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so someone called us in bo died what is up everybody we have a box with the word swerfer on it i have no idea what that is i thought it was a swiffer and we were just messing around and calling it a swarfer swerf is an actual thing you guys know what a swarfer is i do not you know what it is then yeah what is it it's a surfboard with a swiffer grip tape shall we find out what it is that was actually highly effective why don't you just do that every time from now on can you help me yeah oh it's actually a real thing let's hang out okay that's plus is that us it's a surfing swing that's what it is oh bro i have a story about this i thought i almost paralyzed myself when i was little because there was a swing and i'll stand on it like this and i slipped forward and smacked my face on the ground and my chin went like parallel with the ground i thought i was gonna die look you got the cover of the magazine yeah so apparently we're going to surf the air in the trees is that what you're telling me gabe uh yeah whatever you want yes finally come on is that what you wanted this whole time coming to america can i just rip this open yeah be careful don't break it maybe we go back to the all-terrain tree dude forget that just skate this imagine that on a balance board though how hard that would be i heard it did it crack oh he might have cracked like a rock or something well we usually just screw some trucks into then get it going gotta watch out for pedestrians dan is this what you expected to be a surfer exactly what i expect part two because the first thing i expected was swiffer grip i have a question for ricky when he catches up to us dude i wonder how that would work in the the sand dunes i think that i'd be sick cause there's like not a lot of surface area touching at one time you'd probably go flying what's your question for maybe i can answer it what's your question dave is this a boomerang we have a boomerang but is this a boomerang a legit boomer where is the boomerang australian people know right it actually kind of did work dude i'm kind of scared what if he comes back dude it sort of works a little bit it's curved on the wrong axis you just did a 1080 double yeah it was sick it's like some tonic pro skater stuff right there oh i already broke our thing hey jeez dan i don't know how to get it to come back so rick you know how to put this together i do gabrielle are you sure if you guys don't remember this is the very tree that ricky tried to jump up and then smash his face into the tree right here hello jd hello all right so cutting the instructions you untangle this over put these in and then you live large you think this is high enough no but full thing should we go to a different i think i think it is a tree a plant trees are just re-boomerang yeah you look like you know what you're doing rick yeah brother how you feeling glow like a million words i can't wait to try this you ever had rope swing as a kid nope but i've been camping and been on one once before and i almost broke my neck on it splat first we need a taller tree yeah all right you got real oh here you go big rick this tree breaks it was meant to be yeah jd is already halfway up there and he's got a helmet and pets oh my god this tree is already safe jd oh yeah you're good you're safe yeah what tricks are you gonna do wait wait we should put the trucks on the swerfer right now and then it's technically you're still skating it you know what this reminds me what of a flying squirrel rick you're doing something wrong here brother warfare use indiana jones technique pull the end of the rope through the loop so it is wrapped highly around the branch yes repeat with other ropes yes both rope 24 to 36 inches apart yes all right so i figured everything out break it to the rescue we got the knots we're holding it in we got this rope it slides down you're assessing it first jd yeah he's the lightest oh look we are going to get the boot watch please i'm just trying to surf yeah can i at least get one air one more shot one more shot okay call the swerfer swing i can't get one swing really quick really quick and then we'll go real quick all right real quick let's get this knot on it's all on it's on us we're swerfing at our own risk over here all right you swerve it up big rig no the tree is good yeah it's about training behind the knee jd yeah oh yeah thank you for being the the grown-up jd all right come on dude we've had our fun rick we've had our fun i'm just getting started i'm learning how to pump the man is being nice all right well loki it's going to be kind of hard to take it down can i backflip it actually dude this is kind of scary to be honest this is a really nice experience i like this thing a lot i'm going to set up from the beam in the braille house we're going to swing my life flashed before my eyes i like how you know what you know what hey hey pause everything i recognize a swerfer when i see one that guy came over here he said you can't do that and we said it's a swerfer and he said okay one swing yeah i do want to see this he probably has this thing set up at home wait so someone called us in about building a swing [Music] who's gonna call us in yeah hey we're just building the swing for j.d yeah he turns 12 next week come on just happy birthday swing sess real quick right yeah someone at this park woke up this morning and said no swinging today someone woke up they woke up on the wrong side of the bed they said you know what no fun no fun allowed i understand i feel it i get it but kicking a swing out of a pocket dang come on now come on now what kind of cold-blooded super villain does that hey we should i'ma find them and call on them say hey someone's having a picnic somebody is watching the birds kick them out hey hey that person over there going down the slide call them in having way too much fun disappointed there's a guy sitting next to the water over there call him in leave it in the comments below if you saw us at fremont skate park hanging a swing would you call would you call us in leave it in the comments below which one should i get black sesame street sugar one rick he said black sesame yeah it's good i'm not gonna lie i'm not the best at