What If Naruto's World Collided With Other Anime Worlds?

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[Music] have you ever played Jump Force to its detriment it wasn't very well received with most criticizing boring story and pretty bad performance citing them as reasons why it should be avoided Al together but while the game may not be everyone's slice of cake I did like the concept of it the concept of world's crossing over mostly this was just shown and jump manga which was actually one reason why I felt it missed out some of the best anime and manga of all time exist outside of Shonen jump but besides that another issue some games like jump force experien is that they're too large when you add so many series together and try to make each one feel as important as the next you end up with a world that feels cluttered you know the old saying when everyone is special no one is special the same could be said for jump Force so I would like to try my hand at writing a mostly original story that includes elements from various manga that I think would work well to together and we'll see if I can do something better than jump Force so I would like you to join me as we visit a world where Heroes Collide and villains join forces welcome to the aagi before we begin only 25% of our viewers are subscribed so if you're a fan of the video please like and double check that you're subscribed and with that out of the way let's get going fulfillment peace freedom three concepts that all forms of life Chase All Humans anyway or well we idealize them anyway a world where nobody is lonely a world where nobody needs to die in a war or lose those they love to circumstances beyond their control a world where anything you wish to do and see becomes reality three concepts that are pure and desirable yet elusive this is the story of colliding worlds but where do we start the beginning is good but perhaps the best way to start a story is to introduce the heroes in a world where anything is possible and anything you wish for could come true a particular spiky-haired man in an orange ghee sat on a picnic blanket pigging out as per usual Goku I've known you for years and yet your appetite still surprises me a woman with blue hair said sitting before Goku was bento box after Bento Box Goku loved to eat it was one of the many things he indulged in that brought his life fulfillment it brought him Joy he wasn't the only one Vegeta to his side was also stuffing his face like a pig was this some sort of rivalry had they somehow turned gluttony into a competition no that wasn't it Vegeta ate like this at home as well so what was this Saiyan Instinct Sans were a proud warrior race and Vegeta would not let you forget that ever to them training and eating were life and it only made sense a big and varied diet along with daily exercise weight training sparring and anything else that would get the body moving were keys to Growing one's strength as work tore the muscles down food built them back up their life was one of constant battle not because it had to be but because they loved it they were always looking for trouble just to enjoy the tension saans were a mystery all to themselves as simplistically as they lived their lifestyle choices on the scale of a planet made no sense why did they have to be in combat their whole lives if you asked Vegeta he would lecture you about Pride but what did it mean to have Sayan Pride what did any of it even mean so what Vegeta fought simply because that's what his ancestors did and he had somehow fallen into sub description to a warmonger toxic masculinity that being a man meant having Pride being strong and fighting all the time not Goku though Goku respected all forms of strength physical mental or spiritual and he had fought for years before he ever knew he was a saiyan it was bred into him if you had asked him why he would have said because it's fun but were Goku and Vegeta slaves were there slaves to their genes to their race or could it possibly be that contentment did not have to come from being yourself Bulma smiled as she watched her husband and her childhood friend enjoy their meal perhaps I'm overthinking this she thought to herself perhaps Freedom isn't the only decision to go your own way maybe Freedom was also the decision to go the way others went the only question that mattered was does this make you happy contentment a simple thing Goku finished his meal and sat back with a sigh phw that was good Vegeta stoic as ever sat there silently watching what he might call idiocy but his own way of caring for a friend without speaking they both knew what was on each other's mind Hey Vegeta want a spar for the first time today Vegeta cracked a smile but as they stood a new energy filled the air in the heavens above them a red circle expanded rings of crimson and red Scarlet and pink opened as a dark core appeared a hole dug in the sky from within an ominous wind blew and the bolts of electricity forming white hot plasma what is