What if Link Talked in Breath of the Wild? - Episode 1 (Reboot) (Parody)

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hey everyone before we get started yes I know I did an episode of this a long time ago but I couldn't really do it the way I wanted back then now I can so we're doing this again and yeah the NPCs and Link's mouth may not move when I'm talking but that's just something we'll have to live with here we go [Music] [Music] what am I am I dreaming I'm really sorry you're gonna have to speak up I'm a bit groggy first thing ah who turned up the lights can we turn those off please I think they're set to blinding ah I'm working on it but my eyes seem to be on fire open your eyes ah Focus wake up link I'm awake I'm awake I was having the weirdest dream about a bunch of people telling me I was maidenless not sure what that meant uh did I fall asleep in water I'm all pruney at least I hope this is water don't recognize this place where am I looks like the inside of someone's brain if this is some kind of mental snap or symbolic or something I'm not getting it unless I'm trapped in my own mind doomed to explore the void until I find myself which would be pretty deep for my subconscious hello appear to be alone I wonder what that thing is the floor is cold oh need to find some shoes ah now what are you oh well that's different that is a chica slate what take it why it will help guide you after your long Slumber I've learned what an ominous voice tells you what to do you should probably do it not sure why I know that but I do so what do you do are you a weapon or ah interesting very very interesting doesn't appear to be a device of any kind I've seen and yet it looks familiar odd ah an exit I hope perhaps I can find out what's going on and where I am what do we have here oh they call didn't relish the idea of running around barefoot in my skivvies with people thinking I'm crazy I have the amnesia for that there we go now it opened this door hmm might have something to do with this [Music] hold the Chica slate up to the pedestal that will show you the way understood hope this works oh authenticating yes she costly confirmed I'll assume that's a yes assumption correct great sunlight this must be the way out ah my eyes are on fire again ah this looks like it link what our light not an answer that must shine upon Hyrule once again and now go I sure will where exactly though no I'll just guess then how big can this place be oh my muscles were not ready for this oh hopefully I don't have to climb much on this Quest let's take a look and see where I am and if I can't find someone to whoa that is beautiful Hyrule I think she called it man that is a lot of land to cover I don't think guessing is gonna get me where I need to go hopefully someone can point me in the right direction otherwise I'm gonna be so lost and we'll never be able to shine my light or whatever the voice told me to do [Music] hmm is that a person maybe he can tell me where I need to go and why I'm here and who I am all I got is link and better grab this in case I need to whack something never know yeah she worked nicely hello sir I am really hungry do you mind if I I beg your pardon I do believe that is my baked apple I'm sorry I was just sitting on the grass I figured you can't just go about taking whatever you please again I'm sorry I can replace it with another Apple just please don't chop off my limbs in retaliation or forgive me I could not resist pulling your leg the leg anything but the leg oh you got me uh so you're okay with me taking this apple please help yourself an apple in an open flame make for a succulent treat I sure hope so I haven't eaten in I don't even know how long pretty sure my stomach is eating itself good for weight loss bad for living it is a bit strange to see another soul in these parts yeah I'm not from here I don't think so I wouldn't know and considering I woke up in a strange brain cave I'm inclined to agree with you who are you anyway me oh spare you my life story ah darn what about a summary I'm just an old fool who has lived here alone for quite some time now well I'm link pretty sure I'm missing or something what brings a bright-eyed young man like you to a place like this where is a place like this anyway answering a question with a question that is fair enough I like keeping people on their toes as I cannot imagine are meeting to be a simple coincidence I shall tell you I'm not sure I agree with the coincidence part but I appreciate it this is the great Plateau according to Legend This is the birthplace of the entire Kingdom of Hyrule before you go much further I'm going to say that history is not my strong suit I don't know why I know that but I do gonna cook me some apples huh thank you hello again head for the point marked on the map in your chica slate okay well the voice in my head is getting pushy I gotta go thanks old guy see you around um is it okay if I take this because I am we'll be much more effective for defending myself than the stick yeah cancel that stick did surprisingly well sure hope whoever abandoned this place won't mind me breaking their crap oh what do we got here [Music] a bow nice I can use this to shoot things or make some awesome music that place looks friendly if the Slate is right this is the place and what I'm looking for but I assume I'll know it when I see it that's it hmm appears to be just like the last one I guess I'll just put this late on this pedestal here looks like it worked Tower active Tower face watch for Falling Rocks say what now Falling Rocks should I be moving oh crap I should have moved the earthquake oh geez I gotta get out of here before all right ah that was a hell of a ride oh I am really high how am I gonna get down local information can't say that's something I've seen distilled before okay I really wish these things would stop doing things that I don't know or understand it's probably ruined now thanks appears to be okay thanks for the boot drop thing I guess what I've been trying wait what's that you have been asleep past 100 years what the beast beast when the Beast regains its true power