What if the UK was in Asia?

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I've spent about a month since I didn't one of these I don't really like to force it there hasn't been a lot of mods that really catch my eye except for this one this one seems interesting to me because well Britain is going to colonize everything around them which means Asia is gonna have a completely different game but also what does this mean for all the European countries left back home with this threat gun who's gonna take over up here also Ireland won't be touched Ireland's gonna be completely on their own I don't think they have to worry about any other invaders now so will we see some sort of Irish colony back in the New World France it's not gonna start off in a Hundred Years War which means there should be able to just eat up a lot of these smaller neighbors the only person they stuff to worry about obviously is castile and aragon if they form spain early which Spain's gonna have I think a pretty normal game I mean they might be able to call a nice even more now this mod looks a little weird like is Britain really smaller than the islands of Japan I never really thought about it but I guess it kind of is I don't think they messed with like the ratios or anything I don't know but what I'm wondering is will they cannibalize each other will they both kind of I don't know kind of do the same thing maybe England won't be as powerful because they have to worry about the Japanese in the north but will they get to the west coast that's my big question I think they will unless this stuff gets taken by Spain or Portugal early but we might see like a British California and like a British Alaska or something that might be their best bet Australia New Zealand and probably everything in Indonesia that's definitely all theirs I doubt anyone's really gonna stop them I think I mean ya know this there's no way by the way thank you for all the kind comments talking about my leg my leg is doing fine it's just chilling here the ankle is healing I guess I'm gonna have to be sitting like this the whole time so a little awkward not gonna show this shot too much I mean unless someone wants some special patreon membership we could do that I'm wonder if we're gonna see like way less trade companies in India and like Africa Arabia the Middle East because wouldn't Britain just eat the stuff up before the Europeans like Portugal France Spain can even get over here of course they still have to worry about Ming we'll see if they explode if they don't well that is gonna be kind of bad okay I was so confused right now I was like wait a sec how did you guys get over here so fast this is not possible but this is the wrong save nice to see the mod still works though wait a second I didn't even check this so we do have a couple of new seat tiles dogger Bank this which I don't even want to pronounce because I know people laugh a mate v Firth of Forth and more is this a real thing yeah I don't know where these words are coming from but uh okay okay so about fifty years into it and we've got a couple Irish states sort of making a name for themselves uh still too early to tell but definitely safe to say one of these are probably gonna form Ireland's oh wow and back in Asia England's already done their thing they're still beating up on Scotland and they did that really quick I mean I guess it makes sense who was Scotland gonna team up with I don't think they can even see anybody can they see anybody oh yeah not really okay so they really didn't even get to meet Ming if anyone so that's kind of weird I mean I guess Scotland's still around they're still chillin maybe they can make a comeback no new diplomatic stuff I was wondering if they at least became friends with somebody I guess somebody from the Philippines but no not at all well if I was one of these nations around there I would definitely start to get worried because at this point all they really can do is expand and that means your booty's on the line back in Europe though France has done a little bit to eat up some neighbors I guess they still have a long way to go hree kind of doing their thing and that's about it I think the post of the winning union is still going on and then Denmark is probably trying to keep Sweden still I don't think Sweden's left to shed so Denmark's got to keep these two places and then poland's lithuania do another thing i like to know bride so that's a good sign at least if they keep this that they might be able to keep down Muscovy I think Ming is exploding before our eyes definitely cuz yeah this state is not normally here I mean they can sometimes keep it together I think the AI can like get it together but it doesn't look like it while in England it doesn't matter if they're now Asian they will still kill off Scottish Asians don't matter and they are now in the Philippines they've made this little jump they're only gonna continue from there they're also at war with Japan all of Japan before Japan is even united yet so are they gonna get some here is it possible oh wow and they've got an epic powerhouse of an alliance right here man nothing stronger than that you guys are really genius let's let's go ahead and see this amazing Wow mmm sexy okay you guys you guys are definitely gonna take over the world with this friend obviously by this point Europeans are already getting to the new world so it looks like we're gonna see a Spanish Brazil and Portugal is grabbing up the Caribbean is that it no I think Denmark is here yeah Denmark is definitely here got to start those Viking colonies back up you know it'd be nice to have seen Ireland United by now especially because you know the colonization is starting to happen they should really I don't know have someone more powerful but know you're gonna get there big ole coalition against the Ottomans right now I guess it's safe to say they're not gonna be having a great game I mean this is only one war but men they don't lose a lot I think well Denmark has annexed Norway Sweden obviously got their freedom and yeah they are totally free to go out in the north and just grab up all this land I think cuz who's really gonna stop him we might even see like a Danish America I guess there we go now you got it only took like two hundred years okay so now just do something with it I mean I don't know if you have any friends hopefully you're friends with France cuz maybe friends could make an invasion