What is 5G Core Network Architecture? Take a Look With Mpircial

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Mpirical provide compelling, interactive learning  across a range of delivery options. Live Onsite,   Live Online, or OnlineAnytime -- we have  a training course that is ideal for you.   For a no-obligations chat about your training  requirements, contact us at mpirical.com. As   with the Radio Access Network, the 5G Core network  is a new architecture and in this session, we're   going to consider what that architecture actually  involves, starting off with PDU Sessions and   Quality of Service flows, we will then consider  the actual architecture and key components, and as   part of that, network functions virtualization and  also network slicing. So this is our high level 5G   system. We've already considered our New Radio  and our next-generation Radio Access Network,   so our key focus here is the 5G Core network.  And this is a more detailed representation of   that core network. Now this is the reference  point representation where we see our various   core network elements connected up with different  network reference points. Now the first thing   that we're actually going to pick out from this  diagram is actually the user plane connectivity   and that user plane connectivity in 5G is called  a PDU session -- a Protocol Data Unit session,   and you can see it runs from the mobile or from  the device, through the GNB to the UPF (the   User Plane Function) and then on to the data  network. So traditionally in LTE for example,   it would be called the 'Packet Data Network,' in  5G it's the 'Data Network,' but this is going to   be the internet or perhaps the IMS or  a corporate LAN of some description. So no other devices in the network will be using  the connectivity associated with this particular   PDU session. Now, in order to provide QoS within  our PDU session, we have what are called 'QoS   flows'. Now, a QoS flow is effectively a flow  of user plane traffic which will be receiving   a particular level of Quality of Service. Now  because we might have traffic with different QoS   requirements, what that might mean is within the  PDU session there are several QoS flows actually   in operation. To distinguish between them, each  QoS flow has a QoS flow ID. And to begin with,   we will have, if you like, a default QoS flow. And  this default QoS flow, it will have a particular   level of Quality of Service, but it won't have any  kind of packet filtering on it, so all packets can   potentially go down this QoS flow if necessary,  however, as soon as we start adding additional   QoS flows with different QoS requirements and  different QoS levels, then we will start filtering   which traffic can actually go down these bearers.  So you can see that in actual fact, within a   PDU session we could have several QoS flows in  existence and you can see that the kind of QoS   flow characteristics we see for Quality of Service  are things like latency, priority, and whether or   not this particular QoS flow is guaranteed  bit rate or non-guaranteed bit rate. And, as   appropriate, these flows can be transient, so we  can actually remove flows if necessary. Now, being   realistic about this, if the data network was the  internet for example, then we typically only need   one QoS flow -- that would be the default flow and  that would be a best-effort QoS flow. If however,   this is maybe 5G voice services and the data  network is the IMS, then we could have a QoS   flow that's carrying the signalling associated  with voice, and then we'd have a separate QoS   flow that's carrying the actual voice packets  themselves. And as traffic traverses the QoS flow,   it actually has a QoS flow ID added to the traffic  protocol stack so we know exactly which floors a   particular piece of data should go down. But  certainly, to have lots and lots of QoS flows,   well, we really need to consider what scenario  would actually require that. As we move on to   our actual architecture though, we'll look at  each of these various elements in turn now,   all fundamentally designed to keep that PDU  session active for the subscriber and ensure   that fundamentally, the PDU session follows them  as the subscriber moves around the network. So to   begin with, the first element that we're going to  consider that we find in the core network, is the   'Core Access and Mobility Management Function'.  And this has got a similar role to the MME in   LTE whereby it looks after mobility management.  So, in terms of subscriber mobility, we consider   the fact that this AMF will always know either  the tracking area that the subscriber is in,   or the potential cell that they're in, and it  really depends on whether the subscriber is idle   or connected, respectively. The AMF though, also  plays a key role in security and registration,   so it's the AMF that will be liaising with various  other subscriber databases to ensure that the   subscriber is allowed on the network in the first  instance, and the AMF will play a key role in   authenticating that subscriber within the network.  