What If WW II Had Lasted A Bit Longer? Secret Aircraft Of World War II! 1080p #ProfHowdy

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on the 24th of October 2000 a new shape took to the skies the Lockheed Martin f-35 is the most advanced combat aircraft ever built it could be in service with the US of British military for the next 50 years but the extraordinary f-35 would not exist without a secret long-forgotten ancestor a plane designed to break the sound barrier before Pearl Harbor an interceptor that could have swept the skies of Nazi Jets in World War 2 an aircraft so far in advance of its time that its secrets can still be found in every modern fighter down to the f-35 this is the story of a legacy America's first jet fighter project the Lockheed conventional history has it that the jet plane was invented in Europe during World War two forever changing the face of warfare the first jet fighter to enter operational service was the German Messerschmitt me-262 in 1944 only in the years after the war did America catch up with Europe in jet aircraft design but we can now reveal this story is not accurate in the years before Pearl Harbor a team of America's best aircraft engineers were already working on what was the world's most advanced combat plane a jet-powered supersonic fighter the Lockheed l-1011 eine teen 39 that soon german combat jets would be in service in Europe but the Army Air Corps refused to fund further work on the L 133 in Europe the very danger that Johnson had predicted was taking shape the day of the jet was coming and America was watching from the sidelines Nazi Europe 1943 a reconnaissance version of the fast Lockheed Lightning fighter brings back pictures of strange new German planes the photographs reveal scorch marks on the runways and grass fields these aircraft have a new kind of propulsion they are Jets fortunately their experience with the L 133 was to prove invaluable to the Lockheed engineers the new fighter designated the p80 would utilize much of the preliminary design work that had gone into the earlier project but the p80 would never go supersonic when further development of the L 1000 N j'en was cancelled America lost the edge in jet engine design in fact the p80 was powered by a British crop in a desperate bid to down the Nazi jet reconnaissance planes a flight of Kelly Johnson's experimental P ATS were rushed to Italy to hunt them pa D was a truly pioneering aircraft it was pretty simple airplane actually but it was an epic step forward the objective from the beginning was speed speed was the dominant objective of the design to get a really fast airplane and to take full advantage of a jet engine but with only a handful of experimental P ATS available for Italy the US army was unable to hunt down the elusive Arado the lesson was clear America had lost three vital years in jet warfare when the original Lockheed l-1011 of the L 133 is a solitary prototype of Nathan prices l 1,000 engine which rests in the plains of fame museum a chino california few who pass by it realize its historic significance but what if the L 133 had flown how would it affair din combat imagine pilots of the 365th pursuit group have replaced their p-38 lightning z' for the new l 133 jets the US Army Air Force calls the new fighter the star jet on the morning of April the 15th 1945 history will take place the first ever jet to jet combat a flight of three star jets is on combat air patrol over southern Bavaria there is courting v.24 liberators on a bombing mission against Nazi airfields suddenly a flight of Messersmith me-262s flash out of the Sun ending for the liberators but the two six tubes have made a big error they have assumed the u.s. escort fighters are slower piston-engined mustangs the 262s plan a fast running against the liberators and then they will outpace the mustangs and escape they're in for a terrible shock the star jets of the 365th pursuit accelerate to intercept the approaching 216 surprised the German Jets split up suddenly and unexpectedly the 262s find they cannot outpace their American foes they are being overhauled by the star jet combat is joined high above the last Nazi redoubt in Bavaria it is combat to the death at a thousand kilometers per hour for the first time in warfare a jet fighter is shot down by another jet fighter in reality no jet to jet combat took place in World War two that had to wait for the Korean in the 1950 of the f82 or twin Mustang only 270 of these unusual planes were built but they did quite well essentially the f82 was a hybrid aircraft formed from two Mustang fuselages lengthened and joined at the wing and tail much like the lockheed p-38 lightning however the p-51 engines gave the twin mustang a top speed of over 470 miles per hour and a range of 2200 miles the f82 was an effective weapon against enemy ground forces and also scored several kills against Korean MiG's you Oh Oh Oh
Channel: James Randall
Views: 832,415
Rating: 3.4675579 out of 5
Keywords: P-80, World War II (Event), Aircraft (Invention), Secret, Chaos, Theory, Mission, L-133, Lockheed, Lockheed Martin (Business Operation), Shooting Star, B-36, B-50, ME-282, Germany, Japan, USAF, F-82, P-82, B-29, USAAF, B-24, USA, United States Of America (Country), F-80
Id: qpYDeJa0hPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2013
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