it is around WPF WCF and little bit it is crossing to web API also there is net core also there is reactjs also there is cicd also there is Azo devops now this is that big one remember I said the the fifth category you know which is asking for everything right so definitely you know in this kind of category what happen happens is the salary ranges will also be high right so that is one again if I go out here again this one also has MVC core uh sdlc and all right uh design patterns and all okay this one here uh this one they have not written anything as such some of these job descriptions are really uh I don't know what they expect they have to write down some JD right again look at it uh you know MVP mvvm Ajax this is net core jQuery right and again if I look at here again the same CP and all that right so from all the job profile you know what goes in my mind is that if you are a 5 to 10 years of uh experienced person right the core core angular or react SQL Server Entity framework I think these are the very important things right so that's what I can from this right now let me go ahead and let me try to just uh increase the number of years of experience let us see what happens so I'm going to go again to and this time I'll make it little bit big must be we can go till 5 to 10 and above right and let us see what happens so here is the first JD again for an experience which is 10 to 15 years H now we have raised our bar higher remember a number of years of experience you know we have raised the bar higher out here okay so so let us see so this is 10 to 14 years I can see out there right again look at it core c uh they have not mentioned anything about Azor over here right let me move to the next one now you can see over here this is this is the cocktail job description right I don't know for such kind of openings what what is the requirement you know as a developer as a net developer when I look at these kind of requirements really it is funny WPF MVC net 4.7 get jira winform web API and then what like Spa jQuery CSS SQL server cloud a your you know you do come across such kind of job profile uh we can exclude this remember that you know I would alert to apply for such kind of job profile because they are not clear about what they want look at it the I mean like you just have one opening you just have one opening for it right so beware of such companies because what happens is when they are not clear what they want and if you go into such kind of jobs think about it what you have to do right so don't just run after money you know try to think uh let us go let us move ahead okay let's look at the next profile again in the same range of uh 10 plus years again you can see this one is basic. net core but you can see there's azer over here there's azer over here uh let's let's look at this again this is basic uh stored procedures the old classic MVC Entity framework mhm again here net SQL unit testing Azure little bit Azure you can see now as we went you know 10 and above Azor is now we can see Azor getting highlighted which was not happening previously right same one WPF this this this this but you can see now Docker you can see Azor you can see other things also unit testing mq and so on now this one is a special one you can see it's a 10 years of experience the uh even the salary is higher and it is very specifically on WPF remember I talked about the classical uh Technologies right now I would suggest that you know when you're applying for such jobs you should know that what you're doing if you are in WPF today or if you are in WCF today or if you're in Old web forms it's a request to migrate yourself right it is high time it is not only dangerous you know from the career perspective but also it can happen that after some time you know you'll be jobless completely so I would suggest that please try to migrate yourself to new technologies so let us move ahead again the same MVC here same MVC angular go ahead react angular MVC and uh all that and you can see there is some something good to have knowledge on knp Commerce right okay but overall I can see here we have Azure as well right so in this category you know what I can figure out between the previous category of 5 to 10 years and 10 to plus years 10 to 15 years right Azure has started coming up in this category right now let me go ahead and let me go a little bit higher 15 to 20 years this is where let us see what we get now this 10 years and above has started becoming interesting right so remember we have now uh raised the by bar higher out here it is almost 15 years and above right uh so if you look at this right uh you will now see one is that yes the basic requirement MVC and that Azure has now come into picture we can see devops has now come into picture you can see right uh so as soon as now I'm going towards 15 plus here so I can see that more Azor more devops is coming into picture look at the second one you can see cicd you can see Jenkins you can see Docker you can see kubernetes adding to that you can see AWS you can see Azor as well and you can also see your old as well over here right let us look at other ones here also I can see angular react and yes devops tools genkins kubernetes again you can see right and if I see out here a devop CCD again we have the shop and basic let's move ahead if you look at this job profile this is again very interesting you know it has just one or two words out here it says microservice now when you put that one word microservice right remember that many companies you know they are very infatuated with microservice they don't really know what they want but remember now if you has put microservice right then everything comes into picture as. all that but Docker cqrs event sourcing kubernetes Azure Cloud right so remember that one word out there is is really very demanding right so in short if I try to summarize if I try to summarize right what I understand is by just doing the basic a basic front end with angular or react Entity framework SQL Server right you should easily land up into a good job but as soon as your number of years of experience Rises aure becomes more compulsory and if you rise the if you raise the bar more higher like 15 years and above the whole world is asked for you they ask for devops they ask for cicd they ask for uh