What If The Amazing Spider-Man 3 Happened?

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peter [Music] it's me it's me peter i'm sorry you're not my father i am your father peter who are you i had to disappear to keep you safe keep you safe i'm not dead peter i have to die to keep you alive i know what it's like to lose everything you love if you lose hope your mother died for nothing gwen died for nothing and i realized now maybe it was never my destiny to save anything it's your son with great power comes great responsibility what if this scene was left in at the end of the amazing spider-man 2. continuing on from this story point what if the amazing spider-man 3 actually happened this is fanscription sony's track record with spiderman has been pretty spotty over the years from the highs of the first two tobey maguire films and the animated hit into the spider-verse to the over-the-top spider-man 3 that led to a reboot which led to another reboot with plenty of spidey fans agreeing that tom holland wears the webs well in the mcu and older fans still nostalgic for the sam raimi trilogy there's a two film series in the middle that gets lost in the shuffle nowadays i'm of course talking about the mark webb directed andrew garfield starring amazing spider-man movies five years after the cancellation of mcguire's stint as the wall crawler sony sent peter parker back to high school for a film with a very different tone it was a moderate hit with critics and audiences while grossing over 750 million dollars worldwide hardcore fans were split on andrew garfield's portrayal of peter and other elements of the reboot but it was popular enough to make a sequel the amazing spider-man 2 hit theaters in 2014 and it was supposed to launch an entire spider-man universe of spin-off films starring other heroes and villains that sony has the screen rights to we're still seeing sony trying to make this happen with their venom and morbius movies but originally this was all going to kick off with mark webb's second webslinger installment unfortunately the more negative reactions and underwhelming box office performance of the sequel in combination with many other factors sent the studio scrambling this led to the deal they have now with disney marvel apparently mark webb was basically going to be the zack snyder of sony's spider-man universe producing and consulting on all spin-offs while continuing to direct the main movies there were plans for venom the sinister six the black cat and many more characters to be introduced and or receive their own films within the same continuity we saw a gross overabundance of setup for some of this in the amazing spider-man 2 and some of it didn't even make the final film shailene woodley was cast as mary jane watson for a few appearances and her sequences were nowhere to be found in the deleted scenes section of the home release however there was one cut scene that was available and even promoted to be in the deleted scenes on the blu-ray it would have recontextualized everything and set this series in a bold new direction that scene saw the return of peter's father richard parker one thing i personally liked about the amazing spider-man films was that they changed things up a bit and weren't quite as predictable to those well-versed in spider-man lore now a lot of the time this was a detriment to the stories but i admired them trying different things while still sticking to big moments like the deaths of uncle ben and gwen stacy bringing back peter's dad would have been a great curveball and a more interesting route to go down in my opinion although how he would have factored into the next movie is still a mystery there are many rumors about what a third amazing spider-man film would have entailed we can surmise some things from what we saw in part two like the sinister six being foreshadowed with the vulture's wings doc ox tentacles and the mechanical rhino suit for paul giamani's alexi sidsevage but there were other elements in play for the filmmakers the venom symbiote spider slayers craven the hunter and mary jane were potentially going to play big roles what i want to do here is scale things down just enough to where all the different things going on wouldn't detract from the story playing out but keep in mind we have to pay off some of the setup from the first two films so there has to be a lot of moving pieces i'd just like to fit them together instead of leaving them off on their own to set up seven more films i think this starts by keeping richard parker's return at the end of the second film along with a few other little alterations let's start there and work our way into how we could logically continue and round out this never finished trilogy in fanscription's version of the amazing spider-man 3. [Music] quick refresher in the somewhat bloated origin for peter's spider powers it's explained in part two that his dad mixed his own dna with the super spiders they were creating at oscorp after finding out norman osborne was planning on selling some of their research to make biological weapons richard left the project and went on the run when osborne falsified evidence against him without richard or his bloodline ozcorp couldn't continue with their research this was all supposed to explain why peter gained his powers after being bitten by one of the spiders but we're going to add a new wrinkle to this whole thing in the deleted scene from asm 2 richard parker returned 5 months after gwen's death we're re-adding this scene into the end of the film he approaches peter in the cemetery and while much of that scene remains the same comforting his son in his time of need and trying to explain what really happened to him and his wife richard also touts a warning ozcorp is far from finished with peter and spiderman the essential component