What If JANEMBA Joined GOKU And Turned GOOD? Full Story | Dragon Ball Z

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this is a universe where the bu Saga occurs as normal up to the point where Mr Satan begins befriending maim Buu Goten and Trunks Traina the lookout and Goku heads to other world right as Goku senses Gohan's energy and is going to teleport to him to the kaioshin realm he gets a message from King yemma a powerful demon is attacking other world and souls from the undead have begun appearing in the living realm this happened because Anoni one of the many Servants of King yemma left his post unattended for a moment causing an explosion in the cleansing machine now that evil energy has combined itself with the Oni transforming it into the demon Janemba meanwhile in the living realm Majin Buu sees this as a massive Feast while zombies attack him and Mr Satan he just turns them into candy and eats them Mr Satan is terrified by this Goten and Trunks on the other hand use this as a chance to test their skills as they fight off the dictator Goku thinks that Majin Buu was already too much to deal with but if this is going to slow down Gohan Goten and Trunks then he better take care of it he meets up with Pon telling him to take care of King yemma while Goku arrives in Hell the story of the movie proceeds as normal with Goku fighting janemba's first form and announcing that the only other being to have ever made him use Super Saiyan 3 was Majin Buu himself on Earth Buu senses the transformation eventually Vegeta appears to help Goku as Super Janemba begins to overwhelm him Goku U who had just taught the kids Fusion thinks that it would be a great way to deal with Janemba Vegeta refuses but is eventually forced to change his mind though the first Fusion fails thanks to P's help the second Fusion is a success on Earth the kids sends their parents inspired by this great power they show off Super Saiyan Gotenks and test his power out sure that they will be able to defeat Buu with it this is where big changes begin to happen Goku before fusing with Vegeta thought Janemba was a crazy powerful guy that he'd love to fight again Vegeta had no qualms about killing him just to get things over with Gogeta still uses the soul Punisher to destroy the evil energy from Janemba after an intense heart fought battle but the stardus breaker doesn't completely destroy all the evil energy instead the evil Souls that form Janemba survive as remnants that take refuge inside the Oni teenager's heart the Janemba body Fades away leaving the little demon within behind as Gogeta stares him down the Oni runs away as the fusion runs out but before the Oni can get too far Goku teleports right before him he puts a hand on his shoulder stopping him the Saiyan tells him just how awesome he was to fight and how many cool moves he used he was very creative it would be a shame if that all went to waste he can sends the Demon's key within him still the onlyi is terrified and doesn't know what to say but he falls to his knees in pain it seemed like the surge of emotion that terrified him allowed Janemba to Surge again for a moment moment as parts of his armor growed from within him before coming back down when Goku cursed Goku kneeled by him comforting him and telling him that if he can control that power then he could be an awesome guy to fight King yemma yells at Goku to not even think about it but Goku insists on it he's changed many people before Vegeta Piccolo Tien hell if he can do it he's going to try it with maimu King Yan knows he can't really stop Goku and the other world had eventually come back to normal Plus the Oni was definitely fired finally yemma allows it but if anything happens to the living or the dead realm because of it then it's up to Goku to stop it this Saiyan agrees the onlyi doesn't have much of a choice as yma says that it's better than having him living in danger of becoming Janemba randomly again being with Goku will be his punishment Vegeta can't believe it kakarrot is an idiot then again he did do the same for him the two say goodbye to each other as Vegeta truly thinks this will be the last time he sees Kakarot this little Adventure left an impression on yemma which informs his decision to later bring back Vegeta in order to help Goku against Super Buu the threat of Buu is still going on Earth so Goku grabs onto the onlyi and teleports to the kaioshin realm to find Gohan once there shin and kibito ask who he is Goku face Pals realizing that he never really asked for his name the only looks to the ground introducing himself as psyche short for psychedelic kibito is mad that he brought another being to the sacred realm without permission but Goku said that he's just as powerful as Buu in fact he just got done defeating him if he can control his power then he could help in the future too if bu doesn't kill them that is Gohan's mouth hangs open he just brought another evil demon here like they don't have enough problems so that must have been the power he felt psyche is sad he doesn't want to be an inconvenience but Goku slaps his back saying that it'll be okay he's going to teach him real good the Bor continues as normal from there with the psyche demon trying to wrap his head around all of the craziness going on after the Z sword breaks and Gohan is stuck sitting in front of the Kai Goku gets bored and starts to slowly train the onlyi he makes very little progress as he doesn't want him transforming by accident first he needs to teach him the basics he knows what key is of course but it's not like he can really use it he can't even fly it all begins there if he can control his key and his emotions then he will be able to control Janemba for sure at least Goku theorizes the training continues until Goku is forced to go down to earth with the potara Gohan having been defeated the Oni is left with the kais he had started to like Goku and over time rooted for him when Vegeta showed up on Earth he cheered for him even louder was he going to do it was Gogeta going to show up again part of him was terrified of that but watching Goku Vegeta Gohan and the others battle was something incredible Goku actually beli he could get to that point he barely even remembered what it was like to be Janemba Goku and Vegeta take less time f using since Vegeta had already done it before even so he isn't a fan especially with the concept of being fused forever when Vegeta was born the only is surprised that he looks different he would assume that it would be the same but this one was just as cool that sword man he had to steal that the teen caught himself only a few hours ago he had just been interested in music but after hearing Goku believe in him like no one else had before the concept of martial arts actually began to excite him the battles against Majin Buu continued with the onlyi getting quite invested in the battles especially since you know the universe depended on it the battles culminated in Goku Vegeta Mr Satan dende and B teleporting to the kaian realm psyche asked if that was it was Buu gone Goku quickly got up and shook his head kidb immediately appeared before them as hard fought as ever though the kais teleported away they accidentally left behind Satan and psyche the terrified Oni did what he could to stay hidden as long as he could alongside Mr Satan Buu was an incredible fighter if his Janemba form was as impressive as Goku said then perhaps he could take inspiration from it if he survived eventually kidu sped out fat Buu which Janemba looked at it kind of reminded him of his first form whatever little he remembered of that psyche wondered what the hell was going on with Goku ripping his shirt off and floating up to the sky to create some sort of key ball psyche assumed that this was his finishing move but he was wondering why he wasn't throwing it right away Vegeta told him to be quiet and give whatever little energy he had he did a told but it wasn't much Vegeta shook his head in disappointment but something happened the gang kyama was massive especially thanks to Satan's help in getting energy from Earth but King Kai spoke to Goku King Kai explained that other world was trying to get him geny but because of the Janemba situation Souls were still lining up many were injured and there wasn't enough for them to give if only they could get the other world's power then it would surely be enough to defeat buo so it's my fault the universe is is going to be destroyed because of me psyche balded up his fist he had to do something anything Conjuring up courage he quickly ran to kidb who looked at him in confusion and simply slapped him away Vegeta called him an idiot as the prince burst forward as a Super Saiyan keeping Buu occupied they bought themselves some time Vegeta began to scream in pain as Buu beat him over and over again senselessly Goku tried to tell Vegeta to get away but there was nothing he could do that's when psyche focusing on Buu with anger behind every breath psyche could see himself inside his mind standing before a giant cage the first time he saw it was when he became Janemba he didn't expect to see it so soon again but he needed to help Goku this guy was willing to forgive him for what he did and train him to get better the whole universe relied on him he couldn't fail them he closed his eyes as he felt as if some Souls escaped from that cage now in the outside world a dark purple Aura expand banded on him a tail slammed on the ground and a roar caught the attention of Buu the Majin smirked at the appearance of this new demon Janemba quickly burst forward slashing across the sky unleashing a burst of red orbs Buu easily dodged in between each of the slashes springing with his elastic body right in front of Janemba he blew raspberries at his face kneeing him in the stomach Janemba was hurt but he grabbed bu's leg and threw him up to the sky he quickly grabbed a rock on the ground and morphed it into a spike that pierced through Buu in the sky Buu simply slid down the spike blasting Janemba as he rushed down but Janemba saw that incoming opening a portal in front of him and behind Buu making him blast himself Buu simply burst backwards through the portal and appeared right in front of Janemba they continued The Clash while Goku was surprised by the display this gave Vegeta a chance to be moved away by Mr Satan but now Goku couldn't fire the spear bomb he didn't have enough geni and Buu was moving around too much Vegeta tried to yell at Janemba to calm down and drag Buu to the Spirit Bomb but the demon wouldn't listen Kid Buu focused in on Vegeta again grabbing him by the back of his head and using him as a human shield Vegeta closed his eyes getting ready to be attacked by him but to his surprise as he got close Janemba appeared behind Buu and slashed with his swords cutting Buu's body and freeing Vegeta Janemba kicks Buu away but before he could go after him Vegeta yelled at him to calm down and give krod energy fat Buu stood himself up and decided to help keeping Kid Buu away Janemba wouldn't listen smirking at Vegeta and creating a key ball against his chest right before he was blasted away Vegeta cursed out damning Janemba to his surprise this actually stopped him as his armor liked body began to shatter slightly Vegeta realized this and continued to curse at him Janemba kept on breaking apart when Vegeta said listen you Kakarot saved you for some reason don't make him regret it clearly you're more sentient than you were before Janemba continued to stare down at Vegeta though slowly coming down Kid Buu burst towards them once more with Janemba opening his mouth and firing one giant beam that forced Buu to regenerate in that instant Vegeta grabbed janemba's arm and lifted it up to the sky if you want to prove yourself to kakara then do it now Janemba roared as his gkey left his body just as Buu finished regenerating his Spirit Bomb expanded in size by quite a bit the energy from those evil Souls within Janemba allowing Goku to unleash it on Majin Buu as he asked King Yama for him to return one day perhaps they could train together too the geni dama left the atmosphere the danger of maimu finally neutralized for a second it seemed like psyche was in fact in control of Janemba but as soon as Buu was gone he roared again cackling at the defeat of this adversary he slapped Vegeta away and raced his sword up to the sky Goku landed in front of him trying to get him to calm down telling him that Buu is gone he can go back to normal now it seemed like Janemba wasn't going to stop but Vegeta continued to curse slowing him down Goku used this chance to keep talking to him finally calling him by his name and telling him that it's thanks to him that Buu Was Defeated he was right after all in asking King yemma to let him stay with him his power was great he just needed to learn to control it right psyche Janemba perked up when he heard his name steam coming out of him his body solid fight turning into stone as begin to show it was difficult but from the Janemba shell the young demon Broke Free psyche felt to his knees extremely tired Goku could rest placing a hand on his shoulder as he gave Vegeta a thumbs up peace had returned thanks to the namakian Dragon Balls Earth was returned and its people revived Goku and the others teleported to Earth reuniting with their friends fat boo surprised them but the young kid was also a surprise Goten and Trunks actually recognized him from his key having sensed him while goten's defended the world from the dictator they got on guard with the only cowering and fear making the kid stop Goku explained just who he was and why he was there Piccolo face pumped not only did he bring back Buu but a whole another dangerous demon Goku promised that he won't be any issue he thinks he'll be even stronger by training with him Chi-Chi looks at him worried he's definitely a delinquent Goku had thought about leaving to train him at the lookout but since he had just been brought back to life it would probably be better to actually spend time with his family Chi-Chi says that he can stay with them at least until he finds a place to stay Goku and the only's stomach growl with Chichi rolling her eyes and announcing that everyone needs to get ready for some PSU cooking in order to celebrate a lot of people there are grossed out by the idea such as Bulma but the sun family couldn't be happier Goku and the Z Fighters burst away as Goku carries Chi-Chi not realizing that psyche was left at the lookout since he can't fly yet Goten however remembered appearing to grab his arm and carry him away psyche shakes in fear as he holds on tight Goten tells him that he must be really strong for his dad to choose him to train and he's excited to learn from him too Goen calls on Nimbus and tries to give it to psyche but he falls right through it nearly crashing on the lands of Corin but Goten saves him he's surprised that he can't ride it he seems like a nice guy psyche laughs saying that it's probably all the evil Souls within him gotten looks at him funny with a little bit of concern but he dismisses it saying that he looks forward to having another older brother hearing Goten happily talk about seeing what he can do made him excited too yesterday psyche was just an over glorified janitor in Otherworld now he was going to train to become a hero yeah he was excited for these future Heights and that's where we'll leave off for today we pick up a few months after the end of the B Goten and Trunks are hanging out watching Goku train psyche Chi-Chi doesn't really like them hanging out around him since he's a true delinquent listening to rock music and flirting with human girls left and right psyche has had a difficult time understanding key control but over time he began to get it he can now fly and sense key though keeping control of his emotions has been a challenge one or two times Goku and Vegeta have had to stop Super Janemba from raking Havoc though as Vegeta noted in the previous part he's not nearly as malicious as he was when he first appeared slowly it seems like psyche is gaining contr control he lives in a capsule home by Goku's home though originally he was going to give him Grandpa Gohan's home that just wasn't his style too old timey in his new place he has posters from all the other world bands he's also accompanied Gohan to school a few times at Chichi's request though he doesn't learn anything and he quickly dropped out irasa Videl and Gohan's classmate thinks that he's really cute but wonders why he's always in Cosplay anyways back during his training Goku instructs psyche into transforming if he if he wants to control his super form then he needs to figure out the trigger for Super Saiyan it's anger it seems like it was something similar for this too but be it as it might