15 Mysterious Islands That Appeared Out of Nowhere

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okay so it may not always seem like it but the Earth is constantly changing beneath her feet shifting Sands erosion and volcanic activity all lead to the creation of new islands so in today's video we're taking a look at 15 of the newest islands in the world let's start with number 15 Fernandina Island Fernandina island in the galpagos archipelago is a modern-day mascot of Nature's incredible power as the youngest and third largest island in this cluster Fernandina has an impressive profile with an area spanning over 400 square miles and a peak soaring to over 4,800 ft above sea level its terrain marked by sprawling Four Mile wide Summit called Dara speaks volumes about its volcanic Origins a mere whisper in geological time at less than a million years old the island owes its name to King Ferdinand II of Aragon a patron of exploration during the age of Discovery initially dubbed as Isla de Plata silver Island in Spanish and later christened norboro Island by English pirate William ambrosia cowy in 1684 Fernandina stands as a tribute to intertwined narratives of exploration geographically it presents a stark yet captivating landscape its volcanic activity evidenced by its most recent eruption in March of 2024 has sculpted a Terrain characterized by rocky surfaces and sparse vegetation now despite its inhospitable appearance Fernandina teams with Life along Punta espanosa Marina guanas congregate on mass upon black lava rocks while flight lightess cants Penguins pelicans and sea lions populated Shores also The elusive Naro Island tortoise once feared extinct finds Refuge here showcasing the resilience of galapagus: 3 Mi south of iima this volcanic giant is part of a larger elongated structure throughout its history fukutoku okoba has punctuated the ocean's surface with sporadic eruptions leaving behind a trail of islands in its wake the first recorded emergence happened in 1904 to 1905 birthing the transient Shin iojima also known as New sulfur Island over the ensuing decades subsequent eruptions continued to shape and reshape the landscape with new islands appearing periodically including the most recent 1986 in 2010 signs of activity happened once more as Steam billowed a half mile above the ocean surface signaling another chapter in its tumultuous history then in a dramatic Crescendo on August 13th 2021 the volcano roared to life once again unleashing a powerful submarine eruption that birthed yet another Island from the depths the aftermath of this eruption however extended far beyond the immediate vicinity large quantities of pmus ejected during the explosion cascaded into the ocean forming vast rafts that drifted northwestward carried by the ocean's currents this peculiar Rock renowned for its ability to float due to its porest structure served as a vessel for Life varying a diverse array of organisms across the expanse of the Pacific number 13 the meti shol meti shol also known as Lei island is living proof that the Earth is always changing perched a top a submarine volcano between the islands of CAO and Latte in the Tongan archipelago this island is etched in story Into the annals of time marked by epics of creation and dissolution the sh's name traces back to 1875 bestowed by the captain of the HMS matif who first laid eyes on a small volcanic aisle defiantly protruding from the ocean yet this sh's history is one of transients as recorded by HMS Sappo in 1878 its stature reaching a modest 650 ft in length and about 125 ft High only to vanish entirely by 1898 leaving behind a submerged sh Veil beneath 15 ft of water reports of volcanic activity Trace back to 1781 with eruptions birthing fleeting islands that Rose and fell with the whims of the ocean in December 1967 another eruption bestowed the world with a short-lived Island swiftly reclaimed by the Sea by the Year's End yet it was during the eruption of 1979 that this SCH unveiled its most ambitious creation an island Christen latki a fleeting reminder of Nature's artistic sometimes cruel flare Tonga in a a symbolic gesture laid claim to this ephemeral land only to witness its Swift erosion beneath the Relentless waves The Saga continued in 1995 when another eruption breathed life into a new island its diameter stretching to 925 ft its peak soaring to 140 fet above the ocean surface but the Island's tenure was temporary succumbing to the forces of erosion and dissolution number 12 anak katow anak katow or child of katoa emerges as a striking Testament to the geological process at play in the Indonesian archipelago born from the remnants of the cataclysmic eruption that shattered the island of katoa in 1883 and that catle first emerged from the depths on December 29th 1927 a mere Speck in the vast expanse of the sundus strait since its Inception it's been the site of Relentless volcanic activity with eruption punctuating its history with alarming regularity the late 20th century witnessed some sporadic eruptions and in December 2018 a massive underwater collapse of the volcano triggered a deadly tsunami serving as a reminder of Nature's awesome power in the years that followed anac Catal continued its existence with eruptions marking its Relentless March towards the Surface by August 1930 the volcanic island had firmly established