What is Amazon EC2? (Part 1) | AWS Training

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hello and welcome back in this video we are going to continue our introduction to AWS this time talking specifically about ec2 again I want to reiterate that here we are providing a high-level introduction to amazon web services using oversimplification of concepts for the purpose of providing a frame of reference for you to move forward so if you have not watched any of the previous videos I just want to make this point very clear and that the concepts that I am sharing and the way that I'm talking about these AWS resources is in a very oversimplified fashion and this is only to provide a frame of reference and a general understanding of these concepts so that as you take more advanced courses it will be easier for you to absorb and understand the more technical aspects related to these items so as promised in the previous video here we're going to dive into Netflix and understand how Netflix uses AWS resources such as ec2 RDS and Amazon s3 to power their website now I'm using Netflix because it is probably one of the most well known websites in the world and I assume that most of you either have a Netflix account use Netflix on a regular basis or at least somewhat aware of what Netflix is but if you aren't just understand that Netflix is probably right now the world's number one provider of video content streaming video content and they are AWS is number one customer or user of cloud resources now specifically how Netflix utilizes and uses AWS again this is a drastic oversimplification of how Netflix actually uses AWS they use a lot more than just these three services so as mentioned earlier in this particular video we're going to talk specifically about Amazon ec2 so right now let's just get rid of those other two and focus specifically on Amazon ec2 and what ec2 is so Amazon ec2 is short for elastic cloud compute but don't worry about remembering that right now all you need to know is conceptually what ec2 is and what it does so when you talk about ec2 what I want you to do is just think about a basic computer that's basically what ec2 is it's the virtual equivalent of the computer that is currently sitting in front of you again that is a drast ever simple ocation but in terms of the concept that's essentially what it is so what does a basic computer have right it has a CPU for processing power and operating system in AWS this case either Linux or Windows it has a hard drive or local storage a network card how it can access the Internet as a firewall for security and RAM to access and run programs however in terms of AWS I don't want you to actually think about a base computer I want you to think about a server computer because generally AWS is used by enterprise companies and generally they are using these computers of these compute power as servers so now I want to introduce another piece of cloud terminology called instance so a lot of times in AWS an ec2 server will be referred to as an ec2 instance so you will hear terms like provision and easy to instance or spin up an ec2 instance so if you hear instance just think server when you hear instance or server just think ec2 and if that is still a little unclear to you you can always just think about ec2 as a basic computer right it just has these components and then you can do with it whatever you would like so now how does Netflix specifically use ec2 so when you go to WWF Lex comm you come to their home page and you would see something that looks exactly like this so in essence what the Amazon ec2 instance is doing is is acting as a server or a web hosting server so when you go to WWF Lex calm as a user so you're here you have an internet connection you go to WWF Lex calm you are in essence connecting to an Amazon ec2 instance which is currently serving as a web host server and that easy to instance contains all the files and the code to give you this page so that is one of the main features and functions of Amazon ec2 instance in the world of Netflix or in most of the Internet as a whole is it acts as a web hosting server it contains all of the files and code needed to display a web page to any particular user that visits their site ok so again let's quickly recap I want you to think of ec2 as a virtual computer that you can use for whatever you like one of the common uses of that is as a web hosting server also we introduced the cloud term instance which is another way of referring to an ec2 server so what's next next we're going to talk about what happens when you actually go to sign in and put your credentials into Netflix com so with that we will conclude this video thank you for watching you may now move on
Channel: Linux Academy
Views: 118,951
Rating: 4.865942 out of 5
Keywords: understand ec2, aws concepts, what is ec2, ec2 explained, ec2 amazon web service, ec2 tutorial, aws ec2 tutorial, EC2, Amazon EC2, aws ec2, amazon ec2 tutorial, AWS, Amazon Web Services, Elastic Compute Cloud, Education, Training, Beginner, Linux Academy, Cloud Computing, Cloud, LinuxAcademy.com, aws tutorial for beginners, ec2 easy, ec2 understood
Id: izyqJPl9wW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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