What is AWS Amplify

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did everyone face your buck again with another video and in this video we are going to talk about Amazon AWS I will try to clear up all of your doubts about what this Amazon AWS is and rather specifically we are going to talk about what AWS amplifi is why you should be bothered about it what problem it's trying to resolve and why you should actually know more about it I will also talk about some of its pros and cons and is it a right fit for beginners or not why is it so much that Amazon is being loved by all of the industry entire IT world actually loves it amazon has one of the big clients known as Netflix and why Netflix is using AWS as its service we're going to talk a lot about it and keeping our focus on Amazon AWS amplifier let's get started okay so before we understand what AWS amplify is we need to understand what kind of problem it's trying to resolve understanding what a product is trying to solve a problem and once we understand that problem understanding the product becomes much more easier I was very excited about AWS amplifier from the day one of its launch and when Amazon AWS reached to me and said hey ash we loved your content and we would like to sponsor your channel I said wow that's amazing I would love to be a part of AWS and if you want to sponsor our channel I would love to do it so this reminds me thank you so much Amazon AWS for sponsoring this channel and now let's go ahead and move on to AWS amplify what this is to understand AWS amplify we need to understand a situation let's just say you download an app maybe learn code online maybe Instagram or maybe any other app you download that app and you said hey that app is amazing and I want to just login into that you login into the app and then you realize this content is actually pretty amazing I would love to watch it on my desktop then you go to the desktop and the application says you know what since you have logged in in our app you need to real aughh in and create a new account on our website because it's a different thing you would hate it absolutely hate it in the world of ID we would love to have seamless experience seamless between your Android app your iOS app and your web is now although it looks like that that's a simple process but it is not as simple as you think companies struggle a lot in unifying their experience so that whatever the user is watching on a mobile device and when he moves on to a website it just gives a seamless experience and that is not an easy task but can be made easier if we have better services now there are variety of services which can make this back-end experience extremely seamless now when a new big nerd comes out in the market and says I want to design a product and he just installed a MySQL on his machine and try to makes an app from it and a website from it he's super happy because everything is working seamlessly but remember that ad that you are trying to learn is gonna just be on your computer or probably a few devices when that app or that product moves to thousands and thousands of users mobile phone and thousands of people are using it on desktop things changes drastically we have to take care of variety of issues especially the scaling up issues the server should not go down and it's not just about the database probably you are using MySQL for your core functionality probably for analytics you are using MongoDB and on top of that you are having mail server as well so all these needs to be connected and this needs to be a seamless process so that developers can freely work on the features that they want to and you might have also heard that in the industry Amazon services are being used quite a lot Amazon AWS is one of the top-notch industry standard because in the AWS it's just really super easy to create a machine or a computer which is hosting your MySQL another machine which is hosting your MongoDB another server which is having mail server and all of them can be easily connected but when I say easily it's not that much easy for a beginner to just login into Amazon AWS services and just create these machines and configure them for Android app iOS app maybe react native app and for the web as well now surely once you have experience of developing apps on a one platform then surely migrating to AWS is not so big deal it's an easy process but as a big nur you usually don't get a flavor of how things actually work on AWS now Amazon also realized that that a lot of beginners are not able to use our services that efficiently not just the big nurse a variety of companies also want to try out our services that how the process can be seamless and this brings us to one of its competitor which is firebase now in the firebase you just login into the application just create a new instance and everything is just given to you a lot of libraries frameworks and downloadable material is given to you you just place them in your project and rest of the configuration is automatically done for you you are not worried about how I'm gonna just create a server how things are gonna process you just focus on things like how the authentication is gonna work how I'm gonna implement the log in with Google or Facebook or hungry they implement the query process which sends some data on the servers and retrieve some data back this makes a learning experience really seamless now handling similar situation Amazon came out with an amazing product known as AWS amplify now amplify is a seamless process or a simple tool that is given to you which makes the entire process absolutely seamless with the aid of Loess amplify you get a command-line tools and through that command-line tools you can just work on any application that you like maybe you want to craft an Android application iOS maybe a web application using react or react native whatever is the case you just run some of the commands on the command line tools and that's it all the things are just automated after that you just need to read a few documentation just like we used to do in the firebase and then you can simply craft an application with all the features that you love authentication hosting some data may be firing up some query with the database that all can be done just with the command-line now Amazon AWS is Internet's backbone and it's not wrong to say that majority of the application that you see sometimes they openly disclose that sometimes they don't but still most of them and majority of them are already