What I'm Doing Now! New Poshmark Offer to Likers Strategy That Works Even Better!

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the offers need to be juicy and enticing so that they feel not only that they're going to get the item at a good price but that someone else might take advantage of this and so they better buy it before someone else buys it and so that kind of like fomo type of thing and urgency is really a powerful buyer psychology and so you want to take advantage of that by sending aggressive offers download your free reseller resource guide today I constantly update and share with you discounts favorites tools and resources to help you with your reselling business after the video click the link in the description and get your totally free guide today offer to likers is the single best thing that you can do on Poshmark to make more money and make more sales and I have what I think is kind of like an amazing way to do it so if you normally send out your offer to likers I'm sure you're doing a great job it's very easy to do but I have a particular strategy that will help you not only make more sales but make more money out of potentially many of the sales that you're making so stay tuned watch the whole thing I've got some bonus tips at the end for you we've got a lot to talk about so I've changed my offer to Liker strategy recently I test out a lot of things I try them out and I share them with you when I find a tweak or an improvement that I think can really change the game and this is one of them so today I'm going to share my new offer to likers strategy which implements something called the waterfall strategy I also have two bonus tips for you at the end that I show how I can make this formula work automatically and then how you can even take it up a Next Level beyond that and kind of like the Master Pro level how you can even kick it up a notch from there so stay tuned for everything this is an action-packed tons of information for you so the basics of the offer to like or strategy is that you need three parts to it this is what I think I think a good offer to like your strategy follows multiple opportunities to buy aggressive discounts and Progressive discounts so when you have an offer to like your strategy I think the way to make sales on Poshmark is to get in front of your buyer as many times as you possibly can reminding them hey you liked this item Remember Me this really pretty Torah dress don't forget you wanted me here's an offer a few days later or whenever later here's another offer and it's even better you should buy me now another offer comes in hey you should buy me now look I'm even more on sale with a better price so the more times you can remind a buyer the better so that's multiple then aggressive is good discounts right like just sending them a 10 offer like I don't even get out of bed or pay attention to a 10 offer so I feel like the offers need to be juicy and enticing so that they feel not only that they're going to get the item at a good price but that someone else might take advantage of this and so they better buy it before someone else buys it and so that kind of like fomo type of thing and urgency is really a powerful buyer psychology and so you want to take advantage of that by sending aggressive offers and then the other one is Progressive so meaning they get bigger and bigger as you go so the more times you send the bigger the offer needs to be and that's true because that's kind of what Poshmark wants us to do they're not going to send your offer out to that person if if it's not a bigger offer it has to be I think it's 10 percent more than the prior offer so if I send you 10 today and then I do 15 tomorrow you're not going to get the 15 because you just got 10 and the 15 isn't high enough to get your attention again according to Poshmark it needs to be 20. then it needs to be 30. so it has to be Progressive in the past I had an offer to like our strategy that kind of worked over the course of a month and it was multiple and it was aggressive and it was Progressive but now I fine-tuned it even further to again take advantage of the waterfall strategy which I'll get into but also to condense the time frame so that I am making more sales with those offer strategies faster it's condensed into a shorter period of time I'm no longer waiting a month to send out all of those Progressive offers I'm doing it within a week's time frame and sometimes a matter of days and that helps I think because by the time you send out your Deep Discount let's say later in the month that person may have bought some other item and so they're no longer a potential buyer for you because they made their purchase or they've moved on from the buying mindset or they may not come back to the app like there can be so many reasons why having a longer time frame of your offers could potentially be a bad thing in leaving sales on the table so here's my offer to like our strategy posture VA is a tax deductible business investment that pays for itself many times over each month it increases Poshmark sales because it shares and sends offers more than I ever could manually it handles all my shares automatic offer to likers bulk offers and it can do price drops and re-lists when my coaching clients add posture VA it makes more sales basically immediately the best part is that you get your time back more time with family thrifting whatever get 20 off with code Rebecca the reseller and the link below here's my offer to like your strategy when someone likes an item I have my posture VA to send an automatic offer out it's either three minutes or five minutes I can't remember after they like the item and that's a 20 offer so I say 20 offer on the like that's how I refer to it and if you don't have posture VA it can do your sharing for you and your offer to likers for you check out the description below for my discount link so I do 20 on the like then my next offer is thirty percent then my next offer is 40 then my next offer is 50 and these are all percent off with the 595 discounted shipping that's what I do and I used to like I