What If Naruto Husband Of Kami || Part-1 ||

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hey guys how are you all welcome back to my Channel today we will see what if Naruto husband of Camy if you enjoy then please like share and do comments he stood on top of the Hokage Monument staring out at the beautiful Village before him I wonder if anyone will notice he said with a sad smile feeling a breeze hit his naked body he turns around and continues his task at hand placing small bookmark sized pieces of paper all over his body after placing the final few on his head he walks over to the edge one more time and remembers the biggest events that brought him to do the one thing that would finally make his village happy flashback you are the demon Naruto you are the nine-tailed fox said Mizuki his onetime former teacher narut stood there shaking you're lying everyone knows the caoi is dead Mizuki looks at the blonde boy and smiles devilishly are you sure oruka looked at narut with true sadness in his eyes Naruto you are not the fox you are just its holder Naruto shocked and hurting looks at his teacher the one person he thought truly cared and loved him and shouted with tears in his eyes you knew and told me nothing aruka looked away saying nothing Mizuki just laughed clapping his hands no one can love you demon you are that unlovable unwanted and uncared for you are alone now will always be alone and will never know what a real friend is but do not worry I will fix all that for you hand me the scroll and I will end the hate the pain the feeling of being alone and free your tortured Soul he said in a surprising sincere voice no screamed aruka I will not allow you to hurt him no matter what narut looked at his Sensei tears streaming down his face Mizuki tired of waiting took the giant shuriken off his back and throw it at Naruto screaming die demon closing his eyes waiting for the Bliss of nothingness that never came opening his eyes he only saw green looking up he saw his teacher looking down at him saying it's okay Naruto I will not let him hurt you now take the scroll and run as fast as you can shaking his head Naruto stood there wishing that he would have just been hit and left to die like he wanted aruka grabbed Naruto and hugged him saying I am sorry I did not tell you but I was not all narut you are not the demon you are just a boy who has one inside of him you are like a prison and in it is the demon Naruto looked up nodding to his teacher but inside not believing him in the slightest Mizuki started to take another large shuriken off his back Naruto stood up I want T you hurt Ruka Sensei he screamed his once former teacher now traitor let lose the shuriken as it got close he thought of taking this one in the head but decided to block it he took out a canai and deflected it Mizuki looked at he blonde what you going to do to stop me demon narut looked up at the man and put his fingers in a cross shape and shouted Shadow clone Jutsu a large puff of smoke took up the clear clearing as it cleared mizuki's eyes grew wide standing all around where hundreds of Narutos and together they said we go and kick your ass flashback end Naruto smiled thinking back to that moment he had kicked mizuki's ass so bad taking off his konaha headband and stared at it thinking of another time flashback sitting on the roof of the academy after team seven little introduction Powell he looked out over the Schoo yard thinking about himself and the demon he saw a little old lady crossing the street with a bag that was too big for her little old arms as he stared on he watched as the bag dropped jumping down he walked over excuse me maom may I help you why yes that would be turning around the lady looked at the boy and screamed help the demon is trying to kill me like he did my son Naruto flinched help call Anu someone he is going to kill me I'm just trying to help you please stay calm the woman started to scream more and more the closer he got to her when he was about to touch her she grabbed her chest and started to fall he caught her and looked down at her with Terror in her eyes she looked at him he then started to notice a glaze coming over the woman eyes he watched as this poor old woman was scared to death by him flashback end a single tear fell from his eye onto the shiny surface of he headband as he placed on a scroll he now knew that the village was right he was a monster a demon he had killed a poor defenseless old lady as he looked over the edge he thought at least I am going out with a bang he turned to look at the neat pile of cloths with the scroll on top and smiled as he leaned back and jumped he felt weightless physically and mentally smiling he started to spin about halfway down he was facing the city flared his chakra as much as he could and said the only word that came to mind bang as serut toi was sitting doing the hok's greatest enemy in a heated battle when he heard a loud explosion coming from the Hokage Mountain jumping up from his seat knocking the paperwork to the ground he shouted status report two ano appeared in front of the desk Hokage Sama there has been an explosion in front of the mountain but it seems that the monument was not hit at all said the U with purple hair serut Toby walked over to the window and looked out at the mountain he felt something terrible had happened he looked over at the anoo and said let's go he jumped out the window heading at a fast pace toward the mountain hoping Beyond hope that no one was hurt but he knew that that was just a dream Naruto awoke in a room of pure white looking around he saw that he was alone he sat up where am I getting up he started to walk around looking for something to see other than white doing this for several minutes without finding anything he sat down and wondered where he could possible be lost in his thoughts he never noticed a black dot behind him that was slowly getting larger he turned around hearing a squeaking a open door standing it was with without a doubt the two most beautiful girl he had ever seen and both were staring right at him the two stepped through and the door closed behind them leaving it with just himself and the two girls the first girl walked up to him seeming to be the more timed and in his opinion the cuter of them she was a little shorter than him with dark blue hair and bangs that extended over the corners of her eyes that reminded him of someone he knew she had chocolate brown eyes that held a sadness that reminded him of when he drops his mask of happiness and looks into the mirror at himself she had a beautiful pale skin but under her left eye she had a fat line of green she had on a pure white kimono with short sleeves with a lavender sash around the middle holding it together he noted that she had a bandage going all the way up her left arm from the wrist to disappearing into her kimono she stopped in front of him with a sad smile on her face and said in the most shy yet strong voice he had ever heard hello Naruto [ __ ] who are you he said staring at her like I am Cy and I am here to help you she said he looked down and tears started to fall from his eyes why do you cry Naruto I am not worthy to be here in front of you you is the good in all things the light of the world and Beauty Beyond Compare I am a demon something that is evil I deserve to be in hell with Yumi I don't think so and I take offense to saying she is a Beauty Beyond Compare said the other girl she walked toward him she was the wire of the two she had long flowing red hair that looked like blood spun into hair she was taller than him by about a foot her eyes were blue like his own but a lighter blue like the sky on a summer's day she had slightly tanned skin and was wearing the most revealing cloths she had on a fishnet shirt that held back what Naruto swore were the biggest assets he ever saw on a girl before she wore a purple skirt that barely went to mid thigh and over it all she wore a blood red trench coat who are you I am yummy she said with a strange look in her eyes then you are here to take me to the place I belong right the place I deserve to be in no she said in a sad voice why not I am a demon I am evil I deserve it smack smack Naruto held his hands to his cheeks as he stared at the two women who had just struck him he fell to his knees in front of them and screamed as loud as he could why the two girls turned to one another and looked questions at each other why what said yummi why am I not being sent to hell I am evil everyone has said it and everyone feels it I have been treated as an evil being since I can remember I was hated beaten stabbed burned and so many other horrible things in my life cause of what I am I hold inside me the greatest evil that ever lived pulling off his shirt he showed them the seal on his stomach the girls looked at it and both were in tears at what they saw on this poor boy he had scar littering his body some small others larger but the worst of all was the brandings on his his chest and back evil demon was branded on his chest big enough that it covered his whole chest and some of his stomach up to the top of the seal on his back it said demon Fox Yami looked at him as a few tears of red strayed down her cheek and said the caob chra should have healed those your skin should be perfect and Flawless how did they do this narut looked up at her and said in a sad voice they pour salt onto them and when they burned me and branded me they seared it to the Bone and then poured salt in it and seared it again Cammy was crying openly now holding her arms to her face letting lose tears that were silver Naruto looked at her and yumy and asked them why do you cry for me a demon evil like no other Cammy walked up to him and hugged him to her and started to say I'm sorry I am so sorry please forgive me I never thought it would be this bad he wrapped his arms around her and said I do not deserve these tears you shed for me neither of you should cry for me the two most beautiful and powerful people in existence stand before me and say I do not have to go to hell both girls blushed at what he said and smiled Naruto we have something that we need to tell you give you an ask of you I do not understand why are you too talking to me and why am I not in hell I killed myself I did the worst thing a person could do I ended my own life you're not dead you're just in a coma of sorts said yummy but I put enough explosives on me to blow the north gate of konaha there is no way I should be alive I should be pieces of meat no dust in fact many of the tags you used were faulty so the damage was not as bad as it should have been said Camy as we spec the caoi inside you is healing your Burns and other injuries sustained by the tags Yumi said why do you need me and want me to do something for you we need a champion someone who can fight for us on Earth we will bestow on you gifts from us both to help return the balance on Earth said Cammy this person has to be pure of heart strong and somewhat who can change people said yummy so I am to be what a Savor for Humanity what am I supposed to do all you need to do is help people and do what is right to help save the world said yummi will I have to kill people you will if that person that we deem a threat to the world cannot be swayed Camy said so I can try to change the person first and if not then I have to kill them he said in an unsure voice yes but only those who are truly a threat to the world and the balance said Camy with a matter a fact voice okay I think I can do that do not worry you will not be alone there will be other to help along the way those who will make the journey easier and make your life better said yummi with a smile what do you mean he said with a confused look on his face Cammy laughed and blushed at the look on his face while yummi smiled he seemed to be made of funny looks you will have friends to help you with your mission and you will have companions to be by you always said Cammy companions he said with another confused look mates are lovers you know female companions said yummy as the boy turned bright red you mean a girlfriend he said in an embarrassed tone no not a girlfriend said Camy oh I meant girlfriends as in more than one or two in fact there will be six Yumi said six he screamed six he screamed loud enough for the two to hold their ears okay that was loud yes six narut you know like one more than five and one less than seven it is okay Naruto we believe that it will be good for you to have these six young ladies it is kind of like a way to set you in Balance what do you mean balance out I don't understand what you mean it is to balance out all the wrong that has been done to you we believe these girls can help you in not only your journey but to give you the two things you have always wanted a family that loves you and people that you can trust without a doubt these girls will help to support you through your hard times and to give you what you want people that love you for no matter what w who are they going to be he stuttered out we decided only to tell you of one of them the one who has loved you the longest she will be your first of many but if you look at us you will see something in us or how we look that is a characteristic of those girls we will give you hints of these lovely ladies that will help you find them each of them has something they have gone through that is a reflection of what you have gone through not to the extent you have but they will know your pain they will help you to coup with what happened with you and you will help them looking at the two he studied them taking in the slightest things in the appearance from their eyes to their hair to Yummy's huge bust both girls were blushing as he examined them to a tea so you're saying that these girls I am to fall in love with are going to be like me in a way that they will look in some way like you too and that they are to be my lovers and wives yes that is what we are saying wow lucky me the two girls turned to each other and started to laugh they were laughing so hard they were crying okay now for your gifts gifts you mean there are more I thought six girls that if I am seeing you too right are the most beautiful of women in the world what other gifts could I ask for yummi stood there with a smile on her face and a light blush on her face she licked her lips in a way that made Naruto shiver Cammy on the other hand had light up like a Christmas bulb and started to poke her index fingers together Naruto stared at the motion and was hit with a memory of seeing a girl who did that same action every time he was near he could not remember who it was back to the gifts we have decided to give you one gift each and one together and then we will tell you your first love is and the clues to the other five Yami walked up to him and handed him a necklace Naruto stared at the piece of jewelry it was made of what looked like silver as it gleamed and twinkled at the bottom it held a green stone with a spiral much like the one he wore on the back of his jacket in the center of it held a red ruby this necklace is very special it has an a special seal that can allow a being that are sealed out of their cage and give said being a body the being will be under you control while the necklace is on it no one other than you can control the being and no one but you can take the necklace off she stepped back as Cammy stepped forward in her hand was what looked like a 6-in knife in its sheath he took it looking at the dinky knife he was confused all the gifts he could get and he gets a antic cheese cutter unchie it she said he grabbed the handle and pulled there was noise like metal against rock as the knife came out it transformed Naruto was in awe of the blade that now was held in his hand the blade was about 3 ft long and pure black with a line of red that spiraled from the guard to the tip of the blade it had a white Hilt with a lavender bandage wrapped around the top of it the guard was clear it looked like it was made of diamond but looked like inside it held red flaks like Ruby shards only one thing came to mind when he looked at that it's beautiful he then placed the tip of the blade at the sheath and pushed it made the noise again of metal on rock and slide home in the sheath it was back to the appearance of a simple knife it is called Justice it holds many secrets and only you can unath and wield it it holds many Powers which you will have to discover for yourself it is unbreakable and has a will of its own treat it well and it will sever you loyally smiling Cammy walked back over to Yami and stood next to her now for our last guest we are going to remove all your scars from you and no thank you what do you mean no I would like to keep them why I want them as a reminder of my life these scars are like my life story written on my body it is a life of pain yes but it is my life nonetheless are you sure that you want to keep them when you leave here you will have them forever yes I am sure thank you though we got to come up with something else to give him okay how about a bloodline limit that sounds like a great idea but what kind should we give him I think I got it really what we'll give him a dojutsu okay but what will it do how about something that can help his weaknesses what's your weaknesses narut I don't know I can't break or do Jan Jutsu that sounds good how about we make it so you can see through all Jen jutsus and be able to cast them with them but why not give it a little something more to it how about we give it more bang we can give it two more abilities we don't want to overpower it we can