technically oh wow you don't know anybody although you do have some sort of Casabella against Great Britain I don't think even know Great Britain now they're on the opposite side of the world the Western Europeans are now doing their thing Spain is formed France is looking sexy and I think Naples got their freedom but anyways yeah so I guess it's now a race to the new world there's already some pretty big colonies popping up especially in South America this might be entirely Spanish actually cuz Portugal was kind of avoided this continent completely yeah I'm started get a really bad feeling that Spain is gonna have a really good game like they're just gonna run away with it because they're also the only ones in Africa right now well actually Portugal is kind of here but that's about it Ming has exploded they did not keep it together and their states are kind of starting to you know I don't know bring things back woo woo I like that and here we go so the race is on for the Pacific Islands or something Great Britain has formed and so has Japan which I mean Japan is at worth Korea I think but anyways the British are now colonizing the Philippines it's right there might as well so they're not gonna face much much of a threat I don't think and no one in no there is somebody in Australia at least Tasmania that is that I think are the Egyptians in this universe do the British Asians discover their tea a lot sooner since they don't have to travel as far is that gonna make them more aggressive or maybe more peaceful that is one sick Lithuania uh what happened to Poland guys did you did you do what everyone else does to Poland I thought you were their only friend actually no I think it was mainly hungry in Bohemia that did a lot of this so I don't you're getting this step back the Polish are done timi surprisingly still going strong even though I don't know what a jam is doing they're really just cutting into them and the race for Oceania is on the British have gone after New Zealand which in this universe is now just considered British Australia and yeah the Egyptians man Luke's are colonizing most of this continent but they do have to worry I don't know if it's gonna go that easily well the British have colonized almost all the Philippines unsurprisingly but not the whole thing Spain finally arrived and that is not good they got here really fast so I don't know they're also out here in Indochina that's bad news of course the Asian Brits hates Japan I figured that was gonna be like their number one rival also a couple other like Chinese areas that's about it are you still just friends with oh you're friends with Spain so you allowed it and the Iroquois we know they've made it to the new worlds oh ok so but this there's not really anything left in the new world nothing from the west coast at least I mean I guess they could get to the Alaska region but no I don't they I don't know Denmark has really dropped the ball out here in Canada they must have left or something we've got a nova halt land eeeh that's a beautiful name and the French are now kinda doing their thing and not surprisingly everything else is Spanish well except for French tennis whele yeah well French Columbia technically that's what they've named it and it Portugal Portugal not doing a whole lot I don't know why but alright Scandinavia has taken over and actually I think this is what happens to that Danish colony because this was clearly started by Sweden and then they just started eating up these others a lot oh my goodness and now they have ruined Arland oh how could you do this so another Viking invasion kind of 500 years later or something like that Bret's looking scary so they're pushing way into like HRE territory and well Spain grabs up a little bit here too but uh okay I like this Naples maybe Naples will form Italy Bohemia is terrifying Austria is not looking too good and of course mm-hmm but the window just getting thicker and thicker so clearly Muskies had a pretty tough game there is no rush on this universe at least I doubt it the muggles have popped up so Timmy has turned into the Wizards the the nod was the half-wit what were muggles again half I don't I don't know I know I'm pronouncing it wrong but now I'm off on a tangent anyways we'll see if they take over India India's kind of still looking strong though the Brits also are gonna be doing any sort of like trade companies or anything like that I thought they'd at least make it to Africa or something I don't know why they must be distracted I don't know what's going on the Japanese now doing what they do taken out Korea and the Koreans are actually looking really bad now so they're definitely gonna be able to compete I think with the British which by the way British now kind of moving into Indonesia very a lot into Indonesia and they might actually be able to do something about em Luke Ian Australia there's still a battle going on for this continent and the new world is completely filled out so it is almost entirely Spanish Vinland so Vinland did come back I don't know I mean yeah Holland wasn't doing that well in like mainland Europe so it explains why they probably stopped Finland although this is large these are large provinces a lot of this is wasteland I don't know how powerful they really are France got something oh here's some more stuff down here Portugal managed to just kind of keep this stuff it French did the same but yeah Spain is definitely the winning that Spain Stefan winning right now that is just one big Lithuanian orb right there that's just like a circle Empire almost a perfect circle that's actually getting kind of close weirdly also Scandinavia has United completely Denmark and Norway also yep Ireland's gone woah what is happening here okay so revolutionary France formed really fast but uh you guys are gonna pay because you're definitely gonna pay for that I I don't know what's gonna happen here's a sexy Venice after Austria collapse and I think they might be taking stuff away from Naples even is this them maybe Persia has formed but uh that means I don't think we will see much threat to the Indian powers they are still kind of badly in between these three they actually might be safe I don't know I mean Spain might do something but Spain's really distracted of course Great Britain has found a way to become friends with Prussia which I didn't even know Prussia was in this game to be honest are they powerful no okay so