What if Frieza was Always Good? Part One | Damon: What if? (27k Subs Special)

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thank you [Music] Frieza is Born the king cold and raised to become the heir to the Galactic Empire the cold Force which king cold hopes will someday become the Frieza Force while in Canon Frieza jumped at this offer and became space to pull Hitler though in this universe Frieza sees that everything his father is doing is wrong welcome to what if Frieza was always good a suggestion buy my 50 Patron Tails homie 99. if you guys want to become a patron to help support me and get your own what if turned to reality then make sure to click the link down below to become a patron and with all that let's get into this next Patron what if Frieza is forced to go along with his father's duties for all of his life and he despises it it makes him feel sick to his stomach King cold doesn't know this but frieza's brother cooler knows and continuously mocks Frieza for it cooler can't kill him however as Frieza was born as a mutant and therefore much stronger than cooler he isn't strong enough to go against his father however so he can't do anything to stop the genocide of multiple planets for years he does his best to suck it up and make his father proud that way he can take control of the Empire and hopefully liberate it from his father's cruel Reign that day eventually arrives as king cold brings the entire cold Force down the planet Vegeta for him to declare that Frieza is now their new ruler Frieza puts on a grand show calling them worthless monkeys and all that then while he's talking he notices that there are few Saiyans that are planning on sniping him from above that's oh God these Saiyans want to kill King cold well it makes a lot of sense of them to want to do that but this is the first race he's seen where they are openly defiant he sees that King Cole doesn't notice his snipers so he doesn't call them out just giving the Saints the new model of scouters and leaving after a bit more time of growing away from his father's influence Frieza once more visits Planet Vegeta to visit the king he explains to King Vegeta that he noticed the snipers on this planet when he first arrived with his father and asks him if he wants to kill him and the force itself King Vegeta trembles in fear thinking that Frieza is going to kill him for his Defiance but surprisingly he does the exact opposite Frieza explains to the king that he's been forced to be a dictator by his father for his entire life but that's not the kind of life that he wants to live he's always tried to plot ways of taking down his father but knows he can't do it by himself so these Saiyans are so resilient against cold then maybe they can join him in taking coal down it takes a while for King Vegeta to warm up to the idea that this isn't a test and eventually the two decide to join forces to plot against King cold Frieza sizes up most of the Saiyan Warriors trying to decide which ones would work the best in the battle against cold one of the crews that sticks out to him the most is one led by Bardock this Saiyan leads his crew into many grueling battles and always comes out on top no matter the odds so he wants these guys on his side the Saiyans all begin their training overseen by Frieza who doesn't train himself as he's not really that good at it eventually Frieza is called in by King Cole to do a check on how the Empire is doing with King cold wanting him to make the report personally Frieza flies off to the cold Capital where cold immediately punches Frieza across the face King cold screams out of him that he's a failure to the entire universe for conspiring firing against him zarbon and adoria noticed that he'd been acting odd and reported to him about frieza's Behavior after a little digging it wasn't hard for Cole to figure out what was happening so now he's going to end his son Frieza wasn't ready to take on his father all by himself but if he has to he will Frieza Powers up and erupts into his second form to match his father's size and The Clash blows as they battle King cold reveals that to make sure he doesn't get any backup he sent cooler off towards Planet Vegeta for him to destroy his Rebellion this shocks Frieza to the core and he erupts right into his third format of anger slamming his father into the ground he then flies at top speeds off with the planet to try and get the planet Vegeta in time but he knows he's not going to make it he puts on his scouter and contacts King Vegeta and Bardock alerting them of Cooler's arrival and that they need to evacuate the planet right now before they all die Bardock and Guinea immediately send their son kakrot off world and are thankful that Raditz is already off of the planet with Prince Vegeta they prepare to leave themselves but detect Cooler's forces have already arrived both King Vegeta and Bardock fly up to confront cooler but it's too late for them and cooler launches a supernova right at the planet killing all of the Saiyans and destroying planet and Vegeta Frieza detects all the power levels counting down to zero and erupts into his final form he makes it to destruction site finding that planet Vegeta is now just space dust cooler flies over to his brother saying that he told him he'd never amount to anything on the field the one time he actually planned a coup against his father and it failed instantly he's such a failure Frieza Powers up and for the first time let's bloodlust overcome him as he attacks his brother to kill cooler didn't just kill Rebels and soldiers of his he killed his friends cooler it's surprised to see that Frieza is fighting for the kill as he's never seen his brother fight seriously in his entire life then unfortunately for him he isn't strong enough to handle it Frieza is using a hundred percent of his power for the first time in his life and is bullying cooler around like he's nothing he's not holding back and is really trying to put his brother down for good though cooler catches when it frieza's punches Frieza is shocked as cooler than bulks up and explodes in energy launching Frieza back cooler morphs into his fifth form telling Frieza that it's over for him while Frieza may not have ever trained a day in his life cooler has he always knew Frieza was stronger than him so participated in training to be able to overcome his brother through this training he