this energy Vegeta asked as he looked into it go U stood there his generally happy go-lucky brow furrowed in a serious manner I don't know he said before cracking a smile but whatever it is it's strong Kono hakaka was a peaceful Little Village the fourth Shinobi World War had made it so in all honesty it was contradictory that war should beget peace but perhaps there were just some causal nexuses that could never be separated these were the thoughts of Sasuke as he sat at top the hokage's monument what are you thinking about Naruto said as he stepped out Naruto saw the site and wondered to himself how many times he'd been here how many times had he looked upon the scene the finest handywork the most pure brushstroke of any artist drawn by the very hand of God a living painting one of incomparable Beauty Sasuke looked back at Naruto seeing his white Cape draped about him and his everpresent smile that spoke of optimism and believing in Hope for as long as life allowed him to Sasuke couldn't help but return the smile a bit I was just reflecting on our journey to this point all the struggles strife and hardships Naruto walked up next to him and if I could go back I wouldn't do anything different the Hokage said as he looked out over their peaceful Little Village he looked down at Sasuke with a smile what about you Sasuke Sasuke thought about it there are a lot of things I regret having done Naruto nodded but you were on your own Journey perhaps life took us in different directions but it taught us the same lesson what it means to be a Shinobi it's a rough road but consider this if you had done anything differently would you be who you are today where you are today would konoha even exist today Sasuke thought about it I suppose you make a point I don't like it much but perhaps these things were necessary I still feel guilty for it though Naruto plopped down next to him it was as if Sasuke could hear the tension leaving Naruto's spine and almost hear every wound up muscle loosening the job of Hokage surely was a tough one even if you had to sit behind a desk most of the day it means you're a good person Sasuke shame isn't a sign that you're bad it's proof that you aren't because if you feel bad for the bad things you did then deep down it means that you agree with the good so at your core you must be good mistakes are made by everyone the desire and willingness to change and be better is what separates a hero from a villain today Sasuke today you are a hero Sasuke shook his head why are you always like this I can never sulk in peace without you somehow making me feel better about myself Naruto laughed as he scratched the back of his head head I guess it's just a gift suddenly as they said that a massive portal opened up Naruto and Sasuke both stood what is it Naruto asked as he peered into the dark center of the projected Rings otsuki Sasuke asked as he looked at it he activated his renegon to peer deeper into it to sense nothing what do you see Naruto asked Sasuke was silent for a moment I do not see any chakra signatures but that is most definitely some sort of space-time Jutsu it's connecting us connecting us to what what Naruto asked Sasuke shook his head unsure about what it could be we need to check this out thundering clouds roared overhead as a single ship passed through the Raging Seas of the grand line at the helm the captain stood his smile defying the very nature that threatened a Scuttle their tiny ship Defiance Defiance was his middle name Monkey D Luffy captain of the straw hat crew smiled brightly in the face of certain Doom his dreams of Adventure of becoming the pirate king at reach ing the Pinnacle of Freedom burning within him like a flame that Lit even the darkest of ours Below on Deck Usopp and Chopper ran in circles crying for their lives as even the first mate roran NOA Zoro seemed to be sweating in anticipation of an uncoming demise or so it seemed it could have simply been the rain rolling down his cheek the same rain that smashed into them like a thousand razor blades after so much time traveling after so many kingdoms and battles that they faced to be afraid of a little bad weather seemed ludicrous but even Luffy was wasn't dumb enough to deny the strength of the sea are you sure we're going in the right direction Nami Luffy called out with a loud voice as to be heard over the Roaring winds attempting just to stand Nami gazed at the map we are Luffy let off a hearty laugh then deeper we go we will find the one piece and I will be king of the Pirates in the Crow's Nest Nico Robin kept her eyes open the Horizon seemed clear but that was until she noticed something appear not too far from the bow it had come out of nowhere lightning struck the sea and suddenly the the water opened up like the drain of a bathtub Robin's blood ran cold she cried down with a voice so loud she feared she might destroy her vocal cords Maelstrom Frankie heard her words and without even a glance at Luffy he began to turn the wheel pulling hard