What if Dodge Entered Formula 1?

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I think they'd be better off getting back into nascar first.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/kickintex 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh hell ya I would totally watch if dodge joined

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bloodylegend12454 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies


Dodge: ya know what? Fuck it we'll join in on the fun puts in demon engine

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Hyperbeastking 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think IMSA would be a better option for them, just my opinion.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/d9shadow 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

A Mopar livery would be dope as fuck

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Notorious40z 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
- It's no secret that Dodge is a bit (Hemi-powered everything tearing up some tires) performance obsessed. Hell, they're so obsessed, they build engines they can't legally put in cars yet. (1000 horses of Hellephant) But outside of the drag strip and Trans Am Dodge has largely been absent from motor sport since pulling out of NASCAR back in 2012. Since it's very beginning, racing has been used to sell cars. Win on Sunday, sell on Monday. Dodge has a severe lack of next gen tech and they're stable. And racing is the perfect place to develop and test new innovations. And with the recently announced demise, of the SRT performance division there's a major hole in Dodge's image with respect to it being America's first choice in muscle in sports cars. If Dodge truly wants to renew interest in the company, future proof themselves against the approaching EVs future, and solidify themselves as America's sports car brand, they got to do something drastic. I think Dodge should enter F1. And by the end of this video, you will too. - Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring today's video. - Oh Hey, (car breaks grinding) Wow! Ice on the road Dave would you not get your bird license or something? (bird chirping) My therapist told me to get out more and suggested taking a spring break. So after doing some research, I found out everyone on spring break goes to this place called Cabo. Booked Dave and me little off town for the week printed out map quest directions. And we hit the open road. (bird chirping) Dave loves the windows down just like me when I had thick luscious locks blowing in the wind. But now it's a little chilly ever since I became one of the two out of three guys to experience some sort of male pattern baldness, by the time I was 35. (bird chipping) I know, Keeps makes hand loss prevention easy by giving you access to real doctors online. Plus they'll ship your hair loss medication directly to your door every three months. So there's no need for a road trip to your doctor. Start your hair loss prevention from home today. Go to keeps.com/wheelhouse50, or click the link in the description to receive 50% off your first order. Looks like we're here. Dave. Well hello, Cabo. This is beautiful. - The timing has never been better for a company like Dodge to get into F1. First of all, recent rule changes have been implemented to make the racing more competitive than ever before. Formula one sanctioning body, the FiA mandated aerodynamic allowances that reduced overall down force by 10%. This might sound like a step back, but the move is intended to level the playing field between the top teams and the rest of the competition by making the cars easier to follow in high-speed corners and not allowing the front runners to rocket ahead to an untouchable lead. That should make the waters a little more inviting for a new team to dive in. Plus now there's a $175 million cost cap. So Dodge won't have to worry about being outspent. And before you comment that 175 million is a lot of money, which it is, car companies have wasted far more money on far less worthy endeavors. To put it in perspective, In 2019, FCA spent over $2 billion in domestic marketing. 0.0005 percent of that went to giving James his Dodge tattoo money well spent if you ask me. The 175 million it would cost to have their own F1 team, represents less than 10% of their typical advertising budget and would send ripples throughout the automotive world. That would more than make up for the investment. In advertising there's a term called earned media. Which is basically getting promotion that you didn't have to pay for. And a shocking announcement like Dodge joining F1 would probably generate millions in free advertising. Don Draper, would s*** himself. On top of that F1 is unique in the world of racing where it's not so much the drivers as the engineers that win races. If you're not familiar, I'll break it down for you. F1 operates under a set of rules. The formula that dictates everything from engine design and capacity, to overall vehicle weight down-force, blah, blah, blah everything else. Winning F1 has always been about finding loopholes and bending or breaking those rules to gaining advantage over the competition. And breaking rules is very simply a huge part of Dodge's DNA Dodge is disruptive and I can think of nothing more disruptive than Dodge dominating F1. But there was one major asterisk attached to my otherwise brilliant idea. The problem is, today's F1 cars are hybrids, 1.6 liter turbo v6 hybrids to be exact, that's right. Formula 1 cars are currently powered by an engine with the same capacity as a Nissan versa, but in an F1 car that engine is spinning up to 15,000 RPM and develops around a 1000 horsepower while maintaining 50% thermal efficiency. That's nearly double the thermal efficiency of a combustion engine you'd find in your typical road car. So why is this a problem? Well, Dodge isn't really known for their hybrids. In fact, Dodge's only hybrid offerings are in the 8 tour mile hybrid systems they use with their 5.7 liter v8 hemi and their 3.6 liter pentastar