itself above sea level earning its moniker as the child of katoa the ensuing decades witnessed a cycle of growth and eruption with the summit steadily rising at an average rate of about 20 to 30 ft per per year the dawn of the 21st century though heralded a new chapter in the volcano Saga with eruptions in April 2020 and February 2022 capturing the attention of the world this cycle of eruption and dorcy continued into 2023 as an Acra TOA once again roared to life on September 15th casting plumes of gas and steam into the sky as the alert level remained elevated the public was cautioned to maintain a safe distance from the crater a reminder of the everpresent danger posed by this Restless giant number 11 CF Island CF Island a remote Outpost nestled in the waters of Pine Island Bay and Antarctica emerges as an example of the everchanging Dynamics of our planet's icy Realms discovered in February of 2020 by researchers aboard the Nathaniel B Palmer research vessel this island remained hidden beneath the cloak of the Pine Island Glacier until the glacier's retreat finally unveiled it measuring a modest 1150 ft in length SI island is a stark landscape dominated by potassium feldspar Granite its rugged terrain cloaked in a veneer of ice named after cth a revered goddess and Norse mythology associated with the Earth the Island's emergence hints at the intricate dance between geological process and glacial Retreat the discovery of the island marked a milestone in Antarctic exploration just as researchers documented their historic landing on its Shores led by marine geologist Julia wellner the Expedition revealed a landscape on Untouched by human Footprints its beauty shrouded in icy Solitude photos captured during the researchers inaugural Landing showcased sift Island's Stark Beauty its granted outcrops piercing through the remnants of Glacier Ice despite its desolate appearance though the island Harbors life with a few seals calling its icy Shores home another example of Nature's resilience in the face of adversity number 10 Sandy Point Sandy Point formerly a peninsula and now a hidden island of off the west coast of newfinland holds a rich history shaped by both natural forces and human Endeavors this unique land mass gradually transformed by ocean induced erosion was once connected to the mainland by an ismith known as The Gap until a severe storm in the 1960s breached this land bridge isolating Sandy Point as a separate Island the location of Sandy Point with its inconspicuous appearance from the sea may have attracted pirate vessels seeking Refuge or a temporary Hideaway during their fur trade era the island sheltered Anchorage shielded from prevailing winds could have provided a secretive Haven along the Gulf of St Lawrence trade route over time Sandy Point evolved into an abandoned Community prompting residents to relocate to nearby Mainland settlements like St George's due to changing economic and logistical circumstances historically Sandy Point was a hub of activity inhabited by various indigenous groups including the Dorset culture beok and mikm Nations it served as a vital port and Supply Center for newless West Coast Fishery contributing significantly to the Region's Maritime economy following new finland's entry into Confederation in 1949 government-led resettlement programs prompted the gradual depopulation of Sandy Point Financial incentives encourage residents to relocate to centralized areas like St George's leading to the decline and eventual abandonment of the once- thriving settlement Today Sandy Point exists as an uninhabited Island undergoing conservation efforts to preserve its ecological significance these islands serve as a critical habitat for migratory Bur Birds particularly piping plovers from tidal sand flats and beaches to Salt marshes and Meadows Sandy Point has a diverse landscape unique within the province its ecological richness extends to the eelgrass beds and deep water trenches providing essential habitats for various fish species and marine mammals and absolutely zero humans number nine babonga Iceland okay so I'm going to butcher this Icelandic pronunciation but baraa a Colossus of bu beneath the icy expanse of vat yokas Iceland's largest glacier stands as a sentinel its imposing stature reaching over 6600 ft above sea level it's nestled within a national park this active Strat volcano embodies a Restless energy simmering beneath Iceland's rugged landscape for decades it remained a little known entity its location and infrequent eruptions obscuring its significance yet recent Studies have shed light on its past revealing a history punctuated by explosive of episodes in August 2014 the slumbering giant awoke from its sleep unleashing a torrent of seismic activity that reverberated throughout the region a swarm of earthquakes numbering around 1600 within a span of just 48 Hours served as an ominous Prelude to the eruption amidst those Tremors the United States Geological Survey Aviation color codes flashed from Orange to Red signaling an eruption in progress although initial reports suggested the eruption happened beneath the glacier's icy crust observ revealed fissure eruptions breaching the surface the eruption while a inspiring in its magnitude had minimal impact on air travel beyond the immediate vicinity sparing flights from disruptions caused by volcanic ash