Learn AWS Amplify Console - Crash Course

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hey guys welcome to this episode and this episode is a crash course for AWS amplify console with AWS amplify console you can easily add continuous deployment to your application so today I'm going to cover these areas so I'm going to create a react application that users amplify CLI to spin our background resources and I'll use amplify console to add continuous delivery then we'll use a different back-end I will use Cerberus framework to create a back-end outside amplify CLI and let's see how can we use amplify console to even add continuous deployment to other backends as well and afterwards we'll see how to use feature branch workflow you know there are multiple JIT workflows so we are going to explore feature branch workflow and finally we are going to add a custom domain to our application so will acquire a custom domain name and set it up with our application so if you are developing a modern application by multiplication by meant is a spa or single page application where the front-end is built with the JavaScript framework like angular react boo and if you have a back-end API a restful api row graph QL api then with amplify CLI and amplify console you can easily develop and deploy your applications so that's what i'm going to cover today since we have got a lot to do the face of this video will be a little bit faster than other tutorials in this channel but bear with me so let's get started I'm in my desktop so I will create a new directory I will see the into that and let's create a new react application using npx I call that amplify console app hit enter CD into that and open it in Visual Studio code now first let's add amplify CLI to the project first you need to install the CLI you can do that using NPM install - G amplify CLI slash CLI and you can do the configuration by amplify configure once you have done that you can use amplify in it to initialize and amplify project so okay so let me quickly show you that so first unity install this I have already installed that I'm not going to do that so once the amplify CLI is installed we just child type amplify configure and hit enter so that's going to open up automatically your AWS console and once successfully logged go back to the console and hit enter and once it enters gonna ask which region you want to set up the infrastructure so you can just choose the region that you want if I choose US East one and then it's asking for a username for the I am user so we just type Manoj test so I'm not going to create this use actually let's redirect me back to the I am console so you can see it automatically filled in the username and it has checked this problematic access now click Next permission so it has automatically clicked the administrator access permissions and click tags you can add tags click preview and then you can create the user so once you create the user it's going to show you the access key and secret access key so at this time you have to go back to your amplify console and hit enter so now it's asking alright tell me what is the access key and when you hit again it's asking for secret key just at those access key and secret key shown here then you are done the amplify CLI is configured after that you can use amplifying it I will type amplify in it put a name and an environment as well so in this case I will call this dev environment we chose to do code JavaScript react source will command you can accept all default and then you have to choose the profile that you created with amplify configure so in my case I created a profile for YouTube and it's going to initialize my project in AWS cloud alright so now I'm going to add react specific ply brace for amplify so I will go to dogs and JavaScript and yeah I'll choose react and I'm going to install amplify AWS amplify and amplify react so copy this and hit enter so that is an install amplify AWS and I will copy the other one as well so the react specific library once its installed I will clear the screen and installed aww sanctified react as well and while it's installing I will go to react and react native section here I will scroll down a little bit and go to the section where I will show how to import react and react amplify so here it is so I will just copy this part and actually I'll copy the whole section and and then go to source and Abdul J's file and right here I will paste in the command so it's basically importing amplify and amplify config from AWS export file then in hired a component called with Authenticator from amplifier react and in this application we are going to add authentication using cognate or user pool and also a restful api and now let's wrap our application with with authenticate hoc so that will give our application the pre baked logging and signup screen and I will convert this to a class as well extends react component and wrap the return in render function all right so right now our amplifier reactor is installed I will clear the screen and let's start adding back-end resources so the first let's add earth amplify earth ad and let's accept default configuration for the user pool username and hit enter and accept all default so what this added and I'm going to add hosting as well so I'll create a screen again amplify hosting ad will host it in an s3 bucket so I'm not going to use cloud phone in this case just history with HTTP s accept the defaults here as well so let's push our changes to cloud so if I just check amplify status I will see auth and hosting is now create so I can use amplify push to push our changes to cloud it yes once the changes stopped deploy to cloud you will see the AWS export file in source folder will populate with the information that is required for front-end I will keep this open so it's going to provisionally use a pool and history bucket it's completed and you can see the content is populated in AWS export file so I have this tree website URL as well here so let's go to app dot J's and run our application locally NPM run start so I'll click create account give it a password and email address I'll use this 10 mates email address here phone number create account so it will send an email to your email address there we go got it right here and take the code and now I can log in sign in so that should present to me the first page let's go quick change in the front-end yeah I will add hello world take out this part as well and save it and here we go now I'm going to create a cheetah