it seems like he doesn't quite get it a few times parts of his first form show up perhaps he needs to master that first Piccolo often comes and watches them train and Piccolo has noticed that Goku is having trouble training him wondering if the Saiyan is the right choice as a teacher for the kid eventually the day comes where they are invited to Mr Satan's hotel opening AKA yo soku and His friends return no one wants to go but Videl insists psyche is cool with it he's learned to like a lot of Earth's Customs food movies and especially music so he's actually kind of excited to see what this is all about but at the hotel party everyone senses a strange energy and goes to investigate turns out it's Vegeta's brother tarbo alongside his wife gu they have come to Earth asking Vegeta's help in fighting and kado two Frieza soldiers whom tarbo says are just as strong as Frieza Vegeta want wants trunks to fight them while Goku wants Goten to fight them that's when Piccolo interjects seeing that maybe it's time to test psyche's power Goku thinks this is a great idea and Vegeta concurs only because he wants to see how strong he's gotten since the last time they fought eventually Abu and kado land with psyche nervously walking towards them this is his first time performing in front of everyone but Goku reminds him that he gave super saiyan three a run for his money these guys should be small fry he just needs to show them that he can control his power psyche takes a deep breath and rushes towards them quickly getting himself beat up he's weaker than Goten and Trunks in base so and kado make quick work of him Vegeta isn't impressed and Goku tries to coach him from the sidelines psyche slowly gets a hold of himself and starts to battle a little better but it's still clearly not enough and Cado ask if this is really the best they have with tarbo saying that maybe they should try something else this upsets psyche who then tries to unleash Super Janemba but he just can't do it it's not listening to him he talks to himself confusing the soldiers who slowly start to approach him finally he starts to feel like something is sprouting he's going to be able to use it Piccolo interrupts the transformation by saying that he's being useless and Goku tells him not to be mean but this actually angers psyche enough to get inspired transforming into first formed Janemba this is a surprise to everyone almost none of them knew that he had this form only Goku saw it an action the giant form destroyed half of the hotel as the soldier scouters explode now they're getting nervous he may look silly but he's quite vicious they have no option but to fuse into AKA AKA begins fighting against Janemba but every blow they land they simply bounce off when they fire a mouth blast Janemba puts his hand out creates a clone aaka who fires the blast right back they follow up by rushing towards them but they're quickly knocked To The Ground by a simple laap defeated it seemed like he was actually starting to get used to it the giant Janemba celebrated on top of the hotel with Mr Satan weeping over its destruction it took a while but psyche actually managed to return back to normal after Goten and Trunks f up to him and cursed at him getting yelled at by balma and Chi-Chi they just thought it was funny clearly first form Janemba is the only one he can access as well and it serves a similar purpose to like super saiyan 1 for example a much much stronger form than his base but not nearly as strong as Super Janemba nor as agile Piccolo once again worries that Goku isn't the R Master for psyche so after the party Piccolo approaches him at the hotel Goku isn't really insulted by it he has had difficulties with him his power and abilities are so much different than his own Piccolo thinks that instead it should be him that trains him after all he's the son of the Demon King he's dealt with demons before exactly what Janemba is Goku agrees he did a great job with Gohan so but only if he gets to train with them and fight thus psyche's training with Piccolo begins moving the capsule House close to Piccolo's home psyche is terrified of Piccolo and definitely likes Goku better he's much more encouraging Piccolo reminds him more of his boss back in other world but be it as it might psyche is learning a lot faster and growing a lot stronger thanks to Piccolo not only that but Piccolo thinks that Gohan would be the perfect training partner for him whenever Gohan has free time Gohan realizes that him and psyche aren't that dissimilar from each other they have a heart to heart where Gohan explains that Piccolo was one of his father's worst enemies but during the same conflicts Gohan and Piccolo became good friends and he slowly started to change Piccolo actually used to be a lot worse than he is now psyche can't believe that and asks Gohan if he was also left in the wilderness for 6 months thinking he would prove a point Gohan simply laughed saying 6 months man Piccolo has really mellowed out over the years it was a whole year for him when he was just four psyche and Gohan really bonded over this as Gohan tells him that he too had a problem controlling his power and his emotion both of those aspects of himself have always been linked and it seems like it's similar for psyche to he made many mistakes along the way but it was thanks to Piccolo and his father that he ended up being able to control it psyche was in good hands this made him feel a lot better and slowly he began to control first form Janemba nearly perfectly Super Janemba was still much more of a problem but he's more stable than he used to be and stronger when psyche and Janemba are in perfect sync they are the strongest of the Z Fighters often even surpassing Super Saiyan 3 Goku but he lacks discipline through these training psyche figures out that Super Janemba seems to almost be a being of his own to a degree he is basically a legion of evil thoughts and souls that lives within him time keeps on passing by and psyche has gotten accustomed to earth when he gets invited to bulma's birthday party he hangs around Gohan and Videl during it with AA also being there she begged Vidal to get invited still crushing a little bit on psyche and still having no idea that he's not cosplaying Goten and Trunks look up to him as well he high-fives trunks when he finds out that he has a girlfriend in the form of myi not knowing that he's lying now that the kids are a little bit older he gets recommendations from them for music no one knew the danger they were in when they set off on that cruise as Lord beerus and whis appeared they had been looking for the Super Saiyan God of Legend Vegeta tried to keep the piece as beerus hung around with psyche helping as much as he could as well he was especially worried about maim Buu him and his first form Janemba were quite similar and he didn't really like that he knew just how unpredictable he could be so he tried to keep the peace even so beerus could sense that there was something weird about that kid and he was surprised that one of the yinks lives on Earth he must have been really naughty to be banished but no matter what they did beerus would get upset and this time it was psyche's fault like I said before he loves his rock music and while listening to it he accidentally bumped into Bulma who then bumped into Gohan creating a domino effect that made beerus spill his pudding even in that timeline where beerus does get pudding he doesn't really get it beerus gets extremely angry at him as beerus begins to attack all the other Earth Warriors jump in to defend the planet even psyche stands up to beerus with what little power he had beerus is excited to see exactly what his deal is why wasn't only here instead of otherw world he would surely get his answer now but psyche just can't transform he says come on Janemba help me out here I'm not not the angriest I've ever been but I kind of need your help no matter what he did Super Janemba wouldn't show up and psyche didn't want to transform into his first form since they are on a boat but he doesn't have a choice at least he can control that one Vegeta yells at him not to do it but it's too late as he transforms into Janemba and the boat starts to tip because of his massive size he rolls over to the side and onto the water where him and beerus begin a fight while the whole boat tries to stay afloat he actually Surprises beerus with a lot of his crazy moves and they both get mad at each other beerus mocks psyche dodging many of his attacks unlike anyone has ever done before while beerus gets mad at psyche for creating portals and messing with bits of reality that make him annoying to deal with this anger is about to trigger his transformation into Super Janemba but what really tips him over the edge is when all the Z Fighters are cheering for Janemba when ulong accidentally steps on his Walkman breaking it into pieces Janemba sees this from afar and his body is engulfed this is when we see inside of Janemba for a moment he had been trying to access Super Janemba before and it's always been anger that triggers it within Psy he sees himself in front of a large cage concealing the Legion of evil that forms Janemba in order to transform some of those Souls seep out and into him but this time as he watched his precious Walkman be destroyed and beerus continued to mock him and anger him more and more of those Souls seep through the cracks and into the young Oni the door remains locked he is still in control but those Dark Souls attempt to anger him and gain control of him thanks to Piccolo's training this can be prevented even so psyche is terrified every time this happens transforming into Super januma beerus thinks that it is crazy keeping someone like this on Earth and maybe he should destroy him he can sense nothing but negative energy within him but he had to admit he was really cool clearly even stronger than the Super Saiyan 3 he fought at the king Kai's planet with a twisted grin janma made the first move swinging his sword and sending a wave of distorted reality towards beerus the water all around him seemed to twist and shatter before reforming beerus however casually avoided the Distortion weaving between them like a dance beerus found this all very interesting getting a quick bite of a donut as he continued to watch Janemba perform seeing beerus unimpress Janemba roared and stomped the ground Janemba moved his fingers in front of him with a key blast that looked like sharts of glass shooting towards beerus clearly Janemba had some reality altering Powers but beerus simply created a key ball in front of him and and kicked it into the sharks they disintegrated upon impact as the keepo continued towards Janemba what beerus didn't expect was for Janemba to open a portal in front of him and one right behind beerus forcing beerus to shoot himself with the key ball this one actually struck him janma laughed as he rushed towards beerus but the God of destruction thought that was quite enough that's when beerus with a casual flick of his wrist released the burst of his true power he appeared right in front of Janemba as he rushed towards him and in a quick combo of moves he struck NBA perfectly knocking him out as the form shattered and from within it psyche fell to the ground beerus however found him very interesting hoping that he learns something from that beerus grabbed psyche by the collar of his shirt that's when Goku appeared before he could do any more damage to the Kid Goku declared that perhaps he had the answer to what beerus was looking for the Super Saiyan God from here Battle of Gods continues as normal the god ritual the Super Saiyan God Goku and Goku Goku versus beerus only this time of course Goku also thinks of psyche when it's time to return to the power of the Super Saiyan God beerus decides not to destroy the Earth there's clearly way too many interesting people here and very good food rather than waiting some time to train with whis and beerus beerus request of his Angel to prepare Goku Vegeta and that Oni to fight him again one day aside from Goku and Vegeta having impressed them a lot he also thinks he should keep an eye on the demon he's way too dangerous to be kept on Earth we simply laughs saying that he thinks beus is just scared that his rank for God of destruction may have some competition beerus gets mad while psyche blushes in embarrassment Goku thinks it would be great for him to join but is he ready Piccolo steps up saying that he still struggles to control Super Janemba but Gohan had trouble controlling his power too he thinks that if he continues to train him while he also spends some time at beerus's Planet then perhaps that will be the key maybe he just needs a bit more support Goku nods at Piccolo if he thinks psyche can do it then he can do it psyche is is excited about this he performed the best out of any of the Z Fighters besides Goku against beerus and that power is kind of getting to his head but he's fine with dividing his time between Earth and beerus's Planet whis agrees he likes many of the fundamentals which Piccolo will be perfect for whis on the other hand will get him stronger and get him to be more at peace with himself there are techniques the angels and the guts of Destruction have that require them to be calm and even if that doesn't work beerus is just as hot-headed as Janemba is so maybe he can take notes from him beus rolls his eyes but he's very excited to see just what Janemba can end up doing between two potential Super Saiyan gods and an extremely powerful demon these should be a fun couple of years thus their training at beerus's Planet begins wh has spent a lot of time trying to get psyche to control his power but it's been difficult as he is basically trying to tame a legion of evil Souls within him even so great progress has been made it's ironic an angel helping a demon control control his power beerus actually thinks that if he could control it he would make a good God of destruction eventually especially seeing as only don't really age psyche still wears Piccolo's colors and he often returns to earth since his training with Piccolo is also not technically over and he lives there still him and Gohan have been training together a lot more and they've become good friends this encourages Gohan to train a little more but not a lot he still has his Focus set on Academia but he at least has fun with the onlyi and he's actually able to still go Super Saiyan at will the kids often join as well and psyche gets music recommendations from them although trunks likes to listen to explicit music and ever since psyche became Janemba hearing cursed words just gives him a headache he has to listen to the clean version now thanks to Bulma he has upgraded from the Walkman to the brand new capsule phone 15 his training has started to make him a little cocky as besides Goku and Vegeta he is now the strongest Warrior Piccolo is is worried that this may be a problem in the future but since they're in a time of Peace maybe he should get to enjoy his power but that peace would be threatened as Frieza was revived when Jaguar arrives to warn Bulma about the impending arrival of the emperor the Z Fighters gathered together to protect the world while Goku and Vegeta trained at beerus's Planet psyche was training with Piccolo at the time when he sensed a large amount of energy psyche asked what the hell was going on and pickle explained just who Frieza was and that so somehow he had returned Frieza those and kado guys were stronger than him right I took care of them easily this is exactly what Piccolo was afraid of but no better time than now to teach him a lesson let's hope you're right with neither Goku nor Vegeta here it's all up to you Mr strongest in the world psyche was still cocky but that did make him worry a little bit meanwhile at beerus's Planet Vegeta and Goku were getting taught that they need to work together each one of them had their own individual flaws and though they had come together in the form of fusion before they needed to come together as individuals this would remain in their mind anyways the Z Fighters come together watching as the massive Frieza for spaceship floated over the forest close to our recently destroyed City the Z Fighters assembled themselves as Frieza and the Army emerged although Frieza remained in his hover car as he commanded his men to begin his assault on Earth psyche knew everyone was counting on him so wasting no time he transformed into first form Janemba immediately he began smacking and throwing tiny soldiers across the battlefield Frieza had no idea what to make of this he didn't even know what it was Janemba began making smaller clones of himself which also began to wreck havoc across the battlefield together with the Z Fighters frieza's