Jenkins they ask for kubernetes they ask for Docker they ask for micros Services right so if you look at as we go higher on the number of years of experience the demand Rises and it it's little bit difficult you know to manage things out here so let us try to understand that if you are a senior person so if you are a person who is around 5 to 10 years of experience I think you can manage things but if you're a senior person how do you do it right how to approach such kind of Market if if you a senior person right what you should do is at least you should know the basics of it for example let's say devops as your devops I can understand you don't know how to write yaml or probably you are you you you don't have understanding of yamal variables but at least a broader understanding is is necessary that what is a pipeline what is a yaml how things work right I can understand that you have never done microservices but at least cqrs where what it is where to fit right so I feel that you know when it comes to you know this senior level of job requirement my thought would be is that at least try to learn the basics of it so have your core your object programming your SQL everything be a master in that but then yes you should have an idea of app service you should have an idea of microservices pattern you should have an idea of function apps you should have an idea of when I say have an idea means at least you should be able to converse right so I feel that's that's the way you can prepare one more important perspective uh I wanted to understand here is especially around the frontend Frameworks see we have aspn MVC and if you see there are two big front ends which are which are the major players one is the angular other one is react right so also I want you to understand that is angular uh in more in demand or is react in more in demand so let us have a look at it so you can see here I've just selected 5 years now what you can do is that you can go ahead and you can select 10 years in case you are 10 years in case you are fresher then accordingly you can select it but I've just taken 5 years as The Benchmark for me so if I search angular out here uh uh right and uh what I see out here is we have approximately 12,000 jobs 12,000 jobs right let us try to see react out here right and uh if I take react let us see what happens so we can see we have 13,000 jobs so really it is not a big percentage if you ask me right 1,000 jobs here and there um so I would like to know from everyone that what is your perspective regarding which front end is better now here is my perspective right what I have found is that yes react has many jobs definitely right but when I look at the salary structure of angular right if the because the jobs are less or because you know the developers are less in terms of numbers right or they're getting Less in terms of numbers I've seen that their salary is little bit higher as compared to react this is what I understand you know by meeting uh two or three uh job agencies as well as HRS you know I have it companies whom I have interviewed they they told me that it is very easy to get a react developer right with a MVC but it is little bit tough to get a good angular developer with MVC right but at the same time react has more jobs please understand it so the number of jobs of react react are higher but the number of jobs of angular are little bit lower right so this is my perspective but if you have a some other perspective please put down here and I and I feel what you know that at this moment I I think if you want to be really be job safe right do both of the Frameworks it will take a little bit of hard work but I think doing both of the Frameworks will make sense one important thing which I want to highlight here is the urgency nowadays you know 3 months notice is a normal period uh but if you can join in a month or a week or you know if you can plan your resignation properly you can bargain very nicely I have seen many Developers you know what they do is that they put down their papers right and then they start preparing and as they come near to their relieving period they are in a better position to bargain because now they can join in a week or in a month right so please plan your resignation accordingly do not just leave a company do not just leave companies with the ego or with the anger or with some fight right at the end of the day the company does not get hampered you will get hampered as an individual and let me know in the comment section down below did you ever leave any company because of ego must be or because of anger because of fight because you did not get a rise and did you repent on that decision if yes please write down in the comments somebody else will get benefit for the same one more important thing which I want to stress out here is the location if you see on the screen right uh this is a Bangalore location out here and in this you know uh there's only one job job and 63 people have applied but the same kind of a job in New Delhi I can see 15 15 people have applied 116 people have applied so sometime what happens is many developers tell me that okay sir I know microservices I know everything but still my salary is not incrementing because must be you are in a location like Kolkata or must be Punjab or must be jamu or guram or some of these places you know where the number of mnc's are less and the local companies you know do not pay such kind of high salaries so also that one point you have to keep in mind okay guys analysis analysis brings paralysis right so let me stop all this an analysis out here and let us try to summarize you know what we have discussed till now right so let me start with the first point the first point which I found here very interesting while we were going through the JDS is that there is a huge salary range so if you like let's say if you have five 5 to 10 years of experience your salary ranges the company were ready to offer were from 8 to 15 lakhs right so that means that if you really give your interview well you should do very well right the second thing which I understood out here is that if you know your fundamental very well fundamental means the core front and angular react uh an Entity framework and SQL Server I think you are well set till 5 to 10 years till 10 years