Finally, the AMF will also provide the device with   a temporary identity which you can use whenever  it signals the network. That temporary ID is also   used in paging as well. So that's the Core Access  and Mobility Management Function. Moving back to   our architecture, the next element is the Session  Management Function. So traditionally, in LTE,   it would be the MME that does mobility management  and session management. We can see that in 5G,   that functionality has actually been split,  so it's the AMF that does mobility management   and here, the Session Management Function does  session management. So what we're effectively   talking about here is the establishment and the  modification and the teardown of our PDU sessions,   so the SMF is directly involved in that, and  as part of that, it will be routinely liaising   with the Policy Control Function to determine  whether or not a particular user data session   is allowed to go ahead. Not only that, the  Session Management Function is directly   involved with the establishment of the actual PDU  session connectivity. So that pipe that we draw   on our diagram which is representative of the  PDU session, is actually a series of separate   connections that must be set up in the network.  Now, those connections run through the User Plane   Function and it's the job of the SMF to choose  which UPF. And also, if the data session is IP   based, the SMF will also be allocating an IPV4 or  an IPV6 address. Now, I did say 'if' because PDU   sessions can actually be based on purely ethernet  or even unstructured data in 5G. It's not all   about IP like it was in LTE. As we move through  the network, we've got our User Plane Function,   we've already started to touch on this, and as  you can see, it is an anchor point for NG-RAN   mobility. So as I move around the Radio Access  Network, I will move from one gNB to another,   but the UPF will remain that anchor point into  the network. So the user plane connectivity will   always be running from the gNB to our UPF in the  core network. And because the UPF is directly sat   on the user plane, it's an ideal point to enforce  Quality of Service that's ensuring that the right   data is sent down the correct QoS flow, and also  implementing policy as appropriate. And that could   be throttling of data, for example. As we move  through the network, the next element that we have   is the UDM and this is Unified Data Management.  In effect, it's a central repository of subscriber   information directly involved with Access  Authorization because it will be holding security   keys. It's also involved in Registration and  Mobility Management because it will be tracking   where our subscriber is attached to in terms  of which AMF our subscriber's been allocated,   and then finally, it will contain the Data Network  Profile or profiles. It effectively contains the   subscriber profile, telling entities like the  AMF and the SMF, exactly what our subscriber   is and is not allowed to do, which data networks  they can connect to, and what kind of QoS profile   they can expect to be granted when they do connect  to those data networks. Next in line and finally,   is the PCF. And the PCF is there to implement  policy control, or 'Policy Control Function,'   and when we talk about the PCF and implementing  policy control, it's all on a dynamic basis. Now,   these dynamic policy decisions are based on  conditions that might be active in the network   at this time. So before we just blindly set  up a PDU session to a particular data network,   the SMF for example, will check in with the policy  control function to determine if, at this present   time, are there any network conditions that are  going to influence how our subscriber experiences   their service? So it might be that the fact  there's subscribers in a particular geographical   location and because they are in that particular  cell, for example, the PCF determines that the   subscriber needs to be throttled at this time,  or maybe isn't even allowed to get PDU session   connectivity. So the PCF on the dynamic basis  has got the ability to alter both mobility and   session-related service aspects. So it does play a  big part in the overall ecosystem. Now notice when   we go back to our main diagram, the PCF does have  connectivity into the data network as well, so   that PCF can take session-related information such  as our subscribers trying to make a phone call,   it can take that information, send it into the 5G  Core network to ensure that the correct resources   are established. Now, the title of this particular  slide is 'Network Functions Virtualization'   because what is key for our 5G Core is that in  reality, much of these nodes will actually be   virtualized as part of the NFV infrastructure. And  what do we mean when we say 'virtualize'? Well,   effectively, these devices that we see are not  standalone devices. What they are are software   processes running on what's termed a 'Commercial  Off The Shelf Server' and this is intrinsically,   the Network Functions Virtualization architecture  whereby we see our virtualized devices -- whether   it's control plane, potentially  user plane, subscriber management,   billing and policy control -- they can all run as  software processes, maybe with a slight exception   of the UPF -- there's an added added complexity  to the user plane, but certainly from a control   plan perspective, these elements can run  as software processes and the idea behind   network functions virtualization is you have a  Network Functions Virtualization infrastructure   which is fundamentally there to provide these  software processes with the compute, the storage,   and the network resources that they will all  undoubtedly, require, but the key facet is the   NFV infrastructure is a shared infrastructure that  all of these software processes will actually use.   