this is this Britain's only friends alright technically we are at the end of EU four but we're gonna keep on going to the modern-day the modern year is but I'm surprised that all these colonies got their independence especially because you know Spain was on top so Chile Brazil and Mexico I think are the only ones that got their independence but maybe we'll see a little bit more also Canada so a Canadian Holland I guess got got their freedom but they're probably gonna die the Ottomans are dead which we've seen something like this before of course it was from the Lithuanians cuz they're continuing to push and actually with Scandinavia maybe focused on the new worlds they might be able to just become a new Russia I don't know kind of fight you see the Horde still kicking after like what are we at the 19th century Spanish Siberia man they're just not stopping so now they're just gonna take advantage of all this land since no one ever got any this stuff and Great Britain really doing some cool stuff looking like a 1940's Japanese Empire it's this kind of a problem here though Spanish Indochina so they took out the Kamiya Empire I kind of was hoping that we would see the Brits like get a lot of this stuff but no oh my goodness India I don't know what's going on over this way and here we go so we are now here on today's exact date or the date this video was uploaded at least you might be watching it past then and lots of stuff has happened I guess France didn't pay too much for the revolutionary thing that they decided to do but um wow that is a pretty cool looking worse burg is they char even still around no no they aren't I don't know when that collapsed but that might be a good thing man these are three really strong like German powers are they all German I don't even know loving this green down here in Italy so the Italian peninsula never United we have a Spanish Italy though but uh-oh okay Spain also reached really far into Moroccan territory they didn't get all of that nation they're still kind of holding on Africa for the most part is still pretty independent which is shocking I mean there's nothing like Congo Territory co-op doing nice I mean they've actually Madagascar look way worse than this Madagascar is usually just the village bicycle version looking good they ended up doing a little bit better than I thought and of course let the way knee up they kind of still look the same I thought they'd continue to go out towards the east but no the Spanish tar tari is kind of just chilling out here I don't think anyone's gonna threaten them much also this horde I believe this is a horde they're looking real good so they did take out Korea also got a big chunk of like Chinese heartland stuff Japan still holds on to the Korean Peninsula though with a little piece from Spain as well and wow that's a really huge Spanish South China colony oK we've seen this before there's no they had to have one did they I'm pretty sure Spain one Great Britain didn't do all that much I'm a little sad that they didn't do more I'm wondering if like if they swapped Japan it may be Japan was in I'm pretty sure that is aria that's a mod out there somewhere with the Japanese islands go to Europe and then the British Isles go here I don't know but I do wonder if they like kind cannibalized each other as for the new worlds it's 2019 and I don't think there's any colony left I mean Spanish Peru maybe but uh Brazil Chile and look at this Mexico wow that's a sexy Mexico uh okay the United States is here the estados Estados Unidos this way this wasn't formed by staying out know why I'm saying it like that I'm pretty sure is formed by France right this this is this is a French colony I think villains still chillin which they are not a colony so Scandinavia did lose this but at least they survived which is pretty good I mean they're the best it looks like they're the best on the East Coast I'm not entirely sure I thought scan maybe was gonna do a little bit better not that I don't know I mean they were island hopping they Island hop off of Ireland I don't know how much power they were getting from Ireland I thought they'd get a little bit more but I guess not wow I almost completely missed this Prussian Indochina I have never seen Prussia make it to China okay that is that is beautiful and look at that Prussia is so tiny how did they manage to do this that is incredible I guess because of some good friends they didn't have a lot of good friends is this it so they just got some Chinese stuff and that's about it they just they just that was it that was a game that's all they wanted to do time to see the winner is okay an eighth place we have the United States in Bengal and Britain so at least Brittany maids to the top eight I wasn't even sure if they were gonna do that so I guess that's something then Persia this that I don't know if I want to pronounce and getting lit getting real in third place Spain is number two and Mexico is number one how did mexico pull away with this I don't know maybe their former overlords gave them a lot of power than Mexico just took advantage of it or something how I'm okay I don't know I mean yea Mexico looks good but they that good I don't I guess I guess so so Britain and Asia is just like Japan and Asia honestly like I mean they start a little bit earlier grabbing all this stuff up and then they keep it to Japan doesn't necessarily do that also Ireland still didn't have their game I thought this is gonna be their game no they need more power over here on see this is this is probably not enough especially when the potatoes right now thanks for watching see you next time thanks the patrons fall in likes those hey daddy OPC senpai reciprocation Swiss are go maxi Jay Galle free cruise mr. burr Kelly cooter donkey Brendon Hinkle Alfonzo m6o Tommy long dong double-booked my main man Manny mega Fat Boy 2.0 the hentai Nicole oh nice it 56
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 684,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Eu4, Europa Unversalis 4, UK, Britain, Asia, What if, Japan, China, Indonesia, Australia, Korea, India, Persia, Egypt, France, Ireland, Spain, Mexcio, United States, British, British Isles, United Kingdom, Portugal, Holland, Netherlands, Italy, Europa Universalis IV, Map Game, Map, History, AI Only, Broke My Leg, Drew
Id: MtL06qb4oVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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