What is a Protocol? (Deepdive)

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What exactly is a Network Protocol? I like to make videos that I wish I   had when I was younger, and the term  “protocol” really confused me back   then. Only after I got more experience with  networking, packets and sequence diagrams,   it finally clicked for me. And I want to  try to explain it now to my former self. <intro> What is a protocol? We need to start somewhere,  and I always like to start with wikipedia because   it provides a good base that we can build  upon. But let’s ignore the computing category.  You know, computers are a modern invention, so  obviously a lot of terminology is borrowed from   the non-technical world. For example in another  video we looked at web servers and compared it to   restaurant servers. So this time, let’s see  what protocol means in non-computer terms.  In sociology and politics, “protocol” can mean:  “a formal agreement between nation states”.  And that already is a good definition that  will help us. But even better might be,   that `protocol` can also mean `Etiquette`. And “Etiquette is the set of conventional rules  of personal behaviour in polite society, usually   in the form of an ethical code that delineates  the expected and accepted social behaviours” Sounds confusing, but let’s simplify  and slightly rewrite this sentence: “A protocol is a set of rules of  behavior. Usually in the form of   a code that describes the expected behavior.” And that is a really good definition of a computer  protocol. Just a set of rules on how computer   systems, or programs, should behave. I know this feels very abstract,   but let’s go through one practical example  to see how this is the case in reality. Let’s start with HTTP - the Hyper-text  Transfer Protocol. Clearly it is a protocol. You may have seen an HTTP request before, you can  for example use the browser devtools to kinda see   it. But better is an HTTP proxy tool like Burp  Suite or Fiddler. And when I open this website you   can see here the raw HTTP request. So this text  is really sent by the browser, the HTTP client,   to the web server. And the webserver understood  this message, and responded with an HTTP response.   Which again the browser understands how  to read. And the fact that the browser can   send some weird text like this, and the server  understands it. And then the server responds,   and the browser understands this response. That  is thanks to the fact, that the HTTP protocol   is well described. The RULES of behavior of HTTP  is described. There exists a “formal agreement”,   between these two parties on how to communicate  with eachother. And here is that document.  This is the RFC 9112, it’s an Internet Standard,  it was written by the Internet Engineering Task   Force (IETF), or specifically it was updated by  these authors here, working at these companies   apparently. And they describe in here how  the HTTP protocol version 1.1 is supposed   to work. And this is an extremely detailed  rulebook. It really tries to explain everything. Actually, let’s take on the role of a server  for a moment, somebody sends us this text,   and according to this RFC rulebook we now  try to understand what was sent to us.  So how can we understand this HTTP Message? This syntax notation might be confusing   when you have never seen something like  this. But it’s actually pretty simple,   and hopefully when you see me walking through  it, it becomes somewhat clear how to read it.  So here we can see that an HTTP message  actually is made up of multiple parts.  The first part is called “start-line”, followed  by CRLF - which stands for carriage return and   line-feed, which basically just means a newline.  So we have a section called start-line followed   by a newline. But what is a start-line exactly?  Well, obviously this is described as well. a http   “message can either be a request from client to  server, or a response from server to client.”. So   either the start line is a request-line or  a status-line. In our case we have an HTTP   request, so it the start-line is actually a  request-line. And what is a “request-line”?  We can find this here. It;’s no surprise,  a request line also consists of multiple   parts. By the way SP stands for “space”.  Which means we have a method, [space],   request-target, [space], HTTP version. And slowly we start to really understand   each component of the HTTP request. We know that we have a GET HTTP method,   [space], the request target, in our case  /test, [space] and the HTTP version HTTP/1.1.  Of course this is still not enough. The rabbit  hole goes deeper. Everything is clearly defined   in this rulebook. For example “the  request method is case-sensitive”.  This means, if we change the method from  uppercase to lowercase, it should not be a   valid HTTP request message anymore. We can  test this. If we send a request like this,   we can see that the server responds  with HTTP 400 Bad Request. It is a   bad request because we didn’t follow exactly  the rules as it was defined in this document. And I think you slowly get the idea.  This RFC is a very long document,   describing all the rules of behavior, almost like  a contract or formal agreement for how the hyper   text transfer protocol is supposed to work. Of course these rules are just written in text,   but I think you can imagine that you can  take this text, and develop a program that   exactly implements those rules. Write code that  automatically does what we just did by hand. And it’s really important that  we have these detailed rulebooks,   because thanks to this internet standard, you can  have different programs to fulfil the same roles.   Whether you use browsers like Chrome, Firefox or  Safari, or command line tools like curl or wget,   it doesn’t matter. Because all of the  implement the rules for how HTTP works,   they can all be used to talk to a server, like  nginx or apache, which also implements HTTP.  I hope this already gives you a really good  understanding of what it means to have a protocol. Protocols are important to computers,  like languages are important to humans.  