said do this over the course of a month and now I've condensed it down into a week so I'm going to give you the exact schedule so that we can speed up the the sales process and if this schedule works for you do it exactly as I do it if you want to make some tweaks because the days work out differently for you or you've had better luck sending offers on a certain day like do it adapt it however you want to what works for your business this is what I do as an example so the likers get the 20 on the like that's whenever that happens on Mondays and Wednesdays I send out a 30 offer and a 40 offer I'll explain this as part of the waterfall strategy in a second so that's Mondays and Wednesdays they get 30 they get 40 percent then on Fridays I do 30 40 and 50 so at this point within a week I have sent out 20 when someone likes I've sent out multiple times thirty percent I've sent out multiple times forty percent and then I've even hit them with a fifty percent so I'm giving them all of my best staff and all of the deepest discounts within one week's time or shorter and so I get to capitalize on more sales more frequently and more quickly because I've condensed down that pattern of offers that used to be over the course of a month if you watched my offer to likers strategy video that I have from a while back it was over the course of a month and now I've condensed it down to a week so I'm making those sales more quickly more faster and therefore over time more of them now an example would go like this on Saturday Sally likes an item in my closet so she gets a 20 offer again three or five minutes after she liked it I forget what I have it at then on Monday because that was Saturday on Monday she's going to get a 30 offer now on Monday I'm going to send 30 and 40 percent but since she gets the 30 percent she's not gonna get the 40 so that won't go to her then on Wednesday I'm gonna send out 30 and 40 percent she's not going to get the 30 because she already got 30 percent but she is going to get the 40 because that's new and that's the next like Progressive amount so she'll get 40 on Wednesday then on Friday she's gonna get 50 percent even though I'm going to send out 30 40 on my whole closet she'll get the 50 when I send that out on my whole closet because that's the next one for her and what this does this is again called the waterfall strategy where on Monday and Wednesday I'm sending out 30 bulk offers to the entire closet and again I do this with posture VA I am not sitting there doing this I click two buttons I walk away and do my thing so I click 30 bulk offers to go out it runs through my whole closet usually takes about an hour or so then I go back an hour later click two buttons and make forty percent go out it's not gonna go to everyone that the 30 percent went to because they just got the thirty percent but when that offer expires and on Wednesday when I go and do the waterfall again now the 30 is going to go to the people that only got the 20 the 40 is going to go to the people that got the 30 percent on Monday I know it sounds confusing but if you think it through you can't get a 40 if you just got a 30 but when the thirty percent expires and then I go back two days later and send the 40 now you get the 40. so what's happening is instead of somebody skipping directly from 20 to 50 percent or twenty percent to forty percent they're gonna get every single offer because it's the next available one to them when it goes out and it's Progressive enough that they'll get them all so somebody gets the twenty percent they're definitely going to get the 30 they're definitely going to get the 40 they're definitely going to get the 50 so now I've shown up in front of them four times giving them the opportunity to buy at a better and better price and once they get to 50 in my mind I feel like many people make the purchase then I mean they a lot of people buy 30 and 40. but they do also really jump in on that 50 which is my maximum that I send or accept and I've already kind of built that into my pricing model that works because they feel like she's never going to send a 60 or somebody else is clearly going to buy it and so that urgency Factor just kind of builds and they feel like she's not going to send a better offer than 50 off and somebody's surely gonna snag it so if I want this item I need to buy it now I can't wait for another one if they get a 30 offer they might wait and say hey wait and see if she sends a 50 then I'll buy it and so I find that every time I send these offers and again this is all within a week's time so it's condensing down that sales process many people buy it 20 percent many people buy it 30 many people buy at 40 which is great because I never used to do 40 I used to skip from 30 to 50. so just by sending a 40 before the 50 I'm getting extra money and extra profit for every sale that happens at forty percent same as when they buy at 30 I know I've been willing to go to 50. so if they buy a 30 oh my God I'm making you know five ten more dollars depending per sale just from that alone so by sending out the multiple Progressive and aggressive offers in a waterfall strategy you are squeezing every bit of profit you can because you're only sending them one better and better offer at a time and people will take advantage of those smaller offers and then some will also take advantage of the bigger offers but if they take advantage of the smaller offer you just made more money because you were prepared to sell it at the bigger offer so that's what I really like about waterfall because I was doing the 50 anyway and now that I've added the 40 I just made buckets more profit for no reason like just by doing that alone and then by doing the waterfall I make more sales now on the 30 because I send it out three times per week and so that makes me more money in profit as well just on those particular sales and then when you look at it by the end of the week you've made more sales overall because you smushed down the progressive sales cycle so I hit the people up four times a week multiple Progressive aggressive I just explained why it makes