to starboard in hopes of evading the deadly Whirlpool turning to the point of going a complete 180 they attempted to get out of the Eddy's pole but their ship continued to drift in its direction pressing a button Frankie attempted to activate the booster engines to get them out of there but suddenly something unprecedented happened the formation of a water spout no wait it wasn't so much a water spout more like the melstrom had inverted the water that once pulled down into the heart of the grand line now ascended into the heavens following it up Nico looked into the clouds and saw what looked like a hurricane in the air a swirling mass of clouds as the ship's booster Rockets finally took the ship creaked and lurched forward once more before being pulled back we can't get out of it Frankie shouted as the vessel continued to be pulled toward the spinning pillar of water the whole crew screamed and cried in Terror all save Luffy who laughed with an unnerving insanity a challenge to death itself to see whose will was stronger and suddenly with that the ship passed into the clouds as they flew through the hole Their Eyes Were assaulted by a negative image of the universe itself as if blacks had become white and reds become blue holding on for dear life their ship passed through the infinite nothingness of a world Beyond Comprehension a world where fantasy and reality were the same for a moment Luffy thought he caught a glimpse of a strange floating structure out in the void but as his eyes turned to look at it the structure had disappeared what was that he asked himself suddenly he heard Nami cry out only for her hand to be grabbed by Sanji Nami dear I'll never let you go he cried with infatuation despite the situation they were in Robin still in the Crow's Nest somehow shouted down white hole Luffy asked questioningly he looked out and saw another swirl of perfectly circular clouds as white light poured out from the center they continued to move closer to it when suddenly they passed through gravity caught them and suddenly began to jerk them down we're going to break up Zoro shouted as they fell Frankie shook his head it'll take more than a simple fall to shatter the sunny you'd better hope you're right Zoro responded all straw hats gripped whatever they could as the ship suddenly hit the surface of the water they floated there slowly as the crew attempted to regain their bearings Nami stood and looked at her Maps pulling out a log pose she attempted to regain their bearings finding that it was not working bad news guys it looks like our log pose is busted she said it's not busted Zoro said as he stood in the doorway we are somehow no longer in the grand line nami's eyes widened with confusion Luffy was by Portside rail looking out over the sea with his spy glass when Nami grew closer he handed it over to her she took a look through and saw land but not like any Island she had ever seen before this was large it was an entire country it seemed but what startled her more was what she saw on the landmass what are those vehicles she asked Frankie took a look it was metal possessed for wheels and an enclosed cab looks like some sort of cart or detached train car but more compact a car Luffy asked Zoro stood there silent for a moment then he spoke well we're not going to figure out anything just by sitting here we should make port and see if we can get a hint at our location and how to get back into the grand line and with that they steered their ship making their way closer as they drew closer their vessel weaved and bobbed between submerged buildings of a type they'd never seen before what happened here Sanji asked as he lit up a new cigarette looks like the city's partially submerged Zoro said as they viewed the buildings passing them by they came to what could only be described as some kind of Warf and dropped anchor stepping out onto the concrete the confused Straw Hat crew walked around a bit hoping to find an answer all the while Luffy's stomach growled I wonder if they have some place to eat Goku and Vegeta awakened in the city proper they were upon a rooftop oh what happened Goku asked as he sat forward what could be so strong that it could knock out I the prince of all saans Vegeta asked with a hint of anger in his voice Goku thought back he saw a flash of the universe he recalled seeing something flashing there and a glowing being of immense proportions but before he could remember more his mind went blank as if trying to protect him from remembering something either he couldn't or shouldn't standing up he came to the edge of the building and looked down at the restaurant of the world it wasn't quite West City Goku reached out to seek any familiar key he couldn't sense Krillin piccolo or Gohan no he couldn't sense King Kai or beerus either the only familiar energy he sensed here was Vegeta where are we kakarat Vegeta asked as he came to the edge Goku shook his head Heck if I know the two ascended into the air and began to fly about