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Cloud computing is at the cusp of technological advancement. And when you talk about cloud computing it cannot shy away without mentioning Amazon web services (AWS), which is one of the leading cloud service providers in the market. If you are looking for a career in this domain you have landed at the right place Edureka brings you a complete course on Amazon web services, which not only touches upon the fundamental but also die. It's deeper at a conceptual level. So let us take a look at the offerings of this session first. We would start with the fundamentals of cloud computing and Amazon web services moving on we will talk about the core services that Amazon web services has to offer to you. The first domain is the compute domain where we would be exploring services like ec2. Elastic Beanstalk and Lambda moving on. We'll talk about this storage domain where we'll be exploring services like S3 EFS and Next in line is the networking domain where we'll be talking about services like VPC Route 53 Etc. Then could be talking about management and monitoring services like Cloud watch cloudformation load balances Etc moving on you take a look at Cloud security and take a look at services. Like I am Etc then the database part where we'll be exploring services like Amazon redshift. Once we are done with the core Services, we will be also discussing develops on AWS where we will be talking about AWS services like aw score pipeline, aw score commit Etc. Now that the devops part and the core part of AWS is over. We can also switch to the career part where we'd be discussing some numbers like jobs friends salaries Etc and would also take a look at the roles and responsibilities. And what are the kind of things that you should know when you talk about making a career in this particular Dome? So before we get started, feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the latest updates on the trending Technologies. Firstly let's understand why Cloud to understand this we need to understand the situation that existed before Cloud came into existence. So what happened back then and firstly in order to host a website you have to buy a stack of servers and we all know that servers are very costly. So that meant we ended up paying a lot of money next was the issue of traffic now as we all know if you are hosting a website we are dealing with traffic that is not constant throughout the day and that meant more pain we would understand that as we move further. And the other thing was monitoring and maintaining your servers. Yes. This is a very big problem now all these issues. They led to certain disadvantages. What are those as I mentioned servers are very costly. Yes. The setup was again costly and thus you ended up being a lot of money and there were other factors contributing to this point. Let's discuss those as well. One troubleshooting was a big issue since you're dealing with a business your Prime Focus is on taking good decisions so that you have Business does well, but if you end up troubleshooting problems or you focus more on infrastructure related issues, then you cannot focus more on your business and that was a problem. So either you had to do multitasking or you have to hire more people to focus on those issues thus again you ended up being more money as I've discussed the traffic on a website is never constant. And since it varies you are not certain about its patterns. Say, for example, I need to host a website and for that what I decided is I am reserving. To petabytes of total memory for my usage based on the traffic but as the traffic where is there would be times when the traffic is high and my whole to petabytes of data is consumed or space is consumed Roger, but what if the traffic is very low for certain hours of the day. I'm actually not utilizing these servers. So I end up paying more money for the servers than I should be. So yes upscaling was an issue. So all these things were an issue because we were paying more money. We do not have sufficient time to Take our decisions properly. There was ambiguity. There was more trouble monitoring and maintaining all these resources and apart from that one important point which we need to consider is the amount of data that is being generated now and that was being generated then then it was okay, but nowadays if you take a look at it the amount of data that is generated is huge and this is another reason why Cloud became so important as of mentioned the data now, we all know that everything is going online these days and what that means is we shop online. And we buy food online. We do almost everything that is required as an whatever information we need. We get everything online bookings and reservations. Everything can be taken care of that means we have a lot of data that is being generated these days and this is Digital Data back in those times. We were communicating through verbal discussions and all those things so through paperwork and that was a different data to maintain since everything is moving on cloud or moving online the amount of data that we have is used these days. Days, and then when you have this huge amount of data, you need a space where you can actually go ahead and maintain this data. So yes again, there was a need of this piece and all these issues that is your cost. You're monitoring your maintenance providing sufficient space. Everything was taken care by Cloud. So let us try to understand what this cloud is exactly. Well think of it as a huge space that is available online for your usage. Now. This is a very generic definition to give you to be more specific. I would be seeing that. Think of it as a collection of data centers now data centers again at a place where you store your data or you host applications basically, so when you talk about these data centers, they were already existing. So what did Cloud do differently? Well, what cloud did was it made sure that you are able to orchestrate your various functionings applications managing your resources properly by combining all these data centers together through a network and then providing you the the control to use this resources and to manage them properly to make it even more simpler. I would say there was a group of people or organizations. Basically that went ahead and what these servers these compute capacities storage places compute services and all those things and they have their own channel or Network. All you have to do was go ahead and rent those resources only to the amount you need it and also for the time that you needed. So yes, this is what cloud did It let you rent the services that you need and use only those services that you need. So you ended up paying for the services that you rented and you ended up saving a lot of money. The other thing is these service providers. They take care of all the issues like your security your underlying infrastructures and all those things. So you can freely focus on your business and stop worrying about all these issues. So this is what cloud is in simple words. It's a huge space which has all these services available and you can just go ahead and pick and read. And those services that you want to use so what is cloud computing? Well, I've already discussed that just to summarize it I would say it is nothing but an ability or it is a place where you can actually store your data. You can process it and you can access it from anywhere in the world. Now. This is an important Point say for example, you decide to choose a reason for infrastructure somewhere in u.s. You can certain maybe China or maybe in India and you can still have access to all your resources that is there in u.s. All you need is a good And a connection so that is what cloud does it makes the world accessible it lets you have your applications wherever you want to and manage them the way you want to next we would be discussing different service models. Now you need to understand one thing you are being offered cloud services the platform to use your services or your applications basically, but then different people have different requirements. There are certain people who just want to consume a particular resource or there's certain people who actually want to to go ahead and create their own applications great the own infrastructure and all those things. So based on these needs we have particular service models that is your Cloud providers provide you with a particular model which suits your needs. So let us try to understand these models one by one we have these three models that is your iaas your paas and your saas. I would be discussing them in the reverse order. That is I would be talking about saas first and then I would go upwards so let us start. Saas, or SAS SAS is nothing but a software-as-a-service. Now what happens here is basically you're just consuming a service which is already being maintained and handled by someone else to give you a valid example. We have a Gmail. All you do is you send mail to people and you receive mails and whatever functionality you do is you just use the service that is there. You do not have to maintain it. You do not have to worry about up scaling down scalings security issues and all those things. Everything is taken care by Google say for example, you are Gmail is what I'm talking about Google manages everything here. So all you have to worry about is consuming that service now this model is known as software as a service that is saas. Next we have passed that is platform as a service now here you are provided with a platform where you can actually go ahead and build your own applications to give you an example. We have our Google app engine. Now when you talk about Google app engine, what you can do is you can go ahead. You can create your own applications and you can put it on Google app engine so that others can use it as well. So in short you're using the app platform to create your own applications, and lastly we have iaas that is infrastructure as a service. Now. What do I mean by this? Well, the whole infrastructure is provided to you so that you can go ahead and create your own applications. That is an underlying structure is given to you based on that. You can go ahead and choose your operating systems the kind of Technology on to use on that platform the applications you want to build an All those things so that is what an iaas is infrastructure-as-a-service basically, so these were the different models that I wanted to talk about. Now. This is the architecture that gives you a clear depiction as in what happens as far as the service models are concerned. Now, you have something called as your sass now here as you see all you're doing is you're consuming your data, that's it or using it. Everything else is managed by your vendor. That is your applications runtime middleware OS virtualization servers Network. Everything as far as your past is concerned your data and applications are taken care by you. That is you can go ahead you can build your own applications. You can use the existing platform that is provided to you. And finally you have your iaas. Now what happens here is only the basic part that is your networking storage servers and virtualization is managed by your vendor deciding what middleware OS runtime applications and data that resides on your end. You have to manage all these things that is you are just given a box of car. For example people or maybe parts of car you go ahead and you fix it. And you use it for your own sake that is what iaas is to give you another example think of it as eating a pizza. Now there are various ways of doing that one you order it online you sit at home you order the pizza. It comes to your place you consume it that is more of your saas. That is software as a service. You just consume the service. Next is a platform as a service. Now when I say platform as a service you can think of it as going to a hotel and eating a pizza. Say, for example, I go They have the infrastructure as in I have tables chairs. I have to go sit just order the pizza. It is given to me. I consume it and I come back home and iaas. Now. This is where you go ahead and make your own pizza. You have the infrastructure you buy it from somewhere or whatever it is. You use your pizza. You put it in our new put spices all those things. Can you eat it now? This is the difference between these three services. So let us move further and discuss the next topic. That is the different deployment models that are there now when you talk about deployment models you can also call All them as different types of clouds that are there in the market we have these three types. That is your public Cloud your private cloud and your hybrid Cloud. Let us try to understand these one by one now as the name suggests the public Cloud it's available to everyone you have a service provider who makes these services or these resources available to people worldwide through the internet. It is an easy and very inexpensive way of dealing with the situation because all you have to do is you have to go ahead and rent this cloud and you're good to you. And it is available publicly. Next we have the private Cloud. Now. This is a little different here. You are provided with this service and you can actually go ahead and create your own applications. And since it's a private Cloud you are protected by a firewall and you do not have to worry about various other issues that are there at hand and next. We have our hybrid Cloud now, it is a combination of your private cloud and your public Cloud say, for example, you can go ahead and build your applications privately you can use them. You can consume them you can use them efficiently. When you sense that peak in your traffic. You can actually move it to public that is you can move it to the public cloud and even others can have access to it and they can use it. So these are the three basic deployment models that are there for your exposure or your usage rather and you can go ahead and use those as well. I hope this was clear to all of you. So let us move further and try to understand the next topic that is different Cloud providers that are there in the market now as I've mentioned what happened was since Cloud came into existence. Quite a few people went ahead and they bought their own infrastructure and now they rent the services to other people and when you talk about this infrastructure the quite a few people out there who are actually providing these cloud services to different people across the globe. Now, when you talk about these Cloud providers, the first thing that should come to your mind is Amazon web services because it is highly popular and it leaves other Cloud providers way behind. The reason I'm saying this is the numbers that talk about Amazon web services to You an example if you talk about its compute capacity. It is six times larger than all the other service providers that are there in the market say for example, if you talk about the other service providers in the market, if the compute capacity combined was X Amazon web services alone gives you a capacity of 6 x which is huge apart from that. It's flexible pricing and various other reasons. That is the services it provides and all those things. It is rightly a global leader and the fact that it had a head start. It started way before many other services that are there in the market. It actually gained popularity. And now we see quite a few organizations going ahead and using Amazon web services apart from that. We have Microsoft Azure, which is a Microsoft product and we all know that when Microsoft decides to do something they expect that they kill all the competition that is there in the market. It is still not in terms with Amazon web services or few other service providers that are then the market but not very neck to neck but it is probably the second best when you talk about Amazon web. Services or the cloud service providers in the market? So yep. It has a lot of catching up to do when you compare it with Amazon web services, but it is still a very good cloud service provider that is there in the market. Then we have something called as Google Cloud platform again a very good cloud provider in the market. Now, why am I saying this? We all know the infrastructure that Google has to offer to you it has one of the best search engine that is then the market and the amount of data they deal with every day is huge. So they are the Pioneers when you talk about Data and all those things and they know how to actually handle this amount of data and how to have an infrastructure that is very good. That is why they have a very good facility and that leads to it being one of the cheapest service providers in the market. Yes. There are certain features that DCB offers which are better. Even than Amazon web services when you talk about its pricing and the reason for it is it has various other services that are there water does is it helps you optimize various costs how it uses analytics and various other ways by which it can optimize the amount of power you use and that leads to less usage of power. And since you are paying less for power that is provided as a paying less for power you end up paying less for your services as well. So that is why it is so cost efficient. Then the other service providers that is we have digital ocean. We have to remark we have IBM which is again very popular, but that is a discussion for some other time. As far as these service providers go. These are the major ones that as we have Amazon web services we Microsoft Azure, we have DCP which are talked about a lot. This was about the basic Cloud providers and the basic intro which I wanted you all to have. I hope you all are clear with whatever Concepts we've discussed in time. Let's try to understand a little more about AWS. Well, it is a complete software suit or a cloud service provider, which is highly secure. It provides you with various compute storage database and a number of other services, which we would be discussing. Discussing in further slides as well. And when you talk about the market it is the best and it has various reasons to be the best in the market one being its flexibility its scalability and its pricing other reasons being its compute capacity now, why is it so important to compute capacity? Well, if you talk about the compute capacity, you need to understand one thing if you take all the other cloud service providers in the market and you combine the compute capacity that is your layout AWS and you take all others into consideration this Is would be somewhere equal to say x and if you compare it with AWS, it is 6X. So AWS has more compute capacity, which is six times more than all the other service providers that are there in the market. So that is a huge amount. So these are the reasons that make a database one of the best in the market and let's try to find out what are the other reasons about aw that make it so good. What are the services features and its uses basically, so I would be discussing some use cases now. Now if you are talking about a manufacturing organization now, the main focus is to manufacture Goods, but most of the businesses they focus so much on various other services are practices that need to be taken care of that. They cannot focus on the manufacturing goal of this is where aw steps--and it takes care of all the it infrastructure and management. That means businesses are free to focus on manufacturing and they can actually go ahead and expand a lot architecture Consulting now, the main concern is prototyping and During a dove is takes care of both the issues it lets you have automated or speed up rendering as far as prototyping is concerned and that is why architectural business benefit a lot when you talk about using AWS or any cloud provider but AWS being the best in the market again, the services are the best media company now as far as a media company goes the main concern is generating content and the place to dump it out to store it again, aw takes care of all these situations or both these situations. Large Enterprises when you talk about large Enterprises their reach is worldwide, so they have to reach the customers and the employees globally or across different places. So AWS gives you that option because it has a global architecture and your research can be very wide as far as these points are concerned the advantages of AWS as I mentioned. I won't say advantages exactly. I would say features as well flexibility. Now as far as AWS is concerned it is highly flexible now the The reasons to support it and one of the major reasons is it's very cost-effective. Let us try to understand these two points together other now when you talk about flexibility, the first concern you should have is you are dealing with big organizations. They have a lot of data that needs to be managed deployed and taken care of now when you talk about a cloud provider if it is flexible, all these things are taken care of the second thing is it is highly cost-effective now when I say cost-effective AWS takes care of almost every aspect. Aspect if you are a beginner or a learner, they have something called as a free tier. That means you have sufficient resources to use for free and that too for one long year stood have sufficient Hands-On without paying anything plus it has something called as pay-as-you-go model now when I say pay as you go model what it does is it charges you only for the services which are using and only for the time being you're using them again that lets you scale up nicely and hence you end up paying very less since you are being very less. And since you have so many options when you are actually buying it Services what that does is that gives you a lot of flexibility scalability again, the first two points are related to this point. Now, how is that when I say scalability what happens is as I mentioned it is very affordable. So you're paying on a daily basis if you're using a particular service for one hour you'll be paying it only for one hour. That is how flexible it is. And what that does is that gives you a freedom to scale up and even scale down since it Is easy to scale up? It is always advisable that you start with less and then scale as for your needs plus they're quite a few services that are there which can be automatically schedule. Now what that means is you would be using them only when there is an up time and in down time you can miss those get automatically shut down so you do not have to worry about that as well. So when you talk about scalability scaling up and down is very easy as far as AWS course security again are now security has been a topic of debate when you talk about What cloud services especially but AWS puts all those questions to rest. It has great security mechanism. Plus it provides you with various compliance programs that again help you take care of security and when you talk about real-time Security even that is taken care of you can take care of all the suspicious activities that are there and not uaw's takes care of all those things and you're let free to focus on your business rather. So these are the advantages which I feel that AWS adds value to and apart from that the quite a few other points like we have automatic scheduling which I just mentioned you have various integrated apis. Now these apis that are available in different programming languages and that makes it architecture really very strong to switch from one programming language to another so these are some of the features I feel that make AWS a wonderful wonderful service provider in the market. So let's move further and try to understand other things as far as database is concerned. It's Global architecture when you talk about a double usage of mentioned it is the best service provider in the market. So what X ews this popular. One of the reasons is its architecture now when I talk about its architecture, it is very widely spread and it covers almost every area that needs to be covered. So let's try to understand how it works. Exactly. Well if you talk about AWS architecture now, the architecture is divided into two major parts that is Regions and availability zones. Now when you talk about the regions and availability zones reasons are nothing but different locations across the world where they have there. Various data centers put up now. As far as one region goes it might have more than one Data Center and these data centers are known as availability Zone. You being a consumer or an individual you can actually access or access these Services by sitting anywhere in the world to give you an example. If I'm sitting in some part of the world say, for example, I am in Japan right now. I can actually have access to the services or data centers that are there in u.s. Right now. So that is how it works. You can choose your region. Accordingly you can pick your availability zones and use those so you do not have to worry about anything to throw some more light on it. You can take a look at this small map which is the global map and it shows the different places which has its regions and availability zones. Now as far as this map goes, I believe it's fairly old and it has been upgraded in recent times because AWS is putting a lot of effort to have more data centers or more availability zones as far as there. Wide reach is concerned and we can expect some in China as well. So yes, they are actually reaching for and white. So when you talk about these regions and availability zones, if you take a look at this map what you can see is you have your reason which is an orange color. And the number that is inside. It is the number of availability zones that they has to be now to give you an example. We have São Paulo, which says that it has three availability zones, so that is how it is and the ones that are in the green Are the ones which are coming soon are the regions that are in progress and some of these have actually gone. I hadn't already started or have been made available to people. So yes, this is how the architecture works and this is how the database architecture looks like. Okay, so let's move further and take a look at the next concept domains of AWS. When you talk about its domains. The first domain that we are going to discuss is compute. And when you talk about compute the first thing that should come to your mind is easy to have a nice easy to it is elastic Cloud compute and what it does is it lets you have a resizable compute capacity. It's more of a raw server where you can host a website and it is a clean slate. Now. What do I mean by this? Say for example, you go ahead and buy a laptop. It is a clean device where you can have your own OS you can choose which OS you want and all those things accordingly. Your ec2 is again a clean slate and you can do so many things with it. Now next you have elastic Beanstalk with lets you deploy your various applications on AWS. And the only thing you need to know about this thing is you do not have to worry about the underlying architecture now, it is very similar to your ec2. And the only difference between the two is as far as your elastic Beanstalk is Concern you can think of it as something that has predefined libraries. Whereas your ec2 is a clean slate when I say predefined libraries say, for example, you want to use Java as far as easy to goes. Now. This is just an example. Don't take it literally will have to say for example, install everything from the beginning and start fresh. But as far as your elastic Beanstalk is concerned it has this predefined libraries and you can just go ahead and use those because there's an underlying Sighing architecture, which is defined. Let me say it again. I just give you an example don't take these sentences literally so next we have migration when you talk about migration, you need to understand one thing AWS has a global architecture and there would be a requirement for migration. And what aw does is it lets you have physical migration as well. That means you can physically move your data to the data center. Which you desire now, why do we need to do that? Say, for example, I am sending an email. Somebody I can do that through internet, but imagine if I have to give somebody a movie. So instead of sending it online. I can actually go ahead and give it to someone if that person is means reachable for me and that way it would be more better for me. My data remains secure and so many other things so same is with data migration as well. And when you talk about AWS, it has something called as snowball which actually lets you move this data physically now, it's a storage service and it actually helps you in migration a lot security. And compliance now when you talk about security, we have various services. Like I have I am we have KMS now when I say I am it is nothing but your identification and authentication management tool. We have KMS which lets you actually go ahead and create your own public and private keys and that helps you keep your system secure the quite a few other services as well, but I would be mentioning one or two services from each domain because as we move further in future sessions, we would be discussing each of these services in detail and that is when I would be throwing a lot more Done these topics for now. I would be giving you one or two examples and because I want you all to understand these to some extent getting into details of all these things would be too heavy for you people because the quite a few domains and quite a few services that we need to cover and as we move further definitely we would be covering all those services in detail. Then we have storage now when I talk about storage again AWS has quite a few services to offer to you. We have something called as your S3 now s38 works as a bucket object kind of a thing. Your storage place is called as a bucket and your object which you store in nothing, but your files now these objects have to be stored in their food files which act as the buckets basically and then we have something called as your cloudfront which is nothing but your content delivery Network. We have something called as Glacier. Now when you talk about Glacier you can think of it as a place where you can store archives because it is highly affordable next. We have networking when you talk about networking. We have services like VPC. Direct Connect Route 53, which is a DNS a when I say VPC it is a virtual Network which actually lets you move or launcher resources. That is your AWS resources. Basically when you talk about Direct Connect, you can think of it as a least internet connection which can be used with an AWS next on this list. We have something called as messaging. Yes AWS Usher's secured messaging and the quite a few applications to take care of that as well. We have something called as Cloud trial we have opsworks all these things there. Help you in messaging or communicating with other parties basically databases now storage and databases are similar, but you have to understand one difference when you talk about your storage that is where you store your executable files. So that is the difference between the two and when you talk about databases, we have something called as your Aurora, which is something which is very sql-like and it lets you perform various SQL options at a very faster rate and what Amazon claims has it is five times faster than What aeschylus? So yes, when you talk about Aurora again a great service to have we also have something called as Dynamo DB which is a non relational dbms. When you talk about non relational dbms, I won't be discussing that but this helps you in dealing with various unstructured data sources as well. Next on this list. We have the last domain that is the management tools. Now when you talk about management tools, we have something called as cloudwatch, which is a monitoring tool and it lets you set alarms and all those Those things hopefully today when we are done with the demo part you'd be having at least one part of your cloudwatch code because we would be creating alarms using Cloud was today. So stay tuned for that as well. So this is about AWS and it's Basics as in the points, which we just discussed that as what it is its use has its advantages its domain its Global architecture. So you guys what I've done is I've gone ahead and I've switched into my AWS account. The first thing you need to understand is what AWS does is it offers you a free tier now while I was talking about these things I just rush through it because I know that I was going to give you a demo on these things. So and I wanted to discuss this thing in detail. Now when you talk about AWS, if you are a beginner, this is where you start now, what aw does is it provides you with its free tier which is accessible to you for Twelve months and the quite a few Services which we just discussed which are available to you for free. And when I say free the certain limitations on it as in these many hours is what you can use it for and this is the amount of memory or storage you can use in total and all those things and its capacity and everything based on that you have different instances, which you can create an all those things. Now. What aw is does is it gives you these services for free? And as long as you stay in the limits that AWS has set you won't be charged anything. And trust me when it is for learning purposes that is more than enough and let's quickly go ahead and take a look at these Services first and then there are few other points, which I would like to discuss as well. But firstly the free tier services and say this is what it has to offer to you 12 months of free and always free products when you talk about easy to which is one of its most popular compute Services 750 ours and that is per month. Next you have Amazon quick site, which gives you 1 GB of spice capacity. Now I won't get into the details of these things as an what spice capacity is and all those things when you have time, I would suggest that you go ahead and explore these things as in what do these things do today? We are going to focus more on the easy to part. So for now, let's quickly take a look at these one by one first Amazon RDS, which is again, which gives you send 50 hours of your T, 2 micro instance Amazon S3, which is a storage which again gives you 5 GB of standard storage and it w is Lambda 1 million free request. So there's some of the videos here actually which would introduce you to these things that would help you get started with how to creating an account and all those things and this is the other important point which I would like to mention. When you do create an AWS account. The first thing you need to consider as they would be asking you for your credit card details. So how does the login process work firstly you go there you doing your email ID and your basic details as in why do you want to use it and all those things next? What it would do is just to verify your account. And it would ask you for your credit card details, even the debit card details work. I've actually tried those so you can go ahead and give you a credit card or debit card details. And when you do that what it does is it subtracts a very small amount from your account. I did this in India, and I know that I was charged to rupees which is fairly less and that was again refunded back to me in two to three working days. The only reason they cut those two rupees was just for the verification purpose that my account is up and running and I am a legitimate user. Now as long as you stay in the limits, you won't be charged anything. But if you do cross those limits, you'll be charged. Are you might be worried as an what? If I do cross the limit would I be charged? Yes, you would be but the fact is you actually won't go beyond it. And even if you do you'll be notified seeing that you are going about the limit or about the limit. Even when your free subscription ends. You are notified saying that do you want to enter your billing details? And do you want to start billing and if you say yes only then would be charged for the subsequent. Months and that is a very stringent process. You don't have to worry about it. That is you won't be losing out on any money as long as you follow these rules. So if you do not have an account my suggestion would be you go ahead. You would log into AWS and create your free tier account which has a very easy and two to three step process. So guys, I would start this session by talking about what is an instance would understand. What is AWS ec2 service which is core for us. Standing instances in AWS. Then we'll talk about different types of ec2 instances would understand how instance pricing models work and we'll take a look at a use case which would be followed by a demo that walks you through all the stuff that we have talked about. So it is a fairly good content and a lot of stuff to study today. So as let us just quickly move further and take a look at these things one by one. So first and foremost guys, we would be talking about an instance. So when you talk about an instance, we have this definition here. Let's try and understand what does this definition has to say first and then probably I would throw in some light on that. So as far as this definition goes it says and instance is nothing but a virtual server for running applications on Amazon ec2. It can also be understood like a tiny part of a larger computer a tiny part which has its own Hardware network connection operating system. Cetera, but it is actually virtual in nature. So there are a lot of words here and a lot of stuff has been said, let me try and simplify this particular definition for you people. So guys when I say a virtual server running on your application not on your application virtual server that basically hosts our application is what I should say. So what do I mean by this? What do I mean by a virtual instance a virtual presence of a particular device? Well guys when you talk about software development elopement application development. What you do is you are supposed to build an applications and run those on servers right? But at times there are a lot of constraints like the space that you use the resources that you want to use say for example, certain applications run on Windows certain run on Mac OS and certain run on your Ubuntu OS right? So in that case, I cannot always go ahead and have different systems and different operating systems on them and then run my applications on top of that right because it is time consuming. Stu and also consumes a lot of money that you invest into it. So what is the solution for that? What if I could have a single device and on top of which I could create virtual compartments in which I could store my data differently store my applications run my applications differently. Wouldn't that be nice? Well, when you talk about an instance, that is what it exactly does you can think of it as a tiny part of a computer. Well, that is what it is time to symbolize. I mean you have a system on top of which. You can run different applications and how it works is if you are running an application a in part 1 and running an application B in Part B of your server these applications have a feeling that they are running individually on that system and there is no other system running on top of it. So this is what virtualization is. It creates a virtual environment for your application to run and one such instance of this virtual environment is called as an instance. So when you talk about virtualization, it is not something that is very complicated. As you can see in the first image. You can see a man surrounded by various virtual images something that you see in an Iron Man movie. When you talk about virtualization, it is very simple. It can be a simple computer which is shared by different people and those people are working quite independently on that server. That is what virtualization is that is what an instances in this image the second image each All of this individual would be using a different instance. So this is what an instance is when you talk about virtualization. So guys, let us move further and take a look at some other pointers. Now we understood what an instances what virtualization is to some extent at least guys. As far as the session goes. I believe this information is enough. If you wish to know more about virtualization, you can visit our YouTube channel and take a look at VMware tutorial. It talks about this particular Topic in a More detail. So let's let us move further and try to understand easy to now now easy to as an Amazon web services compute service. It stands for elastic compute Cloud. Now, what do I mean by this? When you say an elastic Cloud compute? That means basically it is a service with lets you actually go ahead and Carry Out computation practice and when I say elastic it means that it is fairly resizable and fairly reusable. Once we get into the demo part probably you'd get a better picture. What do I mean by elasticity? Because it is highly flexible highly scalable. It is very cost efficient and it serves a lot of purposes. Now. These are some of the features that I just mentioned right? Let me throw in some more light on these pointers as well. What do I mean by scalable now when you talk about a cloud platform one of its best features is it gives you high amount of scalability? That means your applications can scale up. Down depending upon the data that you want to use on top of it. So if the traffic increases more you need more performance. So your application should be able to scale to those needs, right? So that is what cloud computing provides you with and that is what ec2 also provides you with when I say an instance. Basically, what you're doing is you're launching a virtual machine. It is called as instance in terms of AWS. So this virtual machine should be scalable. That means it should scale up and scale down both in terms of memory. A storage and even in terms of the computation that it is providing. So when you talk about easy to it is highly scalable. Once we get into the demo part you would see this now it being scalable and it being cost-efficient makes it highly flexible. So that is the third Point. Let us try and understand the second Point as well. What makes easy to cost efficient when you talk about cost optimization. What easy to does is it lets you scale up and down I just mention that right so instead of buying Number of instances or instead of buying a number of services you can actually go ahead and scale this instance up and down with minimal cost changes. So you're saving money because apart from that there are burstable instances. There are various pricing models that ec2 boasts of using which you can actually save a lot of money as we move further. We'd be talking about those models as well. So meanwhile, just bear with me so easy to well it is a service which is a computation service and it takes care of Of following pointers. I mean it is easily resizable. It is cost efficient. It is highly scalable and all these features make it highly flexible as well. So guys, let us move further and take a look at some other pointers as well. So what are the types of instances now when you talk about easy to it is one of the oldest AWS services. So if you talk about the type of instances that are there in the market. Well, there are quite a few types of instances that you can deal with and these are some of the popular ones Once I move into the demo part, I would maybe talk about other instances but to keep it simple basically these instances they have different families. I mean, you have the T Series you have the M series The cseries. Well, basically these series consists of different kind of instances that serve different purposes to simplify this process. What AWS has done is it has gone ahead and categorized these instances into following types. The first one is your general purpose instance. Now it is basically suited for applications that require a balance of performance and cost that means places where you require quick responses, but it is still cost-effective. I mean say for example the example shown here email response systems. Now you require a quick response and there will be n number of responses or n number of emails that would pop in but you do not want to pay a lot of money for this kind of service. So in this case you need cost optimization as well and you need Quick response as well. So this is where your general purpose instances come into picture next on this list. You have yard compute instance. Now what a compute instances these are for applications that require a lot of processing. Now when you say computation they have better computation power. That means if there is a lot of data that need quicker computation power you can use these kind of instances. What is an example. You have your analyzing streaming data now if you know, what stream Data is it is the data that continuously flows in and flows out. That means you are streaming the data say for example this session it is being streamed, right? I mean the information or whatever is happening here it is going live. So in order to process this kind of data, you need systems that give you good computation power which are very active and very good in nature. So when you talk about compute instances, they provide you with these kind of services and that is why if you are dealing with streaming data if you wish to analyze this kind of data, Definitely go for compute instances. So next on this list. We have memory instances. Now, what are these instances for? Now? These are the instances that are required for applications that require more memory or in better terms more RAM, right random access memory. So these are for applications that require good computation power again, like the previous one, but when you talk about Ram, it is something that resides in your local system, right? So you need instances. Which have good memory capacity and what kind of application it serves? Well, you can think of applications that need multitasking multi processing say for example, I need a single system that does fetching data for me as well process it for me as well dashboard it for me as well and then gives it to the End customer as well. So these kind of applications require memory instances moving further guys. We have the storage instances as the name suggests. These applications are or these instances are for applications that require. You to store huge amounts of data. Say for example, you have large size applications like your big data applications where the amount of data is used number. So you would be requiring more storage more storage flexibility in that case. You can opt for instances that are specifically optimized for storage kind of requirements. And then you have your GPU instances. If you know what GPU is you would understand what it serves that means if you are interested in graphical kind of work where you have basically A heavy Graphics rendering in that case you can opt for GPU kind of instances which basically help you sir purposes like 3D modeling and stuff like that. So guys, this was about the different kind of instances. Now, let us try and understand what are the different instance pricing models that are out there. So guys when you talk about pricing ec2 or a SS in general, it ensures that you can save a lot of money, but normally what people do is they are under the And that if we just go ahead and take in Cloud probably you would go ahead and save a lot of money. Yes Cloud does support applications in such a way that you would spend very less amount but it involves a lot of planning guys. So each time you use a particular service. It is very important to understand. How does that particular service work? And if you actually plan in the services in that manner you would actually end up saving a lot of money. So let us try and understand how the pricing models work when you talk about it. See two in particular. So Guys. These are some of the pricing models that easy to has to offer to you. You have your on demand dedicated on the spot and reserved instances. Now, let me try and simplify what these instances are. And what do I mean by these now when you say an on-demand instance as the name suggests, it is an instance that you demand and you get it. Now these instances are made available to you for a limited time frame say for example, I need a particular instance for an hourly basis. So I would be wanting to use that instance for only that Eurasian. So to use that instance for that particular duration. What I do is I actually go ahead and demand this instance. So a tub - would give me that instance but it would work for an are only so my prices for that instance would be fixed on that manner. I mean the fact that I would be using it for one instance or for an one are basically so I would be charged only for that one hour. And once that are is complete that instance it gets Terminated on its own it's similar to renting a flat for one month suppose if I move to a new city and I'm looking something temporary say, for example, I'm looking for a hostel or a paying guest kind of a living system. Right? So in that case, what I would do is I would upfront go and tell the owner that I would be staying here for a month. You can charge me for a month only if it is 1000 more than normal charge. It is fine. But once the month is over, I would like to leave right so that kind of service or that kind of instance. Demand is called as on-demand instances basically dedicated now Guys. These instances are kind of given to a particular organization so that their security is defined better than other say for example, if I need to protect my data, I need my data to be privatized Now understand this thing AWS or the other Cloud platforms are highly secure. Your data is secure no matter whether they are on dedicated instance or not. But what happens is you normally share your Space with someone else data remains private but there are companies that deal with highly confidential data. And in that case they want that extra Assurance as an okay. I am using a space which is not shared by anyone. So in that case you have dedicated instances, which basically serve your needs like high security and basically an isolation from the other vendors as well. So that is what dedicated instances do they are costlier. But yeah, they give you that isolation on spot. Now guys, when I say A non spot instance, it is like bidding say for example, I am buying a particular share. So I have a particular budget right so I might have a budget of $300. So what I do is I go ahead and buy the chair and I sat in a cap as an okay to the max I can bid for $300 for the share. So if the price goes above 300 dollars, I'm not taking that share right? So if there is a particular instance you can bid for that instance as an okay. This is the maximum price that I pay for this. Ernst so if that instance is available at that price it is given to you and if after a particular duration the price of this instance can change so it is available to you for a limited period of time. So if you are dealing with data that is volatile and you want to work on the data in real-time, so you cannot for this instance because after a while the price of this instance might change and this instance might be terminated and you might not be able to use it for a longer while but the thing it does is it is available to you at a cheaper price? And at the pricing bit that you put on it, so that is why it is more affordable. But again, it is good for volatile data only finally you have the reserved instance. It is like renting an apartment on a lease for a longer period right? I mean suppose if I am getting a flat on an agreement will basis where I sign an agreement for a year. That means I am reserving this flat for one complete year, right? So nobody else in comments say that okay, you have to vacate this. A flat right so that is one benefit. And the other thing is you have a fixed set of rent. So if you're taking something for a longer duration, there is a chance that you might end up paying lesser money for that as well. Now what happens here is when you talk about it from the instance perspective suppose, you know that you would be needing this much configuration for this duration. You can rent that particular instance for that duration, and probably you end up saving a lot of money now when you talk about AWS it gives you Latif where you can actually go ahead and upscale downscale your instances to your needs. You can kinda terminate stuff and move to the next up. But if you are certain about certain things as an okay, I have to use this no matter what happens for a longer duration in that case. You can offer reserved kind of instances and those are more affordable to you. So Guys, these were different types of instances based on the pricing that is there. Now. We have talked about General cluster ization of instances, like the general-purpose the GPU that was based on They're functioning, right then we learned about the pricing models as well. Now. There is one more type that we need to understand or one more classification that we need to understand. Let us try and take a look at those as well. So we are classifying instances based on that General functioning. Now, what do I mean by this? Well, these are the types. Let us take a look at those one by one first. So when I say burstable instance, we've talked about general purpose instances, right? So what happens is there is a category of General. But was instances with start with a base utilization power available to you. That means if you want to utilize your CPU for a certain amount burstable instances are good here. Let me throw in some more light as in what am I talking about? Exactly suppose. I need a CPU utilization of 20% And I know that so I can go for burstable instances. What they do is they start with the functioning of 20% but in case if I'm dealing with data that It is not constant that might change with time say for example, if my website experiences more traffic, so I might need more performance. Right? So in that case what burstable instances do is they burst out of their current performance 200% CPU utilization so that you can get more performance. Now what happens here is you are charged a particular amount for these instances and you have certain credits for which you can use the burst people performance and if you do not use the bustable. Performance those credits can be used later as well. So you are getting optimize performance as well. And you are saving some money as well in case if there is an urgent traffic that you experience you have something called as EBS optimized now when you talk about EBS optimized now, these are the applications where basically you are processing data at a higher speed. Say for example, there is some application where the data is flowing in continuously. So I need quick response, right? So EBS backed up or EBS optimized instances. What they do is they give you high input output processing and that is why these are good instances to art for these situations cluster networking. Basically, they form clusters of instances now a particular cluster what it does is it serves one kind of purpose say for example in my application. What I want is I have different sections and in different sections my first section requires To be processing data at a faster rate. The other one. I wanted to be storage optimized so I can Define different clusters of instances that serve different purposes here. And then I have the dedicated one. We've already talked about dedicated one. It is more related to the data security part. So Guys, these were the different types of instances. I know I've talked about a lot of stuff once we get into the demo part probably this would ease up a little more for you people. I believe you people are with me and you are following this session. So guys now let us move further and take a look at the use case so that we can just move further and take a look