Exploring Erwin Smith - For Humanity? (Attack on Titan)

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“The people who are capable of changing things  are the ones who can throw away everything dear   to them. When forced to face down monsters,  they can leave behind even their humanity." Attack on Titan is a story of many  themes and elements, one of which,   is how the series views humanity. When focusing  on the military and its soldiers in particular,   becoming one, and becoming a survey corps  soldier is essentially a death wish,   as its fatality rate speaks for itself. These  are positions and roles that essentially ask   their members to sacrifice themselves for the  greater good, a sort of utilitarian approach,   which will in turn help save mankind. And  Commander Erwin Smith himself, is often at   the helm of these sacrificial decisions,  earning him the title of devil, or demon. Erwin Smith’s character in all aspects  reflects his title as commander.   his strong features, his imposing frame, standing  at 6 foot two, accompanied by those piercing eyes.   Even his voice in the anime, all of these radiate  power and confidence. Past his appearance though,   He possesses all the qualities a leader should  have. He’s decisive, brave, and intelligent. He   has an eye for talent, as he sought out the  abilities of Hange, Armin, and Levi. Erwin   understands his weaknesses and has surrounded  himself with individuals who can make up for them.   the commander is a solid fighter and a great  strategist. But I think Erwin’s greatest attribute   is his charisma. People gravitate towards him  because he has the ability to inspire and to   capture their hearts. He understands what  drives others, and appeal to their emotion.   Only Erwin can lead soldiers to their deaths by  capitalizing on their fears, and their dreams.   Leadership at its finest. ,  As this series has proven with Zackley, and other  high-ranking officials in the military, the people   who lead only care for themselves. Other than  Pyxis, Erwin seems different than the rest. He   cares about the lives of his soldiers. It’s how he  became commander in the first place. Erwin Smith   isn’t average, and he isn’t selfish. A selfish  man couldn’t deem himself as replaceable. A   selfish man couldn’t capture the heart of a rebel  and turn him into humanity’s strongest soldier. But as the series introduces his backstory,  we see where Erwin’s true motivation is born.   The commander’s father had a theory. This theory  was that the king had altered humanity’s memories   when they entered the walls so that he could  control them better. Erwin’s naive self then   spoke about this possibility to his classmates,  and soon after his father mysteriously died. From the moment his father imparted that knowledge  into him, and was killed because of his own   curiosity, Erwin has made it his duty to seek  the truth of their world. As he says to Levi,   finding the truth about this world was  important to him than humanity’s victory.   Erwin specifically says that there are  times where he wanted to choose death,   and give up on the world, but that dream that he  shared with his father is what kept him going.   And that wording, in particular, the dream that he  shared with his father is what's important here.   Family is often the driving force  of many characters in this story,   and when these family members are no longer with  them, these bonds become even stronger. It was the   longing for Historia’s sister, Frieda, that almost  made her eat Eren. Eren’s mother being eaten   before his eyes, drove him. Connie and his mother,  and so on and so forth. Erwin is no different. If   this dream is the one thing that connected  him to his father, and he was instrumental   in his father’s death. It’s only human for  the commander to have this tangible dream,   this reminder of what he’d done, as a result of  his guilt. So avenging his father, and redeeming   himself, drove him. This was his father’s goal  and he owes it to him to see it fulfilled.   But in that quest, Erwin leaves his humanity  behind, becoming a demon, for himself and for his   father. As he sends countless soldiers, countless  comrades to their deaths, for his own dream. So, that internal motivation is the backing behind  every action, and gamble that Erwin takes. Saving   Eren, allowing him to join the survey corps even  if he was a spy, or even if he lost control,   because he might be the key to getting to  that basement. To getting to the truth.   Overthrowing the monarch, sacrificing his own arm,   Erwin has even put aside love, and his  own personal happiness to seek the truth,   as he gave up on his future with Marie to pursue  his dream. Erwin will stop at absolutely nothing   for that knowledge. So he isn’t called  the devil, or the demon for nothing. As Attack on Titan looks at humanity,  it is fixed on the idea of human   nature. This story questions whether humans  are inherently selfish or not, especially when   faced with death. Can a person truly sacrifice  themselves, and their interests, their dreams,   for something that is greater than themselves?  As the military always says, dedicate your heart.   With that, is Erwin Smith selfish? or  do his final actions make him selfless? As he gets closer to his dream,  Erwin contemplates that question.   We see how he became commander, how his  dream brought him to the top of the command.   