How does a server work?

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this video is sponsored by stay tuned to learn more ah this is the thing CS go players blame their aemon in other words this is a server and today I'm going to take it apart take a look at its individual parts and explain how it works let's go take a look first we need to understand what this incredibly heavy piece of metal even is this is a Dell public r410 a rack server a server is pretty much a computer that has more CPU cores is optimized around 24 7 has some fancy drive base and is Extremely Loud so let's take a closer look at this thing and from the top it's not really all that much interesting so we'll take a look at the front there's a lot of interesting things at the front of the machine first there is a power button then there is a VGA port for connecting your monitor then we have an LCD screen and this is very interesting and we'll get to it later because now the machine is not turned on then we have two USB 2.0 ports which are like for your keyboard and mouse when you need to debug something next we have this little tab which when we pull you can see a little name tag which contains the service tags and the service information and you can even put your own label here which is like for identification of the server next which is quite weird we have a DVD drive and why do you need a DVD drive on a server well some operating systems like Debian are still meant to be distributed on DVD and some service patches and some service utilities are also still distributed on DVD and the other reason is that the server is pretty old it's from 2011 which is well quite a long time ago so that's the first row of the front panel covered and on the second row we have this beard bass and inside of this base are hard drives and yes you heard correctly hard drives there are no ssds from where this thing came from and there's foreign of the machine covered so let's go take a look at the back and the back isn't as pretty anymore but it's still pretty interesting first of all we have an rs-232 board which is used for oil stereo applications next we have something called idrack and all you need to know for now is that you cannot use this Lan Port inside your operating system I'll explain how it works later on in the video and then we have not one but two wireless interfaces next we have your basic PCI Express slot which is just horizontal instead of vertical and under it we have this led diode and this button and these are connected to the LCD in front and I will explain very shortly what they do keep that in mind we will go back to this and next are the power supplies yes you are supposed to put two power supplies inside of this but I have only one why would you want to put two power supplies inside of this well for redundancy and for more power you see these are completely modular and you can replace them while the system is running because there will be always one powering the system so if one for instance dies you can just pull out the bad one the second one will be still running and you can replace the first one with zero downtime you can even hot swap the drives at the front the same way you can hot swap these power supplies well that's all the interesting stuff on the outside let's go take a look under the hood but how do you even get under the hood well you need to unlock this log here which you can do with a simple screwdriver now all you need to do is press this big black button which you just unlocked and pull the cover back [Music] and pull the cover back and already you can see that this is not your average Dell machine but we can't really see much what we need to do is remove all of these plastic shrouds one off and the second off the first thing you'll notice are these two huge Heats things and yes there's two of them this is a two CPU machine but wait CPU heatsinks usually have active cooling or fans on top of them well that's another huge advantage of the rack system you may think that cooling a literal slab of metal with two CPUs inside of it might be a bit hard but it's actually quite simple you see these vents on top of the hard drive base those are your intake and the sucking is being done by these fans right here but those are not your ordinary fans Not only do they sound like a jet fighter about to take off but they reach speeds of up to 16 200 RPM which is nine times faster than your average PC fan and believe me when I say it you can really feel the amount of air going through that machine next up we can see two sets of ram slots which are currently filled with 16 gigs of RAM which really isn't a lot it might sound like a lot to computer people but 16 gigs is nothing in the server world that's why I got this puppy an upgrade let me present to you 128 gigs of RAM and you are getting it there no one needs you well now this puppy has got 128 gigs of RAM which is well sufficient but these nor these are your ordinary RAM chips these are quite a bit different from what you put inside your computer these memory chips are capable of some additional features you don't usually find in your typical Ram module first of all these are RJ modules or registered dim which decreases electrical load on the memory controller by placing a register between it and the dram chips allowing it to manage more RAM modules which is nice another feature which is not exclusive to servers but it's used in servers all the time is ECC also known as error correction code these modules can correct single bit errors and are used in systems for not having any memory errors is crucial like you know servers next we'll take a look at what this huge mess is and this is only a pcie Express card to be precise this is a rate controller and I'll explain what it does in a minute but first let's take it apart and there we go this thing right here is a RAID controller but what even is a rate in several applications and even in some desktop ones we can take multiple drives and connect them into a rate you can then see your two drives as one drive but what is that good for well there's many raid levels but the most used ones are right zero and raid 1. RAID 0 is a so-called striped trait which means it splits the data between the drives massively increasing read and write speeds but also increasing risk of losing data since you need only one drive to die on you to lose everything raid one is the exact opposite of raid 0. it mirrors the two drives meaning they both contain the same information this raid level doesn't boost performance but it gives you redundancy because you can have a dead drive and you still don't lose anything what I have in my configuration is something else though it's a right 10. this right level requires to have at least 4 drives which I do and mirrors two drives into a raid one and then stripes the entire thing onto the remaining two drives giving you speed and redundancy this thing right here is your ordinary Ram chip it holds cash for the disks which means it preloads some of the stuff it has to read or write to make it a little bit faster but let's move over to this right here and I will have to pull it out of its place which usually takes a while come out come out ah there we go remember the Lan Port I told you not to worry about well this is the port and the thing I'm holding in my hand right now is a little computer it is quite literally a computer inside of a computer this is something called idrack and it's a Remote Management platform you can actually log into it remotely and it allows you to control the system control the fan speeds monitor the temperatures change some settings change bio settings and so much more you can log into idrac with your web browser but if you do that be