at the demo part as well for this use case. I've considered a derecho itself. Let us try and understand what could be the possible problems that can be solved by using these instances. Now imagine that if it is Erica used AWS as their Cloud partner and they used the ec2 service. So what kind of problems could be solved by these instances that we just talked about suppose we have the first problem where you have To analyze the data of the customer. So what kind of application would you use? Can you guess that for me? I won't be looking at your answers. Let me just quickly go ahead and give you other examples as well so that we can discuss these one by one suppose. You also have an auto responsible system now compare these two and let me know which one would you believe would be served better by these instances that we've just talked about. So when you talk about the performance here guys when you talk about analysis of data for the customers data, it is never Went right at times the data is used at times it is less. So in this case, I would need burstable performs. So my general purpose burstable performance instances would serve me better right auto response email system. I need quick response, but I do not want to invest a lot of money EBS optimized instances with iops would help me better search engine and browsing. I believe it is fairly clear. I'm talking about browsing and search engine to different things I want to do I would be opting for Stud Network instances, right and confidential data. Well, I would be opting for the dedicated instances here. So guys, this was a very simple use case. So let us move into the demo part and try and understand ec2 a little more shall we so guys what I've done is I've gone ahead and I've signed into my AWS Management console. Please forgive me guys. I have a lot of gold today and that is why my voice is little Jiggly and echoing. So I hope you people are not offended by that moving further. The guys this is the AWS Management console. You can sign in to AWS free tier account and probably Avail these Services you can practice a lot of stuff by signing into your free tier account. How do you do that? Just go ahead and look for a SS free tier and sign in with your credit card or debit card. You won't be charged you have these services for free for one complete year and you can practice most of the services that are there. There is some free tier limit on these services. So check the upper cap as in what those limits are so that you Get charged. So guys this is how the console looks like. We are going to go ahead and learn about easy to hear. That is the instant service in AWS. So let's search for ec2. And you would be redirected to this page guys. Now when you talk about ec2, there are a lot of things that you can do. You have Amazon Marketplace where you have am eyes, I will tell you. What am I is our do not worry you can just go ahead and launch our instances. You can attach volume to it. You can detach volume storage from these instances. And when I say am I is those are Amazon machine image has that means once you create an instance, you can create an image of that instance as well. That means a template of that instance as Suppose you have certain applications running on top of that instance certain specific settings that you've done for those instance and you do not want to do those settings again. And again, you can create images of that instances as well. So let us see what all we can do with these instances. So let us first launch an instance. So guys, once you click on that launch instance button, you would be given a number of options to choose from you can launch Linux instances Ubuntu instances Windows instances. And you can choose the EBS backed up non-abs backed up. So there are a lot of choices when you actually go ahead and launch these instances. You can see this Ubuntu Red Hat Microsoft Windows and there are specific instances specialized in deep learning some of our service specification. You can see that there are quite a few instances, but ensure that if you are practicing choose the free tier eligible one for now, I'm going to go ahead and launch a simple Windows instance. Let's not get into the Ubuntu one because Request a petition to sign for that. So let us not do that. So guys once you click on launch an instance, you can see that you are redirected to this page. Now if you take a look at the information here, it talks a lot. Now. This instance is general purpose. We've discussed the other families, right? This is one. This one is T 2 micro there are t 2 T 3 micro and medium and bigger instances as well. The size is very guys the Tito micro one is free tier eligible. You have t to Nano you have small right? So you have me do Another large instances as well. So when you say a microphone, it has 1 V CPU and one gigabyte of memory instant storage. It is EBS backed up and what kind of network performance it gives you low to moderate. So I would say configure further. These are some configuration details what network it is following what subnet ID. It is falling that means it falls under the cloud Network guys. That means your Cloud would have a network and under that Network lies are instance so that it's accessible. SS policies security policies can be managed. So let it be basic for now. Let us move further. Storage now guys, this is the storage it is your route storage and 30 GB of space. You can change it if you want say a hundred but let us take 2 34 now and guys you can see these are the types. You have a general purpose. You have your provisioned magnetic now, there is one more type of instance guys. That is HDD kind of an instance, but guys when you talk about root storage, you cannot attach HDD to it, right because route storage is something that is constantly Constant, if you wish to have HDD kind of storage it has to be attached secondary. So if I add new volume here, you can see and if I search for this now, it gives me an option of cold HDD, right? So that is what guys I mean in order to have this kind of HD kind of a volume you need to use secondary storage for it. So let us cancel this for now and just go ahead and say next you can add in tags guys for the Simplicity of namesake say for example sample today and let's just say next Security Group guys Security Group. What do I mean by this? Well, basically you have set of policies as in who gets to access. What kind of traffic do you want to your instance? What kind of traffic do you want to flow out of your instance so you can create a security group and you can use customized as well when you create one this type is RDP. That means it can allow traffic from a desktop or a remote desktop app and through which I can log. To my system I can add other rules as well. I can add PCP HTTP kind of rules. And these are the port ranges you can specify those for now. I'm allowing traffic from everywhere through our DP and I can say review and launch improve your security it says but this is a basic one guys, you can add in more rules as I've already mentioned. So let's not do that. Let's say launch generate a key pair now a key pair is something that lets you log into your instance. It is a double security for your Instance you do not want your instance to be left insecure. Right? So in that case, you need to generate a key pair. You can use an existing one or you can create a new one as well. So let's just say that I want to create a new key pair. So I say create and let us say Vishal 3 4 1 2 1 and let's just say download. So guys once you download this instance, what you do is and protects cut it from here and I'm going to go ahead and paste this instance to the desktop guys and let's just say paste. Here it is. So the reason I'm doing this is because basically we would be needing this thing is if you lose this key there is no other way to explain. Is your instant so make sure you keep it safe and I say lunch. So guys now this process it takes a minute or two to go ahead and launch our instance. So meanwhile you'd have to bear with me. So what happens is once you do actually go ahead and launch this instance. It involves a couple of steps like basically it does some Security checks some status checks and while these statistics happen, it takes a minute or two and once the instances up and ready we can actually go ahead and take a look at this instance. So meanwhile guys what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and take to the ec2 part Now there are three instances that are running guys. Now, this is somebody else's account. So there are quite a few other instances that are running you can see that there must be some instance here which basically is initializing. So this is the one that we are going to use. This is the ID. Let's not remember that we know that this is getting initialized. So as these are the other instances this one is start. Let us take a look at this instance as well to understand as an what happens. So Guys, these are the options that I have right? You can actually go ahead and get the password. You can create a template for your instance. What you can also do is you can start stop. Now. This instance is already stopped. So you do not have these options that has stops. He Burnett and reboot you can start this instance and probably you can go ahead and do that. Now when you stop an instance if you want to actually make a snapshot you want to take snapshots you want to create Amazon machine image is out of it. What you do is you stop that instance so that you prevent any activity from happening. In that instance so that you can take an exact snap of it. So that is why you stopped an instance when you wish to do these kind of operations. Once you start it again, you can make it function normally at it was functioning. If you are done using an instance, you can terminate it there and there guys, so these are the options instance setting. Okay. So as these are the options you can add tags to it. You can attach replace. I am rules that is access management policies guys. So you have a user access management. Here you can attach roles to it as well. You can change the instance type guys you can click on it and you can go ahead and do that. You can change it to higher versions as well. Now, why do you need to do this suppose? I am experiencing a particular traffic and my instance supports that need but if I move further and future, I need to cater more traffic. What do I do in that case in that case guys? I can actually go ahead and update it to a larger version unlike your other applications. You are on-premise infrastructure. Where you have to actually go ahead and have new servers you data on top of it here. What you do is you just click on this thing and it happens in a couple of seconds. You are instance gets optimized or upscale to a better lever. And that is why it is highly scalable because what you can also do is you can change termination protection of this is for data security suppose. If I am using a particular instance, and in that case, I accidentally deleted my data would be lost. Right? So what this Does is it changes or turns my termination protection on that means if I have to delete this instance? I have to get into the instance. I have to change the policy and then delete it. I mean I cannot delete it unknowingly, right? So that is why this service helps now while talking about these things guys are instance is up and ready. Let us just launch it. I say connect. And it says download remote desktop file the RDP path that I talked about right and I need to get in my password as well guys to login. How do I do that? I click here. I choose the file for that. I'm gonna go to the desktop. I'm going to scroll down. There is a file called as Vishal. I open it and I decrypt it and there you go guys. My password is here. I can just copy it. So if this is copied I can launch this. Remote desktop file. It would ask me for the password. I would say take this and okay. Do you want to login and securely? Yes. And guys a Windows instance would be launched. It is just like your Windows operating system, but it is running on my existing system guys. They can see personalized settings. It is setting up personalized setting for me and in half a minute maybe in 10 seconds. My Windows app would be up and running. So just like my Windows device. I have one more Windows device so I can do something in this device and something else in my normal Windows device as well guys. So this is what you are. Instance does it basically creates an instance of word Sewell machine for you to work on I Believe by Navi one understood. What a virtual machine is. So guys we are done with this part. So let us just use it for now. Let us see if there is anything else that we need to talk about now, if I come back here I've mentioned that you can take snapshots, right? So these are am is what am I is it is an image basically so I can actually go ahead and launch an Emi for an instance that I already have. I can create an image of it. There is a volume here. So my instances are EBS backed up right? So there is a block storage attached to it. Can I add another storage to it? Yes, I can remove the previous storage and attach a different storage to it. Say for example, this is the store is that I have with me if I click on it and I will go into actions. I can create a A short out of it. Once I create a snapshot out of it. I can attach it to the existing instance. So we just launched an instance, right? So if I want to replace the volume that is already attached to it. What I do is I actually go ahead and detach the volume that is already attached. So I would be stopping my instance First Once I stopped the instance. I can come to the volume assume that this volume is attached to some instance. So I need to detach it from here and the snapshot that I've already created. Or if I have created one, I can select that and I can attach that to the existing instance. All I have to do is I have to go ahead and create an image here. Once I create an image it would ask me. What can I do with it? I would ask me to actually go ahead and given the region in which the instance was created. Now my instance that I just used was created in a particular region. I'm working in Ohio reason for now. What do I mean by these regions? Well, basically what Says AWS has different data centers in different regions of the world. So you can choose the reason that is convenient to you that suits your business needs right so I can create instances in those particular regions. So if my instance was in particular region, I need to create a snapshot in that region and then attach that snapshot or that volume to my instance. So guys I Believe by now, you've understood a lot of things you've understood what instances are how to launch those how to create those and how to make those work. So as far as this is Ian goes guys. I wanted to talk about these pointers one more important point that I would like to mention here is make sure that you terminate your instances so that to avoid any charges if there are any now this being a free tier account. I don't think there would be a lot of charges but still I would request you to actually go ahead and terminate the instances even if they don't charge you a lot because that is a good practice because there are certain services that might charge you a lot more guys. So I'm going to terminate my instances the ones that I have created today. So let's just wait a minute and in a minute or two guys, these instances would be terminated from end to end. Today's session is going to be all about AWS Lambda. So without making any further Ado, let's move on to today's agenda to understand what all will be covered today. So we'll start off today's session by discussing the main services in the AWS compute domain after that. We're going to see why AWS Lambda is as a separate service. We're going to discuss what aw is Lambda actually is and then we'll move on to the part where we'll see how you can use a double s Lambda using the AWS sdks once we're done with that I'll teach You guys how you can integrate your SDK with the Eclipse IDE? And in the end we'll be doing a demo. So let me quickly show you guys how we will be using AWS Lambda in today's demonstration. So guys, this is a website that I created which is hosted on the Local Host. Now what this website does is it applauds a file onto the H3 file system now once the file is uploaded. It sends me a mail regarding that now that meal is generated by a SS. I'm not now let me quickly show you how that mail actually looks like so let me upload a file over here. So let file be this I click on open and before uploading image. I will show you my inbox. So as of now, I don't have any As you can see, right. So what I'll do is I'll click on upload image now. It is S3 upload complete. Now. What is this website does is it will upload my file? It will rename the file according to the system time so that there is no conflict in the name of the object. Right? So whatever file that I've uploaded right now will be uploaded on in this bucket. So if I refresh this you can see that there's a file over here, right? So this file has now been renamed, right? Right, and I also have an email over here, which says awacs test, right? So if I click on this email, I can see that I have got a mail from this address saying that an object has been uploaded the name of the object. Is this the size of the object? Is this the bucket name? Is this and it will slash modified on 12/31 UTC right? So let me quickly compare whether this file name is the same. So it's seven four eight and it's a sin for it here as well. Awesome. Now, the next cool thing that you can do over here is you can move this file to some other folder. So all you have to do is you will reply to this mail by saying move you click on send now when I send move to this email address that I have configured in my code what it does is it will basically move this file from this bucket to some other bucket. So let me quickly. Press it and see whether my file has been moved. So as you can see my bucket is now empty now. Let me go back. So basically my file was there in Erica demo now, it will be there in quarantine demo bucket. So as you can see seven four eight file has now been moved to the quarantine demo by simply writing a male over here. It says move so we'll be creating this demo today. Let's move on to the first topic of today's discussion. That is the AWS compute domain. So the main services are under this domain are easy to elastic Beanstalk and AWS Lambda. Now among these three the most important service is easy to so easy to is basically just like a raw server. It is like a personal computer that you're working on remotely, right? So it can install any kind of improv operating system of your choice, which is supported by the AWS infrastructure and then you can use it in any manner as you want. You can configure it to become. A web server. You can configure it to become a worker to your environment anything. Uh, next service is elastic Beanstalk, which is an automated version of ec2. So with the elastic Beanstalk, you don't get the access to the operating system, but you still have a control over the configuration of your system so you can choose what kind of instance you want to launch, right? So elastic Beanstalk is used to deploy an application. So basically you just upload your code and your application is deployed on the AWS infrastructure, right. So this is what elastic Beanstalk is all about. Then we have the AWS Lambda service. So the Lambda service is again an automated version of ec2 wherein you don't get the access to the operating system with the errors Lambda. You don't even have the choice to choose what kind of configuration you want with your server, right? So with either plus Lambda you just have to upload your code and it executes. It's that simple but then why do we have? Have an AWS Lambda service when we have elastic Beanstalk. So let's understand that. So either plus Lambda like a told you guys. It is an automated version of easy to just like elastic Beanstalk, but then with AWS Lambda, you can only execute background tasks, right? You cannot deploy an application. So either plus Lambda is not used to deploy an application. It is used to execute background tasks. Other than that like I told you guys you don't have to choose the Integration and a double s Lambda you don't have to choose what kind of servers you want on depending on your workload. Thus kind of configuration. The server configuration is assigned to you, right? So this is why we use AWS Lambda, but then let's go on to the definition part and see what AWS Lambda actually is. So according to its definition. It's a survivalist compute service because you're not choosing the server's right. You're not choosing what kind of Aggression you want in your server? It's a serverless compute service you just upload your code. And the code is executed. It's that simple right and also like it's mentioned in the definition and I told you guys again again it is used to execute background tasks. It is not used to deploy an application guys. This is the main difference between elastic Beanstalk news12. So as an architect, you should know what the use case is and with service will suit it better. So Moving on now, you've understood what AWS Lambda actually is and why do we use it? Right? So let's move ahead to see how you can use this service. So you can use the service using the software development kits which are provided by AWS. So before moving ahead and understanding how you can use the skills. Let's understand what these kids are all about. So the software development kits are basically apis which are used by developers to connect to the desired service at the wound. So it makes the life of the developer easy because he can now concentrate on the logical part of his application rather than wasting time on understanding how you can connect his code to the service which is there on AWS, right? The other part is that these sdks are used with ID. He's right. So currently we have only two IDs which are supported that is eclipse and visual studio. So today in this session. I'm going to teach you guys. Is how you can connect your SD keys with the Eclipse IDE? So let's do that. So before that we are going to configure or we going to code ra SS and of function in Java, right? And that is the reason we're using Eclipse. Now. First of all, you have to install eclipse on a system. Once you do that. This is the eclipse green guys. This is how your Eclipse dashboard will look like. So for installing ews SDK on your Eclipse, you have to click on Help and then you'll go to install new software. Once you have reached here. You will enter the website name. That is / Eclipse. Once you have entered that just hit enter and it will list you guys all the SDK is which are available all the tools which are available select all the tools and click on finish and then it will take some time to download the SDK, but then it will integrate everything into your And then you'll have a button like this over here. Right? So with this button you can actually deploy a new server which is configured according to AWS. So guys, this is how you install sdks with IDE. Alright guys, so it's time for the demo now enough of theory. So what we'll be doing is where our aim is to create an application which will be uploading our files onto the S3 file system. And what a Lambda function here Willy We'll be doing is so like I told you guys Lambda function basically executes your background task, right so that we don't want to burden server on which the website is hosted in this task. We want some other server to execute this task. What is this task? We basically want to get an email with all the details of the file, which has just been uploaded on the S3 file system. So that email will be sent by the Lambda server now once we get that email if you reply to that email that the file has to be moved Lambda will Pick up that email it will read that email and it will perform the necessary operation. So if we specify move, what will basically do is it will pick that file move it to some other bucket and store it over there. So this is the project that will be doing right now sounds simple right? But let me show you the architecture. Let me explain you what the architecture tells you. So basically this is our website. So what our website we'll be doing is it will be uploading a file onto the S3 file system. At the same time it will also be making an entry into the sqs, which is nothing but a simple queue service which use your data, right? So as soon as your file is uploaded on to S 3 S 3 is bucket is configured in a way to invoke the Lambda function. Now as soon as the Lambda function is invoked now Lambda functions are stateless. They don't know anything about what file you have uploaded or what you have done. You have to feed them information. And that is the reason we have updated the entry in s us or the file which Recently been uploaded right? So what ew is Lambda will do is it will read this queue and we'll get the file name and we'll actually retrieve all the properties from that file name from S3. Now once it has retrieved all the file names all the properties of that file. It'll actually mailed me with using the SES service in AWS the details of that file now once I receive the details of that file, I have an option to reply to that email, right? Now how will I reply to that email is like this. So I will open the email client on my computer and I will reply to that email that email will actually go to that address which is actually pointed to my DNS server and that DNS server will actually redirect that email to SES. Now SES on receiving that email has been configured to invoke the Lambda function that Lambda function will be invoked again. The file will be read from the SQL. That file will be moved to a new bucket and in the end that message will be deleted by ask U s-- now my S us has been configured like this that in case I don't reply to that email within two or three minutes that message will automatically be deleted from the queue. And in that case if you try to move that file, you will not be allowed to do so because that file is no longer available in the cube, hence. You cannot move it, right? So this is what our project. It is going to be all about now. I have already showed you how the project works. So let me quickly delete the project and again show you how it can be configured from scratch right? So give me a moment. All right. So everything is set. Now the first thing that I'll be doing is I'll be configuring my S3 to interact with my Lambda function, right? So what I have not done is I'm not deleted the Lambda function because there's no point. You just have to click next and your function will be created. What matters is the code, so I have uploaded the code in your LMS with the proper documentation. If you have any doubts, you can actually email me regarding the doubt and I'll clear it. You so as an architect, your job will be to act take this architecture. Not the coding. The coding part has to be done by the AWS developer, but it is a good to know knowledge, right? So that is the reason I have uploaded the code for the website and AWS Lambda to your LMS. Okay. So like I said, I have to configure my is 3 so that it can interact with AWS number. Now. My website's code is like this that it will upload the file to a bucket in S3 called either a car. A demo, right? So what we'll be doing is we will be going to the Elder a car demo bucket. Which is here, I click on the dareka demo bucket. I click on properties. I'll click on events and let me delete this event right now. Right? So I will be adding a notification now now let me call this notification as AWS - Lambda right. Now. What I want it to do is whenever the event is a put event that is and upload event. I want it. Send a notification to my Lambda function. So I have to select the Lambda function. So my function should be this one and I will click on Save. Let me check if everything has been filled. Yes. It has let's click on save. All right, so I have one active notifications now now you might get an error over here saying that you don't have sufficient permissions. So if you get that error on the right hand side, you'll have a button called add permissions. Mission just click on that button and everything will open up an automatically basically those permissions are for your Lambda function. Your Lambda function may not have permissions to get notifications from S3. But once you click on that button, you will get the proper notifications automatic. Right? So this is how you will configure your S3 bucket. Now, let's go back to our slide to see what other things we have to do. So we have configured RS3 to invoke a Lambda function once a file is Loaded to S3. Now. A Lambda has already been configured to interact with ses through the code, which is so through the code should be calling the SES service and we'll be living in a meal now the next function or the next thing is to configure SES or before that lets configure our sqs, right? So our sqs is basically a simple queue service. So we have to create a queue in a COS in which our website. It will be uploading of files, right so let's do that. Let's just go back to our dashboard. So this is our dashboard guys and we'll go to the sqs service. Well, click on create new Q fifo queue and that Q has to be named as hello - Lambda. And since it's a fifo queue, you have to give the extension as dot fifo. All is done. Let's click on quick create Cube. Okay, so my Q has now been created and now I have to configure this Q so that whenever the message comes in, it gets automatically deleted after 2 minutes. All right, so let us configure it so Will click on configure q and we set this to two minutes. All right. All is done. Let's click on Save changes. All right. So my Q has also been configured. Let me go back to my slide. Alright, so my sqs has been configured now, so let me configure my SES now now this might be a little tricky. So hang on with me. We'll go back to the dashboard. We'll go to the ACs service. Now first of all in the SES service, you actually have to add the email addresses. Now. How will you add email addresses? You will actually have to verify a new email address. Now you have to verify the recipient as well. So since I want to receive the email from the SES service, I'll have to type in my email address, which is he meant at the rate of the rate during And we have to verify this email address. Now I'll receive a verification email on him and the other a cannot go. So, let me quickly go back click on inbox now. I have got a verification request right? So I'll click on this verification link. Okay. So my email address has now been configured has now been verified. So it says congratulations awesome. So let me go back to my ACS says pending verification. Let me quickly refresh it. All right. So it says verified now now let's go back to our slide. All right, so guys we have configured the recipient of SES. But what about the sender right? So we have to configure the sender as well because and why do we have to configure the sender? And the sender has to be a domain name that you own right? Can you have to own that domain name so that you can send emails via that domain name now what I mean by that is you may say that okay, why not use the recipient address only why not use payment Authority diwaker dotco for sending the email but our application also receives email if you would have noticed right so for receiving the emails through a CSU have to actually own the domain name now since I'm an employee, I don't own any record or go, right? So what I've done is I have actually created a domain name I can get a free domain name. This website it is my dot dot dot TK. You can go in this website and create a domain for yourself for free. So basically you will be getting this domain name free for three months. All right. I am almost from the expiry date. So I might have to renew it. Okay, but since this is a demo, let me quickly show you. All right, so I have actually created this domain name and I can use this domain. Name to send or receive emails. Now what I'll have to do or how do I configure this in my CSS is like this. So you will go to your SES. You see this tab? It says email receiving right? So we will click on rule sets and you'll have to create a new rule said before that. You have to actually verify a domain you basically have to verify that the domain is actually owned by you now how you will do that will click on verify a new domain and you You will give your domain name here, which is any record or TK. Click on verify this domain and you will get these two records over here. Now. Where will you enter these two records is actually in the DNS server. So the domain name Eddie record or TK has to point to a DNS server, right? And in that DNS server, you will be putting in these two records. Now. How will you point any record or TK to a DNS server? So DNS server is basically Route 53 8 so we'll be configuring Route 53 with any record or TJ. Let me show you quickly how you can do that. Let me open my Route 53 service. So this is my Route 53 service. I don't have any host of drones as of now. So let's click on get started now click on create hosted zone. So my domain name is anyway card or DK right? Click on create. All right, so I have created a hosted zone now in my Route 53. Now what I have to do is I'll have to connect this domain to my Route 53 now. How will you do that? You will click on manage domain. And you will click on management tools and you'll click on name servers, right? So these name servers have to be updated with the name servers provided you over here, right? So let me quickly show you so you will copy this paste it here. Remember guys don't include the dot in the end. Otherwise, it will give you an error. So without the dot copy the name server. Right, so I first save to and see if it's working click on change name server. All right says changes saved successfully. All right, so it's saving the server's now. So, let me copy the rest to as well. All right. So I've copied my name servers I click on change name servers and fingers crossed. Okay, so it says changes saved successfully. All right. So my domain name is now pointing to Route 53 awesome. So now in Route 53, I have to include these records now. How will I do that? Let me quickly show you so you go to Route 53 and you will click on create record set now you don't have Prototype anything here just in the type click on MX and in the value. So as you can see, there's a value for m x over here just copy this value and paste it here, right? This is it guys nothing has to be done here. Click on create. Awesome, so I have an MX record now now let's we have to create one more record, sir. And that name has to be like this right? So I'll copy this part paste it here as you can see now. The name is underscore Amazon SES dot Ed u-- a card or TK. And as you can see the name over here is to seem right. So this name has to be the same and the type of value is txt. Select EXT from here and then you have to enter the value. So the value is this enter this value over here and click on create. Awesome. So my Route 53 is now configured to actually Sue actor receive the emails from the Ed Eureka dot t-- k domain cool. So we'll go back to our SES now close it it says pending verification refresh it. Alright, so as you can see my domain name is now verified. All right, so let's just go to the rule sets now. So email receiving we have to configure so I click on view active ruleset. There is no rule sets while create a rule. Now I have to specify a recipient. So let me specify hello at the rate and Eureka door TK, right? I'll click on ADD recipient. So my verification status is verified because my domain name is verified now will click on next step. Now. What action do you want it to do right. So if you receive email on this email-id, what do you want to do? So what we want to do is we want to invoke a Lambda function. Now what Lambda function do you want to invoke? I want to invoke my function to and will click on next step. So everything seems fine will click on Next Step again. So it is ask me the rule name. Let me give the rule name as Lambda - demo. click on next step and click on create rule. Okay, so my rule set has now been enabled awesome. So I have configured my SES as well. So let me go back to my slide. Alright, so I've configured my CS I have configured my Route 53. I've configured my ews Lambda. I have configured my sqs. I have configured my S3. And my website is also configured right so we created a rescue SQ. So we may have to change the url in our code to Let's quickly do that. We'll go back here. Go to the dashboard. click on SQL s Alright, so this is our q and this is a URL. So basically I have named the queue seems so so if you do that sometimes a URL don't change. So let me see if I have to upload the code or not. So I'll go to my Lambda function Handler go to the part where my cue is saved. All right, let me anyway space to Q over here. I think it is the same. Yes. It is the same. Anyways, let us save it. This is my function one. So let me upload the code now. So it's my function and click on finish. Right, so it is uploading the function right now. So meanwhile, let me go to my function to and configure in the queue address, which is this. Paste it here control s save it. And once this process is complete. I will upload this code as well. So while this is uploading, let me change the address in my index file as well. This is my websites index file. So I'll go to the queue URL which is this. I will change it save it and close it. Alright, so my website's address has also been done. Alright, so my code is uploaded for this function. Let me upload the code for function to as well because we are may change upload function to AWS. So it is my function to that is my function to in Lambda click on next. And click on finish. All right, so my code is being uploaded Let's Wait Awhile so that my code gets uploaded and then we can proceed with our demonstration. Alright, so my code has now been uploaded to both my Lambda functions. Now. What I'll do is I will go to my local host website click on refresh. And I will upload a file. So let me go back and see what is there in my bucket right now so that it becomes easier for us to verify that a file has been uploaded. So as of now my bucket is empty. I there's nothing in my editor a car demo bucket and my other bucket is quarantine demo. This is the place where my other file will go right? Let me empty this as well so that we are clear that some Checked has been added. All right, so this bucket has also been cleared. So we'll go to a local host will choose a file. So let's upload some image. So let it be this image, right I click on open and click on upload image. All right, so it says S3 upload complete. All right. So let me check if a file has been added in My riruka Demo bucket. I'll click on refresh. Awesome. So one file has been added and it's called one four. Nine two, five four six zero nine seven. Let me check in my email to let me check if I got an email. So yes, I've got an email. Let me click on it. All right. So this is the name of the file that I got, which is the same right? So, let me see if there is something in my Quarantine demo bucket, so there's nothing there. I'll come back now. I'll reply to this email as move. So this basically means move my file to some of the bucket and I'm replying it to hello either a Teddy Ricardo TK, right? So now we'll hit on send. So my message has been sent to Route 53, which will be sent to ACS which will invoke the Lambda function which will move. My file to the other bucket. So let us check if that is done. So first let us check if I enter a car demo bucket has been emptied so will click on refresh. Alright, so my I do take a bucket has now been emptied. Let's go back and check if something has an ad in my core and tine Emma bucket. Alright guys, so my file has successfully moved to this bucket Let Us verify the name. So this is one phone nine to five four six zero nine seven. Let us check that in the email. So the email that we replied to had then the object name as one phone nine to five four six eight or 7 so this is the same file you guys. All right guys, so we have completed our demonstration successfully. Welcome to the session on elastic Beanstalk a web application hosting platform offered by Amazon. So without any delay, let me give you a brief overview of what we will be discussing today firstly. We will see what elastic Beanstalk exactly is, and then we'll discuss certain. In Salient features of elastic Beanstalk moving on. We'll try to understand elastic Beanstalk a Little Deeper by taking a look at its components and then at its architecture in finally, we'll try to deploy an application on elastic Beanstalk for practical understanding of the concept. So let's get started. What is elastic Beanstalk? If I have going to find elastic Beanstalk and Amazon terminology, then it is a platform as a service where you can deploy your application, which you might have developed with programming languages like Java dotnet PHP node.js and many others on familiar servers such as Apache nginx passenger and Tomcat the definition, which I just mentioned seems to have a lot of technical terms as ended. Well, let's try to figure out what elastic Beanstalk is and simple terms. All right, let's say you Need to build a computer tonight. Well, you have two ways to go at it first. You can go to a computer Warehouse Computer Warehouse is a place where you have different components of computer laid out in front of you like you have CPU motherboards router disk drive models and many other components you can choose which have a component you need and assemble them and form a brand new computer. This is similar to situation when you try to deploy an application without using elastic Beanstalk when you try to develop Application by yourself you will have a list of tasks which you need to do. Like you might have to decide on how powerful you want your ec2 instance to be then you have to choose a suitable storage and infrastructure stack for your application. You might have to install substrate surface for monitoring and security purposes as well moving on to option b, you can always visit an electronic retail store which has pre-configured computers laid out in front of you. Let's say you are a graphic designer and you want a computer which has a modern graphical user interface installed in it. All you have to do is specify this requirement to a salesperson and walk out with a computer of your choice. Well, I personally prefer this option. This is similar to the situation where you're trying to deploy an application using elastic Beanstalk when you use elastic Beanstalk to develop your application. All you have to do is concentrate on your code list of the tasks like installing ec2 instances auto-scaling groups maintaining security and monitoring. Etc is done by elastic Beanstalk. That is the beauty of elastic Beanstalk. So let's go back and take a look at the definition again and see if he'll understand it this time. Well elastic Beanstalk as a platform as a service where developers just have to upload their application load balancing auto-scaling an application Health monitoring or all and it automatically by elastic Beanstalk. Now, let's try to understand how elastic Beanstalk as a platform as a service is beneficial. Vishal to app developer. I'm sure most of you know, what platform as a service has but let's try to refresh what we know platform as a service as a cloud computing service which provides you a platform where you can deploy and host your application elastic Beanstalk makes the process of app development much more fun and less complex and I have five points to prove that to you firstly it offers quicker deployment suppose you're developing an app by yourself. Then you'll have to do a lot of tasks by yourself like you might After decide on ec2 instance choose a suitable storage and infrastructure stock as well as install auto-scaling groups as well. And then you might have to install substrate surface for monitoring and security purposes. Well, this will take quite a lot of time but if you have used platform-as-a-service to develop your app then all you have to do is develop a proper court for your application rest will be handled by platform as a service or elastic Beanstalk in this case, which makes the entire process of app development much more faster. now secondly elastic Beanstalk simplifies entire app development process like the set or developers have to do is concentrate on developing a code for their application rest, like monitoring servers storage networking Etc and managing virtualization operating system databases is done by elastic Beanstalk, which simplifies the entire process for a developer using platform as a service to deploy our application make Center app development process more cost-effective if you're trying to dip By yourself, then you might have to install separate surface for monitoring and security purposes and I'm sure for that you'll have to pay a lot of money extra money. But if you're using an elastic Beanstalk to deploy your application it will provide you all this additional software such as a package and you can avoid paying unnecessary operating costs also elastic Beanstalk offers multi-tenant architecture by that. I mean, it makes it easy for the users to share their application on different devices. And that too with high security when I say high security platform as a service will provide you a detailed report regarding your application usage different people or users who are trying to access your application as well. But this information you can be sure that your application is not under any cyber threat and finally platform as a service provides you an option where you can know if the user who is using your application is getting a better experience out of it or not with platform-as-a-service. You can collect feedback at Seven stages of your app development like during development stage like testing Stage production stage design stage by doing so you will have a report regarding how your application is performing at every level and you can make improvements if needed. So this is how platform as a service like a are an elastic Beanstalk makes it easy for developers to develop an all-around perfect up guys will be able to relate to this point when we try to deploy an application using elastic Beanstalk in the later part of this session. You'll understand. How will a Stick Beanstalk is beneficial to app developer in Marquette. There are quite a lot of application hosting platforms which are providing platform as a service. Let's have a look at few of that. First. We have something called openshift. It is a web hosting platform offered by Red Hat. Then you have Google app engine which we all know ask a lingo at is a platform as a service where you can deploy your application and just do minutes apparently will provide you a production ready environment where all you have to do is deploy your application code. Then you have python anywhere. It doesn't online integrated development platform and web hosting service as well. But based on Python language, then you have elastic Beanstalk offered by Amazon moving on. We have a sure app Services by Microsoft and many others. But today our main focus will be on elastic Beanstalk, which is a web hosting platform offered by Amazon now that you have basic understanding of elastic. Stop, let's go ahead and take a look at few of its features. Mostly all the features are similar to the ones which we discussed earlier, like elastic Beanstalk makes an app development process more faster and simpler for developer moreover. All developer has to do is concentrate on developing code list of the configuration details and managing and monitoring details will be handled by elastic Beanstalk. Also elastic Beanstalk automatically scales up your abs resources, which have been assigned to your uh, Occasion by elastic Beanstalk based on your application specific needs but there is one feature which is specific to elastic Beanstalk suppose. You have deployed an application using elastic Beanstalk, but now you want to make changes to the configurations which have been already assigned to your application by elastic Beanstalk though. Bienstock is a platform as a service. It provides you with an option where you can change the pre-assigned configurations like you do and infrastructure as a service. Well if you remember Member when if you're trying to use infrastructure-as-a-service to deploy an application, you will have full control over AWS resources. Similarly Beanstalk also provides you with full control over your AWS resources and you can have access to the underlying resources at any time. Now, let's try to understand elastic Beanstalk a little deeper first. We'll be discussing few components of elastic Beanstalk, then we'll have a look at its architecture. What we have your first we have something called application suppose you have decided to do a project. So what you do you go ahead and create a separate folder on your personal computer, which is dedicated to your project. Let's say your project needs Apache server SQL database and a platforming software like Eclipse. So you install all the software's and stole them in the folder which is dedicated to your project. So that will be easy for you to access whenever you need all the software's similarly when you try to do deploy an application on elastic Beanstalk Beanstalk will create a separate folder which is dedicated to your application and an aw storms. This folder is what we call an application if I have to Define folder or application in technical terms, then it is a collection of different components like environments your application versions and environment configuration. Let's try to understand each of these components one by one. We have something called application version suppose you have written a code stored. In the file and deployed this coat on elastic Beanstalk and your application has been successfully launched but now you want to make certain changes to the code. So what you do you go ahead and open the file make changes to it save it and then again deployed on elastic Beanstalk elastic Beanstalk again, successfully launches your application. So you have two versions of your application now, it's just a copy of your application code, but with different changes and elastic Beanstalk will provide you with an option where you can upload different versions. As of your application without even deleting the previous ones then we have something called environment environment is a place where you actually run your application when you try to launch and elastic Beanstalk environment Beanstalk starts as ining various AWS resources, like ec2 instances auto-scaling groups load balancer security groups to your application the point which you have to remember is at a single point of time environment can run only a single version of your application. Elastic Beanstalk will provide you with an option where you can create multiple environments for your single application suppose. I want and different environment for different stages of my app. Like I want an environment for development stage one for production stage and one for testing stage. I can go ahead and do that create a different environment for different stages of my application and suppose you have same version or different version of your application installed on all these environments. It's possible to run all this application versions at same time. I hope that was clear. Well, you'll understand them practically when we try to deploy an application in the later part of the session. Then we have something called environment Tire when you try to launch an elastic Beanstalk environment elastic Beanstalk asks you to choose amount to environment tires, which are web server environment. And then you have worker environment. If you want your application to handle HTTP request, then you choose web server environment. And if you want your application to handle background task that is where a work environment comes into picture. Sure, which to choose either web server or work environment and how to work with them when we'll try to deploy an application in later part. And lastly we have something called environment Health based on how your application is running Beanstalk reports the health of your web server environment and it uses different colors to do. So first gay indicates that your environment is currently being updated. Let's say you have installed one version and now you're trying to upload different version. Well, it's taking a lot of time so that time it shows gray color. It means your environment is still under updating process. Then you have green which means that your environment has passed the recent health check. Then you have a low which means that your environment has failed one or more checks and red failed three or more checks moving on. Let's try to understand the architecture of elastic Beanstalk. Like I said early on when you try to launch an elastic Beanstalk environment Beanstalk ask you to choose Was among two different environment tires firstly we have web server environment web server environment usually handles HTTP requests from clients and it has different components firstly we have something called environment. You know, what environment is it's a place where we actually run your application and Beanstalk provide you with an option where you can create multiple environments and the main point is at a point of time this particular environment can run only one version of your application moving on we have Something called elastic load balancer. Let's say your application is receiving a lot of requests. So what elastic load balancer does is it distributes all this request among different ec2 instances so that all the requests are handled and no request is being delayed. What actually happens is when you launch an environment or URL is created and this URL in the form of C name is made to point elastic load balancer senior is nothing but alternate name for your url. So when your application receives requests all these requests are forwarded to elastic load balancer and this load balancer distributes. These requests among ec2 instances of Auto scaling group. Then we have Auto scaling Group Well, if your web server is trying to handle a lot of traffic and it's having a scarcity of ec2 instances, then Auto scaling group automatically installs few easy to instances. Similarly. If traffic is very low, then it automatically terminates under use ec2 instances then we Have ec2 instance. So whenever you try to launch an elastic Beanstalk environment Beanstalk will assign your application with a suitable ec2 instance, but the software stack like the operating system the servers and different software's which are supposed to be installed on your instance are decided by a device called container type. For example, let's say my environment as Apache Tomcat container. So what it does it installs Amazon Linux operating system Apache web server and Tomcat software. Do you see two instance similarly depending on your application requirements it installs different software stack on your ec2 instances. Then we have a software component called host manager which runs on every easy to instance that has been assigned to your application. There is host managers responsible for various tasks firstly it will provide your detailed report regarding performance of your application. Then it provides instant level events. It monitors your application log files as well and it monitors your Datian server, you can view all these metrics log files and create various alarms on cloudwatch monitoring dashboard. Then you have security groups Security Group is like a firewall