V6. That's not going to get the job done, but I see this challenge as an opportunity for Dodge. And I think it's actually the biggest reason why they should actually do this. The automotive landscape is changing with increasingly stringent regulations, putting Dodge's big beefy and very inefficient V8's squarely in the cross hairs. Dodge may find themselves sitting on their hands in just a few years. Manufacturers like Jaguar have stated that there'll be fully electric by 2025, with GM following soon by 2035. Hell, Great Britain has banned gasoline combustion engines post 2030, and California has done the same. We'll see if that works out. But still that's nine years away. And as so often turns out to be true, as goes California, so goes the nation. This is happening people, and quite frankly Dodge is not ready. F1 is the perfect playground to help Dodge get it's feet wet and get familiar with the tech, and start developing their own advanced hybrid drive trends. I definitely don't want to see Dodge go away, but if they want to stay viable they need to start exploring electric territory. Currently Dodge is staying afloat by buying a ton of carbon credits from Tesla, allowing them to get around some of the regulations, for now. But that loophole isn't going to last forever. So Dodge needs to start making some moves right now. If they've really wanted to go crazy, and when doesn't Dodge want to go crazy, they can even spread out in a Formula E in all electric championship started in 2014. I think Dodge can really make some waves there. If you think electric motors are boring you need to watch Formula E. Check out this episode abut Formula E. Now you might be thinking, Nolan how the hell do you expect Dodge to develop a whole new racing team all by it's lonesome in such a short amount of time? Well, they've done it before. Back in 2001, when Dodge reentered NASCAR, for the first time since the 70s, they had to develop a chassis and engine from the ground up and they needed to do it fast. It's a feat that most said would take years, but Dodge accomplished it in just 500 days. See it's disruptive. They did it at the Chrysler world headquarters and technology center, a 504 acre, 5.2 million square foot complex located 30 miles North of Detroit. It's the largest building in the world. Seriously, bigger than the Pentagon. It features a design office, scientific and environmental labs and manufacturing pilot plant operation for a prototype production line, and a 1.8 mile test track. And the best news is Dodge doesn't even need to design an engine from the ground up, which often takes the most time. As the two biggest engine suppliers for Formula 1, Mercedes and Ferrari already have peripheral relationships with Dodge and FCA. Sure. The Daimler Chrysler relationship that was started way back in the waning years of the 20th century ended in 2007. But the echoes can still be heard here in 2021. The charger and challenger platform was designed with help from Mercedes engineers back in Germany. And in fact, every car in Dodge is stable can be traced back in some way or another to that nine-year merger back in the early 2000s. So perhaps enough time has passed since the failed Daimler Chrysler experiment, that Dodge could send a late night text and booty call their way into buying an engine. You know, for old time's sake. As for the Ferrari connection, up until 2014, Stellantis, which was called FCA before January 16th of this year. Owned a 90% stake in Ferrari and they still own Alpha Romeo, the original home of Ferrari for the first decade of it's existence. They've got enough of a kissing cousins relationship to warrant getting an engine from Ferrari, and still keeping it in the family, so to speak. This is a no-brainer in my opinion. So with the engine out of the way, let's talk about the team, specifically the car. Since I know nothing about Photoshop or making renders. I called up one of my buddies who does. One of my favorite Brits, Tom McCluskey, AKA Tommo. He just got done doing a series redesigning every F1 car on the grid for 2021. If you haven't checked out his channel, I'll leave a link down in the description. This is always the starting point. I'll do the color, then I'll do kind of face shapes and I'll think about what kind of logos and brands I want on the car. As we're going to make this Dodge look sweet today, mate it's not going to be a dodgy Dodge. It's going to be a quality Dodge. Go get that joke out of here. - Of course we can't forget the color, and that's always been a place where Dodge likes to play. Obviously disruption is the name of the game here. So we're not going to keep things understated at all. After all, with names like plum crazy purple, grabber lime, hell raisin and cinnamon stick. We're not exactly in sleeper territory, I think any of these will look awesome. - Let's just not make it blue. There's far too many blue cars at F1. - Should we go with a plum crazy purple or a lime green? - There's nothing close to purple, really on the grid is there, I feel like the purple will stand out a bit more and that purple purple sectors, you know? Oh, Yes. - Oh, that's pretty purple. Yeah. - You know what? No word of a lie Nolan. Just before we started filming I was collecting some assets. I literally had almost this exact shade of purple just by like, you know, accidents are, trying something different. You're happy with that? - It might feel a little too purple if you know what I mean. Okay try this, #8634a0 _ This is a bit more red, this one? - Yeah. I think that's it. With the base color done. It was time to actually start delivery. We wanted to do something simple, but undeniably Dodge, the choice is obvious. - You know this on the the old Challenger, the mat strap, that kind of ends at the end of the back window. That could, you could try and maybe replicate that. - Oh, hell yeah. - Okay. Yeah. It needs a bit, little bit of refining, but I'd say for the, yeah, that's looking pretty cool. - Next is time for the accent touches. I don't know if it would be too much in terms of