Army didn't really stand much of a threat she and a few stronger Warriors caused a little bit of trouble but with the combined efforts of psyche Gohan Piccolo Krillin Yamcha Tien Chu Master roshi and even Jacko the Frieza fors was taken care of Frieza couldn't believe his eyes as if 10 million fireflies lit up the world but those fireflies were janmas those crazy moves that amazing power he realized then that he must have been the one to create a mess in otherw world all those years ago that allowed him to escape briefly that escape gave him a taste of the living destruction he so sorely missed frieza's tail was slammed against the ground as see took steps forward with a sadistic grin bowing politely to the Z Fighters Gohan was going to speak up against Frieza when the emperor asked for the monster's name Janemba could only say his name over and over again happily Frieza scoffed he didn't want to deal with such a child maybe it was time to destroy the world but he couldn't leave without taking down Goku first Frieza declared this planet as his own and to tell Goku to come and face him Piccolo told everyone to stand back and let psyche handle this Frieza what his finger for Janemba to come at him to which the ratton monster obliged however to his surprise Janemba first smirked his body began to change shape slimming down Frieza wasn't sure what to think of this another form so the saans Wen the only ones to go super this might be tougher than expected Gohan and the others were in awe psyche really was changing into Super jemb will after so many years of trial and error the monster had finally been under control well well to a degree it was more of a mutual understanding where psyche and Super Janemba could work together he still couldn't communicate like normal that would come later on Frieza continued the assault rushing forward towards the monster the emperor actually stood a chance as he flowed between punches but they still struck somehow as the portals opened around him and he was hit from multiple directions everyone cheered on psyche but Piccolo knew something was wrong psyche should be doing better than this but he was allowing Frieza to strike him like he was testing the emperor psyche was getting cocky it reminded of how Gohan acted against cell but Frieza began to understand his power even using his own portals against Janemba Frieza fought close to the monster something he didn't like to do as he liked to use blast but this was necessary as every time Janemba opened a portal to punch Frieza the emperor would Dodge out of the way forcing Janemba to hit himself instead this continued as Frieza began to see small flaws in the Demon's power Frieza then took the chance as Janemba hit himself one more time to push him down to the ground the emperor then laughed but Janemba realized that maybe this had gone far enough within the demon psyche was a bit nervous maybe he should have finished things off rather quickly instead of playing around did he make a mistake he didn't want Goku and the others to have to step in he didn't want to feel as if he failed them so he looked up above Frieza seeing the giant Mother Ship this was going to be a desperation move before Frieza could show off his new form Janemba flicked his hand downwards Frieza was beginning to Glow but a sound caught his attention he looked up to see the Mother Ship coming crashing down over him the ship exploded as it collided with Frieza Janemba roared a cheerful laugh but Gohan and the others were worried that was a very dangerous move and now that area was on fire he needed to be more careful Piccolo yelled at him to control himself and to be less cocky but it was clear that psyche was too full of himself at the moment why wasn't Piccolo proud of him why wasn't he congratulating him Janemba began to take steps towards Piccolo which the Nan cocked an eyebrow at Janemba was trying to communicate roaring and pointing at the explosion Piccolo had always been mean harsh but psyche sought his approval Gohan said that he cared on the Insight why wasn't Piccolo congratulating him why wasn't he proud of him from the Hellfire caused by the explosion of the ship a death beam rang out it was fast too fast none of them could tell where exactly it was going until it struck someone as Janemba continued to attempt to yell and be angry at Piccolo then Nan spun behind the demon his Escape saring as the blast pierced them Piccolo fell on the ground with Janemba being left speechless as he kneeled by his master Piccolo's cape flapped in the wind falling unconscious Jemma's Vision blurred as did gohunt he couldn't believe what just happened slowly Janemba CED Piccolo's body looking at it carefully he wasn't moving he saw Janemba left his lips while Gohan's anger began to explode electricity surrounding him he threw his glasses aside unleashing Super Saiyan 2o but the smoke cleared revealing golden Frieza from the smoke Frieza was just clapping and laughing a death beam had killed the the makan huh oh that reminded him of the old days back when he fired many death beams at him but Gohan wasn't about to listen to this bursting forward with extreme speed and punching Frieza across the face Frieza was hit but he tanked the attack simply smirking Frieza kicked Gohan away and pointed his fingers outwards a death beam was fir from every single one towards Gohan what he didn't sense was that from behind Gohan Janemba was changing seeing his master like this was something he'd never felt before something was surging within him a true sadness inside of Janemba we can see the cage shaped like the demon head and behind it a Well of Souls reaching out towards psyche the onlyi looks down to the ground completely silent clearly sad up until now he had only let a few of janemba's souls seep into him but the sadness and anger he felt within himself for doing this to Piccolo was becoming too much the cage began to shake as psyche reached out and slowly opened the door demons scurried into him he screamed out in pain while outside janemba's power skyrocketed his horns grew his eyes darkened a malevolent key was surging from within was this a new state dark demon Janemba was born as the death being streng to reach Gohan a portal opened before him leading directly back into Frieza the emperor was struck reeling in pain as he looked up just in time to see what looked like shards of glass rained down on him and Super Janemba flying overhead Gohan took the chance to rush in after him kicking off a rock and getting behind Frieza to ensure he had nowhere to run Frieza was hit and as the rain of glass stopped Gohan spun to kick him the opposite way he fired a Kamehameha but Frieza recovered he was caught in surprise but that didn't mean they were stronger than him Frieza fired a blast right back to struggle against gohunt but in the middle januma appeared right before they clashed pushing his sword upwards Towards the Sky creating an explosion of energy that disintegrated both blast and pushed Gohan backwards Gohan wondered just whose side Janemba was on Freez wasn't as shooken up as Gohan as he fired more shots some of which actually struck Janemba golden Frieza was in a league of his own but Janemba wasn't far behind and this new power was still unknown Janemba tanked the blast creating Ripples and portals even faster than before Gohan and Janemba comboed Frieza up to the sky where Gohan was going to slam him down to the ground but Janemba instead created a portal the falling Frieza disappeared through it as the Janemba Gohan tried to reach in before the portal closed but it was too late Frieza was taken somewhere else the emperor crashed down into the Arctic the thick snow obstructing his view frieza's heart began beating fast where was he was he still on Earth that Monster's power was proving to be Troublesome from the snow flickered A light a blast striking Frieza on the side Frieza turned to see where it was coming from but another blast came his way then another and another the lack of key sensing was severely hindering Frieza as he couldn't see anything behind behind the snow and he needed to do something the emperor expanded his Aura the snow dispersing he was panting screaming out for the demon to show his face to his surprise Frieza heard a cackle from behind and felt as Frieza slammed his fist against either side of his head Frieza fell to the ground but Goku and Vegeta finally arrived on Earth having been contacted by Bulma through whis they locked onto Gohan's key but Frieza wasn't there after getting told just exactly what was going on Goku Vegeta and the others teleported to janemba's key while Gohan carried Piccolo knowing he'd have to be revived with the namian Dragon Balls there Gohan was flabbergasted by the terrifying sight as Frieza fell to the ground before Janemba and the demon Streed racing his sword up to the sky in one felt Swoop a gust of Kei Rising cutting the emperor in half before he created a series of explosions just like that Frieza was killed again the defeat it Goku smiled and congratulated Janemba about to go on Pat his back when Vegeta called out for Goku to watch out the demon slaps Goku away his power continuing to Surge Goku and Vegeta looked at each other something was very wrong here Gohan realized it now Piccolo's death had triggered something in Janemba an even greater form something he could not control anymore perhaps they understood his power less than they originally thought Goku and Vegeta were enveloped by a blue light a fiery Aura not dissimilar to the purple one that surrounded Janemba the demon looked at them calmly as Gohan realized just how sad janemba's face looked Gohan and the rest couldn't believe how much all of them had grown perhaps they could help psyche after all the super saiyan Duo was doing well they were clearly pushing Janemba back further than Frieza did but they weren't doing well enough their lack of synergy continued to be a hindrance as Janemba dodged in away two have Goku punched Vegeta and vice versa he had learned from Frieza as the battle continued whis and beerus arrived at the battle site be gulped the way Janemba continued to create portals and disperse energy if unchecked he could be a true problem had he made a mistake by asking whis to train him but the angel told him not to fret this could be seen as a test for the trio earlier whis had told Vegeta and Goku about their individual weaknesses they just needed to remember that it was clear what the problem was each time Janemba got the upper hand and Vegeta was the first one to comment on it he remembered the lesson whis tried to instill they took a second to recompose finally watching each other's moves and responding accordingly Vegeta and Goku working together yielded great results and Janemba was finally at the edge of the Rope even when they missed the shot and Janemba got a clear strike at Goku Vegeta protected his ally by shouting out profanity that stopped the demon for a split second this culminated in the sea Fighters below damning Jemma's name holding him down as Goku and Vegeta spun around each other and fired a charge shot Kamehameha in gik gun the blast seemed to have work as whis smiled and nodded at his pupils even Janemba did very well but he wondered what was it that made him lose control what was this new form Goku and Vegeta descended proud at their progress it was clear that having to fuse twice already in addition to their training together had progressed them a bit faster than in the original story even so from the snow below Janemba Rose surrounded by lightning and shrieking out if they continued to fight surely psyche would die what other option did they have that's when Gohan thought of something his friend needed him he flew up to his father carrying Piccolo and asked him to take him to Planet Namek Goku was confused but realized his son's plan beerus wanted to stop him right then and there and thinks but Gohan promised that he could take care of it if he was given a bit more time Goku and Gohan teleported to Namek while Vegeta and the rest distracted Janemba when they returned Vegeta was in trouble but Janemba wasn't fairing much better he was clearly tired and losing energy as Janemba was about to throw one more punch Goku stopped it by teleporting right before him and opening a key ring right in front of the demon it stopped him the god Bine trapped Janemba as he focused his eyes on Piccolo Janemba was taken back he growled looking at thean his two masters were now there and they had a serious look Piccolo took a step closer to Janemba I'm fine kid you can stop this Gohan helped me come back Janemba gave a glance to Gohan and growled again you defeated Frieza you've gotten so strong psyche but there is no more need to fight you can calm down janemba's breaths begin to slow down as as his growls lessened seeing Piccolo alive and well was clearly having an impact he exploded in sadness and rage he couldn't control himself but it seemed he needed just a little bit more push until he could finally be himself again that's when Piccolo said you did great psyche Earth is safe thanks to you we just have some more work to do it's a progress that's when the armor around Janemba cracked finally freeing the young boy as all those Souls seemed to dissipate he could finally breathe again but he was scared and sad was that what triggered it his Sadness the Z Fighters approached him and helped him up I'm sorry everyone I don't know what happened I couldn't do anything I thought I could finally control it but Goku and Piccolo both placed hands on his shoulders smiling at him they understood they were just happy to have stopped it psyche's eyes widened upon hearing Piccolo say this his master actually smiled at him Piccolo was really proud of him Gohan gave him a thumbs up reaffirming this he really was a hero psyche smiled back before tumbling and blacking out that had taken so much out of him the only ended up asleep for 2 days at Gohan's house before he woke up and when he did Videl and Gohan sat with him and a warm cup of te he was pale and clearly still weaker than he should be it was different Gohan every other time I could at least control some of my actions to some degree enjoy the fight the anger but this time seeing Piccolo like that his death I was so scared it overtook me I was afraid of that feeling of the hatred I was starting to feel against Frieza I couldn't stop it Gohan sighed and nodded at psyche the saan explained that he'd been through similar situations when he first went Super Saiyan 2 against cell his hatred for cell his dis desire to watch him suffer it took the better of him and his father died because of it he hadn't told many people this but he blamed himself for that day he didn't want psyche to make those same mistakes the hatred he had against cell it was a mistake he was allowed to feel sad he was allowed to feel anger but he couldn't allow hatred to overcome him then what did you do how did you control it I leaned on those around me Krillin and my mother Mr Piccolo they were there for me so I looked down perhaps he really did just need some more time to train with his friends more time to just spend with them but Janemba was slowly starting to scare him again because it wasn't like these Souls seeped into him like when he transformed into Super Janemba no this time he allowed it to happen he unlocked the door himself that's when the door burst open anasa came running in she was extremely worried about psyche and she came just the soon as Videl told her that he was awake psyche was still a little uncomfortable about this but getting attention when he was still hurt was kind of nice and she finally realized that he wasn't in Cosplay after the battles against beerus it was kind of hard to hide from her everything that was going on days continued to pass and psyche finally recovered being brought back to his spirits in full force like nothing had ever gone wrong but deep down he knew there was so much to work on but the situ a had really shown his growth before when this kind of stuff happened he would just be afraid to transform into Janemba again which just meant taking steps back away from being able to control him he was finally at a point where he could control Super Janemba it was clear that it was Deep Emotions that made him transform into whatever form that was so instead of taking it as a failure he took it as a chance to work on himself to get stronger to get better to train harder he needed to be careful he knew that and he was a lot more cautious about Super Janemba but like Gohan said he couldn't allow that hatred to overcome him he couldn't allow himself to be overtaken by fear he just had to work on it whis and Piccolo realized this too and they trained him harder than ever beerus