however the aftermath of the eruption left a lingering cloud of gas prompting authorities to restrict access to the area north of the volcano including nearby volcanoes as the activity subsided and the ash settled Iceland's rugged terrain bore witness to the transformative power of nature the affected area Gra gradually reopen to visitors allowing them to behold the beauty of the newly formed lava Fields yet Beyond its immediate impact the eruption of this volcano serves as a stark reminder of the precarious balance between creation and destruction number eight home Reef home Reef a volcanic island at top a submarine volcano in Tonga has emerged sporadically throughout a series of eruptions over the years showcasing a dynamic and everchanging nature of our planet this island has been built and eroded by successive volcanic activities stating back to significant eruptions in 1852 1857 and more recently in 1984 2006 2022 and 2023 in the 84 volcanic eruption It produced a small temporary Island measuring about 4,900 ft by about 1,600 ft along with massive pmus rafts that floated as far as Fiji and Australia the eruption in August 2006 once again brought home Reef into existence this time in a more substantial form the volcanic activity not only created a new island but also dispersed large quantities of floating pmus across tongue and Waters with some rafts traveling hundreds of miles Westward the island nearly matching its 1984 size was initially spotted by a crew of a passing yacht who documented its emergence on their blog satellite images from the aqua satellite further confirmed the new Island's presence revealing hot Crater Lakes and extensive pmus rafts fast forward to September of 2022 another eruption began on home Reef rapidly building up an island with an area of about 6 acres and an elevation of 33 ft above sea level within a week the volcanic activity intensified spewing Ash columns up to over 2 mil High spreading North and Eastward by October 3rd 2022 the island had grown to 15 acres in size before the eruption eventually subsided on October 17th all that drama didn't end there in September 2023 satellites detected renewed activity at home Reef with heat sources and Volcanic gas plumes emanating from the island as of October 1st 202 3 the eruption continued unabated indicating that the Island's evolution is an ongoing process shaped by the powerful forces beneath the earth's crust moving on to number seven Milan island in the wake of a seismic upheaval that rattled Western Pakistan in September of 2013 the emergence of an oval-shaped island in a shallow bay near guar captivated the world's attention dubbed zalzala Co or earthquake mountain in erdu this ephemeral landmass bore witness to the volatile forces lurking beneath the earth's surface standing at a mere 65 ft high and 300 ft wide and 132 ft long the Island's precarious existence was evident from the outset destined to be a fleeting spectacle true two predictions the Island's demise was Swift over the ensuing years satellite imagery captured the gradual erosion of the island as mud and sediment Trails marred the waters around it by the end of 2016 little remain of the island above the waterline swallowed whole by the encroaching Arabian see yet Nature's resilience knows no bounds despite its apparent disappearance Echoes of it lingered in imagery offering glimpses of sediment Trails swirling around its base as recently as June 2019 the Island's spectral presence persisted in Satellite observations a haunting reminder University of Adelaide geologist Mark Ting elucidates the process describing how the accumulation of soft sediments along the Eurasian plates Edge coupled with intense tectonic stresses culminates in the eruption of mud and gases to the surface mud volcanoes like zazal Co and its counterpart Milan Island located 77 Mi to the east emerge and vanish in a delicate dance dictated by the whims of seismic activity and oceanic forces number six Shelly island in the shifting Sands of the Outer Banks of North Carolina a fleeting Marvel emerged in April of 2017 Shelly Island a Sandy Oasis off the tip of Cape Point in buckon a mere sandbank at its Inception this crescent-shaped island swiftly captured imaginations of locals earning its moniker from the Abundant shells adorning its Shores At Its Zenith Shelly Island stretched majestically for around a mile in length and over 500 ft in width yet its rain as a coastal Marvel was shortlived as hurricane Maria in late September 2017 wielded its might reducing the island by a staggering 70% despite its diminishment Shelly Island persisted albeit in a smaller form connected to the mainland at low tide but still stubbornly clinging to its transient existence yet as the weeks passed and the tides ebed and flowed the Island's fate seemed sealed its once prominent presence slowly eroded by the Relentless forces of wind and wave by early 2018 the Sands had shifted once more reclaiming Shelly Island back into the Embrace of Cape Point leaving behind only memories and remnants of its brief sojourn yet even in its absence the Island's Legacy endured an example of the everchanging tapestry of the coastal landscape an intriguing legal drama of all things unfolded as a businessman Ken Barlo staked his claim to the island asserting ownership through a quick claim deed executed in August of 2017 