What is a Monad? – Math vs Computer Science

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If you're watching this video, there are  only four possibilities: you have one too many functional programming friends, you have one too many category theory friends,  you already know what a monad is but you're  just itching for an argument, or, you're a bot. If you're from either of the first two  categories, you have my condolences.  If you're from the third category,   I'll have you know I have the power of  imprecision and ad hominem on my side.  If you're from the last  category, welcome to my channel! So what is a monad? Is it a monoid object in the monoidal  category of endofunctors under composition? Well... technically, yes.  But, like most people, I don't  really like that definition.  Ignoring the fact that most people don't  even know what this definition means,   when you talk about a monoid, that gives the  impression that you're interested in its action,   and in this level of generality, monoids  act on objects of the same category.  However, when we talk about monads,  we're not so interested in its   action as a monoid on other endofunctors. This is why am monad is actually much better   defined as an endofunctor-enriched  category with one object. As with all concepts, although the algebraic  structure is completely dictated by the axioms,   the axioms are completely dictated by how we  intended to use the object in the first place.  In particular we shouldn't  be asking what a monad is,   but rather we should be asking what  a monad is supposed to be used for.  So how is a monad supposed to be used? Well, it depends. In case you are worried, let me assure  you that I am not a functional programmer.  Before we talk about monads, we need  to talk about a much more fundamental   disagreement between mathematicians and  computer scientists: the humble function. On the surface level, functions just take  inputs from one domain into outputs in another.  "How can mathematicians and computer scientists  disagree on something so simple?" I hear you ask.  Well, let me ask you: if g(1)  equals 5 then what is g(1)? If you said 5, then I'm afraid  you might be a mathematician.  The thing is, functions in the context of  imperative programming have the ability to   affect the global state of the program. Take the function below, for example.  At first, calling callme() with a  value of 5.0 will result in 5.0.  But then, immediately afterwards, if  I call callme() with a value of 5.0,   I'm going to get not 5.0 but 6.0. This is because callme() is not only   dependent on its argument, but is also implicitly  dependent on the global variable num_calls. A function in the context of mathematics  cannot have any Earthly tethers.  Accordingly, computer scientists  refer to such functions as "pure".  Any function can be made pure if it repents  and makes its dependencies explicit.  For example, we can make callme() into  a pure function by adding an explicit   dependency on num_calls and also output  its effect on numb calls in the output. In general, if you have an impure function  foo that takes an input of type X and yields   an output of type Y, but it implicitly  depends on the global state of type S,   then you can view foo as a pure function by  writing it down as a function of X and S, and   yielding an output pair consisting of the original  output Y and a modification of the state in S. The transformation T that sends the output type  Y into the type of functions from S into pairs   Y x S is called the "state monad", which is used  to encode that a function outputs a value of   type Y and also has a computational  effect on the global state in S. Let's look at another example. As they say, to err is human,   and to forgive impure. Consider the function below.  Although this function does not depend on  any global state, a thrown exception will   lead to an effect on the global state once  it gets handled or if it crashes the program.  Of course, we can make this into a pure function  by modifying the return value so that it indicates   if an error would have happened originally. More generally, we can modify a function foo   to account for exceptions by extending its output  type Y to have a new element to indicate an error. The transformation T that adjoins a new element  to a type Y is called the "maybe monad",   and is used to encode that a function may  output Y, but may also throw an exception. The common denominator among monads  is that monads extend a type to encode   some additional computational effects. Therefore, a function f from X to Y with   that kind of computational effect can instead  be viewed as a pure function from X to T(Y).  Now we can revisit how a monad is really defined. If a monad T is supposed to extend types,  then for every type Y we had better have   some kind of map "ret" from Y to T(Y). We can then use this mapping to view Y   as the portion of T(Y) where there  are no computational effects. To understand the second ingredient of a  monad, consider the function is_pos below,   which just checks if a number is positive. The function by itself is pure, but if I compose   it with divide, then it may throw an exception. "fmap" encodes how pure functions have no   influence on the computational  effects at their input. The last ingredient of a monad encodes  how to compound computational effects.  For example, if we compute the division  of a with the division of b and c,   then an exception may occur in two places,  but as far as the composite is concerned,   it doesn't matter where that exception occurred. And there you have it: a complete ingredient  list for a monad in functional programming. The role of monads in mathematics  is to encode algebraic structure.  To help this make more sense, let's  consider the monad for linear algebra.  The only operations that count as linear  are scaling and tail-to-tip vector addition.  If we mix and match these operations, we  can get arbitrary linear combinations. Any set that supports linear combinations  is known in the business as a vector space.  While this gives the impression that  everything in a vector space comes with   a direction and a magnitude, really anything  with the well- defined notion of scaling and   addition counts as a vector space. Of course, linear combinations   don't make sense on a general set. For example, consider the set of suits:   what would 3 * clubs - 1/2 * hearts even mean? Luckily for us, math doesn't require us to   have an understanding: if we can write  it down, we can make a set out of it,   so let's let T(X) denote the set of all  formal linear combinations of elements of X.  "Formal" in this case means that we don't care and  we probably also don't don't know what this means.  Even though 3 * clubs - 1/2 *  hearts doesn't make any sense in X,   it does make sense in T(X),  and that's good enough for us. While formal linear combinations  aren't real and can't hurt you,   there are some linear combinations that  look eerily like the elements of X.  These are the astral projections of real elements  of X picked out by the unit map of our monad T. While we generally cannot make sense of  linear combinations in X, we can make sense   of linear combinations of  linear combinations in T(X).  For example, if we take u to be the linear  combination 3 * clubs - 1/2 * hearts,   and take v to be a different linear combination  4 * clubs + 3 * spades, then the linear   combination 2 * u + v in T(X) makes sense. In other words, we can describe a map mu   which takes a formal linear combination  of formal linear combinations and realise   it as a single linear combination. This is the purpose of the monad multiplication. For a general monad encoding algebraic structure,  the unit identifies which expressions are supposed   to do nothing, while the multiplication explains  how we can combine expressions in this language. So, if T is the monad that formally gives linear  algebraic structure to a set, then what happens if   the set already has linear algebraic structure? Suppose X is the three-dimensional   vector space R^3. In this case, what is T(X)? Well, this is a trick question: T doesn't  care if X already had linear combinations;   it's going to completely ignore it and  add formal linear combinations instead.  For example, the formal linear combination 2  * (1, 0, 1) - (2, 2, 1) is not equal to (0,   -2, 1) in T(R^3), even though they  evaluate to the same vector in R^3. So what's going on? It seems that T just completely destroys   any algebraic structure that's already there! Well, this is completely by design: T provides   us a way of talking about linear combinations on  X without worrying about what they actually mean.  If we want to talk about what a linear  combination means in X, then what we   have to do is define a function alpha from formal  linear combinations into real linear combinations.  This function is called a T-action, and a set  equipped with a T-action is called a T-algebra. In general, a T-action is a way  of taking formal expressions and   interpreting them in the original set. For example, using the vector space   structure in R^3 gives us a canonical T-action,  and using that T-action, we see that 2 * (1, 0,   1) - (2, 2, 1) can be viewed as the  same as (0, -2, 1) in the T-algebra.  Conversely, we can use any T-action to  obtain a vector space structure on a set.  In particular, we see that vector spaces are   precisely the algebras for  the linear algebra monad! Now we know that a monad in computer science is  a paradigm for encoding computational effects,   whereas a monad in category theory is a  paradigm for encoding algebraic structure.  Despite this difference in usage, the  underlying structure of a monad in   both cases is the same... but why is that? This boils down to how a monad's purpose is   to append formal language onto an object. Mathematics interprets this language as   algebraic expressions, whereas computer science  interprets this language as computational effects. So despite them both having  the same general principle,   why do monads feel so different in  computer science as opposed to mathematics?  I could be cheeky and just say that it's because  mathematicians have no idea how to program,   and programmers have no idea how to do  mathematics, but there's another explanation.  If we start with the category of sets,  and the pure functions between them,   and I give you a monad, then there's two ways  you can use that monad to build another category. If you're a functional programmer, then  the category you're interested in is   the category of sets where the maps between  them carry additional computational effects.  In other words, you're interested in  the category of sets where the maps   from X to Y are the pure functions from X to T(Y).  This is called the Kleisli  category associated to the monad. If you're a mathematician, then you would be more  interested in the category of all T-algebras,   where the maps between them are the functions  of underlying sets that respect the T-action.  This category is called the Eilenberg-Moore  category associated to a monad. Although both categories seem quite different  at face value, it turns out that the Kleisli   category embeds fully faithfully  into the Eilenberg-Moore category.  This embedding associates to a set X  the T-algebra T(X), where the action   is induced by the multiplication of the monad. In other words, the embedding associates to X   the T-algebra that is freely generated by  X, where "free" means "no relationships".  "Just like in real life," said  the coping category theorist. For this mapping to be functorial,  we need to associate to any Kleisli   map X to T(Y) a map T(X) to T(Y). In functional programming terms,   we do so by combining fmap with join---the  combination also being known as the "bind" map.  "bind" is the secret ingredient  that functional programmers use   to write sequential code using monads. The punchline is that the Kleisli  category from functional programming   is nothing but the full subcategory of  the Eilenberg- Moore category consisting   of those T-algebras that are freely generated. If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense,   because mathematicians tend to have  very interesting relationships,   whereas functional programmers  are most often maidenless. Now, if you're in the comment section typing away  that vector spaces are always freely generated,   I want you to stop right there and realize  that you just assume the axiom of choice. To all the non-haters, if I  reach 1 million subscribers,   I'll reveal the special-edition Vector Space  Without A Basis that I leave in my closet. If you're still here, thank you for watching! If you like what you saw, I'm sure there's a   way you can express that somehow. If you didn't like what you saw,   well, that's cool man, I'll always  have one fan who's got my back.
Channel: Sheafification of G
Views: 3,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monad, functional programming, category theory
Id: roP_HC7tiXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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