What If Anakin Learned Padme DIED During The Clone Wars

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what if Padme Amidala died during the Clone Wars that's the story for today I hope you guys enjoy I really liked writing this one so do let me know what you think in the comments please do leave a like and let's get right into it Chancellor Palpatine sat in his office and there was a grave look on his face one of Despair and fear senators and hollownet news reporters swarmed his office as he prepared to address what had just happened he was being asked all sorts of questions about the war following this latest tragedy during a peaceful meeting between Republic senators and separatist Council leaders a bombing had occurred killing everyone in the meeting it was a bombing organized by Darth Sidious as the two sides were getting too peaceful hoping to conclude the war and usually when tragedies like these happened Palpatine who had to hold back a pretend look of Despair but today was different he feared his plans for Anakin Skywalker may never be the same because of who was leading the peace talks for the Republic Anakin's secret wife Padme Amidala once the news reached Anakin he might completely break and on the planet umbara Anakin continued his campaign with X and his 501st Troopers when a transport landed nearby Jedi General pong Krell got off the transport and told Anakin he was called back to the Jedi Temple Krell would be taking over this campaign aided by Master Kenobi Anakin hated this but he accepted it the council must have some urgent news to call him all the way back to Coruscant like this and on the bright side a trip to Coruscant meant some time with his wife Anakin thought about how much he missed Padme as he entered hyperspace a night with her could wash away all the pain of the war he smiled to himself Rex and the man were in fine hands and tonight he would be with Padme the Jedi Council watched the recording of the bombing and then the hollownet announcement by Chancellor Palpatine this was a grave day for the Republic for more reasons than they knew not long ago Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka Tano had entered the council chambers her sadness was evident and she informed the council that Anakin needed to know what happened needed to know what happened to Padme she told the council that Anakin and Senator Amidala were close the council knew this for the most part and Master Yoda had willingly turned a blind eye as Anakin led the Jedi in the war effort but he knew this would unbalance young Skywalker they didn't know how much it could do they didn't know they were married they only knew Anakin and Padme were close and Anakin flew through Coruscant when a hollownet billboard caught his eye it read 10 Senators dead in separatist bombing fear lurched into Anakin's heart as he reached the temple he tried contacting Padme nothing he sprinted into the council chambers fear and anger creaturing up as he suspected the worst and he walked into the council members looking at him anxiously Yoda was unreadable but Windu looked the most anxious and the Hologram of Kenobi he looked just saddened Anakin on the verge of tears already asked what was wrong and the council told him simply a senate meeting was bombed by the separatists there were no survivors and the meeting was led by Senator Amidala for what seemed like forever Anakin didn't even move he just stared blankly into the sky past all the members all the masters of the council and at the apartment where Padme lived or used to live eventually Anakin coldly asked who was behind the attack Windu said they suspected Dooku as Padme was close to peace talks with the separatists something Dooku did not want Anakin did not say another word walking out of the council he felt nothing he couldn't allow himself to feel anything if he did he knew he would lose himself forever and as he left Ahsoka was waiting outside the chambers Anakin brushed her aside without saying a word Ahsoka chased Anakin to the temple stairs she told Anakin he needs to weight that she and the Jedi can help finally Anakin turned saying that he needed to sort this out all on his own without her and without the council Ahsoka said she understood and watched Anakin Walk Alone down the temple stairs a bit later Anakin found himself in padme's apartment he looked into a mirror and he didn't even see himself anymore he saw the person the evil that was hiding deep inside of him and in Anger Anakin ignited his lightsaber cutting through the mirror then cutting through the wall pushing into a new room cutting through their bed the couch then threw another wall as he found himself staring into the Coruscant Skyline an Anakin saw Padme standing at the balcony Anakin ran over but she faded as he reached her a vision or a nightmare Anakin fell to his knees he was falling apart losing himself he needed to talk to someone Chancellor Palpatine stared into the Coruscant traffic as he felt Anakin enter the room he was a shell of himself Palpatine had underestimated how much Padme truly meant to him the boy was vulnerable Anakin sat down and the two talked before Palpatine got an update from umbara he was intrigued and he read it aloud to Anakin he said Jedi General pong Krell has been killed anumbara ct7567 Captain Rex reported that he turned on his men killing many of them before the Jedi General was killed Palpatine watched Anakin now and he felt a rumbling begin in his office objects began to lift glasses broke the window shattered and Palpatine even felt himself rise a bit into the air Anakin slammed his fist into the desk destroying it he was bleeding from the hand now but he felt nothing first Padme died because of the war