Bar's bid for dominion over the young Shelly Island underscored the complexities of jurisdiction and ownership in the dynamic realm of coastal geography as photographs from lanat 88 captured the Island's Vanishing act in February of 2018 Bar's claim persisted a curious footnote in the annals of Shelly Island's transient existence it is a strange series of events that speaks to human greed and desire as well number five hunga Tonga hunga apai with a name resonating of the power and volatility of the South Pacific's Fiery Heart emerges a Titan among submerged Giants standing as an example to the raw forces sculpting our planet's surface located in the wat south of ffu at north of tongat tapu tonga's main island this volcanic Colossus Rose from the depths The Saga of hunga Tonga hunga API began in late 2014 when the volcanic plumes and seismic Rumble signal the awaking of this sleeping giant towering ash cloud pierced the sky on January 6th 2015 marking the eruptions intensification by January 11th the heavens roared as Ash plumes swar to unimaginable Heights an island was born amid this chaos Rising defiantly from the royal sea a newborn Titan in the realm of giants Tongan officials marveled at its size estimating the dimensions about a half mile wide just over a mile long and 330 ft High yet even as it asserted its Newfound presence Whispers of its impermanence lingered amid the tumult of creation Intrepid Souls dared Venture onto its Shores drawn by the Allure of Discovery and the promise of Adventure in June 2015 entrepreneur Ian Argus Stewart embarked on a daring Expedition becoming the first to set foot on this newborn land for 11 nights he weathered the elements subsisting on seagull legs and Squid as he bore witness to the Island's fledgling existence as the years passed the island became a crucible of scientific inquiry offering tantalizing insights into geological forces shaping our world researchers from NASA's garded space flight center delved into its Mysteries too drawing parallels between its rugged terrain and the otherw worldly Landscapes of Mars meanwhile beneath the waves its Legacy continued to unfold as chemical reactions transformed Ash into rock surveying conducted in October 2018 revealed a landscape teaming with life as gravel mud and vegetation blanketed its surface yet even as life flourished the Island's fate remains uncertain as rainfall hastens its erosion shaping its Destiny in The Crucible of time number four nisho Shima in the seemingly unending expanse of the Pacific some 600 miles south of Tokyo in the middle of nowhere a volcanic Marvel is undergoing a remarkable transformation nishinoshima a young volcanic island is experiencing a surge of growth unlike anything witnessed in recent memory this uninhabited Island situated amidst the ogasawara islands a UNESCO world heritage site has captured the attention of scientists the origins Trace back to the eruptions of the 1970s when volcanic activity gave birth to several new isets in the vicinity these land masses gradually coales laying the groundwork for the emergence of as a distinct entity however it wasn't until 2013 that the Island's true potential was Unleashed fueled by molten lava and fiery eruptions nishinoshima embarked on a journey of transformation defying the Relentless forces of nature to carve out its place in the Pacific the Island's eruptions in the following years propelled its growth with size increasing 12-fold between 2013 and 2015 since then it's continued to evolve its landscape shaped by intermittent eruptions and the ceaseless flow of magma the recent surge in volcanic activity observed in late May of this year has catapulted the island into the spotlight once again aerial surveys conducted by Japan's Coast Guard have documented towering Ash plumes and the ominous glow of magma emanating from the central crater according to experts like Kenji Noami a vulcanologist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology ninos shima's future is one of boundless growth and expansion as Ash Plum soar into the sky and Volcanic bombs rain down on the surrounding Seas its Journey forms a mere Speck in the ocean to a burgeoning land mass as a reminder of the dynamic process that shape our planet and its everchanging landscape number three cery it's an example of the raw power of nature emerging from the depths of the ocean in a fiery spectacle that began on November 14th 1963 located in an archipelago off Iceland's southern coast this uninhabited volcanic islands swiftly Rose from the sea propelled by the forces of tectonic activity named after certer a fire giant from Norse mythology C's birth was a rare opportunity for scientists to witness the Genesis of new land volcanologists closely monitored the Island's Evolution during its 4-year eruption documenting its growth in the dynamic process shaping its landscape following the eruptions conclusion in 1967 certi became a living laboratory for biologists and botanists as life gradually colonized its terrain mosses and lyans were among the first pioneers finding a footh hole on the Nutri poor sandy soil over the years as seabirds began nesting on the island their droppings enriched the soil Paving the way for more plant species to take rote in 1998 a milestone was reached with the discovery of a tea leaved Willow Bush an example of the islands evolving