this world will face its end oh that sounds bad and that is really really big are you expecting me to fight that thing if so I'm gonna need something bigger than a stick preferably a Ballista or like a giant Moon I can use to crush everything now then you must hurry link hurry why exactly do I need to hurry before it's too late feels like you should have woke me up a bit earlier if time was an issue think oh these were here otherwise I would have never gotten down talk about embarrassing why'd you let the Beast win oh I was stuck on top of a tower huh whoa impressive my my it would seem we have quite the Enigma here we do what Enigma this Tower and others just like it have erupted across the land one after another uh yeah definitely strange I don't know what would have caused it it is almost as though a long dormant power has awoken quite suddenly my bad if you do not mind me asking did anything odd occur while you were atop that Tower hotter than normal no I heard that voice again well now a voice you say you haven't been listening to me at all have you and did you happen to recognize this mysterious voice no but I don't recognize much nowadays I see well that is unfortunate you're telling me I assume you caught sight of that atrocity in shrouding the castle I did but I'm trying my best not to think about whatever that is at the moment at his Calamity Ganon 100 years ago that vile entity brought the kingdom of Hyrule to ruin did anyone try to stop it back then it appeared suddenly and destroyed everything in its path so many innocent lives were lost in its wake hopefully you won't be adding my name to that list I must ask you Courageous one do you intend to make your way to the castle despite my better judgment I do I had a feeling you would say that seems to be my calling do you know how I can get to the castle here on this isolated Plateau we are surrounded on all sides by steep Cliffs with no way down perhaps I could just jump off and hopefully land on something soft like a cart full of hay or if you were to try to jump off well no death could be more certain or more foolish so jumping is out of the question of course if you had a paraglider like mine that would be quite another story a paraglider is that what that was piqued your interest have I yes I didn't come soaring down here on my own feathery Wings you know you might have I don't know you you might be a bird man so where can I get a paraglider of my own worry not I will happily agree to give you my paraglider but not for nothing what did you have in mind exactly let's see now how about I trade it for a bit of treasure that Slumbers nearby for a lonely old man that's a better offer than I thought I'd get so where's this treasure at come let me show you something alright so uh what are we looking at do you see that structure there the One Shining with a strange light I do it began glowing at the exact moment those Towers rose up from the ground interesting and you think I would think such a place might house some sort of treasure wouldn't you it's possible also equally possible it contains an ancient evil that wants us dead but I can deal with that treasure for the paraglider the fair exchange I believe deal but you know it's dangerous to go alone maybe you can give me a sword or something or no okay this place is rather nice BP I'll complete your trial just as soon as I can figure out what it is looks like we've got another one of those pedestals do your thing one of these times that thing's gonna break thank you this time oh okay that's awesome hey little thing what are you doing oh that can't be good that's not scary nice oh it's gonna blow ah that was underwhelming this definitely seems like it's the right spot I wonder what it's made of that I didn't do it ah geez my bad you are good as the result of a true heat thanks are you Oma who are you again [Music] I'm gonna try with your arrival my dude glad to be of service you got his idea is it treasure because that's kind of the reason I'm here please accept this spiritual world okay the old guy except Spirits as treasure whoa [Music] got a smile upon you you as well Mr Mrs oh oh um I didn't do it hope that doesn't come back to bite me right on time where are ah there you are quite the entrance it seems you managed to get your hands on a spirit orb well done what how do you know am I glowing or something Clairvoyance or perhaps just something similar aha how does that work exactly is it a bit like stalking or as one gets older it can become more difficult to see what is right before one's own eyes I believe there are things you can wear on your eyes to help with that however that which was once hidden from view can often be Crystal Clear not sure what that means but I don't see any visible difference in me after getting that orb but perhaps that is not true for everyone rude so what's next do I get the paraglider shrines are tucked away in numerous places all across this land how many of them are there on this Plateau alone I believe there are still three more just on this Plateau that seems like a lot bring me the treasure from each of those shrines and I will give you my paraglider that wasn't the deal oh well I suppose I changed my mind I'm sure that won't be a problem for a young go-getter like you I don't feel like that's very fair but fine I'll do your task since I'm feeling generous I will also teach you a trick for finding shrines if you were generous you would have given me the glider already but regardless thank you for your help it's always best to survey the area by looking around from a high point let's see here how about you make your way to the top of that Tower again are you joking please tell me you're joking I am not climbing up that thing glad one of us finds that funny it was a joke right I am afraid not but do not worry I have another little trick to share with you for your effort oh what's that [Laughter] oh now shut up stupid old man could have just told me where they were instead of painfully teleporting me up here but no he used to be a jerk this place has seen better days what were these things huh doing something looking