putting these together you heard me right here keeping burial flips alive orange you glad she brought some oranges there you go solid oh dude all right maybe i should have put it in a better place oh wait put it down so where does the second one need to go easy we're out of screws big dog oh oh there it goes would you look at that swerfer boy look at that yeah feels awful or amazing oh it feels pretty awful do you think i can make it over this little bump the ground clearance is not should we grip it we have grip i kind of like it so close to the ground it is literally that that close to hitting the ground it looks funny i got to see a bullet sign on it smug the camera oh yeah yeah that is weird i think we're on to something for normal board technology can we grip it create kickflip [Music] that pop too it's nice knowing you j.d [Applause] is it party time yeah i just ate an orange i'm feeling rejuvenated so i'm ready to see this air what happened knee pads every time i'm here at fremont i look here at this water park aqua adventure and right there that lazy river i remember i went here for 8th grade promotion and the whole time i just floated in that lazy river that sounds really chill incredible what the heck he told himself to wait he said wait and then just go back let's get a kick up on this thing wait swerfer kick flip that is scary looking pretty scary i've been breaking a lot of the builds lately yeah feel kind of bad that is not my intention so slippery oh that was my favorite one of your falls everybody just ate it yeah i was trying to do a better early backside here oh wait wait you know how we should do it i know how to do it what do you think oh all on one side okay here i'll show you the way to do it mob is perfect that's how you grip if you're a poser got a razor blader do we beneath that okay destroying a 5 dollar skateboard we actually destroyed escape parking like an auto he uses the tools yeah he's learning how to use tools evolution of the model the caveman ricky is finally learning how to grip a skateboard i have a caveman brother here to share my my knowledge with i learned how to make a pencil shout out my summer school teacher teaching me that what is this what the heck she just gave it to me oh primo if i snap it what happens if he's happy the exact same thing hey if he snaps it you can beat him up okay i better not snap this oh my god one more try you think you could take it all the way around the top part jd what is that called jd it's not easy to carve that loveseat annie anderson was here and he's like what people can come over he's adjusted for normal concave he's gonna go for the loveseat you don't have to j i was just asking oh wow that was sick i could try a hundred times on a regular board and not be able to do that he coming around the swerfer when he swerves oh my god yeah no i don't think so good sir oh no that's good yeah that's good you're gonna drop in here again glow every day you said what i was at the skate park yesterday a couple days ago and i was telling my friends like yeah bro i got to drop in i got the dropping i had them all come over here like four of us i just couldn't get the urge to do it oh man i got i chickened out you see you know you would think that i would be like oh i don't know weird ball jd maybe don't drop it in but the board he dropped in on last time with the no kick now this is beautiful this is very chill that green one oh yeah yeah well done jd yeah the screws are good uh these are getting a little loose jd just flies wow that was sick yeah back breaks been hit let's get it yeah that was amazing to see that doing your part and keeping burial flips alive oh yeah i still need to go back but i had some oranges amazing i'm trying to figure out exactly what the swerfer name means is it because it's a swing and a surfing because you're literally standing on it like a surfboard but you're swinging so it's like a swing surfboard swerf board i don't think i like your attitude chris why am i being too you're just being too correct i'm sorry i can't change how i am i was wondering where you went you got any swarf puns for us uh i don't know what were those swiffer commercials yeah i know what they say for wetjet you can oh good pop it's actually really sick [Applause] oh dude that was pop maybe glottis doesn't have what it takes to be a oh tell them we're telling that [Laughter] celebrated oh the hannah montana call get him again right here is that what that is yeah hey did you ever watch santa monica white fit a silly question you did right okay in the show obviously hannah montana is our alter ego but is her name miley cyrus in the show like as a character yeah it is hey nobody listens to his dad's billy ray nobody listens to dan he's just some billy ray cyrus in the show it may be the hardest but that's the best big scene i've ever seen you do hands down should i get a mullet in honor of billy ray dude you should and then drop a single i tell you what i got a random urge and i sang an entire song voiced as cronk from emperor's new groove are you serious i did can you record that and send it to me [Applause] no because it's really good in my mind but i know it's terrible so i'm embarrassed the views come from cronkite news you gotta do you want this video get 10 million dude i'm not good at it though it's just i feel like the poison say the poison the poison for it's about trying [Applause] that was perfect oh my god that was the best big spin that's ever been done on a swim that was the best big spin i've ever seen in my life it's helped it really helped me with my balance oh yeah it's all coming together see it's terrible no it's entertaining you should just talk like that it's not that's not even cronkite that's just my favorite voice to do right here look at that anyway it's like way wider on this side oh my god all right luke come on come hit this real quick going through your house like when he's like tiptoeing around like it's hey i invite you guys all over like hey welcome to the house you like any drinks you want something to eat come on this is a swerfer i'm watching i i just got here that's why he warms up by we're gonna go get dinner after we're done filming all right i might destroy something get it i