to your instance. Not anybody can access your instance. It's just for security purposes. So elastic Beanstalk has a default Security Group, which allows client to access your application using Port 80. You can Define more security groups if you need and then elastic Beanstalk also provides you with an option where you can define a security group. All your database for security purposes moving on. We have something called Walker environment. First question that comes to our mind is what is worker. Well suppose your web server has received a request from client. But on the way while it's trying to process the request it has come across tasks which are consuming a lot of resources. I'm taking a lot of time because of which it's quite possible that your web server might deny other request. So what it does it forwards these requests to something called Welcome these worker handles all this stuff. Us on behalf of web server. So basically worker is a process that handles background tasks which are time intensive and resource intensive. And in addition. If you want you can use walker to send email notifications to generate metric reports and clean up databases when needed let's try to understand why we need Walker with the help of you skis, so I have a client he has made a request to a web server and the web server has accepted the request and it starts processing the request but While it's processing the request it comes across the switch are taking a lot of time. Meanwhile, this client has requested or send another request to a web server since web server is still processing the first request it denies second request. So what is the result of this as the performance and the number of requests accepted by a web server will drastically decrease alternatively let's say a client has made a request and your web servers accepted it and it starts processing the request and again, it comes across Stars which are doing a lot of time this time. What it does it transfers or it passes all this task to walk our environment and this work environment will handle all these stars and request one is successfully completed. Meanwhile, if it receives a second request since it has completed processing request one, it will accept requests to I hope the scenario was clear. We'll all we are doing by installing work environment is we are avoiding spending lot of time on single request here. Now, you know what web server environment is and work environment is and why do we need work environment? But there has to be some way so that this web server environment can pass on this task to work environment. Let's see how so you have your web server environment. It has received a request and while processing it as encounter tasks which are taking a lot of time. So what it does it creates and sqs message sqs is a simple to service offered by Amazon and this message is then put into es que es que and the different requests are arranged based on priority in this qsq. Meanwhile when you're trying to install Walker. Environment elastic Beanstalk has installed something called demon. What is demon does it pulls sqs message from Askew and then it sends the Stars to web application, which is running on vodka environment as a result or as a response to spin start application handles all the stars and responds with an HTTP response option. So this is how the entire process of handling tasks transferring and then handling does goes on so you have a client he has made a request to a web server, but the web servers encounter with tasks which are I'm consuming and resource consuming. So it passes this request rescue is Cube. And when you try to install walking environment, there's a demon which pulls out all this messages art us from your rescue. And then this demon sends all the stars to our application application results all the stars and then it responds with a HTTP response option. So this is how your to application communicate I can read was lot of 30. Don't worry. We have arrived at the fun part of session where we'll be trying to deploy an application using elastic Beanstalk hear you by doing or by creating an application on elastic Beanstalk practically, you'll understand different concepts its architecture and different environment tires and all this. So let's go ahead. So this is my area plus Management console. And if you want to take a look at all the services, then you have all the services here, but were mainly concerned with elastic. Up, which have recently used. So it shows that all recently used resources or Services here. So I'm going to choose that elastic Beanstalk and this is my Beanstalk console. If you're trying to deploy an application for first time, this is the page where you land when we scroll down it says that I can deploy an application and three easy steps. All you have to do is select a platform of my choice then upload our application code if I have one or use a sample application code and then run it. Let's see if it's as Easy as it says here, so go ahead and click on create new application option here. It will ask you for application name and description. I'm going to name my application as Tomcat app then description as my new web app. And then I'm going to click on this create option C. When I try to create an application. It has created a separate folder which is dedicated to my application. And in that folder, we have different components as you can see here. I have my environment then I have application versions and if I've saved any configuration, it will show all the saved configurations here. Now. Let's go ahead and create an environment on the right side. You see an actions option and you click on that you get different choices. You can just select the create environment here. So again, it's asking you to choose among two different web environment tires. You have web server environment and work environment in web server environment. Your application handles HTTP requests from clients. Then you have work environment where your application will process background tasks like time intensive and resource consuming task in this demo. I'm going to work only with Observer environment. You can go ahead explore and create work environment. Once you understand how to deploy an application on elastic Beanstalk. So I'm going to click on the select option here. It will take me to a It's bad enough to give a domain name or in technical terms are URL to my application. You can give any URL of your choice and see if it's available. So let's say my Tom app and it see if it's available. It says the domain name is available then description. I'm going to give it a same as before. So my new web app then when I scroll down it asked me for a platform of my choice. There are different options. You have go then you have dotnet Java Ruby PHP node.js python Tomcat. At and if you're trying to deploy an application on the platform, which is not here, you can configure your own platform and deploy turn elastic Beanstalk. It provides an option here. You can see there's in custom platform here. So I'm going to choose Tomcat platform for my application. And since I'm not any kind of developer, I'm just going to go ahead and use the sample application provided by Amazon. But if you have any application code if you have created or develop some code you can store that in a file and upload your it says you can upload your code then you have a zip. You need to convert your file to zip our war file and then upload it here. So I'm going to just select sample application and then click on create an environment here. So it's going to take awhile for elastic Beanstalk to launch my environment though. It's not as much time as it would have taken me to develop entire application by myself while elastic Beanstalk is trying to launch environment. Let's discuss some points or in the earlier part of the session with discuss some benefits of elastic Beanstalk firstly I said that it fast ins your process. Of developing an entire. So it's true. Doesn't it? All I did was select the platform of my choice dress is done by elastic Beanstalk itself. So thereby saving a lot of time similarly it simplifies the process of app development again. All I did was select a platform of my choice like installing easy to instances security groups Auto scaling groups and assigning IP addresses rest is done by elastic Beanstalk. I even mentioned a point where I said that it will provide elastic Beanstalk provides you with an opportunity. And now you can change the present configuration. We'll explore that. Once the environment is created. Let's go ahead and see what elastic Beanstalk is doing. It says that it has created a storage for my environment. Well S3 bucket solar all my files where I have my application code are stored there then test created a security group as well and elastic IP address then it says it's launching an ec2 instance. So you see it's as easy as that. All you have to do is select a platform of your choice rest is Founded by elastic Beanstalk and later on if you're not satisfied. If you want to change some configuration, you can go ahead and do that here. Look at this. This is the IP address which are domain name which are assigned to my up. It says new instance has been added and in addition it showing each task while it's doing Isn't that cool? You'll know what your environment is currently doing. So it's still taking a while. So it says it has installed and added instance to my application and my environment has been We launched it is finished almost all the tasks. It should have taken to environment page now. So this is my environment page or you can see our dashboard first. You have environment healthier. It says green. It means that my environment has successfully passed the health check then it shows the sample version of your application since I've used the sample application and saying sample application here since I've chosen Tomcat as my platform. It has installed suitable infrastructure stacked like Amazon Linux and you have Java 8 aiming language. Let's go ahead and explore this page first. We have something called configuration here. Like I said, though, it is a platform as a service. It provides you with an option value can change configuration. So you will have full control of your resources first. We have something called instances here. When I click on modify option, you can see that elastic Beanstalk has assigned micro instance to our application if I want I can go ahead and change it to different instance based on my application requirement scrolling down. I have cloudwatch monitoring. If I want detailed monitoring, then I can go for one minute if I want basic monitoring or not. So detailed monitoring then I can choose five minutes here. Then I have an option of resigning storage to my application as well at says we have magnetic storage general purpose and provision. Iops as well. When we scroll down again. We see different security groups. I can just click on that and the security group will be added to my application. So once you've made the changes you can click on apply option or do I haven't made any changes. I'm just going to click here. So now elastic Beanstalk is trying to update my environment. So it's showing gray color here. If you recollect a mentioned during the earlier part that grey indicates. My environment is being updated. Okay, let's go back to configurations. We did have a look at instances. Then you have something called capacity apparently elastic Beanstalk is design a single instance to my application. If I want I can go ahead and change to auto-scaling groups. You have an option called load balance so you can click on that here and you can set the minimum and maximum number of instances that your auto scaling. Group can install as well then if you have chosen a load balancer option earlier than a load balance would have been enabled here. Then we have monitoring details which provides you with two options enhanced monitoring and basic monitoring and when we scroll down you can see a streaming to cloudwatch logs option here. So if you want your log files, you can view them on cloudwatch dashboard as well. You can set the retention period according to your choice and suppose you want your application for some private purpose. Then you can create a generate a private VPC for you. Your application similarly, you can add or decrease the amount of storage as well. So by explaining all this what I want to say is your hands are not tied you can make changes to configurations. If you want. Then we have logs option. If you want to have a look at the last 10 lines of your log files, then you have an option. It says last hundred line. Sorry lost a hundred lines then if you want full log files, then you click on that do provide you a file and download format. You can just download it. Then we have health option here where it provides health. You are a cc sources basically shows ec2 instance here. It says it's been 7 minutes or six minutes since my ec2 instance has been installed. Then you have monitoring where it shows different monitoring details like CPU utilization Network in network out. If you want you can go ahead and create an alarm with alarm option here suppose you want notifications to be sent to you when the CPU utilization or when the number of ec2 instances are scarce in your auto scaling group. Then you have events here events basically are nothing but it's a list of things which has happened since you started launching an environment when I go down it says we have seen earlier on the black screen the same things are applied your so it says create an environment starting then we saw that AC to instance has been installed security groups elastic IP address. So basically it shows all the events that has happened from the time elastic Beanstalk has started to launch our environment and till the time you terminated the environment. So that's it. Then you have tag files. You can assign different key values as well. Let's go back. This is a sample application, which I've tried to use not let me try to upload and deploy a new application version here. Okay, I'm gonna go to documentation here. I'm interested with elastic Beanstalk. I'm going to select on that and then develop a guide click on getting started on when you scroll down on deploy a new application Virginia based on your sample application. You have different versions of your application since I've selected a tomcat is my platform. I have a tomcat zip file. You're a boy. Already downloaded that so I'm gonna just going to upload the file then so let's go back and it says upload and deploy but let's go back to our folder. Then there's an application versions option here. So it gives you deploy and upload option separately here. I'm just going to upload first then we'll deployed version label new version and upload the file. I have it here zip file. I'm just going to attach the file and then click on upload optional. The new version of my application has been uploaded but it's not been deployed yet. So when I go Can you can see that I can still see the same version which was there before now? Let's go back and deploy it. Okay. I'm going to select this and then I'm going to click on deploy option and select employer. Let's go back to environment and check so my environment is being updated. So again the gray color here once it's updated as and show the new version name here. It is uploaded. So as you can see it showing the version name of my new version application version. Like I said all your both my application versions. Are there have been deleted any you don't. Have to delete your application versions when you create a new one similarly, you can upload multiple versions of your application going back actions option. Then you have load configuration, which will definitely load your configuration. Then you have saved we can save this configuration suppose. You want to create an application with the same configurations again, you don't have to start from the beginning from creating application environment all that. You can just save the configuration and use for the other application or other environment of your application. Then you can clone your environment as well rebuild and I environment and terminate as well. So here I have saved configuration. If you have saved this configuration the configuration of been listed here and like that conversation. I can use when I'm creating a new environment. Okay, just let's see if have explored all the options environment how well I forgot to show you one most important thing when I click on this URL. It takes me to a page where it shows but my application has been successfully installed. Well, that's it. So now you know how to deploy an application using elastic Beanstalk. Do I have used the sample application? Are you can go ahead and upload a code of yours if you have any and try it out. Well, all the options here seems to be user-friendly so you will know what to do. It seems to be easier process. You'll understand it better when you try to reply an application by yourself. So first and foremost, I would start by talking about what cloud storage exactly is. Then we would move further and understand some of the myths that surround cloud storage but also discuss certain cloud storage practices and would understand how different cloud storage service providers work. Finally, I would finish things off with the demo part where I would be talking about how cloud storage Services work on Amazon web services. So I hope this agenda is clear to you guys. So let's not waste any time and quickly get started then. So what exactly is cloud storage now first and foremost, let me tell you what prompted me to actually go ahead and take this session. Well recently. I had been interviewing and where I asked people what do what did the know about cloud computing and they told me that cloud computing is a place or it is a place online where you actually store data. I went to some extent I agree. Yes cloud computing helps you store data, but that is not the definition on the longer run. So that is why I thought that we should actually go ahead and have this session so that we can discuss some of the myths that surround cloud computing and tout store is in particular. So guys, let's start with a basic definition first. Storage. Well, it is something that is made available in the form of service. Which is connected over a network. So guys this is a very basic definition and the throw some more light. I would like to actually go ahead and given certain examples as well to specify what does this definition mean? But to some point this definition is correct. It says that it is nothing but a storage which is available as a service which is connected over a network now again, you might wonder as in this is what people told me in the interview, right? I mean it is a place where you store data. So yes cloud storage to some extent. Yes. This is what it is. But when you talk about cloud storage it is lot more than this basic definition. Let's try to understand what all this cloud storage exactly has to offer to you people. Well first and foremost as I've already mentioned it is storage it can let you store emails media. Now when I say media you can store in a different kind of media whether it's your images whether it's your videos or maybe other kind of files. It also lets you hold Services as well. Yes. We are living in the world of internet right now and there are various Services websites that are online and this data can be stored by using Cloud platform. and finally I'm sorry guys finally it is nothing but the backup now when I say back up guys, we are talking about large Enterprises that let you back up the data and the using Cloud platform to do that. But again, it's to still holds the same point right? I mean when I say emails Media Services backup for large organizations, I mean it is still a simple storage know now, let me tell you what it does when I say backup for large organizations. We are referring to a lot of pointers here data coming in from different sources. The weight is processed. The weight is integrated and stored into a particular storage how it is handled and what all can you do with it. Now when you talk about a cloud storage, it actually takes care of all these things. That means it's not redundant or a dead storage where you just take your data and put in your data you can think of it as smart data storage. So to understand that let's talk about cloud computing a little so what cloud computing does is it lets you have this data on the platform and it is a platform where it has a number of services that lets you compute or process this data to suit your business needs now, it can be using machine learning Big Data finding out certain patterns using power bi tools or not power bi tools bi tools. And also do a lot of other things like maybe use a cloud platform where the data can be used for marketing purposes, Maybe. I think I owe to Bots and stuff like that. So this is what a cloud computing platform. Does it basically lets you use different sources and use this particular data to do multiple or different kinds of things. So when I say a cloud storage it basically ensures there is a mechanism that in first place it stores data and lets you perform some of the actions that you can actually perform on this data. So as we move further, I would be discussing quite a few pointers that support this claim or this. Definition of mine. So let's just move further and try to understand a little more pointers or some other pointers that talk about cloud storage but to keep it simple. It is a storage that lets you do a lot of things with the data primary reason being storing the data and the other reasons being processing it or managing it also so let's move further and take a look at the next pointer. So what are the myths that surround a cloud storage? Well when you talk about the myths, this is what some people The same that cloud computing is suitable only for large scale organizations know this is not true. Let me give you an example recently. What happened was one of my friends. He actually happen to format his mobile phone and he lost all the images and other data that was there on that phone. So the problem was he never backed that data on any Drive neither on Google Drive or anywhere so he lost the data so he came to us and he told us that this is what happened. So we told him that You should have backed it up. Maybe on Google Drive. So next time he did that and again, he being used to losing his data. He lost his data again. So he again comes up and he's like I've lost the data so we reminded him that he had his data stored on Google Drive. So when you talk about Google drive, it is nothing but an online storage where you actually make a copy of a data, so he made a copy of his data and he could actually get that data back. So when I say cloud storage it gives you a simple application or a simple. That you can actually go ahead and just put in your data just like Google River you can put in your data as well. So it is not limited to large-scale organizations only if even you are a single individual where you just need to store your data, you can use cloud storage. Now, there are there are various cloud service providers that actually meet or cater different cloud computing needs So based on that the cloud storage is might get complicated and might give you more functionality. But even if you need is as basic as storing data, don't worry cloud computing or cloud. Storage is for you as well. Now if you talk about small scale businesses, yes these days the amount of data that is generated is huge. And that is why what happens is even for small scale organizations. You need a place where you can store your data and somebody can manage the data for you so you can focus on your business goals. So this is where cloud storage comes into picture for even small scale businesses as well. So if you ask me, yes last scale organizations are suitable for cloud computing or only large-scale organizations. A suitable for cloud storage. This is a myth. Complexity with cloud guys. Now. What does this term symbolize people normally assume that having that private infrastructure makes it easier for them to actually go ahead and put in your data that is not true. The fact that people are used to certain methods or methodologies. They feel comfortable with it. Whether cloud is complex or not. I would say it is not why because if you get used to certain Services, you would realize that storing or moving a data to cloud is actually lot more easier than Normal infrastructures are your previous or traditional infrastructures is what I would say, so whether cloud is complex, I would say no as we move into the demo part probably we would be talking about this pointer or once I give the demo probably you would have a clearer picture how easy it is to actually move your data to Cloud. Not eco-friendly. Now this might sound out of the blue. I mean you might wonder this is not a sociology session. So where did this point coming from? I mean not eco-friendly. Yes what people assume is the fact that a large amount of data is being stored on these platforms. So we have use amounts or use numbers of data centers which are big in size and they consume a lot of electricity. So there is power wastage electricity wastage. Well, that is a myth again first and foremost the fact that Getting a centralized storage somewhere. That means most of the data would be stored there. So yes, you are automatically saving out on your power consumption when you talk about it from a global or an Eco perspective. The other thing is I would not want to point out a particular cloud service provider. But when you talk about GCB that is Google Cloud platform, then Amelie provide their cloud services at a very affordable price now, why is that? The reason for that is they've actually put in a lot of effort into the research part. Where the researched a lot on how they can actually minimize the cost and how did they do it? They basically ensure that the amount of power that is consumed by the resources. They tried and optimize that amount to a minimum amount so that they are charged less and in a way you are charged less. So if they're optimizing that particular process, obviously you're consuming less amount of electricity. So whether it's eco-friendly definitely it is eco friendly friendly. Zero down time again. There's no such thing as zero downtime. Now the fact that I'm talking about cloud storage does not mean that I tell you that it has zero downtime and you're completely secured know there is a possibility that there might be a downtime the fact that cloud ensures that this downtime is very less. Now. That is a plus Point what loud also does is it ensures that there is disaster recovery and there is always a backup of your data or your resources. So even if something goes down for a very little time and we normally it happens for a very less time if it does happen and it happens very rarely, but even if it happens care is taken that nothing harms your resources or your data. So zero downtime. No that is not true. But definitely downtime is taken care of when you talk about Cloud storages. There is no need of cloud storage. Okay, this is one of the biggest myths whether people agree or not. If you go back like 10 years from now probably people did not know a lot about cloud computing. But with time people are actually moving to cloud and if you take a look at recent statistics, they would agree as well. I mean people would be wanting to switch to cloud in near future. And the reason for that is the quite a few service is quite a few facilities that cloud gives you and that is why people are moving to And if you do move to Cloud, you'll be using cloud storage inevitably. So yes that is going to happen. And if you think that there is no need for cloud storage definitely near future. I would assure you that even you would be moving to Cloud. So Guys, these are some of the major myths there are some other myths as well as we move further not worried. We would be discussing that as well in some other pointers. So let's just go ahead and talk about some of the benefits of using a cloud storage for data storage or basically using Cloud for data storage. So what are the benefits of the signal I purposely kept this pointer for the later half and I first discussed the myth because these pointers would definitely help you understand some of those myths better. Not a cloud platform is customer-friendly. What do I mean by this? Well, first and foremost when you talk about cloud storage, what you're able to do is you're able to scale up your storage scale down your storage keep it secure monitor it and you can ensure that there is constant backup taken of your data. So when you talk about it from a security perspective, it is secure as well plus what cloud service providers do is they've had so many services that In the market you talk about any popular cloud service provider they have lot of services that are made available. What do these services do is they ensure that you're functioning on cloud platform is very smooth and same is for cloud storage as well. You can utilize various Services which ensure that you're functioning or you're working on cloud becomes easy again, which I have been reiterating for a while. Now that I would be talking about these in future slides. Don't worry as we get into the demo part you would and how user-friendly these Cloud platforms are Security now again, this is an important point when you talk about Cloud platforms Cloud storages are they secure or not? Definitely they are very secure and there was a time when people believed that these platforms when not secure to a greater extent and that out was understandable. I mean if there is something that is new in the market you tend to doubt that but if you talk about Cloud platforms these platforms are actually more secure than your on-premise or your traditional. Says which people are used to using the reason for this is if you talk about cloud service providers, let's talk about AWS. That is Amazon web services in this case. What it does is it gives you a shared security model now, what do I mean by this you have service level agreements where you and your customer or maybe the customer and the AWS providers. They basically come to a term where the decide as in what kind of security or what kind of principles are to be implemented on the architecture and you can take control as a new. You can decide what accesses do you want to give to the vendor? And what are the axis is you want to keep to yourself? So when you do combine this approach? It ensures that security is is at the optimum and you get to be or you get to take control of your security as well. So yes, if you talk about cloud storage being secure or not. Yes. It is very secure to name some we have S3 and AWS. It is highly durable and it is highly reliable. So when you talk about disaster recovery and T it is almost up to there and as I've already mentioned not everything is hundred percent when I talked about the downtime or yeah the downtime part so yes, not everything is hundred percent. But when you talk about security and durability when you talk about S3 in particular it is 99 point something six or seven times nine that is 99.999999 times durable. So that does make a system very secure. Another benefit guys. It is pocket-friendly. Now, if you talk about cloud service providers, whether it's storage, whether it's compute service database Services all these Services you can actually go ahead and use these services for rental basis. It's just like paying for electricity. I mean, if you're using a particular service you would be paying for that service for the duration you use that service and you would be paying only for the resources that you've used. So it is pay-as-you-go kind of a model where The only for the resources you use and only for the time duration you use so whether it's pocket friendly or not. Yes. It is pocket friendly. And as you move further, I mean if you are using more storage the cost again, it comes down to a greater extent. So it is already cheaper and if you decide to scale up, it would be more cheaper or it would be cheaper is what I should say. So yeah, these are some of the benefits now if you talk about cloud computing and storage again, there are other benefits like as I've already mentioned durability. Scalability and various other benefits but these are some core ones. I would not want to get into the details because I wish to keep everyone on the same page for people who have been attending this session for the first time and for people who probably know a bit about cloud computing again guys, if some of the terms that I'm talking about in this session you feel that these terms are fairly new for you and I'm probably going at a faster Pace, I would suggest that you actually do go ahead and check into the The sessions that we have on our YouTube channel because we've talked about a lot of stuff there. I mean other cloud services what cloud computing is what cloud service providers are what are different service models and quite a few other videos and sessions to be honest. So I would suggest that you go through those sessions as well. And I'm sure that by now many of you might have been wondering as in whether this session would be recorded and a copy of it would be available to you. People are not not very most of us sessions. They go on you. Boop so probably a copy of it would be there on YouTube. And if not, you can actually share your email IDs as well. If it does not go on YouTube. Somebody would share a copy of the session with you people. So guys if I'm if I'm happening to go a little faster than what you're expecting do not worry you'd be having a copy of this as well. But for now just try to keep up with the pace that I am going with and I'm sure that by the end of the session we all would be good. So guys what are some of the cloud storage practices that you should take care of now? These are the practices that should concern somebody who is planning to move to Cloud again. If you are a newbie and you're just here to practice we are not talking about you in particular but these pointers are important for you as an individual as well. But I'm talking about it from more business business perspective or more industrial perspective. So if your organization is planning to move to Cloud Definitely. These are some of the practices or pointers that you should take care of. So first and foremost scrutinize SLA, so as I've already mentioned you have SLS where your service providers or vendors basically come to a term where you actually go ahead and decide on particular rules as a nugget. These are the terms and these are the services as a vendor. I would be providing you people and you as a customer you agree to certain terms as an okay. This is what you would be giving us. And this is what we would be paying you. So there are certain pointers that you should consider while you are actually signing your essays. That you need to understand is when they say that you would be this is the base charge try to understand how the charges would be when you decide to scale up and stuff like that other thing that you need to consider as I've talked about downtime. Right? So normally you have SLS where people talk about the stuff that there won't be an outage which is more than 10 minutes. So yes, I mean this sounds fairly good right? So in an hour's time, this is a hypothetical example do not consider that there would be a downtime of 10. Minutes, this is for your understanding. Let's assume that there's a downtime of maybe 10 minutes in an hour's time, which is too high for now, but let's assume that so what service provider would claim is if there is a downtime once probably this is what the charge would be. But if it goes down after that probably you get some more consistent discount and those kind of things. So if there is an SLA where you say that it is 10 minutes, What if they were to down times of nine minutes in an hour and that is fairly close, right? So you've been robbed of your right? So that is what I'm trying to say. I mean if you do actually go ahead and have particular SLS make sure that you consider in right points that suit in your business as well. Follow your business needs again guys storage as we move further, we will be discussing what are the different kinds of storage is so when you talk about cloud service providers, they provide UN number of storages or In types of storage is what I should say. So depending upon the business you're dealing with the kind of data that is generated. You should be able to choose a proper storage for your requirements. I mean, whether you're dealing with a real time data, whether it's stationary data archival data based on that you should be able to actually go ahead and set up your cloud storage. Also, you need to understand as an okay. Um, this is the date I would be putting in and these are the Integrations I would be needing because I'm using these kinds of tools. So are those With my cloud platform, so probably you need to consider these pointers as well. And if you follow these rules probably a business would end up saving a lot of money. Now there have been used cases where businesses have actually gone ahead and saved lakhs of dollars thousands of dollars. So yes considering these pointers understanding your business also becomes important. You need to ensure that the security which you are actually managing or monitoring is defined properly. I've already mentioned that if you talk about cloud service providers, they let you have an SLA where you both come to a similar agreement. So understand the security what are the accesses that you have? What are the accesses? You want to give? What kind of data are you dealing with and based on that? Probably you can come to terms when you're actually moving to Cloud. Plan your storage future what we are trying trying to say here is plan the future of your storage again. Do you need to scale up in your future? What are the peak times that we can expect and stuff like that. So when you initially actually set your storage up probably you would be in a much better position to scale up. I'm not refraining from the fact that cloud providers are already scalable, but just to be secure you can do that when you talk about Cloud providers mostly the give you an option of scaling, right? V or instantly but still having an understanding of how much storage you need where you going to move in like two years three years time probably having an understanding of all those things would definitely hold you in a much better position. Be aware of hidden costs again guys have talked about the first SLA, right? So it is similar to that understand what you're paying for. How much are you paying for? It is a pay-as-you-go model but having an understanding of which Services would cost you how much would help you in performing proper essays or having proper policies for your storage. So these are some of the do's and don'ts of cloud storage guys. Again, if you need more insights on different Services as well. We have a video or a session on YouTube which is called as Interviews best practices you can take a look at that as well where we talk about different services and how can you actually perform certain tasks which would ensure that you are in the best possible position. So guys we've talked about quite a few things. We wonder stood what cloud storage is. We were understood what are the benefits what are some of the myths and what are some of the practices that you should take care of now, let's take a look at some of the different cloud service providers that provide you with the services and once we are done with it, then probably we would move into the demo part. So guys the quite a few cloud service providers, which also provide you with storage Services. We have Google cloud platform, which is one of the leading ones digitalocean probably it's everywhere whether you search for Internet ads companies. It's there. Tara Mark again, this is a popular cloud service provider IBM. Is there in storage or in Cloud for a very long time guys now if you go way back I happen to did like I happened to attend a session where I believe it was AWS and some reinvent session where I do not remember the name of the speaker, but that wasn't made a very valid point. He's at that in 1980s. He remembered or he happen to visit a facility. I believe it. As IBM's I'm not sure who's I think it was IBM's so he said that they had this huge machine which was for storage. I mean, it looked very cool in 1980s use machine and it was very costly it was like somewhere around thousands of dollars and the storage space was 4mb. Yes for 4mb, the cost was thousands of dollars. So you can understand how far storage has come how far cloud has come and And yes, IBM, it has been there. I mean it has been there since then. So if you talk about IBM you talk about Google's Cloud platform. These are principal cloud service providers. Then you have Microsoft Azure knife you talk about current market. I mean if you go by the stats alone Microsoft Azure and AWS. These are the leading cloud service providers AWS is way ahead of all the other cloud service providers. I'm so sorry, but if you talk about Mike Soft as your it is actually catching up that Amazon web services and greeson starts show that Microsoft Azure is doing fairly fairly. Well, so yes, these are some of the popular cloud service providers and more or less all of them have good storage Services as well. But as I've already mentioned Amazon web services is one of the best in the market and in today's session, we would be understanding some of the popular cloud service services that Amazon web services has to offer to you and when I say popular Services, I would be focusing on storage Services specifically. So guys, let me switch into the console and we can discuss some of these Services there and directly move into the demo part. So yes guys, I hope this screen is visible to you people. This is how the AWS Management console looks like. So again for people who are completely new to Cloud platform. Let me tell you that what Amazon web services are most of the other cloud service providers do is they give you a free tier account? What they're trying to say here is you come you use our services for free for a short duration of period And if you like then go ahead and buy our services so These services are actually made available to you for free for one complete Year. Yes. There are certain limits or bounds on these services. So if you exceed those limits you would be charged. But if you stay in the bounds or limits, you won't be charged and if you talk about exploring these Services, these limits are free tier services are more than enough. So again guys, if you are completely new you should come here. That is Amazon web services Management console create a free tier account. It is a very simple process. Put in certain details where you work. Why do you want to use these services are basic details and then probably you would have to enter your debit card or credit card details. Don't worry. They won't charge you but this is for the verification purpose. And again, if you're worried about whether you would be charged or an amount would be - from your credit amount that or your credit card that does not happen guys, aw is gives you a notification saying that okay, you've been using these services and probably you might be over using some of your services also you An setting alarms where if you reach a particular limit after that, you can actually go ahead and ensure that there is an alarm so that you do not exceed the free tier limit. So yes, once you do have an account you can Avail all the services that are here guys. So let's just go ahead and take a look at the console a little and just jump into the storage Services right away. So when you click on this icon here storage guys or Services rather you get access to all these Services as I've already mentioned AWS provides you quite a few Services the same room hundred Services guys, and they cover different domains. You can see the domain names at the top computer Vortex analytics business applications storage. You have management and governance security identity management and all those Services guys. So the in number of services whether it's migration whether its Media Services you Services for almost everything so as we would be focusing on the storage Services before we go there. This is one thing probably you can select a region where you want to operate from that is you want to create your resources in this particular region. You can always have this option of using it. So what is the reason guys your data is based in a data center, right? I mean your data is copied somewhere. So if you are using those resources, probably your data would be fetched from that particular location. Asian so you can choose a region probably which is close to you if you like if your business is located somewhere else probably you can choose that region as well. So you need to go through the list of regions that are available and accordingly make a decision. Now this being a simple demo guys, I'm would be sticking up or sticking to Ohio basically. So let's just go ahead and jump into the cloud services part and let's talk about storage in particular. So guys, if you take a look at the storage services that are here you can see that These are the storage services that AWS has to offer to you. We have S3. We have EFS you have FSX you have S3 Glacier storage Gateway an AWS back up. Let me just try and throw some light on some of these services and probably we would just go ahead and get into the demo of one or two of these services at least. So guys, I'm when you talk about S3, it is simple storage service. So that is s now this storage is basically Object bucket kind of a storage. I mean your container where you put in your data where you store your data is called as bucket and your data or your files are basically stored in the form of objects. Let's just go ahead and quickly create a small bucket. This would be a very small introduction to the service. Let's just go ahead and do that. So when you keep on click on this icon guys, that is S3. It redirects you to the S3 console guys where you can actually go ahead and create a bucket. I've mentioned the pointer that there are Don't services that make your job very easy with cloud service providers and when you talk about storage Services, it is no different. I mean there are Services which ensure that your job is fairly easy. So let's just go ahead and see how easy it is to work with S3. If you wish to create a bucket guys, if you wish to create a container, it is very easy. Just go ahead and click on create bucket and give it some name say Sample for today, maybe guys. I'm very bad at naming conventions. But please forgive me for that. Again. The names here should be unique. I mean if the name is taken somewhere else probably you cannot renamed. I mean you cannot use that name again. So yes, and so that your name is unique and probably guys you should try and name your buckets in such a way that those are more relatable say for example, if you have a bucket for maybe creating a particular application, so maybe bucket for that application. And or something like that so that you have a hierarchy and in that way you can assign IM users or access to those buckets in a particular order because you would not want all your users to have access to that bucket. Right? So naming convention becomes very important. So just go ahead and say next. Keep all the virgin's guys versioning becomes very important again. Let's not get into the details. But let me give you a small idea what happens here versions. That means each time of buckets get updated. Probably I would want to version or a copy of it and I would want the latest one. So when I was on it, it maintains those copies and if I need to go back I can actually go back to a particular level or a benchmark, which I set the previous time in this case. Let's stick to basic one and I'd not want any logging details either. So just next. Again, guys, there are certain Public Access has which have been given so permissions and access we would talk about that not worry for now just say next and I would say create a bucket. And guys the bucket is already ready. I'm in my container is already ready so I can just go ahead and probably open this bucket and put in a file if I want and that was very easy guys. I say upload and if I'm connected to my local system, I just say add files. Let's pick this random file, which uses this name and I see upload. And there you go guys the file is already there. I mean, we've created a bucket a container will put in a files. It's as simple as that permissions as I've already mentioned now, let me talk about this point. I skip this point, right? So let's discuss this a little so guys security something that you can handle. So you would decide or you need to decide what are the users that need to access a particular bucket suppose. Your organization has different people working on different different teams. I mean you have somebody who is a developer. There's somebody who's working on maybe The administrative part on maybe on the designing part. So for particular bucket, you have particular data so you can decide who gets to access what so setting in policies becomes important. You can create your own policies as well initially. We saw that certain Public Access is restricted to this bucket. I said, let's skip it skip that for now. So when I say that Public Access is restricted, that means not any public policy can come in and dictate terms are saying that use this policy why because There is a restriction. This is a private bucket and not anyone can use it. So guys when you talk about S3 in particular, you can create buckets you can have backups. You can have your EBS backups also moved here. You can have your you can move your data from here to Glacier. We would be talking about they should not worry. You can have your elastic Beanstalk applications your past applications and the data can be stored in your S3 buckets. You can have your CI CD pipelines and the data can be moved again to the S3 bucket. Now, this is highly durable and highly reliable. It's of storing data and it gives you fast retrieval of data as well. Let's go ahead and try to understand some other services as well guys. So when I come back here and I cefs elastic file storage or system browser. So here basically in this storage you can store files. Yes. We are talking about data that is in the form of files. And if you wish to connect it better with the network you can go for EFS as well because then you have something called as S3 Glacier. Yes. We talked about S3 right where data is. Is durable and it can be accessed very quickly S3 on the other hand lets you store archival data. Let me tell you what archival data is first. So guys when you talk about archival data, basically what happens with archival data is you're dealing with data that you do not need to use every day. Let me give you an analogy. I'm not sure whether you'd be able to relate to that. So guys, I'm your birth certificate now, I belong to India and we've been taking A lot but we still have a lot of data that is in the form of papers. Even if you go to hospitals attempt to request for a birth certificate. It might take days for you to get that birth certificate. Why because there is some person who will be going through all those documents and giving you that document. This is just an example. Do not relate it like very seriously. But yeah, so it might take a couple of days, right so and the birth certificate thing. I mean, I might not need birth certificate every day. It might be once-in-a-decade that I might go to a hospital and probably request that particular birth. Ticket, right? So this is a kind of data probably which had not need regularly or in real time. So I can compromise a little on the fact that if the person is giving me that data in two days time. It's okay because that does not cost me anything. I can wait for two days maybe but that's not the case at times you need the data to be retrieved very quickly. So if that is the case you should store it where in S3, but if you're fine with this delay, probably you would want to store it in Glacier. Why? These are normally takes a longer while to retrieve your data, but the advantage of Glacier is it is profitable because it is very affordable compared to S 3 S 3 is already affordable. You can check in for the prices. But if you have archival data, which you won't be using everyday, you can store it here and the fact that it takes a longer while it won't cost you. I mean, it won't cost in that perspective of accessing your data in real time. Right? So if the data is something that is not needed regularly you can Move to S3 Glacier, right? So what happens is S 3 you can actually move in all your data. And then if you realize that there is certain data, which would not need every day. Just move it from S 3 to S 3 Glacier where the data is stored in archival form and it is or it does not cost you a lot. So again guys, I won't be getting into the demo of S3 Glacier. We have a session on S3 Glacier or Amazon web services Glacier other and to do that. What you need is you need probably a third party tool. That makes it easier for you to retrieve the data. So I won't be getting into the stuff where I download that to land and show you how it works. It's very simple. We'll just like we created buckets. Are you create volts there and you probably move in your data and you can retrieve that data. But again, it takes a long while to retrieve that data. So it is similar to S3, but little different so yeah, that is S3 Glacier. We understood what EFS is and what S3 is then again guys, you have some other services as well here if I Scroll down you have your storage Gateway. You have your AWS backup as well. So what are these things? And what do these things do well storage Gateway an AWS back up basically back up as it says you can have backup of your data and you can like save it from going down and stuff like that when you talk about storage get with these are services that let you move your data from on-premise atmosphere or your infrastructure rather to Cloud. So if you already have data that is on your existing on-premise or infrastructure rather, you can actually move that data to Cloud as well. So there are services to help you do that. And those services are your storage Gateway services? So guys we've discussed some of these Services there is something else which is called as elastic block storage. Elastic Block store is what it does is it lets you create volumes snapshots and copies of the volume that is attached to your instances. Let's go ahead and take a look at how this works. I mean there are a lot of pointers to talk about it. So as I move further, I would be discussing those pointers while I also show you how to do it. So guys when I say EBS or elastic block storage what that does is it lets me attach some kind of volume to my instance now instances. Let me tell you what instances are first. Now when you talk about cloud services, they give you compute Services where you can spawn instances or spawn temporary servers or servers where you want to host a data now each time. I won't be going out and buying a new machine right instead. What cloud does is it? What happens? Yes, guys. Okay, guys, I'm not sure whether there was a lag while you were going to this session. What happened is let me tell you what happened my connection the streaming connection to my software, which I'm using to stream. This session did go down a minute back and it shows now that it is connected. So I would like to know whether I'm audible to you people are not if yes, then we can continue with this session guys. Okay, I'm guessing we're fine. So