We humans made up rules for languages,  grammar, sentence structures,   and if I speak a language another humans  understands, we cancommunicate with eachother.  So if you have two different programs,  like firefox browser and nginx webserver,   and they speak the same language, HTTP,  they can communicate with eachother. And actually, when you implement a web API for  your own website. You also just invented a new   protocol! For example twitter has an API to look  up tweets. Obviously there is no standardized   protocol on how to do that. So twitter had to  invent their own protocol. Usually we call it an   API, but you see, it’s also just a set of rules. Specifically you do that using the HTTP protocol.   The HTTP protocol already solves part of the  problem, which is how to communicate between a   browser and a webserver. But in order to get  the tweets, you have to use HTTP in a very   specific way, so you have to send an HTTP  request to this endpoint with these values.   And then you get back the tweets. This is really  also just another protocol on top of HTTP. This stacking of protocols on top of eachother.  HTTP uses TCP. And for example the Twitter API   uses HTTP. This is something very common  and can be seen a lot. OSI layer model and   so forth. Keep this in mind because in  another video I want to talk more about   this. But to not make this video too long, I  want to just focus on the layers individually. I think this should already help a lot to  understand what it means to have a protocol,   but it’s not everything. And so next,  let’s look at the Transmission Control   Protocol. TCP. Hopefully you have heard of  it before. From TCP/IP, tcp sockets, or so.  Obviously there is also an RFC for it. A detailed  document describing exactly what the transmission   control protocol TCP is. And very similarly to the  HTTP RFC, in here we also describe the language,   the messages that systems send to each  other. The nice thing about HTTP was   that it was really text based. Actual english  words you can read. Unfortunately with TCP,   it gets a bit more complex because now we  actually work with actual bits and bytes.   So raw binary data. But here is is described.  This reads a bit different than the http syntax   from before, but it’s also pretty simple. This is basically a TCP message. And it   also consists of multiple parts. The source  port, destination port, sequence number,   acknowledge number, some flags, a checksum, and  some data. BUt all of this is binary data. You   could count here how many bits each value uses. Or  simply see below. For example the source port is   16 bits long. So two bytes. Same the destination  port. Or the sequence number is a 32bit number.   But binary data is a bit annoying to work with.  Luckily we have tools like wireshark which decode   and show us this data in a human readable way. Let me quickly setup a small experiment.  I sniff all network traffic on my system. Then I  open up http://liveoverflow.com in the browser,   so we sent an HTTP request. Then I filter for the  http protocol in wireshark. And we see now the   request and response. As you can see, wireshark  recognized that this is HTTP request and response   data, but we are not interested in HTTP. we want  to learn more about TCP. And as you can see here,   HTTP is actually sent and received using TCP. And here we can see the source port, the   destination port, the sequence number, acknowledge  number, different flags, and so forth. You can   find here all the data as described in the RFC. But actually this doesn’t show us everything about   TCP. When I right click on this entry, and I say  “Follow TCP Stream”, we can get all TCP packets   related to this HTTP request and response.  And suddenly we see a lot more TCP packets. And here we finally learn about the second  important part of what is a protocol. A   protocol is not just the message itself, but  it also describes rules on how and when these   messages are used. Let’s see this for the  case of TCP. Maybe you have heard of the   three-way handshake. SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK. Fun fact: in reality it’s four steps,   but because steps 2 and 3 can be combined in a  single message it is called a three-way handshake.  Anyway. As you can see here, or in more  detailed in the section to establish a   connection, it works by system A  sending a SYN TCP message to B,   including a sequence number,  100. Sync Stands for synchronise.  And then B responds back to A  with an ACK packet. Acknowledging,   so confirming the reception of the particular  sequence number. But then also includes their   own SYN packet with a sequence number. And now B  waits for A to send back an acknowledge for that. After that, actual data can now be sent.  And we can see that nicely in wireshark.  The browser sent a TCP SYN,  server responded with a SYN,   ACK, then the browser responded with  another ACK. After that data could be sent,   so now the browser sends a TCP  packet with the added HTTP data. Maybe you wonder why do we  need this weird exchange of   syn and synack packets. Why is  the TCP protocol defining this   weird back and forth. Why not just one  packet. Maybe send HTTP text directly?  Well, there are good reasons for why somebody  invented TCP and why we we decided to use it.  . First of all,   a computer only has one internet connection.  So when a computer receives some data, which   program on the computer should get this data? This is what the port is for. The TCP packets   were sent to port 80, which allowed the operating  system to forward the HTTP data to the webserver   program. So with a port number you can run  a lot of different programs on the computer,   using the same network connection. That explains why we have ports.   But why do we have this complex  sequence of packets back and forth?  Why not just send the data with  additional port information? Well… you just described UDP. The User  Datagram Protocol. If you compare UDP packets,   or UDP messages to TCP messages, you can  see it’s very similar. It has a source port,   destination port, checksum, and data. But it’s   missing other parts like the flag which  indicate if it’s a SYN or an ACK packet.  