proposed tree go to my github account and create a new repository let's call it amplify console app and create repository now I will add this as the remote stop the server clear the screen get status I will add git remote add and I'm going to add everything initial commit and I'll push the changes to the master branch now if I go and refresh it I will have the content in my repository beautiful so it's time to hook this up with amplify console for continuous deployment so I will go to AWS console and search for AWS amplify so you'll get to a screen like this and you can click get started' here and choose the g trip github repository but i'll switch into a different region where I already have a app created and I'll create a new app by clicking Connect app so it's the same screen that I will get to and click G tub and next so G table ripple sure I am going to connect right now and then you can connect your G tub I have already done that and now I can pick my github repository it is mg Sloane stash amplify console app and a branch as well ok here it's master branch I'm going to connect and click Next so amplify console has detected that it already has an amplifier back-end so now it's prompting me to choose to amplify environment so if you can remember we create the environment called dev so let's pick that one and here you have to create a role which had been administration permission for amplify console to spin up all the background resources into the operations right so if you don't have a role just click create new role and select amplify and next permissions administrate access click tags provide the name and click preview give it a roll name and create the role I've already created that so I will exceed this screen and here in the drop-down you will see the roll if it is not be shown just click this refresh button it's going to show up here so in my case it's already here so I pick that and now we have this amplify ml5 so this is the place we can define the commands to build the back end and the front end can click Edit here to edit this configuration file up top that's the version and we have a section for the back end and for the front end so in the back end amplify uses this helper function amplify push to push all the back end resources so it works hand-in-hand with amplify CLI and if you have a different back end which you are going to demonstrate next you can add those scripts here as well and there are multiple faces in the build you can have pre-built face build face post build face so we'll explore that a little bit later and after the back end is pushed its about deploying the front end so it has detected I have react back-end and he has setup the best directory as build and it's going to run yon run build and all that so what happens is first build the back end and if it is successful it is it will build the front end and once the front end artifacts are inside this build for it will use those artifacts to deploy to a strip bucket and thereby host a web application so let's see that in action I will click sir I'm not going to change anything in that file click Next and click Save and deploy so these are the faces that it will go through first provision the resources basically the build server then it will move into the build phase which will clone the repository and build the backend right you can see it has built the backend so back end is also completed and then it will build the front-end so as you have already noticed it's running the commands that we have specified in the amplified or Jamel file can see the uninstall here in the front end and in the backend amplify push - - simple so the build phase is now complete and the deploy phase is also complete and as you can see there's this particular domain reserved for us so that's the sub domain for amplify apps comm so you can use this URL to weave your website and as the final step it will do a verification so basically it will run your application over different devices see Google pixel iPad etc so that will make sure you UI response you looks good here so now I can view the website by clicking onto the domain name if I click on that it's going to open up that URL as you can see I can login with the previous username and password and there you go we have our application of start so let's do a small change so I will go here hello world changed so I will add that change jit add I will commit that change as well change the small text and I will push it to origin and to the master branch so as soon as this pushed is completed if I go to amplify console it's going to provision a new build automatically for us as you can see the new build has triggered because amplify console as we link with github the cg tab hook web hook happens so with that it triggers this build if I click on that so it's going to run through these steps provision build deploy and verify so let's wait until it's completed its deployed now it's very fine now I'll go to the website and hit refresh there we have it our changes are now visible in our live application so now we have continuous deployment setup for our application so each time we push a change to our master branch there will be a build and the change will immediately be visible in our live site all right so now let's add a REST API to our application I will use amplify see a liar to do that so I'm in my application I will add amplify API Edie so it's going to prompt me it is a graph QL or REST API I will choose rest and give it a friendly name will type two dos and path items query new lambda function to do lambda to do lambda and for the function template I choose Express template serverless express function we want to create resource yes so I'm going to add earth and hit enter let's add create read update and delete all that hit enter you want to edit the functional yes and it's going to open that function up as you can see under back-end is going to create a function fold this out to do lambda and this is the lambda code and here's the slash item get path right so instead of returning get call succeeded I'm going to return a list of reduce right here I will hard code these two dues so it's a Const to do so I have three items ate sleep and code and I will take that constant and return it instead of this string alright so I'll go back to my console and I will hit continue do I want to restrict apps access not at this moment I don't want to add a new path now I will type amplify push so that will create the function and the API on AWS so hit yes once the