What If Koopa Troopa Was In Smash? (Moveset Ideas: 85)

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[Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] congratulations [Music] the main shelled foot soldiers of the koopa troop the koopa troopa originally these common turtle creatures worked directly under the koopa king himself however not long after the initial invasion we found out that not all koopa troopas wanted to be a koopa troops choosing to integrate into peaceful new lives within the mushroom kingdom and this is mainly because most koopas are actually kind of timid usually just retreating into their shells at the first sign of trouble not exactly the most reliable asset in a soldier which is why i'm sure bowser didn't really care when a good chunk of koopas didn't want to be in his army anymore but today the koopa that we'll be focusing on will be a lot more assertive here to show everyone just how scary koopas could be if they were to ever show a bit more spine in those shells and there's no better place to be able to do that than the world of super smash brothers so getting right into things the koopa troopa would be a fairly light character it'd have two jumps and it would be able to both wall jump and crawl in fact to while it crouches and crawls koopa will revert back to walking on four legs just like it did in the original mario bros games [Music] so if you're familiar with my series then you should know the drill by now for these kinds of characters i'm building koopa troopa as an amalgamation character borrowing the traits and abilities of others in the koopa species the super scroll of koopa a super koopa so starting with its jab koopa could have a three-hit jab that starts with it slapping one of their arms forwards horizontally then follows up with a diagonal slap forwards with the other arm then finishes the jab off with a quick kick mimicking the same kind of kick that koopas will do whenever they want to kick koopa shells the dash attack can reference a move that we see from koopa trolls and paper mario the thousand-year door having it charge forwards with its head at the front of the attack to tackle foes the side tilt can reference an attack from the original koopa trolls the terror pin from super mario rpg it'll have koopa do a quick wind-up punch straight forwards it does have a tad bit of start lag due to that wind-up but it hits decently hard and it launches foes into straighter angles koopa's up tilt can have it take advantage of its biological turtley nature having koopa do a small jump while elongating its neck upwards to headbutt foes above it it requires precision but it does have a decent amount of range i mean have you seen how far turtles can stretch out their necks it's actually kind of nuts but speaking of which the down tilt will have koopa bring out its inner snapping turtle and stretch its neck out forwards to do a quick beak bite this is a unique kind of down tilt that doesn't launch foes anywhere but instead only pushes the foe a little bit away while also causing a lot of hit stun harkening again to the nature of snapping turtles because when they snap you they tend not to let go for koopa troopa's side smash this will be the first where it fully retracts into its shell koopa will ram its whole shell forwards while hiding inside of it this actually will move koopa forwards each time it's used for the up smash this can be the first attack to reference a move that king koopa uses while also representing the shells of the spineys koopa's shell will grow spikes as it hunkers low to the ground then when the attack is released it jumps upward to lunging the spiky shell straight up and just like what i did for the goomba any foe who touches the spikes at any time will take damage making it a very hard attack to challenge from above for the smash again koopa will hide in its shell then it'll spin on the ground in a wide circle hitting from front to back the neutral layer can have it tuck into its shell and spin in wide circles again but this time it spins backwards this move can reference both its death animation in the new super mario bros games whenever taken up by anything that isn't a stomp as well as one of its bike tricks and mario kart wii the forward air can have koopa do a front flip while elongating its neck to do a headbutt from high to low the idea for this move came from the attack that paratroopers use in brawl's subspace emissary the back air can simply have koopa thrust its shell backwards a short range attack but it's quick and hits decently hard it can also be a small nod to bowser's original backyard back in melee and brawl the upbear can have koopa quickly retract to flip its shell upside down then once it is remerges to kick both feet straight up and the down air can have it retract only its feet then shoots them back out to stomp straight down a move that can spike it's pretty mad that people have been stepping on its shelf for all these years so now koopa can finally try to grind some 1ups off of you [Music] koopa can grab with one arm and pummel by snapping at the foe's jugular the forward throw can once again reference a koopa kicking its shell but more specifically it can reference the koopa strikers from super paper mario having koopa put the foe on the ground then kicks them away the back throw can simply have koopa turn to throw the foe the up throw can of koopas slide on its belly under the throat to knock them into the air after which koopa immediately ricochets back to its first position a subtle nod to how koopa shells bounce off of walls and the down throw can have koopa hide in its shell to body slam the foe to the ground bouncing them away [Music] for koopa troopas neutral special it can borrow the tool used by their hammer chuck and brethren and toss hammers this is a simple projectile that functions just like how the hammer bros use them throwing a single gravity-affected hammer at an arc forwards it's not very spammable and the hammers do disappear as soon as they collide