continued to keep an eye on him he trusted whis to set him straight but if that didn't work he would have no option but to destroy him before leaving back to beerus's Planet Videl and Gohan stopped him at the door asking him if he's really ready if he's recovered fully and if he's not afraid to use Janemba again but psyche looked at Videl in the eyes telling her that he's come this far this is just a new challenge for him Videl is a little afraid for him but when she's going to argue back Gohan puts a hand on her shoulder realizing just how much he has grown Gohan can see it in his eyes it was the same Outlook Gohan had as a kid he knew what psyche was thinking he couldn't disappoint Piccolo psyche bursts out from the house embarking on a new set of challenges the next one of which would take him to Universe 6 not long after the God of destruction of universe 6 shampa arrived at be's Planet challenging him to a tournament for the sake of Earth just like the original story the team gets a bit of time to train prior to it before departing to that nameless planet however instead of having monaka be part of the team beerus assigns psyche as the last fighter but in place as just the last resort beus was still worried about J going crazy in front of his brother that would make his Universe be really worthy of ridicule so the universe 6 tournament goes kind of like normal with psyche excited to see all the new Fighters shampa is confused about an Oni being part of this as he knew they belonged to another world even so he didn't seem that strong when psyche met Frost he was a little cautious but Caba promised him that he was a good guy psyche thought that cabba was a little too clean cut for his taste especially when he asked what kind of music music he listened to at Planet sadala and Caba just responded by saying that he only had time to listen to the music that was on the space radio the space top 100 psyche just rolled his eyes what a poser psyche almost didn't pass the test but he learned just enough during his time with Chi-Chi and at Orange High to pass he took pride in passing over Buu when the battles began psyche was just excited to see what the other universes were made of he was already trying to figure out just how he would have defeated the various enemies like with BML he could have grown in size and pushed him out of the edge for example he was really angry when Frost was revealed to be a villain and a cheater however thanks to Piccolo's training with psyche he was actually growing stronger than in the original story he is able to defeat Frost after some struggles with psyche cheering loudly for his master however he doesn't fare well against Metta he was indeed stronger but the heat rising proved to be a little bit too much and he wasn't one to throw at insults like Vegeta Vegeta just like the original enters the ring next and defeats meeda after hurling some insults which psyche doesn't like and actually gets a headache because of it the battle is continu as normal with Cava learning from Vegeta losing and Vegeta moving on to fight hit again he does better thanks to the training with Janemba but it's not quite enough likewise Goku uses kaio-ken with Super Saiyan blue even so Goku gives up he wanted to fight hit for real beerus was extremely terrified at what would come next could psyche be trusted shampa laughed was he really the final fighter he was just a kid even hit wasn't sure how to feel he was clearly just a rookie but Goku insisted not to underestimate him psyche powered up and rushed at hit but the time stop proved to be too much even after training with whis his base form just wasn't built for combat in an instant H appeared behind psyche and Cho the back of his neck knocking him out the countdown began with hit saying that this was a waste of time while shampa celebrated Goku cheered him on but slowly they all began to lose hope beus even said that he knew that kid was the wrong choice after the Frieza incident he would be too afraid to control that Monster again he was too weak to do it and if that monster ever did return he would have to take him down if he went haywire but whis seemed to be more hopeful about him encouraging beerus to have some faith in him everyone stumbles on their path but Psych he heard this he heard all of this even while he was unconscious he then began to hear Janemba within him egging him on telling him to give in to his sadness to his hatred but psyche knew he couldn't do that not after last time he needed to control himself he needed to prove to beerus that he was more than just this collection of souls he is an individual who can control them he was afraid of what they could do but as he looked at the collection of souls he reached out as if he was grabbing them for ibly whatever the new form was wouldn't come out if he didn't give in he was in control he struggled to remember that sometimes as the countdown was about to reach 10 psyche suddenly sprung to his feet and smirked slowly he began to morph again into Super Janemba for a second it did look like he transformed into that hellish form again but he kept it back he held on and with a glorious Roar Super Janemba returned hit turned actually surprised he knew this would be a challenge the fight began but psyche already knew what hit deal was at first he baited hit into thinking he had the upper hand allowing him to strike with several time skip punches he severely damaged Janemba many times much more so than he expected but Janemba had a plan he didn't function like the rest when the third time skip came Janemba was ready and to his surprise Janemba completely disappeared from the battlefield as soon as time returned to normal Janemba reappeared from a portal slamming his fist into hit before disappearing again he repeated attacked and disappeared hit was helpless as he couldn't do much Janemba was hiding himself in Pocket Dimensions or teleporting away from hit in the end Janemba won the battle as he Unleashed a rain of shs of glass at hit they were so small and covered so much space that the Assassin could barely avoid them with an angry shout that shook the arena janemba's Aura exploded in Purple Rage The Evil Within him was apparent hit skipped one last time but this time Janemba opened a portal where he was standing so as soon as hit moved he had to stop himself as the portal LED outside of the Arena the skip ended and Janemba appeared behind hit and kicked him outside finally Janemba had won the universe 6 tournament and guaranteed Earth remained where it belonged whis smirked at beerus saying that he told him so beus was still worried though the darkness within Janemba would scare anyone he would continue to keep an eye on him but perhaps wh was right perhaps this kid could do it but there were many Secrets behind his power what was the reason he transformed into the demonic form in the first place beerus didn't have time to answer this as soon Zeno appeared instantly beerus jumped to Janemba yelling and screaming at him to turn back to normal otherwise Zeno will start to question things and in fact this did happen the Omni King had arrived to check out what was going on with the tournament but janemba's dark power did catch his eye and he appeared right next to beerus asking him what was his deal since Janemba was under pressure and didn't have time to question this he simply transformed into his first form rather than his base it was very cramped in the arena but Zeno thought that first form Janemba was actually kind of funny and as per usual Goku suggests a tournament of power where all the universes will compete it seemed like the future for the Z Warriors would be a fun time but not everything was as it seemed as far away in the depths of universe 10 aai watched the tournament trans Inspire How could a being such as Janemba be allowed to compete in a Godly tournament this was the ultimate manifestation of mortal sin the evil of humanity swirled around that young man's heart he would have to show the universe that this will not stand when suddenly a time machine crashed down onto capsule Corp they were distraught to find Future Trunks psyche was confused he knew trunks but this guy how could there be two trunks's trunks woke up and un like the original never attacked Goku he was thankful to see his friends as he needed their help explaining that an evil entity had arrived at his future timeline and brought ruin to everything psyche introduced himself and though trunks doesn't think he'll be much help Goku guarantees his power is extraordinary when he can control it suyi cocked an eyebrow help he didn't want to help he had a date with rasa coming that day they were going to a concert now that she knew he wasn't cosplaying she just found him more and more interesting the team gets some time to rest and eat with psyche actually coming to like Future Trunks so uh what kind of music do you like listening to in the future don't have much time for music a lot of it is gone now not even like country what's country well I guess the future doesn't seem all that bad then but out of the sky a bright light appeared a cloaked figure coming from a portal sword in hand his face was obscured but a set of horns peed out from the hood the Z Fighters couldn't believe what they saw as they turned to psyche trunks was confused why were they looking at him but the figure began his attack trying to Target Trunks and psyche as Vegeta and Goku burst his way beers continued to stare at this new being afraid that his worries were coming true psyche was left speechless no doubt about it those horns that sword this was Janemba even the way he used portals against Goku and Vegeta but there was something different his color was dark and gray it was clear that while Goku and Vegeta kept this Janemba at Bay he was quickly adapting psyche couldn't sit back and watch anymore his anger began to rise more and more he felt himself slipping but he cut himself he had to be better than what he was meant to be instead of exploding uncontrollably psyche bursts into Super Janemba quickly rushing to the evildoer and attacking The Clash shook everyone but especially Future Trunks this kid he had been talking to about music was the monster who had been attacking his future this whole time but as Janemba opened his mouth for a mouth beam that caught the evil one by surprise the monster was pulled away by a portal opening again as something else surprised everyone this evil Janemba spoke enjoy your life for now Mortals enjoy feasting alongside the embodiment of your sin he disappeared everyone was confused but trunks wasted no time and rushing in at Janemba his anger bursting forth Janemba locked eyes with Trunks and kicked him away as a sword of his own was formed the two clashed their blades with Janemba having a massive Advantage for a second Vegeta thought Janemba would actually hurt trunks so he got in the way Vegeta and Goku tried to get them all to calm down as Janemba transformed back into psyche the two argued as trunks told them that they needed to finish him off now before he could destroy this timeline too Psych he argued that he wasn't the one to do it that he would never hurt anyone but a voice was heard from behind is that so wouldn't be the first time psyche felt a cold sweat as he tried to argue otherwise but beerus had seen enough he was already worried that bringing him to his planet was a mistake but now he needed to be even more careful beerus would investigate with a flick of his finger beer created key rings that confin psyche's movements Goku protested but before he could act fact Vegeta stopped him saying that they can't help psyche if beerus kills both of them beerus admires how smart Vegeta is and leaves with the onlyi while Bulma and the others repair the time machine meerus takes psyche in front of King yemma yemma is immediately terrified to see the god bowing before him psyche was surprised to see him like this he is in essence his father after all beerus asked how he could allow such a being to live on earth instead of cleansing his soul yemma stays quiet for a moment but he begins to realize something that's right it wasn't just damn Souls that exploded into psyche but also the cleansing machine itself a machine not easily replaced and one filled with chemicals used to save Souls was this why psyche was able to control them psyche was surprised to hear this Theory perhaps this was true maybe having this knowledge would help him gain true control but it didn't matter now psyche yells back that it wasn't his fault that he can't just have this power ripped away from him beerus told him to be be quiet it's either that or being destroyed yemma gritted his teeth making beerus ask him if he had something to say yemma actually spoke up for the Oni yes he was lazy annoying and hung around a bad crowd but he wasn't a bad person he was making progress he had been watching him train with Goku Piccolo and even beerus even so he couldn't deny that Janemba had proven to be dangerous pyi was surprised to hear yemma speak about him this way even wh his master spoke up to beerus reminding ing him of something curious that dark Janemba had a particular key presence never felt from this one it was familiar though wasn't it beus looks at psyche he sees that he truly means what he says and if it wasn't for him they would have lost Earth to his brother fine but he will have to accompany him to investigate psyche whis and beerus show up at Universe 10 where they meet gazu and zamazu the whole time zamasu stared down at psyche this made the demon quite uncomfortable and he stuck out his tongue Adam zamazu was appalled at the blatant disrespect how Despicable in an interesting turn of events Wango wazu explained that zamazu will be his successor beerus had an idea he said oh yeah well psyche here is going to be mine why don't we see who's stronger psyche looked at beerus confused with beerus giving him a knowing non that he was lying no way he'd be God of destruction the two have a quick Skirmish where zamasu is so much stronger than Bas psyche but beus encourages him to transform not to first form Janemba but to Super Janemba psyche was nervous about this but he does so and truly shows zamazu what he's made of while still holding back teleporting all over the place but being careful as to not actually hurt him the second zamazu saw Janemba use a sword zamazu reacted with his own keyblade clashing over and over again mirus chuckled secretly cheering for psyche when suddenly Janemba laughed as he was rushing toward zamazu who blocked in anticipation for the attack but just as it seemed like he was was about to strke he disappeared completely smirking at beerus while he did this beerus's mouth hung open where the hell had Janemba just gone to but without them could he teleport back to Universe 7 he could tell now that the power zamu held was similar to blacks but he needed to investigate more in reality Janemba HD away similarly to how he did in the fight against Hit he reappeared in the beam and swirled out of it as soon as they reached Universe 7 beerus yelled at his prot once again as he teleported to Earth with whis chuckling the kid was a creative one he couldn't believe he actually managed to outsmart them not that whis didn't know he was there as soon as Janemba was back at capsule Corp he hurried to find Goku and the rest thankfully he caught them right before they went to the future again they were there once before and battle Janemba who seemed to have gone stronger than before and barely managed to escape now they were heading back trunks still wasn't sure about bringing him along but Goku and Vegeta insisted that he could be trusted trunks drunks finally and reluctantly agreed thus the team made their way to the Future timeline where they found not just the destroyed future like in the original Arc but a future filled with colorful jelly beans floating all around cracked spikes stemming from the ground and more hellish structures lining in the landscape it wasn't long before that very monster showed up a shower of glass shards blasted down forcing the Z fighters to jump out of the way psyche was actually hurt by this since he was in base form Goku yelled at him to transform but psyche looked angrily at his evil self saying he doesn't need Super Janemba to show him the real deal the dark Janemba cocked an eyebrow as psyche transformed into his giant childlike self this was a bad choice for the kid as though some techniques he could use in that form such as cloning his enemy were useful and even surprised the evil Janemba it was clearly not enough The Clash continued but Goku and Vegeta had no option but to inter interfere Janemba black did not recognize this form at all which surprised Goku if he was Janemba then