results are created it's going to update the aw export to J's file so we'll open this file all right so it's completed and it is populated the extra information in aw export file for example the cloud logic and this is our API name and in order to use this we have to import API from AWS amplifier so I'll go to upload Jas or not this one but capital F dot J's and here I'm going to import API from AWS amplifier you can go to documentation and into API section right here and under that you can check using rest if you scroll down a little bit you should see how to use get API call so I'll copy this and I'm going to add a button right here so let's change this back to hello world I will add a button let's call it call amplify REST API on click let's add a handle a function called distort call amplify API let's set the handler function right here I will copy the gate call again and paste it here so four theorems you're not passing any pair arms and the API name is you can go to AWS export and use this API name it's too loose paste it here and the party slash items all right so let's see if this all works I will locally run this NPM run start here I have the button open it and here I have the button I'll open our inspect element I will take the network tab open I'm going to click call REST API let's see if that works yes I got some contents items and under success I got my todos so that works and now let's use a different framework so in this case I'm going to use Cerberus framework to add another API endpoint so I will take my terminal up clear the screen and now we'll go to service comm so this is service framework website and click open source and here I'll choose Amazon Web service provider so before that I have to install server less globally so I will just select this statement pasted it here in pay mr. service - gee and hit enter so it's going to install service like brain globally okay it's completed now I go back to open source and Amazon Web Services and I'm going to create a node.js service copy this and come back here paste it I will change the directory name to my back-end and hit enter so it's going to create a folder called my back-end underneath amplify folder so inside that I have hand-lettered JS file and service dot yml file take out all these comments so let's change the lambda function name to to dos now the called handler dot get to dos so I go to handle a function I rename this hello to get to Deus and instead of returning this object I will return my to dos constant which is the hard-coded value constitute us so I'm going to change the name this is from I know this doesn't make sense but I just wanna know this information is coming from our service function so save that go to Cerberus yml file I'm going to add events so that HTTP event so that's going to provision an API gateway for us so it has a path call to dos so that's a get method now enable cross for the API so let's save that I will take the terminal clear the screen CD into my back-end folder so I have the service Emma and handler Jace I will type SLS deploy or Cerberus deploy so it's packaging the service creating the stacks so just give it a second okay SLS deploy is now complete now I can access my endpoint by clicking here let's click this one there we go I got my to dos oh these are not to do spec anyway some items from back end okay now let's at this end point to our application as well or rather call this end point I will go to source app J's file and I'm going to import Axios so Axios from Axios i have to add Axios as well and let's create the second button I will add it HR to do a separation between these two buttons and another button called serverless endpoint now I essentially both these are several assignments but I just wanna differentiate between the endpoint that we deployed from amplify and the other one deployed from Cerberus framework so here let's say call SLS API so I will add that handler function here let's say xeo store get the endpoint is this one and then if we successful will console up the output if not the error so we use Axios get to call out to that endpoint and let's say oh this one so let's run the application again I will go back one directory up and run npm run start so it's going to start the reactor okay so now i have two buttons if i click call service endpoint so it's going to call out to the endpoint and it's going to return the data from the API gateway this is from serverless and if i call out to the other endpoint it's going to return me the date as well so each leaf called so both the endpoints are now properly working so let's commit these changes and push to our master branch so i'll stop this status okay get a - a commit - em added two end points from amplifier and cellulous okay I will push origin/master [Music] now if I go to a amplify console so there's the new builders being triggered so I'm going to cancel this build because I right now need to change the build settings with right now if I edit my build spec right here so right now it's only pushing the changes for the background resources that is added using amplify of CLI but right now I'm using service as well service framework so let's add serverless commands here as well so inside the backend section I will add another build phase for pre build so this runs before the build commands so I will add commands so as the pre-built command I want to install service framework right so I can add npm install service - g or yarn at global so I let the NPM install server less - G here anyways mmm during the build once amplify pushed the backend changes that is spin up through the amplify CLI I want to add another time so in this line I want to type server elastic ploy as well so it will make sure it's going to deploy all the service resources in AWS cloud but there's a small problem because our service yml file is in my back pain directory so we need to navigate to that directory so I'll add another step right here CD into my back-end let's check that we go I have to into here and then go to service yml and now before doing the uninstall I have to navigate back one directory up again CD double dot and then young install and it will run smoothly I believe so let's save the changes okay and let's go to AWS console click master and I'll click redeploy this version again the new bill has been triggered I'll click this one so it's going to provision and now at the build stage so it's cloning the repository so after that it's going to start the backend deployment and so it's using