What is a Matrix Behringer X32

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hey there my name is Drew brashler and in this video I'm going to show you all about the Matrix section and what the Matrix section is on the Behringer X32 and Midas M32 if you're brand new to my channel I am all about helping you feel more confident in your production gear no matter where you're starting from so let's go ahead and dive in now what is a matrix a matrix is a summation point for your mix buses and your buses so it's almost like an AUX send for the aux sends so we will find it located on our console on the right fader bank here so we can see Matrix one through six and if we pull this up this is our Matrix section we have six of them and we can combine them to make a stereo pair so we can either have six mono or three stereo or any combination of that so we can take Matrix one and two and we can actually link these together so we can actually just select it press home and then we can press link right here and that links them together now the Matrix section is an AUX end of the accents just like I said this allows us to take our main bus or our stereo bus or our monobus and all of our mix buses of the X32 and it allows us to blend them together down a matrix so like I said it's a bus send for the bus sends so we can take our channels and we can take these and send our channels to either a mix bus which is all of these say you're sending it to a a monitor or an in-ear mix that's what you would send it to you would take your channels and send it to a mix bus but then for our main PA we're probably taking all of our channels and we're taking it to the stereo bus or the mono bus now you can also take these mono and stereo buses and send them to a matrix now there's a couple benefits of doing this one it allows you to give an EQ curve for say your main PA so I can actually take my left right bus send it to my Matrix one and two here like I'm doing and I can apply an EQ curve for the room but maybe I'm also feeding my stream online and I don't want my boxy sounding room to sound boxy on my mix and so maybe I'm going to apply an EQ curve to my main PA to make it sound less boxy and then my stream will still sound good so that's the benefit of using the Matrix section is we can make an audio feed that we plug into our headphones on the console we can make it sound good in our headphones and then we can also tweak things using the Matrix section to make it sound the same for our online feed for our lobby feed for our main room there's a lot of options here now one other benefit of doing this is say you maybe have some crowd microphones that are pointing towards the crowd on the front of the stage and you're wanting to combine those crowd mics with your left right bus for online streaming well you can do that with the Matrix section and a mix bus we can take those multiple crowd microphones put them together in either a mono or a stereo pair of mix buses combine that with our board feed of our stereo or our monobus and we can combine that together to send to our stream and we can actually adjust the blend of that but we wouldn't want our crowd mics going into our PA so we're not going to add that to our left right bus because our left right bus goes to our PA so let me show you how to actually get these things set up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and zero out my console here and I'm going to show you how to do this from scratch so we have our 32 channels here we have our six Matrix sections here and we have our mono and left right bus here so the first thing that I'm going to do is set up this Matrix section for our PA feed so so for feeding RPA that's in our room so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select my Matrix one I'm going to hit home and then I'm just going to link this and I'm going to confirm that and then I'm going to turn this up to zero now the next thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my routing section inside the board and change the output routing of the board to be from my Matrix so hit routing tab over to outputs and the default outputs on your X32 are either 15 and 16 if you have the full size or if you have a smaller size board it's going to be 7 and 8. but what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to 15 and I'm going to change this instead of it being on Main left I'm going to go to Matrix one and then on 16 I'm going to go to Matrix 2 and if you had a smaller version of the console we go to 7 and we would set this to Matrix one and on on 8 we would set it to Matrix two and we want to have that tap as post fader that way if we adjust the volume of our matrix it's adjusting the volume of the PA which is important the next thing that we need to do is we need to send our left right bus to this Matrix section so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and hit home I'm going to select my left right bus so this is my stereo bus here and what we can do is we can either tab over using the page select or we can just press View and the bus sends and we can see right here our six matrices if we were wanting to turn up our left right bus into these matrices all we would have to do is take our first rotary knob and turn this up to either zero or anything that you want to set here so we can see that it is at zero and it is unmuted if it does happen to be muted you need to press this button now one really cool benefit of this is that we can vary the amount of volume going to our PA using this knob so say you have a mix and your left right is always about negative 10 which I see in churches all the time now when you have this set like this you're not giving a full output to all the rest of the devices down the signal chain so if you are sending to your stream outputs from your front of house console and this is sitting at negative 10 that your online mix is probably a little quiet which is no good so what you should do is you should turn this all the way up to Unity gain we should get this back to Unity game now what we can then do is we can apply that same negative 10 DB of of attenuation on our send from here to the Matrix so we can go ahead and dial this back to negative 10. now something that I like to do is doing this I like to have a full mix on my meters and I like to push my board so that I get a full signal to all the rest of the devices but I might not want it to be that loud in my room so I will just vary the amount of volume on my PA using this trim here or if we also wanted to we could leave this at zero and then we could apply that attenuation here I don't like to do it the attenuation here because if you had to say a volunteer come by and they look and they're like oh well why is this at negative 10 that needs to be at zero well that's probably not a good idea so I like to just apply it in the trim here that we have from the stereo bus going in The Matrix section now what's another practical example of this well what