make it see in the dark no matter how little light there is yes that's a good idea and to see people's Elemental affinities can you really do all that yes close your eyes and be warned this will stain closing his eyes Naruto felt two hands cover his eyes one was Camy and the other Yumi he felt heat on his eyes then they started to burn and stain after several minutes the hand moved away from his face opening his eyes he felt a slight vertigo making him feel dizzy for a second looking around he noticed things were sharper like the Fe pies of the girls he looked over at Cammy to see her holding a mirror out to him grabbing the mirror he brought it to his face and saw his eyes and gasped staring at his eyes he say the difference his left eye was white whiter than any cloud and in it was a red slit down the middle his right eye was the exact opposite it was red with a white slit he stared and then looked over at the two who had given him this gift and laughed I only have one question does it stay like this all the time no it goes back to your normal blue but it will be different how will it be different change them back and you will see just concentrate on what they normally look like Naruto closed his eyes and thought about what his eyes looked like opening them again he looked into the mirror and saw his blue eyes but as he looked he noticed there was no pupil or white in his eyes they were a solid blue that's a change but it could be worse can you two do one thing for me please I don't see why not what is it can you put three tatto on me I guess where do you want them one over left eye one under my right and one on my right arm okay what do you want on them under the right one I wanted to say hell in Black above the left heaven in purple and on the right arm a picture of the nine Tales if you could please here is the link to the picture of the caoi he wanted Yami took her hand and placed it under his right eye and after a minute pulled away Cammy stepped up and did the same above his left eye he looked into the mirror again and saw saw the tattoos and smiled the two walked to him for a third time and he held his arm out to them they grabbed it and a light engulfed he felt pain in the arm and was wonder why this one hurt and the others did not as they lifted their hands away from it he saw a beautiful picture of the Fox on his arm thank you for these no problem okay now for your Clues to your five unknown loves and the name of the one you get to know first and has loved you the longest serut Toby was running to the monument at break neck speed trying to get there to see what exactly happened coming up on the mountain he noticed a large number of people gathered around something on the ground running up to them he yelled at the top of his lungs move out of the way Anu set up a 30ft perimeter around this area as if coming out of thin air 20 U appeared jumping in front of the crowd they started pushing back after the crowd was about 20 ft away the hokagay and his two uo guard walked up to weay on the ground the purple Air U saw weay there and turned away she could not bear to see so much meat serut Toby walked up and cringed lying there was what looked like a smoking body it had no skin you could see the muscle in some places and in others bone black and burnt looking at it closely he noticed that it had no clothes at all looking over at the purple-haired U he said go to the top of the monument and search for any clues as who this could be hi hokagay Sama she then jumped away who would do this to themselves said the other ano I do not know but I hope to find out in the next few minutes said sort toi several minute passed with no sign of the anoo that left as serut Toby looked on at the body he swore he kept seeing things change on it like on the bone he saw when he got the it seemed to have disappeared under some muscle that was not there minutes before if he did not know better he would swear that the body was reforming then the purple-haired anoo appeared in front of him holding what could only be clothes she said in a sad voice I found these at the top of the mountain my Lord she hand him the clothes and as he saw them in his arms he dropped them on the ground the clothes fell and he stared and said the only thing that came to mind Naruto okay now for your Clues to your five unknown loves and the name of the one you get to know first and has loved you the longest okay I'm ready HIIT me he said enthusiastically yomi raised her head and whammy she hid him full in the face Cammy looked over at her and was giving her a confused look yomi Shrugged and said he did ask for it shaking her head Camy walks over to the Fallen Naruto and says okay your first clue is dango is my favorite food what kind of clue is that the kind that will help you find them now shut the hell up or I will hit you again okay just don't hit me again your second clue is flowers are my favorite pastimes okay Dango and flowers your third I swim with the ease of a fish okay your fourth I travel with a demon in Misty lands H and your final clue I have been with you since the day you were born okay that one made no sense no one has been with me all my life those are your Clues remember them and your loves will be easy to spot okay we got a Dango elic a flower power Girl Aqua woman a Demon Lover a stalker and my long loving mystery love sounds like a match is made in heaven oh wait it was both girls laughed and Yumi said that sounds about right sure does okay so can you tell this person who has loved me the longest yes we will but first we want you to try to think of the one girl who has always watched you always been nice to you Naruto thought as hard as he could he started seeing flashes of a girl with hair like Cammy had and kept pushing her index fingers together and was always staring at him with beautiful lavender eyes he looked at Cammy and said the name of the girl who loved him always hanata they smiled at him and nodded he started to cry harder than he has in his whole life worse than any beating or any sadness and said I do not deserve her she has loved me for so long and I never noticed I just blow past her to Sakura how can she love me when all I have done is ignore her the funny thing about love is that no matter the pain you go forward in it she will still want you and will do anything to have you she will be your love among your loves she will need your help though how I will do anything to help her please she is strong in many ways she needs you to be her confidence to help her believe she can do anything anything that is why she is perfect for you she will help you in your greatest time of need in ways you can not possible imagine I will do anything to help her thank you both so much for everything but most of all for helping me see her he walked up to them and hugged Cammy who blushed and turned bright red and kissed her on the cheek before pulling back then went to yummi as he hugged her he leaned in to kiss her cheek and meet something softer as he looked he saw he was kissing yummy full on the mouth opening his mouth to gasp he found that that was a bad mistake as yummi slid her tongue into his mouth pulling away Naruto blushed like crazy what was that for what do you expect I have the treats of the more forceful of the women that will be his it is in my nature okay whatever we are going to send you back Naruto but before we do that there is some things we need to tell you okay shoot pulling out a gun yummy aimed before she could pull the trigger Camy grabbed the gun and said will you stop taking him in the literal sense please narut looked like he was going to w himself as he looked at yummy who just smiled and waved at him the first thing we need to tell you is that when you get back to your body you are going to hurt like crazy kind of figured that one out but thanks for the warning secondly when you meet and know for a fact that the woman you have found is one of your loves you will have to bite them what do you mean bite them I mean sink your teeth into their flesh around the neck and push chakra into it this will leave a mark well I am biting someone so it should leave a mark no it will leave a tattoo like on them something of their choosing they will have to bite you to they will leave their mark on you showing that they are yours this transaction will give them a trade of yours and also raise their chakra reserves as well it will also give you a connection to them one that will help you find them no matter what and know when they're in trouble okay anything else yes a warning of sorts beware Oro chimaru he is the a snake in the grass a evil snake in the grass and beware akitsuki the group is after you and your fellow jiki the are some of the strongest of fighter in the world you will have to grow very strong to defeat them these people you must kill most are unchangeable and must be done with I understand good then it is time for you to go back and when you do go and you can talk and are well tell your hok that it is time for you to know the truth he will understand the door appeared behind the two again and it opened he looked at them as the started to go through and said will I ever see you again not for a long time we hope we will be watching so be good and when you have the kids name them after us as the door closed he could hear laughing kids then the white room started to fade to black and he felt pain all over his body and then he opened his eyes oh my God Naruto we need to get him to the hospital now said serut toi the purple-haired Ando picked him up and started racing to the hospital as she was running she looked down and came in contact with solid blue eyes she stared into them finding that she was losing herself she quickly snapped out of it and looked over at the Hoka and said he's awake dear God how can he be alive let alone awake the hokagay looked at narut and said in a clear voice we need to get him there now running faster than they thought possible they jumped and made it to the hospital building going inside the Hokage called for a gurnie when one came around the corner the Abu placed him on it and stepped away as it was being pushed out of sight turning around to the hok she waited for orders he looked at them and said dismissed the other U jumped away when the purple-haired one stayed and asked the hokagay as the mask worn by the U came off and said will he be okay I do not know anko I do not know elsewhere in konah a girl with dark blue hair was laying down to sleep for the night as she lay there she thought of the boy she loved with his unique blonde hair and blue eyes those whisker marks are his cheeks that she would die to stroke just once and the best part of all his personality to go for his goal and never give up to her there was no other person she would rather be with and had decided that if she could never have him then she would rather die alone as she drifted off to sleep thinking of her fair-haired love she opened the eyes to see a room that was not her own it was pure white with no other color in sight she thought it might be an illusion so she activated her by a cougan but saw no nothing but white as she deactivated her eyes and turned around she saw a door open and from the door came her Naruto she was thinking it must be a dream like all her other ones she was trying to figure out if it was one of the one that showed her life with him or one of the dirty ones that made her wake up soak and wet between her legs she was hopping for the ladder as she wondered which it would be Naruto spoke hello hanata HH hello n Naruto [ __ ] I'm not your Naruto [ __ ] hanata I just look like him then who are you and why do you look like my Naruto [ __ ] your Naruto [ __ ] H I am Cammy she blushed at what she said about Naruto and looked at the great being before her in awe why you are hey Camy yes what would you have of me your servant Cami Sama what if I told you that I planed on Naruto dying in the next few minute and I was going to send him to Hell well a straight and Stern face she said I would ask you to do the same to me really you would do this for a demon with a confused look she asked what do you mean demon he is no demon he is sweet and caring and has never hurt anyone Camy smiled and said inside of Naruto held by a seal from the great fourth Hokage is the ninetail and caubi it was not killed like you were told but resides in him what do you think of your Naruto [ __ ] now she looked at K and said I do not care he is my one and only I would do anything on Earth for him to be with me demon or not smiling Cami said in a happy voice you will have him hanata he will be with you but you will have to deal with some things if you want to be with him you will have to I will do it she said happy as can be I have not told you what you will have to go through to have him it does not matter as long as I am with him you will have to share with other women some older than you five other have been chosen for him will you still go to him yes as long as I get him as well I will go to him then so be it when you awake get ready to leave 30 minute after you awaken a person will show up to take you to the hospital there you will have to save your love what do you mean save what happened to Naruto [ __ ] you will see when you get there but listen well when you get to the room he is in ask the hokagay and everyone else to leave when they go you must give him this holding up a ball of blue light he handed it to her you must eat it now she looked at him confused and asked how do I give it to him if I eat it when you enter the room and everyone has left you must bite him on the neck this will transfer it to him in return He will bite you this will heal him and also bind you too together so what will this do to me it will make you narut you will belong to him and he will be with you and love you needing no more stimulus she grabbed the orb and ate it she looked at and felt something weird happen in her mouth she felt around with her tongue and noticed her canines were much longer than they were before looking at Cammy for a reason he said easier to bite with you must know that after he bites you he will push chakra into you and some things will change on you like what you will get a physical trait from him and your chakra capacity way above it is now and you will want to be near him all the time okay sounds interesting one thing before I send you back your father will be against this whole thing you will not want you to go with him so tell him this okay that Naruto has a new bloodline limit one that can strengthen the bayugan so much that it could Fair surpass the Sharingan tell him that in Naruto will be yours to be with him I will do it okay you must go now he will need you as the room faded to Black hanata awoke looking around she got up and showered getting ready to go sitting on her bed after dressing she waited when a knock was heard her father entered hanata there is a Anu outside who said you need to go to the hospital for some reason she sprang up and ran outside to the ano she got outside and found an anoo with purple hair sitting there waiting I am ready take me to him confused the U said how did you know it was someone needing help don't have time let's go please grabbing onto the girl's arm and disappeared in a Vortex of leaves serut Toby was watching as the doctors were walking around the boy checking stats and vitals it was looking like he was not going to survive but something weird had happening 10 minute prior that made the old Hokage believe that he would survive flashback serut Toby walked into the room and said in a clear voice States report a man in a doctor uniform walked to the hok and said we are doing all we can but still he is fading we can keep trying but it looks like he is going to die the old Mon's shoulders slumped and he said just do what you can hi Hoag Sama then out of nowhere a scream Was Heard Kata the old old man looked at narut to see him thrashing about screaming for the lavender Eyed Girl hanata hanata hanata the old man looked at anko and said bring her to me now and say nothing of what is happening hi as she disappeared he turned back to the still screaming boy and said she is coming Naruto calm down but still he screamed and flashback it had been 10 minutes and still he screamed her name just as loud if not louder than before looking at the screaming boy he thought to himself what is so important that you need her here now all of a sudden anko and hanata appeared out of thin hair in the room looking around and heard someone screaming her name she looked over to the person making the noise and say a burned-up looking person she ran to him as he was still screaming her name and said in a soothing voice I am here calm down Naruto I am here it will be okay at those words he calmed down serut Toby was in awe at the calming effect she had on him she looked over at the hokagay and said in a calm voice voice I can heal him what do you mean I can make him better but I need you all to leave its I secret so please go he looked at her and said we cannot go I am sorry if you do not you will die and no long after I will as well what do you mean I am saying that if he dies I will kill myself I swear at hokagay Sama and the last thing you will ever hear from me is my hate of you for letting my beloved die I will not hurt him I love him no arm will befall either of us so I beg you as she dropped to her knees let me save my love he stared at her eyes and knew she meant every word of what she said fine you have 10 minutes ordering all the people to leave the hok looked back at them and Hinata