I'm just gonna go ahead and continue with the session. I was talking about instances. Let me talk a little more about it. So when I talk about these servers that are ready to use basically these servers are something that you can use and you can have some memory attached to it. So what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and launch one instance and understand how memory or hose storage works with it. So to do that we were going to go ahead and just launched that particular service. It is called as To which is a compute service guys. So here I can actually go ahead and create servers or launch instances in simple words. So let's just go ahead and launch a particular instance. Now, I have the freedom of launching both linux-based windows-based one to based kind of instances. So you have the freedom of choosing what kind of instance do you want this being a simple demo guys. I'm going to stick with the windows instance. I'm not going to show you how to deal with that instance because I've done that in previous sessions. You can take a look at some of those switch sessions as well guys. Let's just go ahead and launch this particular session or this particular instance rather now guys, this is a Windows instance and okay, not this let me launch on basic one. This is also free tier guys. But yeah, I would want this make sure that your instance is EBS backed. So guys, you're backing up Works in two ways. You can back it up on S3. You can back it up on eBay as that is elastic block storage now elastic block. Storage is important why it lets you create images and volumes. What are those we'll talk about that once we create this instance. So ensure that for now it is EBS. So if I click on this is the thing if I click on this icon, It would give me details what kind of instance I'm launching when I say T2 micro. It is a small instance which has one CPU and one gigabytes of memory for now and I can just go ahead and say next. Okay, some of the other details whether you want to be PC or not. Let's not discuss that and then you get into the storage part guys. This is the device with two which I am attaching my root volume. So this is the path rather. So I need to focus on this. It is SDA one guys. That is slash Dev slash sd1. You need to remember this when you create new volumes and the types of volumes that you can attach to your instance are these you have general-purpose SSD provision tie offs and magnetic. It is take a something that is getting outdated probably might be replaced. So these are the few ones you also have some other kind of volumes that you can attach but the point that you need to remember is when you talk about having a primary volume in that case you have only these options because these are bootable guys so there are certain other volumes that you can attach if I attach a secondary volume, you see the options are more. I have SSD for traffic optimization and then I have cold SSD as well. But this is a basic thing. We not going to get into the details of that. You would skip that so guys all I'm trying to say is this is the device this is the size and probably this is the type of instance or volume. Sorry is that would be attached to my instance. So let's just go ahead and say next a tax for now. Let's not add anything and then let me say configure the settings. So guys when I launched an instance it says that security is not Optimum. It's okay. I mean you can assign the port you want to when you use it for a higher security purpose. And then this is important guys for your each instance. You need a key pair which is a secret way of logging in or a secure way of logging in not secret a secure way. So this is a second place authentication. Once you're logged into your account. You would be needing a key pair if you wish to use this instance, so make sure you create one and you store that one as well if you have one which you can use probably. can do that as you can just create one say Nuki I said download guys. Once you download it. Keep it safe somewhere. It is stored in the form of that p.m. File. So do that and then I say launch an instance. So guys once this happens if I just go back to the ec2 dashboard probably I can see that there is an instance which is running for now. It is 0 why because guys my instances still getting launched. It takes a couple of minutes or 1 and 1/2 or 1 minute probably to launch an instance. The reason for this is probably a lot of things happen in the background. I mean certain network is associated. If you talk about an instance, it needs to communicate with other instances, right? So in that case Probably you need to have a network that lets all these instances connect. So a network is set here basically and probably all the storage volume is attached in a lot of things happen. That is why there are certain statistics that your instance needs to go through and hence. It takes a minute or so to launch this instance. So if you take a look at this the status text it says that it is initializing. So if you refresh it probably it happens at times. So let's just try our luck see whether it's No, it's still initializing but guys we can see the volume that would be attached to it. So, let me just come here and rather go here if I click on volumes, there is there is a volume that is attached to it. So there is a 30 GB volume. So there's a volume that probably has a size of 30 GB. So it is here already and it is in use so it would be attached to my instance once it is up and running. So the point I'm trying to make here is what elastic block. Storage does is it lets you manage all these things now? There are two ways to manage these things either you create a copy of this volume disable this volume and then attach the next one or probably you can directly scale your existing volume or make changes to it right away. So what elastic Block store is does is it lets you manage the storages? So again, let me tell you how it works. So when I create an instance probably discredited in a particle particular region, right so in that A particular region say for example now I'm based in India. So I have a data center in Mumbai. So my instance would be created at that data center and probably the storage for it would also be there. So there is no latency when I try to use that storage. So this is what EBS does it lets you manage that particular storage. So how it works is I can create a copy of it. So what this copy does is it serves two purposes so next time if I wish to make In just to that storage I can do that if this particular storage or volume goes down. I have a backup copy again. I can create snapshots as well. Now what snapshots do is basically they let me replicate my instance and the volume that is attached with it. So instead of creating an instance again, and again with if I've defined certain properties for my instance and not have to worry about defining those properties again, and again, I can just create a snapshot or I can rather create an Emi out of it, which I can store and use it next time. If I want to spawn a similar instance, so this is very BS helps in it lets you have backups of all these storages it lets you create copies of it. So even if something goes down you can work on the copy that you have so guys by now. Our instance would be created. Let's just go ahead and take a look at it. It says it is running guys, and we've already taken a look at the volume. Let us create a copy of this volume to do that. I'm going to go to the actions my instances selected already. I can just go to modify and make changes to this volume right away, which is an easier way, but I'm going to show you how it can be done the other way as well how it used to work previously so I can just say that create a snapshot. details Sample, and I say create. So guys are snapshot is created. If I come here I can take a look at the snapshot again. It is spending might take half a minute for the snapshot to get created so I can just come here and replace or refresh other. These things at times take a little while. So guys we would be creating a copy of it probably viewed by detaching the volume that we have created and it is attached to our instance and we would replace that with the copy that we are creating now. So once this thing is done and created we can do that. For some reason it's taking longer while today. Let's hope that it gets done quicker. Look, it's still processing. Let's bear with me or just bear with me. Meanwhile this happens. Again guys if I was too fast and if I missed out on certain things I would like to tell you that you can go through our other sessions on YouTube and probably you would be in a much better state to understand what has happened here again, there was an outage we're not out. It's my software did not work properly the streaming software and probably there was a lack of a minute or two. So I'm hoping that you are did not miss out on anything that was happening. Meanwhile. Just hope that this Snapshot gets created quickly. It is still pending and this is irritating at times when it takes a long while It's completed guys. A snapshot is ready. I can just go ahead and say create a volume out of it, which I wish to attach. So guys there are certain details that we need to do. So for that laces go back first. Let's go back to the instance that we have and let's see where the instance is created guys. So as you can see if you come here, it would give you the details of the place where the instance is created. So it is u.s. East to see so when you create an volume a volume, it is necessary that you created in the same region guys because as I've already mentioned the benefits of having it in same reason is region is that you can attach it to your existing instance and it saves you from various Layton sees so, yep, let's go back to the snapshot spot and say create a volume of it. I say create and then I probably let's say I want more storage guys that's in 90. Okay, this is general purpose it is to way. So let's go to to see if I'm not wrong. It was to see let's just go ahead and create it in to see and say create volume. Clothes so guys are instances where our volume is created successfully again guys. Now you can take a look at it. From this perspective. I have my Snapshot here, right? So this snapshot says 30gb that does not mean that the snapshot which I took its size is 30 GB. It says that it was created from an instance or size is 30 GB. So there's a difference between these two things guys understand that as well. So I have a volume which is based in availability Zone to see I have an instance which is here and it again is it availability Zone to see so we can attach to it. Let's just again go back to the volume spot. So guys, I have two volumes. I created this one and this is attached to my instance. Let me just try and remove this first. detach volume Okay, it's giving me an error try to understand why this error is there guys. My instance is already running. So I cannot directly remove this volume from here for that. I would have to select this instance go to instant State and say stop so it stops working for now. And once it does I can attach the volume. So for now what you can see is there are these volumes here it is in use right? So once the instant stops it would be available and won't been used so I can replace it with this instance. So it has stopping it hasn't stopped yet. So as do not worry, we would be done with the session very soon. And once we are done probably you all would be free to leave. I believe that this session has taken longer than my normal sessions. But yeah, there was a lot of stuff to talk about we talked about the complete story services that you have reached has to offer to you people hence. This session was so long. So let's just quickly go ahead and finish the stuff. It has stopped. So guys I can now go ahead and remove the volume or detach this volume and go ahead and attach the other ones if I say detach it would detach. Yeah, see both are available. Now. Let's try to attach this volume and say attach volume search this is the instance guys, which I have created and you need to give in the device details, which was / what with the details. Let's just go back and take a look at the details that we're supposed to enter in here. So as a you need to give in the path that we talked about which is the drive that we've discussed, right? So that is the part that you need to enter. And then you actually go ahead and say SD a one. Slash and probably you would be more than four to go. So this is the other thing I do not remember the other part. So you need to go ahead and put in these details here. If you put in these part details guys, you can just go ahead and attach your volume right away and this volume would get attached to your instance. So this is how it works and you can actually go back and do other things as well. So if I just come here I have this instance. So what you have to do is you have to actually go ahead and click on this thing for now. It's not working. But if you just come back here or to the volume part. So if you just go to the volumes part with we were at in the previous. Slide you can actually go ahead and attach the volumes now here you go by just go to instances. Probably go back and I say ec2 again. Yeah, if I come back two volumes guys. You can attach the volumes that are there you can delete those and you can do a number of changes that you wish to do. So just go ahead and attach these volumes and you would be more than good to actually go ahead and launch our instances or manage the storages that are there. Again. The only thing that I missed out on is the path I told you to note the path the device name, right? You just have to go ahead and enter in the device name here. And if you enter in the device name while creating your volume or attaching your volume your instance. Get attached to that or your volume would get attached to that instance right away. So yes guys thus pretty much sums up today's session. We've talked about quite a few things here guys. We've talked about S3 Services we've talked about we've talked about EBS in particular. We've understood like how to detach a volume how to attach on I just did not show you how to attach the volume, but you can do that. The reason I'm not showing you that is probably lost out on On the device name here, which normally comes in here. So before you deactivate your device, make sure that you have this name and when you do launch or attach your volume to that particular thing, all you have to do is you just go to the volume spot. And probably when you say attached to a particular instance put in that device name there and you are instance would be attached or your volume would be attached to your instance and you can just go ahead and say launch or just start this so-called instance again, and you'll be good to go guys. So as far as this particular session goes Guys, these are the pointers I wanted to talk about. I hope that I've talked about most of these pointers and I've cleared all your mints or doubts that were there. So that's when you talk about S3. Now. It has a simple storage service which is simple or easy to use in real sense. It lets you store and retrieve data which can be in any amount which can be of any type and you can move it from anywhere using the web or Internet. So it is called as storage service of the internet. What are the features of this particular service? It is highly durable guys now. Now, why do I call it durable, it provides you durability of 99.999999 some 11:9 now when you talk about that amount of durability, it is understandable how durable this Services what makes it this durable. It uses a method of checksum wear. It constantly uses checksums to analyze whether your data was corrupted at a particular point and if yes that is rectified right away, and that is why this service is so durable, then it is. Be flexible as well as I've already mentioned S3 is a very simple service and the fact that you can store any kind of data. You can store it in any reason or any available reason is what I would mean by the sentence. It makes it highly flexible to store the data in this particular service and the fact that you can use so many pi as you can and of secure this data in so many ways and it is so affordable. It meets different kinds of needs thus making it so flexible available. Is it available? Yes, definitely it is Is very much available as we move into the demo part, I would be showing you which regions basically let you create these kind of storages and how can you move and store data in different regions as well. So if you talk about availability, yes, it is available in different regions and the fact that it is so affordable making it available becomes all the more easy cost-efficient. Yes now to start with we normally do not get anything for free in life. But if you talk about S3 storage AWS has a free tier which lets you use. Public services for free for one complete year but this happens in certain limits. Now when you talk about S3, you can store 5 GB of data for free at least to get started or get used to the service. I believe that is more than enough and what it also does is it lets you have somewhere around 20,000 get requests and somewhere around 2,000 put requests as well. So these are something that let you store and retrieve data apart from that. You can move in 15 GB of data every month outside. Side of your S3 Service as well. So if you are getting this much for free, it is definitely very much affordable. Also, it charges you on pay as you go model. Now. What do I mean by this? Well, when I say pay as you go model what we do here is we pay only for the time duration that we use the service for and only for the capacity that we use this service form. So that is why as you move along if you need more services, you would be charged more. If you do not need more amount of the service you won't be charged to that. Extent, so is it cost efficient? Definitely it is scalable. Yes. That is the best thing about AWS Services. Most of them are scalable. I mean you can store huge amount of data, you can process huge amount of data. You can acquire use amount of data if it is scalability that is your concern you do not have to worry about it here because even this service readily scales to the increasing data that you need to store and the fact that it is pay as you go model did not have to worry about the cost Factor as well. Is it secure definitely? It is now you can encrypt your data you have various bucket policies as well that let you decide who gets to access your data who gets to write data or gets to read data. And when I said you can encrypt your data you can actually go ahead and encrypted data both on client side and on your server side as well. So is it secure I believe that answers the question on its own. So Guys these were some of the features of Amazon S3. So guys now let us try to understand how does S3 storage actually work now it works with the Concept of objects and buckets now bucket, you can think of it as a container where as an object is a file that you store in your container. These can be thought of as AWS S3 resources. Now when I say an object basically object is your data file. I've already mentioned that you can store any kind of data whether it's your image, whether it's your files blocks, whatever it is, these are nothing but your data and this data comes with metadata when I say an object. It is combination of your data plus some metadata or Or information about the data what kind of information basically you have the key that is the name of the file that you use inversion ID is something that tells you which version are you using as we discuss versioning? Probably I would talk about Virgin ID a little more. But meanwhile, I believe this is more than enough your objects are nothing but your files with the required metadata and the buckets as I've already mentioned. These are nothing but containers that hold your data. So how does it work guys? Well, what happens is Sickly you go ahead and create pockets in regions and you store your data in those regions. How do you decide what buckets to you is what reasons to use where to create the bucket and all those things. Well, it depends on quite a few factors when I say I have to create a bucket. I need to decide what reason would be more accessible to my customers or to my users and how much cost does that region charge me because depending upon the region your cost might vary. So that is one factor that you need to consider and let and see as well. I mean if you put your data In an S3 bucket, that is far away from you fetching it might cause high amount of latency as well. So once you consider these factors, you can create a bucket and you just tore your objects when I said version ID key, actually a system automatically generates these features for you. So for you it is very simple create a bucket pick up your object put it in it or just go ahead and retrieve the data from the bucket whenever you want. So I believe this gives you some picture about what S 3 is now let me Weekly switch into the demo part and let me give you a quick idea or quick demo as to how S3 works so that it is not too much theory for you people. So guys what I've done is I've actually gone ahead and I've switched into my Amazon Management console. Now as I've already mentioned AWS gives you a free tier for which you can use AWS services for free for one complete year. Mine is not a free tier account. But yeah, if you are a starter you can create a fresh account. You just have to go ahead and given certain details all You do is you just go to your web browser search for AWS free tier and sign in with the required details. They would ask you for a credit card or your debit card details enter any one of those for the verification purpose and you can actually go ahead and set up alarms as well which would tell you as in. Okay. This is the limit to which you have used the services and that way you won't be charged for Access of data usage or service usage having said that guys this is about creating an account. I believe it is fairly simple. You can create an account once you create an account. Is this is the console that would be available to you? What you have to do is you have to go ahead and search for Amazon S3. If you search s3r, it would kind of redirect you to that service page. So guys as you can see, this is the company's account probably somebody uses it in the company and they have the buckets that are already created. Let's not get the that is just go ahead and create our own bucket and just go ahead and put in some data into it. It is fairly simple guys. I've already mentioned. It is very simple to use kind of service. All I have to do is click on create bucket and enter in name for some bucket guys. Now this name is unique. It is globally unique once you enter a name for the bucket you Not use the same name for some other bucket. So make sure you put in valid name and the fact that I use the term Global something reminded me to be explained of so guys as you can see if I go back here. I want you to notice this part. So guys when you are into the Management console or you open any service by default the region is North Virginia? Okay. So if I create a resource, it would go to this region. But when I select the service that is S 3 you can see that this region automatically goes to Global that means it is a global Service. It does not mean that you cannot create bucket in particular regions you can do that. But the service is global is what they're trying to see so let us go ahead and create the bucket Let Us call it today. Demo, you cannot use caps guys. You cannot use some symbols. So you have to follow the naming Convention as well. Today is demo. Sorry. I'm very bad at naming conventions guys. I hope it is. Okay, let it be in u.s. East you can choose other regions as well guys, but for now, let it be whatever it is. So I'm going to stick to North Virginia. There are 76 buckets that are being used. Let us just say next bucket name already exists. So this was already taken guys see So you cannot use it. Let's call it say. vamos bucket 1 3 1 1 3 Okay. Do you want to keep all the versions of the object? We will talk about what versions are. Okay guys. Meanwhile, you just bear with me. I'm just going to go ahead and create a bucket create a bucket and there you go guys. I'm sure removes bucket should be here somewhere. Here it is. If I open it I can just go ahead and create folders inside it or I can directly upload data. So I say upload select a file. Let's just randomly select this file. It is Van Dusen founder of python. Basically, let's just say next. Next next and the data is uploaded guys. You can see the data being uploaded and my file is here for usage. So guys, this is how object and bucket kind of stuff works. You can see that this is the data that I have if I click on it, I would get all the information. What is the key? What is the version value for now? Let's not discuss version. But this is the key or the name of the file that I've uploaded. So it is fairly clear right guys. So let us just quickly switch back to the presentation and discuss some other stuff as well. Well now guys another important topic that is to be discussed here is S3 storage classes. Now, we've discussed how the data is stored or how buckets and objects work but apart from that we need to discuss some other pointers as well as in how does AWS charge me or what kind of options do I have when it comes to storing this data. So it provides you with three options guys standard infrequent and Glacier. Let me quickly give you an explanation to what do these storage classes mean and what all this? Offer to us when I say standard it is the standard storage which gives you low latency. So in case if there is some data that needs to be refreshed right away, you can actually go ahead and use standard storage say for example, I wish to go to a hospital for certain kind of checkup. So in that case my details would be entered in and the fact that I am getting myself checked in a hospital or diagnosed in the hospital. What happens is this data is important and if it is needed right away, it should be available. So this kind of data can be stored in your standard storage where the latency is very less the next we have in frequent access. Now, what do I mean by that now in this case my latency period has to be low because I'm talking about data that I would actually need any time if I want to but when I store this data for a little longer duration, all I want is this data to be retrieved quickly say, for example, I get a particular report or a particular test done. So in that case I Actually go ahead and submit my details or say for example, my blood samples, but I need this information maybe after three days. So what happens is in this scenario, I would want to store this data for a longer term, but the retrieval should be faster here in the first case that was not the case if I needed that data right away, and if I wanted it to be stored for a very short duration, I would use standard. But if I want to store it for a longer duration, and I want a quick retrieval in that case, I would be using in frequent access and finally I Glacier we have already discussed this here. Your retrieval speed is low and the data needs to be put in for a longer duration. And that is why it is more affordable. If you take a look at the stats that are there in the image above you can see that minimum storage duration is nothing for standard for infrequent. It is 30 days and for Glacier it is 90 days. If you take a look at latency, it is milliseconds milliseconds and four hours. So that itself explains a lot of stuff here. So what art This classes and what do they do? I believe some ideas clear to you people again as we move into the demo part, we would be discussing this part as well. And we would also discuss expiration and transition that supports these terms but let us move further and try to understand something else first versioning and cross region replication now guys when I say virginie, I'm actually talking about keeping multiple copies of my data now, why do I need versioning? And why do I need multiple copies? He's of my data. I've already mentioned that AWS S3 is highly durable and secure. How is that because you can fix the errors that are there and you can also have multiple copies of your data. You can replicate your data. So in case if your data center goes down a copy of it is mentioned or maintained somewhere else as well. How is this done by creating multiple versions of your data say for example, an image, I store it in my S3 bucket. What happens here is there is key the name is same image. And virgin is some 3 3 3 3 3 right now take a look at the other image. If I actually go ahead and create a copy of the first image its name would remain same but it's version would be different. So suppose both of these images. They reside in one bucket. What these images are doing is they are having multiple copies are giving me multiple copies now in case of image not a lot would change but if I have doc files or data files in that case versioning becomes very important because if I make changes Changes to particular data if I delete a particular file a backup should always be there with me and this is where versioning becomes very very important. What are the features of versioning by default poisoning is disabled when you say or when you talk about S3, you have to go ahead and enable this versioning it prevents over writing or accidental deletion. We've already discussed that you get non-concurrent version by specifying version ID as well. What do I mean by this? That means if I actually go ahead and create one more copy of the data and store it. So the latest copy would be available on top but I can go to the virgin's option put in the ID that belong to the previous version and I can fetch that version as well. So what is cross reason replication now guys, we've discussed versioning. Let us talk about another important topic that is cross region replication. Now when you talk about S3, basically what happens is you create a bucket in a region and you store data in that region, but what if I want to move my data from one region or from one bucket in The region to other bucket in other region, can we do that? Yes cross reason replications let you do that. So what you do is you basically go ahead and create a bucket in one region you create another bucket in another region and probably you give access to the first bucket to move data from itself to the other bucket. So this was about versioning. This was about cross region replication and I believe you've also talked about storage classes. Let me quickly switch into the demo part and discuss these topics too little He did so guys moving back. What we have done is we've actually gone ahead and created a bucket already right when you talk about what was the name of the pocket. It was removes if I'm not wrong. Yep. So if you click on the bucket name removes what it does is it basically shows you these details guys. Now you can see that your versioning is disabled, right? So if I click on it, I can actually come to this page and I can say enable virginie. That means a copy of the data. That I create is always maintained. So if I go to the most bucket, or I just move back get this interface can be a little irritating at times you have to move back and forth every now and then so guys there is a file which we have stored. You can just take a look at this date first. It says that it is 235 that was the time when the object was moved. Let me just say that upload the same file. This was the file will be uploaded as in next next next upload. So where is this file is getting uploaded. You can see the name of the file is still same. We have only one file here. Why because it was recently modified at 2:45 from to 25 to 35. It got changed to 245. So it is fairly clear guys. What is happening here? Your data is getting modified. And if you wonder as in what happened to the previous version, don't worry. If you click on this show option, you can see that both of your virgins are still here guys. This was created to 30. And at 2:45. So this way data replication and data security works much better. So you can secure your data. You can replicate your data. So in case if you lose your data, you always have the previous versions to deal with how does the previous version thing works so as what happens is if I delete this file what Amazon S3 would do is it would set a marker on top of this file. And once I delete it if I search for that ID that ID won't be available. Why because the our car has switched to the next ID now. So whatever I want to do I can do with the next ID as well. So there is one more thing that you also need to understand here is what happens to the file. I mean, I've actually deleted a file but a virgin is there with me can I delete all the versions? Yes, you can specify the ID and you can delete all the versions that you want. You can also do one thing that is you can set a particular life cycle for your files when I say life cycle you can decide as an okay now. I have a file instead. That storage we've discussed. This storage is Right standard storage infrequent and Glacier what you can do with your life cycle management is you can decide as an okay for a particular time duration. I want this file to stay in standard maybe after a while. I want to move it to infrequent and after a while. I want to move to Glacier say for example, there is certain data, which was very important for me but having used that data, I don't want to use it for next few months. So in that case I can move to the substitutes or to the other storage classes. We're probably I won't be needing to use that data for a long while and doing that. I won't be paying for this data as I used to pay for the standard because standard is the costliest of the three. So let us quickly. See can we do that or how does it work? At least if I just go back? This is my file. I can actually just go ahead and switch to management in that. I have the option of life cycle if I click here. There is no life cycle add a life cycle. You can add a lifecycle rule as well. This new let me call it new and let me say next it asks me. What do I want to do? You can add rules in life cycle configuration to tell Amazon S3 to transition objects to another storage class. There are three requests fees when using lifecycle to transition data to any other S3 or sa Glacier storage. So which version do I wish to use current? I can say yes a transition and I can select transition to this tear when after 30 days. Days, and if I say next it would agree expiration. You can select other policies as well. So guys when I say transition first thing what it does is it tells me what time to transition to which storage class and expiration. It tells me when does this expire so I can decide when to clean up the objects and when not to let's not do that for now. Let's just say next next so guys what will happen here is after 30 days my data would move to a standard one a storage so you can actually go Then decide whether you want to move to Glacier in that drop-down you had more options as well. I did not do that, but it is pretty understandable. You can move to Glacier as well. So this is about life cycle guys. One more thing. You have something called as replication you can add replication as well. If you wish to replicate your data cross reason replication. I believe guys, I do not have access to do that because I'm using someone else's account for now, but let me just give you some idea as to what you can do to replicate your data. You can just go ahead and click on get started. Dated so replication to remind you people it is nothing but a process of moving data from bucket in one region to add the bucket in some other region. So for that I need to select the source bucket. So let us just say that this is the bucket that I have next now guys in my case. I haven't created the second bucket. What you can do is you can just go ahead and create one more bucket. Once you create the bucket you can select the destination bucket for now. Let us just say that this is a bucket that has been created by someone else. I'm not gonna transfer data are but let's just select this for the demo sick. This is the bucket that I have see it says that bucket does not have versioning enabled. This is very important Point guys. I showed you how to enable versioning right? If you select the bucket there is an option on the right side saying virginie, you can actually go ahead and enable versioning there. So once you enable versioning you would be able to use this bucket. Do you want to change the storage class for the replicated objects if you say yes it Would give you the option of selecting. What storage class do you want to select right? If you don't you don't have to you can say next you have to enter an IM role. If you do not have any you just say create a roll and then the rule name in this case. I do not have any details about this and I don't want to create a role because this account does not belong to me. Sorry for that inconvenience, but you can actually go ahead and select create a role in just say next and I'm sure that you can actually go ahead and your bucket starts. Audio our cross reason replication starts working. What happens after that is once you store your object in a particular file, you can actually move that object not in a particular file in a particular bucket. You can move the data from that bucket to the other bucket and a copy of your data is maintained in both the buckets that you use. So this is what cross region replication is guys. I believe that we have discussed what our storage classes we have discussed. What is cross region replication and we've discussed versioning in general let Let's quickly move back to the presentation and discuss the remaining topics as well. So guys have switched into the presentation part till time we've discussed how cross region replication Works we've discussed how versioning works and we have seen how to carry out that process. The other important topic that we need to focus on is we've know like how to create versions how to move data from one place to the other but the thing is what if I have to move data from a particular location to a location that is very far away from me. And still ensure that there is not too much latency in it. Because if you're moving data from one location to location that is far away from you. It is understandable that it would take a longer while why because we are moving data from internet. So the amount of data that you move and the further you move it should take a longer while for that. So how do you solve that problem? You have S3 transfer acceleration. You can do that by using other services as well. We discussed snowball and snowmobile as well, but they physically move. The data and at times it takes a number of days to move your data with S3 transfer acceleration that is not the issue because it moves at data at a very fast pace. So that is a good thing. So, how can you move your data at a faster Pace by using S3 transfer acceleration? Okay, let us first understand what it is exactly. So what it does is it enables fast easy and secure transfers of files or long distances between your client and S3 bucket and to do that. It uses a service call. Cloudfront and the S locations it provides you as I move further I would be talking about what cloudfront is do not worry about it first. Let us take a look at this diagram. So normally if you are moving your data or directly uploading your data to a bucket that is located at a far away distance. I mean suppose I'm a customer and I wish to put my data into an S3 bucket, which is located maybe a continent away from me. So using internet it might take a longer while instead. What I can do is I can use transfer. Generation. So how is it different now guys, there is a service called as AWS Cloud front what it does. Is it basically lets you cash your data when I say cash or data that means you can store your data at a location that is in the interim or that is close to your destination. Now this service is basically used to ensure that data retrieval is faster suppose. I'm searching for a particular URL. What happens is when I type that URL request is sent to the server it fetches the data and sends it to me. So If it is located at a very far location, it might take long while for me to fetch the data. So what people do is they analyzed as in how much requests are coming from a particular location and if there are frequent and a lot of requests what they do is they set up an age location close to that particular region. So you can put your data you can cash a data on that is location and the data can be fetched from that is location at a faster rate. So this is how is locations work what transfer acceleration does is it basically puts in your data at the edge location so that it can be moved to your S3 bucket at a quicker pace. And that is why it is fast. So guys this was about S3 data acceleration. Let us quickly move into the console part and try to understand how S3 acceleration works. So guys have switched into the console S3 acceleration or data transfer acceleration is very easy thing to do. I do not remember the bucket name. I think it was Ram or something. Okay, if I select this and open it I actually go to the Properties part less. There are other things that you might want to consider. You can come here and take a look at those as well for now. I'm just going to say go ahead and enable transfer acceleration. It is suspended. I can enable it it gives me the endpoint as well and I say save So guys what this means is if I'm putting my data into this bucket, it would be transferred very quickly or I can use this bucket to transfer my bit data at a quicker Pace by using data transfer acceleration by S3 again guys. I missed out on one important point the fact that we have been talking about buckets and stuff like that. There is something important that I would like to show to you people first. Let us just go back and disable this part. I do not want it to have the transfer acceleration. Going and I just wanted to show it to you people how it is done. I just say go back to suspended and one more thing guys, if you once you actually unable the transfer part and if you upload a file, you can see the difference in the speed. The problem is you need a third party tool to do that. So you can actually go ahead and download a third-party tool as well and using that you can actually go ahead and see how it works. Having said that I was talking about buckets in general. So let us just go back and go to removes again. There you go. And I'm going to copy the a RN. I'll tell you why I've copied the iron now when I open this bucket guys, we have quite a few things permissions. I talked about security, right so you can decide Public Access as in who gets to access your bucket. So guys, you can actually go ahead and decide who gets to access what kind of buckets say, for example here in your blog Public Access. You can decide who gets to access what data publicly for that you have access control lists using these ACLS. You can actually decide who gets to How other thing you can do is you can just go ahead and create a bucket policy and decide who gets to access your bucket or who gets to put your data or delete your data and do all these things. Let us just go ahead and create a policy. Now, you can write your own policy or you can just use a policy generator which again is a third party tool. So I want to create a bucket policy forum is 3 so, let's just say S3 bucket policy and what kind of effect I want. I mean do I want someone to access my system or do I want to deny someone from accessing my system I can. Decide that so let's for now just say that I want to deny someone from doing something and what I wanted someone to do is to deny a particular thing for that person for all the objects. I mean, I do not want that person to access any of the objects that is there. So what I say is star that means nobody should able to do anything to any of the objects that are there in this bucket. So it says star service Amazon S3 what action I want. I want to prevent someone from deleting an object they go and This is the AR n that is why I copied it. It should be followed by a forward slash and a star add a statement and Ice Age ended policy. So guys the policy has been generated. I just have to copy it if I copy this thing and I go back to the console if I paste it here I can say save It saved I'll save it again just to be safe. So guys we have actually gone ahead and let me just go ahead and again go to ramose. So there's not there is an object here. Let me just try and delete this object. If I just go to the actions part here and I say delete see the file is still here. Is it the other version? No, it's not deleted. See there's an error here. If I click on it. It says hundred percent field why access denied because I do not have the access to delete the object right now. Why because I've created a bucket policy guys. So that is what bucket policies an AC else do the Let you make your objects or your data more secure. And as you saw in the option, there are quite a few options that you have at your disposal, which you can choose from which you can mix and match and decide as an look at this is what I want to do. I want to probably give someone an access to delete a bucket. I want to give someone an access to do this or do that. So, where's this was about S3 data transfer acceleration, and we've also seen how you create a bucket policy how you attach it to your bucket and stuff like that now, let me just go back and kind of Shove this session or finish this session up with a use case so that you can probably understand the topics that we've discussed a little more first. Let us go back to the use case guys. So guys have switched into my presentation console again, and we would be discussing IMDb media now for people who watch movies. They might know what IMDb is it is a website that gives you details about movies. They tell you what are the movies that are nice if you probably select or type a particular He named they would give you details about it as a whole where the actors how was the movie how was the review a short snippet explaining you what the movie is about its genre and stuff like that. Plus they have their own ratings to kind of gauge in the customers even better as an IMDb being a popular site and when they say that this movie is this person good or like by these many people people normally believe it so they have that score as well. So if you talk about a website that basically deals with movies you understand the number of movies that are released worldwide. And if most of them are present here on IMDb, that means that database is huge but we are talking about data that is being processed in great numbers great amounts. I mean when you talk about the data that is here. What is happening here is you have n number of movies that are being released. So if someone searches for a particular movie, it has to go through the database and the data has to be fresh to him right away. So how do you deal with the latency issue? Well, this would answer a lot of questions or it would sum up lot of topics that we've discussed. Here let us go through this use case probably. So what happens here is in order to get the lowest possible latency all the possible results for a search our pre-calculated with a document for every combination of letters in the search what this means is probably based on the letters. You have a document that is created and it is traversed in such order that all the data is scanned letter wise when you actually go ahead and put forth a query what happens is suppose if there is a 20 character Or a word that you put in so there are somewhere around twenty three two, one zero three zero combinations that are possible. So your computer has to go through these many combinations. What S3 does is it basically lets you store the data that I am DB has and once IMDb has told that data they use cloudfront again, we have discussed. What cloudfront is they use cloudfront to store this data to the nearest possible location so that when a user fetches this data, it is Fest from that location. So what happens is Basically, when these many possibilities are combinations are to be dealt with it becomes complicated but in practice what IMDb does is it basically uses analytics in such a way that these combinations become lesser? So in order to search for a 20 character letter they basically have to go through one five zero zero zero zero documents and because of S3 and cloudfront you basically can distribute all the data to different Edge locations and two buckets with in as And since we're talking about huge amount of data, it is more than terabytes. It is like hundreds thousands of terabytes of data so we can understand how much data are we talking about and S3 actually features or serves a number of such use cases or requirements. So as I Believe by now, you've understood what S3 is let me give you a quick sum up or a quick walkthrough as to what we've studied because we've talked about a lot of topics guys first we started with the basic. Six of different storage Services we were understood sorceresses like EFS EBS storage Gateway. We've talked about Glacier. We've talked about snowmobile snowball and then we move to S 3 S 3 we talked about buckets. We talked about objects. We talked about versioning we understood why versioning is needed so that we can basically replicate our data prevent it from deletion prevent it from corruption. We also talked about across region replication where you can move data from one region to the other we talked about how we can Move data Faster by using S3 data transfer acceleration. And then we also took a look at the basics like what are the storage classes? What are the bucket policies how to create bucket policies and we also discussed an important topic called as transition and expiration where if your data expires it is deleted if your data needs to be transferred to different stages you can do that as well. So all these topics are discussed and we also discussed some important features and finally We finish this session up with a use case. So networking domain basically offers three kind of services the VPC Direct Connect and out 53. Let's discuss each. One of them. So vbc is a virtual private Cloud. So it's a virtual network. If you include your all your air pollution sources that have launched inside one VPC then all these resources become visible to each other or can interact with each other. Mine said inside the VPC now the other use for PPC is that when you have a private Data Center and you are using AWS infrastructure as well and you want your AWS resources to be to be used as if they were on your own network in that case, you will establish a virtual private Network that is a VPN connection to your virtual private cloud in which have included all the services that you want in on your private Network. You will connect a private Network through the V PC using the VPN and then you You can access all your AWS resources as if they were on your own network. And that is what we see is all about. It provides you security it makes communication between the AWS Services easy and it also helps you connect your private data center to the AWS infrastructure. So guys, this is what VPC is all about. Let's go ahead on to our next service, which is Direct Connect so Direct Connect is a replacement to an internet connection. It is a leased line. A direct line to the AWS infrastructure. So if you feel that the bandwidth of internet is not enough for your data requirements or your networking requirements. You can take at least line to the AWS infrastructure in the form of the direct connect service. So instead of using the internet you would now use the direct connect service for your data stream to flow between your own data center to the illness infrastructure. And that is what Direct Connect is all about. Nothing much further to explain. Let's move on to a next service which is is Route 53 be so Route 53 is a domain name system. So what is the domain name system, basically, whatever URL you enter has to be directed to a domain name system which converts the URL to up IP address. The IP address is of the server on which your website is being hosted. The weight functions is like this you buy a domain name and the only setting that you can do in that domain name or the setting which is required in that domain name are the name servers right. Now. These name servers are provided to you by Route 53 these name servers that are To provide you are to be entered in the settings of that domain name. So whenever user points to that URL, he will be pointed to Route 53 the work in the domain name settings is done. You have to configure the Route 53. Now another your request has reached out 53. It has to be pointed to the server on which your website is hosted. So on a Route 53 now you have to enter the IP address or the Alias of the instance on of to which you want your traffic to be directed to so you peed in the IP address or you feel in the Alias and It's done. You're the loop is now complete your url will now get pointed to Route 53 and Route 53 in turn will point to the instance on which your application or website is being hosted. So this is the role which Route 53 plays. It's a domain name system. So it basically redirects your traffic from your url to the IP address of the server on which an application or website is hosted. Alright guys, so we're done with the networking domain. In today's session we would be understanding what AWS Cloud front is but before we do go ahead and understand what cloudfront exactly is. Let's start by taking a look at today's agenda first first and foremost. I would be talking about what AWS exactly is good. Also understand. Why do we need it abuse cloudfront and what it is exactly the never talked about how content gets delivered using Amazon cloudfront and what are its applications? Finally, I would finish things off with the demo part where I would be talking about AWS Cloud turn distributions having said that let's not waste any time and jump into the first topic of discussion that has what is AWS. Will AWS stands for Amazon web services, which is a leading cloud service provider in the market and it has the highest market share when you talk about any cloud service provider. Now what Amazon web services does is it provides you with 70-plus services and these services are Growing the name some of these Services we have something called as your computation Services your storage Services your database services and all these services are made available to you through Cloud. That means you can rent all these services and pay only for the services that you use and only for the time duration you use these services for if you want to know more about how a database works exactly. I would suggest that you go through the videos that we have on YouTube. We have quite a few videos on YouTube with talk about AWS in particular all you have To do is you have to go to our YouTube channel and type a direct iaws and you'd be having all the videos that are related to AWS. But that is not the discussion for today. We are here to discuss what cloudfront is and I would like to stick to that. So coming back to cloudfront when you talk about AWS you have some Services now, what aw does is it offers you various infrastructure as services and even platform as Services now these services are made available to you in the form of infrastructures or platforms where you can actually go ahead and host. Applications or websites. So when you do go ahead and host these applications online what your cloud provider has to worry about is the way data is fetched because if you have a website online now that website would be visited by quite a few people and they would be requesting particular content or data, right? So in that case that data has to be made available to your customers. So how does it happen? Exactly and how does AWS make it happen to understand that consider the scenario suppose you You are a particular user in your trying to visit a particular website and imagine that that website is based somewhere at a very far location suppose. You are based somewhere in USA. And that website its server actually hosts or is based in Australia. Now in that case when you make a request for a particular object or particular image or maybe content now your request is sent to the server that is in Australia and then it gets delivered to you. In this process to there are quite a few interrelated networks that deal which you are not aware about the content directly gets delivered to you and you have a feeling where you feel that you type in a particular URL and the content is directly made available to you, but that is not how it works quite a few other things happen in the interim and due to that. What happens is the data that gets delivered to you. It does not get delivered to you very quickly. Why is that because you'd be sending in a request it would go to the original server. And from there. The content is delivered. To you now, if you are based in USA, the situation would be convenient if the data is delivered to you from somewhere close by now when you talk about a traditional system where you are sending a request to somewhere in Australia, this is what happens your data or your request is sent to the server based in Australia and then it processes that request and that data is made available to you which gets delivered to you. But if you have something like cloudfront what it does is it sets in an intermediate point where? Data actually gets cached first and this cache data is made available to you on your request. That means the delivery happens faster and you save a lot of time. So how does AWS Cloud front exactly do it? Let's try to understand that but when you talk about aw, cloudfront what it does is first and foremost, it speeds up the distribution process and you can have a any kind of content whether it's static or dynamic and it is made available to you quickly. What cloudfront does is it? It focuses on these three points one is your outing to is your Edge locations and three is the way the content is made available to you. Let's try to understand these one by one when you talk about routing. I just mentioned that the data gets delivered to you through a series of networks. So what cloudfront does is it ensures that there are quite a few Edge locations that are located close to you and the data that you want to access it gets cached so that it can be delivered to you quickly. And that is why the data that is being delivered to you is more available than in any other possible case. So what happens exactly and how does this content gets delivered to you? Let's try to understand this with the help of this diagram suppose. You are a user. So basically what you would do is you would send in a request that needs to reach a particular server. Now in this case what happens is first your request it goes to an edge location and from there to your server to understand this to you have to understand two scenarios first and foremost suppose you're based in USA and you want to fetch a particular day. That is based in Australia. You would be sending in a request. But what AWS does is instead of sending the request directly to your server, which is based in Australia. Maybe it has these interim as locations which are closer to you. So the request it goes to the edge location first and it checks whether the data that you are requesting is already cashed their or not. If it is not cached then the request is sent to your original server. And from there the data is delivered to the edge location and From there it comes to you. Now, you might wonder as an this is a very complex process and if it is taking these many steps. How is it getting delivered to me quicker than in normal situation. We'll think of it from this perspective. If you do send in this request directly to the main server again, the data would flow through some Network and then it would be delivered to you instead. What happens here is at your age location the data gets cached. So if you requested again, it would be delivered to you quicker if it is requested by anyone. It would be delivered to them quicker plus how as locations work is when you do send in this request and when there's location Fitch's this data from your so-called original server in that case 2 when the first bite it arrives at your age location, it directly gets delivered to you and how does this content exactly get stored here? Well, first and foremost what happens is what your age location has is it has some Regional cash as well. Now this cash would basically hold all the content that is requested more. More frequently in your region suppose a website has summon number of content and out of it. Some content is kind of requested a lot in a particular region. So surrounding that region. The closest is location would have a regional cash which would hold all the content that is more relevant for those users so that it can be frequently delivered to these users and can be made available to them quickly in case if this data gets outdated and it is no longer being requested then this data can be replaced with Guys that is requested more frequently. So this is how cloudfront work. What it does is it creates a distribution and you have some Edge locations through which you can actually request the data faster. So what are the applications that cloudfront has to offer to you now, I won't say applications instead. I would say some of the benefits of using cloudfront. Let's try to understand those one by one first and foremost what it does is it accelerates your static website content delivery. We just discussed that that means if you are requesting a particular image or something like that, it gets delivered to you quicker. Why because it is cashed at your age location and you do not have to worry about any latency issues. Next. What it does is it provides you various static and even Dynamic content suppose you need some video or a live session or something like that even that gets delivered to you quickly. I just mentioned that when you request a particular thing When the first bite it arrives at your age location your cloudfront starts streaming that to you our start delivering that to you same happens with the live streaming videos as well. You would be getting that streams instantly without any Latin see what server encryption now when you do access this content what AWS Cloud Trend does is it lets you have this so-called domain where you put in HTTP and you get secured data. So you already have one layer of security, but it also lets you add another. Layer of security by giving you something called as encryption by encrypting your data or by using your key value pairs, which is the same. You're actually ensuring that your data is more secured and it can be accessed privately as well customization at the age. Now. What do I mean by this now? There is some content that needs to be delivered to the user or to the end user if the customization it happens at the server again, it might be time consuming and there are quite a few drawbacks of it. Say for example, I need a particular content and it needs to be processed or Customized at the very last moment. So these things can be done at the age location as well. Thus helping you save time money and various other factors as well. And finally what it does is it uses something called as Lambda H which again lets you deal with various customizations and lets you serve your content privately. So these are some of the applications or uses of cloudfront. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to switch into my AWS console and I'm going to talk about AWS Cloud Trend distributions. And how can you go ahead and create one? So stay tuned and let me quickly switch into the console first. So yes guys, what I've done is I've gone ahead and I've logged into my AWS console. Now for people who are completely new to AWS. What you can do is you can actually go ahead and create a free tier account. You have to visit AWS website and search for free tier you would get this option. Just create an account. They would ask you for your credit or debit card details probably but And charge you a minimal amount is charged and that is reverted back to your account that is for verification purposes. And after that what aw is does is it offers you certain Services which are made available to you for free for one complete year that is as long as you stay in the limits or the specified limit switch AWS has set so those limits are more than enough to practice or to learn AWS. So if you want to do go ahead and get a proper hands on on various database Services, I would suggest that you do visit their website and create this free Terror. Count once you do have that account you have all these services that are made available to you as I just mentioned. There are 70 plus services and these are the services that are there which are can actually go ahead and use for different purposes our Focus today. However is creating a cloudfront distribution which we just discussed in the so-called theory part. I would be repeating few topics here to while we do go ahead and create our cloudfront distribution. Now as I've already mentioned we want to fetch data or fetch a particular object and if that is placed A particular Edge location that would be made available to me. So what we are doing here is imagine that our data is placed at a particular original server in our case. Let's consider it as an S3 bucket. Now S3 is nothing but a storage service with AWS that is simple storage service rather. That is SS and that is why we call it S 3 so what we are going to do is we're going to go ahead and create an S3 bucket in that we would be putting in certain objects, and we'd Be accessing that by using our Cloud Trend distribution. So let's just go ahead and create a bucket first you can see we have S3 in my recently Used Services. You can just type S three-year and that would made available to you. You can click on it and your simple storage service opens. You would be required to go ahead and create a bucket. This is how you do it. You click on Create and you give it some name say maybe bucket use small letters bucket for AWS demo, maybe and I would given some number 0 0 0 I see next next next I need a basic bucket. So I won't be putting in any details. Do we have a bucket here? There you go. We have a bucket here. And in this bucket, what I'm going to do is I'm going to put in some content that we can actually request for so let's just go ahead and create an HTML file and put in maybe an image or something. So I have a folder here in that folder. I have a logo of ADA Rekha, I would be using that logo and I would want to go ahead and create. Create an HTML file which I can refer. So I would open my Notepad and I would write a simple HTML code. I won't get into the details of how to write an HTML code. I assume that you all know it. If not, you can use this code. So let's create a head file basically or a head tag rather. Let's see a demo tag, maybe and I close this head tag. I need somebody in here, right? So let's say Did the body we say? Welcome to Eureka and I and the body here and I save this file and save as where do I want to save it? and see if it here and I would save it as a maybe index dot HTML. I save it probably got saved somewhere else. Let me just copy it and paste it here. I've done that. This is the file now. We have these files. Let's upload it to our S3 bucket. Come here. I say upload I want to add files. So add files. Where do I go? I go to the folder I go to demo and I select these two files and I say upload. There you go. My files are here and I say upload small files so should not take a long time fifty percent successful hundred percent successful. There you go. You have these Two files now, we have our S3 bucket and we have two files. This is our origin server. Now. I need to create a distribution and use it to do that. I would click on services and come here and I would search for cloudfront. There you go. And I say create a distribution. So I click on this icon. Now you have two options. First one is something that lets you have your static data moved in or moved out or if you want to live stream your data you should go for this option. But that is not the case. We would be sticking with this thing. I say get started. I need to enter in a domain name. So it gives me suggestions and this is the first one which I just created original path is something that you can give in father. A folders from where you want to access the data, but mind directly resides in the bucket. There are no extra folder. So I don't need to enter anything original ID. This is what I have here. Basically I can use this or I can just go ahead and change the name if I want to but I would let it stay the waiters restrict bucket access. Yes. I want to keep it private. So I say restrict and I create a new identity and the you I have a new user created here apart from that Grant read permissions on bucket. Update my bucket policy according this what I would say then I would scroll down customer headers and on I don't need to put in these details. How do I want my data to be accessed the protocol policy? I would say redirect is TTP to https, so that it is secured if I scroll down I have some other options as well cast STP methods and all those things. Do I need to change these object caching? Can I customize it? Yes, I can. But again, I would be using the by default one if you want to you can Is it smooth streaming? No, these are some of the things that you need to focus on if you have some streaming data, you can put in details accordingly, but we are not doing that. What is the price class that you want to choose? You have some options here which you can pick from I would be going for the default one and then I just scroll down and I say create a distribution. So your distribution is getting created now and this process might take a long while if you click on this thing you realize that. It is in progress and it takes somewhere around 10 to 12 minutes for this distribution to get created. So meanwhile, I'm going to pause this session and I would come back with the remaining part. Once this distribution is completed. So bear with me for that while so there you go. The distribution has been deployed. The status is deployed here so we can actually go ahead and use this thing. Now, we have a domain name here, which I can use and I can just enter it here and we would be redirected to the page. And what happens here is you would be actually given access to this page through the age location. That means you're not going to the server instead. The data has been cast away from your distribution or your eyes location other so you enter this website and you hit the enter button. As an error it shouldn't have been. Oh, I know what just happened. When you do go ahead and create your so-called distribution in that you actually have an option of selecting a by default file, which I did not so I will have to give an extension here saying slash index dot HTML and if I hit the enter button now, it should redirect you to the demo tag with says welcome to edu Rica, right? So this was the HTML file that we created and we also had a PNG file which we wanted. Access the name was logo dot PNG. Okay, this is funny. This should not happen. Why is this happening? Let's take a look at it. Whether we have that file there because if it was there we should be able to access it. And what was my bucket this was the one oh, this has happened when I uploaded that file it got saved with this extension dot PNG dot PNG. So if I come here and I type dot PNG here, there you go. You have that object delivered to you through your Or so-called distribution in this session. We will be discussing about Amazon cloudwatch. So without any delay, I'll walk you through the topics which we will be discussing today firstly. We will see what Amazon cloudwatch has and why do we need it? Then? We'll discuss certain Amazon cloudwatch Concepts moving on. We'll take a look at two most important segments of Amazon cloudwatch. What chart Amazon cloudwatch? Events and Amazon cloudwatch locks and finally to make the soil more fun and interesting for you of included Adam as well. So let's get started first. Let us try to understand why we need cloud based monitoring with couple of scenarios in our first scenario consider that you have hosted a messenger app on cloud and your app has gained a lot of Fame but clearly the number of people using an application has gone down tremendously and you have no idea what the issue is. Well, it could be due to two reasons firstly since your application has complex multi-tier architecture monitoring the functionality of every layer by yourself will be a difficult task. Don't you think and secondly, since you're not using any kind of monitoring tool here, you wouldn't know how your application is performing on cloud. Well one solution for that is to employ a monitoring tool this monitoring tool will provide you insights regarding have your application is performing on cloud and with the state. You can make necessary improvements and you can also make sure that your application is in part with today's customer needs and definitely after a while you'll notice that the number of people using your application has increased moving on to our next scenario. Let's say your manager as assigned you with a project and he wants you to make this project as cost effective as possible. So as you can see in this project you using five virtual servers which perform highly complex computations and all these Servers are highly active during data. That is the and most traffic during data. But during nighttime, the servers are idle by that I mean the CPU utilization of these servers during night time is less than 15% and yet as you notice here in both the cases you are paying same amount of money. You have to notice two points here firstly all your virtual servers are underused during night time and secondly you're paying for the resources which are not using and this definitely Is not cost-effective. So one solution is to employ a monitoring tool this monitoring tool will send you a notification when they serve as our Idol and you could schedule to stop the servers on time. So guys, this is one way to make your project most cost-effective and avoid paying unnecessary operating costs. Let's consider another scenario for better understanding. So let's say I have o stood an e-commerce website on cloud and during sale season many customers are trying to access my website which Which is definitely a good thing, but for some unfortunate reason application downtime has occurred and you guys have to remember that I'm not using any kind of monitoring tool here. So little bit difficult for me to identify the error and troubleshoot that in reasonable amount of time and it's quite possible that in this period my customer might have moved on to different website. So you see that I've lost a potential customer here. So if I have had a monitoring tool in this situation, it would have identified the error in all yours. Just itself and rectify the problem. Well at could have easily avoided losing my customer. So I hope guys with help of these use cases you were able to understand as to why we need cloud-based monitoring. So let me just summarize what we have learnt till now. We need monitoring firstly because it provides a detailed report regarding performance of your applications on cloud and secondly, it helps us to reduce unnecessary operating costs, which we are paying to the cloud provider moreover it did. Ex problems at all your stage itself so that you can prevent disasters later and finally it monitors the users experience and provides us inside so that we can make improvements. So while guys in this session, we will be discussing about one such versatile monitoring tool called Amazon cloudwatch Amazon cloudwatch basically is a powerful monitoring tool which offers your most reliable scalable and flexible way to monitor your resources or applications which are currently active. One Cloud it's usually offers you with two levels of monitoring which are basic monitoring and detailed monitoring if you want to resources to be eligible for basic monitoring. All you have to do is to sign up for 80-plus feet here in basic monitoring. Your resources are monitored less frequently, like say every five minutes and you're provided with a limited choice of metrics to choose from whereas in detail monitoring all your resources are monitor more frequently like say every five minutes. And you're provided with a wide range of metrics to choose from but if you want your resources to be eligible for detail monitoring, you'll have to pay a certain amount of money according to a SS pricing details. Now, let's have a look at few monitoring services offered by Amazon cloudwatch Amazon cloudwatch firstly it provides a catalog of standard reports, which you can use to analyze Trends and monitor system performance and then it monitors stores and provide access to system. And application log files moreover. It enables you to set up high-resolution alarms and send notifications if needed and Amazon cloudwatch also send system events from AWS resources to AWS Lambda functions SNS topics Etc. So if you have not understood any terms, which I've used here, don't worry, we'll get to know more about this terms as we progress through the course of this session earlier. I mentioned that Amazon cloudwatch allows administrators to monitor multiple. Sources and applications from single console these resources include virtual instances hosted in Amazon ec2. Database is located on Amazon RDS data stored in Amazon S3 elastic load balancers and many other resources like auto-scaling groups Amazon Cloud 12 Etc. So guys now let's try to understand Amazon cloudwatch a little deeper firstly we'll have a look at few Amazon cloudwatch Concepts and then I'll explain you how Amazon cloudwatch actually operate So it's metric or metric represents at time audit set of data points that are published a cloud. So what I mean by that is suppose let's say you have three variables XY and z and you have created a table which has values of X with respect to Y over a period of time in this scenario the variable X, which have been monitoring till now is a metric so you can think of metric as a variable which needs monitoring next. We have Dimensions. Let's consider same variables XY & Z Basically, you had created a table which has values of X with respect to Y now, let's create another table which has values of X with respect to Z. So basically we have two tables which describes same variable X, but from two different perspectives. These are nothing but Dimensions. So basically our Dimension is a name value pair that uniquely identifies a metric and Amazon cloudwatch allows you to assign up to ten Dimensions to a metric then you have statistics previously. We had created two tables which are values of X with respect to Y and as well as that you can combine data from these tables like to create a chart or maybe plot a graph for analytical purposes. This combination of data is nothing but statistics statistics are metric data aggregations over specific period of time, then you have alarm. Let's say you have been monitoring this variable X for some time now and you want a notification to be sent to you when the value of x reaches certain. Short all you have to do is set an alarm to send you a notification. So basically alarm can be used to automatically initiate actions on your behalf. Now that you have clear understanding of concepts of Amazon cloudwatch. Let's see how Amazon cloudwatch operates Amazon cloudwatch has complete visibility into your AWS resources and applications which are currently running on cloud. So firstly it collects metrics and locks from all these AWS resources and applications. And then by using this metrics it helps you visualize your applications on cloudwatch dashboard moreover. If there is some sort of operational change in a SS environment Amazon cloudwatch becomes aware of these changes and response to them by taking some sort of corrective action, like maybe it sends you a notification or it might activate a Lambda function Etc. And finally it provides your real-time analysis by using cloudwatch metric map. So if you're wondering What cloudwatch metric Mathis it is a service which integrates multiple cloudwatch metrics and creates a new time series and you can view this time series on cloudwatch dashboard as well. So working this way Amazon cloudwatch provides you with system by disability it even provides you actionable Insight so that you can monitor your application performance moreover. It allows you to optimize resource utilization if needed and finally it provides a unified. I'd view of operational health of your AWS environment. So I hope that by now if you know what Amazon cloudwatch has so now let's try to understand how Amazon cloudwatch works with help of a demo. So guys, this is my AWS console. Let's say AWS Management console and the services which you can see on the screen are the services offered by Amazon AWS. But in this demo we are going to use only few Services. Let's say cloudwatch, and then you have easy to and a service called Simple notification. Service and when I click on ec2 it takes me to ec2 dashboard where you can see that I have four instances which are currently active, you know that here in this demo. I'm supposed to get a notification saying that CPU utilization of my instances less than or if a person for me to receive a notification first, I'll have to create a topic And subscribe to it with my email ID. So let's explore a service called Simple notification service where you can create a topic And subscribe. To it. Once you reach SNS dashboard click on topics optional navigation Pane and click 'create new topic give you a topic a name. Let's say CW topic and if the display name as well, let's give the same name and click on create topic option here. You can see that I've successfully created a topic now click on the topic, which you have created and select actions and subscribe to topic option. Well, I want notifications to be sent to me in form of email you Of different options as well and form of Lambda function or Jason Etc. But I'm going to choose it as email and give my email ID which is her and then click on create subscription option. So now whenever AWS console wants to send me a message. It will send to the email ID which are used to subscribe the topic now, let's go back to cloudwatch dashboard. So guys this is my cloudwatch dashboard and you can see different options or navigation pane firstly. I have dashboard where I can view all my metrics at same place. Then you have alarms which shows the list of alarms which you have configured and then you have events and locks which will be exploring later. Our topic of interest is the last one which has metrics select the metrics option here and then choose ec2 and then / instant metrics when you do that or list of metrics will be shown to you like Network out. Soup utilization Network packet in network packets out and various other metrics for various resources, which are currently active on your Cloud. So but we are interested only with CPU utilization. So I'm going to type that here. Well, it shows the list of instances which are active on my cloud and I'm going to choose Windows to instance and then click on graph metrics option here. Okay, let's select Windows to only and then on the right side, you can see you have a alarm button when you click on that a dialog box will be open where you can configure your alarm firstly. Let's give alarm a name. Let's say low CPU utilization. And a brief description as well. Let's say lower than 25 percent lower than 25 percent CPU utilization. Now I'm going to set the threshold Which is less than 25% in this case and on the light side, you can see of period option if you resources are eligible for basic monitoring the speed option by default as five minutes. And if your resources are eligible for detailed monitoring, it's usually one minute and when you scroll down you can see a send notification to option here so select the topic which you have previously created that will be C Topic in my case and then click on create Allah. But there is some error. Okay. It says there's an alarm already with this name. So let's give it another name of my instance. Now, let's try again and when you click on this alarm button And click on refresh option here. It says that I've successfully created a alarm here. You can see that low CPU utilization of my instance. And when you click on that it shows you all the details like description threshold and what action it is supposed to take when alarm is configured and all the details. So guys try it out. It'll be easy for you to understand cloudwatch console much better. Okay guys. Now, you know what Amazon cloudwatch has what it does and wait operates, but to understand the capabilities. You have Amazon cloudwatch completely we should be aware of two important segments of Amazon cloudwatch, which are cloudwatch events and cloudwatch locks. So let's discuss them one by one firstly we have Amazon cloudwatch events consider the scenario. Let's say you've created an auto scaling group and this Auto scaling group currently has terminated an instance so you can see this as some sort of operational change in area Bliss environment when this happens Amazon cloudwatch becomes aware of these changes. Changes and response to them by taking some sort of corrective actions, like in this case. It might send you a notification saying that your auto scaling group has terminated an instance or it might activate and Lambda function which updates the recording Amazon Route 53 zone. So basically what Amazon cloudwatch Evans does is it delivers a real-time stream of system events that describe change in your AWS resources. Now, let's have a look at few concepts related to Cloud watch events. First TV happy Venter and even indicates change in a SS environment and AWS resources generate events, whenever the state changes. Let's say you have terminated an active ec2 instance. So that state of this ec2 instance has changed from active to terminated and hence an event is generated. Then you have rules rules are nothing but constraints every incoming event is evaluated to see if it has met the constraint. If so, the event is routed to Target Target is is where the events are handled Target can include Amazon ec2 instances or a Lambda function or an Amazon SNS topic Etc. Now let's try to understand Amazon cloudwatch events better with help of use case in this use case. We are going to create a system that closely mimics the behavior of Dynamic DNS. And for those who don't know what Dynamic DNS has Let me Give an example. Let's say you want to access internet at home then internet service provider assigned to an IP address, but Since internet service provider users different kind of online systems. This IP address keeps changing because of which it might be difficult for you to use this IP address with other services like webcam security camera thermostatic cetera. So this is where Dynamic DNS comes into picture what Dynamic DNS does is it assigns a custom domain name to your home IP address and this domain name is automatically updated when IP address changes so basically dynamic ANS is a service that automatically updates a name server in domain name system and Amazon office you with a similar kind of service called Amazon Route 53. So in this use case, we are going to update Amazon dropped 50 3 whenever a Amazon ec2 instance changes its state. Now. Let's see how the use case actually works this use case precisely works this way. So whenever an ec2 instance changes, it states Amazon cloudwatch event becomes aware of these. Operational changes and it triggers a Lambda function this Lambda function uses different kind of information regarding the instance like that's public and private IP address and it updates a record in appropriate Route 53 hosted zone. So let's say you have an ec2 instance and you have terminated the instance. So Amazon cloudwatch events become aware of this and it triggers a Lambda function and this Lambda function deletes the record from Amazon Route 53 similarly if you have created a new instance, Once again Amazon cloudwatch events become aware of this and it triggers a Lambda function in this Lambda functions creates a new record in Amazon Route 53. I hope you have understood what Amazon cloudwatch even sees and what it does. Now, let's discuss how Amazon cloudwatch events works with help of a demo. So in this demo, we will schedule to stop and start ec2 instances with help of Lambda function and cloudwatch events. So let's go ahead with demo. So guys, you can see that I have four instances which are currently Deaf first, I'm going to create a Lambda function which is going to stop my windows to instance and you guys need to know that for Lambda function to do that. We need to assign permission. So Amazon provides you with the service called I am which is identity and access management where you can assign permissions when you search for I am in the tab, it shows you the service select that and on IM dashboard on the navigation pane. You can see a policies option here select that and click on create policy option. First it's asking you for a service here. We should be easy to in our case click on easy to function and actions which will be to start and stop may see two instances. So let's search for start instance. Well, a predefined function is already there. So you can choose that then you have stopped instance again select that And then I wanted to be eligible for all the resources. So I'm going to choose all resources here and click on review policy option. Let's give our policy a name that is to start and stop ec2 instances and description as well a brief description. Let's say to start and stop instances. And now click on create policies. It's taking a while. So I've successfully created a policy here. Next we have to assign this policy to Lambda function. So click on rolls here then click on create role choose Lambda function here and click on next permission. Search for the policy which we have created earlier that is to start and stop the found the policy select that and click on next view option that's asking for a name. Let's give a name start-stop instances and click on create role. I've successfully created a role. So what we have done here is we have assigned permission for Lambda function to control ec2 instances. Now, let's create a Lambda function. You can search for Lambda in the search that and there R click on create function give you a Lambda function a name. Let's say to stop instance and select the role, which you have previously created and click on create function. You can see that I've successfully created and Lambda function and now I'm just going to copy the code to stop ec2 instances here. I'm going to select this and paste it over here and make sure to save it as you can see here in this function a task for instance region and instance ID. So let's configure the details. Let's give it a stop instance and here you will have to insert instance region and ID. and Stan's region an instance ID Novel have to copy the instance region and ID of the instance, which I ever need. So let's go to ec2 dashboard here. Now let's say I want my windows to instance to be stopped. But this is the instance ID, which I'm going to paste it over there. similarly instance region now Well, in this case, I'm choosing Windows to instance. You can choose whichever instance you want to stop. Once you're done that you click on create option here test the configuration details. When you scroll down you can see the execution results here. It says that my instance has been successfully stopped. Let's go and check and easy to dashboard here on the ec2 dashboard. I'm going to refresh it and you can see that my windows to instance has successfully stopped now, we'll create another Lambda function which will restart this function again the same search for Lambda function in the search tab and click on create function option it ask for a name. So let's say start instance. And choose the role with your previously created and click on create function again. You'll have to paste the code to start the instances over here. And click on Save option. Let's try to configure this. Let's name it as start instance. and again a task for to our tributes which are instance region and ID. Now what we have to do is copy the instance region and ID here like we did earlier. Let's go to easy to dashboard and copy the instance ID and region. Well, you guys can see that here. My windows to instant has been successfully stock now. I'll copy this and paste it over there. similarly instance region as well and click on create option not test the configuration and when you scroll down you can see that my instance has successfully restarted in the ec2 dashboard. I'm going to refresh this. Well, my windows to instance is on its way to get restarted till now. I've used Lambda function to start and stop my instances. But now I'm going to automate this process with help of Amazon cloudwatch. So let's go to cloudwatch dashboard here. Well, it's taking a while to load then choose events option and click on create true. So here we are going to share Jewel to stop my instances every day at 6:30 p.m. And to restart this instances every day at 6:30 a.m. So click on schedule. If you want to know more about Grand Expressions, you can visit Amazon documentation. So let me show you it has six Fields firstly it's minused. Then you have hours then day of month day of the week and your your concern. Only with minutes and house because we want our instances to be start and stop every day every month. So let's give the details. So if you're going to create a rule to stop the instance, let's say 6:30 in the evening 30 minutes and 18, which is nothing but 6 p.m. And then rest all you don't have to mention anything. When you give a proper cron expression sample timings would be provided to you. You can see her the rest of the sample timings and now let's add the target function which is Lambda function in our case and select on stop instance function and click on configure details give you a rule a name. Let's say stop my ec2 instance and description to stop my ec2 instance. At 6:30 p.m. Every day. And click on create video you can see that I've successfully created a rule to stop my instance every day at 6:30 p.m. Now. Let's create another rule to restart this instance every day at 6 a.m. In the morning. Again. The scene shows the schedule here and cron expression which will be 6 a.m. In the morning. Again, the sample time is shown here. Then that's that Target function again Lambda function and select the function that is to start instance and click on configure details. Let's name it as start my ec2 instance and the scripture has to start my ec2 instance every day at 6 a.m. And click on create. So now we have successfully created two rules to start and stop the easy two instances at 6:30 p.m. And 6:30 a.m. Respectively. So what we have done is we have saved our time here. We've automated the process of stopping and starting ec2 instances. So try it on yourself. It will be easier for you to understand. So guys now let's discuss our next topic which is Amazon cloudwatch locks. Have you guys heard of log files? Well log files are nothing but detailed record of events that occur when you are using your AWS environment, you can view a log files on your on-premise server as well search for an app called Event Viewer select the app and click on Windows locks and select systems or list of log files will be shown to you when you choose a particular log file all the details regarding the clock files will be shown like the number of keywords the login time number. Of hours, the file has been logged onto and various other details. Similarly. You have log files created when you use AWS environment as well. So you can consider this log files is a data repository. Most of the metrics are generated from these log data. So whenever a metric is generated a part of data is extracted from this log data. So you're designing metrics according to your like by choosing a part of data from this log data. So basically this log files are what we call a primary data store. Please and Amazon cloudwatch locks is used to monitor store and access log files from AWS resources, like ec2 instances cloud trail Route 53 Etc. Let's try to understand cloudwatch locks better with help of some features firstly you can use Amazon cloudwatch locks to monitor your application and system log files. Let's say you have made a lot of errors, but trying to deploy your application on cloud in this scenario. You can use cloudwatch locks to keep track of your errors. And send a notification to you when the error rate increases certain threshold so that you can make avoiding errors again, then you have log retention by defaults logs are kept indefinitely but cloudwatch provides you with an option where you can set the period between 10 years to one day. Then you have locked storage. You can use cloudwatch logs to store your log data and highly durable storage and in case of system errors, you can access raw log data from this storage space and then you have DNS queries you can use Watch lugs to log information about the DNS queries that Route 53 DC's now let's have a look at few Concepts regarding cloudwatch locks firstly we have something called log even so log even is just to record a fact DVD that has occurred in AWS environment. It's straightforward. Then you have locked stream a log stream as a sequence of log events that have same Source. Then you have something called Law Group Law Group defines group of lock streams. That has same. And access control settings by default. You have to make sure that each log stream belongs to one or the other Law Group guys not let's try to understand cloudwatch logs better with help of this use case in this use case. We are going to use Amazon cloudwatch looks to troubleshoot the system errors, you can see that I have three instances here and a cloudwatch agent which is monitoring all these three instances. So what cloudwatch agent does is it collects custom level metrics from all these easy to instances and then This metrics and locks collected by the agent are processed and stored in this Amazon cloudwatch Lots Amazon cloudwatch locks, then continuously monitors these metrics as you can see here by then. You can set an alarm which will send you notification when some sort of error occurs in the system. So whenever you receive a notification saying that some sort of error is there in the system you can access the original log data, which is stored in Cloud watch locks to find the error. So this is how you can use Amazon cloudwatch locks to troubleshoot the system errors. So basically you are having a look at original data so you can solve your problems faster and quicker. So this is it guys today in this session. We are going to discuss about the service AWS cloudformation. So without wasting any more time, let's move on to today's agenda. So we'll start today's session by discussing why cloud formation is actually needed in the first place. Once we're done with that, we'll move on to the what of what is cloud formation. Actually after that. We'll be discussing what things are needed to get started in the cloud formation service. Now among those things. You have a Json document. So we will be learning how to create a Json document. So before that we'll be seeing the structure of a Json document. Once we learn the structure will see how a Json document actually looks like so we'll see how a sample Json document looks and in the end we'll be doing a demonstration. Ocean so in the demonstration will be doing two demos. The first one will be a really simple one and the other one will be a little Advanced. Let's move on to the first topic. That is why AWS cloudformation? So why do we need cloud formation? So for example, you have an application now most of you guys know that for and we have done this in the previous sessions as well that we created an application right. Now. The application is actually dependent on a lot of AWS resources. Now if we were to deploy and manage all these resources separately it will take up a lot of time of yours, right? So to reduce that time or to manage all these resources. What if I told you you have a service? Yes. Yes, you got that, right. So you have a service called AWS cloudformation. So using AWS cloudformation, you can manage and create and provision all these resources at a single place. Now, this is what cloud formation does. But now what is cloud formation exactly. So a cloud formation is basically a service which helps you model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend more time on your application rather than setting up and provisioning these resources, right? So basically It's a tool using which you can create your applications quickly. Also, you can create templates in AWS cloudformation. Now, how do you create templates? Basically, you would be using the cloud formation designer you'd be putting in all the resources that are needed. You would be defining the dependencies of these resources and then you'll be saving this design as a template right now. What will you do with this template? This template can be used to create as many copies as you want right? Say for example Example you have a use case wherein you want your application in multiple regions for backup purposes. Right? So if you want that you won't be implementing or you won't be creating each and every resource one by one in each of the regions. What you can do is you will create it at one place in cloud formation have the template in your hand and deploy that template in the other regions as well. Right? So what will this do? So first of all, your replication will be very precise, right so they won't be Any changes in the copies that you have made second of all you will be doing that quickly because you don't have to do the process all over again. You just have to click a button and that template will be provisioned or will be launched in that region. So this is what AWS cloudformation is all about. It makes your life simpler by handling all the creation and the provisioning part, right? So this is what is AWS cloudformation. Now, how do we get started in cloud formation says it's a very useful. Is how can you as a user use the service so let's move on. So for using the cloud formation service. First of all, you need a Json script now. Why do you need a Json script because you would be creating a template right in the cloud formation designer. You would be using the drag-and-drop option and filling in the AWS resources right now when you will be doing that in the back end it will actually be creating a Json script. Now what you can do as a user is if you're good in Json, you can create your own Json script. Otherwise you can use Cloud formation designer to create a template now for creating a template. Like I said, you need a Json script. Now. What is the Json script then? So a Json script is basically a JavaScript object notation file, which is an open standard form. And that means it is human readable so you can read it as well as well as the computer. So if you don't need the programming knowledge for this, what you as a user would be doing is you would be designing your template in the cloud formation designer and that will automatically create. Eight a Json script you can do it. The other side is well. Like I said, you can create your own Json script and feed it in the cloud formation designer. So this is how cloud formation works. This is how you would be using AWS cloudformation. But then how can you learn the Json script? So it's very easy. So basically you have to follow a structure in the Json document. What is this structure? So that structure is like this you would be creating the following Fields. So the first field will be the This template format version. So this will basically contain version of your template. Next up is the description. So description is a text-only file or is a text-only field wherein you will be describing your template in words, right? So if I'm a user and I want to know what your Json does without reading your Json script from beginning to end. I can read the description in simple English and understand what ages from triple to right then you have the metadata. So metadata will basically When the properties of your template then you have the parameters. So any values that you have to pass through the template will be included in the parameters next comes mappings. So mappings would basically include the dependencies between your AWS resources. Then comes conditions. The conditions are basically the conditions that you would be giving to your template when the Kristof will be created or while the stack is upgraded. So if we are stack is being created or their stack is being updated. These conditions will be looked. One two, then comes output. So whatever outputs your template will provide or your creation of Stack will provide will come in the output header. Then you have the resources field. So resources will basically include all the AWS resources that you want to include in your infrastructure right now. If you look carefully you actually will be only dealing with the resources part, right because you will just be populating in the resources and creating the dependencies. Right. So basically you'd be populating the resources part and that is what it was all about the resources, but right now, this is Theory now, how does a Json document actually look like right a Json document looks something like this. So like I said, you would be working on the resources field, right? So you'd be including the resources field and in that say you so this Json document is all about if you had noticed it's about S3, right? So you are basically including an S3 bucket. It and the type you'd be specifying the type of service that will be including this bucket. Right? Like in this example a Json document doesn't know what service you're talking about. So you specify the name of the bucket and inside the brace is you'll be specifying which service over here. You'll be specifying the S3 service. Don't worry. I'll be showing you guys this Json document in a moment. But before that you should understand how a Json document is structured and this is what we're doing right now. Now guys, this is the cloud formation dashboard. Now, you have to create a stack over here, right? And for the creation of a stack you require a template so first we'll design a template and then we'll create a stack. So this is my cloud formation designer. Let's go back to our slide and see what we actually have to do. So, this is our first demonstration here in will be creating a S3 Bucket from cloud formation. So we'll be designing a template around that for first and then we'll be deploying this code. Right? So let's do that. So let's go to our cloud formation window now so we have to create an S3 bucket. So we'll scroll down to the S3 service. So here is AC Service. We click on this we service. Click on bucket and drag it over here. Right. So this is the recipe bucket guys. Now you can edit the name of the template over here. You can name it as either a car CF that means and Eureka cloud formation, right? So you specify that now, this is your Json code now you can compare the Json code guys. Let me make it a little bigger for you guys. Yeah. So this is the Json code guys now, I didn't code this Json script, right? I just dragged and dropped this Bucket over here in cloud formation and Automatically generated this script comparing it with the code that we have in our presentation. Let's see so we have resources. Yes. We have resources. We have the name of your bucket part. So basically this is the name of your bucket and then it's a type. We're in you'll be specifying this you service. So you have type and specifying the SC service over here, right? So if you want to change the name of the bucket, we can do that over here. Let's specify it as and Eureka CF. Alright, so we are done. This is it guys this is all you have to do. So now for running this in cloud formation, all you have to do is click on this icon create stuck. Now this will lead me to this page which is the create stack page. Now, it has automatically uploaded this template to the S3 bucket and it has specified the URL here, right? We click on next you specify the stack names. Let's specify it as a lyric RCF, right so you don't have to specify anything are let's click on next click on create. So you'll be seeing the events on this page. Let's refresh this. So it says create in progress, right? So my template is now being created into a stack and that stack will have the AWS resource in it, which is the S3 bucket. Right? So I think the time is enough. Let's refresh it and check if our stack has been created. So it's still in the creation phase. Let's wait. All right, so now it shows me that the Creator is complete. All right guys, so let's go to our S3 service and check whether we have Bucket that are AWS cloudformation created for us. So we go to the AC Service. And here it is guys. So this is the bucket that we created right? I see you can see the time. It's March 28th. 2017. Today is March 28th, 2017. And the time is 7 5 and the time is 7 7 here. Alright, so this bucket has just been created by cloud formation. So guys, like I said, it is very easy. It is easy to understand and to deploy as well. You basically just have to create a template and that is it AWS cloudformation will do the rest for you and the cool part is that you can replicate the template as many times as you want. Right? So it will save you the time. Okay this demonstration is done. So we have created an S3 bucket using cloud formation. Let's see what our second demonstration is all about. So now we'll be creating an easy domain students in which we will be deploying the lamp stack which means in that easy to instance. You'll installing Linux you installing a patch a you'll be installing MySQL and we'll be installing PHP as well. Right? So, let's see. How will we do that? So for our second demonstration, we will again go back to the cloud formation console. We will click on create stack and now we have to launch a lamp stack. So a lamp stack is basically a sample template in AWS, right so we can select the sample template and we'll click on view or edit template in designer. So a lamp stack is basically an easy to instance with Linux Apache MySQL and PHP installed onto it, right you can see the designer that you have only specified and easy to instance anyway to ask the security group to it. So you need the security group obviously because you have to connect to this. You do instance right now. A lamp stack is basically a web server remember? Now, let's see the template for this lamp stack. So we discuss the structure of a Json document if you guys remember so the first part was the AWS template format version. Then you have description. Then you have parameters so parameters if you guys remember it is basically the values that will be passing to the template right now. If you are creating a lamp stack you'd be needing the database name you'd be needing the database password. You'd be needing a lot of things, right? If you're installing MySQL you be needing the username you'll be needing the password. So all of that you can feed in here in the parameters so you can specify the key name. So if