Saving his allies is how he got to the  top, but it isn’t how he stayed alive.   As they begin the retaking of Wall  Maria, Erwin has this inner conflict.   He finally confronts this immense guilt that he  carries. What was once confidence, and unflinching   dedication to himself, has become uncertainty,  and it comes when his dream isn’t a dream anymore,   it’s a reality and it’s so close to him. It’s  within arms length. But still that inner turmoil   festers. The commander thinks back to all  of the people he’s lead to their deaths, how   many people he’s told to dedicate their lives to  humanity, and how they are all his responsibility.   And that panel of Erwin standing atop all  of these bodies, alone, is so telling.   It highlights the blood on his hands, the  sacrifices. Erwin isn’t heartless. He’s   felt the loss of every single member. And each of  their lives are his responsibility, no one else’s.   That’s the solitude. He’s not up there with Levi,  or Pyxis. Erwin alone has had to climb a ladder of   corpses to achieve a dream. And in that time he’s  been lying to himself, and lying to his friends.   To the people he cares about. Saying that it has  been for humanity, when it hasn’t. and even now,   when it’s time to fight, time to dedicate his  heart, he still wants to lie to himself one   final time. And as he tells his captain his plan,  Erwin holds on to that dream for the last time,   as Levi makes the decision for him. And what  was so moving to me, was that Erwin thanks him.   I saw this is as Erwin finally being  given the okay to let go of that dream.   I think Erwin was finally free at that moment.  And that’s what made his speech all the more   inspiring. He was leading a group of people to  their deaths, and to his own. And I think he   was just as afraid as they were, which is why  he could say exactly what they needed to hear.   Maybe Erwin truly wasn’t a demon, but a  commander who, just like the others risked   his life for humanity. Then again, maybe he was  a demon. Whether he was or not, at this moment,   it didn't matter. This was one time where he  truly believed he was fighting for humanity.   It wasn't a lie anymore. He was  dedicating himself to and for it. This arc also sheds light on the  relationship between Levi and Erwin.   Levi was an underground rebel, who has now become  humanity’s strongest soldier. Like Eren once   thought about Levi, he doesn’t seem like the type  of person who would be obedient to his superiors.   Especially, given what we know about his youth and  his personality. And Eren was right. Levi doesn’t   obey his superiors, except when for one man. If  Levi always saw Erwin as someone who was selfless,   someone who was dedicated to humanity, that’s  someone Levi could respect, and follow.   Something that he doesn’t do easily.  Through their interactions, Levi always   puts emphasis on how he trusts Erwin’s  judgement, because of the man Erwin is.   We know from Levi’s actions, that he is  someone who values each and every life.   Behind his cold gaze, Levi is empathetic  and compassionate. Levi has proven to be   someone who does fight for humanity and has  offered up his skills for humanity’s freedom. But, in Levi’s other interactions with Erwin,  such as seeing him and that smile at the fact   that the titans could have once been human,  or being told outright that the truth is more   important than humanity. Levi still follows  him afterwards. Levi must know and believe   that Erwin still does want to see humanity win,  for him trust him after those words were uttered.   But it’s more than simple trust. It’s immeasurable  respect, belief and faith, because of the years   they’ve spent together, how far they’ve come,  alive. Erwin is more than just his commander,   but his true friend. A pillar of hope, and  of necessity for Levi, It was Erwin who gave   him an opportunity to be more than a rebel.  Who saw him for who he was. and for Erwin   Levi is someone he can trust, and who will trust  him, no matter the situation. A true, mature bond   built off mutual respect and one that began with  support. I’ve stated quite a bit the fact that   it takes a lot for Levi to trust, and how  much he trusts Erwin, but in that moment,   Erwin took the leap of faith, this time,  putting his full trust and his torn heart   into Levi’s hands. This was Erwin trusting his  friend’s judgment without a second thought,   as Levi has done for him all of these years.  All this to say that, Levi choosing to make the   decision for his friend, proved that he knew  the internal battle his commander was facing.   Levi absolved Erwin from the guilt he would have  to carry, having to choose between his father and   the dream they shared, and his memory against  humanity’s fate. With that, Levi allowed Erwin   to finally be the hero he never saw himself as.  The hero he desperately needed to be. For his own   peace of mind. And for his heart. That wouldn't  be the last act of good of faith out of Levi. As mentioned, attack on titan is a series  that constantly questions human nature,   and with that, morality. It looks at intentions  against actions, temporary pain for the pleasure   of those who will come. But it is important to  note that no individual character is motivated   solely for the good of humanity. Each is motivated  by their own ideals, whether that be freedom,   family, revenge, or a personal dream.  