unlocked this his ultimate power and now he's going to crush him Frieza isn't going down without a fight and launches an array of death beams at cooler cooler just stands there and takes all of the blows not moving an inch he appears in front of Frieza and Nails him right in the gut then slams him overhead he flies down and Nails Frieza in the chest with a powerful punch Frieza spits out blood not knowing what he can do to win this he gets ready with his flying saucers launching two of them at cooler hoping to cut him in half cooler flies hell around the discs and catches one of them with his bare hands he throws it back towards Frieza at incredible speeds with it chopping Frieza clean in half Frieza floats bleeding in space unable to move by himself cool air flies down to Frieza saying he was a fool for plotting against them now he's going to take over and make sure that the cooler Force lives on and he'll decimate anyone who dares to resist him cooler sticks his hand out to frieza's face and blasts at it to a race Frieza from existence cooler D transforms back into its fourth form and departs back to King cold cooler tells his father that the Saiyans and Frieza have both been dealt with with King cold patting his son on his shoulder telling him a job well done cooler is then declared the new ruler of the universe and him alongside his armored Squadron go out to take over every planet in the universe however there were a few Saiyans that cooler missed Prince Vegeta Raditz and Napa were still alive they last heard a communication from King Vegeta for them not to return to the planet and then nothing but radio silence after that they wonder what the next move should be and Vegeta gets fed up with waiting on this planet so it says they're going to return now the group all head off and arrive to find that planet Vegeta is now nothingness the planet is gone and thus these Saiyans here are the last of their race they can't believe that this has happened did King cold find out about their Ploy and decide to blow up the planet they're not quite sure and wonder what they can do now until Raditz notices something abnormal floating through space they move their ships closer to find that it's Frieza or what's left of him to be precise as dear Lord he doesn't look good in the slightest Frieza appears to be on death's door but he is extremely resilient and even after the beating he took he's not going to die yet they bring him aboard to hopefully try and save him they can't bring him to any of the cold capitals so they need to find a different place to lay low thankfully Napa's been around the universe and they managed to find some mechanics he used to know on a nearby Tavern Planet this mechanic specializes in making weird creatures out of nothing so hopefully he'll be able to patch Frieza up the mechanic tries his best to hook Frieza up with all the latest materials he could find to bring him back to his former Glory it takes a long time and there are times when the Saiyans aren't sure if Frieza will even make it but eventually it is finished and Frieza awakens once more this time as Mecha Frieza Mecca Frieza thanks to Saiyans for saving him and tells him all about what happened with King cold and cooler the Saiyans curse him for destroying their race and say they need to go and kill them right now Mecha Frieza calms them down saying that they can't be Hasty yet he wants to go in and kill them now more than ever but he's not used to this mechanical body yet and even in his current state he knows that he can't hold a candle that cooler in his new form they're going to have to wait it out for now until they can come up with a new plan the Saiyans all begin to train amongst themselves and Frieza tries to warp towards getting used to this new body he's still not really training to get more powerful or anything since he still can't do that but is more so just doing light exercises to get the mechanical Parts working the way he wants them to though with this still being Frieza these light exercises are enough to increase his strength at least a little bit after a few years in hiding Vegeta begins to get sick of sitting around here and says that they have to make a move they need to find more soldiers and with enough people maybe they can have a chance against King cold and cooler Raditz then remembers that when Bardock was calling him to stay away from the planet He also mentioned that his brother was sent off to another planet as well he thinks it was a planet called Earth Frieza overhearsis and he says that if there's another Saiyan out there then they definitely need to go and find him he doesn't know why but he's been more fascinated by the Saiyans than any other race he's encountered he sends great potential in them ever since he arrived to their planet and he believed there was more training maybe they can all become Super Saiyans of Legends someday another saying in the crowd would help in making that Legend true so they're going to head to Earth it'll take a few years to get there in their own model ships but they hope that the trip will be worth it in the end and that with kakarot's help they'll be just a step closer to defeating cooler and King cold and that's we're going to be leaving things for right now I really hope you guys enjoyed the first part of what a Frieza was always good this one was really fun to work on and I want to give a huge thanks once again to tails homie99 for suggesting this what if on patreon and before I go I just want to give a huge shout out to all of my other patrons on patreon as well in the official Patron tier we have Nathan BBB boss maker semroth happy chappy Silver Strike and Courtney Hawkins in the moving up in the world tier we have Patrick sandolin John Lister Boris since General 92 Oakwood tree monal Blake foyer Matthew Garcia true lightning Striker Faisal all Sharif Adrian Williams calstar159 the shadows and Demar dabel in the VIP Patron tier we have 11726 and Canon and again finally into god tier we have tails homie 99 thank you especially tails homie99 you are an absolute God and with all that thank you all so much for watching and until we meet again see you later foreign [Music]
Channel: Damon: What if?
Views: 10,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c19S8bGf790
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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