that made all of our research possible in the first place peter it's not of this world if my intel is correct and they've succeeded in finding a way to weaponize it the whole city everyone we love every person on this planet is in grave danger we need to stop them son in this version we only find out that harry is locked inside ravencroft institute he doesn't interact with mr fierce the man in shadow at the end of both films but there is a little more with that character after checking on harry from a monitor at ozcorp he addresses a nearby associate i've identified several worthy candidates now that spider-man's gone the city will never be the same but he's not dead yet we need to draw him out embarrass him take away everything he has left then in front of the whole world squash him like the bug that he is tomorrow we start the human trials mr fear scans his id card to gain access to a restricted area from behind the camera jibs up to show fierce's shadow in front of a large glass containment unit inhuman growls are heard as dark shapes stretch out onto the glass in front of fierce we then cut to black as the movie ends with our alterations to asm2 out of the way the amazing spider-man 3 would open with another character who originally had a few scenes in the 2014 sequel but was cut out entirely that being flash thompson we saw how he and peter started to become friends at the end of the first film in the comics after bullying him in high school flash later does form a strong friendship with parker and through pretty much all his iterations thompson remained a huge spider-man fan always defending him as a hero even when the city turned against him the opening of asm-3 would show the funeral of gwen stacy and when ant-may leaves peter to grieve on his own flash home on leave following basic training for the us army walks up to him to offer a few words of encouragement peter barely responds still in shock flash leaves and we follow a montage of what happened to him after his home life is a wreck his father was abusive which partially led to flash's decision to enlist in the military and also explains his bad attitude in high school we cut to one of his first missions in a battle overseas where he fits in quite well flash becomes a true hero when he helps rescue his unit from an oncoming attack but is seriously injured in the process thompson loses both his legs to an ied which gets him medically discharged and sent right back home new york is very different from when he was last there spider-man has been inactive for months and his father is on his deathbed we see flash by his side in mr thompson's last moments now completely alone flash falls into a depression self-medicating with alcohol all that changes with a knock at the door one afternoon we see the familiar silhouette of mr fierce in the doorway eugene thompson yeah who the hell are you fierce finally steps out of the shadows and into the light revealing his face a fan of your military record how would you like to serve your country again private thompson we close in on flash's bearded disheveled and confused face as the music swells we hard cut to the title screen with the amazing spider-man insignia black goo takes it over as the logo changes to the venom symbol before the goo reaches for the screen we cut to peter still dealing with gwen's death it's been a full year with no spider-man on the streets after much prodding from aunt may peter has finally decided to start taking classes at empire state university this is supposed to be his first day reluctantly he leaves to take the train but at the station a familiar voice calls out peter richard parker has been off the grid within new york these last few months trying to get more information on oscorp's plans to release the alien entity he warned his son about despite having his father back the younger parker hasn't recovered enough from gwen's death to put the webs back on richard's refusal to even reveal himself to aunt may has caused a bit of a rift between them and with may pushing pete to go to school and his father pushing him to be new york's hero once again peter feels closed in by a responsibility he's not sure he can handle anymore he leaves his dad without finishing the conversation and goes through the motions of his classes however he does run into a small group of people who light-heartedly needle him for his brooding demeanor they're friendly enough to invite him out and while peter doesn't take them up on the offer there's a sense of normality that he feels returning the friends names randy robertson liz allen and mary jane watson we cut to the oscorp lab where flash is introduced to an experimental program the doctor in charge of the operation is revealed to be kurt connors he speaks with fierce off to the side where he tells him the last subject their 12th just perished connors pleads to end the program but through yet another threat fierce intimidates the doctor into continuing flash overhears some of this conversation as he gets a closer look at the containment unit holding what fierce and connors refer to as the symbiote it aggressively reaches toward flash planting on the glass connors approaches thompson to try and inform him of the risks involved in the procedure the young man tunes him out he's desperate to be useful again and doesn't have much of a life to go back to anyway i don't care if this can do what mr fear says he can amen connors looks both defeated and concerned while fierce smiles we cut to peter alone in his room he sees a news report on how high crime rates have climbed in new york over the last year he shuts off the tv and logs on to social media on his desktop it's one year to the day of gwen's funeral and many of his friends are sharing posts about her online frustrated he scrolls past to see a friend request from randy