What If Earth Started Orbiting a Black Hole

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our sun scenario one something strange just happened now every tv channel the news they're all talking about a black hole that came closer to us on the spot where our sun used to be you can even see an accretion disk and the background of the sky looks kind of distorted which means it got really close normally black holes are so far away that we can't see them with the unaided eye you can't even see them with a telescope directly what's it doing here so close and where's the sun did the black hole swallow it the sun used to be in the center of our solar system far enough not to burn us but still close enough to give us light warmth and beautiful scenes when it rises in the east and goes to rest in the west hey this one even rhymes well it gave us life the most massive body in our solar system contains 99.8 percent of its total mass it's so wide you could fit more than a million earths inside of the sun maybe our sun turned into a black hole but it's way too early for that to happen i mean that's how they form when enormous stars come to the end of their life cycle and explode which is called a supernova they end up collapsing on themselves becoming very small it's a tiny size and a huge mass that's what makes black holes gravity so strong and even light that comes too close can't escape and all the stars in the universe are shrinking and will disappear at some moment our sun loses 4 million tons of mass every second and eventually the only energy left in the universe will be generated by black holes a black hole is surrounded by dust gas and radiation the radiation is very dangerous so we hope our planet won't come near it our solar system doesn't have light anymore no light and no heat either so even mercury and venus will probably get covered in ice pretty soon not to mention earth do i need to say nothing will survive this new ice age the only salvation might come from the accretion disk that spins so fast it generates heat but that's too many chances to take still at least if the black hole has the same exact mass as the sun before it all the planets will remain in the same orbits earth included but if it has a mass bigger than our sun which is something our scientists are currently trying to figure out then bye bye solar system it was nice knowing you scenario 2 oh no what's happening it was supposed to be a nice sunny day but now you see darkness descending so abruptly how come it's night yet the clock says it's 2pm and the moon looks different the tv reports say our sun is gone and due to some mysterious events the moon is not orbiting the earth anymore it's in the center of our solar system now we don't have much time left since the sun is not in the center of our solar system we now have 8 minutes and 20 seconds to become aware of it it may take millions of years for the sun's energy to travel from its core to the surface but 8 minutes and 20 seconds is exactly how long it takes for sunlight to reach earth the light takes a journey across 93 million miles which is the distance that separates us from the sun we're not in the habitable zone anymore the habitable zone is the distance from a star in our case the sun at which liquid water could exist on the surface of a planet now that the sun's gone its light won't reach us anymore and our planet will gradually become a frozen lifeless rock who knows if we'll have enough time to come up with some technologies that would provide us with the solar energy we need to sustain life on earth if not well millions or billions of years later scientists from some other civilizations would explore it trying to find evidence if life ever even existed there it would be the same as we do with mars and other planets in our solar system trying to figure out if they've always been lifeless or if there might be a sign that some organisms used to live there something else also vital for our life travels at the speed of light gravity without the sun for roughly eight more minutes the planets would continue circling the empty center of our solar system until the clock ticks and they finally drift somewhere into an unknown direction of outer space our moon doesn't have a strong enough gravity to keep us in place it can't shine so brightly to give us warmth and support life it's so far we can barely see it now without the moon that peacefully travels close to our planet as it used to we can see tides are getting lower incredibly fast oh and it's becoming really windy winds are so much stronger and faster now when things were normal our planet sat at a 23.5 degree tilt which is the reason we had changing weather and seasons now the tilt is so extreme it's getting very cold very fast and our time is almost up people are screaming everyone's in panic we still have maybe one minute left until we sink into eternal darkness scenario number three we're not sure what exactly happened and how the life we carelessly lived yesterday came to an end no one could predict it but it seems that out of nowhere a giant neutron star took the spot where our sun used to be it's not something we'd recognize on our own we just noticed something was different and the sun kinda got smaller and weirder the rest we heard on the news and no one knows how it happened maybe our sun is somewhere behind the neutron star or the star pushed it out of our solar system and into an unknown direction a neutron star is the densest space object we know about it has almost twice as much mass as our sun but it's all squeezed into a star only 10 miles 15 kilometers across which is about the size of a city on earth a neutron star forms when a huge star runs out of fuel it collapses in a big explosion its very central region the core collapses which is why every electron negatively charged particle and proton positively charged particle crush together into a neutron which is either uncharged or neutrally charged we're in a very tricky situation now basically waiting for our end to come this neutron star has gravity two billion times stronger than the one earth has this means our new sun will pull all the planets in our solar system towards itself and eventually destroy them it's already started for the first time that we know of the planets are leaving their stable orbits attracted by the powerful force of the neutron star it's becoming chaotic pretty fast and it won't stop there a neutron star rotates more than 700 times every second which is incredibly fast our sun rotates once every 27 days so after it destroys all the planets including us this star will continue whirling throughout the universe at about one-fifth the speed of light maybe it will slow down and fizzle out with time but maybe not after thousands of years many neutron stars begin to slow down and blow out but that doesn't always happen if it meets another star it will orbit it and start to feed off its atmosphere until it collapses at some point and turns into a giant black hole our sun was going to burn out anyway until the neutron star showed up the sun was 4.6 billion years old which was about halfway through its lifespan it had already burned off about half of its hydrogen stores and had enough supplies for another 5 billion years it was eventually supposed to end up the size of the earth after running out of fuel it would have simply collapsed it would have retained its enormous mass but its volume was going to be similar to that of our planet no sun no life so the result would have been basically the same but this way it would have been a slow process who knows if humans would even inhabit this solar system in those times but with neutron stars things move towards the end pretty quickly and it's way more chaotic if the neutron star was going crazy somewhere far away in another galaxy we'd only see it in the shape of a distant flashing light that we call a pulsar but this way boom
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, space water reservoir, water reservoir in space, space facts, facts about space, space facts and mysteries, parallel universe, mysteries of space documentary, event horizon, dark matter, nearest black hole, gravitational field of a black hole, the universe, facts about space and planets, black holes, white holes, big bang, facts about the universe, what if we replace the sun, replace the sun with black hole
Id: GRAh6Sdjayo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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