What If Palpatine Cared About Anakin

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Olo it's hello hello hello hello there welcome back to the space school today we're going to find out what would have happened had Palpatine actually cared about Anakin before we begin this video special thanks to patreon's voice actors and everyone else put on my team before we go anywhere hi it's the real me I make the videos and give away the lightsabers this guy doesn't that's not me I do not leave these comments I will announce lightsaber giveaways in videos you see this guy block him I've done everything I can but YouTube doesn't protect creators so go block this guy if you can if you see him it's not me enjoy the video my friends Our Story begins on Mustafar Anakin Skywalker Was Defeated and his body was left for dead his hatred kept him alive and when the angel of death arrived he discovered his new Apprentice to have been defeated at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi Palpatine rushed down to Anakin's side to make sure he was still alive placing his hands on Anakin's forehead brought Palpatine back to the first time he met Skywalker it was on Coruscant and not long after that it was on Naboo where Palpatine was telling Anakin that he would watch his career with great interest Palpatine loved Anakin like a son Palatine came back to realities he laid down his hand on Anakin's chest using the force to do what little he could for Anakin in the moment until they returned to the medical Bay on Coruscant currently the shock troopers were fetching a medical capsule for Anakin to be transported in Palpatine closed his eyes while he was a Sith and the Sith much like him were not empathetic Palpatine wanted the best for Skywalker in his own plan which meant that he wanted Anakin to thrive but under his own control it was a sick manipulative love an overbearing parent in a way cities use the force to heal the burned lungs of Skywalker making it so that he could breathe fully again this was very draining even for someone as powerful as Sidious this was mostly because of the extent of energy needed to heal something so badly damaged as Anakin's lungs were Palpatine would use a force to help uplift Skywalker onto the medical capsule immediately and after that they would head back to the ship and from there back to Coruscant it was raining on Coruscant when Anakin was brought out of Palpatine shuttle and taken inside the medical facility luckily because of Palpatine's quick work to heal Anakin's lungs he was more than likely going to not need a suit of armor to survive most of what he needed was his skin to heal and from metallic limbs we placed on him Anakin was put onto a table as medical George began to work on attaching different ligaments to the stubs across Anakin's body though there was something truly troubling about Anakin currently it seemed as if he was dying there is plenty of reason for it his body wasn't healing fast enough to stay alive on the other note Sidious knew he had to save his son to be Apprentice his immediate reaction was to kill two birds with one stone of course he was still a Sith and with Padme out of the picture it would allow him to control Anakin even giving him some more anger to run off of so this would tap into his relationship with Padme having been built up over the last decade or so to then drain her life to give that Force to energy to Anakin it would take some time but cities would be able to use the dark side of the force to manipulate the midichlorians from Padme into Anakin making it possible for Anakin to survive without the need for a mask the medical droids would begin to cover Skywalker in bhakta to help his wounds heal his heart rate returned to a normal beat but he was still locked in a deep sleep the trauma from the Burns from Mustafar ruined his skin and placed him in a hard coma as it seemed if he had a suit put on him the chances were he would wake up immediately see this would maintain a close watch over his Apprentice the bacter that the medical droids were applying didn't seem to be working on Anakin's skin the medical droids were able to keep Anakin in a stable place but cease knew he had to make sure that Anakin felt as good as he could when he woke up cities began to use a force to help heal Anakin's skin from the burn wounds as well at the same time he had hair extensions put into Anakin's healed head it would take a number of months for Anakin to eventually come out of the coma he was in Skywalker didn't really remember much he noticed that his hands and legs were much heavier but the drowsiness of being out of it for so long made him super unaware CDs had been by his side throughout the entire process though while Palpatine had to make sure the Empire got off to a strong start which he was currently doing cedis kept using the force to heal Anakin throughout the process which made Anakin's skin turn from raw to complete when Anakin woke up ceased asked if Anakin was okay Skywalker looked at the man that stood before him still not processing that the man that stood before him was the same man that kept him safe from the deadliest battles during the Clone Wars when Skywalker got up a little bit Palpatine wrapped his arms around Anakin to which Anakin reciprocated as a son would to a father Anakin asked what happened and cities told Anakin that he would tell him but first he wanted to see if his arms and leg eggs were working or feeling any better Anakin looked down noticing the metal covering both his legs and both of his arms and all of a sudden memories flashed back into his mind Anakin was on Mustafar looking up at Obi-Wan his limbs