And it's all built on Commercial Off The Shelf  hardware, so the cost savings, or the potential   cost savings, to deploying the Core network based  on an NFV infrastructure are significant. Now, one   of the key benefits of this, other than financial,  is the flexibility that you have in your network.   Because these processes are running as software  processes, if we need to scale up or scale down   capacity, it's much more straightforward  in a virtualized environment. So if we need   more AMF capacity for example -- well, if it's a  traditional AMF deployed as a piece of hardware,   then actually implementing a new AMF in the  network can take weeks or even months, whereas if   it's a virtualized AMF, well, scaling up capacity  could be a matter of minutes, but crucially,   you need what's called 'MANO' -- Management and  Orchestration to facilitate all of this. So this   is a piece of the infrastructure in and of itself.  So fundamentally, this is actually what the 5G   Core will look like; it's a series of virtualized  elements and what's crucial is traditionally,   where we see protocols being exchanged between  our core network elements in networks like LTE   and earlier technologies, in 5G, this is all API  driven: Application Programming Interfaces. These   virtualized devices -- these virtualized elements  -- are sending API calls to one another in order   to communicate. Now, the final consideration for  this session which is actually closely related, or   may be an enabler for network slicing. So NFV is  a key enabler for this notion of network slicing,   but what exactly is network slicing? Well,  network slicing effectively allows the service   provider to create, if you like logical networks  across a common physical infrastructure. Now,   if you recall, 5G is not just about providing huge  data rates to the subscriber. 5G is about becoming   an enabler network for lots and lots of different  applications and lots and lots of different   third-party users of the network. And the common  example is the Internet of Things. So you need   to be able to create a very adaptive, flexible  network that will provide different customers   different third parties with different features.  And network slicing is a perfect solution to do   this because we can create these logical networks  across the same 5G physical infrastructure,   so we ultimately provide that flexibility to  accommodate lots and lots of different potential   service environments. So to illustrate, there's  our 5G RAN in our 5G Core network. We might have   for example, a V2X Network slice and clearly  the characteristics of V2X are low latency,   critical communication. Now on top  of the same physical infrastructure,   we could have voice services for our typical  human subscribers. We need low latency for our   voice and signaling and we need guaranteed Quality  of Service. And finally, we might have some kind   of smart metering network slice where we need to  accommodate large numbers of connected devices,   but they have actually fairly low data  requirements and relatively minimal network   connectivity and activity potentially, so lots  and lots of different environments here that   can be accommodated by network slicing. And  in terms of the standards, in actual fact,   an individual device is able to connect to up to 8  network slices simultaneously. So in summary then,   we talked to begin with, about PDU sessions  and we saw that they provide connectivity   between the device and the data network.  Within a PDU session, we have QoS flows,   and they are designed to provide specific levels  of Quality of Service for specific types of data   running down them. We talked about the 5G Core  network, we talked about five of the key elements,   namely the Core Access and Mobility Management  Function, the Session Management Function,   the User Plane Function, Unified Data Management,  and then finally, the Policy Control Function.   We talked about how all of these elements will  fundamentally be virtualized and a key benefit   to virtualization is really opening the network  up to network slicing. Need to know more? Why   not visit our store where you can choose from over  200 hours of video based training. Alternatively,   you can contact us to discuss any specific  training requirements you may have.
Channel: Mpirical
Views: 124,751
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Keywords: Mpirical, telecoms, training, LTE, mobile telecoms, NetX, telecoms training, telecommunications, 4G, 3G, 5G, network architecture, elearning, telecom, course, explainer, tutorial
Id: YVoCpqsPwmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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