bored you're going to get flashbacks into the dial up era [Applause] oh this is not nice ah okay that was easier than I expected and then I'll just return its protective thingy good as new I think we covered all there is to cover in the back part or I mean all there is for a YouTube video so let's follow the cables which go from the back to the front from the right controller and we will arrive at the front so the thickest cable right here is a SATA connection which goes along to all of these drives and it goes back to the right controller which builds a raid next up we have this green circuit board which has these two USB ports which I use for things like a wireless mouse or a USB drive it also contains the LCD screen itself and it contains this button right here and this button right here is the thing that lets the server know that the blade is open and it has actually recorded the exact time when I open the slit and it will let me know that someone has opened the lid by giving me an intrusion warning and basically says hey someone opened this you may want to check what's inside new or what's changed because someone someone's been in here last but not least we have your typical under Slimline DVD drive which connects with your you know usual SATA connections there's nothing much too interesting about this I feel like that's all there is to cover about the inside so let's close it up let's turn it on and let's have some fun and you can see that the LCD lit up even before I turned on the machine that's because this machine is well always alive if you unplug it it's got its own batteries and it kind of knows what's happening at all times which is a little bit scary but it does that and the LCD screen can tell me things like the current power consumption the current temperatures I can set up what the home screen of the LCD is and I can set up if the idrac uses DHCP or a staticky IP address and just so much more but the interesting function of this LCD is this eye button right here this is called the system ID button the reason why we even use the rack format is that we can stack multiple machines on top of each other in a rack cabinet to save space let's say you want to plug a cable from the back into the server but you've got like 20 of these on top of each other so what do you do well you press this button and the LCD starts to Blink and now if you go around to the back you can see that this lit diode right here is blinking as well so you can identify the server from both sides of the rack without having to count whichever it is the Big Moment of Truth did it die on the operating table or did I manage to put it back together correctly there's only one way to know hey that sounds good the first thing you may notice that this is a pretty loud machine let me put my microphone closer so you can really hear it [Music] but this amount of noise is nothing compared to when you take the cover off because then the fans go into overdrive because you don't have that kind of cooling tunnel that you had before so they have to cool as much as they can to keep the system cool so let me show you how stupidly loud it gets when you open the lid while it's running but that's quite loud but now let's go and install some operating system on it it seems like like I haven't broken anything yet and yeah we've got a boot screen so right now what it's doing is it's performing a memory check when this machine used to have 16 gigs of RAM well that screen right there was super fast like I don't know 15-20 seconds Max but now that it has 128 gigs of RAM now it has to do a lot more memory checking than it had to do before so this is going to take a while wait how am I going to install an operating system if I don't have the install media connected yeah the memory check is going to take a while so I'm going to get some coffee oh I sure hope the memory check finished already I wouldn't want to come back there with my coffee and realize it's still not done okay have you finished still not [Music] and this is your typical Debian installation so let me just go through it real quick nothing amazing here English United States so installation complete now I only remove the USB drive from which we installed and we can reboot and wait again for the absolutely terribly long memory check ah let me do some decorating in the meantime like this and another car never ending memories and there we are okay so now is the Moment of Truth I've got the slap or the server running here with a Team Fortress 2 server running on it here is the console in pterodactyl for that server I am connected to the server for now I'm all alone and here is the message that calls every single one of my thousand people on Discord to action foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] no I didn't I didn't even ah the sniper on the tower again it gets so him in my peripheral vision for like a second and for the next thing I know is I'm dead you are dead the big surprise I have no idea like no idea how to do this thing let's see if I can land a single kill with this is rocket jumping yes [Music] what the hell was that oh that's you first oh I don't know who the Spyro is but they know what they're doing but no I don't know what I'm doing wait is minute Stumpy really dominating me it's going to be either I kill him or I ban him okay it's the first it's not the ladder I came in like no [Music] did ah let's go I won do you want to learn how to do interesting things like I do on this channel chat then you should definitely go check out this video sponsor do you want to learn programming want to know what's happening inside your computer come catch up on your math lessons keep up with the ever evolving world of computers then listen up because is the best way to learn math and computer science interactively brilliant has thousands of lessons from foundational and advanced math to AI data science neural networks and more with new lessons added monthly whenever someone asks me how to learn programming I always send them to Learn Python because it's a nice starting point to learn the logic of programming which you can then take on to more complex stuff like programming a PlayStation 1 game brilliant has got not only an amazing python course which teaches you how to write code but many other computer science courses which teach you how to think like a programmer thanks to their Hands-On interactive lessons which help you visualize what you're learning and build analytical skills instead of brainlessly using formulas because Brilliance teaches you how to think you can learn about algorithms data structures artificial intelligence and so much more try all of the amazing courses brilliant has to offer for 30 days for free at bandwidth plus the first 200 of you will get 20 off an annual subscription and that's worth it and that's all for today's video I would like to thank to all of you who came to the Team Fortress 2 server we had so much fun if you want to join in on some gaming as well next time all you need to do is join my Discord server the link is here and here or if you want to play something with me right now I have a long running Minecraft Survival server where I sometimes play huge thanks to my patrons especially to yakub dance bone Johann morgante go get to die and Sergio erupi you guys rock and that's it for today's video if you liked it leave a like And subscribe or comment I read all of your comments but now I need to make a horror game bye [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Bandwidth
Views: 36,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, it, comedy, server, tf2
Id: cyC0K7nnjFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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