drifted down into the Lava River below him before he felt the chill of Heat Rush up the little bit of legs he had left the chill was then overwhelmed with the fire of Mustafar Anakin dug deeper and then he remembered Padme Anakin looked at his master once more asking what happened to Padme since apologized telling his boy that Padme died in transport to Naboo this obviously wasn't true Anakin was full of Rage but city is consoled a student which genuinely helped Skywalker the rage turned into tears as he fell apart in cedis's arms Palatine told Anakin that it would be okay and that while it was a tragic set of events everything would work itself out in the future for him Skywalker asked his new master what they would do cities told Anakin that he'd taken a hold of the Republic and ended the rest of the Clone Wars Palatine also informed Anakin that everything he wanted was at their disposal and while the tragedy of Padme Amidala was Haunting everything could work out for them cities informed Skywalker that he could take as much time as he needed to visit padme's grave on Naboo at the same time he'd be escorted by some Shock Trippers to Naboo if he wanted cities understood that he would have to be careful with his new student Anakin had a lot of potential because he wasn't entirely restricted by metal while the limbs were a little constricting it wasn't exactly impossible for Skywalker to achieve almost absolute power the metallic limbs were conductors allowing Anakin to use a force and even electricity through them cities had his plans constructed on how he would constrict Skywalker to serve under him and work for the Empire but that was still in the works Skywalker would likely still serve seeing no real power of the Jedi and the extreme power of the Sith on the other hand it was Sidious who was showing him compassion something that had ever been so present throughout the Clone Wars and throughout Anakin development from Palpatine Anakin and Palpatine were already really close they had already had a better father-son relationship than Anakin and Obi-Wan or Anakin and Yoda it was because Palpatine was playing the game with Skywalker dragging him down into this trap though the truth is that cities truly cared about Skywalker he did everything in his power to ensure Anakin stayed safe having Anakin avoid Combat on umbara and other deadly battlefronts whilst keeping General Grievous away from Anakin Palpatine was also incredibly important for Anakin's emotional support while Anakin was completely devastated throughout his journey to Naboo he realized how important Palpatine was for him and while the rule of two was something Anakin was aware of he didn't believe he had any reason to want to turn against his master there was no reason for him to want to uprise Anakin would spend about a month on Naboo memorializing the loss of his wife to which Palpatine would continuously check in on him sees 12 between keeping the way of the Sith and being a devious teacher and as brutal as he was with Maul and Duke but he couldn't just do that to Anakin when Anakin eventually returned from Naboo he would visit his master in his office to which the two of them would have a heart to heart cities expressed that the two of them had the opportunity to get rid of the Jedi and then continue their rule of the Galaxy without anything stopping them Anakin shot up with a bit of excitement telling Sidious that he wouldn't mind going out finding the Jedi and hunting them Sidious grinned green with Skywalker that it was a great idea if he wanted to do it then cities would support him a continuous trait that cities showed Anakin throughout their long friendship with each other Palpatine also expressed to Anakin that he would be readily available wherever he wanted to learn about the dark side of the force palpiting expressing that he understood Anakin's desires and he would be here for when he was ready this wasn't uncommon for Skywalker but the reassurance helped him feel a level of completeness he didn't know he'd be able to feel in a life without his wife because Anakin was never confirmed dead he'd be revealed across the gal Alex sees the Jedi who stood up for the Republic the Jedi who stood up against the Jedi themselves Skywalker stayed in the public Spotlight as he went out across the Galaxy to hunt down the remaining Jedi with his troops this would allow Skywalker to grow in his own power he traveled with a legion of troops but as a Jedi Hunter he went in alone and slaughtered those who opposed him gaining a new level of strength with his new limbs something Anakin came to terms with was the advantage of having arms with such strength within a month of hunting Jedi Anakin would use melted bescar on his Limbs and make them essentially a penetrable though Anakin would receive a message from his master that a Jedi master had been ravaging through the ranks of Clone Troopers looking for him Skywalker had a hunch but the Jedi was currently on Naboo waiting for him Sidious told Anakin that he would have to finish this fight himself Skywalker knew this would be true he couldn't run from it but the truth is more than ever Anakin was ready for this fight traveling from the outer rim to Naboo was a short Journey but he arrived at feed in due time it was night time and Skywalker walked through the familiar landscape as he came across the presence of someone so familiar to him it was his former Master standing in the doorway of padme's Tomb this ignited A Fire Within Skywalker he stepped forward igniting a crimson lightsaber looking through his piercing yellow eyes at Obi-Wan the two of them shared a gaze Kenobi hadn't used a lightsaber