What If a Black Hole Replaced The Sun?

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every second the Sun loses about 4 million tons of its mass while you're watching this video it will become 2.4 billion tons lighter in about 5 billion years the star will completely use up its hydrogen reserves and after a while only a small white door will remain from it after about 100 trillion years according to scientists absolutely all the stars in the universe will disappear and black holes will be the only source of energy but can we in the distant future replace our Sun with a black hole will mankind be able to survive in such extreme conditions scientists gave an answer to this question and to be honest it just blew my mind so think twice about whether you want to see what comes next before we continue I want to tell you about the sponsor of today's video Nord vpf as I travel a lot I often use Wi-Fi at hotels cafes and so on but I don't want my credit card information stolen as well as loads of other personal data so I've started to use Nord VPN recently on my phone and 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example the supermassive black hole in our Milky Way Sagittarius a has an active galactic nucleus that stretches for a great distance of 3,200 light years no planet in this radius can maintain an atmosphere it is not surprising that black holes are considered to be the least likely place in the entire universe for the existence of life but a recent experiment has proven quite the opposite researchers have created computer models of the active galaxy nucleus according to Harvard University astronomer manasvi Lingam they wanted to focus on the benefits of black holes not on their destructive power the experiments showed the dead zone is much smaller than originally thought in the eighties it turned out that for a black hole about the size of Sagittarius a a safe distance for life begins at a proximity of a hundred and forty light-years that is 3060 light-years closer than previously thought it is at this distance that the so-called habitable zone begins here according to scientists the atmospheres of planets will be safe true provided that their densities is equal to that of the earth or greater additionally the disc radiation and this area is not so strong as to destroy all living things that is at such a distance the black hole is relatively safe for habitation and theoretically it can even contribute to the birth of new life it is also possible that thousands of uncharted worlds are flourishing right now in its orbit the fact is that the lincom study showed truly shocking results it turned out that ultraviolet radiation around a black hole can break down molecules and create compounds necessary to produce proteins lipids and DNA that means the potential existence of vital elements also scientists from Harvard believe that the radiation can stimulate photosynthesis the most important process for the information of necessary oxygen for human life after all it produces the key element for this reaction light in addition many types of bacteria can produce a biofilm that protects them from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation there is also the possibility they are able to adapt to incredibly high levels of radiation so life near the black hole might already be teeming but if so is there room for humans in such a friendly orbit how many planets can exist in it one to nine theoretically the figure could be as high as a million according to an astrophysicist at the Berto Observatory in France Sean Raymond for the basis of his calculations Braman took a supermassive black hole with a mass of a million times the Suns so if the potential planets weigh no more than the earth then no less than a million will fit in this habitable zone by Raymond's suggestion they could be placed on four hundred rings with 2,500 planets on each one in this case you will never feel lonely on one of these planets the fact is that the distance between two neighboring planets would be 10 times less than between the moon and the earth as a result they will loom in the sky so close to us that it will seem as if you can reach out with your hand and touch one in addition the light will be stretched by the gravity of the black hole therefore those planets that are closer to the core will be redder and those that are further will turn blue given the bright colors and the proximity of planets to each other people would be able to observe an incredibly beautiful sight in the sky every time they look up even if it turns out the number of planets orbiting the black hole will be smaller we will still have a spectacular and romantic view but why in the famous film interstellar does it appear that life near a black hole will bring more danger than romance in search of a new refuge for Humanity the blockbuster heroes explored two planets near the black hole gargantuan the conditions that they found there only threatened our existence incredible gravity destructive tsunamis ice clouds and lack of oxygen the fact is according to scientists the details that the director of the movie depicted are not entirely realistic for example Miller's planet is too close to a black hole according to the plot its gravitational pull slows down time to much 1 hour near gargantuan is equal to 7 years of Earth time that is almost 60 thousand times slower according to Thomas OPA trainee from the University of Pollock II in the Czech Republic at this slowing of time Miller's planet was supposed to heat up to almost 900 degrees Celsius or 1652 degrees Fahrenheit therefore it is unlikely that Anne Hathaway could have walked on it as if on a beach in addition the characters in the film see a tsunami but oppa Trini believes that in reality the water in giant waves would be replaced by molten aluminum in fact all these troubles could be avoided if you keep a safe enough distance from the black hole when humans really decide to settle nearby they will most likely stop somewhere in the habitable zone where the conditions are not at all like those shown by the Hollywood directors first the hot Sun will be replaced by a cold black hole yes it will definitely be cold after all its brightness is provided by gas and other substances that must first fall into the disc overheat and glow but if nothing gets into the hole then in fact its temperature is absolute zero also much depends on the size of the hole itself a partners team calculated that a planet the size of Earth which rotates around a black hole the size of the Sun will be able to extract only about 900 watts of usable power that is just enough for short-term life support as due to the cold and lack of light plants and animals would become extinct although among complex organisms the polar species of animals would last longer as well as deep-sea fish and of course people thanks to alternative energy sources but the bacteria deep in the ground would continue to exist for millions of years and even under such unfavorable conditions though in the end life on earth would disappear completely so if people want to live near a black hole should they choose a bigger and more powerful one astrophysicists have suggested that in search of heat people will need to find a black hole a thousand times heavier than the Sun the energy that we get from this star today is 174 quadrillion watts that's 174 times 10 to the 15th power in watts but from a black hole with a mass equal to a thousand suns we can only get about fourteen point seven million watts which is still more than a billion times less in other words the atmosphere will be much colder and more hostile than we are used to but still the outlook for all living things will be much more optimistic than in the previous scenario despite these in perfect conditions the experts still believe that it will be possible to exist there moreover they are convinced that sooner or later life will have to migrate to the orbits of black holes we will simply have no choice when all the stars go out on the other hand according to astrophysicists this will happen no sooner than 100 trillion years from now so people still have plenty of time left of course provided that in the near future our civilization doesn't destroy itself indeed for such an outcome there are at least several possible reasons but that's a topic for another video and by the way don't forget about nord VPN go to nord VPN comm forest last riddle or click the link in the description and get 75% off a three-year plan also use code riddle to get an extra month of Nord VPN for free if you like this episode be sure to like subscribe to the channel click on the bell to receive notifications about new videos and remember to invite your friends it is more interesting to discuss science topics together
Channel: Ridddle
Views: 2,403,034
Rating: 4.8155031 out of 5
Keywords: Black Hole, black hole, replaced the sun, the Sun, Sun, Space, Solar System, Earth, Ridddle, riddle, what if, what, if, what would happened, What Happens If, sci, science, smart, experiment
Id: PjbtCy5XEjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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