What If Humans Suddenly Went Extinct?

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it's the end of the world as you know it every human on earth suddenly went extinct and it's time for nature to make its ultimate comeback what would happen to your home and your city why would this Doom the planet to a nuclear meltdown and would any trace of human existence manage to live on this is what if and here's what would happen if humans suddenly went extinct whether it was a global pandemic a planet-wide volcanic event or a gigantic Space Rock we reached the end of the line for our species every single human on earth is gone for good now while there's no hope for Humanity to make a comeback we'd be leaving behind a lot of stuff cities highways waste time to see just how long it would take for the last remaining traces of human life to disappear but first here's one thing that'll help you survive any kind of Apocalypse bespoke post it's a monthly membership club that delivers you top shelf goods from under the radar brands or as I like to call it a box of awesome check these out bespoke post sent me a point box and a pickle box now anyone who knows me knows that I'm about 70 vinegar and about 30 salt so a pickle box right up my alley check this out first of all Sucker Punch kosher Dills are you kidding me that's what I'm eating first there's the pickling spice pickled onions I love pickled Cactus I've never tried that but that's amazing oh and pickled jalapenos the point box check this out this is for your EDC your everyday carry you gotta have a knife and this pocket Samurai keychain knife this is so cool super sharp though watch out this brass Grafton mini twist it's a pen and it's the coolest pen on ever owned and check out this closed Helix key ring this is how I get into the office every day bespoke post offers you awesome new boxes every month you fill in a preference quiz and they introduce you to Brands and products you didn't know of before from outdoor gear to live oysters every box of awesome has around 70 dollars worth of goods inside but costs you only a fraction of the value now before you get your box you can preview it and decide if you want to keep it or swap it for a different one and if you didn't feel like any of the options you can always skip a month or cancel any time and now you can get 20 off your first box of awesome just click on the link in the description and enter what if 20 at checkout or go to bespokeost.com what if 20. hey with bespoke post you might just last in this scenario a little longer [Music] week of life on Earth without humans would be tough for all the pets without you your furry companions would need to get outside and find food for themselves so hopefully you left a window open for them your peace lily would stand no chance but that wouldn't be the only thing at stake with you gone for just one week soon the world will become Radioactive the thing is our nuclear plants produce nuclear waste these pools of spent nuclear fuel need to be constantly cooled off with water and that water needs electricity to circulate without humans to maintain the electrical infrastructure soon nuclear facilities around the world would start losing power and that would cause a disastrous chain reaction the water that used to cool down nuclear waste would stop running and begin to boil off this would expose nuclear waste causing it to catch fire all this waste would explode covering the planet in deadly radioactive chemicals ecosystems around the world would start dying from all the radioactivity and many of these chemicals would remain dangerous for 300 years and some like plutonium would stay radioactive for the next 240 000 years but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves [Music] okay about one year after we're gone nature would begin to reclaim our roads and highways moss and fungus would grow everywhere and when the first winter hit the planet these roads would start to crumble all the freezing and thawing would cause water from melted snow to flow into the cracks in these cracked vacant streets new plants would grow there would be weeds like mustard and Shamrock and in a few more years grass in forests poisoned by radiation there wouldn't be any birds singing this year but further away from these deadly areas animal populations would start to Boom there wouldn't be any humans to hunt them or force them out of their natural homes anymore without pesticides insects would reproduce quicker taking over the globe this would mean much more food for all kinds of animals like reptiles and rodents [Music] okay fast forwarding a bit you'd start to see our empty cities undergo major changes London's Trafalgar Square would be growing young trees Berlin's Brandenburg gate would be surrounded by Forest in New York City a lot would be going on Underground half a century would have gone by since the last time anyone from a maintenance crew managed any of its 753 Subway pumps that prevented rainstorms from flooding the rails there would now be a network of underground Rivers below New York's concrete landscape steel columns supporting the streets above would buckle and create waterways through Park Avenue and Wall Street your abandoned house and your neighborhood would all be in pretty bad shape roofs would leak Nails would rust buildings would start collapsing in major cities streets would be littered with glass falling from decaying skyscrapers [Music] although skyscrapers would crumple into massive piles of rubble despite the city being flooded New York's Grand Central Station and other Stone buildings like it would still be intact and good news I guess all your now worthless money would still be safe and sound in Bank faults that would never be reopened but famous works of art wouldn't be so lucky without climate control and electricity Museum vaults would be less fortunate water would leak in and mold would cover everything ironically thousand-year-old Ceramics would continue to survive just like fossils [Music] 500 years later a forest would Now cover where your home once stood but buried in the dirt could still be the remains of many of your aluminum appliances and stainless steel cookware sadly you wouldn't be around to cook any good meals with them anymore with every stretch of black asphalt now overtaken by trees and grasses temperatures would drop all over the world the atmosphere would undergo changes as it continues to recover without humans there would be less carbon dioxide in it the initial boom in animal populations from after our disappearance would stabilize by this point Predators like wolves would once again roam around Europe hunting in packs [Music] jumping way ahead into the Future Would anything remain of human civilization well you'd still be able to make out the faces of former U.S presidents in the granite of Mount Rushmore but don't expect many facial features a lot of the rock would significantly erode there would also be some remaining pieces of Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Wall of China but time wouldn't be kind to them and both would be barely recognizable versions of the former world wonders at this point everything that humans left behind on Earth would be consumed by the Sun as it expands and destroys the planet but if you're worried about Humanity disappearing into nothingness well there still could be a human footprint to be found the Voyager space probes would be somewhere out beyond our solar system maybe some alien civilization would find them and learn that once upon a time there was human life on Earth but what if those aliens discovered us a little sooner like tomorrow well that's a story for another what if [Music]
Channel: What If
Views: 516,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if, what happens if, scifi, science documentary, what if scenario, mysteries, what if humanity, hypothetical, hypothetical scenario, hypothetical scenarios, earth, extinction, global, global pandemic, pandemic, end of the world, apocalypse, nuclear meltdown, nuclear, meltdown, volcano, volacnic eruption, volcano eruption, nuclear waste, water, radioactive, ecosystem, ecosystems, greenhouse gases, plutonium, nuclear winter, post apocalypse, post apocalyptic, wasteland, fallout, fallout 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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