looking down on the city so much of it seemed familiar but not quite slightly dystopian not too unlike trunks of world it was hot the air was sweltering the humidity so high that Goku felt sweat already forming on his brow strange wasn't it fall why does it feel like summer Vegeta asked I'll never get used to your Earth's seasonal cycle he said to Goku as if somehow blaming him for the sudden change of seasons we need to find someone who knows where we are Naruto and Sasuke both woke up in a children's playground Sasuke found himself Laying across the top of the monkey bars and Naruto found himself on the swing set it was nostal iic for a moment but upon Awakening he found that he couldn't be further from konaha the world seemed similar to their own but oh so different Naruto found Sasuke and pulled him down giving him a light shake to pull him back to his senses Naruto where are we Naruto looked around your guess is as good as mine the two began to walk around Naruto thought back Sasuke can you remember what happened Sasuke shook his head I remember getting pulled into the portal and everything after that's a blur me too Naruto uttered the two walked on searching for anything that stood out maybe to mark their location as they walked down the streets civilians on the sidewalk near them couldn't help but look back at these two men wearing the most outlandish clothes Naruto looked around I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb he said as he caught the momentary glances from everyone around them this world is similar to ours but completely different Sasuke said you think we're in another world entirely Naruto asked Sasuke nodded that's the kind of portal that opened it would also explain why nobody recognizes the most well-known Hokage since the founding of our village as they walked on Naruto stopped Sasuke turned around and walked back to Naruto what is it Naruto pointed to a large sign Sasuke turning his head read it aloud Welcome to Tokyo 3 where is Tokyo 3 Naruto asked suddenly there was an alarm that went off a city-wide PA system began blaring a message loudly a state of emergency has been declared please board the nearest tram to the underground shelter I repeat a state of emergency has has been declared please board the nearest tram to the underground shelter the message repeated itself further a few more times what's going on Naruto asked suddenly they felt a shaking of the ground Naruto and Sasuke looked to each other they began running toward the nearest building their chakra allowing them to stick to the side coming to the top they turned around and saw a light coming over the hill there were strange Vehicles hovering in the sky each one discharging some sort of loud projectile weapon missiles not too unlike those used by the Ashura path began to be launched from the vehicles the people of Tokyo 3 were fighting something Naruto and Sasuke continued to watch as suddenly a creature appeared before them it was large dark and appeared to have bone-like protrusions like an exposed rib cage and shoulder blades its face was not too unlike a plague doctor's mask and it possessed a single Crimson orb in the center of its chest near the solar plexus what is that Sasuke asked Naruto shook his head possibly a sort of tailed beast kuram cut suddenly no that's not a tailed beast I don't know what that is but it possesses no chakra signature whatsoever the creature moved a little forward but was halted by another barrage of missiles there was a shimmering light as the creature blinked twice its head turning slightly in either curiosity or annoyance it raised its hand and from its Palm a blast of energy left skewering the flying vehicle it must have been annoyance Sasuke we got to help Naruto said Sasuke nodded Naruto jumped down from the building Kurama he cried out way ahead of you Naruto suddenly the fox-like Beast wrapped its golden energy around Naruto turning him into a glowing golden Fox of comparable size to the creature Sasuke was not far behind forming his perfect susano all the while in the distance Goku and Vegeta saw the creature and the two glowing Warriors that Rose against it come on Vegeta this looks like it's going to be good all the while the straw hats walked the streets and upset Luffy whining about how there were no restaurants open feeling the disturbance he would use his gumgum powers to pull himself to the nearest building wait Luffy come back Sanji shouted Luffy witnessed the battle and made his way over as the airships flew overhead the pilots looked back and saw Sasuke and Naruto crap more Angels the pilot asked a voice then came over the radio blood pattern negative those are not Angels then what the hell are they Naruto came running in as Sasuke came up the rear pulling his blade Naruto reached out and attempted to punch the creature only for his hand to hit what felt like hard glass he tried to push through the hard glass beginning to feel like like crumpling foil beneath his hands there was a tear but