What Is Actually Inside A Pimple and Why You Should Never Pop One

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zits bumps pimples ah at one time or another you've glanced in the mirror and been horrified to discover a big gross painful pimple which has seemingly appeared on your face overnight where do pimples come from what's in a pimple and how can you get rid of them well we're no dermatologists in fact if we knew the secret to absolutely perfect skin we'd probably be retired on a yacht somewhere and not making this video however we thought we'd explore how pimples are formed and maybe provide some tips on improving your skin the terms pimple and acne are often used interchangeably but they aren't actually the same thing pimples are a symptom of acne which is a skin condition where your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells if you suffer from acne you're not alone acne is one of the most common disorders treated by dermatologists and other health care professionals more than 90% of the world population is affected by acne at some point in their life contrary to popular belief acne can affect anyone at any age although it's especially prevalent in the teens because they're undergoing puberty during puberty hormone levels increase among other actions hormones can cause skin to become thicker widened glands and produce more sebum and oily waxy substance which blankets moisturizes and protects the skin helping to keep it supple the biggest organ of your body is your skin most adults have some 8 pounds and 16 to 20 1.5 square feet of skin the thickness of your skin fluctuates depending on which part of the body it's covering and also by your gender and age skin is an anti dehydration insulating shield guarding sensitive inner parts against microorganisms extremes of temperature harmful chemicals and elements of nature such as UV sunlight in addition to being protective skin synthesizes vitamin D for converting calcium into healthy bones and helps to regulate body temperature the average square inch of skin holds 650 sweat glands 20 blood vessels and more than 1000 of nerve endings in addition to all of its other functions skin is elastic and allows us free movement also it keeps us looking good just imagine how you'd look without your skin skin is composed of three main layers the epidermis the dermis and the hypodermis the outermost surface of the skin is the protective epidermis the epidermis mainly consists of keratinocytes cells made from the tough protein keratin the same material in your hair and nails the epidermis consists of five sub layers the deepest sub layer of the epidermis is the stratum germinativum where cell division or mitosis takes place the new cells are pushed up through the stratum mucosa then the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum in the stratum granulosum sub layer the keratinocytes cells start dying and hardening by the time the cells reached the top layer the stratum corneum they're dead the stratum corneum is made up of these tightly packed dead skin cells which are continuously flaking off and being replaced the process of desquamation from skin cell birth to shedding happens over approximately a 28 day cycle the thickness of your epidermis ranges from point 0 5 millimeters on the eyelids to point 8 plus or minus 1.5 millimeters on your soles and palms the epidermis is bonded to a deeper and much thicker skin layer below known as the dermis the dermis which consists of connective fibers of collagen in elastin has two distinct layers the papillary layer and the reticular layer the dermis has blood vessels which help regulate body temperature by increasing blood flow to the skin to allow heat to escape or by restricting the flow when it's cold the dermis is packed with specialized sensory nerves and nerve structures connected to each ear follicle which provide a sense of touch surface temperature and pain relaying the sensations to your brain the dermis also contains hair follicles lymphatic vessels sweat glands and sebaceous glands the third main layer of the skin is the hypodermis also called subcutaneous tissue the hypodermis is used for fat storage it insulates and cushions internal organs and bones from injury so now that we know a little about the skin let's discuss how pimples are created pimples begin within hair follicles and sebaceous glands in the dermis hair follicles are small tubular openings in the skin through which the hair and sebum reached the skin's surface the follicle consists of the hair root and ball near the pore opening at the top are the sebaceous ducts and glands the thicker the hair the higher quantity of sebaceous glands attached in that follicle in a properly functioning hair follicle sebaceous glands secrete sebum into the poor sebum and dead cells slough from the stratum corneum emerge at the skin's surface through the pore opening problems occur when this process goes awry the sebum and dead skin cells become trapped within the hair follicle forming a hard plug that blocks poor opening these clogged hair follicles are called comedones closed comedones are called blackheads blackheads are not trapped dirt but skin cells which have oxidized or reacted with oxygen in the air open comedones are called whiteheads the bacteria Pro prion a bacterium acnes or P acnes likes to hang out in hair follicles and on skin it eats sebum when a comedo or a singular comedone e clogs a pore opening it creates an anaerobic environment which allows P acnes to thrive in the hair follicle as the amount of bacteria along with sebum and dead cells grow the hair follicle swells creating a pow'ful or a small raised bump with no visible opening some pal fuels are tender to the touch sometimes the follicle wall bursts and floods the dermis white blood cells rush in to fight the bacteria redness and swelling occur and pus is created often on the tip of the pal peel a pimple or pustule has now formed if a break in the follicle wall happens near the skin's surface the pimple tends to be minor and heals quickly generally it takes 4 to 5 days for a pimple to form when a pimple suddenly appears on your face it's been in the works for a few