ecosystem by 2008 cery boast an impressive array of 69 plant species a remarkable achievement considering its environment each year new species continue to arrive gradually transforming certi into a thriving Oasis midst the ocean however human impact has left its Mark Tales persist of young adventurers sneaking onto the island and attempting to plant potatoes only like to have their efforts thwarted by Vigilant authorities even a stray tomato plant the result of an improperly managed Act of nature faced a similar fate in 2009 modern technology arrived on cery with the installation of a weather observation station and a webcam providing scientists and enthusiasts alike with real-time insights into the Island's conditions as certi continues to weather the elements and the Relentless forces of erosion scientists predict that its lifespan will extend well into the future estimate suggest that certi may remain above sea level at least until 2100 number two Kakak of arnar in the Arctic expanse north of Greenland lies a newfound geographical Marvel karak avanar the world's northernmost Island discovered by researchers in 2021 during an expedition focused on studying microscopic in the far north initially the team set out to locate odok Island previously believed to hold the title of the northernmost island on earth however as they ventured further north they inadvertently stumbled upon an entirely New Island surpassing odok in Latitude spinning about 98 by 197 ft and rising to 10 to 13 ft above sea level it rests 2500 ft north of its predecessor odok it's composed of marine mud Marine stones and gravel this newly discovered land Mass lacks any vegetation and permanent animal life despite its recent emergence onto the geographical Scene It faces an uncertain future classified as an ephemeral feature in geological terms this island is vulnerable to the forces of nature that made it the Arctic Coastline characterized by shallow Waters and encroaching sea ice undergoes dramatic transformation during storms mortan rash the Expedition leader from the University of copenhagen's Department of geosciences and National Resource Management underscores the islands imper permanence noting that it could be submerged beneath the waves again within a time frame ranging from 10 to 1,000 years this vulnerability stems not from climate change and du sea level rise but from the cyclical processes inherent to the Arctic environment while this does Mark a significant Geographic Discovery rash emphasizes that scientific relevance lies in its resemblance to other Arctic environments rather than its status as the northernmost Island the story of krak avanar is without a doubt an inspiring one and reminds us that we tend to find the most amazing things when we're not even looking for them and who knows what the next round of explorers will find on their next Journey number one new island of iojima in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Japanese island of iojima a new island has emerged from the sea as a result of undersea volcanic eruption according to the Japan meteorological agency this unnamed Island was captured in photographs taken by the country's Maritime self-defense force on November 1st showcasing a small eruption with a dark ash cloud the eruption leading to the Island's formation was confirmed by the earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo on October 30th setsuya nakada a professor ameritus of volcanology at the University of Tokyo mentioned that magma had been accumulating beneath the water surface for some time before breaching it it's situated about 750 Mi south of Mainland Japan and not even a mile from iima this newly formed Island represents a dynamic geological event in a historic Ally significant region however the story of such islands are often fleeting and unpredictable Nima Island which emerged less than a year ago has now disappeared as reported by the Japanese Coast Guard nijima Island first gained detention in late October 2023 when it emerged from the ocean off the Southern Shores of iima initial satellite images captured by USGS Geological surveys lanat 9 revealed the Island's presence about a mile off Nima Coast despite its short lifespan njima Island provided a remarkable case study for scientists and garnered public interest due to its volcanic origin and Rapid Evolution The Disappearance of nijima exemplifies a transient nature of these geological features influenced by factors like the composition of the Rock and ongoing volcanic activity while some Islands formed from hardened lava May persist those compromising less stable materials are prone to erosion and eventual submersion in a country with over 14,000 Islands discoveries like nijima Island highlight Japan's unique geography and its ongoing interaction with volcanic activity in the Pacific Ring of Fire each Island Story contributes valuable insights into the Earth's Dynamic process offering a glimpse into the everchanging nature of our planet's Landscapes thanks for watching everyone I'll see you next time thank you to our channel members
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 89,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: island, islands, mystery, mysterious
Id: 9l4FKCQ29g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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