What If the Earth Was Flat?

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[Music] hey do you ever get lost in thought with what if questions I mean you know what if I change my job what if I won the lottery but if we start asking more global perhaps less realistic questions for example what would happen if I drilled a hole through the earth and jumped in why first of all heck of a shortcut instead of sitting cramped on a plane traveling over twelve thousand four hundred fifty miles you'd have to cover just seven thousand nine hundred miles Bora Bora here I come you'd also really cut down your travel time it would only take you forty two minutes to end up on the other side of the planet but if you're in the u.s. you better be careful and grab an inflatable raft before you jump through that earth piercing hole in a little under a half hour you'd wind up smack dab in the middle of the Indian Ocean and if you happen to be hanging out in Chile when this bright idea comes to mind hooray you could be chowing down on some authentic Chinese cuisine for lunch but nobody said your ride would be easy don't be expecting a waterpark slide kind of experience although the thought of that kind of makes me giggle how about you but alas you'll need to get ready for an obstacle course first off depending on where you start drilling expect anywhere from 20 to 40 miles of continental crust kind of like the inside of a first-graders nose when he has a call after that you'll have to get through almost 2,000 miles of the solid rock of Earth's mantle then you'll be seeing the outer core of liquid iron burning at around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit fYI that's as hot as the surface of the Sun not to mention this outer core is the size of Mars okay so you've gotten through the outer core I've made it so far now you're looking at the solid moon sized inner core but you're not done yet because some experts believe that there's an innermost core that's entirely liquid and that's it that's all the layers oh but wait what now you may have reached the center of the earth but you still have to go through all those layers again on your way out piece of cake and if you were wondering how on earth or in earth I should say you'd be able to cover such a huge distance in just 42 minutes the answer to that is gravity as you're sitting right now watching this awesome video yes it is us Abed gravity is pulling you toward the Earth at a force of about 32 feet per second squared and that's a good thing that's why you don't go floating up into the atmosphere but as you're falling through your imaginary cross earth hole you would speed up by 32 feet for every second of your fall and this is only if you're not far from the surface after you're about halfway to the planet's core you'd be going at a speed of 15,000 miles per hour and 21 minutes after you jumped inside you'd past the center of the earth at 18,000 miles per hour so basically to go through the entire planet in under an hour you need to be going really really fast when you reach the other side of the planet you'd have to make sure there was someone there to catch you otherwise you'd be pulled back into the tunnel you came from so lucky you if you're jumping through from chile instead of enjoying your Beijing duck for lunch you just be munching on some chili and serve each a UH a win-win as for those jumping through from the states the odds of someone floating in the Indian Ocean to catch you are slim to none sorry hey no problem man we're cool now what would happen if the earth wasn't tilted you might not know this or maybe you just forgot since it's just been way too many years into your school days but our earth sits on its axis at a 23 point five degree angle and it's a good thing too this is why we have all our seasons but what if there wasn't a tilt well the earth would definitely be a completely different place to live first of all the Arctic and Antarctic regions would become more pleasant places to live in the Sun would make an appearance every day and these regions wouldn't be so cold you wouldn't be able to go sunbathing in the summer or anything as these areas would still be the coldest on the planet but at least you'd be able to sleep at night without a sleeping mask there wouldn't be midday Sun like there is today secondly summer and winter would be a thing of the past that's why all the traditions and activities connected with these seasons would disappear snow could still be found closer to the North and South Poles but most places on the planet would never see it again oh but wait no more snowmen snow fights or snow days bummer plants would have an absolutely different growth pattern you know since the seasons would cease to exist the poor plants would get completely confused this would surely influence animals especially herbivores what's more some of them wouldn't feel the need to hibernate in the winter because there would be no winter Bears would be roaming everywhere holy crap just kidding or maybe their mating seasons would change as well so would we have more animals hmm all right what would happen if the earth was flat sorry - the Flat Earth Society but your theory just doesn't hold up if this were the case we would have some serious problems with gravity it would work as it should pulling straight down but only in the center of the disk if you were moving away from the centre it would begin to tug more horizontally and this would be totally insane insane imagine it all the water would gather in the center of the world and the edges would become dry deserts as for plants and trees they would grow agonal the further from the center they are the sharper the angle would be it would become absolutely impossible to play any sport with a ball what's the point if no matter how well you threw the ball it would boomerang and come back to the center of the disc planet so the