amplify push right here because offers come on nice amplify push once done that it's going to CD into our my back-end folder so still hasn't started oops there's a build failed okay I got an error I will go to build settings and click Edit there's a typo here has three aims for commands and also I will change this NPM install - G service - yawn global ad server us to use yawn and the speed so I will save that now we'll go into the AWS amplify console and click master and do a redeploy this is part in corridor I just already pressed that so it's going to build the backend correctly and as you can see it just goes into the CD my back-end after doing the amplifier push and then it starts SLS deploy so it's going to package everything and return me the end point here the back end is correctly built go to the front end so front end is also being built right now ok so it's all completed so I'll go to the website endpoint and do a refresh there we go I have these two buttons go to inspect network tab click call amplify and I got my two doors from the if I endpoint and now I will click call service endpoint see I got the information from the service endpoint this is from serverless great so both endpoints are now live on our website so let's do some changes to these endpoints I'll go to my back-end folder and handle it a J's and I will add another new to do ID point for let's call it real to do and also I will go to amplify back-end function after J's and here as well I will add new to do new to do ok so I will commit the changes JIT add and take commit - M added new - duce and I will push the changes to master so the changes are now pushed so if I go to amplify I can see it's already started building a new build so let me click on view the new build so start the provisioning build and deploy verify process already so let's see once this is completed if the new to duce and all the items are available the deploy is complete so let's go to our react up again and worry fresh I will click on amplify rest API let's check the previews well I have the new to do so let's just the serverless endpoint as well and I have the new real to do as well so as you can see our deployment pipeline has up there both our backends ok so now let's see how to use feature branch flow so when you are working with the team it is essential to have multiple environments of your application so that your team can seamlessly velop so at the moment if I just check my branches I have only master branch so I will add a new branch let's call it - so now how do an master branch both while I'm in the master branch I will add an amplifier environment as well so at the moment we have only a dev environment in amplifier well I should have named my environment differently when I was first adding it but let's do like this I will add another amplify environment and this time let's call it prod we want to use an existing no it's College prod environment my using AWS profile and now I type amplify push to push the changes yes all right now that the backend resources are provision I'm going to commit add and commit all the configuration changes to my master branch to commit - M added Deo branch and new amplify environment okay I will push the changes and now I will check out to my dev environment and I will push this branch to my repository as well okay so it has created a new branch in my remote repository so let's see now a build has been triggered I just don't want to help on this build so I will cancel that right and this is my application amplify console application but I have like connected this master the dev environment from amplifier which I would have liked renamed it differently when I was creating that so what what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete this application you might not want to do that now this console app is something I created some times back so so let's create a new application I choose to tub and for the repository I will select amplify console app that I am working on now I get to choose these two branches so first I will pick master branch and click Next so let's link our master jet branch with our amplifier product environment would you like amplifier deploy this yes the environment should be proud so I just added pre-built command adding service and then running servers in the my back-end folder the previous settings that we have added I'm going to save this one and and guys we can actually download this configuration file this amplified or general file and actually add it to the root of our application so here so this is the root of my application I can open this file and just copy the content get back to my editor and create a new file and let's call it amplified out your yml and paste this end so now amplify will use this amplified dot yml other than the content from that in line editor so this is good because we can use cheat to do the version control as well so that's another quick sidenote okay so our environment is now looks good we are connecting the prod environment or the amplifier prod to the master branch I picked the service role as well and I will click Next and save and deploy okay so while it's deploying I will connect another branch so I will click connect branch here so we have already connected our brought branch so now it only shows the dev branch so let's select that and for the environment out I was taken the prod environment out of the list only the dev is remaining now remember the studied branch and this is the amplifier environment the next button seems to be disabled so maybe we have to wait until the first environment is built let's let's see what was the problem here okay tried it again and now it seems to be enabled so I will click Next now and I will click Save and deploy so the dev environment is also shown good and can you see the difference between the URL so this is prefix treat or the sub domain with master dot whatever the random character and then amplify app dot command this is the subdomain start with do as well so the master branch has finished deploying so I can go and see the URL so can see it's master dot then amplified calm let me login looking and user does not exit let me just double check okay somehow the use has been deleted how to check why let me create my user again don't send no phone number mono Jack test.com so I can just say mark this email s verified and click create user so the user has been created so I can go back here with the Minaj rest 1 2 3 4 and click Sign In go change password ok now I got