and now his own men were being slaughtered by the Jedi he walked up to Palpatine demanding to know what it will take to end the war end the fighting end it all he couldn't take anymore Palpatine was both afraid and ecstatic Anakin would be his and he told Anakin that in due time it would all end and that he would stand at the top but not yet Anakin felt his anger try to subside he was ashamed he hated the war he hated everything right now he needed to get away from it all and so he would Anakin could not let himself go dark could not go evil he had to stay good for Padme he would get away from it all and he couldn't tell anyone where he was going but first Anakin traveled to Naboo for the funeral it was beautiful and Anakin was trying to focus only on the good memories nothing about the war or the Jedi or anything except Padme her smile her laugh their shared love and for the first time since he smiled to himself leaving umbara Anakin smiled again as he watched the funeral when it concluded he went to her grave and said his final goodbyes Anakin said he was afraid of the darkness inside of him and had to leave for a while to train himself to let go of Darkness he feared what he could become if he stayed and fought through his pain through his emotions but Anakin promised he would return to her one day and so Anakin took off into hyperspace he memorized where all of the greatest Jedi temples were and he went to the one that most reminded him of nebu and Padme the one on OCT 2. Anakin landed on the planet and over the next few weeks leading into months leading into an entire year Anakin cut himself from the war from everything except himself he trained in the force trained with a lightsaber but did it all while teaching himself to stay in the light for Padme she would hate to see him go dark Anakin considered what it would be like if he embraced it but he couldn't do it that is not what Padme would want and Anakin had to live in her memory no matter how hard how painful it was to separate himself but this for the first time Anakin realized was the first time he was truly free no longer a child slave nor a servant of the Jedi Order for war he was himself and he was happy on Coruscant and everywhere else the war continued but Anakin was no longer in it at first the Jedi assumed he was just taking his own time away but after weeks they realized Anakin was either gone dead captured or somewhere hidden in the Galaxy Obi-Wan took over training Ahsoka until he returned and the two of them helped each other with The Disappearance of Padme and Anakin the war continued on but the loss of Anakin was noticeable and Darth Sidious had to adjust as well The Disappearance of Anakin was not ideal but he would adapt he always did the Senate bombing combined with the Betrayal of pancrel and then The Disappearance of Skywalker had the Jedi Order on edge many of them would do anything to end this war and get out so city is focused on five different Jedi sending them into brutal battles slowly manipulating them to the dark side and when the time was right Sidious met with barasafi bodakuna Taran had manipulated them to the dark side and was now executing his mission Dooku and Grievous attacked Coruscant capturing Chancellor Palpatine and once captured these five Jedi came to his rescue Dooku was told that he would be captured and slowly the Jedi would explain corruption in the Republic allowing Dooku to emerge as a leader for the new Empire instead the five Jedi boarded and attacked Dooku as Dooku prepared to fight Sidious betrayed him electrocuting him and he died there on the Invisible Hand the five Jedi escaped with Palpatine and together in a hollow net transmission they had explained that Dooku was working with the Jedi this entire time the Republic now thought of the Jedi as traitors and this broadcast was released too late for the Jedi to realize what was going on as they watched the recording in the council Order 66 was executed Mace Windu watched from the council chambers as the Holograms of chiarimundi placun Kit Fisto Shakti stas alley depa balaba Coleman cash apple ransis and even Grand Master Yoda blanked out Sidious killed them with the clones and even ordered a full-scale bombardment of Yoda's location he couldn't tell if Obi-Wan died or lived but he was gone and Windu heard Blaster fire in the temple below the Jedi Temple was under attack the five-turned Jedi along with the planted inquisitors in the temple they attacked with the clones and in the end as the Clones won every council member except for Kenobi was dead Sidious met with his survivors Taryn malikos barasafi and ethkoth he told them they did well and immediately pulled down a pillar on top of them with ease taking them by surprise malakose and Baris died and ethkoth buried under it asked why Sidious did this and sidious cut him down with his own lightsaber Cydia said that none of them were worthy of being a Sith Apprentice they were no Skywalker Insidious was taking his anger out on Skywalker on these Fallen Jedi the Sith Lord went on to announce the Republic was reforming into an Empire while master Kenobi and his Apprentice Ahsoka went to the temple to find the destruction and the security footage of the five traitorous Jedi killing and then being killed everyone was gone except for them they'd survived the battle on utapau now fighting Sidious would be an extremely difficult task they needed help they needed Anakin could he be alive Obi-Wan and Ahsoka decided to try something and together they got into a deep meditation they focused on nothing but Anakin trying to find him in the force on octo Anakin meditated atop a rock overlooking the endless water over the last year he'd given himself to the force and