you are connecting to the slough instance through SSH connection, you'd be needing a keeper right? She would be specifying the keep are here. Then you will be specifying the DB name and the other detail now how will that look when you'll be creating a stack? So let's do that. We will click on this icon which will now create a stack automatically so will be prompted. It on this cage click on next then you will reach this page where in you are feeling the entry right? So you would specify the stack name. So this is by default so stack name, so we'll be specifying the stack name first. So I'll let us tag name be lamb demo, and then we move on to the parameters part. So whatever you specified in the Json parameters field will be reflected over here. So we specified DB name over here. So it was asking me for the DB name. So let's give it as a rake. And let's give the DB password as something candy. Be root password DB user as a Eureka instance type as Steven dot micro wide even got micro because if you guys noticed in the template, we didn't specify a virtual private Cloud that is a VPC now all the instances which are launched these days of with all the new instances which are there in easy to have to be by default launch the VPC. But since we are creating a Json file and we didn't specify a VPC you have to select T' an older version of your ec2 instance. So let it be T 1 so T 1 is an older version. It runs without a V PC as well. And then you have to specify a key name the key name would basically be used to create SSH connection to your instance. Right? So our key pair was array calendar score a will select that and will click on next now SSH location is basically your IP address if you want to specify I don't want to specify it. So we'll click on next you don't have to enter anything over. Click on next confirm and click on create. Now is happening in the background as it is picking up that Json file and is creating a stack first launch an ec2 instance. It will then install the next onto that it will then install Apache MySQL and then the end a PHP installation. So what we will do the once it says that the creation is completed we will go and check if everything has been installed on our server by creating an SSH connection, right? So let's wait until the stack. complete Alright guys, so as you can see in the events that the creation is now complete. So let's check that if our installation has been correct will go to the ec2 instance. Now this is our instance which has just been created. We can check that. It's been created on March 28, right? So today is 28. Alright, so now let's connect to this instance. So for that we will have to copy the IP address. This is the police officer. For those of you who don't know how to connect to easy to you'll be pasting an IP address here. Right? And then you have this private file, right? So this is of the pemex tension, but the party software needs a PPK extension. So you have to convert this pem file to PPK that can be done using the puttygen software. So this is the footage and software so I will be dragging this file here. Okay, it doesn't work. So well click on load go to downloads click on all files select my pem file click on Open click on OK and then click on save Private key. So let's name it as a Eureka. Underscore a click on save so a file has been saved will close it. Go back to our party software here enter the IP address here. You will click on SSH click on authentication. Click on browse go to your PPK file click on open and click on open here. So now you'll be connected to your SSH through your SS has to your ec2 instance. So any Linux installation on Your AWS infrastructure. The login will be easy to - user. I see you're in let's see if you can connect to a MySQL installation. So MySQL - Edge so it is on localhost. - P port number which is your 6 and then the user that we gave was a Eureka and the password was this. Okay guys, so we are in so that means we successfully created the Eddie Rekha username which is specified in the Json script. That works. Well and then you specified. Okay. We also specify that we need a database right? So, let's see if it is showing a databases or our databases have been created as well. Okay, so it has a data-based called Ed, Eureka? Right. So the Json script worked. Well now the thing here to notice. Is that how granularity you can configure your Json file? Right? First of all, it launched an ec2 instance then install Linux then install MySQL it configured it settings and inside MySQL it gave you a database, right? So this is awesome guys. So this gives you the whole control of AWS just through Json script. Right and this is the power of cloud formation. Now if you want this infrastructure or whatever you have created right now to be replicated again to some other instance that can be done with a single click of button, right and it is actually pretty awesome because if you were to install this lamp stack on a server or on AWS again, if you launch ec2 instance with the Linux OS installing Apache MySQL and PHP may take time. It actually takes time. We can you have to open the console. All you have to open the terminal you have to enter the commands and depending on your internet speed you will install all those packages. So this is neat. It does everything for you automatically, right? So guys, this is what cloud formation was all about. So I'll close the session. Let me go back to my style. All right, so guys we are done with the lamb stock demo. Today's session is going to be on auto scaling and load. And so so today I'm going to tell you how you can order scale your resources so that they become highly available and this is what we're going to do today. All right. So with that guys, let's start with today's session with the agenda for today. So guys, this is what we are going to do today first. We're going to see what are snapshots and am I so these are basically the entities using this using which you will be or scaling your resources. So once you know, what are snapshots in Amis will move on to why do we actually need or scaling and what? Is auto-scaling exactly after that we're going to see what is a load balancer and towards the end. We'll be doing a Hands-On which is going to be very interesting because I don't think there's a demo out there which can show you the kind of demo that I'm going to show you today. All right, and if you think about a guy's if you're if you're thinking about moving to the cloud industry order scaling our load balancing out the very important topics in this in this in this domain, right so you should know about them. So if you have been so if you About them please pay attention today because you're going and going to go and gain a lot of knowledge today. All right moving on guys. Let's start with the first topic which is snapshots and am is so let us see what are those so I guess most of you are aware of what an ec2 instances of for those of you who are not an ec2 instance is just like a row, so it's in fresh piece of computer that have just bought is just like that, right? So on that computer, you can choose any operating system that you want. Want so once you have the operating system, you can install any kind of software on it. All right, so you have to install every time you launch a new in an ec2 instance. You have to install all the required software's on it. All right, but there's a workaround what if you want a specific configuration of ec2 instance a want five easy to servers which are exactly like this like each other, right? So one way of doing that would be to launch a new instance every time install the required packages. Daytime and going about it, right the other way of doing it would be to actually create an image of once you will be configuring your ec2 instance. And after that you'll be creating an image of your ec2 instance. And that using that image you can actually deploy for more easy to do servers. All right, so this image is basically what is and am I so am I which is an Amazon machine image is nothing but an executable image of your already existing. You do instance, right? But before an am I can be created there is a thing called snapshot now what a snapshots snapshots are nothing but the copy of the data the data the copy of the data that you have on your hard drive. So basically if you have your C drive, right and you want to copy your C drive you copy a CD drive on to some external drive so that becomes a snapshot but if you can boot from that external drive, so that has to your whole operating system comes up. Some other machine then it becomes an Ami. So this is basically the difference between the two a snapshot is not a bootable copy and Ami is a bootable copy that you have. Alright, so I hope you got the difference between what is in am I and what is the snapshot? So I'll repeat it again and you use an Ami to basically replicate an easy two wins is easy to instance again, so that you don't have to do the configurations all over again, right? So now you'd be Oh, we were we were to talk about what is auto scaling. What is load balancing? Why do we need EMS but be patient you would be clear with everything with the session. All right moving on guys, let's now discuss. Why do we need auto-scaling now before the right. Now the way I will be going through the session is I'll be explaining you each topic and then I'll show you it in the AWS console. All right, so we just discussed what are snapshots and what are a mere am I so let me quickly show you How you can configure our how you can create an Ami of an already existing ec2 instance in the AWS console. So, let me give me a second. So give me a second. I'll just go to my browser and my AWS console. So guys, this is my AWS console. I hope it's visible to you. So the first thing that you'll be doing is you'll be going on to your ec2 console or all right. So in your easy to console you will have all your servers that are running right now, right? So for the for the Sake of Simplicity I have deployed. I've already deployed to servers which are server 1 and server to now I have configured them both with a purchase so that they can have your they can host a website. Uh, let me quickly show you how the website actually looks like. So if I go to this particular IP address of server 1 This is in part. So what one right so this is how the website looks like right similarly for my server to if I go to go into my server to this is how my server to be look like. Here it is. All right. So these are my two servers. Now. What I want is I will create an exact copy or the of these servers so that they can be replicated. All right. So when I say replicated everything from software's to this website will be copied onto an image and that copy or that image when I will deploy it. It will be deployed inside one more. He should do server in which I don't have to do anything. This website will be there. I just have to go to the IP address and I can see this website. All right. So now what I'll be doing is I'll be creating an Ami of both the server. So let's create an EMF or server one first. I'll select the server one. I'll go to actions. I'll go to image I click on create image and all I have to do is give an image name for it. So let me give the name as live server one, right? This is my image name. I click on create image and that is it. It takes in your request for Eating an Ami and it does that right pretty simple now similarly. I will be doing it for server to as well. I'll select server to I go to image. I'll create an image and I'll name the image say live server to So once I've done that you can see the images in your am I tab? So if you look at over here in the images section you can look at Ami is if you go to your aim is you can see there are two images which are just being created which are in the pending State as of now and they are live. So one and lives over to Now using these images you can create any kind of server that you can create the exact same server with just a click of a button. All right, you don't have to configure anything much. Alright, so this is how you create a new map pretty straightforward guys. Let's move on and discuss. Why do we need auto-scaling now? So you learned how to create an Ami, let's go ahead and stand auto-scaling and see how they are connected to Ami is all right. So say you have an application you have a website and every machine now this website is hosted on server guys, right and so was a nothing but machines now every machine has Has its limitation right? For example say there's this machine is say around 8GB + C i5 processor. So say it can host on hundred people. Right only a hundred people can come to this website and easily and navigate inside the website. But if more than a hundred people comes in this computer or the server becomes slow. All right, so say there are a hundred people as of now and they are trying to access your website and they can easily access. Sit now your website becomes a hit overnight. All right, and now a lot of people are trying to access your website which make sure server overburdened now in this scenario you can do only one thing that is deploy more servers and distribute the traffic equally among those servers so that the requests can be handled. All right. Now this thing is a manual task and manual is a big No-No in the IT world guys. So we invented a service call. Old Auto scaling and using order scaling what happens is it sees it it actually analyzes the kind of load which is coming in right and it deploys the server's according to that. So say around 300 people are coming in and it sees there that you need three servers to handle those kind of requests. It will do that automatically, right? And that is where your am I comes in guys because the new servers that you will be launching those new servers have to be taken out of some template right so The first server has to be the exact copy of the sorry. The second server has to be the exact copy of server 1 the third server as well has to be the exact copy of server one, right? And that is where the am I comes in. So what is what basically happens is in the order scaling service you basically attach your Ami which you created and using that Ami it deploys most servers, right? This is why am I is significant or this is how am I is related to Auto scaling and And this is why do we need auto-scaling? Let's move ahead and just give us a definition that what auto-scaling exactly is. So like I said, whenever you your load increases and you have to scale automatically up and down you use Auto scaling, so it's not only about scaling up that is when you load increases a three or four so as you have deployed and never when you load decreases Still Force, I was up there to sitting I'd write so that is not the case with auto-scaling you can So skilled down as per your needs you can configure everything which you can imagine about scaling up and scaling down in the auto scaling properties. All right. So this is why we need auto-scaling. Now one more thing that you need with auto scaling is if you would have noticed I said the number of servers it deployed gets deployed in the order scaling. So there are they there are four servers which get with get deployed you during order scaling right now. The traffic has to be distributed. It equally right. So this traffic which has to be distributed has has nothing to do with auto scaling. It has to be done by a separate entity. And that is what we are going to discuss in the next section. But before that, let me show you how you can configure or how you can configure the auto scaling properties and attach the related am I so that the related servers are launched right? So let me go to my AWS console. So here am I and as you can see the aim is have already been created. They are lives over one and live server to now what I'll be doing is I'll be creating auto-scaling groups or I'll be configuring the auto scaling properties so that these servers can be Auto scaled as and when required right? So before that I actually have to create a launch configuration. Now, what is the launch configuration? So if you look at the a my guys you have only specified what kind of data should be there in your server. What you have not specified is what kind of machine you should launch every time there's a need right? So that is exactly what you do in launch configuration. So you have the data but you don't have the information about the kind of machine that you want to launch so that that that kind of stuff you will be specifying in the launch configuration. So what I'll be doing is I'll click on create launch configuration and now it will give me a wizard as same as that of any issue. So right in the ECU server. I had to choose an operating system, right so same it'll give me the wizard but I don't have to go here. I'll have to go to a separate tab, which is called my m is right, so I'll select my mice and now I'll select the newly created a match which is the Mi which I just created which is say we are creating a launch configuration for us over one right now. So I'll select the lives of A1. I'll click on select and now it will ask me the kind of the configuration that I want for my So right so I need attitude or micro because we are doing a demo today, right so we don't need much of of computing power. So we just have to select E2 dot micro and will name a launch configuration a thing. So let's name it as life. So one. Right and the I am role is not required and I click on next now. It will ask me for adding the storage so easy be is enough for anyone to machine. I'll go to configure security groups. Right? And in this regard to groups. I just have to add the HTTP rule because I have to connect to all the instances that I'm launching. Right? So I'll select the HTTP rule from here right and I click On review so that is it guys. Nothing else has to be configured you. All right, and it is asking me to check everything that I've just configured everything seems fine. I click on create launch configuration. Now it last me for the keeper. Right? So every server which will be launched it will be associated with the with a key pair which will be specifying here right? You can create a new one if you don't have already I already have a key pair. So let me choose my my keeper so that is a month underscore to and I acknowledge that I have this keep your and I'll create the launch configuration. It just takes a second or two to do that and we are done. Alright, so now we have created a launch configuration. We have specified what kind of machine we want. We specified what kind of data should go into that machine now, we'll be creating the auto scaling group in which will be specifying in which cases we want to Auto scale. All right, so let's create an auto scaling group now. All right. So it has automatically picked up the launch configuration that we have just created that it's life. So one right let's name this group as live server one group. Right. And what is the initial size that you want in your launch configuration? That is the minimum number of servers that you want. So let it be 1 and remember guys. This is the most important part when you are creating a launch configuration in sure that you're doing it in your default VPC to be on the safe side because there are a lot of settings that you have to do if you create a VPC on your own and that becomes a hassle. All right, so if you accidentally delete your default VPC, which I did right so you have to contact the AWS support team and they'll help you out with it. They'll basically create one for you. You cannot create one on your own. All right. So always ensure that you are in a default VPC whenever you're creating an auto scaling group. Alright, so now I will be specifying the subnets. So basically you have to select a minimum number of to subnets right? I'll need not getting into what I said Nets because then it will be like a three-hour session. I will click on configure scaling properties now over here. You can specify the properties that I was talking about that. When do you want your server to scale? Right so over here you can specify the average CPU utilization. Now, what do you mean by average PT CPU utilization? So there are four servers running as of now, right? So it takes the average of all the four servers. All right, and if the average goes beyond whatever number you're specified here say I specified. 70 over here, right? So in that case whenever the average pcpd utilization will go beyond 70 it will launch one more server similarly. If it goes I can configure one more property here, which says if it goes below 20% like scale down from one server. All right. So if there are five servers in there and see people ization has gone less than 20 percent it will it will it will scale down from one. Seven and come down to four servers. All right, and you can also set how many seconds should it paid say the traffic is spiking down and up like to frequently, right. So for that what you can do is you can set a time. So if the 20% Mark has been not cross still say like five minutes, then it will scale down a server or if the seventy percent Mark of the CPU utilization has been crossed over five minutes. It will then scone. Scale up, it will not scale up with at only once for only one second. It becomes 71 person. All right, so you can specify all of that over here. But since I cannot load test my instance over here, I'll just keep it at its initial size with just means that it will even if I delete my instance that is I one instance has to be there in any case if I delete the instance it will automatically launch it again. Alright, so let's will select the keep this group at an edge at its initial size and we'll go to configure notifications. So I don't want to configure the notifications neither the tags, I click on review and I'll click on create auto scaling group. Alright, so I've successfully created an auto scaling group for my life server one. All right. Similarly. I will do the same steps for my server to as well. I'll click on create auto scaling group and I'll select a launch configuration which was there. For my so to so not done that so let's create a launch configuration first for us over to will go to a mice and we'll select the server to part here. Alright, so I've selected server to I do the same steps that I did earlier. Right. So let me give it the name as live server to group. I click on add storage configure Security Group over here. I'll add the HTTP rule. Click on review and launch configuration select the key pair. Acknowledge it create lawn configuration doing the same steps Kuiper not doing any new thing here. I've traced launch configuration. Now. I create the auto scaling Group, which is life's over to group. Right and then the vpz as I said should be default subnet minimum gruesomeness. You should select You'll click on scaling properties. I keep it at initial size configure review and create the auto scaling group. All right, nothing much guys. So same things that I did for my server one. I've done for my server to as well. All right, so since I've created or or an auto scaling group, if you go to your ec2 dashboard, you would notice that two more servers are now being deployed, right? So you can actually identify them over here. See these two servers are being initialized with Eva. These have just been created by your auto scaling group because we specified that a minimum number of one server should be there at all times right now. If you try to go to the IP address of this server. Right, you will see that it will have the exact same settings for my easy Tucson's instance. So this is my sober one. Right. So as you can see a new instance called created but with the exact same settings, I hadn't had to do anything it automatically created an instance with the same settings. All right, and same is the case with server to as well guys, if I go to my server to and try to access it. I'll see the same things over there as well. So I'll Show you a bit Yeah, so this is my server to alright, so my auto scaling group is functioning fine. So let us come back to our slide now. So we are done with auto-scaling now. Like I said, you need to have an entity which will equally divide the traffic between the servers that have just deployed right so they say in I've created to Auto scaling group Skies as of now write the and why I have created a second Auto scaling group. I will tell you in a bit, but for now understand that there is an auto scaling group. All right and inside that auto scaling group say there are Five servers and if a person is coming in or a customer who has logged onto your website is coming in How would how would his traffic be treated? How would he know which server to go to right? So there comes in the third entity which is called the load balancer. So what load balancer does is a load balancer your customer will basically basically be coming to your load balancer and the load balancer will decide based on the usage of yourself. Others that which server is more free and then we'll give the connection to that server. All right. So this is basically the role of a load balancer. So like I said a load balancer is a device that acts as a proxy and distribution Network or application across a number of servers now, I've been saying it repeatedly that your your servers are actually sorry. Your traffic is actually distributed equally among the servers right but in a few moments, I'll tell. That there is one more one more way of Distributing your traffic, right? So before that, let me again stress on the point that this was your auto scaling group guys. This is just the example that I took in the beginning, right? So there are like these set of users and they're trying to access your website and they are being routed to these server. So this routing is actually done by a load balancer right now. Like I said the traffic which is distributed it is distributed in in two types, right? The first time would be to equally distribute them among the number of servers like say there are five server. So it will distribute it among the file servers. But if there are say there are two kind of servers now and so your load balancer can identify what kind of request is being made by a user for example in your website on in your application you have you have a part where in you can process the Mitch right and you have a part where you can where you have the your blogging section. All right. So if you want to process the image, you want your traffic to go to a different set of servers which are order scaled at their own in their own Auto scaling group. Right? And if you have the blogging section, you have a different order scaling Group, which is auto scaled at a different weather different Auto scaling group, but you want everything to go from one single link. So the way to do that is using an application load balancer. So let me just repeat what I just said. So the say the this set of servers they host your image processing part. They do all your image processing and these set of servers that they host your blog's that you have on your application. All right, a user comes in. He just logs onto your website and he goes to a URL which says say Eddie record or KO / image. All right. If you go / image your load balancer, we'll see. Okay, he's asking for the image kind of content. So he should go to this set of servers because this this service of the image purpose and if you go to a Dirac array card or KO / blog your load balancer identify. Okay, this user he is asking for the blog content. So you should go to this set of servers. All right. So all of that is done using your load balance or if you compare it with a classic load balancer it is it does not have that kind of Of intelligence, right? What it will do is basically all the traffic that it has got in coming to it. It will equally distributed among the number of servers that are under it. All right, but with application load balancer you have this option where in you can divide the traffic according to the needs of the customers? All right. Now when you have divided the traffic again the same thing will happen here as happens in classic load balancer that at this point it will equally Traffic among the number of image servers, right and similarly the people who want to access the blog it will equally distribute the traffic among the number of people who want to access the blog server. All right. So this is what an application load balancer is all about. So classic load balancer was something which was invented earlier and these days nobody uses the classic load balance anymore. People are using application load balancer, right? And that is what our demonstration is going to be. All about today. All right, so enough of talks. Let's move on to the hands on that is the demo part. So let me quickly show you what we are going to accomplish today. So basically a user will come in. He will have the address of your load balancer. And if he asks for the image path or say server one in our case, he will go to the auto scaling group of server 1 if he asks for server to he will go to server to but all of them will have the same at Is that is using your address of your load balancer? All right. So this is what we are going to accomplish today. Now for those of you who didn't understand that why did we create to order scaling groups is because we want these servers that is the image processing service to be skated as well. And as as at the same time, we want the Blog shows to scale as well. Right? So that is the reason we want we created to Auto scaling group. So I dated a server one, which you can imagine is for your image processing and I created an auto scaling group for server to which you can imagine is for your blogging section. Right having said that guys now, let's move on to my AWS console and go to our load balancers. All right. So what I've been doing now is I'll be creating a new load balancer and that load balancer would be of the type application load balancer. You can see I have two options here. I either I can create a classic load balancer or I can create an application load balancer. So I'll go on with application load balancer and I will name it as life load balancer and the scheme is internet-facing. So since mine is a website that I want you guys to access right so it could be internet-facing. Otherwise you if you are working in a company and that company wants. A load balancer for their internal websites that the companies have you can actually opted for an internal internal load balancer as well. But since as we have a website and we want that to be used via we will use the internet facing load balancer, right and the listeners, it's HTTP, that's fine and the availability zones. Like I said, you have to select a minimum of two availability zones and you click on configure security settings. All right. So now you'll be specifying the security group, right? So in Security Group, you'll it's better to create a new Security Group. Remember guys don't include the default Security Group for your load balancer. It's a good practice to always create a new security group so that you can customize customize your rules according to your needs. All right, so I'll create a new security group and specify the HTTP Rule and I click on next. And now comes the part where in will be specifying the targets. All right. Now what our targets now in application load balancer guys targets are basing basically but or scaling groups, right? So Target one would be your or scaling group one your target to would be Auto scaling group to Target three Target for you can have as many targets as you want. But in this wizard, you have to specify a minimum number one, right? So we'll create a new Target group will call it as say Just killing a life or two one. All right, and the protocol is HTTP Port is 80 will click on next and I'll review everything. I think everything is fine and I'll create this load balancer, right so we have not done all the settings guys. I'll show you how to do all the settings for now. We are just created a plane load balancer. All right, so I have created a load balancer which is pointing toward Target group. Group one and that Target group is not pointing to my auto scaling group as of now. All right, we will do that now in this part so we have created. I just created a Target group called live Auto one. I'll create one more Target Group which will be called live Auto to for my second Auto scaling group. All right, so I will create this and done. So I now have to Target groups that is live Auto one and live Auto to now these two. Get groups have to point to my auto scaling Group C respectively. All right. Now the way to do that you cannot appoint them here. You have to go to your auto scaling groups, right? And in your auto scaling groups, you have to select the auto scaling group that have just launched. So it is live server one group and lies over two groups. So you I will go to live so one group and go to details and over here you click on edit. All right, and inside edit you have this option for Target groups. You don't have to specify anything in the load balances. This option is only for classic load balancer, but we are creating an application load balancer, right? So we'll be specifying everything in the Target groups. So for live server one group will be specifying the demo server one. So demo server one has already been sorry. Sorry, it will be live Auto One the target group that I just created and live Auto One is connected to your load balancer. So basically your load balancer will point to your target group and your target group is now pointing to your auto scaling group one which are pointing to your instances. All right. So this is how it the visibility comes in so I save it. The target group one is live server one group and the target group 2. I'll be specifying in the second Auto scaling Group, which is here that is live or two to write. I'll save it and let me quickly verify if I've done everything, right? So this is a lifesaver one group and this is live Auto One Fine. This is lice over to group and it is live or to to fine. So my load balancer can now see the auto scaling groups that I've just configured. So let me quickly go to my load balancer. Now comes the part guys wearing I'll be specifying when to go to auto scaling Group 1 and when to go to auto scaling group to like I said will be specifying it using the using the kind of request that the that the user has made, right? So the way to do that is using is by first selecting your load balancer and going to listeners. So once you go to listeners guys, you will reach this particular page now in this you have to click on view or edit rules. Alright. So once you click on view or edit rules, you will reach this page which is kind of an if else which is kind of FL structured. So now what will you do is so you can see that there is a default rule as of now that anything any requests which is made it will go to live Auto one. All right, which means any requests at which is made it will straight away pointed to the auto scaling group one now, we'll specify if the request is our is if the user is asking for sir. To he should be pointed to server to so let us do that the way we'll do it is like this will click on ADD rules will click on insert Rule and now I'll specify so you have two options here either. It could be the routing could be based on your host. That is the address of your of your website or it could be based on the path. Now. What is the difference say Eddie record or Co this is the host name right now if I try If I type in resources dot Ed u-- record or go it is still point to my domain. But if I have specified resources dot ID record or go and if I write it over here and I specify it has to go to server to it will go to server to otherwise if you type in resources or Daily Record or code nothing will happen because now if you have not configured anything, right, so that is the host path with paths the difference. Is that say you right Eddie Ricardo Coast. - block right. So that's / blog becomes the path. But with host the thing is the difference is resources dot edu record orko. So that becomes one host name, right? But with path you're basically putting a slash and you are going into a particular folder. All right, so you can specify the path here, right? It doesn't matter if you have not specified in a server for different for different say you could the way you could have done. The image processing and block the other way round rather than having it on two servers was that you have you could have configured it inside to servers in your root directory, right? It could be server one for your image processing and server to for your blog's but I don't want that because you're as distributed as a system. Is it becomes more reliable, right? And that is the reason we have two different servers for two different set of things. So the way you can route your traffic to body servers is by typing in the path. So say if I have to go to server one. I'll type in server 1 / star so star basically means anything after server one could can be accepted but it has to go to the request will be forwarded to live Auto one. All right, so if I have server one in my path anywhere in my path, it will go to live Auto one. So I'll save this rule. Similarly, I say that if it has a server to in its path and anything after that. It has to go to live Auto to write and save it. And that is it guys now my load balancer has now has saved its settings. Let's hope for the best and try executing it. So this is the Ling guys, right if you just type in this link, it will by default go to server one. Right. So if I go to this link, you can see it is going to server one as of now, but if I specify / server 1 it will go to my server 1 and if I specify / server, too. It will go to my second server. Now. You might be wondering that he meant you might have a different directory in your same server. So let me clear your doubt according to that. So what I'll do is I will go to my ec2 dashboard, right and so you have to server one. And I'll quickly show you. If what happens if I type in server to hear? All right, so this is the IP address, right? So if I type in this IP address, I'm going to server one. If I type in / server to it will give me a photo for because there is no folder called server to write same is the case here. So if I go to is IPL, you can see Server one. If I don't specify anything after my address it will still go to the same server that is here. That is this. IP address right but if I specify / over two over here It will not be able to do so because this is not a load balancer. It is directly your IP address, but over here if I specify server to. It will redirect me to the second server one second. Right, it will redirect me to the second server and that is all that I need. All right. So with one address you are actually pointing to two servers which be solving your to problems. Now the real life you skate. Like I told you it could be four different kind of task say you have a blogging section on our website and you have an image processing section on our website. If you want to different servers to host your two different Services, you can do that easily using a load balancer. Alright guys. So with this I conclude my session for today today in this session. We'll be talking about Cloud security without making any further Ado. Let's move on to today's agenda are to understand what all will be covered in today's session. So we'll start of the session by discussing the why and what of cloud security after that. We'll be seeing how we can choose between a public or private and hybrid cloud. For that we'll see whether Cloud security is really a concern among companies who are planning to make a move on the cloud. So once you have established a cloud security is really important. We'll see how secure should you make your application after that? We'll be looking into the process of troubleshooting a threat in the cloud after that. We'll be implementing that process in AWS. So guys, this is our agenda for today. Let's move on to the first topic of today's session that white cloud security is important. So let's take an example here and talk of three very popular companies linked in Sony and iCloud so LinkedIn in 2012 experience the cyberattack. We're in 6.5 million usernames and passwords for made public by the hackers after that soon experience the most aggressive Cyber attack in history where in their highly confidential files like the financials their upcoming movie projects were made public by the hackers, right? And this made a huge impact on the business front of Sony. ICloud which is a service from Apple also experienced a Cyber attack where in personal or private photos of users were made public by the hackers, right? So guys now in all these three companies you can see there's a breach in security which needs to be addressed. Right? So Cloud security has to be addressed. It needs to be there in the cloud computing world. So since now we've established that cloud security is really important. Let's move on to understand what cloud security actually is. So what is cloud security? So it is a use of latest Technologies and techniques in programming to secure application, which is hosted on the cloud or the data, which is hosted on the cloud and the infrastructure which is associated with the cloud computing. Right and the other part of this is that whatever security techniques or whatever techniques or technology that Using to secure application should be updated as frequently as possible because every day new threats are coming up right everyday. There are new work around two problems. Right and you should be able to tackle these problems or these workarounds and hence. You should upgrade your security as frequently as possible Right Moving ahead. Let's understand how we can choose between a public a private and a hybrid Cloud. So we have understood that what cloud security charity actually is now let's talk in terms of security and understand how we can choose between a public private and a hybrid Cloud. So if you were to choose between these three infrastructures, what should be our basis of judging which Cloud we should choose right? So you would offer a private Cloud when you have highly confidential files that you want to store on the cloud platform right now. There are two stories or there are two ways of thinking a private infrastructure. You can either offer private servers or private infrastructure on your own from Isis or you can look up for servers dedicated servers by a cloud provider. Right? So that all comes under the private infrastructure. Then we have the public Cloud infrastructure in public Cloud infrastructure. You would basically use websites that are public facing. So say if you have a products page where you have application which can be downloaded by the public so that can be hosted on the public Cloud because there is nothing that has to be seen. Secret over there, right? So things like websites things like data that is not confidential and you don't mind public seeing it can be hosted on your public Cloud. The third infrastructure is the most important infrastructure, which is the hybrid infrastructure. And this is the set of that most companies go for right? So what if there's a use case wherein you have private files of Highly confidential files and a website as well, right? So if you have this kind of use case Might go for a hybrid infrastructure, which is kind of Best of Both Worlds, you get the security or the Comfort or the private infrastructure and the cost effectiveness of the public Cloud as well. Right? So you your hybrid cloud is basically if you want your highly confidential be stored on your own from Isis and your website be hosted on your public Cloud. This infrastructure would be a hybrid Cloud infrastructure. So basically you would choose a private Cloud if you have a highly confidential files, if you choose a public Cloud if you have files that are not that important or files that you don't mind people seeing and you would choose a hybrid Cloud infrastructure if you want Best of Both Worlds, right? So this addresses how we can choose between a public private and hybrid Cloud moving on. Let's understand whether Cloud security is really a concern. So we will discussed that white cloud security is important we've discussed what is cloud security, right? Now let's talk about whether this really makes sense. Right? So if we say that cloud security is really important in this is no one who is actually thinking about it. There's no point, right? So let's see if companies were making a move to the cloud actually think about Cloud security. So here's a gardener research on companies who are making a plan to move to the cloud or who has not moved to the Cloud yet, right. So what are their concerns? Why not they're doing so so the topmost First reason listed by these companies was security and privacy concerns, right? So as you can see these companies who want to make a move to the cloud are also worried about the security on the cloud infrastructure. And this makes it clear that cloud security is actually very important right now. We have understood that cloud security is very important. We have understood that companies are looking for cloud security are actually following. The practices for cloud security, but now how secure should you make your application? Right? What is the extent to which you should make an application secure? So let us start with this line. So it is said that cloud security is a mixture of Art and Science right why let's see that so it's a science because obviously you have to come up with new technologies and new techniques to protect your data to protect your application, right? So it's a science. Because you have to be prepared with the technical part, but it is art as well. Why because you should create your techniques or you should create new technologies in such a way that your user experience is not hindered. Let me give you a guy's an example suppose you make an application right and for making it secure you think okay after every 3 or 4 minutes, I'll ask the user for a password right from the security point of view. It seems okay, but from the users point of view it Actually hindering his user experience. Right? So you should have that artist in you that you should understand when to stop or till where should we extend your security techniques and also you should be creative as to what security techniques can be implemented so that the user experience is not ended. For example, there is a two-step authentication you get there when you're logging into your Gmail account, right? So if you know your password that is not enough you should have Have an OTP as well to log into your Gmail account, right? So this might be hindering with user experience to some extent but it is making your application secure as well. Right? You should have a balance between your science and the art part that you're applying on cloud security moving on. Let's now discuss the process of troubleshooting a threat in the cloud. So let's take an example here. So like you're using Facebook right and you get a random message from Person saying there is some kind of stories like you usually get that by using Facebook right that such and such thing happened and click here to know more right you get the similar kind of message here and by mistake you actually click on that link. You didn't know that it's a Spam and you click on that link. Now what happens is all the users that are there are all your friends on the Facebook Chat gets that message, right and they get furious as to why this kind of spam messages. They're in their inbox, right and you get scared. Now you get angry as well and you have to bring your frustration out on Facebook. So you contact Facebook and it get to know that they already know the problem and they're already working on it and then near to this leash. Now. How did they come to know that there is this kind of problem and needs to be solved. Right? So basically Cloud security is done in three stages. So the identification process or the thread identification process is done. Three stages the first stage is monitoring data. So you have ai algorithms, which know what a normal system behavior is and any deviation from this normal system Behavior creates an alarm and this alarm is then monitored by the cloud experts or the cloud Security Experts sitting over there. And there's a thread they see there's a thread they go to the next step which is gaining visibility, right? So you should understand what caused that problem right? And Or who caused that problem precisely. So your Cloud Security Experts look for tools, which give them the ability to look into the data and find or pinpoint that statement or pinpoint that event which caused this problem. Right, so that is done using gaining visibility stage. And once we have established, okay. So this is the problem then come stage 3 which is managing access. So what this basically will do is it will give you a list of users in case we are tracking the who will give you a list of users who have access and we will pinpoint the user who did that, right and that user can be wiped out of the fit system using the managing exist age. Eight. So these are the stages which are involved in Cloud security Now if you were to implement these stages in AWS, how would we do that? Let's see that so the first stage was monitoring data, right? So if you have an application in AWS and you are experiencing this same kind of thing, what will you do for monitoring data? So you have a service in AWS called AWS Cloud watch now, what is AWS Cloud watch? So basically it's a Monitoring tool so you can monitor your ec2 and your other AWS resources on cloudwatch how you can monitor them. You can monitor the network in network out of your resource and you can also monitor the traffic which is coming on to your instance, right? You can also create alarms on your Cloud board. So if there's deviation from normal system Behavior, like I said, so it will create an alarm for you. It'll escalate the event and alert you about that thing so that you can go on around and see See what that problem actually is, right. So this is cloud the monitoring tool, right? So this was about AWS Cloud watch. Let me give you a quick demo of how the AWS Cloud watch dashboard actually looks like Okay. I said this is your ews dashboard. So now for accessing cloudwatch, you can go under the management tools here is cloudwatch Will click on cloudwatch. Now over here you can monitor anything right? We'll go to Matrix. And you can see there are three Matrix over here. You can monitor your EBS. You can monitor your ec2. You can monitor your S3 right now suppose. I want to monitor my ec2. So as you can see, so I have two instances running in my easy to one is called for batch instance. And the other is called WPS instance right now. These are all the metrics which are there so I can check Matrix for my WPS instance for network in I can check the disk read Ops. So let me select the network out metric and they'll be a graph over here so I can see this graph and as you can see between six o'clock and 6:30, I experienced. Search in my traffic, right? So basically this is how you monitor your instance in cloudwatch. And you have all these default metrics to check how your instance is doing and you know AWS, right? So this is what cloud watches. You can also set alarms here, right? So if you go to alarms click on create alarm. You go too easy, too. And you can select your metric from over here now select a discrete bite. So we're now once I do that will ask me if there's a Time range to which I want to monitor that instance, right? Okay, let's not set. Any time Ray. Let's click on next. So when I click next you will be prompted with this page so you can set your alarm name. You can set your alarm description here and then you can specify that for what read rights number. You should get this alarm for right? So you'll be setting that. Over here after that we will go to actions. So once an alarm is triggered. We should that alarm go who should that alarm go to right? So you can see as I said over here. Now whenever the state is alarm, right? What should we do? So when the state is alarm you can send you a notification to your SNS topic now, what is this nation SNS? So basically it's a notification service will be discussing what SNS is in the next session. Don't worry if you don't understand so basically for now what you can understand Is that SNS is a protocol where a new set if you get a notification what to do with that notification or whom to send to that notification, right? So if there's a topic called notify mean SNS, so in notify me, I have configured an email address. That is my email adress that whenever a notification comes to the SNS service or the notify me topic to be precise. It sends an email to me right with that message. So I will get a message with this alarm. Such and such thing that has happened in cloudwatch. Now you do whatever is required. The other thing that you can do over here is in the same as soon as topic. You can also configure Lambda function to be executed right now what that Lambda function will do so say suppose I configure the metric to be of CPU usage. Right and I say whenever 40-person metric is crushed create an alarm or like go to an alarm State and it notifies the SNS know Or if I mean topic about this in the notify me topic, I can configure a Lambda function to clear all the background processes in that easy ruins, right? So if I do that the CPU usage will automatically come down, right? So this becomes a use case that you want to launch a Lambda function, wherever your CPU uses goes beyond 40 percent, right? And hence. This is the way you would do it. So this was about cloudwatch. There's nothing much to it. You create alarms and you monitor metrics, right? Moving ahead and let's move on to the second process which is gaining visibility. So for gaining visibility, basically, you have to track your whatever activity is happening in your AWS account. So this is service in AWS called Cloud trade, right? So the cloud rail service is basically a logging service where in each and every log to each and every API call is made now. How is it useful? Let's talk about the security perspective. Right? So your hacker got access to your system, so you should know how he got eggs. Your system. So if you have a timeframe say he got access to your system or you started to face the problem say around four o'clock, right so you can set the time between two o'clock and whatever the damage right now and monitor what all has been going around and hence. You can identify the place where that hacker got access to your system right now. This is the part where you will get to know who that person actually is or you can isolate the problems or which calls that so if you take Q from our Facebook example over here. You can actually pinpoint who is responsible for those spam messages because you all have those logs right you will see the origin of those messages now, once you've done that the next step is managing this guy out of the system or wiping this guy out of the system. But before that let me show you guys how cloud trail actually looks like so let's go back to our ews dashboard and go to Cloud tree service. So I again under the management tools. You have the cloud forest service you click on the cloud resources and you will reach this dashboard. All right. So here you have the logs. So as you can see you can set the time range here, but I'm not doing that. I'm just showing you the logs. So even for logging into my console it is showing me that I'm logged into my console at this time on this date, right? So every event is logged guys. Every event that is happening on your ews console is being blocked. So let's talk about the S3 bucket. So somebody deleted a bucket and that has again been locked, right? So