more profit sometimes I get ahead of my notes so the two bonus tips here is that now I'm sending out thousands of offers per week which is way more than ever before and so it's all automatic because I have a schedule and a strategy and so I have posture VA do all the work for me which I've talked about and my items are priced in such a way that everything is uniform Okay so this is where it kind of gets tricky and I've talked about this before and I've heard a lot from people is that when we're doing like the coaching calls or a Poshmark closet review they say they have to send out the offers manually because they can't send out the same offer or even the deep discounts like 50 they can't send them out on everything because then they lose money because some items they paid up for and some items are this and some items are bad so everything's different and so they cannot take advantage of a uniform Deep Discount like I offer let's say 20 30 40 50. Sally can't do that because she paid too much and so she can't send out 40 and 50 percent on that item or she bought something that was too low value that you can't do that kind of Deep Discount and so what I say to that is don't forget to stop by the Rebecca the reseller Academy where you can find all of the products and all the Educational Tools I have available for you including all the free goodies here you you can find coaching calls Poshmark closet reviews digital downloads including my free reseller resource guide as well as all of my courses and all of the bundles to save you lots of money hope you'll stop by soon at the Rebecca the reseller Academy and so what I say to that is you are missing out because you're relying on you doing it manually not taking advantage of posher va so it's not being done or it's being done you know haphazard when you can get to it not nearly the sheer volume of offers that you should be sending out if you could do it uniformly and so I did a video that was my pricing formula and how to specifically price items buy items and operate in this uniform strategy so that you can know what you can buy know what you can sell it for know what your offers can be and you can then take advantage of all of these automations so so because I have a process and a system for my pricing and I have a processing system with my audition I'm sending out thousands and thousands of offers every single week increasing my chances of making sales exponentially every time if you are not doing that think of how much fewer sales you are making because you're not doing it this way so again I'm not making you do it my way I'm not saying you have to do it exactly like me what I'm saying is take what you can from my example can you make something automatic can you add a level to where you know that you can now send 30 offers on everything in your closet and you can automate that with posture VA and when you do that hundreds of offers are going to go out that never went out before that's amazing that's going to end up in some kind of increase in sales without you doing barely any work so it's a low hanging fruit the last video that I did was about my sharing formula and how you can increase your sales just from sharing up to the max that's low hanging fruit it's easy ways for you to make more money just utilizing the tools that are available to you Automation and you know it takes no time this is another one of those things if you set things up in such a way you can take advantage of this and make more sales with without listing more items without buying more items you're increasing yourself through without doing really anything different just by setting up a few things with your automation so it's really powerful and I hope you take advantage of it in some way now the second bonus tip is that if you want to do this on kind of more like next level type of stuff then I really want you to consider watching the two videos that I did about my Shoppers strategy so there's two videos the first one is kind of the overall and then the second one is like do's and don'ts and the my shopper strategy takes everything that this does and then just adds another level on top of it and when I do that even though I've just done all of this even though on Monday I send out the 30 and 40 on Wednesday send out the 30 40 on Friday I send out 30 40 50. when I go in and do the my Shoppers on top of that in the way that I describe it in the video boom a whole other set of sales come in just from that activity so then you can build on top of everything that you did in the video I did two weeks ago with the sharing formula now with this offer to likers formula then if you go back and watch those my Shoppers videos you add that on top of it you could add hundreds of dollars of sales in a month that you didn't have before just from these things I promise you there's going to be some sales that come from it it's worth the time because it takes very little time so please go through this video again if you need to start it and stop it take some notes but take away what the powerful nuggets are from these videos that I'm sharing with you recently in that you can make more money with very little tweaks to your business and I really hope you take advantage of them I'm always here for you every step of the way I'm your Poshmark coach check out the links down below for everything I have for you and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Rebecca The Reseller
Views: 10,637
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Keywords: full time reseller, how to make daily sales on poshmark, how to make money selling on poshmark, how to sell on poshmark, make more money on poshmark, make more sales on poshmark, poshmark seller, poshmark selling tips, poshmark tips, poshmark tips 2023, poshmark tips and tricks, increase poshmark sales, Poshmark Offer to Likers, offer to likers, offer to likers poshmark, how to send offer to likers on poshmark, poshmark offer to likers strategy, poshmark waterfall method
Id: cnzFeN4cdbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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