even though his hand got through the strange energy field a new energy field was generated behind it this time even stronger it pushed Kurama back Sasuke jumped over the Ninetails and swung his blade down only for it to get caught on The Invisible Shield the creature let out an Angelic cry as it raised its hand and struck out at the susano knocking it back before catching both Naruto and Sasuke in a cruciform blast holy hell Vegeta shouted as he saw it did you feel that kakarat Goku was was dancing yeah I felt it Vegeta it felt like a high power level Goku would explode into Super Saiyan and Rush toward the creature due to his small size the Beast didn't bother throwing up an energy field he struck it clean in the jaw sending it stumbling back it turned to look at him its head twisting ever so slightly blinking a bit Goku smiled it's actually kind of cute suddenly it let out a Roar as a Halo of light appeared around its head Goku was pushed back as it Rose into the air and moved over the city dropping down in another location there it stood momentarily before it began to beat into the ground what's it doing Goku asked hell if I know not that it matters I'm taking this thing down now Vegeta shouted as he turned Super Saiyan as well he rose into the air and looked down upon it you dare turn your back on the prince of all Saiyans I'll make you suffer for that pulling his hands to his sides and raising his leg over the other a purple energy began to form around Vegeta that sparkled Goku cried out be careful Vegeta you don't want to blow up the whole planet before Goku could even finish his warning Vegeta had fired G gun the purple energy came out of the sky down on the creature it turned its head to look at the Blast coming and let out a troubled warble before throwing up another at field the field caught the blast but began to falter as Vegeta poured more power into it take this Vegeta shouted as he increased the volume of the blast The Shield shattered and the creature was eaten up by the blast as Vegeta hovered above the Flames he smiled and looked back at Goku nothing at all kakarat I'm disappointed we should have stayed home Goku pointed down toward Ward the Flames uh Vegeta the Saiyan Prince turned back a gasp caught in his throat as he saw it rise from the ground the creature's body was heavily burned and damaged but suddenly new body parts began to form under the old bubbling flesh boiling to the surface to cover and repair Old damage the creature regenerated to full power as if nothing had even happened to it swinging its long arms it knocked both saans to the ground with enough Force to create a crater below them Luffy saw this and came flying in gum gum pistol he shouted as his arm pulled back extending with extreme elasticity then suddenly the hand went forward until it too was caught by the field the creature gripped his hand as its eyes flashed suddenly there was an explosion of light Luffy was blasted the creature then threw the boy to the ground one of the remaining Pilots called it in unknown combatants on the field friendlies by the look of it they're attacking the third Angel but to no avail a voice on the other side spoke Roger sending out Eva unit A1 suddenly a hatch on the surface of the streets began to open up as a guiding rail shot up a moment later the rocketing elevator came to a sudden stop as what appeared to be a violet colored robot appeared it stepped out and pulled from its back a large rifle it began to fire at the creature its blasts managing to somewhat pierce the at field however this did not do much to stop the beast from moving it pulled a progressive knife from its shoulder and began to approach the angel using the knife and all the strength it could muster it began to push through it supplemented its cutting power with its own personal at field which proceeded to overpower the enemy at field once through the evangelic unit stabbed the knife deep into the red core cracking it twisting and turning the blade red ooz likee blood began to pour from the now screaming Angel's core with one more deep shove the entire core split into two before suddenly bursting into a pool the entire Angel itself slowed its movement to nothing all aircraft were ordered to pull back as even the Eva unit also pulled away suddenly the angel exploded into a pillar of light with two more secondary pillars appearing in the uppermost sides not too unlike a cross a rainbow circled up over the cross as a final angel cry could be heard before all went silent Angel terminated repeat Angel terminated Naruto and Sasuke would awaken in a room all to themselves it was white and Barren save for two beds an IV drip for each and some medical equipment Naruto sat up and reached for his head did anyone catch the license plate of that lightning bolt that just hit us Sasuke looked over the hell was that thing Naruto shook his head I don't know but whatever it was it was strong suddenly the door opened and two men wielding automatic rles stepped in