What is A Normal Blood Glucose?

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Most of us understand the importance of a normal blood glucose level. If our blood glucose level goes very low we might become unconscious; if our blood glucose level goes very high we develop a problem called diabetes. Now diabetes is serious: it can cause damage to the larger blood vessels in our body, so diabetic patients have a very high incidence of heart attack, stroke as well as amputation; but diabetes can also cause problems to the very small blood vessels in the body so called micro vascular problems, resulting in damage to the retina - diabetics have a high instance of blindness - it can also cause problems with the very small blood vessels supplying the kidney. So diabetics have a high incidence of kidney failure. Now what exactly is a normal blood glucose level? Well to put it in terms that most people can understand including myself, I have here a container with five litres of water within it and the reason I've chosen five litres is because the average person has about five litres of blood circulating around the body. I have also a container of glucose - a white crystalline powder - and you might be surprised to know that the amount of glucose that I would need to add to this container to give a similar concentration of glucose in my blood is only one teaspoon. In fact, it's slightly less; it's about 4.5 grams. So here's the glucose and if I add that to this container the concentration in there is approximately the same as the blood glucose level in my blood right now, talking to you. Now, if I were to add another teaspoonful the concentration of glucose now in this water is that of a diabetic. So as you can see, the blood glucose level is very tightly controlled and the difference between a normal blood glucose and that of a diabetic person is only an additional one teaspoonful of glucose - quite surprising really. So how do we maintain normal blood glucose levels during the course of the day? Well many people are advised to eat small frequent meals throughout the day, consisting or having as part of that meal or snack, a complex carbohydrate which releases glucose very slowly into the bloodstream. However, more recently, many experts have challenged this view and I'm of the view, as well, that we don't actually need frequent meals, containing complex carbohydrates. In fact Professor Tim Noakes in his excellent book "The real Meal Revolution" has suggested that actually there's no requirement for us to eat carbohydrates at all and certainly the liver has an amazing ability to manufacture glucose should it be required. Certainly for people with type 2 diabetes, in which the main problem is too much glucose in the bloodstream, many experts and myself included believe that the way to tackle this issue is to eat meals which have a restricted amount of carbohydrate within them. Because all carbohydrates when they're eaten are digested and they have to enter the bloodstream as glucose and, as you can see, it doesn't take very much glucose entering the bloodstream to turn a normal blood glucose level into that of a diabetic. So it seems sensible if you have a risk of diabetes, then to restrict the amount of carbohydrate that you're eating. We don't need - there's no essential requirement - for carbohydrates, in fact. We can exist very happily with proteins and fats. We don't actually need to eat carbohydrates, and, as I say the liver has an ability to manufacture glucose and release it into the bloodstream - a process called gluconeogenesis. So that's a normal blood glucose level: only one teaspoon in five litres gives a concentration of glucose which is equivalent to that of a normal person. It doesn't take very much more to tip one into a high blood glucose level the same as that of a diabetic - and so for those who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes - in fact some would say for all of us - it's sensible to restrict the amount of carbohydrates that we eat.
Channel: VeinCare Academy
Views: 2,748,339
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Keywords: Normal Blood glucose levels, what is a normal glucose in my blood, fasting blood sugar, fasting blood glucose, diabetes, type 2 diabetes, what is diabetes, diabetes test, test for diabetes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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