How To Send Offer To Likers & Bundle Offers on POSHMARK | Step by Step Demo Online Reseller Tutorial

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hello again guys it's Carly from the poetry of nice and today I have a short kind of demo video for you I suppose this video is gonna be a demonstration of how to actually go about sending out office to like us and both Dec as a single item and as a bundle as well to the people who interact with your items on Poshmark and now I get quite a few questions for people about how to actually navigate the app and how to go about doing it especially the bundles so I'm gonna go ahead and show you how that works real quick if you're new here welcome this is a channel all about reselling online assault ebay etsy and Poshmark and here you're gonna find everything from whole videos sell videos how to use like this day in the life and all kinds of fun stuff in between so if that sounds interesting please do hit the subscribe button down below and don't forget to say hello in the comments so I can say hi back alright I have one of my PFF has volunteered very candy to help me today it is Kenny weeks over at thready or not and if you feel like Sharon has some poor schlub I'm gonna pop her closet down below feel free to go over and say hello and by the way she has one of the most organized closets I've ever seen in my entire life it is a thing of beauty so if you feel like taking that out as well please to go over and say hello to her as well and share some items to say thank you for volunteering for this video alright let's hop over point of view and I'm gonna show you from my phone how are you guys so I'm gonna start off here so here she is thready or not and I'm gonna just pick a random item that she has liked so I will go ahead and click on this and then I'm gonna go down here where it says price drop this is how I'm gonna send an offer to like us so I'm gonna come down here offer to like as private is edit listing price public is going to literally lower the the price of your item so we're closet cleaner and things like that you would do this and that would send out the offer publicly to everybody who's ever liked it and also anyone who came across it knew would have your lowered price also and but that's unless it's closet clear out I pretty much won't do that so down here offer to like is private I'm gonna click on that and then it's gonna show me my listing price my office so if I were to take 10% off of this that's going to be 27 if you don't feel like doing the math there's a little calculator over here that's going to tell you how much each of your percentages is gonna actually make your offer so 10% 27 then I'm going to choose to offer her a shipping discount now when you're doing an offer to like us on a single item like this you absolutely have to do a shipping disk I will let you do it without it you can either do 180 which is going to bring the buyers shipping down to five dollars or you can do 679 which is going to give them free shipping I'm gonna do the 180 which is pretty standard for what I do unless it's a very long tail very high-priced item so that tells me that the buyer pays $4.99 discounted shipping it gives me all my information here and it tells me my net earnings this is what I would get after all of Poshmark fees and things have been taken out so 1980 now I paid I think about three dollars or so no two dollars I can't remember whatever say it was two dollars let's say that for this top so 1918 - my cost of goods two dollars that would give me a net profit of 1780 I'd be comfortable with that so I'm gonna go ahead and click Submit congratulatory being sent out to your like us and there it goes to everybody who's ever liked it alright and then I'm going to show you how to do it when somebody like this has like several of your items set starting from the beginning again I'm gonna click on her profile here she comes Kelly W and I'm gonna come up here you see where this little shopping bag is right up here and I'm gonna click on it with her face on it now it's not going to show me anything here because I haven't liked anything from her closet however if I click these little three dots right here and I can scroll down and I can see switch to sell view this one right here I'm gonna do switch to sell view and then it's gonna show me everything she's ever liked from my closet so I can click this little shopping bag with a plus sign that's underneath each item individual and it's adding it to the bundle you can see here so let's say we'll add every single item she's ever liked from my closet there we go apart from the one that has sold down here alright so there we go we've got six items and then what I can do is I can come down just like I did originally to offer and so my Buy It Now price I have a seller discount set up of anyone who buys items or mortgage attempts and discounts that applies here and then so their Buy It Now price would that discount already is one forty seven sixty four the six items now I pretty much always put an extra offer on top to incentivize and depending on what my cost of goods are so I can actually go back if I want to and look at all of these different items and I can say okay those are mines those are free there's two dollars there's three dollars there so up to five these were I think 250 so we're up to 750 these were one worked 850 and these were I think three dollars so we'll call it about eleven dollars 1150 so let's go back to our offer over here so I know I have about eleven dollars of my cost of goods obviously I'd be more exact if this was an actual offer that was being sent out but let's call it eleven dollars and so if I went in with an offer of 140 took off an extra seven dollars and sixty cents this is what I would have left so I know I'd have a net earnings of around $100 after cost of goods were taken into consideration I'm pretty happy with a net profit of $100 so I'll stick with that something that's a little bit different when you're doing an offer to like is in a bundle like this you do not have to select a shipping discount you can if you want to if you think it'll incentivize your buyer but you don't have to none is an option so I'm not gonna add one I'm gonna go ahead with this one hundred and forty dollar offer now in my net profit will be 100 submit and it's done offer submitted to my buyer and then it's over to them to make a decision or to counteroffer and that's pretty much it it is so simple it is so easy it's just about learning the process step by step on how to do that and as I mentioned in other videos I pretty much send out offer to like us to everybody that likes an item of mine just because I really like to be proactive with him with interacting with my customers and trying to secure those sales and they list my items towards the top end of market value so that I give myself that natural wiggle room so that I can negotiate and be active in that way with offers alright you guys I hope that that was a fairly useful demonstration I know that I've had quite a few people ask me exactly how to go about doing that specifically the bundles so I figured I would just go ahead and make a video for you guys to the you have something to follow step by step while you're exploring the Poshmark app if you enjoyed this video please do give it a thumbs up please do think about subscribing if you haven't yet don't forget to say hello in the comments so that I can say hello back and I will talk to y'all the next one bye you guys
Channel: Thrift Nice
Views: 39,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poshmark, selling on poshmark, poshmark offers, poshmark offer to likers, sending offers on poshmark, poshmark bundles, poshmark bundle offer, poshmark bundle how to, poshmark offers how to, poshmark offer to likers how to, how to send an offer on poshmark, how to make a bundle on poshmark, poshmark how to, poshmark tips, pohsmark tutorial, poshmark offers to likers, making a bundle on poshmark, making a poshmark bundle, poshmark seller, poshmark for beginners
Id: uyDucXRVsUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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