into home page if you just wonder where I at that the user so it's basically I went into the cognate or user pool and you can just go to services and type Cognito and here go to cognitive and then select your user pool inside that you could use and groups and create user or else you can simply come back and sign out and create an account from the standard way I just use a shortcut ok let's see if our dev environment is ready so du is ready as well so if I go to the environment now I can't use the same user because this is pointing to a different environment right so let's create a user this time using the standard account creation click here and type man or whatever the email address I'll use 10 mates email copy that get here paste that in and create account I created the user and I just keep that part here we go I just got locked into a dreamer environment as well alright so now we have our two branches all set up now say that we need to add a new feature so in that case if you are using feature branch flow so we are going to create a new branch for that feature so let's say I'm going to delete these two buttons right so I will create a branch name let's call it removed buttons right so the new remove button on branch has been created so I will just check out to that branch remove buttons I am in remote button branch right now and I will just take these two out I will edit the message as felled remote buttons so what I will do is I will check out the amplify dev environment so amplify env check out - so this new branch the new jet branch will be configured with amplified dev environment so after that I will push these changes now let's create a new branch with the same name in the remote as well but before that I have to add the changes remove two buttons and I will push the new branch to the origin what did we go remove buttons okay so the new branch has been added so let me recap what we have done again so we create a new JIT branch right and then we check out to that particular new branch so this is what we have done so right now we are in the JIT branch remove buttons and then we check out to the amplified environment devices so we are using the same infrastructure that we provisioned for the do amplify environment so then we push the changes if I go to my G top you should see the new branch has been pushed right here so I will go to amplify console and I'm going to connect it with another branch so this time it has picked my Remove button branch and I will select the dev environment because I used this to environment and then I will click Next I'll click Save and deploy wait for a while so it's going to start building it and can you see this time the URL starts with primo buttons now imagine that I am a developer in my team so I have a team of five people and my task is to remove this button so what I will do is I will create a new G top prep branch or future branch called remove button just like I have done and check out the amplifier environment oh and then I will push my changes right so in the amplify console I have created the new application connected to this particular branch then I can actually use this URL to be only my changes none of these other environments are affected they all master but only the Remove button application and it has this own URL so you can share it with your team members if they all agreed and they say okay let's merge it to the devil so what you can do is you can easily merge your remove buttons cheat branch with your dev branch and then push the changes to your JIT repository so as soon as it supposed to receive the changes so it will notice amplify console will be noticed we are at the web hook so the environment will start building that so your changes will be then available in the table environment and you can remove this application if you want I'll show you that exact process and you can take that to the next level as well so everyone will have their own feature branch and once they are validated and verified within the team or with your customer you can like merge everything to the dev branch and then once all the tests integration unit UI tests and everything is been passed and you got the parole from the customer then you can send another pull request from dev branch in the JIT to the master branch and then review that PR and merge it so as soon as that's merged the tub will notify the amplifier console hey amplify build the mast app now so this will be your production application so the production will be updated so that is the whole flow so I hope that's clear so let's say now the build deploy stage is now complete I will click on to this so it's remove - buttons so I can use my dev environment credentials login there you go here are my changes the buttons are removed the new message he said it but if I go to my dev environment and see the URL here and sign in so the environment still unaffected and my production environment that may do a refresh they still unaffected so if I want to push my changes in the feature branch to the dev what should I do I will type sheet branch here so I will now check out to tell branch and I'm going to merge my remove underscore buttons branch so it's now merge and I will push my changes to git push origin deal so so as soon as it's pushed a new build will be triggered right here can see in the dev environment then the changes will be replicated to that environment the dev environment is now deployed let me go to my dev environment and refresh it the changes should be propagated to here there we go so it's now updated but the master branch is still not updated so you can now send another pull request from there to master so then the master branch will also be updated okay now I'm moving on to the last part of this crash course so that is adding a custom domain so right now if we look at our application this URL they will must remove buttons right and all these URLs are based on this amplifier opcom and i have this ugly string at the middle as well so probably you don't want to push your production application to this kind of an URL but you want to have a custom URL so in that case you can attach a custom domain to your application so if you go to amplify console right here you should see there's this section called domain management click on domain management and to show the existing domains or the URLs with the corresponding branch so this is it what I can do is again simply click Add domain then it will ask you to okay type in the domain name so at this point if