why did he not have access to these other forms they push off black for a bit but the anger demon manages to rush down sword in hand avoiding trunks through portals and reaching the real Janemba just in time the giant form screamed his name in pain as he just barely managed to cover his chest from the strike a giant arm fell on the ground destroying a building Goku rushed down to help his friend as he trans formed back into base arm still missing looks like I missed I will admit you surprised me that form was something i' never seen before it is through your own malevolence that have been awakened a mirror to the universe reflecting the abyss of your sins behold as I sculp your destruction with the very darkness that festers within your soul I am Janemba black Vegeta and Trunks had enough of this rushing down together to attack black Janemba black opened his Aura to push away the others flying up to join his counterpart zamazu a being who had used the Super Dragon Balls to gain immortality a kaios shin a person meant to create life he didn't deserve that role psyche may be a mere Oni but at least he knew that life was precious but zamazu didn't care to listen to him psyche had no option but to burst into Super Janemba once more but it was clear that they were out of their element the emotional psyche was swinging into discriminately with no sense guiding him but anger at times it seemed like his plating was changing into a dark demon form or maybe even darker Goku and Vegeta did their best proving to be a problem for Samu but they needed to escape psyche was losing it and extremely hurt they all were Janemba black opened several portals each one shooting out blast which they could barely evade he then zoomed towards them not with a sword but with a scythe his pow seemed to rise even further once he brought that out truny yelled at them to escape and to figure out a way to defeat him he would cover for them reluctantly the heroes escaped back to the present dragging Janemba out with psyche continuing to pant in pain Vegeta carried him to the capsule Corp doctor Goku gulped they were able to defeat Janemba before but this guy Janemba black it was like a further evolved version of Janemba but there was one interesting change he wasn't nearly as creative and he didn't seem to recognize the first form Janemba however it is zamazu 's power it was clear parts of him were missing the team needed to rest before heading out with Piccolo and aasa visiting psyche ARA had been waiting for psyche to go on the date with them but when he never showed up she got worried the girl stayed by his side she couldn't believe how much he gotten hurt he even lost an arm just like in the original Goku gets thought the mafuba by Piccolo as one way to defeat the immortal somu meanwhile beerus reappeared he was going to punish psyche but instead found him in critical condition missing an arm and everything even he couldn't bring himself to punish him like this Goku accompanied beerus and shin to Universe 10 where zamazu attempted to attack and kill gazu beerus destroyed zamazu in response shin and gazu worried about what future zamazu may be doing agreed to accompany them all into the future when the time was right beerus believes that the future is safe now but Vegeta refuses to leave his son in Peril without knowing for sure beerus warns them that this could have terrible consequences but it's up to them beerus and we leave as psyche stumbles into the room he had been listening and he wanted to go back into the fight everyone was left in awe no one could believe that psyche still wanted to fight despite what happened he needed to rest but Piccolo knew that look in his eyes he was determined there was no way they could talk him out of this aasa stood up holding her bracelet tight she didn't want him to go Goku walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder smirking they had a future to save psyche he stumbles into the room he had been listening and he wanted to go back into the fight aasa sprung up when she saw him he was surprised to see her there upset to have missed the date Bulma tells him that he's way too hurt to let the P love gang take care of him but psyche tells them that he can't just sit this one back that monster is using his body he's becoming exactly what Beer's Fierce psyche is he needed to stop him this was personal irasa too tried to get him to stay back and not take any more risks but it was clear that that psyche needed to do this never had anyone seen him so determined that young boy who only cared about music now seemed jaded arasa knew that there was no arguing she looked down he was so weird of course Videl had to get Gohan the nerdy one with super strong Powers but didn't have to look like a little demon but she liked psyche a lot he was funny and never apologized for being himself she wanted that date so she looked at him in the eyes as she took off her bracelet and smirked while putting it on him kissing in his cheek she made him promise to come back safe after all she needs to get that bracelet back and that date Bulma thought this was really cute while Vegeta just rolled his eyes and told psyche to get a move on they can't waste any more time psyche hugged arasa and ran out the door thus the team alongside the kais of universe 7 and 10 head back to the future there it is revealed that not only had trunks unlocked a new state Super Saiyan rage but Ma had been helping him in Hit and Run tactics on zamazu as soon as black saw psyche he laughed I'm surprised you survived what are you planning on doing with only one arm psyche sped on the ground instantly transforming into Super Janemba his hoodie ripping over his shape Janemba black and Super Janemba launched at each other while Vegeta goes off to help Trunks and Goku fights zamazu it's clear that zamazu is struggling but black has Janemba against the Rope still even when the other two try to jump in and help Black's power seems Limitless finally slamming Janemba down to the ground as the shower of crystals attempted to kill him however Vegeta and Trunks both stood up in front of him defending Janemba with a shield of key Janemba wasn't moving psyche thought this was all hopeless until trunks began to speak telling him to get up that he can do this there was an explosion as strunks and Vegeta couldn't hold it back anymore they were sent tumbling away with janemba's painful cries being heard holding his non-existent arm Vegeta and Goku continued to fight while trunks approached Janemba I'm sorry you had to lose it helping me defend my future you want to get back at him for what he took from you right listen it made mean nothing to you but my master the greatest man I've ever known he lost his arm to monsters like black and zamazu but he didn't stop fighting for what he believed in he didn't allow the darkness to consume him that hatred you remind me of him of Gohan janemba's eyes jolted open Gohan trunks's master was Gohan they both stood up with trunks nodding before going back to fight his attacks his various moves he really was Gohan's student wasn't he somehow that connection between his friend in the present and trunks's master in the future had brought psyche back momentarily he needed to keep fighting Goku and Vegeta began doing better allowing for Trunks and psyche to attack together with their Source pushing black back just like the original trunks would attempt the mafuba after learning how to use it through a phone but Goku forgot the seal even so this altercation gave black a chance to once again confront psyche alone he mocked the demon as the Scythe narrowly missed his neck back against the wall Janemba could only growl at black if only I could hear your pain properly the way I heard it when I killed your friends Goku his sons and then Nan you are pathetic you are an Oni from the other world you can't see these mortals are beneath you too psyche's heart continued beating faster and faster his vision becoming blurry as the screams and pain of his friends were heard in the background in front of him was a reflection the monster beerus and some others saw him as he became angry bitter he could feel the darkness within him the souls behind that cage escaping more and more into his body Goku realized this and he tried to rush his way to reach out but Janemba screamed out in anger while looking at black he hated him he hated everything zamasu stood for the nihilism he spouted janemba's tail slammed against Goku as his eyes widened Goku could believe what he saw this wasn't any form psyche had shown before it was something else yes yes you see you really are the purity of mortal sins look at you you and I are not this similar Janemba huffing in Anger attacks zamazu relentlessly but black could still keep up he wasn't in control he couldn't think at all the uncontrollable monster opened his Aura racing the area and destroying everything in his path zamasu had been proven right right this boy couldn't help but give in to the temptation of sin offered by the souls within zamazu and black stood by the New Black Janemba but Goku wouldn't let his friend be taken just like that Vegeta and Goku got in the way blasting both janmas into different directions Janemba landed through a building and on a puddle of water he tried to get up but as he did he looked at himself in a puddle immediately trying to attack it too but from janemba's wrist aasa's bracelet fell on the reflection the ripples showed something he didn't recognize at first Janemba was looking at the face of zamazu of Janemba black Janemba had mored into the same dark state zamazu had psyche snap out of it you can't give in psyche realized it now zamazu had allowed his hatred for Humanity to consume him the power of Janemba was really entirely dependent on emotions wasn't it now that moment he hated samasu he had given in he had lost he had transformed to be just like him zamazu had never seen any other form in his heart he only held hatred but he couldn't allow that he wasn't like zamazu he wasn't like the monster beerus and Trunks thought he was at first he was psyche he loved music his friends his new home he needed to remember that remember the good things in life slowly he watched as the Black from his horns faded back into purple within the demon psyche saw himself before the gate once more but this time although he unlocked it he didn't allow those souls to consume him no he grabbed them one by one he held on to them he was in control of his emotions he was in control of Janemba as Goku and Vegeta defended psyche and Trunks an incredible burst of light shut upwards that made everyone turn their heads Janemba was back he was in control he picked up the bracelet and just like when he created a sword the bracelet burst into his side creating an arm which sprouted like pixels an arm of pure key psyche had done it he had taken complete control of Janemba it seemed for a moment he was lost but his years of training had finally paid off I know psyche I will never be like you he stood up he picked up two pieces of rubble both morphing into swords which he showed off to his evil counterpart I am not hatred I am not sin I am me with that shout Janemba threw a punch at black who activated a barrier to protect himself however janemba's punch Twisted into shapes particles pixels that seeped through the shield and struck black still the other Fighters joined in this was their chance to finally gain the upper hand blacks stood no chance now psyche was more creative with his powers and that went a long way but above that he was in control of his emotions unlike the hateful zamazu you have nothing but hatred in your heart it is the reason you never had access to the first form or the second happiness anger sadness these are essential parts of human reality which you refuse to ad knowledge you see them as weaknesses but they are what makes us stronger than you'll ever be black had no way to escape and zamasu was clearly losing ground they'd have to take drastic measures as Janemba and the rest of the Z Fighters comboed zamazu and black away from each other black took the patara off the force of which finally allowed him to escape Janemba and Slam against his counterpart fusing into a new being this newly merged zamazu expelled an incredible power none of them had felt before few Z AMU didn't waste any time as portals appeared in every direction shooting out lightning Goku Vegeta and Janemba were able to avoid them but trunks was wounded by them they needed to do something quick that's when gazu and shin appeared helping trunks Retreat and heal him Janemba yelled at Vegeta and Goku to go with them figure out a way to stop him while he distracts them Vegeta and Goku were worried this new Janemba was doing very well but merch zamazu was not only Immortal but incredibly strong that's when gowasu suggested that they use the potara too that could work Vegeta fusing with you is something I never want to do again kakarat but if we have to do it then let's do it right what do you mean we've proven to zamazu that us mortals can challenge a god let's continue proving it we don't need God's power to fuse you mean Vegeta hated it but seeing how far they'd come it only made sense it was time for the fusion Dam an F zamazu continued to battle Janemba who is finally starting to struggle this new power was incredible but zamazu Immortal form was proving to be a problem when zamasu swung to strike Janemba and surely hurt him great Janemba thought quickly and blurred out a curse word which actually stopped him dead in his Stacks breaking him apart some zamasu was not aware of his weakness but psyche it hurt him yeah but he had plenty of words to say he continued to do this until he felt a powerful whole explosion of key behind him Janemba smirked struggling to keep himself up for the first time since his Inception Janemba was looking at The Ultimate Fighter Gogeta the soul bringer Janemba stood by the fusion as strunks held his sword by his side these mortals had to do ridiculous dances to even come close to the power of Godly Fusion it wouldn't be enough Gogeta led the charge punishing zamazu with a barrage of kicks that left streaks of Starlight behind zamazu was kicked up to the sky where trunks blasted him down to the ground Janemba lifted his blade up exploding the monster zamazu clearly stood no chance and his form began to show it as he began to melt onto himself the god began to freak out not knowing what to do as he started to remember something he watched as Janemba created a pocket Dimension to escape beerus and defeat Hit perhaps he could do that too trap them in there and defeat them yeah yes he could do that but while he was trying to speak no words were coming out now he was the one completely mute as he continued to freak out zooming towards Gogeta and the others before opening a portal that trapped them within his own pocket Dimension however Janemba was one step ahead of him creating his own portal both teams were now trapped within zamasu's pocket Dimension they needed to finish him off now before they were trapped in there forever zamasu tried to speak but only Roars would come out he began to to fire blast at them which they narrowly avoided though trunks was slower than the other two they supported one another with Janemba grabbing trunks's arm and throwing him at Gogeta who pushed him further up to the sky and onto zamazu avoiding the sharts of kyi but as zamazu was about to retaliate with an attack towards him he heard the energy of Gogeta and Janemba swirling together they stood back to back hands up to the sky as Kei was collected onto their palms and then crushed emba and Gogeta each one shouting out different names gogeta's stardos breaker and janemba's soul Punisher the attacks swirl together into a powerful flash of light that pierced through zamazu leaving him convulsing and unstable as trunks burst down cutting him right through the middle zamazu exploded into pieces crystals floating all around as his screams echoed was he done for trunks was sure of it but zamazu began to spread those crystals darkening and covering the entire area he was trying to spread onto them corrupting them and seep into the outside world thinking quickly however Janemba cut a portal out scaping just in time as zamazu continued to go after them his screams got louder and louder until Janemba finally swung his finger across as if stitching reality back together and closing it trapping zamazu Within his own pocket reality like a snake eating its own tail alone in a world with no Mortals his wish had come true finally the future was safe as Janemba with a flick of his finger began to make those giant jelly beans and structures disappear turning into something that could only be described as fairy dust