And the UDP RFC is very very short and it’s  old. It never had to be updated. This is because   UDP is extremely simple. It’s just this  message, no sequence back and forth required. So why don’t we use that instead? Well… here  comes the reason for why somebody invented TCP.  For example, if we would send an HTTP request  using UDP to a server, you would wait. You   wait. And nothing happens. Does the server even  exist? Mh? Maybe we wait a moment longer? Oh,   there we received a UDP packet. But… wait… is  that even the correct response to our initial   UDP packet? Or did an attacker just send  us a fake UDP response? I don’t know.   This is what TCP tries to solve. TCP first sends a syn, with a sequence   number. If we get an TCP ACK packet back, with the  sequence number +1, then we KNOW for a fact the   server really received this packet. And that’s why  in this sequence diagram, the client now knows,   yes this connection works. The server can  receive and respond to my TCP messages.  BUT the server doesn’t yet know tif the client  can receive it’s response. So it also sends a syn   packet with its own sequence number. And when the  client responds to that packet with another ACK,   including the correct sequence number, the server  is now also sure, the client can receive all   packets. So the connection can be considered  established, and you can start sending data.   And using these sequence numbers, which you can  increment for each packet, you also can recognize   when data is missing. When you receive sequence  number 105 and 107, you know you are missing a   106. Maybe it arrives out of order a bit later,  or you have to ask for it being retransmitted.   And that’s why the TCP protocol is so much more  complex and requires a very detailed description   of exactly how each system has to behave. Here in the RFC is for example also a   TCP connection state diagram. However “This diagram is only   a summary and must not be taken as the total  specification. Many details are not included.” I know this looks really complex, and the  details are very very complex - I would   not want to implement the TCP protocol myself.  But you can see here what a protocol really is:  A computer protocol is a collection of  rules, and definitions and specifications   of how systems can communicate with each  other. And each protocol tries to solve   specific problems of communication. But of course, if you cannot find a   suitable protocol for you, you could  theoretically always invent your own. Also so far we just focused  on classical networking,   like TCP and HTTP. And I always worry if you  just focus on one area you forget the bigger   picture. And there is so much to gain from  having broader knowledge. So before we end   this video let me show you one other protocol,  completely unrelated to classical networking.  And that is UART. Universal asynchronous  receiver-transmitter. This is something   from the hardware world. If you ever done like  arduino programming, or hardware hacking, UART,   or serial, is something you might recognize. And  while it doesn’t have the protocol in the name,   it really is a protocol. Look when I search for  “protocol” on the wikipedia article for UART,   you can even see it once being called a  “protocol”. It’s a classic example of we   humans just making up words to mean something,  and meanings change, or synonyms are used. So   while typically UART is not referred to as a  protocol, it really is also just another protocol. ANd this protocol works basically with single  wires. One wire to transmit, and one to receive.   And the sender and receiver have to agree on  exactly the protocol. Which means, what baud   rate to use, and how many data bits, or how many  stop bits. There are variations. But as long as   both systems agree on the configuration, you can  use UART, so using a single wire, with bit 0 or 1,   whether it’s high or low voltage, you can follow  the UART protocol to transmit entire bytes. I know I brushed over it, but it doesn’t matter if  you understood this. All I want you to take away   is that protocols are really important because  when systems communicate we need rules on how to   do that. Protocols are everywhere, and they are  very different. Some protocols are text based,   like HTTP. while some protocols are  based on raw binary data like TCP and   UDP. Or some protocols even talk about the  expected voltage levels of wires like in UART.  Some protocols just have a single  message, like a UART frame or a   UDP packet. Other protocols can define  a lot of back and forth interaction,   like the whole sequence diagram of how  connections are established with TCP.  Or to just throw another new topic into here. To  use the twitter API you first need to follow the   OAuth protocol. Which is a protocol defining  how using HTTP requests and responses, in a   specific way, you can authenticate or authorize  yourself to twitter and then use their API. You can see, protocols are everywhere around you.  It’s really nothing special, they are just a set   of rules on how systems communicate with each  other. So anytime something sends or receives   data, you know it is using some kind of protocol.  And just to make a small bridge over to hacking.   In order to attack a system, we need to be able  to communicate with the system, and that’s why   it is important for us to learn about different  protocols and how to use them. Kinda obvious. I hope this video about “what  is a protocol” was interesting.  If there are other terms from computer  science that you find difficult to grasp,   or you don’t know what they mean? Or  maybe you are a teacher at a school   and you know about concepts your  students struggle with the most?  Let me know in the comments below. Maybe  I will cover that topic next. Thanks.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 160,632
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Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, what is a protocol, protocol explained, what is tcp, http, udp, uart, rfc, deepdive
Id: d-zn-wv4Di8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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