at me that can't be good I heard my lesson last time do not let those things stare at you too long it's not end well here we go skeleton hand if you could please stop pinching me that'd be great thank you so when I get this time the ability to lift rocks or jump high or Man Chest how do I get over there you know I'm starting to think this maybe wasn't such a good idea it worked out I shouldn't doubt myself stop pinching me hand excellent thank you too damned good sneak in and take them out one by one or go in bombs of blazing hey boom Okay Hand you've got some pension to do wonder whose house this is hope they don't mind me taking some stuff crap it's the old man he's gonna kill me well if I'm gonna die I might as well read his diary some stuff about cooking more cooking we're cooking it's gonna be the most boring diary ever if I read that diary right should be able to put this stuff in here let it cook for a few and yes hopefully that'll keep me warm in the mountains [Music] oh I cut down a tree into soon I thought I could use the ax or well that was easier let's do this was a horrible idea I am not a climber why did I do this oh it burns it burns almost there yeah that is the last time I climb anything let's get this trial going thank you oh that is amazing I wonder if it works on people who needs a sword when I can freeze my enemies all right now if I hit this thing it should move maybe I hope oh [Music] sorry about that creepy monk guy two down hopefully these things are hurting my body this sucks I'm climbing and I'm cold and this sucks maybe these Peppers will help Ah that's better my mouth and stomach are on fire but I'm not cold hello there hey I need your fire thank God I hope it's warm in there maybe it'll get my slate fire powers or something that is the exact opposite of what I was wanting ah cold cold ah mental note get gloves last one get over here orb I've got a glider to get holy hell it's cold oh come on couldn't we meet somewhere warmer hello there old guy with this you have now acquired all of the spirit orbs from the shrines on this Plateau yes I have it was quite easy actually other than all the climbing extraordinary yeah I don't want to brag or anything that means it is finally time for the glider finally link it is finally time for me to tell you everything oh come on but first I swear if you tell me to go collect more orbs imagine an x on your map with the four shrines as the endpoints find the spot with those lines intersect I shall wait for you there couldn't you just tell me where to go do you understand where two lines connecting the shrines would cross there I will be waiting that was weird this looks like the place ominous glow and all more pots to break sorry that's not normal you who have conquered the shrines and claimed their Spirit orbs you big talking statue I can offer you great power gotta be honest I'm pretty wary of masonry that promises me power old guy's gotta be around here somewhere there he is the hell are you doing up here well done there young one thank you now then the time has come to show you who I truly am I was King Rome boss from us Hyrule who I was the last leader of Hyrule ah a kingdom which no longer exists ah ah wow looking good outfit really brings the look together so what happened to Hyrule exactly the great Calamity was merciless that sucks it devastated everything in its path low a century ago sorry it was then that my life was taken away from me well that's worse and since that time here I have remained in spirit form why not tell me I did not think it wise to overwhelm you while your memory was still fragile you'd be surprised so rather than that I thought it best to assume a temporary form you would have saved me some frustration if you hadn't forgive me nah forgiven I think you are now ready glider ready to hear what happened 100 years ago did I mention history is not my strong suit link the fate of Hyrule rest with you that princess was my own daughter my dear Zelda that's rough man sorry about that and the courageous night who protected her right up to the very end I can take a guess that Knight was none other than you link what happened to me then you fought valiantly we fate took an unfortunate turn did I die and then you were taken to the shrine of Resurrection here you now stand revitalized 100 years later I died the words of guidance you've been hearing since your Awakening are from Princess Zelda herself even now as she works to restrain Gannon from within Hyrule Castle she calls out for your help so I've heard however my daughter's power will soon be exhausted once that happens Gannon will freely regenerate himself and nothing will stop him from consuming all that considering that I could not save my own kingdom I have no right to ask this of you link you all resurrected me from the dead I kind of owe you but I Empower this here well it happens when you die you must save her my daughter and do whatever it takes to annihilate Ganon I'll head there now I believe it would be quite Reckless for you to head directly to the castle at this point what do you suggests then I suggest that you make your way East out to one of the villages in the wilderness which one would be best follow the road out to kakariko Village okay there you will find the Elder impa she will tell you more about the path that lies ahead empa got it yes better oh this is awesome oh this is going to be an awesome adventure the is moving holy crap I was wrong I was so wrong even the ground hates me this adventure is gonna suck holy
Channel: Press Start To Laugh
Views: 131,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Breath of the Wild, Zelda Breath of the Wild, Machinima, The Legend of Zelda Machinima, Link, Link Talks, Zelda Talks, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Machinima, Parody, Spoof, Fun, Funny, Joke, Hilarious, Comedy, Humor, Breath of the Wild Machinima, Breath of the Wild Comedy, Gameplay, Press Start to Laugh, PSTL, PS2L, Press Start Laugh, Press Start 2 Laugh
Id: ALTa4uRr9WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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