since Mustafar nearly 15 months before Obi-Wan found out about Skywalker through Baylor Ghana and now he was here ready to stop Anakin once and for all while Obi-Wan killed Stormtroopers who needed to be dealt with they weren't a challenge Obi-Wan killed plenty of them on the steps of the Jedi Temple and while yes they were still clone troopers they served the Empire now Obion responded by igniting his own lightsaber and immediately blocking a strike by Anakin Obi-Wan noticed immediately that Anakin was incredibly stronger he was able to capitalize off of the dark side and because of that he became the most fearsome man in the Galaxy unbeknownst to either duelist up on a nearby high rise cities watched the entire battle if Anakin lost again he would be able to help him and save him from Kenobi but he didn't plan on having to do that Skywalker and Kenobi interlocked Anika's metallic forearms gave him the Incredible strength he needed to win this battle Anakin was already a strong man but the enhancements made by each strike made him feel like a blast from a turbo laser the vibration That Shook through the lightsaber down into your body is what broke most of the Jedi that he fought they saw Anakin with hope and then when the lightsaber drilled a red Crystal their hope turned into fear and then they tried to stand up to him and they were absolutely demolished obien threw the force at Anakin which didn't even do anything but Anakin's response broke through the former master of defense's Defense while Obi-Wan was responding with muscle memory Anakin had been using his lightsaber actively for the last 12 or so months unlike Kenobi of which he hadn't touched it since a few days before this would prove to be the downfall of Master nobody as he was knocked off his feet by Anakin's Incredible strength it didn't have anything to do with patience this time it was a battle of strength to which Anakin would share No final words just simply jabbing his lightsaber through the chest of Obi-Wan Kenobi to signify the end of the Jedi while there are plenty of Jedi their numbers were dwindling and while the emperor had requests from former Jedi to join his ranks they were all denied and executed on site Vader had no issue with this when he returned the Coruscant he was congratulated for finishing his next step into becoming a Sith Lord Anakin at this point knew he was stronger than Palpatine but the truth is he felt no inclination to want to overthrow him the two of them shared a true father-son relationship and it made Anakin feel incredibly happy Palpatine on the other hand was happy because he actually enjoyed the bond he had with his pupil he also relished the power he had as emperor of the Galaxy Anakin had no desire to chase after either of that mostly because it wasn't his game Anakin wasn't Apollo politician that what city is this thing with Anakin back on course Aunt cities would begin his training Anakin was a little over his lust of killing Jedi and so he wanted to focus on what the force could offer him with a teacher like Sidious this included a wide variety of teachings that could truly benefit Skywalker while Anakin didn't know it would have a great effect on his future cities would also begin to demonstrate the power of the Empire by having Imperial troops go from house to house across the entire galaxy and execute children shown to have a connection with the force now why would cities do this simple Anakin wouldn't have any students and there would be no children for the Jedi to abduct these killings would take place over several years during those years Anakin and Palpatine would continue their training and Imperial Commandos would claim the lives of Ezra Bridger Luke Skywalker and Leia argana among the thousands of children of the force none of the names were reported to any Bureau and instead just swept under the rug because it didn't really even matter it was for the longevity of the Empire The Tragedy of it is that Anakin even supported it Children of the force were extremely uncommon and it wouldn't negatively impact the Galaxy but Anakin's support for this program cost both of his children their lives both of the children he never knew were born cities demon know that sidious's training of Skywalker would help Anakin find a small Underground ground movement with several Jedi moving through it called a path once Skywalker infiltrated the path it was over several Jedi Masters existed on the path helping out others and it cost them their very own lives when they were confronted with Anakin Skywalker Quinlan Voss Tara sanube Coleman kajak and Shakti were all victims of Anakin the Younglings and padawans were also claimed by Anakin resulting in the deaths of Kanan jars formerly known as Caleb doom and calcast just to name a few nearly a decade after the fall the Republic and the rise of the empire Skywalker would be approached by Palpatine who informed him that he discovered a way to change the past Anakin didn't know what this meant but the truth is Palpatine was on the verge of finding the world Between Worlds Anakin would come to learn the significance of this statement and even more than that the significance of the powers that the force had the world Between Worlds was an ancient path for those powerful enough to discover it when they discovered it they could change the past and affect the future with those changes before Anakin could assist his master with the opening of the world Between Worlds he would have a confrontation with his former student Ahsoka was very grown up at this point reaching her late 20s and mature enough within the force to wield two purified lightsabers and while Anakin