he had found Clarity the war would sometimes cross his mind but he'd trained himself to be at peace that would play out as it should he was listening to the will of the force and occasionally could even feel the presence of his first Master Qui-Gon Jinn but today was different today the force had been very dark and Anakin searched into it for answers he saw the temple on fire and ruined he saw Palpatine his old friend his mentor as Darth Sidious he saw Yoda Windu plokun many others gunned down by clones and he saw Obi-Wan now but Obi-Wan was not in a vision it was like he was standing in front of him his old Master spoke asking Anakin to come back to help the vision ended and Anakin had to catch his breath so much had just happened so much evil was this caused by his Exile could he have prevented this Anakin felt the dark side in him again had to push it down it was the first time he'd felt it in this entire time exiled Anakin was afraid in need of guidance he just saw his mentor turn into a Sith Lord he needed help and the voice came from behind him Qui-Gon Anakin couldn't believe it but Qui-Gon Jinn stood in front of him now blue and transparent but this really was him Qui-Gon told Anakin that he had done well he listened to the will of the force and now he must continue to do so as the force called him back to Coruscant to fulfill his destiny as Qui-Gon faded he told Anakin that he is the chosen one and Anakin stared into the ocean again remembering Padme Qui-Gon was right it was time for him to return and fulfill his destiny on Coruscant Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were making their way to the Senate chambers where Darth Sidious resided after an initial confrontation the two of them fought Sidious together as they Rose through the air on a senate pod he was extremely powerful more than the Jedi had expected in the Senate area city has blasted Ahsoka with lightning sending her across the room down to the floor Obi-Wan fought with the Sith Lord now and was also kicked to the ground the laughter of Sidious filled the air as Obi-Wan and Ahsoka slowly got up they were defeated Obi-Wan didn't know how long they would last then Obi-Wan felt his calm link beeping he answered to Anakin's voice Obi-Wan side in extreme relief his brother was alive he told Anakin they were fighting Sidious in the Senate chambers Obi-Wan couldn't believe it his meditation his call to Anakin it worked their strong connection had brought Anakin back Darth city is prepared to LEAP down and finish off the Jedi when he too felt something he looked up to the ceiling in Terror as a hole was blasted into it with a ship through the Smoke City has barely saw someone descending to him Anakin Skywalker landed on the Senate pod of Sidious destroying it sending the Sith Lord tumbling to the ground Sidious slowly got up and looked ahead to see Anakin Skywalker with Kenobi and Ahsoka behind him scowling he put up his lightsaber as the Jedi attacked Sidious though incredibly powerful was taken aback by the intensity of their assault he blocked each strike with precision as the blue and green blades clashed with the fiery red the Jedi's attacks their Relentless pressure quickly began to overwhelm Sidious Anakin's balance strikes came from one side while Obi-Wan's calculated moves approached from the other and Ahsoka displaying her agility added just another layer to the assault sidious's confident demeanor faltered as he struggled to fend off the three Jedi the Senate chamber echoed with the hum of lightsabers the explosive bursts of the force marble columns crumbled from behind the Grandeur of the room faded into insignificance compared to the Clash of these Warriors and despite his powers Sidious was finding it very difficult to counter the combined Jedi he was now pushed back step by step towards the central platform of the Senate the Jedi's Relentless Pursuit chipped away at his defenses and Anakin Obi-Wan and Ahsoka grew stronger Anakin soon disarmed the Sith Lord and in one swift motion cut him in half destroying the Sith they won soon after the Republic would step back in once it was revealed that Palpatine was Darth Sidious The Man Behind the separatist movement there were security recordings in the Senate that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and Anakin were able to get since Sidious had been destroyed Obi-Wan aided bail Organa as they put the Republic back into place and Anakin went back to Naboo where he sat with padme's grave he told her about his time in Exile and about how he returned to defeat the Sith he regretted not being there for the Jedi as they fell but he was able to let go become who he was supposed to be he told Padme that he would always come back whenever he could but for now he was off to rebuild the Jedi Order with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and folks that's where our story ends today I hope you enjoyed I hope yeah I mean I really enjoyed writing this one I've never done one where Anakin kind of overcomes the darkness not by just going with the light but rather going off on his own so I wanted to take that path I hope you enjoyed it kind of reflects Luke's Journey as well I know that's kind of controversial but I wanted to explore it so yeah hope you guys enjoyed I really liked taking this different path for the most part so yeah let me know what you want me to do next and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Star Wars Galaxy
Views: 19,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Anakin skywalker, Padme Amidala, Star Wars what if, what if Anakin, fantasy folklore, pente patrol Star Wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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