Erwin for that reason is so interesting. Is he selfish, or selfless?. good or evil? Did  Erwin truly send these soldiers to their deaths,   and used them as heartless sacrifices? Was  it the guilt of actually doing that or was it   the pressure of being commander, having actual  survivor's guilt that made him believe that he   was a demon for humanity. Maybe these soldiers  including Erwin himself actually shared the   same risk, the same possibility of death having  been in the survey corps? But again, maybe only   a demon for humanity could find a way to slay the  titans.Maybe Erwin has left behind his humanity.   This is a commander who is tasked with saving all  of mankind. But he also just a flawed human who   wants to do right by his fallen father. Again, a  death that he caused. Erwin’s burden is so heavy.   There are all of these questions  that Erwin himself doesn’t even know.   And that conflict makes him so well-written.  Having these underlying motivations,   selfish goals, and teetering on the line between  altruistic actions and egotistic ones is what   makes him human. The commander had his own goals  but he recognized his hubris. Humans are complex.   Erwin is both selfish and selfless. To  categorize him as being one or the other,   would be to ignore all of the times that  he’s shown both the ability to charge   towards his goals and but also ignoring  the times he’s truly cared for others. Kenny in his dying moments told Levi  that everyone is drunk off something,   whether it be booze itself, power, dreams, etc.  and that’s what keeps them going. I think Erwin’s   dreams were able to support the weight of his  guilt. And not only was it able to support that   weight, but that it was the sole thing carrying  him forward, as he states the amount of times he   wanted to give up. For the amount of deaths that  Erwin has seen, and that we’ve seen, we become a   little more desensitized after each one, just like  the characters do. They don’t have time to mourn   and to grieve these deaths. And this goes tenfold  for the one who is in command of all of them.   Only someone who was drunk off  something could survive such a burden.   And that burden became unbearable  the closer he was to the truth. The people who are capable of changing things  are the ones who can throw away everything dear   to them. When forced to face down monsters,  they can leave behind even their humanity. This really illustrates perfectly  who exactly Erwin Smith was.   Erwin was, relentless in the  pursuit of the truth, in his dream.   As a result of his drive, and of his resolve,  Erwin was relentess in his defense for humanity.   The survey corps bought into Erwin Smith, and  into humanity. Through his words and through his   actions, he made them believe they were fighting  for humanity, truly. His soldiers fight, scream,   and rage. That right there is why he was chosen  to become commander. That’s what makes Erwin   Smith anything but average. Again, the  commander was even able to reach Levi,   the rebel, who he later trusted to use the titan  serum when it was time to make that decision.   I think Levi let Erwin rest for his own, selfish  desire. Levi chose to use the serum on Armin,   not because it was better for humanity, but  because it sent off his dear friend in glory,   and in sacrifice, freeing Erwin  from the shackles of his dream.   His final act of friendship, a friendship that  began with Erwin’s outstretched arm. All of the   advancements that the survey corps made, began  with Erwin Smith’s leadership. And ended with his   bravery. It was time for the devil to atone for  his sacrifices. Time for Erwin Smith to rest. In   death, that quote by Armin especially rings true.  Because for Erwin, if throwing away his life, and   his dream is what would have brought change. He  was willing to do it. To die for it. For Humanity. This video has kindly been sponsored by Audible.   In these times, I’ve found myself looking for more  books to read, challenging myself to read more,   but finding it a little hard to sit down and  actually read. So, Audible and audiobooks have   made the reading experience more, intimate I would  say, when you’re hearing the words read to you.   Listening to audibooks while I’m doing other  things just makes life a whole lot easier for   me. Audible has thousands and thousands  of titles, and a whole bunch of genres,   ranging from my favourite book series ever Percy  Jackson and the Olympians, the lightning thief   to be more precise, to more hard-hitting titles  like bell hooks’ The Will to Change. These are two   very different titles that I loved, and listening  to their audiobooks just enhanced my experience   more than I could really imagine. So, if you visit  audible.com slash sages rain, or text sages rain   to 500-500 you can start your 30-day free trial.  Again, that’s audible.com slash sages rain or text   sages rain to 500-500. Thank you all for  listening, and I’ll see you all soon.
Channel: Sage's Rain
Views: 345,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, aot, attack on titan, shingeki no kyojin, erwin smith, commander erwin, commander erwin smith, captain levi, levi ackerman, levi, mikasa, eren jaeger, beast titan, zeke jaeger, survey corps, zoe hange, armin arlert, wall maria, aot s4, season 4, aot season 3, aot season 4, devil, demon
Id: loIroRBfAUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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