using ade AWS especially one of the client which is highlighted all time in the media is Netflix majority in fact all of the Netflix content that you watch is actually hosted on AWS and in fact not only that we personally use AWS quite heavily in our applications and a majority of the learning apps the entertaining apps that you are seeing of course apart from YouTube is actually using AWS in some way or the other and remember I said majority so as a big nerd once I'm comfortable we're dealing up with a few application that handles like camera or some internal databases maybe a free application with firebase it's gonna be an amazing experience if somehow I can get my hands on work with AWS system as well now surely it's gonna be little bit different from the core AWS work that we do amplify is bit different from that but surely anything related to AWS is gonna be a plus one in your resume when you just work on it now I personally see that AWS amplifier has a lot of potential but it's a growing product the product has just been introduced but surely in the future it has a lot of potential to grow up it's documentation from the day one is one of the most amazing documentation that you're gonna see online very big nerd friendly but it is a big but here the Amazon AWS has some of its limitation which is still keeping a lot of instructors like me from eating AWS online and one of the one of the hurdle which is the biggest one is the requirement of credit card now surely you're gonna see in the future a variety of posts that are going to compare AWS amplified with the firebase or similar other products as well but one of the thing which I personally believe is going to be a big drawback is the requirement of the credit card the reason why a lot of pigna used firebase is simply because you can just enter your gmail account and just create a firebase instance there but in the case of AWS amplifi you need a credit card they don't charge you anything for that in fact they're one year free tier plan is really really amazing and it's not really very expensive but you need to understand that not a lot of majority of students are holding credit cards and especially with the place where I live the beautiful India the credit card is not in the reach of majority we have a Darlie different payment system here in this subcontinent and credit card is not really common here they use variety of other ways if instead of using that credit card they ask you to purchase like $50 credit for a year that would be a better thing and majora and moreover implementation of other payment gateways would have been a great thing Amazon is already handling amazing payments through their shopping website but comparing the shopping website with AWS would be not a justification but regardless of that this strong criteria of having a credit card in your account to be enabled there and verified is gonna stop a lot of students in understanding this amazing product AWS amplify and I personally believe if they open up just a free tier probably just for three months or six months that doesn't require a credit card he's gonna introduce a lot of people with the AWS and surely a lot of amazing product can be released out once people understand that how powerful and how cheap it is to work with AWS now if you agree with my point that AWS is really powerful and is almost the backbone of the internet do post down in the comment section simply saying AWS is really backbone of Internet right now post on the comments section do you agree with me or not I would love to read your comments now one other thing which I absolutely love about AWS amplify is its seamless process you are simply given a command-line tool which you can install and once that is being installed you can just use that same instance of amplify into your web app into your Android app and in your iOS app even react native is being supported and of course in the future I believe that flutter and all amazing things are also going to be supported now this seamless process of having a single integration and that can be multiplied and throw that almost like a server less architecture is always appreciable but it also comes with some of the drawbacks as well because you are limited with that and having more instance but not with the case of AWS since the entire thing is just in the Amazon ecosystem having multiple services and integrating them with the aid of this is also not very tough so on to a whole summary I would say that yes Amazon eight Louis can be a strong competitor with the far bass in the upcoming days but keeping in mind that what kind of restriction it's putting up for the beginners to use it again it can be an amazing product but this credit card restriction can be a bit stronger for the beginners for the people who are absolutely concerned about their application and are not worried about putting up their credit card I think it's gonna be an amazing product for all of them now let me know in the comment section if you love to see some of the implementation of AWS with Android or react native or iOS I would love to make them a step-by-step tutorial of implementing AWS probably on Android app or react Nate here just let me know in the comment section what you like to see and I would definitely make those videos but again depends on what is the demand for that if you would love to see that just hit the comment section and I would love to make them oh and by the way I'll leave down few links in the description that I highly highly recommend you to read out these links are about Amazon AWS amplifier introduction some of its fa Q's and related links if you are staying in the industry in the IT world just knowing the basics of loop in the Python or JavaScript is not enough you should also be quite familiar with what's coming up in the latest in the market of the IT world and if you are interested in those such kind of stuff along with the programming tutorials just hit that subscribe button because I come up all the time with such amazing content that's it for this video I hope you have enjoyed it hit that subscribe button and let's catch up in a next one [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 54,336
Rating: 4.0356731 out of 5
Keywords: Programming, LearnCodeOnline, aws, AWS Amplify, AWS Android, AWS iOS, AWS react native, AWS web, AWS react, AWS Apmplify introduction, What is aws, what is aws amplify
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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