you if you own a domain and can type it right here and start configuring it so at the moment I don't have a domain so let's go to a domain provider you can either go to go ready or you can buy a domain for Amazon route 53 itself or you can use Namecheap or any other domain provider so in my case I'm going to go for a free domain because this is a tutorial free domains just type it in and I find this website interesting dot TK go there and I will log in you can log in with your social provider so I will log in with my gmail account and once you are logged in you can click services and click register a new domain and you can type any domain name in your mind and see if that's available so in my case I will just type my name Manoj Fernando and I have this TK domain available right now so I will click get it now he's checking get selected click checkout and click continue and finally complete order after agreeing click here to get to your client area and you can click services again my domains so this is the newly bought one I early about this one and I attached to a previous application which I will show you in a bit and the new domain click manage domain icon here or the button here and the section called manage free gnome DNS so this is the place that you are going to manage your DNS settings or DNS records rather and here you can select management tools and click name service so right now the domain that I just purchased uses the name servers from these guys so the domain resolution will be handled by these guys so this is another option so if the domain resolution happening from a third-party provider you have to configure cname record that is provided to you from the Amplified console' and at that cname record in your provider and that record will be used by amplified console to verify if this domain is actually owned by you so I'll show you like if I go to amplify here but in my case I wanted all the DNS resolution from AWS itself so i will use route 53 for that matter so in that case I will click services here route 53 and I opened a new tab and once it's opened I will click hosted source so this my dot ml domain but I have just bought another domain Manoj finale TK so I will create that domain as well so the DK domain has been created and that's this name server record so just click on this type and you will see the name service AWS name service rather so what you want to do is if your domain is purchased from a third-party provider you have to copy these name servers into their name server boxes or replacing their name service so I'm going to check this one use custom name service and I will paste each one of these here first one and this is the second one and this is the third one so once this is done all the requests coming on to this domain will be sent to our AWS DNS name service so I will click change name service ok looks all good now what I'll go is I'll go back to my amplifier console and I will type Manos Fernando TK the domain name that I just bought and I click configure domain so it says ok do you want to use the master or the the root domain or the domain apex so you can use that too in my case I will exclude it instead I will map www.ge.com to my master and I will add another dev environment so that is pointing to the dev environment and you might not want to create another one for the future punch because those are like temporary branches so those these two are the main branches in my case so the situation may be change in your cases as well so accordingly you have to choose the domain names and the corresponding branches okay in this case this looks all good to me and I click Save you're they need to go through a process to configuring SSL so it's first create SSL certificate using a CMM a certain certificate manager and this is the DNS record I just talked to you about right so this is this verification DNS record so if you are using route 53 it's going to create it automatically in the route 53 console now I can see there's only two records at the moment if I do a refresh I should see another record there we go the new record is here and also I can see those two environment like they would manage file to Tk and www dot is pointing to the cloud fund distributions Elias names now behind the scene amplify console when doing the web hosting it will create a CloudFront distribution and this is the domain name of that CloudFront distribution so it is basically proxying any request coming to devadatta environment they would monitor Fahrenheit or TK to that cloud front so from the cloud front it will use the behaviors or the behavior path matching to map to the corresponding history bucket and corresponding resources now this all looks good and you can see the configuration is passed part is also done now there's this cell verification and afterwards it will activate your domain so this is going to be taking some time so it says it if it takes longer than 8 hours contact amplify if not it will resolve within an hour or so so I'm not going to wait I will show you already configured application so that's why I have this old application aw amplify console demo application here right now and I have configured new domain over the manage file dot ml domain earlier I bought tea carries ml as soon as the wizard is complete it will automatically be activated to order me to help do anything and then you just have to use this URL and directly via via website so that's simple okay guys so this is what I want to show you in this crash course obviously there are a lot of parts that we didn't cover for example we didn't cover how to use environment variables how to use access control but we covered some basics at this crash course I hope this has been valuable to you so if you like this type of videos put a like and subscribe to my channel and let me know what you think about it and thank you very much for your time I'll see you in another video thanks
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Views: 8,986
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Keywords: AWS Tutorials, Serverless Computing, AWS Architecture, Cloud Tutorials, Amazon Web Services, Cloud tutorials for beginners, Cloud Computing, AWS Cloud, Crash Course, Amplify Console, Amplify AWS, amplify aws react, continuous deployment, Crash Course AWS, AWS Amplify Console, aws amplify, aws tutorial, aws tutorial for beginners, aws training, serverless, aws amplify tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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