said to him can you put a seal on the door so no one can hear him this is really going to be loud okay after a minute she felt the seal go up and she looked at his eyes that were now a solid blue and said to him encourage she had never had before hello my love he looked at her with a look of pain and said I am sorry I never noticed she looked at him and smiled it is okay the past is that the past from now on we will have one another now turn your head he looked at her and did as he was asked she said to him this might hurt that is why I asked for the seal he nodded slightly she went to his right side of his neck and said softly with this we are together always she then bite him heartbreaking the skin she felt the power go through her and push out her mouth into nut's neck he moaned and grabbed Han and pulled her to him he said to her and a voice that sent chills up her back and tugged things in her chest and between her legs and said my love know my mate and bite her on her neck hanata was in Bliss she felt herself tighten up and then release it did it over and over again she knew what heaven was like she was screaming his name as he pants started to soak to the knee he pulled away and held her as she looked up into his eyes she saw red and white she smiled at him and said I love you no matter what she then stood up and looked down at her pants and flush Read Naruto looked down and saw how soaked she was and smiled she blushed harder he hand her his jacket and said tie it around your waist she did as he asked she then looked at him he was whole again if no more so his skin on his arms were without a burn and his face was also she saw his eyes and just smile at them she traced the beautiful tattoos above and below his eyes she then saw the one on his arms and as she touched it it glowed and also looked like its tails were moving she looked at his hair and noticed a change in it it had orange tips and was Wilder she looked at his face again and saw his whisker marks that were now more defined and she reached out and stroked them he started to purr into her hand and she smiled as he moved into her hand she say something on his neck she leaned in and saw what looked like a tattoo of the leaf symbol in lavender she touched and when she did Naruto grabbed her hand and growled he looked down at his midsection and looked up at hanata she looked down to see that narut was erected painfully so he looked at her and said please do not touch unless you are willing to quench the hunger of it she nodded while still looking at it Naruto reached up and touch where he bite her and when he touched her skin there she grow hot and she looked at him like her was the ice to cool her throbbing body down she jumped on him and started to rub herself against his swollen manhood Naruto groaned but stopped her he looked at her and said you should look at yourself in a mirror before someone comes in she looked at him confused and got up and looked at herself in a mirror she gasped she saw now that she had orange tipped hair her eyes were slits and where Naruto bite her there was a leaf symbol in lavender she stared at the changes and then smiled I am now closer to you my love yes but you need to put a Jen Jutsu on your appearance till we are together always hold on let me try something he looked at her and channed chakra in his eyes and imagined what she looked like before when she looked at herself again she saw she was back to normal or what used to be normal she looked at him and said ready for company sure she went to the door and let them inane it was okay now they came in and gasped to see narut looking good if not better than before the hokagay looked at them and said okay what happened I healed him like I said I see that but what did you do and why is he changed like his eyes being solid blue and the orange in his hair it must have had side effects this is my first time doing it so I had no idea what exactly would happen so you did a technique that you have no idea what would happen to the person it was done on yep that sums it up about right what would have happened if he had died he wouldn't have the technique always works that is what I was told who taught it to you someone out of village and I can only use it once and that was my once okay so how did you know Naruto was hurt I just had a feeling a Feeling yes something told me that narut was hurt and that I was needed him that sounds interesting what is your relationship with narut if I am ask he is my one and only I told you that when I asked you to leave I remember what about the tattoos he's had THS those are some beautiful tattoos Naruto where did you get them if I may ask I did them myself with the help of Hinata Chan really yes so now on to the reason we are all here why did you do it Naruto what made you want to end your life I cracked under the pressure of it all KNN of what I have inside me and the years of hurt and pain I want to end it Naruto said in a sad voice hanata was in tears hearing her love was so hurt if only I had not been afraid to come out and tell him maybe I could have saved him the pain Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand and looked at the Hokage I had no idea that I was loved all along and that there was someone to save me he looked at her now she has saved me physically emotionally and mentally he smiled and she smiled back I was weak but now I will never weaken again that is good to know now get some rest I will be back in the morning to check on you okay OG San see you in the morning as the hok left narut looked at hanata and smiled widely she sat next to him and waited for the doctors to leave when the last one left she looked at him and said what now he smiled I have a plan okay but wait Cammy talked to me and told me everything like how you have a dojutsu the caoi and how you will have other mates and I don't care as long as I am with you he smiled at her your father will never let me have you he will make so I can never be with you and never see you he said in a sad face tears coming down his whisker marked cheeks she wiped them away and said do not Fred my love Cammy has told me away for us to be together he smiled at her really yes he says that all I have to do is tell him you have a new dojutsu and that if we were to have children that it would increase the B kugan to far surpass the Sharingan he said that my father would do it no second thoughts that sounds great what about the dojutsu what will we tell the Hokage tell him that it was a side effect of the Jutsu wow that sounds perfect I know she said with a knowing smile hanata go to your father and talk to him okay the genjutsu will last for a few days but I do not want to wait that long to be with you she smiled and said okay but rest while I am gone when I come here tomorrow I will bring my father wait just tell him that I would like to see him and that I know of a way to make the B kugan the strongest dojutsu ever okay okay goodbye my love bye he said as she left he stared after her and then slowly drifted off to sleep Naruto awoke in a strange drain and looked around he say a few different cut offs to it but then saw one that was bigger than the other and he heard a voice call out to him come to me Naruto being the Curious Critter that he was followed the voice he walked through water that ranged from the bottom of his feet to his neck he followed it till he came to an island in front of what looked like a gold jail cell on the Cell between the two cell doors was a piece of paper on it said seal it looked like it was holding the door closed he walked to it and was almost to the bars when two huge red eyes opened looked at him he stood there and stared at them without flinching why do you not fear me why should I be because I am the fox that has destroyed Millions on a whim whole country R trees have been destroyed by me and you stand here without even a tremble I have ruined your life yet you do not scream of your hate for me yet why do you not yell and scream first you are sealed I am in no harm and secondly I want to know your reason for coming to the Village before I jump to screaming you are rational for a human I will tell you why Naruto sat down waiting for story time to start I was off alone Gathering food for my mate and I had finish and was heading back when I saw smoke coming from our Lair I hurried as fast as I could I came to it and there was a fire going inside I thought it was just my mate that made a fire to cook our food as I walked in I saw him laying on the ground burning narut could hear the sorrow in the fox's voice he felt bad for it I looked around in my Fury to see if I could find out who did it I found a leaf headband laying in a corner I smelled it and it smelled of snake so strong it made me sneeze so I headed to Leaf to kill this snake man and to hurt and kill as many people as I could I wanted this Village to suffer like I suffered so I came in every leaf ninja that came at me man woman and child I killed I searched for the snake man but could not find him then a man came to me on top of the toad gabun and asked me why I was doing it I told him of my mate and of the snake he told me of a traiter to their Village who looked like a snake and even held the contract to the snakes his name was Oro chimaru the man then looked at me and told me he was sorry he then started moving his hands and a few seconds later I was in terrible pain I looked up to see the Shinigami he ripped my soul from me and placed it in you I awoken you in this cell and have been since that day Naruto looked up at the giant foxes and said only one thing I am sorry the caoi looked down at this boy in awe why do you say you are sorry I have only caused you bend since the day you were born Naruto felt a memory come on at those words flashback and your final clue I have been with you since the day you were born okay that one made no sense no one has been with me all my life those are your Clues remember them and your loves will be easy to spot end flashback may I ask you some questions yes anything you like what is your female okay that's a shock next what is your goal now to kill Oro chimaru and to find a new mate what would you do if I said I could get you out the cage in me but you would have to leave seven Tales of chakra behind for me anything I would leave them for that chance do you have a human form yes will you please change into it now sure as she said it she started to shrink smaller and smaller she became till she was about a foot taller than himself he stared at her and knew without a doubt in his mind she was his mate she had long red hair just like yummy had in his dream she had a huge bust and long luscious legs that disappeared into a short red skirt the shirt she had on was barely containing the monster melons she had he looked at her and kept peering around her and looking at her head she gave him a confused look before asking her question what are you looking for your tails and ears he said in a matter of fact voice she smiled and turned around and pulled her shirt up in the back on her back she had nine beautiful tattoos of Tails as he looked at them they seemed to move in a hypnotic motion she dropped the shirt and looked at him and then touched her ears on the side of her face and said these are my ears silly boy Naruto blushed she smiled and said anything else you want to know no but I do have a deal for you would you like to hear it okay I have a gift from yummi that is a seal but it can give you a body and get you out of me there is a side effect though you will have to do as I say when I say something for you to do it is like a collar I will not use it unless you do something bad or the thing is of great importance I swear that you now I accept wait there is more I have two conditions one is that you please leave seven Tales behind for me okay easy enough and two you must become my mate caoi looked at him for a second she just stared at him he was strong she knew that brave courageous and funny as well she knew he would treat her like a gift from Cammy he looked good to so it would not be so hard she smiled at him and said agreed Naruto Sama you will have to share me with five other girls I do not care then let seal the deal he walked to the cage and slipped through the bars he walked up to her and said I must Mark you will you please turn your head to the right you will have to bite me as well to seal the mating she turned her head and walked up to her and grabbed the back of her head and pulled her toward him she growled and moaned at the same time he bent her down and licked her neck and she moaned loader he then sank his teeth into her caoi was in a whirlwind of feeling she felt more turn on than she had in all the thousands of years of life more than even with her old mate she moaned and groaned from release after release he let go in the second and he did she grabbed him and latched onto him she bit him hard and he just moaned after a few minutes she pulled back looking at him she saw his neck blow then stop on his neck now was a collar-like tattoo it was red she looked closer to see that it was nine Tales laced together and she noticed one tail reached out and touched a lavender Leaf symbol on his right side of his neck he looked at her and noticed the change in her hair she had blonde streaks in it now he looked at her and said here put this on but you can never take it off he handed her the necklace and she put it on it glowed and nothing happened he walked out of the cage grabbed the seal on the front of the cage and pulled it off the doors opened and she stepped out when she crossed the threshold of the cell and then Naruto felt a burning on his back he turned around and pulled up his shirt caoi walked up to him and pushed her hands on her back and then played with it you have seven orange tails on your back Naruto Sama cool that's neat okay it is time to go concentrating on waking up he felt himself leave the sewer and woke up in the real world looking around he saw that he was not alone in the room or for that matter in his bed there was a lump by his feet moving up towards him he lifted the lump to see Caillou be kissing his thigh and moving up to bigger and more sensitive things stop please and come here she looked up at him and then continued what she was doing stop now and come here as if on command the necklace glowed and she stopped and went up to him I am sorry for using the necklace but we have no time for fun right now with a disappointed face she bowed her head and said yes Naruto Sama he reached out and took her chin I know that you want to play but we have things to do okay I promise that later when this is over we can play okay smiling she nods and says I cannot wait to have you Naruto Sama okay now the business I want you to go to my apartment and wait for me okay I will be there by tonight okay yes Naruto Sama I will wait wait like a good mate should he reached down and kissed her on top of her head good now go company is coming and you should not be here hi as she disappear into a swirl of flame as if on Q the door slid open and insteed hanata and her father hiashi hauga hanata smiled a brief smile at me and the turned to her father father this is Naruto and Naruto this is my father hiashi hauga I know who the boy is what did you want to talk to me for boy every time hii said boy it's sounded like he wanted to say demon oh great Lord hyuga I have asked you to come here for two reasons one to ask you a few questions and two to ask something of you why should I answer your questions boy you mean nothing to me and no to anything you ask me for he turned to leave when Naruto said what if I could increase the strength of the eyes of the hyuga to the point that even the mighty Sharingan has been dwarfed by it hiashi turned to the boy and looked at him with a calculating stare you know of a way yes I do but it will C cost you something truly precise to your clan for it I think it is well worth it what is it Boy tell me I will give you anything to make my clan be stronger than those copers I want to marry your daughter your heir to the clan if you write up agreement saying that I can marry your daughter hanata I swear that your clan will gain this power you want hanata why she is weak and Def fril why not Hanabi cuz I want hanata and only here you give her to me and I will tell you the secret hii pulled out a scroll and and started to write when he was done he handed the scroll to Naruto and he read it he smiled and said in a happy voice sounds good he signed the agreement and handed it to hiashi who signed it as well and gave it back now tell me the secret the deal is done and I want to know you have made the first step to it now I have in me now a new dojutsu when me and Hinata have children it will fuse in them creating a new stronger do Jutsu with the properties of both ours you lied to me boy you have no Jutsu the deal is invalid come hanata we are leaving this scum as he turned around he saw Naruto standing there hiashi looked at him and activated his eyes and said move or I shall move you Naruto moved and hiashi walked to the door he reached for it to notice there was no door knob he searched around and found he was in a white room surrounded by fire he placed his fingers together and shouted Kai but happened he heard a voice come from all around him it was the sound of the demon not even your eyes can see through it this is the power of my dojutsu I will deactivate it now as he said it the room turned back into the hospital room he was staring at the boy's eyes they had changed his left was white with a red slit in it