What I Wished I’d Known BEFORE Doing My Japan Cruise!

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We are only ever likely to go to Japan once  in our lives and so it's important to get it   right. While I didn't get everything 100%  spot on, I now know what future cruisers   need to know to avoid my mistakes, work around  downsides, and ensure they have the best time. I found the first challenge is making sure to see  the right sights and truly experience the unique   culture, as I saw many of my fellow travellers  come away not really seeing the best of either. By the way, if you're new here, welcome aboard.  I'm Gary Bembridge and it's my goal to make   it fun and easy to discover, plan, and enjoy  incredible cruise vacations including Japan. You must ensure your cruise is long enough and jam   packed with Japanese ports. I recommend  at least a 10-day cruise like I did on   Regent Explorer which had seven Japanese  ports plus the embarkation port of Tokyo. This is important because you will lose one  day of your cruise exploring Japan because   cruises must call on a foreign port,  which is often Busan in South Korea. The next essential thing before going plan  what you're going to see in the ports to   avoid making the mistake that many people did on  my cruise who were moaning about how repetitive   the excursions were becoming because they were  basically going to see shrine after shrine. There are five experiences I  discovered cruisers should aim   to be seeing when in port. Make sure  you plan a good mix of all of them. You should explore World War II  and the atomic bombs dropped on   Japan by the USA affecting two ports on  most cruises: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both have Peace Memorial  Parks, Hiroshima dominated   by the Atomic Peace Dome and Nagasaki by  the statue of a man pointing to the sky,   and museums. The Hiroshima Museum  I found more challenging with its   focus on the injuries and deaths. Nagasaki  Museum is more factual and less emotive. While you should visit shrines and  temples, as every port has them,   make sure you focus on the  iconic or impressive ones. For example, those in Kyoto are a must,  even though it’s a 1.5-hour trip from Kobe   or Osaka where your ship will dock. The famous  Golden Pavilion, covered in gold leaf, is here   as is the Sanjusangendo Buddhist Temple with  1,001 statues of Kannon, The Goddess of Mercy. If in Shimuzu, go to the Kunozan Toshogu  Shrine which requires a cable car ride on   the Nihondaira Ropeway. Before the cable car you’d  have had to climb 1,000 stone steps to get there. Another must-see is the Senso-ji Temple in Tokyo,  which has the iconic red lantern that you'll   recognise from the publicity shots of the city.  Also in the city is the Meiji Shrine dedicated   to the Emperor seen as the father of modern  Japan, located in a forest of 120,000 trees. I went on many other excursions  with shrines but now know to   check if the ones on the tour or in  port are significant and important. I also recommend you include  in castles in your mix. Again,   like with shrines, some are better than others. In Osaka, I loved the Osaka Castle in  vast grounds with massive walls and moat,   and the impressive castle can be climbed. In Kochi the Castle is truly remarkable and one  of the remaining truly original ones. It was built   in the Edo period in the 17th century and there  is an amazing view if you climb up to the top. If you go to Kyoto, visit Nijo Castle,   also in sprawling grounds. It was built  in the 1600s and you can tour the castle,   which has plank floors that chirp when  walked on to warn if there were intruders. If a place is billed as having a castle, I learnt  to check that the castle is still there! So,   for example, at Obi Castle there was no castle  as it had been destroyed – there’s just a museum. The fourth essential thing to include  in your mix are Japanese gardens,   and there's some beautiful ones I discovered. In Tokyo they have the Hamarikyu Gardens in the  centre of town surrounded by skyscrapers. It was   originally built for a feudal lord's Tokyo  home and still has some original tea houses. In Hiroshima I loved the  Shukkeien Japanese Gardens,   created 400 years ago and meticulously  rebuilt after the atomic bomb. In Nagasaki, I found Glover Garden just  above the cruise port fascinating as it   showcases western-style houses key to  Japanese history, including Thomas B.   