giving life to that world once more as the first sign of plants and fruit begin to appear myi ran to hug trunks as psyche finally reverted back to his base form still holding on to the bracelet everything was all right he knew that now Gogeta smiled at him as he passed out soon enough they would return to the present where trunks would spend a little bit more time there spending time with Piccolo Goku Vegeta but especially Gohan and psyche it was nice seeing Gohan again even if it wasn't the same way one the transformation had actually allowed psyche to regrow his arm it wasn't the same as before but it would do until it was finally time for trunks to return home to his own future whis and beerus heavily disapproved of what happened and beerus said that he would still have to punish Janemba in fact as soon as Trunks and my left mirz was tapping his finger telling him that they have a score to settle it was time to show him what he's made of now that he can supposedly control his power psyche was ready and excited to do this when he saw aasa show up behind beerus she run to hug him admiring his new arm and realizing that her bracelet was a little broken she glared at him and psyche apologized profusely but it was okay at least now she really had a reason to cash out on that date psyche looked at beerus worried but beerus rolled his eyes allowing him to go Goku and Vegeta laughed as Piccolo watched him go he could sense his key they all could it was much STI different from before more powerful more confident he truly had changed Janemba and psyche were now one psyche and arasa sit together at a diner chatting and enjoying a meal after the battles is in the future the two of them are officially dating they have a lot in common including their taste and music though she is far more girly than any Oni he ever knew he wasn't even sure if he'd ever met any woman in other world except for princess snake but she was always out of his League anyways as the Knight winds down and psyche goes in for a kiss someone grabs his hand and pulls him away the kiss landing on baby BR forehead and Goku had teleported him to capsule Corp it was time didn't he remember the tournament of power it was time to train they only have a few days psyche rolled his eyes he didn't have it in him to fight all the time like Goku and Vegeta did and he just can't keep leaving aasa like this Videl interjects by saying that she'll get used to it glancing over at Gohan and she off first to colara for him there were a few faces which psyche didn't recognize including Android 17 so uh what kind of music are you into I listen to Nature's sounds with a low base over them oh but I have been looking for new stuff psyche smiled brightly eager to introduce Android 17 to the wonderful world of hyperpop psyche hugged Gohan it was great to see him again and to get to battle by his side as the leader Gohan devised a plan to stick together during the start of the tournament but there was one problem they need a final fighter Goku had someone in mind now that Buu fell asleep a warrior he hadn't seen in many many years a warrior familiar to psyche without asking Goku teleports them both to other world Goku and psyche Venture forth to seek out the new Warrior known for his Fierce determination and unmatch speed Pon upon arrival they find Pon in deep meditation Goku approached him with his usual grin but psyche hangs back sensing tension in the air Pon eyes open and his gaze upon psyche is one of thinly veiled contempt I know why you're here Goku yemma told me you had me in mind I have been training but I simply cannot fight alongside that demon psyche was insulted but he did beat him up pretty badly the first time he was Janemba but that still hurt Goku explains the dire Stakes of the tournament of power the survival of the entire universe and countless others Pon remains unmoved until Goku speaks of the honor and the opportunity to battle alongside the mightiest it's the chance to prove himself self once more not just to others but to the cosmos itself Pon looks at psyche he didn't trust them but he did respect Goku finally convinced Pon agrees if you slip up once demon I'll be the one to take you down with Baba's help Pon is brought to Earth where he trains with Goku Vegeta Piccolo and psyche Pon does slowly begin to see that psyche truly is under control but he still doesn't trust them for all he knows he will take a chance to knock them all out of the arena and use that wish for himself he did like Piccolo though and so after a few hours of training the tournament arrives team Universe 7 Stands ready psyche is disappointed to hear the grand PRI say no weapons allowed nor flying it was clear that Universe 7 had a giant Target on its back as everyone looked at Goku like they already wanted to kill him and psyche looked like such a small fry no doubt he'd be a primary target at the start PRI signal the commencement of the tournament and everyone rushed towards Universe 7 Gohan tried to tell them all to stick together together but Goku Vegeta 17 Pon and the others jumped out into different directions Gohan was upset but psyche stood by his side as basil rushed at Gohan while lavender kicked at psyche the Oni didn't have time to think they were clearly extremely powerful warriors he was afraid but excited Goku had clearly erupt off on him well it was time to fight right before lavender reached them psyche yelled at his teammates to get away they did so just in time and psyche transformed into his first form Janemba his massive body expanding in such a way that it pushed many many fighters out of the Arena the tree of the dangerous did not anticipate this as they were knocked out of the Arena except for Bergamo he led a barrage of keyi blast against Janemba who was knocked off balance and started to Tumble to the side that trick would only work once but he wouldn't go down without a fight as he created a copy of bamo in the palm of his hand that fired an attack just as powerful the wolf Warrior was surprised but avoided it as he transformed into his giant form and tried to knock Janemba out psyche had enough shrinking down into Super Janemba psyche finds himself back to back with Pon surrounded by enemies they needed to take down Bergamo together their combined might is formidable but it's their reluctant cooperation that turns the tie there's an unspoken bond between the other world Warriors as Pon and psyche managed to defend themselves against the Swarm whilst avoiding bergamo's moves to together they push him off of the Arena taking others down with him janeb tried to high-five Pon but he simply flew away the battles continued with Goku and Vegeta facing off against the universe 6 saans and taking on something of a mentor role as more Fighters tried to steer clear of jemba Gohan and the others Janemba was given a chance to go off from the team and face other Warriors now that he had full control over Janemba he realized just how versatile he was without having to sacrifice his personality in fact although he wasn't allowed to have any weapons he didn't get search for his phone Janemba chuckled as he put his headphones on fighting Warriors left and right with music blasting all the way through some gave him some troubles such as kale when she entered her berserk state but he was having the time of his life he led her through a collection of Warriors as if she was a Raging Bull until caulifla managed to calm her down he continued on fighting Mur Chim and scaring him off of the Arena Tupper kot and many other stood no chance as Janemba rushed through all of them being fully in control having fun the music driving him he felt more alive than ever but everything changed as more universes continued to be erased it became clear to him now just how serious the situation was and how terrible this could end up if the wrong fighter won Warriors from Universe 7 were defeated too Krillin and tenen be it as in mind Goku's curiosity over fighting JN persisted and just like in the original story he unlocked Ultra Instinct Omen using a Spirit Bomb this new technique shook the entire Arena but it wasn't enough to defeat jiren just yet Janemba was wowed by it and wondered if that was possible for him too a silver armor would look quite cool there was a point where while fighting together against anilaza a wrong steep knocked both Janemba and Gohan out of the arena in order to save them both Piccolo grabbed them with his stretchy arms and launched them towards anas's face they fired their individual blasts Pon yelled for psyche to join him in his final struggle as he finally revealed what he had been working on Super Pon how original Vegeta thought to himself psyche is inspired though his own Aura flaring as they pushed each other to their limits anilaza was feeling the pressure unleashing his Ultimate Weapon a beam of energy so vast it threaten to swallow the Fighter's hole picon responds with a thunderous cry his own energy coalescing into a concentrated point at his fist anas's beam meets the combined might of psyche and Pon the impact sending shock waves through the void for a moment the entire arena is engulfed by blinding light but Gohan and the others joined in they were a team after all as the light Fades analiza stumbles cracks spreading from his form energy seeping from the fractures psyche and picon press their advantage as together surrounded by fire they kick anilaza out of the Arena psyche and Pon exchange a mutual nod though psyche tries to high five again psyche continues to battle more and more ensuring to save his ultimate form for the final battle kefla's fight against Goku is similar to the original as well with the universe 6 Fusion being defeated by Ultra Instinct Goku diso's battle against Gohan was a tough one as his speed was unparallel even so Gohan had a plan with janemba's help he taunt a dispo into rushing his way while Janemba opened a portal outside of the Arena dispo nearly fell out of it but caught himself at the edge as he turned around he was instead Med with Gohan firing a Kamehameha through the portal knocking dispo out of the ring hit wanted a rematch with Janemba showing that he had found a way to stop his technique by using his time prison H was able to interb Janemba and hit him with multiple barges of punches this worked surprisingly well but the battle was interrupted by jiren and too they were the last two standing from their Universe hit was the only one from Universe 6 and Goku Vegeta Gohan 17 and Janemba from Universe 7 Vegeta focused on Topo alongside Janemba as Gaza had told one of the other gods that Janemba was supposedly the next God of destruction from Universe 7 beerus denied it over and over again but too wanted to see his power Janemba even in control stood little chance against toppo's God of destruction power toppo can't believe that someone like him was allowed to be in the tournament a being born from Evil toppo hated everything he stood for but once again Janemba stood his ground proclaiming himself as a being of Justice even pering toppo's own poses before he transformed into his God of destruction State Janemba and Vegeta were really pushing pushing him to the brim being pushed this far by someone made up of Pure Evil made toppo angrier and angrier making him toss aside his pride and use his God of destruction mode even in full control Janemba stood little chance against this toppo Janemba had no option but to finally show off the power he had been hiding the true Janemba form his power exploded finally able to contest toppo but it was Vegeta who finished him off Janemba grabbed pieces of rubble and used his power to extend them out like spikes and push toppo off he managed to avoid them but Vegeta intercepted him with one last final Flash in his new Super Saiyan blue Evolution State finally taking out Topo but the battles against jiren weren't going as planned Goku tried his best but jiren was on a whole another level Android 17 and Gohan flanked jiren only to be pushed out of the way while hid and Goku were knocked against each other they were all dangerously close to getting knocked off the ring Vegeta saved Goku while Janemba created portals for hit 17 and Gohan to fall into however something unexpected happened Jaren reached into 17 and hits portals grabbed them both and threw them out of the Arena Janemba could do little but try to grab one with his extending arms he wasn't sure who he got but when he pulled up it was hit whom he' grabbed beerus was upset that hit was saved instead of 17 but the fight had to continue jiren's incredible power seemed Unstoppable and neither hit nor Gohan were in a position to keep fighting Gohan and Vegeta stood up to him fighting side by side with Janemba trying to use his tricks to catch of guard even so just like the original jiren is able to knock Vegeta off of the Arena as he gave energy to Goku the power of ultra Instinct returns to the saan as the rest stare in awe H Gohan and Janemba stood together to watch but jiren wasn't one to just let them stand there even while fighting Goku he'd fire off various blasts to try to speed up the process of getting them away Janemba and Pon did try to intervene but Goku insisted that this was his battle until finally the power of ultra Instinct seemed to wear off jiren's powerful steps moved the arena as he grabbed Goku by the head and slammed him to the ground but none of the other Fighters were about to let Goku lose like that a blast came jiren's way then another Gohan and head forced jiren to let Goku go head's time stop meant nothing to jiren but it did allow Goku to escape it was slammed across the battlefield but it was the Roar from Janemba which surprised the gray Son Goku you bring a demon like this and you claim to be fighting for good this demon has earned his spot in our team that's what trust is about the pieces of rubble floating around the arena suddenly turned into giant crystallized jelly beans to which Zeno gasped and clapped those jelly beams Came Crashing Down against jiren who could avoid and Destroy them until they finally piled up on him the alien exploded his key causing pieces of beans to fly all over the place while psyche and pong continued to fire blasts at him but one of the key blasts that stemmed from jiren's body struck the arena they stood upon they were both going to fall off Pon thinking quickly and with his last bit bit of strength kicked Janemba off and pushed him back into the arena telling him not to let him win Janemba had won the respect of Pon he wouldn't let him down but hit Goku and Gohan used set pieces as platforms jumping from one to another and finally reaching jiren firing a powerful blast jiren was still in the running but the team combinations were finally pushing him to the max jiren tried to go for Janemba next but the demon opened portals from each one of the three other Warriors rushed in to punch the monster he had no idea where they could be coming from as they disappeared and reappeared Goku and Gohan appeared once more grabbing jiren by each arm and pushing him towards the edge of the Arena it seemed like it was finally going to work but jiren's Brute Force allowed him to divert paths Gohan and Goku couldn't hold on for much longer Gohan pleaded with Janemba and head to do something jiren slammed himself against The Rock making Goku tumble away while Gohan still held on Janemba grabbed onto Goku and helped him up as he told him he had an idea jiren was about to come for them again and Gohan kept on trying to move him away hit made his move using his time prison jiren was angry unfocused this time it actually worked as jiren could watch hit move yet he couldn't do anything as hit simply moved the duo to the side with a series of punches once time resumed jiren was slammed to the side and into the abyss jiren did one last move to try and stay in but as he did so a portal appeared before him showing him nothing more than Goku and his fully charged Kamehameha Janemba appeared at the other side with Gohan and the demon bursting their auras so jering couldn't escape the Kamehameha jiren Janemba and Gohan were all knocked out of the Arena Goku and hit remained both were the epitome of their respective universes yet now they stood battered and nearly spent their clothes tattered and their breaths heavy with exhaustion the angels of their universes watched in Silence the twin match as jiren's Universe disappeared he finally understood the importance of teamwork but it was too late Goku and hit exchanged a wary smile their mutual respect unspoken yet palpable in the electric air Janemba could barely keep his eyes open but he still cheered for his master they knew that neither could muster their full power now the fierce battles that had led to this moment had seen to that