with anything but it's a deadly attack dealing quite a bit of knockback and a deceptive amount of damage for koopa's side special this could have it used their main means of offense across the majority of the mario games the shell toss a move where koopa hides in its shell then shoots itself forwards this move can functionally work like how cooper and coops use the shell toss in the paper mario games simply tapping the command will have koopa shoot straight forwards a short distance bouncing off of any foe in its way if you hold the button down instead koopa will spin in place to charge up then will fly forwards as soon as you let the button go with how far it travels depending on how long you charged it up for and if you charge it all the way up then instead of the shell toss koopa will automatically use the power shell having it fly its max distance as soon as it's finished charging up and it won't stop if it collides with any foe it'll just pierce right through them this move is gravity affected so if you use it in the air then koopa will descend as it flies forwards and true to how koopa shells always work in the mario games if koopa runs into a wall while using this move it'll bounce back into the other direction now for koopa's up special this will have it take to the skies in the only way a koopa knows how by becoming a koopa paratrooper koopa grows wings and goes into a five second state where its move set goes into paratroopa mode while on the ground it's constantly bouncing just like the green paratroopers do in the 2d mario games when in the air it slowly descends but if you press the special button again it'll flap its wings to gain some height koopa's wings will automatically disappear after you flap its wings six times or once four seconds pass whichever happens first this happening won't put koopa into free fall but it can't become a paratroopa again until it reaches the stage or is attacked no matter what you're doing with paratroopa you can of course move left or right and you can also turn back to a normal koopa sooner by pressing the shield button but that will force koopa into freefall on top of that you do want to be very careful as a paratrooper just like what happens to a paratroopa if they're jumped on if a player can footstool paratroopa that'll force its wings to come off and koopa will be forced into freefall but worry not koopa isn't actually helpless as paratroopa if you press the attack button while it has wings this can let koopa perform the shell shot having paratrooper retract into its shell then shoot itself dealing pretty good damage and knockback to any foe in its way by default the shell shot goes straight up but you can dictate what direction it flies into with the control stick this can be a great offensive and defensive tool as well as an extra means of recovery if you don't think paratrooper flapping its wings will be enough but using the shell shot does force koopa into free fall and it might also have a hard time snapping the ledges since just like the shell toss the shell shot will bounce off of hard surfaces ricocheting into possibly undesirable directions so you do need to be careful with it though i could imagine an instance where a foe was trying to edge guard you so you shall shot only to miss bounce off the stage then slam back into the foe that'd be both a dizzying and hilarious instance for you to turn the tables on your foe and try to edge guard them back but speaking of dizzying that leads into koopa troopa's down special for it koopa could use the dizzy shell this is a move that originated in paper mario as an attack that cooper could get as well as one used by dark koopas this type of move was also used again by paratroopa as its powershot attack and mario power tennis for this special it'll work closer to how the dark koopas use it koopa will hide in its shell and spin in place so fast that it creates a small twister around itself and any foe who touches it will be forced to turn around and it reverses their controls into that spun direction for a couple of seconds this is an automatic move meaning once it starts it can't be stopped until it finishes which only takes about a second now by itself the dizzy shell is a tad underwhelming it can be a great tool to throw your opponents off but that's about it that said there is in fact another aspect to this move but before i can talk about that first i have to tell you guys about the unfortunate circumstance that koopa would need to be forced into in order to even use it as is the unfortunate weakness of the koopa troopa if they're stepped on their timid nature takes over and they immediately retreat into their shells well other games do have kupa knocked out of its shell entirely but that just sounds awful in this context and i'd rather not ruin more friendships by encouraging bullying so as such if koopa is ever footstooled while not a paratroopa that'll flip it on its back and force it to hide inside of its shell being left totally helpless until it can get back up you are able to recover faster by matching the control stick but good luck because more often than not you may not get that chance before an opponent gets to you while flipped upside down like this if koopa is attacked it'll actually be shot away bouncing its shell like what happens when you attack a koopa shell in the mario games it'll still bounce off of walls and such and it can even hurt other players in the shell's way but it could also very easily be shot off the stage if that happens though it becomes much easier for koopa to get out of its shell to recover but on top of even that while koopa is stuck on its back foes can actually choose to pick it up just like the koopa shell item only they have to use the grab in order to do this and it will behave just like the item if a foe does this to poor koopa luckily a foe doing this won't prevent koopa from being able to escape cause just like in the mario games if you hold a koopa shell with a koopa in it for too long it can come out to retaliate