like the look, but if we go with different color with the halo. - Try black. - Try black, or even like, I think lime green would look awful, but maybe it'll.. (laughing) - Who are you? The Ferrari designer. - Yeah. (laughing) - We can include another little nod to Dodge history by incorporating the flookerang. Yup. It's called the flookarang. This was the logo for fame Dodge designer Virgil Exner is a forward look design program that cemented Dodge as an automotive taste-maker way back in the early 60s. For me, this is where Dodge really came into their own, and started developing that bad boy image that defines it today. - I'll just change the dark bits on white maybe. - Yeah. Oh, yeah that's tight. With the halo settled, we tried to figure out how to make the car look pointier using only colors. It's actually a little more difficult than I thought. - What do you think in those ways. - I mean that really like makes it look like it's pointier than it is. As for the rear wing, I think we paid a little bit of homage to the Dodge brothers themselves, Horace Elgin and John Francis, by putting their initials on either side of the wing. And between them, what else, but the only word that would pay tribute to one of the best Dodge vehicles while simultaneously announcing that Dodge has arrived to disrupt, that's right, we're going to slap challenger in fancy type right across the rear wing. That'd be actually really f***** sick. Let's see how much the other drivers like staring at that for an entire race. That's right. They're gonna be in front. that really works for me. Oh yeah. There you go. (laughing) That's sick. So now that the car is definitely a Dodge, Tom and I moved on to getting sponsors involved, arguably one of the most important steps in making an F1 car. For the car's title sponsor we decided on oil company, Pennzoil. Dodge and Pennzoil have been partners for a while now. They sponsor NHRA events, and drag cars, and the two companies work together on some pretty cool ads. So of course, Pennzoil would sponsor an F1 team. Yeah. It's not bad, especially on the side part because it's already like an oval shape like that. - I think the yellow and the purple actually contrast quite nicely. - Personally. I think there's no better way to give a car the importance and gravitas it needs than by giving it a name. Most F1 teams have very boring names to their cars, like mcl35M, sf21, and RB16b. But Dodge ain't doing that. I can't think of a better name than old Betsy. That's the name the Dodge brothers gave their first production car when it rolled off the production line way back in 1914. Old Betsy, it's got a real nice ring to it, doesn't it. - Maybe here somewhere or just as a little signature somewhere. Sebastian Vettel likes to name all of his cars. - So without further ado, I present the 2022 Dodge Challenger F1. (uplifting music) This just makes you appreciate like how, even if some teams really mess up their liveries, one person asked to like design it, and then it's got to be signed off by so many other people in the organization. And it's just amazing that when a good livery comes out that's so much more of an accomplishment. Do I really expect Dodge to show up in the next F1 season. No, but it's still a hell of a good idea. And I'd love to see it come to fruition. And maybe, just maybe, if we make enough noise the right people will hear about our little fantasy and make it a reality. After all, Dodge has a 100 year legacy of doing things everyone told them they couldn't, and that's how you win races. - Turbos are awesome, but they don't even have a mascot, which is downright not awesome. So we decided to take matters into our own hands, and give turbos the representation that they deserve. Introducing Spinney Boy the official unofficial mascots of turbos and the people who love them. ♪ He'll speed fast and he'll go ♪ ♪ Watch it Turbo, go, go, go ♪ ♪ Here to help and bring you joy ♪ ♪ Watch out world it's Spinney Boy ♪ - Spinney Boy is a sentience turbocharger, 100% dedicated to providing power to anyone who needs him. He's cute, but he's dangerous just like us. Oh, that's where I put this thing. To commemorate the birth of our beautiful new friend, we put them on a shirt. It's stu, stu, stupid, soft and stu, stu, stupid comfortable. Congratulations, little guy. It took Nolan two years to get his own shirt. Right now Spinney Boy is the official unofficial mascot of turbos and the people who loved them. But I honestly believe, if we work together we can make him the official official mascot of turbos and turbo enthusiasts. We've done this before guys, remember about forces, that didn't mean anything before, we can do it again. Let's ride. If you can, get a shirt to show your support and your love for Spinney Boy, and if you don't buy a shirt, I don't really care. Post a picture of your own turbo with hashtag Spinney boy. I want to make him a star. I love this little guy. If you want a shirt you can get him at donutmedia.com I love you. Now back to the show. ♪ He'll spin fast and he'll go ♪ ♪ Watch it turbo, go, go, go ♪ ♪ Here to help and bring you joy ♪ ♪ Watch out world it's Spinny Boy ♪ - A huge, huge, thank you to Tommo for helping me out on this one. Please go give him some love on his channel. I'll link it right here or in the description. I think we nailed it. I want to hear your opinion. Did we actually nail it? What did we miss? What are some sponsors that might've made more sense than the ones we chose? If you want to drive this car in a settle core site you can do that by downloading the skin in the link below drive it, take pictures of the car, tag me in them. Tag Dodge. I think they should see this thing. Let's get this going. Be kind, take care of each other. See you next time.
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 832,918
Rating: 4.9370074 out of 5
Keywords: Dodge, F1, Dodge F1, Dodge f1 team, challenger, tommo, nascar, trans am, f1 sponsors
Id: VeNEAsf2JsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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