I think that you shouldn't have a problem of jobs you shouldn't have problem of of hopping and so on right but as I Rose my you know I just when I put my little bit of bar higher I found that if you do the uh stack plus aure you know it will make it will make things comfortable right for so 10 to 15 years JS where asking for all the basics you know what we need for a stack plus asure when we raised the bar higher 15 years and above this is where the problem start remember when you become old you know the problem starts right this is where the expectations have become huge so you should know the fundamentals you should know the Azure you should know also others means what docker microservices kubernetes devops Ting Ting Ting and all that right uh so I think you know seniors what you need to do is that you need to prepare well see at the end of the day who will know so many Technologies right so that's why we encourage everyone to watch our interview question video see many people would think that why is this ship recording interview question videos it is it cheap but think about the market demand look at the market demand they're asking for angular they asking for react they asking for AER they are asking for core they will ask you dependency injection even a senior is asked object programming Docker microservices kubernetes devops where are we going guys right how are how are we going to practice how are we going to justify ourself you know for such kind of job demand so what you do in this case is that prepare and how do you prepare interview questions remember at the end of the day interview question does not guarantee you a job right but if you have an experience interview question will help you to revise fast right the fifth important point which I understood is the concept of semi cities so in case you are from indoor or in case you from um jamu or Punjab or Kolkata then remember that for one vacancy many people can apply as compared to Bangalore or Pune right the sixth thing you know which I uh you know this is just my suggestion avoid cocktail job descriptions you know job description which says HTML C C++ as your y v Docker what is this what is what is the requirement can you be more specific right so if you are getting such kind of um job requirements you know which are going going right away from the Legacy webform to the MVC core there is a problem then you know what they are asking right uh the next thing you know which I would advise the seventh part you know which I would advise is that please avoid old Technologies Legacy Technologies retro Technologies right like weforms WCF WPF avoid it it will kill your career eventually right and the final thing you know which I gave you a perspective about angular and react right so angular and react when I when we do did a search right we found that the angular jobs are little less the react jobs are high in number but then whichever angular jobs whatever angular jobs are out there their salary structure is little higher as compared to react right uh and uh one more important thing which I discussed the ninth point which I discussed out there is that you know try to see that you can try you know if you want to bargain very well try to see see that you have lesser joining lesser uh joining period in other words like let us say if you have a 3 months of notice put down the 3 months of notice and try to join a company within a week or a month you will find that you have more bargaining power because HRS are always in a hurry HRS are always in a uh in a tight situation to get good good developers right and uh so that was all my conclusion out here now now remember that you know whatever analysis I did I did you know by looking at the job descriptions you know what were before me I'm very sure that you guys know much better than me you are in the market out there right so if you have something very important to share around you know some important uh trick or tip or some important analysis you know which you think that okay we did this and that's why we landed into a good job then please let me know in the comments below somebody will benefit from the same and second guys I take a lot of hard work to create these videos you can see for this video we have to go and see the JS we have to analyze it we have to put the everything we have to put the analysis before you so if you really like you know what I'm doing that please go and hit a like button out there please comment that yes shave you are doing a good thing please continue right so I'm keeping a target for this video that if you can give me in this new year for this video if you can give me just 500 likes I would be really be obliged and grateful for the same right and the last important Point guys down below in the comment section all my interview question videos are there remember a prepared Donnet developer or a prepared developer has higher chance of getting a job than a unprepared superhero you can be a superhero in a company but when it comes to interviews right little bit of preparation is needed right so I wish everyone a very very happy 2024 may God sarasti may God Lakshmi bless you you know with money with knowledge right and I hope that you always are bable and you are always on a job right uh and I'm hoping that this 2024 again uh brings up more job opportunities by looking at machine learning artificial intelligence which are coming in Azure is picking up net is going great 78 you know all new versions are coming up angular react are doing very well right so I feel that this stack is still doing very good right so happy learning happy job hunting and wish you a very very happy 2024 thank you
Channel: Questpond
Views: 58,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Azure Job Market, jobs, microservices jobs, azure devops jobs, job analysis, high paying job salary for developer, interview, ASP.NET Developer Jobs, ASP.NET Core, Microservices, azure devops, ci cd pipeline, ci cd, .net developer job, c# interview, sql server interview questions, devops interview, software architecture interview, with azure, docker, kubernetes, wpf with azure devops, ASP.NET, C# Job Market Analysis for the year 2024
Id: H3JEWAp32-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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