and stood on either side of the door after this a woman in a red jacket came in she looked at each of them are you two feeling okay Naruto nods yeah thank you but who are you and where are we the woman smiled as it seemed they were owed some answers I am captain Mis katsuragi of nerve you're currently in the medical wing of nerve headquarters may I ask your names I'm Naruto Naruto uzamaki and that over there is sasuka can you perhaps tell us more about what it is that we fought Captain katsuragi raised a hand all in good time time first we need to make sure that you're healthy when Dr akagi finishes a physical you'll be taken to a briefing room where we can clear up any confusion Naruto nodded there was a loud thud the guards seemed to be put on edge a little there was then a call over the radio Captain katsuragi took a listen to it it seems one of our other guests is unhappy with this current situation I need to go check on this I'll see you at the briefing after some time passes they're brought into the briefing room where they meet a boy in a straw hat eating all the donuts Naruto sits down near him hello the boy looks at him curiously mouthful of sugary sweet he swallows hard hello Naruto introduces himself I'm Naruto Naruto uzamaki Luffy looks at him feeling slightly nostalgic as if he's maybe met this man before in another time in place Monkey D Luffy pleasure not long after an angry man with spiked hair walks in another in an orange jumpsuit follows calm down Vegeta don't you want to know what's going on I don't need to know what's going on kakarat I want to find that big ass monster and kick its ass that might not be possible Captain katsuragi says as she walks in her young charge by her side the the creature was neutralized Vegeta's eyes widen in Wrath what by who katagi points to her left by him the young boy offers the smallest smile and a slight wave with his hand his name is Shinji iari and he was the pilot of Eva unit 1 Goku immediately slides over and looks at him wow he's young can't be much older than Goten in trunks he pokes the boy's noodle arms he could stand to do some training you know maybe I'll take him out and spar with him no Shinji manages to get out before his voice fails him again he better be strong veget said he stole my chance at getting back at that oversized skeleton I'm going to take it out on his ass all color Fades from shinji's face as he stands there suddenly Goku and Luffy make eye contact both raise their index fingers to point in Surprise and both exclaim at the same time it's you Naruto looks from Goku to Luffy then back to Goku katsuragi raises a brow you two know each other Goku stands there for a moment well sort of we met once in a tournament Captain katsuragi then continues at about 1100 hours today the Magi picked up strange readings over the SK of Tokyo 3 the doors of Guff had opened as if it were the second impact all over again but no Angels came through this time it seems as if none of you have any records nor do any of you possess any knowledge of this world so it's only natural to believe that you came through the doors From Another Dimension the question is why Naruto then spoke can you tell us about that creature we saw today that another voice said as it entered the room was an angel miso stood Commander Shinji stood there silent for a moment father his expression was one of surprise but then faded into not so subtle dissatisfaction as he looked away you mean like whis I didn't know whis could be so butt ugly Goku shouted he obviously means another type of Angel kakarat what are angels Sasuke asked from the corner behind Naruto Commander iari then began to explain angels are ancient life forms that inhabited the Earth before man their single goal is to exterminate Mankind and reclaim the Earth as their own exterminate you say Vegeta said with a smile are they strong gendo looked at Vegeta immensely they seek to initiate the Third third impact to reform the world into a world of angels Naruto raised his hand second impact third impact I've heard this term thrown around quite a bit what does it mean the commander then looked at Captain katsuragi would you be so kind as to explain Captain miso nodded the impacts are events in Earth's history that changed it forever the first impact is when the seed of life came down to earth Lilith this seed propagated and created what you would today call the human race that was the first impact the second impact occurred in the year 2000 when an expedition to Antarctica discovered a second seed of life tentatively named Adam an experiment went wrong and the seed activated releasing an L field that converted all life in the Antarctic to its base Parts before raising sea levels by melting the Antarctic ice shelf this threw the Earth off its standard axis which caused the world to be cast into eternal Summer so that's why it's so hot in the middle of the winter Vegeta said Mis continued with the second impact and the tensions that Rose thereafter over 