yet as they took their fighting stances a spark of excitement ignited in their eyes this was after all the purest form of battle their movements were slower than before but each strike block and Dodge was a testament to their skill and spirit they were not fighting to win anymore they were fighting to celebrate the strength and resilience of their comrades had fallen along the way the sound of their fist and feet meeting echoed not as the Clashing of enemies but as the rhythmic drumming of Kindred Spirits sharing this final battle Janemba was happy to see Goku's fighting spirit this was what he wanted after all battles against the strongest out there as the fight Drew on hit glanced at Goku and said our universes may be different but our Spirits are the same it's through that fighting spirit that we can coexist Goku nodded a grin spreading across his face his eyes shining they wanted to fight each other at their maximum but once again this was not it perhaps there was another way realizing that neither of them had the power to deliver a decisive blow they came to a silent agreement with a final saludes to one another they leaps from the arena in unison their bodies disappearing into the void The Spectators were stunned Whispers turned to murmurs and murmur to exclamations of disbelief beerus and shampa cried in anticipation of eraser while Janemba and Gohan looked in awe Goku really was number one but what would become of them now Zeno with childlike wonder and the grand priest with a rare smile watched as Goku and head to the fight the nature of the tournament they gave up not because neither of them could win but because they wanted to keep fighting against each other without the pressure of the entire Multiverse impressed by their display of unity Zeno and the grand priest decided to honor their wish Goku and hit standing side by side wished for the Revival of all the universes that had been erased Super Dragon Balls glowed the power Reaching Across the void to restore those that were lost in that moment the fabric of the Multiverse was rewoven and so the tournament of power ended not with the Triumph of one but with the victory of all Goku and psyche shot each other's thumbs up as finally psyche got Pon to highfive him as they waited to be teleported away Janemba set at the edge of the Arena watching the other universes leave one by one Piccolo placed a hand on his shoulder smiling at him he had grown so much he was proud there was more he could teach him now he was his own Warrior that's when kale kifla and cabba appeared saying that they have to visit Planet sadala soon enough psyche himself wanted to help kale control her emotions Lord knows that he always struggled with that perhaps that was his next step teach others what he's learned he looked down at the bracelet aasa gave him he was excited to go some time has passed since the tournament of power psyche and aasa enjoy a rare moment of Peace their bond symbolized by a jelly bean like bracelet their Tranquility is shatter Ed as a Frieza Force spaceship descent on Earth signaling a new threat psyche leaps into action creating portals to evacuate civilians as the Z Fighters rally against the Invaders sometime earlier Chile and LMO land on a distant planet named vampa there they encounter something incredible a powerful sane Warrior named Broly and his father paragus people such as Barry blue have stepped up to try and find a way to revive their Master they needed to gather forces and finding these saans is one of the most important things they have done however there was a power vacuum that needed to be filled and paragas wasted no time in filling that role once he entered the spaceship he didn't care for conquering planets he only had one thing in mind revenge against the Saiyan King Barry blue saw this as an opportunity if paragus and Broly manag to kill the saans then they will have an easier time finding the dragon balls and using them to revive Frieza she keeps the information about the Dragon Balls to herself but tells paragus about Earth he is sure to make that Prince pay for what he's done done the attack begins as psyche opened portals by his side telling arasa and every civilian he saw to enter through there as blasts began to rain down Goku and Vegeta were training at a private island where they got a call about an attack on West City and that someone had stolen the dragon radar several other sea Fighters began to appear including Krillin Gohan Piccolo and the others who helped in defeating soldiers they wonder who was causing this their answer came after a giant explosion of smoke Gohan was staring down at a man in a green Kil he recognized him as a Saiyan Gohan and Broly began to clash overhead over and over it was clear that Gohan had more power than Broly but the Saiyan continued to adapt over time as he dodged and weaved grabbing Gohan by the face and dragging him across a skyscraper but as this continued and Gohan defended himself he realized something another man was instructing him as saying much older at times it seemed like this brute didn't even want to battle Gohan yelled at psyche to help they needed to get them all away from West City psyche had never teleported such a large number of things at once but he breathed in and opened a giant portal in front of the ship as Gohan drove Broly and the enemies into it Janemba yelled at the Z fighters to take care of the rest of the army remaining in the city as he entered the portal as well the spaceship Came Crashing Down into the tundra the last place psyche had seen Frieza Gohan demands to know what the hell is going on as Broly Huffs and puffs peragus explains that he is there to get revenge on Vegeta that's when the sound of teleportation rings out Goku and Vegeta had arrived if they wanted them they had them the battle against Broly continued with Goku and Vegeta interchanging as Goku thanks Gohan and psyche for their help peragus laughed at their appearance summoning Broly to attack the prince without much to say the battle began it was an intense spectacle of power where as soon as it began it looked like Vegeta could take care of Broly however something began to happen his power Rose more and more threatening everything around him peragus wasn't an idiot even he knew he should be restrained but Vegeta and Goku were having the time of their lives it was the first time in so many years that they have seen another sayyan like this peragus quickly pressed the button on his controller electrocuting Broly and forcing him to the ground this surprised everyone how could a father do this to his son psyche and Gohan both yelled at paragus to stop it he was going to kill him when paragus wouldn't listen Gohan had no option but to fire a Kamehameha at parag's hand blowing away the controller in an instant and knocking out paragus Gohan thought he was saving Broly he had to help him it was obvious from when Goku used the god bind on him that he was being forced to fight but the destruction of the remote and seeing peragus buried under snow while knocked out like that just made Broly's rage grow dark green aura burst from his body he had transformed into a Super Saiyan Gohan cursed he knew he had done things right but at what cost Gohan and Vegeta continued to struggle it seemed like there was no chance for them to get away every time it seemed they took step forward brly forced them five steps back psyche and Gohan heard their names being called out and they knew they had to add the two burst forward as Janemba opened a portal allowing Goku and Vegeta to disappear further back and switch out the monsters Broly would prove to be even too much for Gohan and Janemba together they struggled to keep up they couldn't psyche did what he could to defend Gohan and vice versa but Gohan was thrown to decide with a gigantic meteor Janemba taunted Broly drawing him away from the others and finally getting a chance to unleash His True Form This Way their powers could at least match each other a lot further even at 100% control Janemba would get crushed by Broly even so Broly simply couldn't predict what Janemba would do next trapping Broly and Ice Janemba then began to swing both of his swords firing off slices of keyi but Broly's power exploded the eyes being shot in multiple directions the clash between these two movie characters threatened to break reality but Janemba just needed to save them time he knew what Goku and Vegeta were attempting but psyche didn't want to hurt him he couldn't he used the environment around him creating spikes at Broly but the San simply ran through them knocking Janemba back Gohan caught him in the air looking at psyche in the eyes and telling him that it's clear that Broly is not the monster he seems like he could see it through those eyes they Wen this similar to the eyes Janemba had when they first met the same ones Gohan had when enraged Broly needed help Janemba nodded and rushed back he understood meanwhile Goku and Vegeta finally recovered After figuring out a plan Janemba was buying them some time it was funny the first time someone had to buy them time it was to fuse against jemba himself now he was one of their greatest allies Goku and Vegeta watched the explosion from a distance and though Vegeta hated doing this they knew it could work Broly and Janemba punched each other in the face but Broly opened his palm and blasted Janemba at Point Blank Range sending him crashing into the snow behind Janemba The Surge of Kei was felt Super Saiyan blue Gogeta was born Gohan helped Janemba up as they watched The Godly Fusion approach the Saiyan monster Janemba yelled at Gogeta before he attacked he's not a bad guy we can help him I know when you see an opening take your chance and leave it to you a Titanic Clash of power each Blow from the combatant sent shock waves through the very fabric of reality Gogeta had a clear Advantage the Broly's power erupts to such a degree that they jump in between Dimensions even Janemba wasn't sure where they could end up as he slice through the air finding them battling in between time and space when they return Gogeta calls on psyche help to move Janemba tears open portals that swallow gogeta's form and spit him out in the next moment for surprise attacks as Gogeta reies the final move a Kamehameha glowing with the promise of ending the battle Gohan yells at Janemba to move it's his chance Broly's weak Janemba opens a rift swallowing both the attack and Broly pulling them into a pocket dimension of his own creation within this fragmented realm with the rules of physics bowed to janemba's will the two behemoths stand amidst the floating the free their energies causing the dimensions to Quake Broly burning with rage and confusion lunges a Janemba but the demon is elusive in this Dimension his form flickering between shards of reality Janemba doesn't seek to overpower Broly in strength he knows Broly's power is just fed by turmoil and pain instead Janemba speaks his voice resonating through the dimension Broly listen to me you don't have to keep fighting you don't have to be controlled by anger I was once like you and I Broly didn't listen he just rammed through Janemba and slammed him into a jelly beam even in his own Dimension Broly seems to defy the laws all right I guess I'll have to beat it on to you at times a scream from Broly would rip open a hole which Janemba had to quickly sew back in Broly's legendary form glows brighter and brighter as Janemba creates multiple versions of himself each one A different form they D well creating copies of Broly attacking from every direction as Broly throws one more giant blast Janemba disappears into pixels his voice echoing through the realm confusing Broly it's a surreal sight as it seemed like Janemba was becoming one with the dimension as Broly continued to scream in fire blast looking for Janemba psyche begins to reach out to Broly Broly I get it I've been where you are lost in Anger feeling like a prisoner to it but that rage doesn't have to Define you I was a mess too an onlyi from other world living with thousands of evil Souls within but it's thanks to my friends that it could control it that I could finally enjoy the power I have don't you want that too I know you're angry about your father but the power can be used to protect others even him you can be the one they respect the one they turn to show the universe that you're not just a weapon you're a person who's got more to offer than just a fight I can help you use that fire inside of you to light up a path not burn down the wrong one it's not about proving you're the strongest anymore it's about proving you're more than that what do you say Broly's face still showed anger as he began to shake his or exploding further and further as he finally screamed out his key being released he wanted to accept it as psyche opened one more portal and showed Broly that his father paragus was still alive Broly wanted this he wanted to control his power just like Janemba had his rage faltering his fist unclenching he Roars one final time it had come full circle for psyche just like with Goku and Piccolo fighting him not to win but to save him now alongside Gogeta they had saved another being Broly Janemba stood before him but not as a demon a psyche extending out his hand Broly tilted his head asking what that was a handshake psyche smiled the two shook hands as the walls of the dimension broke apart around them revealing the outside world Gohan and Gogeta turn around to look at them Gogeta could defeat Broly physically but if they wanted to save him then they needed someone who'd understand him sheilia ran to Broly hugging him tightly glad that it was over peragus too had woken up afraid of what Gogeta could do but Broly instead told him that he was glad to see him alive hugging his father it was then when peragus realized what he'd done using his Broly for a foolish goal to try to kill a man who was a mere child when he was cast away he still hated them he still wanted them dead but Gohan spoke up telling peragus that they can have shelter on planet Earth they don't have to rely on the Frieza Force as long as they stop looking for Revenge reluctantly paragus agreed Gohan got a call from kin telling them that he had found the culprits responsible for stealing the dragon radar they actually didn't know that Frieza couldn't be revived more than once using the Earth's dragon balls so once they summoned Shenron it was pretty easy to find them before they made another wish instead wishing for West City to be restored so that's it huh man I've got at least a few more minutes left wish I could get all this energy out few more minutes left huh hey Gogeta how about a rematch huh a rematch you sure last time it didn't end well for you trust me I'm much different now why don't we should Broly what one can do when they control their emotions I don't think this is the right time to now neither of them listened Gogeta burst into Super Saiyan psyche into Super Janemba this was the culmination of everything he had learned it had come full circle the snowscape is illuminated by the auras of the two exceptional beings while Gohan Broly Sheila Lemo and paragus watched Dawn their eyes white with a mixture of awe and disbelief gogeta's movements were a blur a series of precise calculated strikes that cut through the cold air janba wraps reality around them turning the tundra into a Labyrinth of mirrors each reflecting Gogeta in an attempt to trick him but gogeta's key sensing could see through these tricks Gogeta launches a barrage of energy blast approaching the hidden Janemba Janemba laughs spinning his sword to create a Vortex swallowing the energy and redirecting it into Gogeta Gogeta Dodges swiftly but Janemba counter with his own signature move creating dozens of portals around Gogeta from each of them emerges a fist a blade a Relentless assault from every direction when Gogeta is undeterred he navigates the Maze of attacks his own Aura flaring with determination as he finally opens his eyes with such force that it forces Janemba out of one of the portals Gogeta raises his arm up creating an orb of crystallized energy firing a soul Punisher but the demon wasn't going to fall for that twice he knew this was a challenge Janemba shrieks an orb of his own shining the two Collide the energies clashing in a burst of dazzling Starlight it wasn't clear who would win as the Stardust burst back and forth between the two shards of energy sipping through and hitting one another breaking some of janemba's form while hurting Gogeta janemba's true form and gogeta's Super Saiyan blue left everyone a struck as the attack continued to clash it was clear that gogeta's Stardust breaker was the strongest one janmas was about to be consumed but at the very last second