he accepts and checks out his profile page the most recent post is a selfie that was just uploaded of he liz and mj posing at a frat party the caption reads nobody throws a party like delta phi in a wave of spontaneity peter leaves his room and tells aunt may he's going out to meet some friends which he's delighted to hear peter arrives at the big frat party on campus he's not allowed in at first but easily outwits his way past a few meat heads and walks inside he spots the trio from class and for the first time in a long time peter lets loose and parties with his new friends they have fun while generally getting to know each other he even shares a moment with mj where she prides him on why he's always so quiet and to himself for some reason he feels a strong enough connection to trust this person so he shares with her that he lost his girlfriend a year ago mj is shocked and immediately apologetic peter tries to reassure her he took no offense but they're interrupted by a news report of an attack downtown it's big enough to where they haven't seen anything like it since electro's rampage over a year ago this is where we're going to fit in a version of spidey's return from the end of asm2 rhino now with his mechanical suit is on the attack wrecking buildings and going after civilians in a destructive display when mj goes back to talk to peter he's vanished we see the police have created a perimeter around the villain but the threat is high as their bullets have no effect on satsevich's army a child wearing a spiderman costume the same one from part two gets away from his mother and walks out in front of the villain he puts his mask on and stares down the threat before any police can get to him a figure swings by and grabs the boy's mask the people gathered around don't even have time to guess what just happened as peter still in his street clothes enters from the opposite side with the kid's spiderman mascot hey spidey you mind if i borrow this the boy looks elated to see his hero has returned i knew you'd come back i'll take it from here you go protect your parents okay the boy complies and peter stares down an incredulous rhino who do you think you are little man i'm spiderman sure the kid was more intimidating peter takes out a second web shooter and straps it to his wrist rhino starts charging as peter swings into action to the amazement of the crowd it's a rough fight and peter is out of practice but he eventually defeats the villain and swings off we see the child in costume look up as his mask is shot back to him encased in a web cut to peter on a rooftop exhilarated as he overlooks the city spider-man is back richard is shown looking at a newscast to see his son fighting the good fight again a proud smile crosses his lips fierce is shown an update on the situation by an assistant at oscorp he puts on an evil grin as we hear screams in the background in shadow we see flash being bonded with the symbiote [Music] the next day peter is walking around the esu campus everybody is talking about spider-man's return parker feels pretty good about this he tries to pay for his lunch in one of the mess halls but sees he's out of cash an accelerating problem in the last year with him and aunt may randy is in line behind peter and pays for his meal they eat together and the subject of spider-man comes up randy asks if he was the one who used to get pictures of spidey for the daily bugle how did you know that my dad works for jameson ah condolences he's not that bad once you get to know him and he's loyal to his employees i can say that with spider-man back maybe you can snap some more picks and sell to the bugle again peter hasn't considered this yet and is strapped for cash so he decides that's what he has to do we cut to a montage of spider-man in full costume returning to his duties of protecting new yorkers from crime he even helps out the little guy from time to time the city loves that they have their hero back peter sets up his camera for pictures in most of these situations and goes to sell them to jj in person cut to the daily bugle where peter meets randy's dad robbie he introduces him to jonah who i'd still have played by the one and only jk simmons this time he'd be a hybrid of his version of the character from the raimi films and his more modern new style interpretation from the mcu peter sells his pictures for an underpriced fee but he does finally have some cash to help out at home with when leaving the bugle peter bumps into flash thompson noticeably walking down the street in an all-black suit flash peter how you been man it's been a while a lot's happened since we last caught up yeah you uh you left for the army and i didn't hear from you well some things came up got discharged my dad passed away oh i i'm sorry flash i didn't know he deserved it an awkward silence raises the tension there's something oddly aggressive about flash even more than his high school bully days sorry again about gwen she always she was always willing to help me when i needed it i wouldn't have graduated without her yeah gwen was like that hey i gotta get home but i'll see you around sooner than you think flash smiles mischievously peter fronts an unaffected smirk as thompson walks away toward the oscar building we follow flash inside where he reports the bonding has worked he looks like a million bucks better than ever fierce says the symbiote feeds off rage and intense emotion which thompson possesses an abundance of the catch is the only way he can keep it is if he takes out spider-man flash is surprised he's ought to be going overseas to run off the books missions not taking out a local hero spider-man is no hero you take him down or the deal is off a glint of defiance lights up flash's eyes what if we say no fierce flips a switch booming sound waves rise up from the ground