want to be there all right do a trick and then you got to do what jd's dad said and peggy no way what you're going to disrespect danny like that yes hey chris is disrespecting you right now he said that he is not going to pivot fakie like you said he could on this thing all right well now i have to do that should i go do that real quick yeah okay let's go let me just get a pivot fake right here real quick that feels really weird that is not safe at all died i kind of want a nose manual over like you know the humps over there hey we'll give you a dollar if you ollie over me i'm going to get paid to risk your life well just over my legs was just a bad idea it's really good yeah i just saw him dread off right on his kneecaps bam all right knows manny yeah yeah i'll just go across the top box and then just keep going you might as well just do this one while you're here the hard thing about this is like always you saw my all i can't even all y'all you can i'll try that's the spirit you're willing to try paul schmidt see this is why you need friends that are just like they'll push you to try things even if you're doubting yourself chris just remember if you're doubting yourself i'm likely doubting no what i was gonna say is that if likely if you're doubting yourself i'm doubting myself too how about we believe i believe jason parks says never believe he says never believes why because ouch dad oh my god maybe he's pretty gnarly look at this oh hey we're all right ollie up 180 awesome how many times are you gonna fall in this video dude i don't know what it is about braille these days but i follow a lot in the braille videos shout out myself leave a comment if you agree [Applause] yeah you ready oh yeah yeah you've been waiting huh grinds and slides yeah let's start with this ledge hey ricky just know whatever endeavors you get into we support you you're welcome and make sure you don't put the end in endeavor no we're just getting snaked out here it's wild it's wild 2021 it ain't no australia out here it's the wild west this morning i saw a video of a cobra eating another snake for breakfast yeah sketchy bro ricky i love how you've gotten hit in the shin so many times that you don't even feel when you get hit in the shin anymore you said probably oh okay i know i figured out the foot positioning too low here it doesn't work but if you ever put a bit higher it works better really because then when we're here it's not natural oh you're right and he didn't even need to pop it just can you do a dolphin impression okay no comment oh god my ears are bleeding i like it a lot it's fun to get used to the extra concave maybe we should make some boards with extra concave what do you think it's it's like increasing the difficulty setting you know we normally play on normal but now we're playing on hardcore i mean i have many shots it's gonna break it only takes one try the first try except this is like try seven but forget all the other tries this is the first tray why is this harder than the dark slide on the side grinder i feel like i'm very out of character today it's the hat gray shirt and hand it's the hat it's just the hat any color shirt with the hat you would have been the same right now i never even thought about that back 50 to like 5.0 down that or something would be so sick katie's dad predicted our future right now as soon as rick stepped on it chris i'm gonna call the police you know why oh you almost got me because every time i put on a hat yet oh two yeah but we drilled them back in but there's a problem the adversity is really yikes big yikes dan why do you have sunglasses on your shirt but not on your face because i feel like if i'm on camera maybe i shouldn't have glasses on oh dick no hit a bar spin all right you got me hey you gotta oh and since we can't send it off with the real trick uzi figured that we should send it off with a not real trick right all right so he's building me a wall out of this board and i'm gonna do a wall ride wall-e onto this pad right now i think it's safe enough jd's dad approved you know we're in a nice spring day and luke shows up wearing clothes to go snowboarding in the dead of winter it's like a beach work it's called fashion it's sand fruit i feel like he's going to hit the tip though it's okay yeah he okay let me slow mo it oh my gosh that worked really well dude set it up on the five-star you can wally up to five hold on we're not done yet how did you know dan you had one job i think i got it i'm not i didn't go what about down you can hold it up there grind down tell me when you're gonna go oh my goodness okay all right ready i'm gonna step off all right three two one oh yeah we got that one all right one more good go okay ready three two one yeah i'll hold it all right three four two yeah swerve stuff oh my frame oh my god let's try wally on not 50 just on we went down now let's go up also let's give it a nice send off dude square for a sponsor i mean i want to set it up in the braille house and swing around all right let's get it all right well i had an amazing time skating was all right but swinging on the swing that is what my dreams were made of learning all the grabs i think that's what i need to skateboard oh shout out to the homie that called on us for swinging at the park you know it's a park we're building a swing we're trying to show jd a nice time got his 12th birthday coming up but hey it's okay i understand but yeah we had a really fun time out here at fremont we love getting out in the parks getting around hanging out with the homies it's always a blast out here fremont we got to keep doing this a bit more and more there are some videos right there subscribe like leave a comment below let us know what crazy things should we do should we build a double swiffer triple surfer more swings in the braille house let us know in the comments below we want you to learn how to skateboard and we have everything you need at brailleskateboarding.com
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 594,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, swurfer swing, swurfer tricks, swurfer installation, swinging
Id: bQFRebyuC1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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