tried to make a convincing argument for her to join the Dark she couldn't accept the offer it was something so heinous to her and Anakin couldn't understand why she wouldn't support him this would result in a duel between former master and Apprentice one that wouldn't last long enough and would find Ahsoka not moving by the end of it slain by Anakin Skywalker proving that the vision she had on mortis was the truth rather than some Scary Campfire story in the realm of the force Veda returned to Coruscant the Jedi Temple specifically where cities built everything he wanted it was his throne room and even better his altar to tap into the force once Anakin arrived the grin on Palpatine's face told him that it was time to open the portal the two of them had practice forever and now that we're going to open it up so that Anakin could Traverse in and get his wife while originally Sidious wanted his own power from this his genuine love for the one he considered his son overcame that lust for power he was getting older now and that lust for power no longer sat in his heart so heavily Insidious wanted Anakin to retrieve his wife so that he may exist in the perfect landscape that he always wanted while Sidious would never admit to being the death of Padme he knew if he did this it would make everything right and so Palpatine and Anakin's Bond would be perfect forever though the only difference is that now Anakin would be five years older than Padme weird but as hell just time passed in the time since she died when the world Between Worlds opened Anakin stepped in he was looking for any sign of anything it was mostly dark and then he saw portals leading to moments throughout his life things that he'd seen before he saw the death of Kenobi the burning of qui-gon's body on Naboo the embarrassment in front of the Jedi Council when he wasn't promoted to master Anakin then saw the fiery red skies and then he heard the voice of himself and his wife Anakin started to run through the world Between Worlds and he saw himself in Padme a moment later Kenobi appeared Anakin watched himself and before he could do what haunted him for the last 10 years he used a force and pulled Padme through the portal and into his arms she looked at him with confusion Anakin looked at her with pure joy Anakin had some noticeable wrinkles on his face some around his eyes and a couple on his forehead Anakin told Padme that it had been a long time he explained a padman what happened everything that had changed Padme really couldn't conceptualize what the hell Anakin was talking about because in reality it didn't make a lot of sense the idea that she died or anything didn't make a whole lot of sin storm but to see how calm he was now compared to on Mustafar made her happy she was afraid she was losing him and now she wasn't Anakin helped her up and held her in his arms for longer than he could imagine she didn't quite understand it but it was her home she missed it she missed this Anakin for so long the Anakin after the Battle of Coruscant was stressed and he was full of anxiety but this Anakin had calmness in his eyes Anakin didn't exactly share the yellow eyes as Master had it's because he always of nice balance between the light and the dark even though he killed so many Jedi he wasn't doing it for a Sith he was doing it for himself and for the Galaxy when the two of them exited the world Between Worlds Padme was confused they were inside the Jedi Temple but then she saw Palpatine more confusion but it also didn't help that she was about to give birth in a short period of time Luke and Leia would be born on Coruscant Palpatine wanted to make sure that his pupil and his likely Force sensitive grandchildren got to live the life they deserved buying up padme's family real estate that was originally sold on Naboo and giving it back to Anakin and Padme as a gift for his kindness and loyalty Palpatine told Anakin that all he asked for in return is that he visited him with the children someday so that he could meet them and teach them the ways of the force they would be The Heirs to Anakin's Empire a thought that Anakin hadn't given much thought to him Anakin would have plenty of time to think about it though while living on Naboo he would be able to tell Padme everything that had happened and why he was missing some arms and legs though something terrifying would happen to the Skywalker family during their stay on Naboo a Raider would attempt to take the children of Skywalker for himself because there were no more Force sensitive Children of the Galaxy Darth Maul tested his luck only to receive a death sentence in a matter of moments the Skywalker family would be able to rejoice in the joy it should have had long ago Palpatine would become in a way the grandfather from the Skywalker twins Padme didn't actually mind this the hardest thing for her to grasp was the Imperial Senate but because Palpatine and Anakin assured her that the empire was in good hands she decided not to worry about it mostly because she genuinely planned on moving back to Naboo after her children were born anyways she wanted to be around them more than anything so the idea of going into the Imperial Senate wasn't exactly on her bucket list per se I am with little Jedi and even less Rebels the Empire would stand strong the children of Skywalker would learn the force from their father and their grandfather Anakin and Palpatine would share a strong bond with each other for the rest of their lives Luke and Leia would grow up and become the prodigies to sue Sith Padme would struggle to see eye to eye with everything Anakin did but after the depths of what he went through to get