it happened at 7:30 8:00 p.m. On 28th of March 2017, right? So any activity any kind of activity, which happens in AWS would be logged where? Okay guys, so this is about Cloud Trails. Let's go back to our slide and move ahead and play session. So like I said, so now you have identified who is responsible for your problem. Right? So now the next step is managing access, right? So now you should be able to throw that person or remove that person from the system. So most of the times what happens is like if we take our Facebook use case, so basically there was a user who triggered that problem right so too Things that you have to do is first of all, you have to remove that spam from a system. So you've got to know where it originated. So now you start wiping it after that. You have to D by that user from doing it again, right? So from The Source, you'll get to know who that user is now using managing access. You will actually get access to do all that right? So if you talk about AWS this service is called AWS. I am so what AWS I am does is It basically authenticates that particular service. Now, you are a root user. Right so you can do anything. But what if you have employees and obviously all employees will not have all the rights right. Now. What if you want to give granular permissions to your employees now for like in our example, what if one specific employee is capable to track down this problem right or track down what has to be done? So you can give that particular person the rights how using I am right? So I M is used to provide granular permissions. It actually secures your access to the ec2 instances by giving you a private file and also it is free to use right. So, let's see how I am is used. So let me go back to my AWS console. Okay. I said this is my AWS dashboard. I will go to the security identity and compliance domain and then click on I am. Right now over here. I'll click on rolls. Now. I can see all the roles which are there in my I am right? So since I would have identified which role is creating a problem, so I'll go to that role. So for example, I have a problem in save AWS elastic Beanstalk easy to roll, right I click on this now once I click I will be getting this screen. So now I can see the The trust relationship success advising the revoke sessions, right? So I'll go to revoke sessions and I click on the book active sessions. And hence. I will be able to wipe out that user from accessing my AWS resources, right? So this is how you use I am guys are now one more thing that you can do over here is you'll go back to your dashboard go to Rose. Now I get told you guys you can actually create a role for a person who would be able to access restricted things on. Your AWS account, right? So let me quickly show you how you can do that. So you will click on create new role and you will give you a roll some name. So let's give it hello over here. Right click on Next Step go to roll for energy provider access. Right, and now you can select how that user of yours will be accessing your AWS account. Right? So allow users from Amazon Cognito Amazon Facebook Google ID. All right, so let's select this now. Let us select Facebook and let's give it some random application ID, right? So anyways not going to create this role. I'm just telling you guys how to do it. Right? So basically you get an application ID by Facebook over there. You'll be since you are using Facebook thoughts. Educate that guide to your AWS account. You'll get an application ID by going on to graph at You can do all of that over there. Okay, so that is not the concern you'll enter the application ID and click on next step. Right? So you get the policy document. So whatever you configured in your text boxes has actually been created in a Json file, right so you don't have to edit anything over here. Click on next step. Now you have to attach a policy now, what are the policies of policies basically what all permissions you want to grant that user. Right? So if you want to Grant him the execution role for Lambda you can do that. You can grant them the S3 execution roll, right? So whatever policy that you create you can actually create a policy near I am right. I'm not going much in details of this because all of this is covered in your I am session, but I'm showing you guys because I just told you guys This can be done to let me show you how it can be done. Right? So you'll select whatever policy want and click on next step and review it and create that rule. This is it guys right so you can actually select a policy whatever policy you want that role to have and hence. So policies basically a permission that you want that role to have. So if you get the permissions it to just review your instances, he'll be only able to review your instances. Okay, one more thing. I want to make Make clear is that you don't have to give your security credentials to that kind anymore because now you'll be specifying that user can will be able to connect to Facebook. Okay. So also you have a part here wherein you can specify what specific user can access it right so I can type in my name here. And if I'm being logged in through Facebook is my username is him and Shauna only then I will be able to connect to my AWS account right now. This is ID right I can also set the local parameter. Right so idea I think is fine wherein you will be adding the ID of the guy whom you want this AWS account be accessed by right? So you all have Facebook IDs, right? So you all have to just punch in your Facebook IDs. We're here click on next step and then you'll be able to access this AWS account. If I create this role right now with the policies that I will be attaching to your role. Right? So this is how you use I am guys. Let us go back to our session. Okay. So these are the three services guys. So you have I am you have cloud trail and you have cloudwatch using which you can control or you can actually see what is going on in your AWS account. So let's go ahead and start with today's session with the first topic which is why do we need access management? All right, so to discuss this topic, let's understand it using an example say you have a company in which you have a server and the server has everything in it. It has all the modules in it and it gives you the it gives different users the permission to use the different servers right now in your company. First of all, you should have an administrator which will have all All the rights to to access the server, right? So nobody in the today's it World works on the root account, right? So there has to be an administrator account. So first we will create an administrator account with all the permissions now tomorrow say a UI developer comes into your company right now A UI developer will only work on the graphical tools, right? So he should only be allowed the graphical tools and not some other tools. Maybe he shall not be given the internet access. Or something like that, right? Maybe he's not giving the PowerPoint access. Maybe he's not given some folders access some drives access anything like that. So all of that can be defined in the server by the administrator and specific rights will be given to a UI developer right similarly if to if after that a business analyst comes in so he should only be able to access the analytics module which is there in your soul, right? He should not be able to get into the UI development. In part, or he's not be able to see the other aspects of what is there in your server? Right? So each and every user each every rule will have specific rights assigned to them. Right? And this is done by policies which are in turn given by administrators. Right? So this is what access management is that giving each role the specific rights that they deserve and this is what we are going to accomplish today in AWS, right? So this this is We need access management. Let's go ahead and understand. How can we accomplish this in AWS? Right? So as to accomplish this in AWS, you need a service called I am you have a service called I am which uses this concept of access management and allows you to give it to your users who are going to use your account. All right. So what is I am so I am is basically a service from AWS using which you can give permissions to different users who are using the same AWS account that you have created, right? So in a company like in any company be it, you don't have to have two or three AWS accounts. You can have one AWS account on which a number of people can work. Right? For example, you can Define that maybe a developer would like to Work on your AWS account and he should only have the ec2 instances or you should only work on the ec2 instances you decide that right? So you can only Define you can define a policy like that that only the devel the developers will only be able to access the ec2 instances on AWS account. Similarly if say database administrator comes in so you should be able only able to access DB instances on your AWS account and so on right so all of that is possible using I am but what I am is not only about creating users and creating policies. It's more there is more to I am right and hence will be discussing the different components of I am now so let's go on and see what are the different components. So there are basically four different components in I in the I am service. So the first service is user then we are groups then we have Rose and then you have policies right? So the way we are going to go about these are first I'm going to explain you each role on each service in I am each component and I am and then we're going to see how Can execute them or create them and the AWS console, right? So let's start with the users. So the very first time you actually create a AWS account that is basically the root account that you have created, right? So there is no user inside it. So why do we basically need a user you need a user because you are supposed to give permissions to someone right? So say I first of all want to give administrator Rights to a user right? So you understand you have to have an entity first to which you can assign permissions, right? So these entities are called users on E. Wa so any person who wants to access your AWS account has to be added as a user in I am and then you can attach different policies on to that user. Right? So this is what user is all about. Let me go to my AWS Management console and show you how you can create a user in I am. All right, so give me a All right guys, so this is my AWS sign sign in page. All right. So this email ID when you log in through your email ID and your password that is basically your root account. So what I'm going to do right now is I'm gonna log in using my root account and first create a admin account for myself. Alright guys, so you should never work in your root account. You should always have an administrator account through work in the root account should only Used when there is an emergency say you have been locked out of our administrator account only then you should be using your route accounts. The first thing that you should do when you enter the root account is go to I am which is just right here go to I am and then you will have this dashboard thing right over here. You can see there is a thing called users. You will click on users and you will click on add user. All right, so now it will ask you for the The username so you can provide a username say I'll add my name first so that be hemanth, right and what what kind of access do I want to give to this particular user? So there are basically two kinds of access that I can give first is the AWS Management console axis, and then we have the programmatic access, right? So what is these two so if you want to so there are basically two ways you can access the AWS resources right? You can either access. Using apis that is using your code say you have created an application which is interacting with your AWS resources. Right? So in that case if you're interacting with the apis using the API is that is called the programmatic access, right secondly is the AWS Management console access that is when you are using the AWS website to actually deploy resources or create or create or remove policies or whatever, right? So that That is called the AWS Management console axis. So for my user I'd be giving it both the accesses that is programmatic axis and the Management console axis. Also, there is when you enable the programmatic access programmatic access, basically you get the access key and the secret key as well. What are these I will be explaining you in a bit. All right, so we have selected both of these options and then move ahead to choose the password. So do you want an auto generated password? A custom password. I'll choose a custom part for password since I'm creating account for myself, right? So I'll choose a custom password and do I want to reset the password on the first login? No, I don't want that. So I'll click on next permissions, right? So what kind of permissions do I want my account to have I will become drink configuring that over here. So as of now there are no groups, there is no existing user that I can copy from. So I'll attach existing policies. And since I want to attach the administrator access that is the first policy over here. I'll select that and click on next right so you can review all the settings that you did over here and click on create user. This will create a new user in your AWS account. So as you can see, I have got my access key ID and a secret access key now guys, the secret access key. You only get to see one time only one time when Created your account. So it is essential that is tore your access key and secret access key once you get this page. All right, let me store it quickly. So this is my access key ID why we are copying it. You'll get to know during the session. Don't worry and my secret access key, which is this let me copy this and paste it in the notepad. All right, so don't worry. You might be thinking that I've exposed my secret key to you. So I will be deleting this account afterwards so you don't have to worry about that. All right, so I've got my access key ID and my secret access key. So that is done. Now. What I'll be doing is I'll be logging out from my from my root account and logging in this user account that I just created. All right. So one more thing that you have to be very careful of that you will not be logging in through the same login page that is just saw right so you'll have to log Through a different login page now and the URL for that is this right? So you will be logging in through this link as a from now on so what whenever you create a user if you want them to log into your account, you have to give them this link to log into right? So let us copy this link over here and log out from a root account. All right. So I've logged out I'll close this and I'll come here and go to this particular link. All right. So once you reach this particular link, it will be asking you the account name which will be self filled by your link. Right? So you have to give your username now, which is hemant and then the password so I'll type in the password that I've given it. and click on sign- in So now I have basically signed in two months to mature to the user that I've just created on my route account. Right? So I no longer have to use my root account. I can basically lock away my root account for emergency purposes. I'll be using my administrator account from now on I can do everything from administrators on that could be done from a root account as well. But there are cases where in you get locked out from your administrator account in that cases you will be Notable success rate so moving on guys, so I'll go to I am not so as you can see we have created a user and we have logged in to that user. And if I go to I am now you can see that it will show that one user has been created. That is here. All right, so let's get back to our slide and discuss the next component. All right, so we've discussed what our users let's move on to the second component which are groups. All right. So whenever you create users they can also be combined into groups. Now, why do we need groups? We need groups because say let's take an example. So say you have five users and these five users have to be given identical axis. Right say these five users belong to the development. And the developing team has to have some common access that they all will have right. Now one way of doing this would be that I would go to each and every user and attach a policy that they need right the smart way to do this would be to to include them inside one group and to that group. I will once only once I will attach the policy and it will apply to all these five users, right? So these are why groups are very important now how we can create groups. Let me shed a light on. On that so you will go to you can see you can click on groups over here. And what you'll do is basically is you'll click on create new group, right? So, let me give the group name as live demo. All right, and I click on next step. Now lastly the policy that I want to attach to this particular group. All right, so say for example, I just want this group to be able to access the S3 service from AWS. So what I'll do is I will select the policy which says Amazon S3 full access and I'll click on next step. Now this policy basically tells you that you can only use the S3 service in the Management console and no other service. All right, so I'll click on create. Whoop and now whatever whichever user I will be putting in putting inside. This group will have this property. All right, so I don't have to configure the policy for any user now. So what I'll do is I'll create a new user now. So say I create a new user saying test. All right, and then I'm not giving him the programmatic access. I'm just giving him the Management console axis. All right, I'll click on this and I'll give it a custom password. And then I don't want him to reset his password and click on next. Right, and now it is asking me whether I want to include it inside a group. So yes, I do. I want to include it inside the group that I've just created and I'll click on next and review all the settings are adjusted and click on create user. All right. So the test account has just been created now as you can see guys in the case of my account, which I created. I got an access key and a secret access key, right? So in this case, I'm not getting any because I didn't select the programmatic access only when you select the programmatic access it will give you the key so that your application can actually interact with the services that you have launched. All right, so I have have created a test user successfully. Let's log into this test user. so I will type in the URL that has been given to me. Right now when I reach this page, I'll enter the username as test and the password as what I have entered right and I click on sign in. Now with this you can see that. I will now be able to see the Management console the Management console will exactly look like how it was used to see how I used to see it in my root account or my administrator account. But when you will try to access say a service, which you have not been assigned to say, for example, I only have access to S right now because I've deployed it in the group where it has only the access to S3. If I try to go inside easy to let's see what'll happen. Right. So it says you are not authorized to describe running instances. As a matter of fact, I'm not authorized to see anything on my ec2 page. Alright, so that is because I cannot I don't have access to the ec2 dashboard. But let's see if I can see the S3 dashboard. So I'll quickly go to S 3 and if I have the S3 axis, I will be able to see all the buckets which are there in - 3 And yes, I do. So let me go inside a bucket and delete something so that all right. Let me delete an object from this particular bucket. So yes, I can lead it. All right, so let me check if what if what happens if I delete or II detach this particular policy from that group? All right. Let's see what happens. So I will go to I am and I will go to groups. I'll go to this particular group and I can see that the policy is listed over here. What I do is I click on detach policy and let's see what happens now, right? So I'll go to Management console. So on if now I try to exercise 3. It will show me that access is denied. Right so I no longer have access to the S3 service on my AWS console. So this is how you can control access to different users. You can revoke access you can include access right you can do all of that and I am right. So let us come back to our slide to discuss our next component or as we've discussed what our users we have discussed. What a groups now let's come back come down to rules. All right, so rules are Similar to users but roles are actually assigned to Applications. All right, so users are actually assigned to people right? So whenever you have a developer in the company, you will have sine M the developer rules, right but when you have rules rules are basically assigned to Applications, how let me explain you say you create an ec2 instance and inside that needs, you know instance you're hosting your web application. Now that web application has been has been designed in such a way that it has to interact with your S3 service. Is for example that will be doing to a will be I will be showing you the demonstration today for this. Right. So say that application has to interact with the S3 service. Now if I want to want that application to interact with the S3 service, I have to give it permissions and to give it permissions. I will use rule so I will create a rule wherein I will specify that this role can access the S3 service and I will attach this particular role to that particular e0 instance in which my application is hosted and in Kiss my application will be able to interact with the S3 service, right? It might sound complicated guys, but it is very easy to implement. Let me show you how so what I'll do now is I'll go back to my Management console which is here. All right, I'll go to the dashboard and say I will go to rolls now. All right, so I'll create a new role now roles can be assigned to any either Lewis service which is listed here. What I'll do is I'll assign it to I'll create a rule type of easy to write so I will select Amazon ec2. And what type of role do I want to apply to I want to say have the access to S3. Right? So I'll select Amazon S3 full access over here and I'll click on next step. So, it'll ask me the role name. So let me specify the role name as Eddie Rekha underscore one right and I'll click on create role. So with this role has now been created but mind you guys are not attached this role to any easy to instance. Right? So what I'll do now is I'll go to my ec2 console so over there. I already have built an issue instance. It is stopped. So I'll start it and attach this particular policy to that ec2 instance. Alright, so my ec2 instance name is hemant underscore one. So here it is. I go to actions I start this particular instance. Right. And what I can do is I can attach the policy using instance test settings. It says attach or replace. I am roll. I'll go here. I will go to the drop-down and select the role that I just created which is a lyric underscored one. I'll select that and I'll click on apply. Now with this what will happen is my rule is now my sorry. My ec2 instance is now configured to interact with the S3 service in this particular account. Alright, so any application that I deploy in this ec2 instance will be able to interact with the S3. Okay, so I don't have to specify any access key any secret access key. If you're still confused with that be patient. We are getting onto where do we actually use these keys? And where do we not? All right. So this is what your roles are all about. Right so roles. Like I said, they are for resources in AWS users are for people roles and uses a similar things you attach polled policies on to them and they basically identify Particular instance or a particular person as the owner of that particular service, right? So we've discussed what roles are let's move on and discuss policies. So if you think about it guys, we've actually been dealing with policies, right so policies and nothing but permissions that you give to your with whatever role or user or group that you have created, right? So, for example, I want to give the ec2 instance axis, right so that ec2 instance access is basically a Policy that I will be attaching to the user or to the rules. All right. Let's see how we can create policies guys. So I'll go to my Management console. I'll go to I am Right. So the you can either create policies or you can actually use already existing ones. So there are a couple there are a couple of policies that have already been created in your AWS account, but you can go ahead and create your own policy as well. Alright, so let me show you how. So say for my test account, what I'll do is I will go inside test account. All right, and I will add permissions. And I will attach existing policies. Directly and here I am guys. So now you can you can create policies as well. So you see the tab over here guys, it says create policy. So if you feel you're the kind of policy that you want to create is not listed over here in the default policies. You can actually create one and creating a policy is very easy guys. You just click on create policy and you will see this page. All right, so you'll have three options. You can either copy and AWS managed policy. That is a default policy. Can create our own policy by just typing in the Json code and if you're not comfortable with coding, what you can do is you can use the policy generator. Now. What is policy generator? Let me explain you. So with policy generator, you just have to select what effect do you want poor? Do you want it to allow it or do you want it to deny it? Right? So say I want to allow the easy to service to this particular test account? All right, so I'll go too easy, too. Right, here. It is. I selected easy to what kind of actions can he perform say I want to give him all the actions you can do anything with these two and the show's name is basically a particular resource. So where they are and you can identify a particular resource. So I don't want a particular resource to be assigned to him. I want PE can access every resource in easy to write so I just add star for all of them right and click on Next Step. So with this you as you can see it has Automatically created a policy document for you. All you have to do now is click on create policy. And it will create the policy for use as you can see there are 18 customer managed policies that are now 19 so I can go here and select. T' the policy a policy over here. Alright, so if I go to my user now, which is test I'm going to permissions. I will just click on add in line police policy. Click on select again Guru ec2. select actions all actions right and pull it to Star. So I click on ADD statement click on next step and click on apply policy. So a policy has been applied on the test user that it can actually access the ec2 instances now, so if I go to my test user now which in which I was not allowed to access the ec2 instances, I can actually use easy to instances now, so if I go too easy, too You can see the Lord give me the access denied thing, right so I can access all the instances over here as if I was using the root account, but only for the ec2 service right? If I go to S 3 you can see I will still have the access denied page. Because I'm not been assigned the access to this particular service. Alright, one more thing is if what if you add an allow and Adonai policy together inside a group what will happen then? So in that case so since I have allowed easy to access what I'll do is I'll deny is you access as well in this particular user. So I'll click create one more policy and I'll say deny I'll select ec2. Right as like the actions as all actions. I will give the resources all at the statement and click on Next Step apply the policy. So now I have denied ec2 instances as well and created and allowed ecd instance ec2 instances as well. What do you think will happen now? So if now I try to go too easy, too. Let's see what will happen. So it will say you're not authorized to use Easy to anymore because whenever you creating policy guys, you either get the along option or the deny option. If you have selected both of them, it will always prefer the least permission that you have given. So in our case that is the deny option, right so it will always deny the case. Even if you have allowed it in the same user, right if you have mentioned that that particular service has to be denied to that particular user. Alright, so this was about policies guys. Let me come back to my slides. So we have discussed what our users what a groups for a rose and what apologies let's go ahead and discuss the very important part of authentication which is called the multi-factor authentication. So what is multi-factor authentication guys, so multi-factor authentication is basically something like OTP that you get when you log into your Gmail account, right? So you enter a Gmail Email ID you enter your password and when you click on continue, it will ask you for your OTP, right? So same as the case here as well. You can configure your AWS account in such a way that you will enter username. You'll enter your password. And when you click on login, it will ask also ask you for a code that has to be given to it. Now that code is basically the multi-factor authentication thing that we document so there are basically two layers of security Now one layer is a password and second layer. MC code that will be entering right now with AWS. There is an application called the Google Authenticator right which you can use to create a virtual multi-factor Factor authentication device. Now for those of you who already are using multi-factor authentication in your company's you so there's a thing called gemalto, right? So people who work from home and they have to connect to the company's Network the way you connect it is using a gemalto token. And so those of you who are from the IT background you can relate to it. Right but if you want to go through to through a simpler way, you can actually create a virtual multi-factor authentication device and to create that in your AWS is pretty simple. You just have to download an application called the Google Authenticator on your phone and you have to connect that application to your AWS account. And that is it now. It might sound tough, but it's very simple. Let me show you how so you you will basically go to your AWS Management console and you will go to the particular user that you want that multi-factor authentication to be assigned to. All right. So for example, I wanted to be assigned to the test user right. So what I'll do is I'll go to users. I'll go to test right and in the security credentials tab, I will have this page which says assigned MFA device. So it says no as of now, so I'll assign it a device I click on edit and now it'll give me an option between a virtual MFA device and a hardware MFA device. Now. I have to choose among the two. So since I said, you can create a virtual MFA device very simple easily. So I'll select the virtual MFA device. And now it's basically asking you to install the application on your phone. So we have already done that. Let's click on next step and now you'll be presented with this screen. So basically now what you have to do is you would be logging in to your Google Authenticator app, and you will be scanning this barcode from your phone. So let me show you how let me connect my phone to the computer so that you can see the screen. Give me a second. Alright, so this is the screen to my phone guy. So what I have what I have to do now is I have to go to the Google Authenticator app. I'll ask me to create an account. So I click on begin and once I have that basically now I'll have to scan the barcode from my mobile. So the way to do that is I'll click on scan a barcode and then I'll scan this barcode over here. Right, it might take some time. So be patient. Yeah, so it's done now, you're all set. Right. So you just click on done and now you have to enter two codes that you are you will be receiving on your on your Google Authenticator. So basically these codes change from every 30 seconds, right? So I have to endure these codes over here. So it's 2 0 4 and then 3 5. Sorry 0 2 0 & 3 5 3 Zero two zero three five three, and I have to enter the next code as well. So let's wait for the next code and it's 1 2 7 8 9 1 so I'll enter that over here as well. So it's 1 2 7 8 9 1 and that is it guys. So now I'll click on activate virtual MFA and it says the MFA device was successfully Associated. So I'll click on finish and that is it guys you're done, right? so now if I log out from my test account that is From here, right? This is my test account. So if I log out from here right now. And try to login again using test. So I come to my normal login page, right? So I'll enter my username and my password. Which is this and now I'll click on sign in so now it will ask me for the MFA code. So let's see. What is our MFA code as of now. So it has changed to seven three four five five two. So let us enter that seven three four five five two. And click on submit. So with this I will now be able to log into my AWS console using the test account which are configured using the administrator account in I am right so it's very simple guys. It's you can actually get a world-class security with the click of a button using I am alright, so we have seen how we can do multi-factor authentication. Let's move on to the Hands-On part now, so this is what Is you guys have been waiting for so just give me a second? So that I can configure everything on my end. All right. So what we'll be doing now is I have created an application which can interact with the S3 service. All right. So using that as the service now. We will be. Uploading files to RS3 console and how will we are going to do that first? We are going to do that using Local Host and that is where our secret keys and my accesskey comes in and then we will be we have assigned role to are easy to instance. Right? So we'll be accessing that website using easy to without the access key and the secret access key and we can and we'll see do we get the access to our SEC service or not? Alright, so let us do that. So now what I'll do is I will go to my local host application. So guys this is basically my application. What I have to do is I'll choose a file upload a picture from any sample pictures and then it will upload it to a particular bucket that I've defined in S3 and that the bucket looks something like this. It show that buckets name is quarantine demo. So let me show you the bucket. So as of now, I think there are some objects. So let's delete those objects. So here it is. This is the bucket quarantine demo. So I have like three objects over here as it's now. So let's delete these objects. Alright, so now what I'll be doing is this is the code for my application guys. All right. So in this code as you can see, I'm not specified the key and the secret key as of now, so I'll get the key and the secret key from here, right? So let me quickly. So let me show you without the secret can access key. How is this localhost website functioning? So if I try to upload a file as it is now See, this is the file that I want to upload I click on upload image and I will get an error right because it is not authenticating itself to the service that I want to go to. So now I'll add the credentials that that is a key and the secret key. Now the way to do that is like this so I'll copy it. And I'll paste it here. I'll delete this and this is well not required and now I'll paste my key and my secret key, which is this right so I'll copy the key. Over here and then my secret key as well. over here and now I'll save it if I try to access my Local Host website now, I should be able to upload a file right so if I try to upload the file now. It says well done S3 upload complete. So these credentials that have just entered our basically credentials for my him and account. So if you want to see where did I get these credentials from again? You can basically go to users you can go to your user and you can go at security credentials and over here. It will last you the access key ID lot list you the secret access key because it is only available once you can only use it once. Copy it once you will not be able to see it again. And if I make this particular key inactive from over here, and if I try to Upload anything again. I will again get an error because without the keys my account will not be. I will not be authenticated to the S3 Service as you can see it says invalid access key because it is not valid anymore. All right, so I can make it active again, but that is not required as now. So what I do now is I have already configured this website on the ec2 console. All right, so let me go to my easy to Right, here. It is. So remember in this starting of the session we created a role for S3 full access, right? So that role has been attached to my ec2 instance. So let me show you the website. Here it is. All right, so I can access the website on my ec2. Now if I choose a file as of now and I try to upload the file. I'll be able to do so because my policy has been attached now. Let's see what happens if I d-- attach the policy. All right, so I'll go to this and I'll select no role click on apply. Yes detach. And now if I try to upload a file again. As you can see I see a blank page with basically means that an error has occurred. All right, so I am not able to upload any file because my role has been detached from my ec2 instance. So if I wanted to be working again, I'll just simply go here go to actions settings. Attach the rule. That is this click on apply and it will again work. Right, I'll choose a file see this file upload the image and your work again works like a charm, right? So that is it guys. You don't have to configure much. You just have to have the knowledge of I am and with that you can do complex procedures with the click of a button and you don't have to swear about it, right? You might want to you might be wondering did I change anything in the code when I uploaded to easy to so you don't have to do anything guys. You just have to delete the Choose key and secret and you will upload the code as it is you don't have to change anything it will if it doesn't have the key mentioned in this particular function, it will basically get those keys from the metadata of easy to and metadata is the place where your role is actually assigned or your role is actually attached right? So if it doesn't find the key in the code, it basically goes to the metadata and picks the key from over there. All right. So guys that is it for the demo part in this session. We will be discussing about Amazon redshift the most popular cloud-based data warehouse. So let me run you through today's agenda quickly. We will Begin by taking a look at traditional data warehouse will be discussing its underlying architecture and the disadvantages of using traditional data warehouse, and then we'll move on to our today's topic which is I'm redshift here will be discussing its architecture its key Concepts its unique features and the advantages of using Amazon redshift. And finally, we'll be doing a demo on Amazon redshift in this demo. We'll see how to import data from Amazon S3 to Amazon redshift and perform queries on this data very easily. So I hope that was clear to you guys. Let's get started. I'm sure you know, what a data warehouses you can think of data warehouse as a repository. Story that data generated from your organization's operational systems and many other external sources is collected transform and then store you can host this data warehouse on your organization's Mainframe server or on cloud, but these days companies are increasingly moving towards cloud-based data warehouses, instead of traditional on-premise systems and to know why we need to understand the underlying architecture and the disadvantages of using traditional data warehouses. So let's begin By looking at architecture, but it is important to understand where the data comes from traditionally data sources are divided into two groups. First. We have internal data that is the data which is being generated and Consolidated from different departments within your organization. And then we have external data that is the data which is not getting generated in your organization. In other words. That is the data which is coming from external sources. So this traditional data warehouse follows, It's a simple three-tier architecture to begin with we have bottom tier in bottom tier. We have a warehouse database server or you can say a relational database system in this jar using different kind of back in tools and utilities. We extract data from different sources and then cleanse the data and transform it before loading it into Data Warehouse and then comes the middle tier and middle tier we have olap server. Olap is an acronym for online analytical processing this Oily performs multi-dimensional analysis of business data and transforms the data into a format such that we can perform complex calculations for analysis and data modeling on this data very comfortably. Finally. We have top-tier. The stopped here is like a friend and client layer this jar holds different kind of query and Reporting tools using which the client applications can perform data analysis query reporting and data mining. So to summarize what we have Vlad till now traditional data warehouse as a simple three tier architecture in the bottom curve. We have back in tools using which we collect and cleanse the data and then in mid 80 or we have tools which is olap server using which we transform the data into the wavy Ward and then finally dropped your in which using different query and Reporting tools. We can perform data analysis and data mining moving on to the disadvantages of traditional data warehouse concept there. Is this leading us Business Service Company. And this company is running a commercial Enterprise data warehouse this data warehouse as data coming from different sources across different regions. The first problem that this company faced was when it was setting up a traditional data warehouse as we discussed earlier, the architecture of traditional data warehouse is not very simple. It consists of data models extract transform and load processes, which we call ETL and you have bi tools sitting on top. So this US based Denis had to spend lot of money and resources to set up a traditional data warehouse data warehouse, which was initially 5 terabytes is growing over 20% year-over-year and it was expected that the might be higher growth and future. So to meet this continuously increasing storage and compute needs the company had to continuously keep upgrading the hardware again this task of upgrading the hardware continuously involves lot of money Manpower and so many resources so, To scaling and traditional data warehouse is not an easy concept and since the company could not meet all the storage and compute needs easily. It was facing a lot of performance issues as well. And finally the company had to deal with increasing cost initially that to spend a lot on setting up data warehouse like that to spend on Hardware Manpower electricity security real estate and deployment cost and many other and as their data warehouse grew they had to spend again to meet Courage and compute needs so to sum it up setting up a data warehouse and deploying it and managing it later involves lot of money and resources moreover auto-scaling in traditional data warehouse is not an easy concept because of all these reasons many companies are increasingly moving towards cloud-based warehouses instead of traditional on-premise systems. So guys in this session, we'll be dealing with one of the most famous cloud-based data warehouse provided by Amazon, which is arms, And redshift and simple what's Amazon redshift is a fast scalable data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective for you to analyze all your data across your data warehouse and data leak guys. I have a definition which is put up on the screen and I have few words, which I have highlighted over there. So as we progress through the course of the session will know what those words exactly mean. So let's ignore them for now, but there are certain key Concepts which you should be aware of when you're dealing with Amazon redshift. So we'll discuss them now. Now Amazon redshift data. Where is a collection of compute resources, which we call notes and these notes when organized into a group they become clusters each of these clusters run an Amazon redshift engine and it contains one or more databases. So this cluster has a leader note and one or more compute nodes as for the leader node, it receives queries from Klein applications. And then it passes these queries and develops a suitable query execution plan and then it coordinates the power. Execution of these plants with one or more compute nodes watch the compute nodes finish executing this plan. Again, the leader node Aggregates the results from all this intermediate compute nodes and then sends it back to client application. Then we have compute nodes you can think of this compute nodes as a compute resources that execute the query plan which was developed by leader node, and when they are executing this plan, the transmitted data among themselves to solve many queries. These compute nodes are further. Added into slices which we call note slices each of this note slices receive part of memory and disk space. So the leader node distributes data and part of user query that receives from Clan application to this note slides and all this note splices walk in parallel to perform operation and increase the performance of your redshift data warehouse. So to say we have leader node, we have compute nodes and nodes slices. But how do they interact with line application? That is the question here. So I This line applications basically bi tools or it can be any other analytical tools which communicate with Amazon redshift using drivers like jdbc and odbc jdbc ref is to Java database connectivity driver. It is an API for programming language Java. Then we have odbc it refers to other database connectivity driver and it uses SQL to interact with leader node. So basically using this drivers client application sends a query to lead a new read a note on receiving the client applications queries. It passes these queries and develops a suitable execution plan. Once the plan is set up compute nodes and compute slices start working on this plant the transmitted data among themselves to solve this queries. So once the execution is done leader node again Aggregates the results from all this intermediate totes and sends it back to client application. So this is the simple explanation of Amazon redshift Concepts moving on when you launch a cluster you need to specify the know. But basically we have two types of nodes then storage notes. These are storage optimized and I used to handle huge data workloads. And basically they use hard disk drive or HDD type of storage and then we have dense compute distance compute nodes are compute optimized and they are used to handle high performance intensive workloads in the mainly use solid-state drive or SSD kind of storage, but there are three things that you should keep in mind when choosing one among them firstly you should be aware. If the amount of data that you want to import into your Amazon redshift and then the complexity of the queries that you run on your database and the need of Downstream systems that depends on the results of these queries. So keeping this three things in mind, you can choose either Den storage nodes or dense compute nodes. So guys that was the architecture and its key Concepts now, we'll take a look at few reasons as to why Amazon redshift is very popular as we discussed earlier setting up a You smell data warehouse involves lot of money and resources, but it's very easy to setup the deploy and manage a suitable data warehouse using Amazon redshift on Amazon redshift console. You will find create a cluster option. When you click on that option Amazon redshift ask you for certain details, like the type of node. You want to choose the number of nodes the VPC in which you want to create your data warehouse user ID password and many other details. Once you feel that you have given the right set of details you have an option which says launch the cluster and one click your data warehouse is just created. So with one click you can easily create a data warehouse in Amazon redshift. Once your data warehouse is set up Amazon redshift automates most of the common administrative tasks like managing monitoring and scaling your database. So you don't have to worry about managing or scaling your database needs. So that's how easy it is to develop or set up a data. Using Amazon redshift. We also learned that auto scaling is difficult in traditional data warehouse, but you can scale quickly to meet your needs and Amazon redshift. Well, we already know that a cluster node as a leader note and one or more compute nodes. So if you want to order scale an Amazon redshift, all you have to do is resize your cluster size as we know this compute nodes are like compute resources. So if you want to scale up, you can increase the number of compute notes similarly if you want to scale. Held up you just have to decrease the amount of compute nodes alternatively. We have something called single note and multiple new and single node cluster one node takes the responsibilities of both leader and compute functionalities and the multi node cluster contains one lead in node and user specified number of compute nodes. So suppose you want to resize your cluster and you are using a single mode cluster, then you can change from single node cluster to multi-node kirsta. Similarly. You can change from multiple node cluster to single node cluster. Of a need so that's how easy it is to scale up and down and Amazon redshift moving on. We learned earlier that while using traditional data warehouses. It's possible that the performance of your data warehouse might decrease but with Amazon redshift, you can get ten times better performance than any other traditional data warehouse. It uses a combination of different strategies, like columnist storage and massively parallel processing strategies to deliver high throughput and response times. So let's discuss the strategies one by one will first we have columnar data storage to understand what that is first. We should know row storage most of the traditional data warehouse and database is used this row storage in row storage. All the data about the record is stored in one row. Okay. So let's say I have this database here. I have three columns and two rows the First Column contains the unique number associated with student the second column contains the name of a student and the third column contains the edge as we already know. Data is stored in form of blocks in databases or data warehouses. So as you can see in row storage the block one contains all information. There is about a particular student has SSN his name and then age. So basically it stores all the information that there is in a single Loop. So in the first block you have information about first student and in the second block you have information about second student and it goes on now the columnist storage again. I'm using the same database again. I have three columns and two rows. Rose but Colin storage stores data by columns with data for each column store together. So again, we have blocks but the first block here has all the data that is there in First Column. So you have all assistant stored in first block and all named store in second block and all the ages Stone in third block. So it goes on there are a lot of advantages of using this column storage firstly since and column storage a single block contains same type of data. You can achieve better data compression. As you can see columnist storage can hold values 3 times the records as robe a storage because of this the number of input/output operations decreases and thirdly by storing all the records for one field together columnar database can query and perform analysis on similar type of data far quicker than row storage. So this is how the concept of columnar storage which is used by Amazon redshift provides us a better performance. And then we have massively parallel processing. I'm sure you might have or of parallel processing and computer science. It's just that number of different processors walk together or compute together or in Palin similarly massive parallel processing in Amazon redshift is nothing but cluster we have already discussed this earlier. We have a cluster and this cluster has a leader node and one or more compute nodes and this compute nodes is further divided into something called note slices. So when this leader node receives a query it develops execution plan and this compute nodes and computes. Isis walk together or in parallel to execute this plan and later. Thus leader node sends the results back to client application. So basically this compute slices and compute nodes work in parallel to achieve better performance moreover Amazon redshift is also able to smartly recognize the data or notes before running a query which dramatically boost the performance. So that's how we can get our ten times better performance using Amazon redshift and then the cost and traditional data. A bear houses people had to spend a lot of money to set up and then later to maintain the data warehouse. But Amazon redshift is the most cost-effective cloud-based data warehouse. If you remember in traditional data warehouse, they had to spend on Hardware real estate man, power electricity and deployment cost and many others and as their data warehouse grew they had to spend again on meeting the storage and compute needs but an Amazon redshift. We don't have to pay any upfront cost. So Amazon, Redshift is most cost effective and it cost one tenth of traditional data warehouse. You can start small fishes point two five dollars per hour without any commitments and you can gradually scale up later. If you need in addition to all those advantages Amazon redshift allows you to query data from data leak data leak is a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it is needed. So in data Lake you have data in different formats you can Can load data from Amazon S3 into your Amazon redshift cluster for analysis very easily that is from data leak you can store easily 20 or Amazon redshift but it needs more effort and cost the first because loading data into Amazon redshift cluster involves extract transform and load which we simply called ETL process and this process is very time-consuming and compute intensive and it's costly because uploading lots of data cold data from Amazon S3 for analysis. Is growing your clusters, which is again costly and requires a lot of resources. So as a solution, we have something called Amazon redshift Spectrum, which acts as the interface between your Amazon S3 or data Lake and Amazon redshift. So you can directly query data stored in Amazon S3 or data lake with this red shift Spectrum without need for Unnecessary data movement. I hope that was clear and finally with Amazon redshift. Your data is safe and secure it offers. Backup and recovery. So as soon as data is created or stored in Amazon redshift a copy of that data is made and through secure connections a snapshot of it a sin to Amazon S3 for later. So suppose you lose your data or if you have deleted the data from Amazon redshift by mistake, you can restore the data easily from Amazon S3 service Amazon redshift also provides you with an option to encrypt