days if left alone small pimples generally will vanish within about a week however if a rupture in the follicle wall occurs deep within the dermis it creates severe lesion such as nodules and blind pimples these are often painful and may take weeks to disappear coma donees and pimples can appear anywhere on your skin than has follicles but more commonly appear on the face neck chest and back people with bad acne tend to produce high amounts of sebum and have large amounts of P acnes on their skin in addition to puberty hormones acne can be triggered by pregnancy hormones menstruation illness taking certain medications poor diet and stress researchers are still learning about acne but speculate the severity of a person's acne is genetic we all want clear healthy-looking skin so if you struggle with acne what do you do well it's important to look at the big picture and develop long term good habits that result in more clear skin that includes a regular skin care routine plenty of sleep and a healthy diet a shooing smoking and drug addiction some people say that junk or greasy food causes bad skin however studies haven't proven this to be true researchers have uncovered links between acne and items that tend to cause inflammation in general adding to already present inflammation in the skin among other foods this includes dairy items high in sugar and items that are high on the glycemic index meaning foods that your body quickly converts into glucose and causes your body's insulin levels to spike Steve insulin spikes increase the production of sebum which can contribute to the clogging of follicles generally speaking a healthy diet is good for the overall care of you including clear skin the same goes for getting plenty of sleep and choosing not to smoke or abuse drugs what you put into your body is reflected on your skin building a regular consistent skincare routine is really important improving your skin takes time it's far better to have an ongoing regimen rather than frustratedly over washing your face with a harsh cleanser whenever you have a bad break out while we're not going to tout any particular skincare brand over another it's important to treat your skin gently we know that using strong or harsh soap or medicine seems like it'll work harder or faster but that's not the case sometimes doing so even dries out your skin and as a result your body increases the production of sebum if you work a job where your skin is exposed to large amounts of dust such as manual labor or grease such as in a fast-food kitchen it's easier for your pores to become clogged and you may need to wash your face three times a day even so unless uh turley necessary to remove dirt or chemicals from the skin a gentle cleanser is the best your routine should contain more steps than just washing your face you should use acne medication to directly target pimples also using a moisturizer and wearing sunscreen when going outside is important yes sunscreen also needs to be worn by people with darker complexions acne scarring can cause hyperpigmentation which can be exacerbated by UV rays if your acne is especially bad or you have some pimples that simply will not go away don't hesitate to see a dermatologist prescribed treatments from a doctor who has evaluated your skin can work wonders how can you avoid acne scarring unfortunately some pimples leave behind blemishes even when you don't touch them but a good way to ensure scarring is by popping your pimples you know not to do it yet most of us do don't pop pimples not only are you interfering with your body's healing mechanism you damaging your skin and spreading the bacteria and pasta from the infected pork to the surrounding pores sometimes you're even pushing the bacteria deeper into your skin layers but you have a good technique you use gloves etc no we know it's hard to resist but it's best to leave pimples be sure you're getting rid of a temporary blemish if you pop now but long-term you may be setting yourself up for scarring pitting hyperpigmentation or infection often popping a pimple doesn't even get all the Mater out and a pimple reoccurs in this same spot if you have a bad or a blind pimple you may want to use a warm compress on it a warm compress may help ease the pain help the clogged pore to loosen and draw us to the surface of your skin soak a clean washcloth in hot water making sure the water is at too hot to avoid burning then simply apply the compress to the pimple for 10 to 15 minutes do this three to four times a day until the pimple releases pus and heels don't pop it when the pus comes to the head in general try not to touch your face and when you do wash your hands before touching your face resting your hand on your skin can spread bacteria and irritate skin if you use a headset or hold your phone to your face frequently disinfect it also change your pillow case often especially if you sweat at night even though you may change your sheets on a longer schedule changing your pillowcase twice a week may lessen the spread of bacteria on your face do some research sometimes it takes time to figure out a good skincare routine don't do a skin treatment just because you saw it on the Internet spend some time learning wyott treatments may be good or bad for your particular skin we're sure you've run across someone on the internet using toothpaste glue or hair conditioner as an amazing face treatment be careful if the product is not intended for facial use it's probably a good idea to stay away from it for skin care what's your best tip for dealing with pimples let us know in the comments also be sure to check out our other video why do some people remove their own eyes thanks for watching and as always don't forget to Like share and subscribe see you next time
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 2,642,175
Rating: 4.887382 out of 5
Keywords: pimple, zits, teen, teenagers, acne, infographics, infographics show, science, experiments, fun, funny, comedy, video, gross, dr pimple popper, pimple popping, dermatologist, dermatology, skin care
Id: OjVF3_jU_Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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