back to her and get her back she couldn't deny that she still loved him no matter what with a strongly grounded Imperial Reign the lack of rebellion and the rise of the Skywalkers the question wasn't of their strength but of how long their legacy would last in the name of the Sith and in the name of power and that ladies and gentlemen is our story again special thanks Benjamin Wells Jonathan Pimp Daddy Bane icy Raptor Apollo madman in studios anakin003 and Gore for supporting the channel hit 2000 likes on this video if you want to see the next one I don't know what it is yet but it might be one of these amazing titles we got here you want to see what if limits check out the twitch Community Discord and patreon for me in other ways again do not pay attention to that mother effort down in the comments section that is not me I announce all winners in the giveaway in a video it's done by video you get to see my face I've done it before so please if you see him block him I can't block them all the time I just can't they don't the notifications always pop up for me I don't always have the opportunity to respond to that so please if you see it report it block it just do anything you can it's not me unless it literally says penty Patrol anything after that with Star Wars or it comes from one of the channels that has some number of subscribers above 30 or 40 that'd be me I've got multiple channels uh but all those channels have subscribers on them that does not the way I wanted to tell the story I want to talk about this so the way I wanted to tell the story was take place in the present with flashbacks in the past and that's something I wanted to to make um a theme in this story because I haven't really done something like that before and that's something that I thought would be a unique take on the story because I didn't want to start in the Clone Wars I didn't want to I wanted to start after Anakin lost to to to Kenobi because I thought something interesting I didn't want to change something in the beginning I wanted Palpatine to succeed and then I wanted to go from there because I thought I thought that would be really interesting for for the concept of this video and I really hope I made an interesting story I always shoot for making something interesting that you wouldn't see coming and the ending of the story I think is something that you don't really see coming now I want to talk about the inspiration I had for killing the force users all the children of the force I kind of took that um as a historical reference as a historical historical inspiration from what they did uh I I don't want to list a specific book um but one of the one of the old books out there uh where they talk about killing of the first children and stuff like that um one of the old books out there that sounds hilarious anyways uh so that was the inspiration for that and then the odd happy ending for Anakin uh I I told the story through flashbacks kind of going through what happened throughout Anakin's life and his bond with Palpatine and I wanted that to be the kind of consensus now I know I could have done some building of the story beforehand but I didn't want to do that I wanted to do a little bit different I wanted to do like it exists in the present we talk about the past we bring up the past in the story you know it's like poetry it just Rhymes and the thing that I wanted at the end and I really didn't see coming and I'm sure none of you saw coming was that as dark as a story got Anakin still gives us happy ending because Palpatine actually cares about Anakin that's that's that's the main consensus of the story is that Palpatine at the end of the day genuinely loves Anakin like a son and that's something that I think would have a profound effect on Anakin and it would have I that's why I started it and and Mustafar too because Anakin would likely do the same thing he would likely side with with Palatine and I don't want to do that I don't want to do 20 minutes of what you've already seen before we've already seen Palpatine do that but we haven't seen Palpatine treat Vader per se or Anakin after mustaphor or Anakin after becomes a Sith with that kindness because that's that's where the real story changes because most of it's going to be similar to what we've seen in Canon already so I wanted to keep it as interesting as possible with giving you the newest and most uh unique content in a story that you haven't seen already so I hope I did that and I hope you all enjoyed if you haven't seen the uh sauna suit Challenge on the other channel penty Patrol go check it out 100 views already that's incredible thank you guys for that it's it's really awesome to see uh growth on a small Channel like that so thank you for that continuous support and your guys's continuous support for me um I I do greatly appreciate it anyways as always I love you all spread the love and always remember my friends May the force be with you foreign
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 47,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palpatine, anakin, yoda, sidious, anakin skywalker, obi wan, obi wan kenobi, obi-wan, obi-wan kenobi, revenge of the sith, tales of the jedi, the clone wars, clone wars, star wars the clone wars, star wars tales of the jedi, star wars what if, star wars what ifs, star wars lightsabers, lightsaber, lightsabers, Bob Iger, bob iger, thrawn, darth nihilus, obi wan vs anakin, anakin vs obi wan, star wars revenge of the sith, star wars, star wars theory, andor, nihilus, sith, jedi, clones
Id: jvYJCWnUD80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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