while his right was the exact opposite what else can it do it can tell me your elements and see perfectly in the dark no matter if there is light or not I know you have two elements water is your first and Earth your second imagine the Bakugan with these Powers added onto it your clan would be the strongest in konaha history she is your to do with as you see fit he said as he turned around and walked out the room I'm yours now Naruto Sama now and forever smiling she walked up to him swaying her hips just ever so slightly he only had eyes for her staring as she moved closer he put his hand out and grabbed her as he brought he close and said I have never kissed a girl before and I want you to be my first in this and in all things I can't wait he said as her lips grow closer to his he pushed up as their lips touched and he tasted her he knew what heaven was as he deepened the kiss he pulled away from her and when he did it felt tears run down his face why are you crying my love this is what happiness is she then kissed him again and knew things could only get better so what now said hanata in a happy and glowing smile I have to show you something and tell you a few things which do you want first is it good or bad sight to see which is more important the site is bad if I was going to say which one's more important I would say the info then the news please I found one of my mate today when you were gone he said in a careful voice she looked at him for a minute okay is that all she said in a calculating voice no she is at my place and waiting for me to come home the temp in the room felt like it had dropped 20° she looked unfazed by the news but it felt different who is she you know how inside me is the the caoi well um yesterday after you left I fell asleep he told her the whole story from going to the Sewer to why the caoi had packed to even the deal he made the whole time she listened with no emotion on her face when he was finished she sat by him and looked at her hands I want to meet her okay we can go together when I leave here no I want to talk to her alone first okay if you promise one thing that you will not hurt her and tell her that Naruto Sama says no fighting please do this for me okay for you I will promise to you now I need to show you something I do not want you to freak out if you saw it out of the blue one day getting off the bed he stood in front of her slowly he started to remove his gown what could be bad about as she said this the Gown slipped from his body he stood in front of her and only his boxers her eyes went wide as she looked at the love of her life's body she saw the scars along his body but what made her die inside where the words the ones branded on him she walked to him stretched her hand out and touched them she could feel that they were shallower than the skin around and much rougher he turned around and Sh her the one on his back demon Fox had said how she said in a sobbed voice how what how did you live with this through the pain the hate the suffering I do not know I felt like I just had to like there was a mission that I had to fulfill in life she grabbed him and pulled him into a bone shattering hug I will make it better I will make you feel loved and wanted no matter what he smiled I know you will after a few minutes he let her go and smiled again the hokagay will be here soon go to my apartment and talk to her okay okay she kissed him and walked to the door I will see you in a few hours okay remember play nice with her bye my fox bye hanata narut and hok narut put his gown back on and climbed into his bed he waited for the hok and thought about everything that had happened and what was to happen soon he was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a door shut looking up he saw the hok standing there looking at him smiling at the old hok he said you old man what's up smiling the hok looked at him so how are you feeling narut I am okay but there has been some changes what kind of changes Naruto smiled at him nothing bad just some eye changes and life changes I see your eyes are different it is not that big a deal and what kind of Life Changes well let me show you the other eye change and then I will tell you about the life change okay narut waved the hok over and pointed at his eye as the hok got close he saw the change his eyes were different they were red and white and had slits in them what is it I think it is a new dojutsu really what can it do it can cast amazingly strong genen jutsus and I can see through them as well it can see in the dark no matter how dark and little light and also it can tell me the elements people are affiliated to well that is useful okay so what is this life-changing you were talking about first read this scroll he threw the scroll he got from hiashi to the old man after several minutes of reading and rereading the scroll he looked up to Naruto so hiashi gave you his daughter just for the chance of making the B kugan stronger so what you going to do to her that's a silly question I plan to marry her he said with a smile really of course that is not the problem though what is then I am planning to marry five others also but I need to tell you who the next I found is why five others C with the dojutsu a new one at that the council will want me to have others so I choose six alog together Hinata being the first and the other one I have is number two knowing this was true the hok nodded who is she well she has no real name but I can tell you what she is being confused he asked the only question he could okay what is she do not freak out just hear me out please before you go ape [ __ ] crazy okay wonder what could make him go ape [ __ ] crazy the third hokaj nodded she is the caoi a panicked and what Nar could only guess was a apeshit crazy look came across the old Mon's face wait hear me out first let me tell you the story okay hanata and caoi hanata walked through the village on her way to Narutos she knew the way by heart so it was okay for her to think off she was wondering what she was going to say when she got to Naruto's how was she to stand up to a creature of such strength and power to she had reached Naruto's and was standing at his door she knocked hesitantly and waited for the door to open nothing happened so she knocked again still nothing happened so she tried the door and it opened she walked in and looked around and saw no one she walked around to everywhere in the house with no sign of life she then walked into Naruto's bedroom and gasped there on his bed was a naked redhead woman are you caubi the woman stretched yes who are you I am hanata and I have a message from Naruto from Naruto Sama what is it that you are not to fight with me okay sounds easy enough I must talk to you about narut what about Naruto Sama first why do you call him Naruto Sama I am under his control in a sense and he is my mate okay sounds fair I need to tell you that he is my mate too so I figured the mark on your neck shows it like the one on mine she pointed at the tattoo like necklace under the necklace Naruto said he had given her that is a seal for him to control her and keep her in line Hinata looked confused how can you see the mark one have a strong genjutsu over it I am a fox I am the queen of Illusions so I can see through them naturally okay why are you wondering about being his mate I just want to know why you choose to be his mate and what you think of this all I choose him for many reasons I think this is okay as long as I get him as well I do not care who I share him with please tell me your reasons I cannot let just anyone be with him he is my world and if you hurt him I do not care how strong you are I will kill you in the most painful way I can the caoi red eyes looked at H not as lavender white one and she knew this girl would sacrifice everything to have her goal accomplished how long have you loved Naruto Sama since the day he ran into me and my mother on a street when I was three he HD me while running away from a crowd of people he stopped while still covered in blood to help me up to make sure I was okay he told me he was sorry and told my mother that he was sorry for running into me why did you fall in love with him he was so strong even with blood covering him he stopped to help me and to say he was sorry he was so kind to me and I thought he was just breathtaking to look at she said this with a dreamy look in her eyes sounds fun would you like to hear my reasons or stay daydreaming she snapped out of it I would love to hear them I have many reasons to have accepted to be his mate he promised me revenge is one of the main ones he is strong and that is what I want in a mate is is that all do you not love him and want him to be happy those are my biggest reasons I watched him from inside tears of scarlet were rolling down her cheeks did he show you the brands and the scars yes you are so lucky I saw it happen to him and could do nothing he went through all this for a village who was supposed to see him as a hero what did they do they spit on their hokage's dying wish when they first branded him on his chest I cried when they did the other on his back I cried harder so hard that blood came out from then on I told myself for Penance for the pain I caused him that water was not good enough from now on I would cry only blood and have ever since her eyes flashed to such a dark red that it was almost black if he asked it of me I would kill everyone in this Village and Burn It To The Ground I would lay them at his feet I choice to agree to make up for the pain I have caused him and because in my thousands of years of life he is the first thing I have ever loved I understand then we have no problem would you like me to take that gen off you yes please Naruto and Hokage so that's the story old man okay so you are in control of her and anything you say she does she is also going to be one of your wives she also came here all those years ago to kill Oro chimaru to avenge her mate which you are now her new one yes to all listen you cannot tell the council they will try to get me to use her as a weapon and I cannot do that just say she is a missing nin from another land that was betrothed to me at Birth I will ask her name tonight and give it to you just do this for me please okay I will do this for you Naruto but I need you to promise that she will not go on a rampage I swear then no problem so what now tomorrow you go and meet your team like you always do I need to be switched to another team OG San why is that Naruto Kakashi Sensei teaches me nothing he only teaches sake he treats me like trash like I will never be anything compared to his SAS SAS only thinks of himself not of the the team and is always bitching about power while Sakura is his faithful [ __ ] she hurts me and our Sensei is nothing but watch is this true yes I'm learning nothing for someone who complains about leaving a teammate behind as a being trash offense he does it to me and soccer a lot I see I will do something about it tomorrow you will get a new team in Sensei thank you OG San when you get out what are you going to do go home to my loves and talk and try not to get killed the hok laugh sounds like a mission in itself it will be when you going to marry them when I find my others why wait I only want one wedding it is too much to have six sounds fair enough so what now I am going home to my ladies getting his clothes on and putting his knife in his pocket he looked at the old man I need to go to make sure they did not kill each other and that everything is okay then I won't hold you up bye narut I will see you in my office at 12 as the old man left Nar thought about what he might have to deal with when he got back home narut was walking home looking as happy as could be he knew when he got home he would have two beautiful women waiting and in love with him he was worried that he would come home and be viciously raped till he died or was out of fluids as he walked he saw the looks he was getting from the villagers he was passing looking at some fullon in the face as the scowled and snickered he smiled he made it to his house and knocked on the door there was a scuffling nose and the door opened hello Naruto Sama narut looked at her and smiled till he looked down she was naked pushing her inside with a nose bleeding like a river w why are you naked I have no clothes Naruto Sama okay we will go get you some for now go put some of mine on please yes Naruto Sama she walked into his room as hanata walked out hello my love what are we going to do well let me ask you how did it go we have an understanding and are growing to like each other sighing in relief thank thank God I thought you two were going to kill each other I told you I would not we had to go get caoi clothes and maybe me some new clothes and if you want you can too okay sounds like a fun day when she is done getting ready we can go they sat making small talk while waiting for caoi to finish getting dressed the genjutsu I put on you is off what happened caoi took it off for me how she says as a fox she can do it I'm ready coming out to be seen by the two she was wearing a black shirt that barely contained her goodies it was a mid drift on her she wore his orange pants that looked skin tight and his jacket tied around her waist okay I guess that will do for now he said with a trickle of blood coming down his nose let's go shall we let's said both girls at the same time walking around the village they came to a shop that looked interesting walking up to it they walked inside the Bell ringed above the door welcome said a young girl with Buns on the side of her head what kind of store is this the girl at the counter looked up it's a ninja store I never knew there was a store like this how long you been here always as long as I have been here do you have clothes here we have clothes weapons Scrolls and we do custom clothes and weapons too cool you two look around for some stuff you like okay I would like to talk to her for a few okay they both looked at him and smiled just to talk okay and to ask questions they smiled and walked off to look at the clothes I want you to look at something for me but if I show it to you you may not tell anyone of it okay all right but if it is a weapon let me get my father he will love to see it she left for a minute and came back with the older man with graying hair what can I do for you I want you to look at a sword for me okay bring it out and I will be happy to see it and appraise it he brought from his pocket the knife and placed it on the table the old man looked at him like he was crazy this is a knife son try to pull it from the sheath he grabbed the sheath and the handle and pulled nothing happened he tried harder and still nothing okay is this a joke son no not a joke watch and be amazed the girl looked at him and thought what are you a magician Naruto grabbed both sides and pulled the two onlookers gasped there where a knife once laid was a sword that is an interesting sword he said he went to grab it do not touch it it was to late he grabbed it and as he raised it he jerked he dropped it and and pulled his hand back it shocked me I the only one who can touch it everyone else gets shocked that must be useful can you pick it up and move it for me Naruto picked it up and moved around slowly showing him all of it I have never seen its equal I have seen some of the swords of the seven Swordsmen and they are nothing compared to this where did you find it I got it from a stranger he handed it to me and said I was the one to own it and left I will buy it from you name you price not for sale sorry but you are welcome to look at it if you like just come get me and ask he put the sword down I going to go look after my ladies and find some new clothes okay do you mind leaving the sword here for me to look after no problem narut looked around and found his ladies but he did not like the two he saw talking to his lady loves hanata was looking at cloes looking uncomfortable while kba stood there flirting with her caoi on the other hand was looking rather pissed off as SAS stood there trying to touch her I walk up to the two ladies and said hey girls did you find what you were looking for Naruto [ __ ] Naruto Sama they said in a thank God type of voice they walked to him and grabbed an arm each Naruto smiled and noticed the pissed off look on both the guys faces what are you doing to my new girl Doby what are you doing to hanata dead last I was about to ask what you two were doing to my lovers lovers said the two yes Hinata is my lover and is mine now and red is betrothed to me me [ __ ] hanata is not yours hanata loves me and her father gave her to me ask her if you do not believe kba looked at her she nodded and said to him I am Naruto KS keba from now on I belong to him and happy for it how about you come with me red and you can be with a prodigy instead of a loser why would I want to go with you when I can be with a real man not some crybaby spoiled little boy I will have you I will go talk to the council and they will give me you to make me happy she is mine SAS no one can go against a betral not even you or the council she will be mine Doby no matter what I am not you will I ever be your anything boy I am my master Naruto's and only his SAS moved to touch her as his hand touched her he jerked back and looked at it you burned me you [ __ ] he moved to hit her but before it could hit Naruto was there holding his hand if you ever look like you are going to strike her again I will let her kill you she could never hurt me I am much stronger than her you are a fool if you think that