under thompson the symbiote falls away from him as flash crashes to the ground without his legs then you go back to being the pathetic you were before i found you without me kid you don't have a leg to stand on in pain and embarrassment flash feels he has no choice and has proven to still be the desperate man we saw at the beginning of the film when peter gets home that night his father confronts him outside the house richard is thrilled that spider-man is back but his contact inside oscorp has confirmed his worst fears they've bonded the symbiote with a subject he's planning on gaining access to his old files by sneaking into the building and exposing the truth to the public before it's too late and he needs peter's help peter understands the gravity of the situation but again brings up how keeping this from aunt may is starting to put a strain on their relationship peter i can't why she's right here just come in and explain it's not that simple because you're making it difficult don't you think i want to tell her clear my name be done with all this i've already put you in danger i can't do the same to me she she's the only family we have left son the sooner we get this done the sooner it'll all be over i know it's been a burden on you but it's our responsibility enough you want to talk to me about responsibility you had a responsibility to protect mom look how that turned out richard is cut deep by the comment like father like son right peter walks up to the porch and opens the door peter he stops himself from entering i can't do this without you [Music] you'll know when and you know what you need to bring [Music] please peter's hard expression softens a bit before he enters the house without a word richard exhales in mental exhaustion before looking around the area and walking off the next day at oscorp flash continues to show how in control of the symbiote he is his military training is also put to use as he's armed with oscorp's best weaponry he doesn't quite look like venom yet but we see the makings of a full transformation with an all-black tactical suit this includes a mask-like helmet made with a thought by the bonding between flash and the alien this would be very close to the agent venom design from the comics connors is shown marking down test results and in private hits a button on a device he's carrying around back at richard's hideout he types away on a computer when his phone starts beeping and blinking he looks on with a knowing expression that evening peter is hanging out with liz mj and robbie at esu when he gets a text from an unknown number saying it's time meet me at oscorp tonight we have to finish this before it's too late peter mentions to his friends he'll have to take a raincheck for the evening when pressed by mj about where he's always disappearing to peter says he just started a new night job and leaves before having to explain more peter and richard meet outside the oscorp building they share a silent look of forgiveness understanding and relief on richard's end through digital trickery acquired by the elder parker during his years on the run and some of gwen's old access codes brought by peter the father and son are able to get past a few of the preliminary security measures eventually they make their way to a restricted floor where dr connors is revealed to have been helping them he gets them inside the empty symbiote containment area and promises peter he can trust him the problems they've had are of little consequence now connors has been forced to work on the symbiote project for the last couple years and knows its weaknesses they have to unbond it from the subject before it takes over he says it's inevitable and fierce has been training the subject to go after spider-man specifically before he can lead them any further connors is suddenly stabbed in the back and through his chest by a black claw it retracts as the doctor falls dead this reveals the full look at what we'll just refer to from here on out as venom fierce steps out from behind sikkim venom attacks as peter and the symbiote battle out into the new york streets parker quickly sheds his street clothes and masks up as spider-man fierce looks on it richard surprised but poised richard parker i should have known a cockroach like you survived that plane crash i'm guessing mary didn't make it richard takes a step forward i should be thanking you it took us quite a while to figure it out but using your own blood to bond with the symbiote genius you know without you none of our wonders here at oscorp would have been possible in the first place that was a mistake but at least it delayed you and norman from developing your so-called miracle cures speaking of which where is mr osborne i'm guessing he didn't make it fierce looks furious as richard presses a button on the device we saw connors use earlier it sets off security measures that locks him in a room with a master computer inside parker quickly begins accessing all the information on oscorp's illegal activities including the 12 dead subjects they tried to bond with the symbiote pierce tries to override the security protocol as richard rapidly types away behind the reinforced blacks outside spider-man does battle with agent venom this should be a knock down drag out brawl utilizing all of flash's skills as an enhanced soldier he turns a section of manhattan into a war zone that puts plenty of bystanders at risk spidey is constantly saving civilians as his enemy attacks from seemingly all directions the anger and flash starts to become more intense as the symbiote takes over more and more forming a more monstrous look he eventually gets spider-man on the ropes by throwing him through the side of a building and unmasks him inside seeing peter's face triggers flash to attempt to take some kind of control but it's too late