Math Class Tierlist (DO NOT TAKE ANALYSIS)

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hi I'm a math major and I've taken some math classes so I decided to rank them from legendary Einstein approved to this is absolute garbage never take this starting out with algebra 1 this class was good it taught you the basics you learn what a variable is and you also learn the quadratic formula for some reason overall this class is important and I thought it was a fun introduction to what we will learn next because of this I put it into interesting and fun next up we have Algebra 2 algebra 1's bigger brother honestly I remember this class being pretty chill it was a lot of drawing and we did a lot of conceptual things like limits but I don't remember anything from the class besides for the fact that my teacher had the nickname called fender bender because this wasn't very memorable I'm just going to put it in okay but what's not okay is this next class pre-cal I'm pretty sure all we did was learn the unit circle this class is all about trig because well you need it for Cal and also Drew these weird flower petals I felt like we didn't learn much and not much of it is useful now for some reason before we do Cal we did geometry we learned some circle and like some Triangle stuff but this class has not been relevant in any shape or form I guess we did learn dad man bomb Inc so yeah this goes in no but now ladies and gentlemen representing mathematics ready or not here he com Quake with fear you mortal fools bow down before the awesome might of every High schooler's nightmare calculus here we learn about integrals derivatives and these will be the backbone of everything you will learn going forward everything you will learn is basically new to you and if you want to do any more math you need to do well in this class because of these reasons this class is a legendary if you survive calculus now you get to take calculus 2 or calc PC this is the more cringe stuff you have to do your series tests your conversion test and also some like tailor expansions it's been 4 years since I've needed to tailor expand something but people do this a lot so it's like sometimes useful but personally I didn't like it at all next we move on to calculus 3 this is basically Calculus 1 except now you have it in 3D oh and suddenly now we're green the most important things you learn is chain roll with multiple variables and also what a Jacobian is this has not been very useful except for maybe if you want to do more math but even then like is it useful no not really but is useful is Lage in the class we start off talking about matrixes and then it turns out they're useful for like everything you learn how to RF how to upper lower diagonalize we do some PDP and GR Mitty because it's so useful I think we have to put it in legendary next on the list we have stats you learned some cool distributions like pan exponential gamma and use these to figure out how many customers Mr Billy will have in his shop it also gives you an introduction of co-variants joint distributions PDFs cdfs which will all be useful later overall I think it's okay it's not the greatest but it's also not the worst class to take now welcome to the world of Odes we have one General type of equation and we have many ways to attack it we start by guessing and checking and then we learn about integrating factors turns out lass is just the easiest overall I thought the class was okay it was pretty fun but nothing special next we have discret math it felt like they just chucked random [ __ ] at you [ __ ] tier next up everything you know is wrong you don't even know what a number is with enough heart and enough commitment we can rebuild math from the ground up okay but in half the proofs it feels like they're spawning stuff out of nowhere and somehow it just works and the reasoning is literally because it works okay I actually like the class but like if you don't have to take it don't take it unless you're into torture this is a very easy no so that concludes my my undergrad math tier list let me know if anything you think is misplaced but yeah other than that bye
Channel: Zeegy99
Views: 20,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x14ojWdkRbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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