now with all of those downsides said there is actually a major upside to this koopa shells are incredibly tough it can take a lot of punishment there's a reason why koopas are so quick to hide inside them the moment they sense danger so because of this anytime koopa troopa is completely retracted into its shell whether it's because it was flipped or if it's using a certain attack it'll be completely immune to all damage it's side smash down smash neutral air the first few frames of its up air the side special the shell shot of its up special and it's down special if it detects while it's using any of those attacks it will not take any damage whatsoever however just because it's immune to damage while in the shell that doesn't mean that it can't be launched koopa won't only be forced into a shell bounce if attacked while flipped it'll also automatically be bounced in the same way if attacked while using any of the aforementioned shell attacks so while koopa does have some great defense it does come at a cost you need to be careful not to get knocked around too much you don't want to let yourself lose too much control now obviously you're better off just not being footstooled at all and it does have some options to help avoid that like his up smash or even his hammer toss as a good anti-air measure but if it does happen you do in fact have one last ditch effort option to use and that goes back to the down special the dizzy shell is the only move that koopa can use while flipped as a nod to the shady koopas in paper mario the thousand-year door it functions just like before except now with koopa spinning on its back it gains a new effect instead of turning the foe around it will actually make them dizzy hopefully giving koopa enough time to not only get back up but to counter-attack as well there is a drawback though the dizzy shell can only be used once while flipped and if it misses then it will take a couple of extra seconds than usual for koopa to get back up so it's very much a risk and reward type of option but it's an option nonetheless and when you're stuck on your back you just gotta take what you can get just like a true turtle you need to be somewhat defensive and you especially need to be patient they have their fair share of weaknesses but taking advantage of their strengths is how they'll thrive using what they have no matter the scenario to help make sure that they're not totally oh and speaking of totally boned [Music] [Applause] the reanimated koopa troopa skeleton dry bones considering that it's literally just a koopa with a lot less meat i see no reason why dry bones wouldn't make as a suitable echo fighter it would have quite a number of differences though for starters dry bones is slightly slower but it's a bit more durable being slightly heavier it also doesn't throw hammers for its neutral special but instead what else bones just like it does in super mario world as well as in the paper mario games they are still gravity affected and fly at an arc but it's a much shorter arc trading height for range and some of the gimmicks that koopa troopa has does not apply to dry bones as despite being able to retract into its shell it doesn't do so if stepped on dry bones just falls apart so if dry bones is footstooled it falls to pieces as opposed to being clipped on its back it's still left helpless but instead of being immune to damage but can be picked up or bounced the opposite is true dry bones can be hurt while in a pile but cannot be launched anywhere it can still be picked up if an opponent tries to grab it but as opposed to holding its shell like an item they'll just grab dry bones normally so aside from all of that everything else between koopa and dry bones is the same well kinda there is one other thing for koopa troopas final smash it'll call on the same dark magic common for the koopa clan and it'll be transformed into a form that we're all too familiar with the fake bowser it's pretty common across the mario games for a type of trojan bowser to be used to confront the mario gang heck in the first super mario bros we saw fake bowser long before we ever met the real bowser and more often than not these fake bowsers were disguised minions stepping in for their king so for this final smash koopa will transform into a fake bowser and in reference to the iconic bridge boss fight we'll start shooting a barrage of fireballs into all angles towards the direction that they were facing upon the final smash's activation and after a few seconds of that to rack up damage the fake bowser will then shoot a large beam-like stream of fire forwards by pointing into a direction with the control stick fake bowser will fire a beam into any chosen direction but only towards the direction that they were facing so it can go straight up straight forwards straight down and anywhere in between but it could not be shot behind fake bowser though at the very least you are able to slightly angle it after it starts firing and of course all foes caught in the stream of fire take so much more damage than are launched away when it ends after which the magic wears off and fake bowser turns back into koopa troopa dry bones will have the same kind of final smash except instead of fake bowser it'll turn into fake dry bowser shooting ghastly blue flames that move a little slower to really put the fear into its foes for the colors koopas can all be the very shell colors that we've seen from the koopa troopas across the mario series with the starting default being the very first koopa that we've ever seen who had the same bad habit as the goombas the green koopa the first alt is the second most common koopa color the one who actually knows how to turn around at legends the red koopa here's the shell that gives yoshi wings the blue koopa and the show that lets yoshi shake the ground the yellow koopa then we have a dull teal shell color with slightly darker scales in reference to the underground koopas that we see in super mario bros as well as the shady koopas in paper mario here's