SAS I just saved your life sake pulled his hand from Naruto's you do not touch me Doby I do not want your stupidity to rub off on me please leave my store and do not come back said the voice of the girl's father SAS was turning to leave the store he saw the sword on the counter I must have that sword give it to me I will pay you anything for it it is not mine to sell it belongs to that gentleman that you just told you would steal his lover from he pointed at Naruto you will give me that sword Doby or I will take it I will make you a deal teh if you can hold that sword for 30 seconds without dropping it is yours to have ha thanks for the sword Doby he then walked up and grabbed the sword but no more than 10 seconds later he dropped it back on the counter it shocked me teach me to hold it Doby or else no you lost it will never go to you I will have the counsel make you give it to me and teach me to wield it with that sword I can beat him as s was walking out he turned and said to the owner of the shop you will never get the business of the UA again he then left keba looked at Naruto hanata is her own she can be with anyone she is not an object she may leave if she wants but I do not think she wants to I want to stay with Naruto [ __ ] and I'm happy to be with him and to be his lover Keo looked mad fine do what you want he then walked out of the store without a backward glance Naruto looked at the girl so now that the drw has walked out the door what have you ladies found caoi looked at him what was with the red thing back there I do not know your name so I called you red she smiled at him my name is Alexandra what a beautiful name so Alexandra find anything you like yes I did narut Sama but I do not know if you can afford all we need and I do not want to be a burden no burden due to the fact that I only ate Ramen for a while only getting other Foods when they were bad or thrown out I have saved a lot of money up from it so get what you like okay she showed him what she had found I will go try it all on and show you okay Hinata come with me we can try our stuff on and show Nar Sama oh okay she was pulled into the changing stall Nar sat there and waited he kept hearing squealing and laughter from the stall and it would shake at odd times after a while the curtain opened and out came the two most beautiful women he had ever seen Alexandra wore a shirt of dark Crimson that was loose yet tight around her chest it matched her hair she wore a pair of loose black anoo style pants she had on black fingerless gloves and her arms were wrapped up from wrist to Elbow she looked amazing hanata was in his opinion the more scantily clad of the two she wore a fishnet shirt with a black undershirt she had on short black pants on they went a few inches above her knee she had on her normal jacket over at her headband was around her neck his mouth was open in awe that so simple a change in clothing could make look drastically different he clapped his hands you both look amazing I cannot begin to tell you how much so he then noticed that both of them were showing off their mating marks and he smiled Alexandra smiled with a soft Pinker cheeks while hanata was a bright red thank you they both said get a couple of each one of them while I pick out some stuff for me okay they smiled and went off to get the extra pairs Naruto walked around to the men's section and looked around he thought about going shirtless but that would only freak people out due to his scars so he decided on something tight and flexible he decided on a black shirt with fishnet arms he looked at for a pair of pants that would be flexible and had plenty of pockets looking over at a rack he saw them they were dark blue and looked to be made of pockets he grabbed them and put it over the shirt in his arms he looked through some more clothing that's when he saw them a pair of gloves made of white leather he grabbed them and tried them on a perfect fit he smiled and continued to look over the clothes finding nothing else he liky went to try on what he found he came out of the stall and the two girls watched him Hinata was blushing at the Rippling muscle she could see thanks to the tight shirt while Alexandra wanted to see more flash he turned around in front of a mirror and said I like it why don't we go look at weapons and things to store okay lets said the girls together they walked over to the part of the store that had Scrolls for storing weapons from shuriken and KN to swords and shields and other wonderful ninja gear Naruto went through the sword section looking for something to strap his knife to him while hanata went through the battle glov section she was looking for something that could strengthen her Jukin style gentle fist she found a pair of gloves that she liked made from a leather that could only be purple she liked it but she was going to see if she can get them customized so she grabbed them Alexandra was looking at gloves too but she was looking for something specific she could not find any so he walked up to the counter and looked at the girl and her father who were still admiring the sword excuse me they kept looking at the sword hey they both looked at her sorry what can we do for you do you have any gloved claws gloved claws hold on the old man walked into the back she waited hearing bangs and pangs as things fell godamn hamsters looking kind of confused about why they needed hamsters in a weapons shop she waited for him to come out he came out with what looked like a old shoe boxes he walked to her and put the Box on the counter these are over 30 years old we never sold them CZ no one could work them well enough for them to be effective smiling she opened the box and found a pair of what looked like regular gloves they were a red that matched her eyes she grabbed them and put them on they fit like they were made for her hands she clenched her hand and they stretched she then saw three seals between her Knuckles she channeled chakra into the seals and three claws came out of it nice she smiled and said I'll take them how much you can have them thanks I will remember this you have made my Master's life easier no problem they are old and not popular with people these days Naruto found a chain that was white he grabbed it and liked how light yet strong it was he put it around his waist with one part going out around his shoulder he walked around with it and hopped it felt comfortable he decided to buy it he figured he could hook the knife to the chain with Ninja wire he walked to to the front and saw Alexandria talking to the man and girl you find something you like yes Naruto Sama they say I can have it for free good thank you it was no trouble hanata walked up to the counter with a pair of purple gloves can I get these customized sure how do you want them modified can you put a metal at the edge of each finger that with chakra can be sharpened yes we can do that it will take a few days to be finished that is fine how much do I owe you for all this he looked at all the stuff on the counter and started totaling up it took him a few minutes to calculate it all up it will be 3,589 R taking out his gchan wallet he emptied it of all but a quarter of it that should do it I also need a th shuriken and canai how much is it for that as long as you bring this sword around every once in a while I will give them to you okay you got yourself a deal smiling the old man went in the back and brought out two Scrolls the blue and the other green this one pointing at the blue one holds your shuriken and this one pointing at the green one holds your Kai I will also give these to you for free he held out a bag Naruto took it and looked inside in it there was Scrolls a few books and what looked to be a hamster okay thanks for the Scrolls and the books but I am confused about the hamster the old man walked over and put his hand in and grabbed the hamster sorry about that the books are on ceiling to help you thank you I appreciate it just must bring that sword by every few months and we have no problem you got it Naruto turned with a girl on each arm and was walking out when he turned back and grabbed the sword and sheathed it almost forgot he walked out of the shop with the girls and started walking home when he realized he forgot to ask something you two go on and head home I forgot to ask something I will catch up or meet you there okay they both looked a question at him but nodded and kept walking he turned around walked back to the store when he walked in he saw a woman at the counter she had purple hair and a trench coat on he walked up next to her and waited for the girl to stop talking to the woman next to him he looked over to see her face and stopped breathing she was wearing a trench coat a fishnet shirt was eating Dango and had ample assets he remember what yummy looked like with her fishnet shirt trench coat and bust he also remembered Dango is my favorite food he stared at her not seeing anything but her resemblance to the devil herself Hey kid what are you looking at he looked up into her eyes and as he did so she licked her lips oh this is her he thought he smiled at her just looking at one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life she smiled at him and then disappeared he felt her appear behind him and slid a canai against his cheek blood began to well from the cut and slid down his cheek she licked his blood and said best I have ever tasted he smiled at her and said in a straight voice do you suck as good as you lick she smiled wouldn't you like to know I am willing to bet that one day that I will find out I bet my life on it she heard determination in his voice he sounded so sure she liked it she remembered him he was the exploding jumper he did not look to have a scratch on him it must be from the cao's influence he looked at the girl across the counter and smiled I forgot to ask your name and your fathers my name is ten tenen herur and my dad's name is yamba herur okay thank you T tent and San don't you want to know my name said the purple-haired woman how about I call you beautiful snake or just beautiful if you like anko blushed she was so shocked she had been called hot why and many other things but beautiful never not even once how did this little bastard make her blush when no one but that bastard ex-teacher of hers had been able to he smiled and walked out of the shop yelling back he said I can't wait to see you later beautiful he walked away from the shop and started to run to catch up with the girls I will have to keep an eye on the kid anko thought narut was running to catch up with his two new lovers when he saw someone sitting on a swing on the playground he walked up to the person and as he grew closer he noticed it was a girl Hello Eno is something the matter she looked up at him and that is when he noticed she was crying she had thick Trails of Tears going down her face what do you want Baka I just want to know if you were all right you seem so sad you can talk to me about it if you like why would I want to talk to a baka like you you who has never known real pain he smiled at her maybe you are right Eno but just cuz I do not know pain does not mean I cannot help you she looked at him trying to find any trickery in him she couldn't find any so she began to talk if I tell you promise you will never tell another no matter what I swear I am alone Naruto my mother died a few months after birth and my father blames me for it he hits me for it says if it wasn't for me his love would be alive narut sat there and listened to her he hit me today so hard I think he broke a rib he told me today after that that he never wants to see me again I have nowhere to go he thought about it for a second you can come live with me if you like it's not big but you welcome to it I have very little in my life but you are welcome to some of it she smiled at him that is when she noticed the changes in him he had orange tipped hair it was also more wild she looked him over and saw the tattoos she saw the one that looked like a necklace it was nine Red interconnecting Tails one tail went to the right and touched one that was a lavender print of the leaf symbol she then saw the ones over and under his eyes and lastly saw the nine-tailed fox tattoo on his right arm she thought that they were the most beautiful tattoos ever and that they were perfect and the one on his arm looked like it was moving she then looked at his eyes and gasped they were a solid blue no whites and no blacks they were beautiful I do not think that is wise we are still young and for us to share a place people will talk you can sleep in the bed with the other girls if you like I will take the couch other girls yes hanata and Alexandra they're living with me now hanata hanata like from school and who is Alexandra yes that hanata and Alexandra is my lover in a sense Eno was taken aback Naruto the loud knuckleheaded idiot had a lover wait why is hanata living with you she belongs to me now and wants to be my L to what do you mean belongs to you and wants to be your lover too her father gave her to me in a trade and she loves me and wants to be with me it is good that she gets to be with you but to share you don't you think that is wrong and for her own father to give her away for something isn't that just as wrong she does not mind sharing me with Alexandra and it is okay her father was a bastard but it probably hurt to be traded like cattle so they live with you yes and they want to okay I guess it is cool as long as they want to so do you want to stay yes but I have nothing to give you in return everything is at my house or now it's my old house you do not have to give me anything I just want to know you are not out here alone at night I will come stay with you then okay but first we got to go get your stuff we cannot go back to my house my father will kill me do not worry we will slip in from you window grab some things you need and go okay okay but let's do it fast all right Yaman Naka house and flower shop narut and Eno were were in front of the house store they were looking to see if anyone was there to their displeasure her father was home but in the shop they walked to the back of the house part of the building and jumped up to the balcony and opened the window to Eno's room climbing through the window they stood there and waited for sounds to see if her father was there no sound came so Naruto walked to the open door to the hall and closed it okay find what you need and let's go Eno went around the room slowly and quietly opening drows and grabbing what she needed Ed 5 minutes later she said I'm ready as they went to the window to climb out they heard footsteps coming down the hall narut pushed Eno out the window and shut it he climbed under the bed as fast as he could and was under when the door flew open narut stayed still as a pair of feet walked over and did what sounded like shut the window the feet walked to the door stopped and turned around Naruto thought that he must be looking around for something then the feet went out of the room and the door shut holy [ __ ] that was close Naruto climbed out from under the bed and opened the window he jumped out and shut it again he looked around for Eno and could not find her he jumped up to the roof of the next house he looked around and saw a hand waving at him from down the street he jumped over and there she was are you okay narut I thought you were going to get caught no problem did you get all you needed yes Naruto thank you so much really youo no problem as long as I can help you it does no matter she smiled at him she then walked up and hugged him thank you he hugged her back you're welcome they separated from one another come on let's go to your new home let's go then Naruto's apartment Naruto opened the door to his apartment welcome home when he walked in and looked around there standing in front of him was Alexandra naked as the day she was born Naruto fell head first to the floor bleeding from the nose Eno looked at the woman who stood before her she was a beautiful red-headed woman with darked R slit eyes she had a long tanned body with long legs and a killer rack on her Eno was wondering why such a beauty was with Naruto of all people the only thing she could see on the woman body was a beautiful necklace and a tattoo around her throat of what appeared to be nine red interconnecting tail much like Naruto had but she did not have the lavender Leaf symbol on her right side why is that woman naked Naruto I do not know I bought her clothes today and she is not wearing any of them Alexander walked up to him and grabbed his head Naruto Sama I wanted to be ready for when you get home go put some clothes on please we have company and anyway hanata will be my first hanata walked in and looked at Alexandra and Naruto I'm first at what Naruto [ __ ] Eno saw hanata and gasped she looked so different she had on a very mature outfit on it showed that she was more developed than most the girls their age her hair had orange tips like Naruto's did her eyes were more like slit as well she had a tattoo on her right shoulder of a lavender Leaf symbol just like Naruto Naro turned Scarlet when it is time for my first time hanata Chan you will be first hanata turned bright red and then passed out Eno was looking at her and was kind of shocked at what she would be living with who is this Naruto Sama this is eno she will be staying with us for a while so be nice yes Naruto Sama can you stop calling me Naruto Sama and just call me Naruto I can call you master if that is better no Naruto Sama is fine I guess Hinata woke up and looked over to see