your data. So when you enable this encrypts option all the data in your cluster in your leader node, and Compute nodes and nodes slices is encrypted. And this way your data is very safe and secure. So Guys, these are all the advantages of using Amazon redshift. So now you have a basic idea of its architecture. Its various key Concepts, like clusters nodes leader node note slices now, it's time to work on a demo in this demo. We'll see how to transport data from Amazon S3 to Amazon redshift data warehouse and perform simple queries. So I hope that was clear to you guys. Let's get started the first First thing there are certain software's which you need to pre-install so that you can start working on Amazon redshift first suppose. You want to perform queries on the data on Amazon redshift. Then you need a SQL work bench where you can perform your queries and as we learned earlier the client application need a connection to communicate with redshift. So we need to install a jdbc driver and for that jdbc driver to run we need to have a Java runtime environment. So we have three things to install your now I'll show you how to install it. And I have this Java runtime environment download link by Soft So it says free download and you click on that. It will be downloaded. You can store it anywhere and once you're done with that search for Amazon redshift documentation. So here it is. Okay, not that not that just one and when you scroll down it says Amazon redshift get started click on that and in the step one, we have prerequisite UPS. Okay, scroll down and Chase in the Step 2 you have an option where you can download a go to SQL work bench website and download it. So click on that and here it says build current version and you have download generic packages for all systems. You can download it. Once you click on that it'll start downloading and there is one more thing which is jdbc driver. Go back to documentation part scroll down in the step 4, you can see configure a jdbc connection click on that it will take you to a page where you have. I've jdbc drivers of different version. You can download the first one click on this and it will be downloaded. So once all these three things are downloaded stored them in a file of your choice. Well, I have stored them on my desktop. I have this AWS folder and in that which ifft so here's my workbench. Zip file. It was a zip file. So extracted all the files and then I have my jdbc driver your well Java runtime environment as in download, so that's okay. So I hope that was easy to just install all these things and you are set to go And your backdoor Amazon Management console? I have previously used the Amazon redshift. So I have this Amazon redshift in recently visited Services. Anyway, you can search for Amazon redshift here your it is whether it's taking time to load. Okay. This is my Amazon redshift console page and you have different kind of options on your navigation pane on the left side and there are two ways to create a launcher cluster first. You have quick launch cluster option and launch cluster option. This is the very easy way to launch a cluster but suppose you want the freedom to specify all the details as in the vp's. He's the security groups different type of notes username password and all that. You can go for launch clustered option. Let's go ahead an Explorer. So first it asks for a name. Let's say my cluster and database day T1. And the poor this is default Port 5 4 3 9 is a default Port which would be handled by Amazon redshift you then the master user name. Let's say AWS user and password. That's it and confirm your password and click on continue option. So cluster details are done and dusted then you have note configurations. Well for the free tire, you only have DC too large but suppose you have a premium membership. Then you can choose any of this for this DC to large. This is the CPU capacity memory and storage and the input output performance has moderate you can go ahead and choose the cluster type. We discussed this. We have multi node and single load and single node. We have both the leader and the compute nodes. Note responsibilities handled by single note the multi node. We have a single leader node and use a specified number of compute notes click on continue and then here it asks for the VPC details parameter group in suppose you want encryption or not and all the details. So basically in this launch cluster option, you have the freedom to specify all the details, but for this demo, I'm going to use quick launch cluster option. So again as for the free tire, I'm using DC too large and again for the free tier. I'm using DC to large type it says Our to compute nodes and let's retain the same cluster name as for the master user AWS user now. Let me give the password. And the default Port is 5 4 3 9 and last option we have to choose among the viable. I am users or IM roads, but the question is why we need our I am role here in this demo. I said that we're trying to import data from Amazon S3, but you need certain set of permissions to access data, which is stored in Amazon S3 for that. We need to create a I am roll. So let's go back to I am service. Let me close all the steps. Okay, here you have roles option. You can click on that and click create true. And since we're dealing with Amazon redshift select red shift, let's shift customizable and click on next permissions. So we want Amazon redshift to access data from Amazon S3. So search for S3 of and you have a permission which says Amazon S3 read-only access well for this demo, this is an if but there is one more permission, which is Amazon S3 full access so you can perform read and write operations as well as for this demo. I'm going to choose this permission, which is Amazon S3 read-only access provides read-only access to all the buckets and Amazon S3 and click on next to view give you a role in name. Let's say my redshift role to and click on create rule. So now our Amazon redshift database as permission to access data from Amazon S3. Let's go back to redshift console. Okay, let me refresh this and now it's showing the role which has been created by showing your so as you can see unlike other launch option in this I didn't have to specify By much details just the node type the number of notes and then the master user name cluster identifier and password and the default database port and you can click on launch cluster option. So with one click you have easily deployed a database on Amazon redshift. If you remember when we try to use this launch cluster option we had option to select a default database or use or create our own database, but when you use this quick launch cluster option a default database called death will be created for us. So guys this cluster has been created. So before we connected to your SQL work bench. Let's try to explore here. You need to make sure that the database health status and in maintenance state is everything is in green color as for the cluster a cluster status. It should be available. And for the database Health, it should be healthy only then you can make a perfect connection with your SQL work bench. So you have this icon here click on that. Well, you get all the information there is about your cluster or you can just go ahead and click on this cluster. So this is the end point this tells me all about how to make a connection with this cluster. I have this when I click on that it says publicly accessible. Yes in the username as AWS user and the security groups. Apparently, it just shows the TCP rules which are set so that's about the end point then the cluster name you have cluster type node type and it shows the nodes and the zone and the date and time when it was created and you have cluster version as well on the right side. You have cluster status, which is why Syllable database health healthy. So is it currently in maintenance mode? No, and then you have parameter group apply status which is in sync with your database and there are few other features as well. But here you can see this VPC group click on that go for inbound and make sure it is set for TCP. Okay edit make this custom TCP Rule and here are five four three nine. Custom that's it and click on Save option. So that's the default port with which you can access the redshift and it's go back. Clusters. Okay, where were we we will change the default group of a PC. So this is the URL with which you can connect to the SQL work bench. So let's copy this and paste it in our x file I pasted over there. Well, if you using odbc connection and you can use this URL when you scroll down you have capacity details of your entire cluster, it's DC too large. So seven easy to compute units total memory storage and platform, okay. Let's go back to the I am role but I should have an IM roll option here. Let me see check it out. Okay, there's an option. It's acim rules. You can copy this entire thing and paste it again the editor so that while connecting it will be easy for us to find it. Okay, then so now we have cluster has created your database or data warehouse is set up now. You can just connect it with SQL work bench and start working on it. So let's go back to the folder where I stored my Workbench here it is. When you scroll down there's a file which says SQL work bench executable jar file. Open so here it is. It's asking for a default profile name. Let's say new profile one. Okay, then driver that was Amazon redshift driver only jdbc driver. And this was the yarol. We copied it earlier in the editor. So I'm going to paste it over here. Now. This is the URL control C and pests AWS user in the password. Okay, that should work make Sure that you select this order commit save it and then click on OK it says connecting new database now, it's successfully connected so I can easily perform queries. Now first. Let's create some tables. Well, I'm using the sample database from Amazon S3. So you have this AWS redshift documentation. Go back to that and here it says get started and in the step 6 you have this default SQL queries and tables provided. You can go ahead and use that I have it stored in my data. So I'm going to copy first. I'm going to create all the tables. Control C and paste it over there. Let's check what tables are there first we have user table. Well, this is like an auction data schema. So you have user table many users. When you have category users the category different categories to which users belong to then you have a date date on which a particular event occurred. Then you have even table all the details regarding an event listing as in the items, which are being sold are listed here all the details about the items. Then you have sales as in which user is Sighing how much which item in on that details? So basically we have six to seven tables. I'm going to select all that and say run option. So here it says table users created table when you created category date event listing and sales. So all the tables are easily created now as for the next part, we need to copy the data or the data for the database from Amazon S3 to Amazon redshift. Let's go back to the editor and I have this copy command. I'll explain you the format. Control C. And let's paste it at herb. Okay, let's explore this copy command. It says copy to the table users, which you just created from this path that is from the file, which is toward an S3 bucket. But this is the credential AWS. I am role which we copied to the editor the earlier. Apparently, we just giving a permission to access the data from S3. So we need to copy this I am rollio and then we have delimiter as then let me go back to a return show you an example. Amber Okay, let's say I've added all the child's name. Archana space some h b. Hobbies so you can see the straight line This is the delimiter as in the thing which are using two separate. All the fields are the columns. So going back. So that's delimiter which separates the data and this is region in which you are S3 bucket is located. So that's it. We have to replace diam roll. This is the AR and if the role I'm going to copy it and wherever this is you need to just paste it ctrl-v. Can the dawn last one so select everything and click on the execute button. It might take a while because the data set which was stored in Amazon S3 might contain large number of rows. So it might take a while as far as you can see it states executing statement here. It says one out of seven finished so we have six more to go. So this is good work bench has successfully executed all the script which we have written here. Let's go and start performing some simple queries. Let's say I want to extract the metadata of user table. I have this query OK select star from page table definition. So since we are extracting metadata from table name, let's say users and click on execute option. So you have so many columns. You ought to taste First Column user ID of type integer and coding Delta. Then you have user name first name last name city state email. So basically that's the metadata or the structure of user table. So we have sales ID list ID seller ID by your ID and many other details. Let's execute another command. Let's say I want to find total sales on a given date. Okay some the count your have some function. Which will count the number of sales from sales and date where the sales data is date ID and the date on which I want to calculate a specified here and then click. Okay the summit at your number. Let's just walking on it that is not working. I've selected the user table and I've asked them to display all the all that dairies in the user table. So this has the data say select star from users. So I want to extract the names of people who are from let's say some states. Let's consider some State. Let's take an edge so s Tage Like and hatch it should work now it is executing statement. So these are the people who are from State and Edge. So basically once you if the perfect connection from your SQL work bench to your Amazon redshift, you can perform whatever queries you like. So let's go back to our Amazon redshift console. Well, So this is the cluster. I'm going to click on this here you have queries when you click on that all the queries, which you performed till now will be shown. So this is the query so it says first name from users was from State NH. This was the query which we performed earlier. So you have all the data or all the information regard the queries which are executed. Well, that's all about Amazon redshift. So guys, this is how easy it is to create a data warehouse using Amazon redshift go ahead and explore different many other features of Amazon redshift. Well, I've just showed a part of them here. So go ahead and create a database perform various queries and have fun. So when you talk about software development, you have to mention develops. Now. Let's try to understand why to do that. Let me give you this basic definition first. So it is nothing but a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing the change to a system and the change being placed into normal production while ensuring high quality. Yes, very text bookish and again for people who do not know what devops has this might seem a little way. So let me just simplify this definition for you people again. See an image here what you see is you see a developer. You see an operator and there is a deployment wall which none of these two is ready to take responsibility of they're pushing the responsibility on someone else. So yes, this is what the scenario is when you talk about software development again, let me give you a little more idea about this particular term. So let's try to understand how developers work and how operators work and when you talk about developers, their responsibility is to create code to update this code whenever required wait for the next releases and if there are any changes commit those changes submit those changes and again move it to the production environment where the operators take care of it then wait for the feedback from The Operators if there is any and then again go through the changes if there are any likewise wait for newer software is newer products to work on. So, yes, this is what their responsibility is create code create applications, right? So what happens here is when you do create a software, so there are constant releases that you need to focus on. We all know that every now and then you'd be getting a Windows update or Our mobile phone update saying that okay, you have a new operating system new release new version updated. So this is how the technology is working. Everything gets updated every now and then so the reason this is happening is people want to stay competitive in the market. The software company is at least and they want to ensure that the product has the latest features. So this puts burden on the developers because they have to constantly update the software now once they update a particular software. It has to go and work in the production environment, but at times it does not work in the production environment because the developer environment And the production environment might be a little different. So something that works in the developer environment might not work in the production environment. So again, some changes are thrown back by The Operators and developers again get stuck. So they have to wait till they get the response from The Operators and if it takes a longer while their work is stuck. Now if you take a look at it from The Operators perspective the job is to ensure that whatever is working in the developer environment. It has to work in the production environment as well. They deal with the customers get their feedback and if there are any changes which need to be implemented. At times the implemented themselves if there are any core or important changes that are required those have to be forwarded to the developers. So yes, what happens at time says what works as I've already mentioned works in the developer environment does not work in the production environment and operators might feel that this was the responsibility of the developer which they did not do and probably they are facing problem because of it again the customer inputs. If those are forwarded back to the developers team. The operator team has to depend on the developers to make those changes, right? So as you can you see these two teams are interdependent on each other and at times they feel that somebody else's work. The developers work is pushed upon the administrators or the developers feel that the administrators teams work is pushed up on their side. So there is this constant tesl with the company owners have to take care of they have to think as an okay if this goes on how can I generate or produce new releases new software's every now and then this could be a problem, right? So this is what devops does as the name suggests. It is deafplus Ops that means it combines the operation. Team and the devops team when I say combined they bring in this approach where integration and deployment and delivery. It happens continuously and the fact that these things happen continuously. We do not see the tussle between these two teams. So yes as you move further develops helps you unite these two teams and they can work happily together. So this is what happens in devops you code your plan you release this deployment. There's operations. There's monitoring this testing everything happens in a Pipeline and these are some of the popular devops tools that let you take care of all these things. But now again this is the warps in general you have get you have puppet you have Chef you have ansible saltstack that help you automate this process of integration and deployment of your software, but the fact that everything is moving to Cloud these days we are thinking about how can we do all these things from cloud. Do I need to move in these many tools if you want definitely you can move all these tools but a platform. Ew s which is a popular cloud service provider what they have done is that ensured that all the requirements of develops can be taken care on the platform itself and you have various services that are made available to you that help you in this process now say for example, you have easy to write instances. Now you can launch servers at your will you can launch instances at your will so if your concern is scaling up and down, aw takes care of it you have various Services, which help you monitor your process. So monitoring is something that is taken care of. There's auto-scaling their various other services which this cloudfront which actually lets you create content delivery networks. I mean, you can have temporary caches where you can store your data and stuff like that. So there are various AWS services that actually help you carry out the divorce or the CI CD process with a lot more ease and that is why it develops an AWS. They form a very good combination or a combo, hence. We are talking about this term today. That is AWS develops. Not that we have some idea about what AWS is what devops is let's try to understand how continuous integration delivery and deployment work with AWS and how they incorporate the devops approach to do that. Lets try to understand continuous integration and delivery first. So let's take a look at this diagram to understand this process. So these are the four steps that are there you have split the entire chunk of code into segments. So guys think of it as more of your mapreduce kind of an action. I mean, I mean what happens is in your continuous integration and delivery. We are trying to bridge the gap between the developer team and the operations team, right? So we try and automate this process of integration and delivery. So the fact that continuously you have various software updates, which I just mentioned right? So what if I have like 50 or maybe a hundred developers who are working parallely now, there are certain resources that need to be used by everyone. Right? So what problem it creates is suppose if I'm working on a particular code. I work on that piece of code. And if somebody else is working on that piece of code and we have this Central system where the data needs to be stored. So I'm working on this piece of code. I make a particular change and I store it there now someone else is working on this piece of code and that someone makes a change and he or she stores it there, right? So tomorrow if I come back probably I need a fresh copy of this piece of code. What if I just start working on the piece of code that I'm working and then I submit that code there so there would be an ambiguity right whose coat to be accepted who's codes copy should be made so we need this Central system to be so smart that each time. I submit a quote it updates. It runs tests on it and see is whether it's the most relevant piece and if someone else submits that deputies of code then tests are run on that piece of code. This system should be able to ensure that each of us next time when we go and pick the piece of code. We get the latest piece of code and we get the most updated one are the best piece of code. So this process of meeting the code putting in that piece of code and automating this whole process so that as it moves further, it also gets delivered and deployed to the production in the similar manner with the tests that need to be conducted is called as continuous integration and delivery now integration as I've mentioned here the continuous updates in the source code or the code that I'm building the code is built compiled and when I talk about delivery and deployment the pieces of code once they're ready to move to the production environment, those are continuously he deployed to the End customer now deployment seems a very easy process, right? I mean picking up the code and giving to the End customer. No, it's not that easy deployment actually involves taking care of all the servers and stuff like that and spawning up. These servers is a difficult task. So automating this process becomes very important. And if you do it manually you're going to suffer a lot. So yes, this is where continuous integration and delivery comes into picture code. It is continuously generated. It is compiled it is built and compiled again then tested. And then delivered and made sure that it gets deployed to the End customer the way it was supposed to be so you can see that there are certain steps are it says split the entire chunk into codes or into segments keep small segments, of course into manageable form basically integrate these segments multiple times a day, which I mentioned that there should be a central system and then adopt a continuous integration methodology to coordinate with your team. So this is what happens. I mean you have a source code repository where the developers work they continuously. Submit their pieces of code now repository think of it as a central place where the changes are constantly committed. Then you have a build server where everything gets compiled reviewed tested integrated and then packaged as well. Finally certain tests final tests are run to go through the final integrity's and then it goes to the production environment where this process the building the staging and the committing process it gets kind of automated to reduce your efforts. So guys when you talk about a double Dress in particular you have something called as AWS code pipeline, which lets you simplify this process. It lets you create a channel or a pipeline in which all these processes can be automated. So let's take a look at those processes as well first. Let's get through the definition part. Let's see what it has to say. I wouldn't be blankly reading this thing and then promptly we'd be having the explanation part that follows. So as the definition says it is a code pipeline which Is nothing but a continuous delivery service we talked about continuous delivery already and you can use the service to model visualize and automate certain steps required to release your software something that we've already discussed in continuous integration and delivery. So this is basically a continuous delivery service which lets you automate all these processes. So as I mentioned automating these processes becomes very important. So once you do use the service, these are some of the features it provides you it lets you monitor your processes in real-time with Comes very important because we are talking about deploying software's at a greater pace. So if this can happen in real time, I mean if there is any change and if it is committed right away probably just saving a lot of time right you ensure consistent release process. Yes as I've told you deploying servers is a difficult task and time-consuming task. If this can be automated a lot of effort is saved speed of delivery while improving quality. Yes, we've talked about this as well and will pipeline history details monitoring becomes. Very important guys. So what court pipeline does is actually lets you take a look at all the processes that are happening. I mean if your application is built, it goes to the source, then it moves to the deployment. All these processes can be tracked in the pipeline. You get constant updates as a new cat. This happened at this stage. If anything failed you can detect as know K. This is the stage where it is feeling maybe stage number 3 stage number four and accordingly you can edit the stuff that has happened at that stage only so weaving the pipeline. Details actually helps a lot and this is where code by plane comes into picture. So this is what the architecture of Code by plane looks like. It's fairly simple guys. So some of this might seem a little repetitive to you people because the concepts are similar the concepts which we discussed those can be implemented by using Code pipeline. So ESF talked about these things, but let's try to understand how the architecture works and we will be using some other terms and discuss some terms in the future slides as well, which we've already talked about but each of these Isis they do this task a little differently or help you automate these processes hence the discussion. So, let's see how much level can we keep it unique and let's go ahead with this discussion as well. So, let's see how the code pipeline Works. Basically there are developers as I've already mentioned these developers would be working on various pieces of codes. So you have continuous changes and fixes that need to be uploaded. So you have various Services. One of them is code commit which lets you have a initial Source management system kind of a Which lets you basically take care of repositories and stuff like that. So it lets you directly connect with get I would be talking about get what get is but for people who know what get is if you have to manage your git repositories, you have a service called as code commit. So this is what happens if there are any changes those go to the source developers can commit those changes there and then it goes into the build stage. This is where all the development happens. Your source code is compiled and it is tested then it goes to the twist aging phase. Where it is deployed and tested now when I say tested these are some final tests that have to be implemented before the code gets deployed. Then it has to be approved. Manually. It has to be checked manually whether everything is in place. And finally the code is deployed to the public servers where customers can use it again if they have any changes as I've mentioned those can be readily taken from them and it goes back again to the developers and the cycle continues so that there is continuous deployment of code. This is another look at it. It is very Simple but this is more from AWS perspective. So if there are any changes that developers commit those go to the source now, your data is stored in a container called as S3 that is simple storage service in the form of objects. So if there is anything that has to happen the data is either fetched from the storage container, which is S3 and the changes are built and then again a copy of it is maintained in the form of zip as you can see here. There are continuous changes that are happening and those get stored. In the S3 bucket now S3 should preferably be on the region or in the place where you are pipeline. Is that helps you carry out the process of continuous integration and delivery with he's in case if you are concerned with multiple reasons, you need to have a bucket at each reason to simplify these processes. So again here to the code gets to the source. It is probably submitted to the build stage where the changes happen a copy is maintained at S3. And then it goes to the staging again a copy is maintained and then it gets deployed. So this is how the Quarter pipe line works and to actually go ahead and Implement all the actions of quarter pipe line. You have a service or the services that is your code deploy built and code commit in AWS. So these Services actually help you carry out some or most of these processes that are there. Let's take a look at those services and understand what do they do? So first and foremost you have your code deploy code built and code commit. So this is not the order in which you deal with these things. Now these things actually help you in Automating your continuous delivery and deployment process they have their individual commitments. Let's talk about them one by one first. Let's talk about code commit which is last in the slide. So basically I talked about moving a piece of code to a central place where you can continuously commit your code and get the Fresh store the best copy. That is their right so code commit what it does is it helps you manage? Your repository is in a much better way. I mean think of it as a central repository. So it also lets you connect with get Which itself is a central storage or a place where you can commit your code you can push and pull that piece of code from their work on it make own copy of it submitted back to the main server or your main or Central operating place where your code gets distributed to everyone. So that is get and what core come it does is it lets you integrate with get in a much better way so you do not have to worry about working on two different things. It helps you not Ematic authorization pulling in the repositories that are there in your gate account and a number of other things. He's so yeah, that is what code commit as then you have something called as code built as the name suggests. It helps you automate the process of building your code where your code gets compiled tested certain tests are performed. And again, making sure that artifacts of the copies of your code are maintained in your S3 and stuff like that. So that is what code billed as and then you have code deploy as I've already mentioned deployment is not an easy task. I mean if we are stuck in a situation where we are supposed to manage the repositories we're supposed to On quite a few things in that case if we are forced to kinda take a look at the servers as well for new instances pain new piece of servers that could be a tedious task. So code deploy helps you automate these processes as well. So this was some basic introduction to these things. Let's just move further and take a look at the demo so that we can talk about some of these terms and the terms that we've discussed previously in a little more detail. Now in one of my previous sessions. I did give you a demo on continuous integration and delivery I believe If they were certain terms that people felt were taken care of in a speedy way hope that I've explained most of the terms with more finesse this time and in more detail as we go through the demo to I will try and be as low as possible so that you understand what is happening here. So let's just jump into the demo part guys. So guys, what I've done is I've gone ahead and I've switched into my AWS console for people who are new to AWS again. You can have a free tier account with AWS. It's very easy. You have to go and sign input A credit card or debit card details a free verification would happen and probably you would be given access to these Services most of these services are made available to you for free for one complete year and there is certain limitation on these services. So you have to follow those limitations if you cross those limitations, maybe you'd be charged but that happens rarely. I mean if you want to get started definitely this one year free subscription is more than enough to get Hands-On on most of the services. So I would suggest that you create this free tier account. If you've taken a look at my previous videos, you know that how to create a free to your account. If not, it's fairly simple. Just go to your browser and type AWS free tier and probably you would be guided as in what details have to be entered. It's not a complex process. It is fairly simple and it happens very easily. So we just have to go ahead and do that. Once you do that again, you'd be having access to this console guys. So once you have an access to this console, you have all the services that you can use. So in today's session we would be working on a similar demo that we worked in our one of the previous sessions here. We would be creating an application. In a pass application platform as a service application and we would be deploying that application using our core pipeline. So there would be talking about other terms as well. Like code commit code different code built. So do not worry we would be discussing those as well. So this is what the demo is for today's session. So guys, let's start by creating a pass application to do that. We would be using elastic Beanstalk, which lets you have a ready to use template and using which you can create a simple application at this being a demo guys. We would be creating a very simple and a basic application. So just Come here and type elastic Beanstalk. So when I come to this page guys, if you've created an application, it would show you those applications, but the fact that if you're using it for the first time, this is the console that you'd be getting that is why I have created this demo account. So that probably we get to see how you can start from the scratch. So if you click on get started as creating an application here is very easy, like extremely easy you have to enter in certain details only it takes a while to create an application under Stan double I would tell you why it takes the time but once it happens, it happens very quickly. So all you have to do is give your application name. Let's call it say deployment tap. I'm very bad at naming conventions. Let's assume that this is good. You can choose a platform guys. You can choose whatever platform you want. Say PHP is what I'm choosing right now as I told you it's a pass service past that is platform as a service means that you have already to use platform guys. That is why you can just choose your platform and your elastic. In stock would ensure that it takes care of all the background activities. You do not have to set up your infrastructure. It takes care of it. So once I select the platform I can use the sample application or use the code if I have in this case, I would be using a sample code that AWS has to offer and I say create. There you go guys. This thing is creating my application. So whatever is happening here, it shows that these are the processes now, it is creating a bucket to store all the data and stuff like that. So it would take care of all these things guys. It might take a couple of minutes of meanwhile. Let's just go ahead and do something else. Let me just open it up loose console again. Somewhere else. I hope it does not ask me to sign in again. I've already signed in. So meanwhile that application gets created. Let me just go ahead and create a pipeline guys. So code pipeline again as fairly simple guys. What happens here is very easy. I just go ahead and put in certain details here as well in my pipeline would be created. So do you want to use the new environment or wanna stick to the old one? You can click on Old right and you can go back and create it the way it was done or you can use the previous environment. I'm going to stick. And I was very comfortable with that. So let's just stick with it. If you want you can use the new interface. There's not a lot of difference certain little are minor differences. So you can just come here and add in the name of the pipeline that you want to creates a demo pipeline. I see next Source provider guys. I would be using GitHub here because I want to basically pick up a repository from GitHub that helps me in deployment. So I need to connect together for that. It would ask me to authorize if you have an account. You can always do that so that it can basically ringing all the repositories that you have. So just say authorized if not, you'll have to sign in once so my account has been added here guys repository. I need to pick a repository. This is the repository that I would be picking. Do not worry. I would be sharing this piece of cord or is what you can do is you can just go to GitHub and type AWS - Cole pipeline - S3 - code deploy - Linux now it is a repository given to you by AWS if you take a look at it, and if you type it just the way it is named here from AWS. You should get that repository in GitHub. You just have to go ahead and Fork it into your GitHub account and probably you would be able to import that repository directly. You can see that repository has been fought. Here into my GitHub account. You just type the name hear this name search it and probably there would be an option your fork. I fucked it. So it does not activate this option for me in your case. It would be activated. You have to just click on it and the repository would be forked into your account. So I am getting or importing a fork from my GitHub. I was authorized my account and then I can just go ahead and do the stuff Branch Master Branch. Yes, and just do the next step build provider no build here. I don't have Teenager to build so I don't need to go ahead and provide a bill provider. You can use code build right guys, if you want to move or basically deploy your code to ec2 instances. You can use code build. If you want in this case. I have an application in which I have an ec2 instance and stuff like that. So I don't need to go ahead and do any building stuff. Hence no build for me. So I say next deployment provider in this case. My deployment provider would be my EBS so we have that option. Yes. Yes select EBS elastic Beanstalk. Naughty BST b stands for elastic block storage. That is a different thing guys. Elastic Beanstalk. Make sure you do that application name deployment a pause the name, right? Yep, and the environment. This is the environment. It creates the environment on its own. I believe that it has created the environment. It says it is starting. I hope the environment has been created. So guys, let's just see whether our application is up and running so that probably I can pass in the details. Yes, the application has Been created guys. So let's just go back and select this say next now create an IM role is already saying so let's say sample. Okay guys, so what happens normally is and I am user gets created each time. You create a role. So in this case it is asking me to create one taxes create a new item role database code pipeline nice shell of successful. So role has been In created next step now. It gives me the details guys. Basically it would tell me what are the stuff that I've done. So everything is here. I don't think I need to cross check it. You might just cross check the stuff that has happened and say create a pipeline. So guys, the pipeline has been created here as you can see. These are the stages that have happened. If you want you can just go ahead and say release a change now these things are happening guys, and let's hope the deployment also happens successfully. We've just created an eye. User let's see whether it falls in place. Everything is in place. As far as the source part is concerned it has succeeded and now the deployment is in progress. So it might take a while. Meanwhile just go back and take a look at this application. So if I open this application guys It would give me an overview of what has happened with this application guys, as you can see, these were the steps that were implemented. Now the application is available for deployment. It successfully launched the deployment environment. It started with everything that it was supposed to do like create or launch an ec2 instance and stuff like that. So everything is mentioned here what happened at what time so this is a passive is guys and it works in the background. I mean if you actually go ahead and launch an instance on your own configure, I am users can As you go to groups, it takes a longer while but what the service does is it automate that process. It understands that you need an ec2 instance. It launches that instance. It assigns security groups. We PCS and stuff like that. All you have to do is run your application on top of it as simple as that. So it has taken care of everything and run a PHP application for me. So yes, this is what has happened here. If I just go back here. Meanwhile, let's see whether our code has successfully run you can see what has happened here. I am released the change as well and you can move the pipeline history. If you want you can click on this icon and all the details would be given to you what happened in what stage. So these are the things that have happened till time now guys, let's just go back and take a look at something that we could so I'm going to come here and say service easy to because my app launched an ec2 instance. So there should be an instance created by elastic Beanstalk C1 instances running. It has a keep your attached to it as well. So He's any details guys. I have a public IP associated with it. If I copy it. There you go copy this IP and I say run this IP you have successfully created a pipeline that retrieved this source application from an Amazon S3 bucket and deployed it to three instances. It did not deploy to three instances using Code deploy. It deployed it to only one instance. You see this message that it deployed it to three instances is because the code or the repository that I used it. Supposed to deploy two different instances if there are multiple instances and hence. This message would have made more sense than but the fact that we've deployed it to only one ec2 instance. It should actually display that message. So the message that you're supposed to give you can actually come back here and make change to the piece of code that you worked on. If you go to the readme MD file, I think this is where the piece of code is. There you go not here. Where is that file that needs to be edited? Let me just take a look at. Some other files as well. Yeah. This is the file. Sorry. So if you go to the index dot file here is the message guys, so you can probably make a change to this message instead of seeing three you can say one here edit this piece of code and then you submit the code again. So when you do launch or type in this IP address probably that change would be reflected. So guys, what we've done is we've actually gone ahead and created a pipeline successfully and in that process we've actually gone ahead and move. Move or deployed our application from here. So guys in case if I do go ahead and commit changes to the code that I just talked about those would get reflected right away in my history when I talk about this pipeline. So it does give you a continuous integration and deployment. So, I hope that this session made sense to you people and we've talked artist upon most of the stuff that I wanted to talk about. And as far as the session goes guys, I would be resting it here. So let's start with the first question. Now I first question says I have some private servers on my premises. Also. I have distributed some of my workload on the public Cloud. What is this architecture called? So basically our workload has been divided between the public cloud and the private Cloud now, they're asking me what is this architecture called? It's a pretty basic question guys, but if you look at the options are quite confusing, the first option is a virtual private Network then We have private Cloud, which is obviously not there. Then we have a virtual private Cloud could be the option and then we have hybrid Cloud. All right guys. So what do you think? What do you think is the right answer for this? Come on guys, let's be more interactive in this session because if it's a two-way thing then it's going to be interesting for you and for me as well. So let's make it as interactive as possible and let's get the most out of this session today. Alright, so a she says it's either virtual private cloud or hybrid cloud. So as usual, it's actually only one out of all the for so give one answer. Okay, I can see some of you are saying the right answer some are confused. It's okay. I shall clear your doubts. Alright guys, so the answer is hybrid Cloud now, why hybrid Cloud because okay. So let's actually discuss the first three options which are actually not the right answer. So it is not a virtual private Network because a virtual private Network. Is something that you use to connect your private cloud and your public, right? So to connect between your private cloud and the public Cloud you actually have to make a connection and that connection is done using a virtual private Network. Alright, then we have private clouds or private cloud is something where in you have your own servers on your own premise, right, but in our case we have public Cloud involved. So it is obviously not private Cloud virtual private cloud is not the As well because a virtual private cloud is basically a logical isolation kind of thing wherein you isolate your instances from the rest of the instances on your AWS infrastructure. And this logical isolation cloud is called a virtual private cloud and then you have hybrid Cloud which I think fits aptly by its name as well. We're in it's a mixture of your public cloud and your private Cloud infrastructure, right? So, let's see the answer. So the answer is hybrid cloud and the nation is like this because we are using both the public cloud and you're on from Isis servers, which is a private Cloud be called and hybrid architecture, right and it says here that if you want to be better if your private and public Cloud were all on the same network, right? So basically when you connect your public cloud and private Cloud together using virtual private Network, you basically are accessing one network and you feel that all your resources. Is it says dead on the public cloud and the private Cloud are actually there in one network, right? So it seems It's a virtual private and virtually you feel that you are on the same network, but it's they are actually two different resources or two different locations from where you are accessing your resources. Alright guys, so guys any questions regarding to the first question that we have discussed anything that you're not clear whether it was a very basic question, but then we are getting a very lot of Concepts. Here, we have a virtual private Network concept then we have the virtual private Cloud concept, right so it can be confusing and this is how they asked to you in interviews as well. Right? So you have to be very clear in your answer. You have to be very clear in your thoughts that what shall be the right answer. All right, so I can see that people are giving me a go there all clear. Okay guys, so let's move on to the next question then so our next question starts with our Section 1 which is easy. Questions, so it's from here. We'll be talking all about AWS. So let's start with the question first. So we have a video transcoding application and the videos are processed according to work you with the processing of a video is interrupt in one instance. It is resumed in another instance. Okay, good enough. Then currently there is a huge backlog of videos which needs to be processed. But this you need to add more instances, but you need these as mrs. Only until their backlog is Oost right. So once your backlog is reduced you don't need those many servers. So which pricing option should be the efficient should be the most cost efficient for this? Okay guys, so first of all, when you have question like this, a lot of things are added into it to make it confusing. So first of all, the things is the first line reads that it's a video transcoding application. So it is not relevant to your question, right? It is not relevant to what is being asked so you Discard that out and then it says the videos are processed according to work you again, it's their confuse. You don't the first thing that you should look out into a question, which are trying to men are trying to figure out an answer is the important part. What is important in the question you should be able to unfair that so according to me. The thing that is important is that there is a huge backlog of a video. So there is a lot of pending work and this pending work has to be reduced right and one. Is it is reduced we will not be needing those many servers. So basically we are increasing our number of servers to actually reduce the number of backlogs that we have. And once we have reduced that we have an application wherein we don't need those too many servers anymore so we should get rid of them. Right? So now it is asking me which pricing option should be efficient for this seller. Now, you have three kind of pricing options you have on demand pricing then you have spot pricing. And then you have reserved place, right? So you spot pricing is basically used when you want servers at the minimum cost. So basically what happens is why spot pricing has an introduced is because of this that new AWS has centers, right? It has service zones where it has a lot of servers now not all the time that the servers are actually being used. Some of the times are idle, right. So in times like this when the servers are ideal, what eight? SS does is it gives you a discount that since no server is being used. I shall give you a discount. If you want to use my servers now in this case you use pot pricing. So if you are going for spot pricing you see these reduced rates from AWS whenever their servers are idle and you should bid rate, right? So say example servers are being offered at some particular price. And you say Okay. I want these many servers, but I can only afford $10. So as long as the server And be allotted to me for $10. I shall use them. Right so you set your price a $10 and then you use the service but the moment the demand increases in that particular server location the prices go up again. All right, and if the price crosses $10 your server shall be shut down, right you will not be able to access that server anymore. Right? So this is what spot pricing is you basically bid for the minimum price and whenever the price. Co- op your server is taken from you right then second type of pricing is called reserved pricing. When you reserve your servers for a particular amount of time say a one-year term or a three-year term, right? So it the application for this could be when say I have a company right? And my company has a website. So my website is hosted on AWS. Now, my website is going to be there till my company is there right? So it makes sense for me to actually reserved the instances for like maximum Dome. Possible because I have no plan to sell my company and hence take down my website right now. The reason people offer reserved instances is because as compared to the on demand pricing the reserve pricing is actually pretty cheap, right? So if you reserve your instances for a longer term, you get discounts from AWS, right and then we have on demand pricing where and we can get as many servers as you want at the time what we want as per your requirement at whatever time you Choir and the pricing for them are standard right? I'll not say they are high but they are standard but they are more than reserved pricing and your spot pricing. Now. Our question says that we have to reduce the backlog and once a backlog has been reduced. We'd have to get rid of the service. So obviously will not be using reserved instances because we cannot save and our backlog will be ending right? We cannot be using spot prices because we want that backlog to be reduced as soon as possible. So what we'll do is we'll be using on-demand instances or on demand pricing and using that we will reduce the workload or will reduce the backlog of the videos. And once it's been reduced we will reduce the server size for our instance. Right? So the answer for this should be on-demand instances and if you read the explanation, you should be using an on-demand instance for the same because the workload has to be processed now meaning it is urgent. Secondly you don't need them. Once you have a backlog is cleared. Therefore is evidence is out of the Picture and since the work is urgent. You cannot stop the work on engines just because the spot price by right. So therefore spot price in can also not be used and hence will be using on demand has. All right guys, so any doubt in this question anything that you're not clear with by are we using on demand pricing?
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, aws tutorial for beginners, aws tutorial, aws full course, aws course, aws, what is aws, amazon aws tutorial, aws cloud tutorial, learn aws, amazon web services tutorial, aws training, aws training for beginners, what is amazon web services, aws for beginners, aws cloud, aws solution architect, aws certification, aws edureka, cloud computing aws, aws cloud computing, aws ec2, aws s3, aws services, edureka, edureka cloud computing, aws training videos, edureka aws
Id: k1RI5locZE4
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Length: 568min 40sec (34120 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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