next time a coconut falls on the ground near your feet be grateful that the earth is spherical otherwise that coconut would probably hit you right in the face ouch all right now what would happen if the earth started spinning faster let's start with some facts about the present time the earth is spinning really fast and it spins faster at the equator for example the Equator is moving at a speed of around 1,000 37 miles per hour well Chicago it's taking its dear old time at 750 miles an hour we can't feel any of this of course because we're spinning with the planet kind of like when you're in the car and you don't feel yourself moving at 65 miles an hour same concept just a way bigger scale cool let's imagine that the earth starts to rotate just one mile per hour faster seems harmless enough right not entirely the sea level would rise by just a few inches around the equator because if the planet spins faster around its waistline some water will migrate there from the pools however it would take you a couple of years to notice it all right I think we can live with that what you notice immediately would be some of the satellites going off track they circle the planet at the speed of the Earth's rotation so if the planet increased its pace the satellites would lose their positions it would lead to at least temporary disruption in TV broadcasting mobile communication and even military operations whoa getting a little more serious now however things could be much more dire than just these minor discomforts the faster the planet spun the more catastrophic the situation would become for example you'd lose weight hey I thought you said catastrophic what could be better than instant weight loss without torturous diets and exercise hold on there not so fast even nowadays if you travel to the equator instead of your usual 150 pounds your weight drops to 149 pounds why is that as the equator spins faster it generates some extra centrifugal force and this force fights gravity but just a little bit though enough to boost your self-confidence after you step on the scales and the faster the planet spins the lighter you are if the earth started spinning at 17,000 641 miles per hour you'd become weightless and get flung right off the planet oh if you think that's bad there would be tons of other catastrophic consequences first of all the equator would drown also hurricanes would gain unbelievable force along with that severe earthquakes would shake the planet okay definitely doesn't sound like a place I want to live and what would happen if the earth was a cube now a cubic earth would be a very different planet from the one we live on today first off at the center of each face gravity would be at its strongest that's where all the water would collect kind of like a Flat Earth theory remember as for the edges of the planet they would look like barren lifeless rocks there wouldn't be any atmosphere there as it would be drawn toward the Centers of the faces so to sum it up we live on a planet with a thick atmosphere and giant oceans in the center of the faces each with its own ecosystem all right what if the earth had rings yes I've always been so jealous of Saturn and it's pretty rings so what if our planet had them too well they would look different depending on where you were these rings would most likely go parallel with the equator so near the equator you'd see them as thin columns of light disappearing somewhere far in the sky if you moved away from the equator the Rings would look wider and brighter they would also reflect sunlight at night it would seem as if they were glowing in the sky sounds like an added bonus for the romantics out there as a result there would never be complete darkness on earth but during daytime the level of light would skyrocket what would happen if the earth didn't have the moon first of all how would Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have made their legacy huh besides that having no moon would noticeably change our world the tides would still exist but they would be much weaker you wouldn't have a chance to go for a romantic walk in the moonlight sorry romantics you got your glowing rings on the previous one but you're losing out on this one the Knights would become much darker but what's the most important is that the Earth's day would be shorter it would happen because without the moon our planet would spend faster so instead of complaining about never having enough time in the day you'd be wishing to have at least 24 hours what would happen if the earth was two times bigger if our planet was twice its current size its gravitational force would be two times stronger so trees would be thick and tall and plants stiff and tough animals would also be noticeably bigger more massive and with thick legs to support their increased weight due to the gravity can you imagine your cat all bulked up with Arnold Schwarzenegger legs as for humans it would depend on the evolutionary demands they would either become bulky too or on the contrary skinny and light fingers crossed for the latter alternative so what other what-ifs have you ever considered tell us in the comments share this video with your friends and remember to give us a thumbs up stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 1,051,736
Rating: 4.7838211 out of 5
Keywords: what if, what would happen, what if the Earth wasn't tilted, what if I drilled through the Earth, facts about Earth, what if the Earth was flat, what if the Earth started spinning faster, what if the Earth was a cube, what if the Earth had rings, what if the Earth didn't have the Moon, what if the Earth was two times bigger, shocking facts, facts about space, bright side, brightside, bright side videos, amazing facts, facts you never knew, what if questions
Id: kB-4_ku0cJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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