Eno standing there you know what are you doing here I'm going to be living with you all for a while okay where are you sleeping you girls will sleep in the bedroom and I will take the couch I do not want to be a burden on your lives I can go no you are no burden stay it is okay I do not mind the couch and the more the merrier Eno walked to the bedroom and put her bag down it was a small apartment but it was a place to live he walked over to a drawer and opened it he started taking stuff out after doing it to three all together he said you can each have one if you need more tell me okay they all nodded they then started to put away their stuff Naruto smiled as he watched them put stuff away he walked out of the room and into the bathroom so Eno was it why are you here instead of at home Eno looked at her my father kicked me out okay so why Here Naruto found me crying and he talked to me I told him and he offered me to stay here I said no at first he then kept talking and insisting so I said yes he helped me get my stuff from my house sounds just like Naruto [ __ ] Hinata said in a dreamy voice narut walked into the room okay ladies I am going to get some sleep I will see you in the morning good night Naruto [ __ ] she walked up and kissed him lightly on the lips night Naruto Sama she walked up and grabbed him and kissed him hard right on the mouth Naruto kept his lips shut no matter how hard she tried to get in she could not good night narut night my loves good night Eno sweet dreams he left the room and went to the couch he laid his body down and looked at the ceiling he thought about all that happened today as he drifted off he saw a light blue like Yummy's eyes he then passed out the next day Naruto woke up to a weight moving on his chest he touched it and it was so soft he then squeezed it and a moment came out his eyes flew open at that and the first thing he saw was red he turned his head to see a naked red head sleeping on him Alexandra wake up why are you naked laying on me good morning Naruto Sama how did you sleep why are you on me naked I thought you could use the company and then you might be cold please get off and get some clothes on yes Naruto Sama as she walked back she swayed her hips Naruto started to drool a little Alexandra turned around and smiled you can have me just say so and I am yours Master he wiped his mouth you are beautiful and I would love to but hanata will be my first I told you that I know she said in a sad voice he walked up to her and grabbed her chin I care for you but I promised I would do everything with her first I love you he stared at her I thought you only wanted me for Revenge to kill him she was in tears looking into his eyes I have loved you for so long but I was afraid to tell you I do not want to be alone and you are the first thing I have ever loved she hugged him to her tightly he stroked her back tell me you will not leave me tell me you love me and want me please I want you I care for you I have not known you long enough to love you but I am sure I will one day I swear I will never leave you she cried into his arm thank you thank you thank you master I promise to be your best wife ever just don't leave me I will never leave you so no more tears okay he kissed her on the forehead she smiled Yes master No More Tears go get dressed Yes master she walked back in the room and shut the door he walked back to the couch and laid down he closed his eyes and when he opened them again he felt something on his lips and was staring at lavender eyes hello hanata good morning Naruto [ __ ] he sat up and looked around on the table was eggs bacon and pancakes where did this come from I went to see my father to get my things and on the way home I saw a open market and bought all this with some money my father gave me that was nice of him we'll send him a thanks and also one more thing he stood up grabbed her and brought her into a passionate kiss he licked her bottom lip and nipped it as well she opened her mouth and he slid his tongue in her mouth and explored it he swore she tasted of sweet wine hanata moaned she was feeling a whole new feeling something that made her heart pound harder than ever and made her lower extremities tingle she pushed her tongue into his mouth and explored his mouth in return she tasted like Ramen and male they stood there and kissed and held one another for several minutes um Naruto Naruto turned to the voice and saw Eno staring at them he smiled at her hi Eno good morning what's up I want to know if I can bear some canai and shuriken Sure hold on he left the room and went to the back and found the Scrolls while there he grabbed a change of clothes he came back to the kitchen to see them sitting down and eating he smiled and walked up and kissed his two on the head and then walked to Eno how many of each do you need just 10 canai and 30 shuriken if you can spare them here he channeled chakra into the Scrolls and out came the number she needed he handed them to her and walked to the set next to her and sat done he pulled a plate to him and started to eat after breakfast he got up and looked at the time it was 9: so he still had time till he had to meet the old man he decided to just sit and wait for his appointment as he was sitting down Eno and had walked by narut we are leaving to go to a training grounds I'll see you too when you come home bye he got up and kissed hanata and ushered them out the door he went sit back down when he heard a knock at the door he walked over and opened it there stood a tunin looking at him with what only could be discussed on his face you and your female friend are wanted before the Hokage in the council Naruto looked back at Alexandria and said we're being called she smiled a foxy smile we cannot disappoint can we Master she got up from the table and walked over to him she put her hand on his shoulder he then looked at the Chun and we will meet you there he then shut the door and locked it let's go and has he finished the word go they disappeared in a swirl of fire you rang said Naruto in a dull voice you will show respect to this Council boy or you will do time with iiki I am not afraid of torturer he said in a straight face we have called you from news of your new dojutsu and also complaints from Sasha said kaharu what about the dojutsu and what is sake bitching about now a few of the clan had snickered some openly smiled while those on the civilian side of the council gave him death glares Alexandra laughed at what her master said what are you laughing at woman said a pink-haired woman I am laughing at what my master said about your too bit you chiha the pink-haired woman looked Furious how dare you some [ __ ] talk about the great saus like that other members of the civilian Council nodded in agreement cutting off the talking from the pink-haired woman and the civilian Council kaharu said show us this dojutsu narut smiled I already have what do you mean said one of the civilians in the room watch and see as if at his command the whole room turned pink then blue now it was orange the Ninja on the council tried to dispel the Jen Jutsu loud cries of Kai sounded from all over the chamber the active it please Naruto said the old hok at his words the room went black then was back to normal there sitting in a chair in front of the council with the woman on his lap was Naruto with his ey two different color eyes with slit pupils it's from the demon it's evil screamed a councilman what demon hok Sama what is he talking about he said in an I don't understand type of voice I hope someone is not breaking a certain law said serut toi the councilman sat down with a pale face face Naruto smiled I have no idea how this happened it could be a change for me healing from my Swan die from the monument you should have died monster spat the pink-haired woman you're right but I guess Monsters Just Don't Die H lady Haruna the woman looked pissed Naruto just smiled at her what is the name of your dojutsu asked kaharu it's called the seikan what else can your eyes do he looked at the old man who was bandaged on his face and had only one arm he didn't not like the even tone this man had this man was not one to be messed with easily who are you if I may ask sir I am danzo my eyes can see in the dark no matter if there is light or not they can also tell someone's element affiliations like yours danzo is fire Earth and wind danzo looked at the boy with interest I can use him he could help me reach my goal I must have him in route or he must die danzo spoke up I think you should give me the boy serut Toby I can train him to use his eyes make him stronger than ever no danzo he will not be one of your roote danzo looked pissed even with a straight face on then we must kill him how do we not know he will turn those eyes against us there were sounds of agreement from the civilian side of the room danzo Sama is right he is a threat said lady Haruna silence he is no threat to us he is a loyal ninja of konaha the room grew quiet at the hokage's orders I agree with hokagay Sama said hiashi UGA to the shock of the entire Council the boy is no threat to us the other Clan heads agreed then a vote all those who wish for the boy to die raise your hand about 10 people raised their hand including danzo all those against 11 hands raised he lives some of the council looked pissed but thought they would get their Revenge with what happened next now onto the uchiha's complaints said kaharu sasaka says that that woman denied him her body due to the fact that she is betr to him said the Haruna while point at him he may not have her she is mine she is my betroth and no one not even the counil canull a betral unless made in the village said a determined Naruto hok Sama said an annoyed Haruna she is the first woman he has ever been interested in we must give her to him to bring back the mighty uch Clan what about what she thinks said Ser Toby the whole Council looked at the woman you could be the first wife of the uchihas you would have power money and rights that most would dream if you stay with him pointing at Naruto you have nothing and be nothing said the Haruna with the support of the civilian Council she is probably right you know Alexandra said Naruto I have nothing but what I can make and work for you would have a better and easier life with SAS he said with a smile I do not care I want you my master my one and only love no one can replace that not money power or rights you are my everything Naruto Sama if they forced me to go I would kill the uiha when he touched me shocked at what this woman had given up it is decided she stays with Naruto but hok sahi no buts there to be together fine but the sword he wields must go to sake he does not deserve it only SAS should be given it I already made a deal with sake that if he could hold it for 30 seconds it was his he dropped it after five only I can wield It Anyways no one but me can unche it and if it happens to be unche no one can hold it with okay getting shocked you will teach him to use the sword or else I cannot teach him there is no teaching you can either hold it and use it or not show us this sword said the Hokage okay he pulled out his little knife and grabbed both ends out of nowhere a sword appeared danzo was looking at it as if it was a key to the heavens I must have it he thought if you can hold it for 30 seconds then it is yours but you get only one chance every one of the council C Ians came and tried and was Zapped and dropped it within 5 Seconds the hokagay walked up and looked at the sword he then picked it up nothing happened narut smiled 30 seconds past and Naruto laughed it is yours to do with as you see fit Hokage give it away or keep it it's up to you Hokage Sama give it to sake he deserves it not that things said a small man in the back the hokagay smiled and handed it back to Naruto it is yours Naruto but I must say it is beautiful thank you hok Sama he bowed if that is all may I leave please yes you may Naruto but if you could please go wait in my office for a little bit we have things to disis hi Hoag Sama he and the woman bowed and left minutes later in the office of the hokagay Naruto sat in the hokage's chair going side to side he looked over at his company in the room and smiled at her God he takes to long Alexandra smiled patience Naruto Sama he has has lots to deal with for the good of this Village Naruto frowned but nodded you're right I will try to stay calm at that moment the door opened to the room and insteed the old Hokage he looked around to see Naruto sitting in his chair and the woman Alexandra lying on the couch he smiled at Naruto's Antics okay Naruto we got to talk about your team and also about Alexandra Naruto got up and walked to the other side of the desk and sat in the chair across from the hok AL Alexandra stood from the couch and sat right next to him the old man sat in his chair and looked at the two Alexandra had Naruto hand in hers Alexandra I know what you are I need to know what you are going to do now whatever my master bid me so you are under Naruto's control yes if he wanted to he could force me to do anything he wanted but he doesn't he gives me free will that is why he is my master and the man I love I do not use my control on her unless I have to she is important to me and I do not wish to force anything from her do you swear you have no ill will against this Village oh I have ill will if my master would let me I would lay waste to your village killing every man and woman in it to lay at his feet for the pain it has caused him he does not want that so I go by what my master wishes you have no worry of me unless he changes his mind then nothing will stop me so as long as Naruto does not will it you do not do something yep that right she said squeezing Naruto's hand tight and smiling at him he smiled back his foxy grin do you have ninja skills yes I do I'm not as strong as I once was though I left seven tales in Naruto Sama and only have two now how strong would that make you then I would say about your level in your Prime maybe a little weaker the old man was shocked with only two tals she was as strong as him in his prime he then looked at Naruto he has seven tals he will indeed be powerful and strong I am going to make you a junan but you are going to be R's bodyguard so where he goes you go Alexandra looked happy so I get to be with him always she was smiling and looked to be jumping in her seat now back to the team business there was a knock on the door come in in W Kakashi sasak and Sakura Hokage Sama you wish to see me in my team sasak looked over at Naruto and he did not look happy yes Kakashi I have a few questions for you and your team he said in a straight and serious face hi hok G Sama my team is at your disposal Sakura Haruna what have you been taught by your Sensei Sakura thought about it for a minute he has taught us teamwork the hokagay nodded then he looked over at sake sake Uchiha what have you been taught by your Sensei SAS looked over to Kakashi I asked you what you learned do not look at your Sensei we learned teamwork he said in a low tone is that all you learned from him is there nothing else yes that is all teamwork Kakashi that is all you have taught these two I know the UA is lying you have been training him privately why are you training him more than the other two I think of the three he is the most important and has the most potential the other two should stop now how would you know if we have talent you have taught us nothing in a month's time you taught us teamwork and in that month you became a hypocrite by abandoning us Kakashi looked over at narut the boy had a point but still he owed it to obido to make sure his kin was strong Kakashi you are relieved as the Sensei of Team seven and are not to teach you chiha anymore hok Sama I still wish to teach the boy I must I want him to teach me he is the best there is and I want him to teach me said an extremely pissed off sake you have failed as a teacher Kakashi your Sensei would be ashamed of you and so would your teammates I plan to reform the teams and appoint a new Sensei for the new team seven you are dismissed Kakashi haki Kashi looked like he wanted to argue some more but he turned and left the office without another word the hokagay pressed a button on his desk a minute later a secretary came in yes hokages Sama call the other two teams new rookie teams to my office and send for anko yes hok Sama she walked out of the office and shut the door there was a silence in the room for over a half hour Naruto sat and talked to Alexandra the Hokage was doing paperwork sake was brooding and soccer alike always was asking SAS out on date and professing her love to him when the door opened and in came the other rookie team you wanted to see us hok Sama said Asuma yes but we have to wait for the new team seven Sensei the other sense's looked at the hok in shock what do you mean new Sensei what happened to Kakashi asked a confused Kai he has been removed as a Sensei due to his own incompetence why are we here if they're just getting a new sensei asked assuma you will find out when she gets here they stood there and waited a minute when a swirl of leaves came out of the floor and in came a purple-haired woman Naruto smiled hey beautiful anko looked over to him and scowled with a slight blush on her cheeks Alexandra and hanada did not look happy at all they were staring at anko with killing looks you wanted me hok Sama she said in a confused voice looking around seeing nine kids with Kuran and auma she looked at Kur and I and looked a question at her Kur and I just Shrugged and