50% of the Earth's population have been eradicated but after the Awakening of Adam some of his proog have appeared the Angels their goal is to initiate a third impact thereby eradicating all Lilith based life on Earth humans and replacing them with Angel kind to that end nerve was established to fight off the angel threat and the Evangelion technology was created to assist in that effort Naruto nodded that still doesn't explain why we're here Luffy said that's something we're still trying to figure out Commander Rari said we're hoping to figure out how you got here and more importantly how to get you back what you want to get rid of us but I want to fight the Angels Go shouted gendo looked to Goku this is our fight not yours I thank you for all your help but you should stay out of this we will provide you with room and board until we can figure out how to get you home or until we can help you find better living arrangements I have my ship Luffy said that's all I need you guys are free to come too I bet Sanji would love to cook for you guys Goku seemed excited food hot dog Count Me In Naruto looked at Sasuke who Shrugged Naruto smiled me too gendo gave a slight nod if that's everything then you're free to leave Mis walked to gendo do you think it's a good idea to let them go like that they could be a great help against the Angels gendo looked back we cannot rely upon Outsiders mits katsuragi perhaps they could be of help but this is our fight we shouldn't rely on anyone but ourselves miso gave a solemn nod yes sir then she left gendo would return to his office where he would sit down at his desk fuyutsuki was nearby he placed his hand on the control panel and pressed a button suddenly the room came to life as a holographic projection before him multiple monoliths appeared the test open the doors of Guff with the key of Nebuchadnezzar was successful but some unintended side effects occurred gendo said to the monoliths and those side effects were one of the voices asked things passed through from within not of angelic origin it seems they utilize the anti- universe as a means to travel from their worlds to ours they appear to be quite strong though the third Angel seems to have caught them off guard one of the voices spoke no matter the Angels come in a strict hierarchy of power they will grow stronger as time passes these Interlopers will likely fade away before they can interfere with instrumentality your only job here iari is to keep the project on track do you understand yes I understand each of the pillars one by one began to disappear leaving gendo in silence staring across he would see a shadow sitting in a chair cabals groups of people controlling the populace through deceitful means it always puts a bad taste in my mouth the shadow said iari sat there for a moment before he took a deep breath he then spoke let those who pretend to have power continue to believe that they possess it after all God is in his Heaven All Is Right with the world the shadow sat there silently in my world they called me a god others called me a devil which do you call yourself iari asked the man thought for a moment I'm a Man a simple man who seeks only one thing Freedom true freedom freedom from the chains others would put on me freedom from the pain the world brings freedom to be who I desire see what I desire do what I desire I had thought that perhaps with my power I may slay my enemies and free my people but I've done that so many times I'm tired of playing the devil I wish to play a God now with the power of the angels and with the power of the golgatha object I can finally free myself from the only chains that could ever bind me fate and with it I will fulfill all of our dreams dreams of Freedom the man said dreams of Peace a second voice said from behind gendo Commander Rari smiled as he looked at a picture of his deceased wife yui dreams of fulfillment gendo and his compatriots were a diverse group all could lay claim to a title of divinity but alas they had their roles to play true instrumentality is just around the corner gentlemen one of a multiversal scale and that's where I think I'm going to call it quits for now I can't tell you just how much fun I had making this video I had so many ideas and plot lines running through my head I can't help but want to chase them all but for Simplicity of story I think it's best that I follow only one main line of events but you know what that means if you like all these stories maybe I can tell some different ones later on make new Collision worlds using different anime with different heroes and villains let me know what you'd like to see in the next video don't forget to like subscribe and ring that Bell to be notified about the latest videos as they drop and until then [Music] peace
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 40,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: R5GlOu59VsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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