a black shield koopa which can reference the bomb koopas in super mario land as well as the black koopa bro in paper mario then here's a purple shelled koopa but this one is wearing sunglasses and spiked accessories this getup was the common outfit worn by koopa enemies in the paper mario games though this specific color references the dark koopa and for the final alt it can be a whole new costume where koopa dawns the armor of bowser's greatest elite soldiers the koopa troll now for dry bones colors its default can be its modern grey bones dark grey shell and teal colored gloves and shoes the first alt can reference one of the original colors that dry bones had in super mario world and paper mario a mostly white boned body but with red shoes the second alt can make its entire body a faded bright violet in reference to the vomers from super mario rpg and the elite dry bones in mario and luigi's superstar saga then we have a color that makes dry bones gold referencing a form it can take in mario kart tour then we have tan bones and green shoes referencing the dull bones from paper mario then pink bones with a red shell referencing the red bones also from paper mario and again from paper mario we have the dark bones with blue bones a pale blue shell green gloves and purple shoes and finally as an alt of sorts we actually have another variation of the dark bones but this one from super mario sluggers it has black bones red gloves and shoes spikes on its shell and a small horn on its nasal bone the stage intro can have both koopa and dry bones walk out of horizontal lying pipes just like how enemies can be respawned over and over again in the mario games though koopa troopa will come out of a green pipe and dry bones will come out of a red one for taunts koopa's first will have it face the screen and do a little arm shuffling dance the same that it does during the popping tunes of the new super mario bros games though we have seen it do this in a couple of other games as well its second can have it throw its shell into the air to stretch revealing koopa only in its tank top then the shell falls back on and its final can have koopa get on all fours then do a two frame walk animation back and forth referencing its original mario bros sprite dry bones first taunt can also be the arm shuffle dance just like koopa though theirs would be slightly creepier its second would have it start adjusting its bones then crack its neck this is its idle animation in super mario party and its final can have it flip its head off and hold it like the shakespearean skull then tosses it back on referencing its celebration animation in mario tennis aces and finally for the turtle's victory animations koopa's first can show it breakdance spinning on the back of its shell then it hops up and poses with its arms in the air referencing its victory animation from both mario party 9 and super mario party its second can have it hopping around excitingly then poses with a fist bump to the air this references its mario golf toadstool tour victory animations and its final can at first show a koopa shell just bouncing around all over the place but then suddenly koopa troopa only in its tank top comes down and steps on the shell you then just see mario fly out of it then koopa troopa happily jumps back into the show and poses this is the role reversal that the common koopa can only dream of having and for dry bones victory animations its first could start with a pile of bones on the ground but the bones all float and spin to reform dry bones who then poses like a zombie this is an innovative combined reference to some of its animations and super mario party and mario tennis aces its second will have it throwing its skull up and down then does a roll to catch it back on its neck this references one of its scoring animations in mario striker's charged and its final can just show it jumping around in celebration with its body parts separating with each jump until it finally parties way too hard and just falls the pieces upon landing the celebration part references his victory animation in mario party 7 and the falling to pieces part is just what happens in general and that does it for what if koopa troopa was in smash with dry bones as its echo fighter i love the koopa troopas it's probably my own personal bias since turtles are my favorite animal but the koopas are just so dang lovable even dry bones in its own creepy necromantic sort of way but regardless they're just another example of a video game mook that's so iconic that they'll never be forgotten so with that said if you enjoyed what you saw and would like to see even more characters be given possible smash move sets be sure to subscribe and if you want to support the show and help me be able to make more content for you guys you can click the join button either below the video or my main page to become a sponsor for my channel doing so will get you access to my private discord as well as channel emotes you can guarantee that your name appears in my videos or even get the option of knowing what what if character is coming up next a week in advance i really appreciate anything that can be contributed and of course if you have a character that you want to see be given a possible smash moveset leave a comment down below or contact me on twitter brawlfan1 on twit i hope you all enjoyed and thank you so much for watching you
Channel: BrawlFan1
Views: 143,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, What If, What If they were in Smash, BrawlFan1, moveset, ideas, moveset ideas, Smash moveset, Episode 85, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario, Mario, Koopa Troopa, Koopa, Troopa, Koopa Troop, Dry Bones, Bowser, Turtle, Snapping Turtle, Shell, Turtle Shell, minion, Paratroopa, Koopa Paratroopa, Spiny, Hammer Bros, Parabones, Koopatrol, Terrapin, Super Mario World, Paper Mario, Mario Party, Mario Tennis Aces
Id: b4omlITeyrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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