smiled at her closest friend yes I am giving you a new Mission he said to her in a Stern voice hi I am ready hokages Sama you are going to be the new Sensei of Team s anko was confused who would let her teach children the council would never let this go they still think I am a traitor who would let me teach their children hokagay Sama I will accept who would let me teach their children sir I would love her to be my Sensei said Naruto with what seemed to be a true smile anko looked at him and shuddered at the look he gave her but she felt good that someone would like themselves to be taught by her since the new Sensei is here we can talk about the new team setups to his understanding people were surprised Hokage what do you mean by new team set up I am changing the teams up the Enos shika Cho team is amazing yes but if someone fought the original team up then they might have come up with a way to defeat them so it is time to switch it up a little and try some new things the hyuga abame and inuka are a well-known combination for konaha so someone most likely has found a way to neutralize it the two junan Sensei were silent for a few minutes thinking that sounds like a good idea this will ensure the variety in the teams to make it harder to calculate them said assuma he looked disappointed that his team was going to change he was learning to like them and even cared for them Kur and I looked at her team she liked them a lot and did not want to part with them but she knew the Hokage was right if switching them up with a new team would increase their chances of survival even by a slime margin then it was worth it the Hokage looked over at the teams and the Sensei nodded in understanding okay then Naruto you are going to stay on team seven with anko Naruto smiled at anko with a knowing smile Hinata you will be moved to team S as well and SAS will take your place Hinata was happy and smiled that she would be on her loves team but frowned right after after she looked at her Sensei with apologetic look in her eyes K and I just smiled happy that her student got to be with her love she then looked over at her teammates and had the same look Shino nodded to her without an emotion on his face while keba looked mad Eno will be transferred to team seven and Sakura will take her place Eno's heart was fluttering and she had no idea why she looked back at her team and smiled they smiled right back at her so the teams are as follows he looked over at kurai kurai will be the Sensei for team 10 with sake Shino and kba he looked at the three and then back at their Sensei and she nodded he looked over at Asuma Asuma will be Sensei of Team eight with Shikamaru Choi and Sakura Asuma nodded he then looked at anko you will be the Sensei of Team seven with Eno hanata Naruto and Alexander here will be your backup why does that worthless team of weaklings get Sensei I deserve to have her for my private Sensei because I want them to she is not a Sensei she is Naruto's guard but she happens to teach them something that is okay to he said smiling why does he get a private guard when of the last do chihan do not said s in an outraged tone do you want a guard that will be with you all the time I can give you one if you want it so bad I want her as my guard and no one else sorry she is taken but I am sure the old man can give you a beautiful guy to grow up and touch if you like narut said with a matter of fact voice SAS looked ready to jump Nar Nar just smiled as there were a few Smiles in the room and some looked to be holding back laughter Alexandra though was laughing loudly Sakura was giving her the death glare or trying to do not laugh at sake he is better than the [ __ ] you had to guard the run's temperature dropped what did you say about my master it was said in the most evil and disturbing way possible Sakura looked confused confused what did you just call him Master yes that is what he is my master if you ever say something bad about him again I will kill you especially if you say that worthless nothing of an UA is better than my master Naruto chuckled calm down please Alexander I do not care what some fan girl thinks of me master I will not have her think you are worse than that worthless bastard she snarled he walked up and grabbed her chin it is okay let her think what she wants she was about to argue when leaned down and kissed her her face changed to one of happiness for the affection she was getting he pulled away from her and she followed to try to get more he put his hand and stroked her cheek maybe later yes my master Sakura had a scared and confused look on her face how could narut have this girl so entrapped in him that she called him Master he must be controlling her or something Alexandra looked at Sakura and said in an even tone thank my master he just saved you Sakura was about to say something when Shikamaru grabbed her arm just do not tempt it she looks like she means business Troublesome woman if we're done with these unneeded interruptions then we can continue he looked at Naruto sasak and then Sakura who said nothing you are to get acquainted with your new team and teammates then tomorrow you will start you missions together until then you are dismissed hi said everyone in the room they all walked out of the office when they reached outside anod turned around and looked at her team meet me at training ground 44 within a half an hour or else we are having dodging practice she said with a creepy smile she then turned around and disappeared narut grabbed on to Eno and hanata and held them close hanata and Eno turned red he then touched Alexander's hand and said in an amused voice do it yes master they all disappeared into a swirl of flames training ground 44 anko sat in a tree and waited for her team she thought about her team her first real team she was happy about having it but not so happy about whom it was that narut really was strange to her he was confusing and made her feel like she had not in a long time he had a bodyguard who called him master and the Hinata girl seemed to like him she was still thinking when a flash of fire appeared in the clearing in front of the fence into the forest what the hell was that Naruto screamed Eno who was dizzy and having a hard time standing straight it was a shush of a different kind he said nonchalantly Eno looked pissed while hanata was stumbling around do not do that again without telling me okay Naruto smiled and bowed to Eno sorry Enoch Chan Eno blushed did he call me Enoch Chan why do I care he is only a nice boy he is nothing but a normal boy I love SAS and I do not care about narut why am I blushing though Naruto looked around for his new Sensei he spotted her in a tree he walked up and jumped up and walked to her before he could get closer she swiped her leg out and he tripped he fell through the branches of the tree and hit the ground right on his butt damn it he smiled up to her don't try that again Blondie or you are going to be much more holy I want you four to gather around me and tell me about yourselves names favorite colors I don't care just tell me about you when you are done with that tell me what you want to learn from this and what you're already are good at in Specialties she looked at the group and pointed at hanata first you pale eyes go first hanata looked around and then started to talk my name is hanata hyuga my favorite color is lavender I love my boyfriend and cannot wait to marry him she looked at Naruto who was smiling at her and blushed I live with Eno Alexandra and him in his apartment I love to dance and can sing okay I hate people who judge people for what they cannot help but happened and those who view by someone's status I hope to one day stop the use of the Caged Bird seal and set the branch family free I want to learn more Ninjutsu to change the Jukin style to better suit me and increase my low chakra reserves my specialties are my family's Tai Jutsu style medical tasks and chakra control she smiled and did not continue good start now you Willow everyone looked around and wondered who she was talking to you she pointed at Eno Eno looked upset why am I Willow cause you look like as a willow tree still looking mad Eno started her little speech I'm Eno yamanaka my favorite color is purple I live with Naruto and the other two like Hinata said I love flowers They're me favorite pastime at this Naruto's eyes opened wide when he remembered something flashback your second clue is flowers are my favorite pastimes and flashback narut stared at her he had already taken in one of his lovers and not even realized it he felt stupid for not seeing it before yumy had the same eyes as her and had the purple skirt like Eno had on now I thought I had loved this guy but I'm not sure anymore I hate people who hurt others for something they could not help or stop from happening I wish to learn more interrogation techniques and taijutsu my strengths are interrogation medical herbs and chakra control anko nodded at her a girl after my own heart now you're turned big red Alexandra looked at her my name is Alexandra I like what no last name said anko in a Sly voice no I do not but if I gave myself one it would be Uzumaki she smiled and looked at narut my favorite color is red I love my master I would do anything for him no matter what he asked I hate those who do anything to hurt make fun of or say bad things about my master I wish to learn more about my master I am good at many things anko looked at her like she was a little crazy but who was she de bit she was crazy okay whiskers your turn okay I'll go after you beauty sensei he said radiating a full smile she looked at him agitated fine my name is enko maidashi my favorite color is black I like blood and fighting I hate snake bastards traitors and those who do not look at someone's inside I wish to learn how to be a Sensei my strengths are interrogation poisons and stealth she smiled and looked at Naruto happy whiskers now go narut smiled and nodded my name is Naruto Uzumaki my favorite color is orange I like my girls hanata and Alexandra I like my new team and Sensei also enoan at this all the girls turned red some darker than others I dislike people who are given everything and think they deserve it people who judge and hurt people without knowing anything about them and most of all I hate Turtles at that everyone around looked at him then out of nowhere there was two thumps as something hit the ground then there was laughter Alexandra and anko were on the ground laughing and crying Naruto looked at them and frowned sorry Master but it's so cute and funny he looked over at hanata and Eno to see them both laughing too after a few minutes The Laughing subsided I wish to have people close to me and to learn anything I can to protect my precious people I am strong in Chakra reserves in fighting spirit and in the willingness to learn anko nodded we have lots of work to do but as long as you do your best and never give up you can and will succeed I want you to meet me here tomorrow for our mission and then training dismissed it had been a month since the new teams had been put together and the new team seven was doing much better than the rest they got missions done in half the time than most of the other teams and had done twice as many as any team had they had done everything from cleaning up a field for children to play into the most tedious task of catching tour the cat which they had done in a record time for the fire Dam's wife their training and Improvement were astounding they were considered the best Jen and teams since the sonine and were said to be the team to see go through the tunin exams on their first try ano looked out over her training team and smiled she felt like she had done something truly amazing in her life she had trained them into the ground making them do so much training that at the end of the day that they were lucky to move each day after it she had them each learning or perfecting something every day they were given a general workouts every day to strengthen their reserves strength chakra control and precision they did push-ups sit ups chin ups and back flips to strengthen muscles water walking tree climbing and canai balancing to up their reserves and help with chakra control Precision in anko's opinion was her favorite she would thrw Kai at them for them to dodge and them to hit small things off trees if they missed they did Laps on their hands on the lake while anko throw poison Kunis at them hanata was being taught water and lightning based Ninjutsu after Naruto had said that those were her Elemental affinities she was learning to combine her Ninjutsu into deadly combinations to help neutralize and even kill hordes of enemies she was also changing her Jukin style to be more fluid with less solid hits than it already had she was incorporating her style and ano's style of striking snake to form a style she named streaming Lily she still used Jukin a lot but you knew when she was serious when she slipped on her Point gloves as Naruto called them for the point they made on her fingers and the pain they caused Naruto had ended up her test dummy and permanent sparing partner due to his healing Factor she would beat the crap out of him then use healing jutsus to bring him back quicker and do it again so she got to practice two things at once fighting and healing perfecting both and learning new things all at the same time Eno was being taught Earth and fire-based Jutsu from enko and Alexandra she learned Ninjutsu for more of a defensive and supporting work she was learning to be the support and interrogator of the team anko was teaching her how to use poison language and torture to interrogate someone if by some unknown reason her mind walking jutu did not work anko said that she would make Eno into the greatest interrogator in the history of konaha she was getting eiki to help with her training as well anko even went so far as to sneak into her old house and stealing Jutsu Scrolls from her father for her to copy she was learning to fight from anko she seemed to be made for the Striking snake fighting St she had the thin body and the flexibility to make the style truly effective her and anko would Spar and do Cates together and stopped to correct their formation anko had given her twin sickles for her to learn to incorporate into the style Eno called them her fangs and loved to pull them out to twirl Naruto's training by far had been the most unbelievable and biggest payoff he had an unheard of rate of change he learned faster than anyone she knew he got stronger with less training and he fought like an animal he had found out that he was an abnormally high wind affinity and a secondary water one he was learning the two different types of ninjutsu from anko and Alexandra he was learning wind Jutsu and wind manipulation from Alexandra and water from anko he had even started on combining the two to make ice anko had taught him the basics of kenjutsu but after had told him to go off and figure out his own style he had been working on it and had even come up with a few moves he called his style Fox's claw it was an attack-based kenjutsu with little to no defense and it was a style of speed over strength Alexandra was teaching her personal ta Jutsu style Shadow paw to Naruto this style taught strength over speed it was more about connecting a punch more than where it connected this style was like the iron fist style more about hurting the body with strong hits then caused precise damage like the Jukin all in all the training and hard work of her three students had been absolutely amazing she felt happier with these three than she had felt since her family's death they made her laugh feel happy and strangely at home anko did still feel weird around Naruto but it was not as bad as it was she still blushed when he called her beautiful and still felt the flutter of her heart when he smiled she was not sure what the feeling was but she knew that it could not be bad because narut was a good guy okay runs it's time to pack it in she said in her usual rough tone the three dropped to the ground and took a deep breath their Sensei had made them jump throw hoops today literally they were completely worn out and so tired that sleep would be all to eyes for them to reach good work today team you know where to meet me tomorrow bright and early bye she then disappeared into a swirl of leaves she always does that run us till we almost die then leave us to ourselves said Eno yes she does but that is why we are the best there is she has made us strong said hanata you right but does she have to leave us half dead narut said the three laughed as they got up Alexandra walked up to them and grabbed Naruto are you ready to go Master she said slightly yeah I want to walk today it is a nice day and since it is so nice we can go shopping sound good ladies the three girls nodded and started walking off toward the village with Naruto right there with them as they walked talking amongst themselves through the village Naruto saw someone make a sudden move movement off to the side of them he reached out and grabbed the canay out of the air as it was about to hit Eno Eno's eyes grew wide she looked at the canai in Naruto's hand and over to the area it was thrown from sitting there on a chair staring at them was her father I thought you were just a killer but now you're a [ __ ] who hangs out with other Killers Eno started to shake as she looked at her father Naruto saw this and turned to the man and said in a serious tone she is no killer and [ __ ] she is the farthest thing from why would she not be she lives with you