the symbiote is out for blood as he picks peter up off the ground by his throat and holds him off the side of the skyscraper a drop of parker's blood splashes onto venom's arm it quickly absorbs the drop and venom's demeanor completely changes he steps back and throws peter to the side the symbiote recognizes peter's blood from when richard bonded his own with it years ago sensing spider-man's power the symbiote leaves flash and in the horrific scene engulfs peter this leaves thompson without his legs as he falls to the ground in agony his appearance reverts to that of earlier in the movie just as he notices the horror of what's happening in front of him we see black suit spider-man in all his glory but all too quickly peter also loses control venom feeds off aggression and anger all of which is triggered in peter by the trauma he's been through his whole life growing up without his parents the deaths of uncle ben and gwen the guilt of not saving them all the rage that associates itself with grief is consumed by the symbiote and made stronger spider-man violently swings off leaving flash alone pitiful and defeated back at oscorp fierce and some of his security guards are making headway breaking through the glass surrounding richard parker richard is close to uploading the contents of the illegal human experiments when spider-man consumed by venom enters the building he quickly takes out the security guards and goes after fierce the symbiote is especially aggressive toward fierce for keeping it locked up for all these years peter has fed memories of the former man in shadow and now knows he's the one with norman osborne who ordered the hit on the parkers and had them disavowed by the us government peter stop richard tries to reach his son venom looks in full control as it also recognizes richard as a man who experimented on it years ago it takes a few ominous steps toward him when we see peter trying to fight back we're taken inside and shown a scene similar to one from the spectacular spider-man animated series peter metaphorically battles his inner demons in the form of venom feeding off his negative emotions parker almost gives in but memories of his lost loved ones appear giving him strength his mother uncle ben gwen stacy all of peter's friends and family spur him on as he fights the symbiote from within finally it's gwen's words on never giving up hope that outshine the darkness on the outside peter sheds the symbiote looking as if it's melting off him richard hits a button and encloses the alien inside the original containment unit it's severely weakened by the failed bond an unmasked peter is helped by his father but fierce looks to have the upper hand pointing a gun at the parkers richard informs him that he's lost the information has been made public everything police choppers then flash spotlights into the building and officers begin to bust in richard hands the spider-man mask to peter telling him to go he wants to take his dad with but richard says to trust him he'll be fine spider-man flees jumping out the massive broken window just as the cops finally make their way in they immediately take down fierce as richard surrenders we cut to a few weeks later peter is shown at gwen's grave once again he finally says goodbye and is able to let go he's joined by his father and aunt may it's explained that richard was exonerated by the released information and aunt may heavily hints she knows her nephew is spider-man peter says he has plans with his friends tonight as the trio walk off together never forgetting the past but moving on to a bright future in the final shot spider-man swings over new york as gwen's valedictorian speech plays you must promise me that you will hold on to hope my wish for you is to become hope people need that we will carry a piece of each other into everything that we do next to remind us of who we are and if who were meant to be [Music] we'll add a post-credit scene where flash is approached by the actual government who have come into possession of the symbiote this sets up a redemption in the form of agent venom and there's my attempt at wrapping up the amazing spider-man trilogy i think venom could have been a good fit if they tied everything into oz corp with richard's blood added into the equation i know a lot of people would want to see a truer adaptation of the black suit saga leading into a more fully fleshed out version of eddie brock's venom but with them trying a version of that in sam raimi's spider-man 3 i think a different approach would need to be taken flash would be a solid character for venom to bond with and with the agent venom storyline out there it could still draw plenty of inspiration from the comics bringing peter's dad back to tie into the mr fear stuff could be a nice wrap up too but i want to hear what you guys think how would you have ended the amazing spider-man trilogy let me know in the comments below and don't forget to check out the fanscription podcast where you can find audio versions of all our episodes alright i'm web slinging out of here we'll catch you next time on another episode of fanscription see ya [Music] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,049,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, the amazing spider-man 3, the amazing spider-man 3 full movie, the amazing spider man, the amazing spider-man, fanscription, what if, what if spider man, what if the amazing spider-man 3 happened, the amazing spider man 3, spider-man, new spiderman movie, new spider-man, venom, the amazing spider-man venom, venom movie, spider-man venom, andrew garfield, spider-man 3, spider-man movies, spider man, spider-man vs venom, mcu, venom 2, venom let there be carnage
Id: DrE271fExUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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