we can do is we could add a subwoofer and say we wanted to add that subwoofer but not have an extra system processor we wanted to be the ability of getting a good sound out of our PA plus that sub and we want to do everything in this board which is cool so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and set the Matrix one and two we're just going to label them so we're going to go to name an icon and we're going to title this and this is going to be PA so we can now see that I have Matrix one and two labeled PA and we'll just go ahead and change the color of these so we can have fun here and then on Matrix three I'm going to label this sub now that we have these things labeled we need to send our left right to this subwoofer send so what we're going to do is we're going to go back to home and go to view and we're just going to take our level 3 here and turn it up to zero now likewise if you're using your mono section for your subwoofer send you could go and select your mono and go ahead and turn this up to zero as well on our Matrix three so now we have our monobus and our stereo bus going to Matrix three and we also have our stereo bus going to Matrix one and two which is our main PA now the cool thing about these Matrix sections is that Behringer has released crossover filters inside of the X32 that we can apply to these Matrix sections we can go ahead and turn on our EQ and then on our low band we can go to our mode and we can actually rotate this to the right and we can see all of these different types of crossover frequencies that are available to us that are actually system crossover filters so we can set this to an lr24 and then on our subwoofer we can also set the high band as an lr24 go ahead and turn this on and then what we're going to do is we're going to rotate this all the way down to 100 Hertz 98 is close enough and then what we're going to do is we're going to go to our Matrix section and set this low band to 100 Hertz as well so what we have done is we have created a crossover within the board so we're taking our left right bus or our stereo bus we're sending it to these three matrices and then we're applying a crossover to these outputs so anything that's going to my main PA has the low end rolled off at the correct spot and then anything that's going to my subwoofer has the high end rolled off at the correct spot so we can see that these two things have the same crossover point and because we're using the lr24 we don't need to separate the frequencies so there's no math that we have to do on what frequency to put for our high pass what frequency to put for our low pass with the LR crossover frequencies we can set the frequency to the same on all of them so this is going to send our subs to just the subwoofer and our Mains minus sub to the mains so this is a really cool way of being able to have really clean audio coming through your Mains and having the subwoofer energy coming from the subs and so now we just have to Route our Matrix 3 to our outputs to plug in our subwoofer two so go ahead and hit routing go to out and then I would suggest using six and we'll just go ahead and select Matrix three and then down here for a full size I would go to 14 and I would select Matrix three make sure that's on post fader that way if I vary this volume up and down that it actually happens so we now have all of our audio coming from our channels going to our left right and then going to our Matrix section which is processing the audio to send to the PA and the subwoofers this is super helpful for us now like I was saying is you can also send a mix bus to the Matrix section so if we go and select a mix bus and hit view we will notice these six matrices available to us on any of these mixed buses all of them are this way but we can't go to a channel because channels can't go to the Matrix section on the Behringer X32 I wish they did but they don't that's okay so we have these channels and they can go to the mix buses and then our mix buses or our stereo or mono bus can then access the Matrix section you're probably wondering how do I utilize The Matrix section on the X32 well I have all my channels and those then go to the left right and then that left right and mono then gets sent to the PA and I use the Matrix section for my PA my subwoofer my mono and my stream outputs so I have Matrix one and two set as my main PA I have my Matrix three for my subwoofers my Matrix 4 as a mono output because there's always some person that needs to video record something and you can just get give them one XLR and say here you go here's the full mix and then lastly I have my stream left and right out coming from my Matrix five and six so what I do is I take my left right and I send it to all of these things now a couple other things that I set this up to do is I have my main PA with an EQ curve and I will leave this turned off at the start when I take this into a brand new room and so this is this is my show file but I'll leave this EQ off until I'm in the room and seeing what I actually need to do and so but what I do have is I have that lr24 set at the correct frequency that I always have it set to just in case I want to go ahead and give that low end roll off on the meme PA and then get those subwoofers a chance to get all of that low end pushing through so we can see that I have my main PA here and if I wanted to have these doing the main and the subwoofer send I have those that set there then I I have a mono out that has all of my things going and summing to mono and then I have my stream output which is hitting my online stream if you haven't checked out my online streaming video make sure to go check that out because it's pretty cool so this is how I use the Matrix section I hope that this is super helpful for you in learning what the Matrix section is and how it's going to be beneficial for you to actually use it if you do happen to have any questions feel free to post in the comments section below and if you have any videos that would be super helpful for you if I made them go ahead and put those requests down in those comment sections as I'm always looking through those to find the next video that's gonna be helpful for you if you haven't checked out my website it's at drewbrashler.com and please go ahead and hit that like And subscribe button down below thank you so much
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 47,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer, Behringer X32, Behringer X32 Intro, Behringer X32 Tutorial, Behringer X32 how to, How to set up Behringer X32, How to set up X32, Name X32 Channel, Phase vs Polarity, X32, X32 48V, X32 Delay, X32 Intro, X32 how to, drew brashler, drew brashler x32, wing behringer, x32 behringer, x32 behringer tutorial, Behringer X32 Matrix, Behringer X32 Matrix Setup, Matrix Behringer X32, Behringer X32 Matrix Tutorial
Id: TRimA5c4VuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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