murderer and your other two [ __ ] and you are learning from the snake [ __ ] so of course she is one Eno was confused Naruto was no murderer she thought why do you care where I live who it is with and who teaches me you kick me out with nothing but the clothes on my back the man looked pissed do not back talk me girl I am still your father I do not want our family name soiled by you hanging with this demon Eno looked confused again a father does not leave their child alone with nowhere to live or go with nothing but the clothes they're wearing I do not call Naruto [ __ ] that he is so nice and sweet I have known more happiness with him in a month than with you in 12 years narut smiled at her she called me Naruto Kun I wonder if she realizes it her father frowned and started walking toward her you are going to come back with me and stop being a ninja you will just embarrass the family name no I will never go with you I am a ninja now and I'm an adult I can do what I want and what I want is to stay with Naruto [ __ ] and be a ninja you do not have a choice you are coming with me he reached out to grab her intense pain shoots up his arm and he pulled away from her he looked at his hand to see a large x on his hand narut held up the canai that the man had thrown and showed him that there was blood on it if she says no that means no every time you touch her without her permission you get a nice Scar and trust me that will scar he said smiling the man now looked down at the cuts and said I will get her back demon one way or another Naruto looked at the man with a serious face he noi s if by some miracle you do get her I will just go and get her back and if you hurt her nothing on this planet will stop me from killing you in the most horrible way possible enoi looked at the boy then turned and walked away narut smiled and looked at Eno and said in a calm voice you can stay with us as long as you want Eno Chan at those words she burst into tears and hugged him thank you Naruto [ __ ] thank you so much he stroked her blonde locks murmured welcomes she pulled away from him and blushed sorry Naruto [ __ ] it's okay enoan he called me enoan what does that mean she was blushing a little harder they continued their walking and stopped from time to time to pick a few things out from stores that tolerated and even lik Naruto after about an hour they walked back to Naruto's apartment and started making dinner after a well-made dinner they DEC decided to hit the hay Naruto walked over to both hanata and Alexandra and kissed them good night after that he waved good night to Eno and lay on the couch to think the girls walked into the room and shut the door they each went to a drawer and started to change into their night clothes Alexandre just took off her clothes except for her panties and laid on the bed she liked to sleep mostly in the buff Hinata was down to hear underwear and a bra walked to the closet and put on one of Naruto's shirts it was a fit around the chest but Loose around her legs Eno put on a pair of short shorts and a training broad to sleep in and got into the bed Eno looked up at the ceiling and after a few minutes started to talk I need to tell you both something she said a little nervous go ahead Willow were all ears Eno sat up and gave Alexandra a death glare then laid back down I think I love Naruto we know said Hinata in a matter of fact voice Eno sat up again and looked at the two you know why are you not angry or hate me because we both knew going into it that we would have to share him with five others Alexander said five others Eno said shocked yes he will have six girls that will love him and he will love they will be his mates we thought you were one for a while now said hanata so I will be his mate is that like a wife or something yes but better by about 1,000% Alexandra said how is this done and what will happen to me she said kind of worried you would have to bite him on the neck and him bite you it will leave a tattoo on it like this she pulled her collar down and showed Eno a lavender Leaf symbol on her neck and Alexandra showed her the tails on her neck you will give him your symbol and you get that same symbol what will happen differs for each of us me I got orange tips the tattoo and my eyes became more slits said hanata so I get stronger and I get some sort of physical trait from him yes but you should know that this is forever you will be his all your life and he will be yours but you will have to share so he will love me too we do not know you need to talk to him to even see if you are one of them what if he does not want me he might kick me out I don't know what I will do he is not like that and you know it just go out there and one more thing tell him I said it was okay for you to sleep there so go Hinata grabbed her and pushed her out the door Eno stumbled and looked back at hanata go and try not to hit anything n know walked through the room trying to avoid running into anything she made it to the couch with little problem she looked down at the mass sleeping there and got on her knees Naruto [ __ ] can I talk to you as she said it she reached her hand out and touched him there was no answer so she stood up she then slipped and fell onto Naruto narut awoke to a sudden feeling on his chest he opened his eyes and saw the silhouette of a woman Alexandra go back into the other room Eno blushed at those words and was trying to get up but slipped again Naruto [ __ ] it's me Eno I kind of fell on you narut sat up and pulled Eno with him he sat her down next to him and turned on the lamp next to the couch what's up Enoch Chan Eno looked at him nervously I need to tell you something Naruto [ __ ] okay Eno Chan go ahead I'm all ears Naruto [ __ ] I I I love you she said and covered her face Naruto smiled at her then reached up and pulled her hands from her face she looked at him with tears in her eyes I want to be with you Naruto [ __ ] I want to be your mate too she flung her arms out and hugged his stomach area Naruto looked a little stunned that she knew about the mating but figured that hanata and Alexandra had told her about it do you really want to be my mate yes please I don't want to be without you you make me happier than anyone in the world please make me one of your mates if that is what you want I will make you mine but I have to tell you a few things first he then proceeded to tell her of have the caoi trapped in him and that Alexandra was the caoi that she would have to share him with others he then looked at her with a serious face do you still want to be with me to be my mate more than I did before I want you as mine I do not care I will do anything you want he smiled at her and nodded at that Eno started to jump up and down then she tackled him and said thank you thank you thank you master at the word Master Naruto grabbed her shoulders you do not have to call me that Alex Andra does why can't I he stared her in the eyes and said Alexandra does it in my opinion is a Penance for what she believes is the pain she caused me she does it to show me that even though she is far more powerful than me that she will bow to my every whim just to show the man she loves that she is sorry for the pain she caused him I think I understand so other than the tattoo and so physical and chakr changes what can I expect from this mating well you will have internal Youth and never have to worry about any sickness but you can still die your just hard to kill you will gain a link with me that will tell me where you are at all times you will have the urge to be near me whenever you can doesn't sound bad to me she said this is forever Eno you will be mine and me yours okay I understand so let's do it Naruto smiled and laughed at her gho attitude do you want to bite me first or I bite you I'll go first if it is okay with you he turned his neck to the side and said leave me something pretty she leaned into him and grabbed the back back of his neck she pulled him in close and breathed in smelling Ramen and male she bent down and bite Naruto felt the rush overtake him the feel of Eno push into him as she bite down on his neck he turned his head and bite left side starting to channel chakra into it Eno moaned she had never felt anything like this in her life it felt like concentrated chakra and heat it made her feel turned on she could feel the dampness between her legs grow when it became unbearable she pulled and screamed Naruto [ __ ] as she climaxed Naruto pulled back from her neck and smiled he licked his lips and looked at his new mate she had changed more than hanata or Alexandra had she had slid eyes tips that were both purple and orange her canine teeth had grown sharper and more pronounced and her eyes became a solid blue like his Eno smiled at him and said my love my mate she then kissed him hard grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into her he was thinking for a second she kisses like yummy he kissed her back and Eno moaned she went for his shirt but he stopped her she looked at him with lust in her eyes she want him badly why not I want you she then looked down and it seems you want me too he looked down and noticed the tent he was sporting I am sorry I would love to but hanata will be my first okay she looked disappointed but nodded she got off him she walked into the bathroom and turned on the light Naruto looked over after a minute and saw her staring at something on the wall he got up and walked over and peered in to see her staring at herself he put his arms around her and whispered to her you look amazingly beautiful she looked more closely at herself he was right she was even more beautiful the tips made her blonde hair stand out her eyes were like his solid blue but a lighter blue than his and her teeth were longer and sharper she looked over it and noticed a flower where Naruto had bitten her she stared at the flower it was a purple Snapdragon with blue lining she then looked at Naruto and saw the same thing on his neck but one of the tales from the tattoo that went around his neck stretched out and touched the flower and circling the tail was a Vine they walked back into the living room and sat down Eno looked at Naruto can I stay out here with you tonight I do not think it is okay Hinata is to be my first in all things hanata said I could sleep with you tonight did she really I guess if she said it was okay then you can en smiled and hugged him narut laid down and Eno laid next to hugging him to her I love you Naruto good night Enoch Chan good night Naruto [ __ ] they kissed and slowly drifted off to sleep the next morning out front of the hokagay tower the gang sat waiting for their crazy Sensei Eno was looking over at her changes still admiring them what happened to Willow everyone looked over to see anko standing by the steps to the hokages she got a mover said Naruto smiling ano stared at him confused mover yes Eno is one of my lovers now ano looked over at Eno with slightly hard eyes narut smiled if he didn't know better he would say she looked jealous he decided to tease her a little you could join them Sensei you would be more than welcome anko looked over at him and blushed let's go and get our missions for the day so we can train she turned and started to walk up the stairs they reached the hokage's office and knocked enter said a young familiar voice they entered the room to see the hok sitting at his desk with their old Sensei Ruka sitting next to him what can I do for team seven today we came to get our mission hokagay Sama said anko as she bowed hopefully something more fun old man I am tired of the cat and painting houses we need something more challenging Naruto show some respect to the Hokage said aruka the hok laughed okay how about a ranked out of the village sound good yes please I could use it Hokage Sama they're not ready for a c ranked yet they're fresh from the academy aruka s my team is more than ready for a C- ranked Mission they are not the same kids you taught in the academy anko stared at the man as she said it aruka looked her not believing that these three once considered the three weakest in the class could have changed that much he stared at the three each in turn and noticed small changes but nothing that could show that they were changed other than appearance aruka I believe anko is right they train hard and do more Mission than even some of the seasoned chunin do aruka nodded to the leader of the village your mission is to escort this man back to wave to Zuna San you can come in now a man entered the room with a bottle in one hand and a bad in the other he was about as tall if not a little taller than anko he had a beer belly that made it look like he was smuggling a keg in his shirt he had gray hairy and a goatee he was wearing a straw hat and a small pair of Spectacles on the bridge of his nose these runs are going to protect me they look like they could not protect a mouse from a cat that boy there looks like he could not win a fight with his shadow tuna blinked and when he looked back the red head that was standing behind the blonde boy had disappeared he felt something around his neck he turned to see that the red head was standing behind him and had her hands around his throat my master is very strong do not insult him again or I might have to hurt you trust me Alexandra stop and come here as if by command the redhead now known as Alexandra let go of tuna and walked back to the blonde and kneel before him he reached out and touched her cheek no threatening the client okay sorry Master he kissed her forehead and helped her up by now tuna felt kind of weird about the show do they practice slavery in konaha shaking the thought from his mind he turned back to the leader of this Village we accept the mission anko said good you were dismissed but Naruto can you stay behind for a few minutes I would like to talk to you in private sure old man anod turned to the team we will meet at the north gate in an hour and a half they all nodded me for leaving the room when they were all out the hokagay turned to aruka and said go take a break aruka come back in a half an hour and he will continue hi Hoag Sama aruka turned and walked out the room so Naruto I noticed the change in Eno what happened to her she decided she wants to be with me so I gave gave her a gift okay what did her father say to that he said nothing he kicked her out she is living with me and the girls has been for over a month well her father has petitioned to marry her off to the Uchiha I cannot let that happen she is with me now and she is her own person when her father kicked her out he gave up the right to give her to anyone and I will fight anyone I have to keep her I understand I denied it and told him the same he was very angry said the hok with a Snicker thank you oh JJ San how's your I'll get you now old man said a boy who burst in with a shuriken in his hand the hokagay smiled the boy went to throw the shurik in when he tripped Naruto looked at the boy with his mouth Agape hey you you tripped me no you tripped on that long scarf you shouldn't wear it or at least wrap it tighter he grabbed his scarf and wrapped it tighter I wear it the way my mother put it on me don't tell me what to do it is great that she put it on you like that but you need to secure it or you could get it caught as he said this he walked up and kneeled in front of the boy he reached out and adjusted the scarf so it wrapped around his neck and then around his waist there it should help okay the boy looked up at him who are you Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you he stuck his hand out and Shu the younger boy's hand my name is konah hamaru the boy looked kind of confused why are you being nice to me is it cuz I am the hokage's grandson Naruto looked back at the old man he is your grandson yes he is my daughter's son he said sadly Naruto looked at the little boy and smiled the kid had lost his parents he knew that is that all you needed old man yes you can go come on konah hamaru they walked out of the room when they made it out of the tower he turned to the little boy how about I train you really he said with a smile yeah I want to ask you some questions okay how many friends do you have none do you have anyone you love someone you want to protect other than the old man and the memories I have of my parents no okay for me to train you I want you to do three things okay anything I want you to make three friends and to work on this with them Naruto handed him a scroll konah hamaru opened it and he smiled you need to have it done when I get back okay if you do that I will train all three of them too okay boss we'll do the boy then ran off towards the Ninja Academy cackling 2 hours later the three girls in narut sat at the gate and waited they're half an hour late where are they we right here found the bastard at a bar drinking his weight in sake anko was walking up dragging the client behind her she reached them and looked them over ready to go as ready as we will ever be letun go then team formation Diamond Naruto you in the center hanata in the back Alexander left Eno right and I will be in the front move out that's all for now if you enjoy then please like share and do comments
Channel: Naruto World
Views: 3,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if naruto husband of kami, naruto husband of kami, what if naruto x kami, what if naruto, #naruto what if, naruto husband of kami fanfiction
Id: l6rqC6SE3eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 20sec (8480 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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