What If Whole European Continent Was Just ONE Country?

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the United States of America is the most powerful country in the world specifically an economy military and some other few spheres the main reason why it's so powerful is because it's United for example state of California alone has 2.7 trillion dollars of GDP that's bigger economy than Russia and Netherlands combined even the smallest state an economy like Vermont has bigger economy than 91 independent countries of the world coincidentally European continent also has 50 states but unlike us they are all independent countries the most developed countries per region is by far in the European continent countries like UK Germany France Russia Italy and Scandinavian countries are considered to be one of the most powerful in military economy and overall happiness of its citizens what if all these developed countries of the European continent United and become one country just like the USA speaking of European continent as a whole it's surprisingly very small even country of Canada is virtually the same size of the whole European continent where Europe covers about 10 million 180,000 square kilometers or only 2 percent of the Earth's surface to put it into perspective imagine a round clock just like the earth in one minute is 30 seconds and little over one second of it where whole European continent is located this is including European territory of Russia where the Russia is the largest spanning 39 percent of the continent generally as a single country Russia is enormous even Asian part of it which is Siberia dwarfs the 50 country European continent including Russia's European part as a country and even as a continent the economy of Europe is and will be the largest on earth it would have twenty point two trillion dollars of GDP and GDP per capita will be twenty-seven thousand three hundred thirty dollars additionally it's the richest region as measured by the asset management it's solely seven point one trillion dollars in assets under management represented one-third of the world's wealth countries like Germany UK France Italy Russia and Spain will be the state's exceeding a trillion dollars threshold comparing to us only California Texas and New York a century ago in 2016 there was 330 million people lived in Europe in 2050 549 million people and now as of 2018 the right around 742 million people which is slightly less than 10% of the world's population it will be the third the most populated country in the world although most part of the Europe has been suffering from low fertility rates relatively to other regions of the world as it stands now around 10% of the world's population if demographic trends keep their pace its share may fall to around 7% in 2050 but still amounting to 716 million people in absolute numbers to specifically revert low fertility rates among its citizens countries like Russia has launched a policy that would give around 9000 US dollars for the second and every following born baby so giving $9,000 in Russia is like giving around $36,000 in the United States for every born baby this shows the severity of the low birth rates in European countries European continent as a country will be the one of the most diverse ethnic region in the world there are more than 100 ethnic groups the largest ethnic group will be the Russians of whom 110 million people reside in Europe and the second largest are the Germans with 83 million people and the next large groups are the British was 66 million French are 65 million and Italians about 61 million people as for the world domination in military European continent will be the largest army on the planet was whooping around 3.5 million active military personnel currently continents military budget is around 310 billion dollars that's the half of the military spending of the US but the Europe's average military spending per GDP is around 1.7 percent and in u.s. is around 3.1 percent and in case if hero unites and raises to 3.5 percent then it will have 707 billion dollars of total military spending that will make Europe the most powerful country in the world in many different levels and here comes the conclusion whether its unified countries or people they are theoretically and practically much stronger than the isolated ones if we look at the United States of America every single state is worse of some country outside the fact that all of the states are unified on the one makes the USA current time the most powerful country in the world in many degrees for instance component economy of states like California Texas New York and Florida is bigger than the combined economy of two continents like South America and Africa which makes up 66 independent countries the fact that Europe is the most diverse region in the world unification as the one country might never happen and probably never will but if it does we will witness the commencement of the most powerful and most developed country in the world I was thinking about the capital for unified European continent and there were many options on the table give us your thoughts down in the comment section below about which city should be the capital for unified Europe and as always thanks for watching
Channel: CuriousReason
Views: 836,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: European Union, Europe, European Continent, World map, world map is wrong, geography (field of study), united europe, europe country, europe countries map, EU, Euro Crisis, Germany, uk country, France, What if, Was Just One Country, Education, facts you didn't know, Curious, Reason, CuriousReason, Science, United States of America, california economy, us economy, europe one nation, europe as a country, European continent counties, world map is wrong video
Id: a_2EbL1ekoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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