with his other arm the demon threw one final punch no one could believe it meeting a key attack like that headon with just his fist this only made Gogeta even more excited psyche had grown so much gogeta's form flickers the Fusion's time limit being reached at the same time Janemba D transforms with a clash his forms reversing as the star dust breaker continues to push towards him from True Janemba to Janemba black then to demon Janemba even Super Janemba his form continued to break apart more and more as Janemba looked up to see through the orb Gogeta smirk Goku's side the man who believed in him before anyone else reflected in that star light he saw Piccolo Gohan Videl pan Vegeta Bulma beerus we King yemma Goten trunks Future Trunks even Pon and the others and finally irasa Super Janemba broke apart leaving only psyche himself struggling with a punch against the Starlight his arm shifting into first form janmas until that broke apart and finally back down to base the arm which he had once lost now being his only defense against this attack with the last bit of his energy psyche pushed the punch one final time he simple mortal Stu stke the void of any demonic flare as the energy of the Soul Punisher dissipates allowing psyche to come through the punch lands Softly on Gogeta who at that very moment separates into Goku and Vegeta a silent exhausted chuckle shared amongst the three of them echoing The Testament of their growth respect and The Incredible Journey they have been on together the onlookers stand mesmerized paragus feels something suffering within him he had witnessed the height of the Saiyan potential and contemp plates Broly's future a life not constrained by Vengeance or control but one where his son could hardness his power just as these Warriors have where Broly could live not as a weapon but as a free man if a demon like psyche could do it why not him psyche can't move he can't stand his single tear drop forming as he blacks out once again he will wake up at his home by Piccolo's house under a familiar ceiling with Friends by his side but for now he can rest in control in peace that's where most of psyche's Journey comes to an end closing just as it began an epic battle between Gogeta and Janemba only this time as friends rather than enemies the ending I wanted for this story was the final battle between Gogeta and Janemba not only because I thought it was a natural conclusion but because most people haven't read the Manga however I do want to talk a little bit about psyche POS Broly or and I Baba contacted psyche about working with her as one of her Warriors he wasn't allowed to use Janemba unless Goku and the others came by to train he began training the other ghouls and monsters in Baba's Place devil man Dracula the mummy and the Invisible Man it was fun he liked being a mentor to others even if it took a while for them to take him seriously thanks to his appearance over time Baba saw him as someone well worthy even asking him to go on errands to other world this means that besides Baba psyche was given explicit permission to travel between the living and the dead realm he'd also get called by yemma to return to Hell from time to time in order to protect it when a couple of villains would act up fighting alongside Pon he got to use his skills even at times of Peace sometimes he thought of returning to otherw World permanently when the new threat arrives a psyche becomes a key Ally in the battle as he continues to train though mostly on earth now that he has learned to control his power he feels that it's his responsibility to pass that on helping Broly control himself while the saans also train with whis when Morrow a fearsome and ancient sorcerer threatens the universe psyche is among the Z fighters who confronts him on Earth psyche encounters 73 using his portal creation to counter 73's absorption even so 73 does eventually obtain that power but no one knows janemba's power better than himself and one couldn't just control it that easily one needed much more imagination than 73 had psyche's clever use of misdirection and his unpredictable fighting style allowed him to outmaneuver 73 fighting him using multiple forms including his giant first one finally defeating 73 especially with the help of Broly Gohan and Piccolo as moro's threat escalates however psyche faces off against the wizard his demon energy clashing against Morrow's dark sorcery Janemba has a power which Morrow would love to absorb but he instead focuses on Broly's immense Saiyan power though Broly does help against Morrow he becomes somewhat of a liability he has way too much key which Morrow can absorb and his power continues to rise higher and higher even so psyche does what he can to prevent this from happening teleporting Broly away and slicing away at Morrow his main focus is keeping him distracted until Goku and Vegeta arrived he gaps into his first form's abilities to create clones Conjuring an illusion of Morrow himself this clone mimics Morrow's moves attacking the sorcerer with a taste of his own medicine the ruse is only temporary but effective giving the Z Fighters a crucial opening until Goku and Vegeta arrived to turn the tide of battle Goku having mastered Ultra Instinct engages Morrow and just like in the original story Morrow attempts to use 73's absorption powers to obtain mirus as not only had Morrow eaten 73 but also absorbed miris power before getting his arm cut off Morrow summons his arm to claim ms's Divine skills but psyche realizes the grave threat that Moro plans poses he gathers the last remnants of his strength his determination unwavering and this time while being in his Bas form psyche's eyes flare up opening a portal in the nick of time intercepting Morrow's outstretched arm the limb is sucked into the portal psyche then musters his energy to close the portal with destructive force obliterating the arm psyche can't be much help but he couldn't believe he had actually managed to use janemba's skills while in his base form moral reels from The Unexpected interception his power was still massive thanks to Broly but little by little Vegeta would take away that power using four Spirit Vision without mir's power Morrow is left vulnerable it's a hard-fought battle but without the Angelic Powers Goku actually has an easier time especially once Vegeta gathers everyone's power and gives it to Goku with Mora defeated the universe breeds a collective sigh of relief however something strange occurred to the souls within when Mora tried to absorb psyche's power the souls within were taken though his power didn't change it wasn't until he visited Baba and yemma where he found out what happened psyche thanks to his efforts to better himself as well as the cleansing machine being part of him accidentally cleansed the souls within himself and when Mo absorbed his power and Vegeta took it back to create the key ball for Goku these Souls were finally freed once that energy was released back to its original place yemma had wondered why so many Souls appeared all of a sudden to be judged again psyche retained his incredible power and his newest transformation thanks to the exhaust energy still living within him but the damn Souls could rest psyche felt a huge baggage being lifted from him psyche and Janemba were truly one in the same now but him being freed from the weight of those Souls left psyche yearning for something more whis had told him that he could come train anytime he wanted but pyi thought that perhaps it was time for him to go home for a while Where it All Began it was a tearful goodbye as psyche promised everyone that he would visit but at least for a while he needed to be another world see the people he grew up around and worked with take care of hell and help yemma create more of the Soul cleansing machines he had caused them far too much trouble as it was already but he would be back after all he had the blessing of King yemma to return anytime he wanted raise up pan and Gohan took it the hardest they had grown to care so much about him Gohan knewed he'd be okay though pan was heartbroken aasa as he's about to leave ran up to sight she asked him if she could come along if there was any way psyche thought about it Goku did tell him that him and King Kai lived alongside snake way a long time ago and built a little house perhaps she could was that possible King yemma was behem opposed to it no mortal could just wonderer around the dead realm but psyche simply pointed out that Goku was allowed in well he doesn't like Goku doing it but it's not like yma can stand up to him that's when psyche thought of something he smirked mischievously you think you can take me on he said psyche transformed formed into Super Janemba and with a flick of his finger he encapsulated the whole of the checkout station into a giant jelly bean instantly King yemma beged Janemba and said that he'd allowed her to stay if he stopped this was he sure he didn't have those evil Souls within him anymore just because he was purified didn't mean that Janemba wasn't at least a little bit mischievous but was erasa sure she confirmed so she loved psyche not only that but alive without having to go to a boring 9 to5 that sounded great she can just focus on her podcast or her design or whatever after all this is only temporary right psyche was glad to have her by his side the two lived on snake way in the capsule home Bulma gave him years ago but he also got to meet King Kai one of those days the true remained in other world for a long time until one day psyche got a call from Bulma she was seeking his help something was going on on Earth as Gohan and Piccolo were in the midst of battle against GMA 1 and 2 janama wasted no time in teleporting to Earth where he found an extremely powerful Piccolo fighting an Android was he really need it it seemed like the two of them had it handled especially esally once it was revealed that Gamma 1 and 2 were not evil just misguided by the Red Ribbon Army psyche was in disbelief when Goten and Trunks appeared older than he'd ever seen them before it was really cool and they had a lot more music to talk about psyche made sure to promise Piccolo that they train again soon especially with a new orange state but they weren't out of the fire just yet as soon enough cellmax entered the scene with a powerful explosion psyche had deed with the real cell in hell so he thought he knew how to handle this one cellmax was incredibly powerful and they would all need to work together if they hoped to defeat him sellmax Towers over the landscape and psyche with a wink to his allies morves into his giant form challenging cell Max's size in order to allow the other Warriors a chance to strike from different angles this works at first as many attacks hit its Target however cellmax fires of a blast from each one of his spots finally getting Janemba off of them it Hur a lot with Janemba taking note of the attack psyche knew that would only work once changing into true Janemba instead Gohan launched forward he lands a spinning heel kick at SEL Max's jaw followed by a volley of keyenhanced punches his movements were a duet with Piccolo whose Long limbs lash out like whips Android 18 also darts in she hated seeing cell's face and wasn't about to let him have an easy time GMA 1 and two synchronized their movements their energy attacks crisscrossing confusing cellmax soon enough however it was clear that SEL Max's weakness was his gem gamma 2 prepared to sacrifice himself and deliver a devastating blow but Janemba intervenes he tells him that none of them have to die in order to strike that spot he has an idea Piccolo was to distract cellmax using his own giant form keeping him in place as they wrestled meanwhile Janemba opens a portal directly over SEL Max's head Crystal all of the Warriors standing by his side charg their key blast firing in unison and cracking the head Crystal however Piccolo can't hold on for much longer they need to put everything they've got into it they all scream out with more energy but as pickle of fter Gohan snaps into a white hurt form just for a second it happens so fast only Janemba and the gamma see it it's just enough to defeat cellmax Janemba created a portal far away escaping with everyone as cellmax explodes they all asked Gohan what that was but he wasn't sure he didn't do it on purpose but he'll have to investigate it at least they're all safe now the gamas and Dr hedo are invited to live at capsule Corp psyche likes gamma too and is already indoctrinating him into music psyche says that he cannot wait to hang out with him more Gohan's confused he lives far away psyche says that his experience made him remember just how much he missed Earth so maybe it was time to return even so he knew he had a calling something he had in mind for a while and had recently contacted whis and vados about it we close in on this chapter as several years pass on by we are now at the 28th tenka Ichi Budokai the air is thick with Nostalgia with murmurs and cheers of the crowd witnessing a new chapter unfold psyche stands amid the familiar faces he sits by erasa tournaments weren't really for for him but he was there to support his allies the tournament is alive with the vibrancy of competition but psyche's gaze is drawn to one battle in particular Goku fighting with a young boy named UB psyche knows without a shadow of a doubt that this boy is The Reincarnation of Kid Buu a being with immense power a monster of immense power and the being he fought on his first battle by Goku's side psyche smiled Goku's laughter free and unguarded fills the air as he exchanges blows with oop each one teaching each one learning Goku had once again taken a chance on a demon child and seen a spark of goodness within him much like he had with psyche many years ago as the battle rages on psyche envisions himself Crossing fist with Uub one day testing the young Warrior sharing his wisdom so many stories to share so many lessons to impart and so the Revelation that Goku has to leave comes as surprise to most but not to him psyche knew this day would come he leans back and places his headphones on his song playing as he watches Goku fly away but something interrupts the song a call from another Universe it's whis telling psyche that vados is waiting for him it was time to continue the training the image faded into one of CIFA and kale sparrin psyche had been training that girl to control her power alongside Broly's help together they could create a truly powerful force for good psyche stands up asking ARA if she'd like to come along as well the girl smiled Softly She was there for the tournament but traveling to another Universe she couldn't pass that up psyche looks back at his friends one last time go Piccolo Broly and the rest Piccolo looked at him with a knowing Smile as psyche grabbed to Ra's hand and pixel particles appeared behind him stepping together back into a portal waving goodbye to their friends and embarking on a brand new adventure the [Music] end thank you so much for watching everyone this was my big favorite Series this year I had a ton of fun doing it it was very different from what I used usually do and I and I felt like I really got to take my own spin on a specific character and make him really my own so I appreciate you guys coming along for the ride I wanted to give a huge shout out to Junior Sama for the thumbnail as well as Joe Joseph's CC Creations jaac for the various art that you see through the series of psyche and Janemba I really hope you guys enjoyed it as always a huge thank you to the patrons of the channel I couldn't have done it without you guys and if you'd like to become a super fan I always welcome you guys to the patreon third tier patreons and up get videos early as well as exclusive content the video early this time was actually the last part of Janemba I ended up releasing it just as a full story because I really wanted to end the year with something big something that I like doing a lot and really capping off the year so thank you guys and Happy New Year's see you next year
Channel: SmugStick
Views: 106,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball What if, SmugStick, dragon ball, dragon ball daima, Janemba, Super Janemba, Janemba VS Gogeta, What if Janemba Turned Good, what if janemba was canon, what if janemba was in the tournament of power, what if janemba was good, dbz what if janemba, Dragon Ball Psyche, Dragon Ball 2024, What if Janemba turned good full story, dragon ball super tournament of power, what if janemba won, what if vegito fought janemba, what if gogeta turned janemba
Id: 0_o1Rr3xmsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 45sec (7845 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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