Glover a Scottish man, who contributed  enormously to Japanese modernization. I also recommend visits to iconic landscapes,   especially as I will discuss later there’s an  issue with the ports and towns you will visit. For example, if you're in Shimizu, go to the  Miho No Matsubara Pine Forest and beach as   it is the spot the picture postcard shot of  Mount Fuji is taken. The day I went there,   it was covered in cloud, but  did see it from the port later. I loved visiting the Ryugado Caves at Kochi,   stalagmite caves with 800 steps  in and out of it. But fascinating. Also, at Aoshima island as well  as a Shrine is the unusual Devil's   Washboard where waves created famous  grid formation in the sandstone. So,   check your ports to see if there are incredible  landscapes or must-see natural sights. I also discovered five key watchouts you  must factor in when planning and sightseeing. First, all these places are on everybody's wish  list, both land and cruise visitors, and I found   them very crowded especially as cruise excursions  tend to visit them at the busiest times. Also, the peak times and when most cruises operate  are Spring (March to May) to try and catch the   April Cherry Blossom and Autumn (September to  November), so you will be there when busiest. Second, I discovered that much  of what we see is not authentic,   as a many were destroyed or badly  damaged either during the Second World   War or as many of the original buildings  were wood had been destroyed by fires. So even places like the ancient looking  Tokyo Senso-ji Temple I mentioned was   recreated post-war. So, much of  what we see is not all original,   especially those close to the port  as many of those cities were naval   or military bases or had heavy industry  factories, and so were heavily bombed. Third, if you have limited mobility check  excursion descriptions carefully as there's   often a lot of walking, steep steps, and  strict rules around where tour buses can park,   which is often a distance  from the sites. I did see   people on my tours struggling at times  as they had not checked these details. Four, the guides on your tours will often be  okay, not brilliant. I discovered through my   cruise line Destination Services that  being a tour guide is not seen as a   prestige job. So many Japanese guides  do it as a second job or on retirement,   and so versus some regions which require a lot  of training, the guides tend to be just okay. Five, because most cruises start and end in  Tokyo, please plan a pre- or post-stay to see   everything there is in Tokyo as you can't  do it all in just one day. I, for example,   had a three-night pre-stay included  in my cruise and even that was hectic. An unexpected challenge I encountered on  my trip was it took effort to experience   and get immersed into the  culture. Be ready for that. I found going on a cruise to Japan was easy to get  stuck in a bubble. The tours and sites cater very   much to tourists and were not within or close  to local communities, stores, and restaurants. This was magnified as many of the  cruise ports are industrial working   ports and not within the city centre  with the key exception of Nagasaki,   I usually couldn’t stroll into local  areas beyond perhaps a mall by some ports. Also, on the cruise we were  served the usual cuisine so   making the effort to go and try  the local restaurants is key. Something I encourage you to check when  planning as it was a huge miss on my cruise,   was the lack of Japanese history and cultural  enrichment and port talks. We had someone talking   about volcanos, earthquakes, and geological  things, which was not immersing me into Japan. I found I was carving more of the history  and context to better appreciate what I was   seeing. The Edo period, the Samurai, why and how  Japan spent 250 years in isolation from the West,   why the capital changed several times,  most recently from Kyoto to Tokyo, what   happened during World War II and so on to make the  experience, places and sights all make more sense. At least before going, buy a good guidebook  and read up. I wish I had. Especially with the   tour guide situation. But there is also another  thing I would do different know I know about it. And this is that self-touring is  way easier than I had imagined. Most ports had incredible visitor information  booths, with many people manning them, loads of   amazing books, maps, and guides on what to see  and how to get there. Most ports had shuttle   buses laid on to get to the close-by places.  And there were taxis to go further afield too. Often at the shuttle bus stops on the  other side were even more people to assist. Also, I found the Japanese are very helpful  to tourists, and won't just point us in the   direction, they'll often take us there.  When I was off self-exploring in Kumamoto,   for example, I saw an elderly lady stop  what she was doing and insisted on showing   a couple the places to go in the castle  and shrine area rather just explain it. There are police boxes around in Tokyo and other   towns where they to speak  English and can help too. I found in all the tourist areas,  signs are in both English and Japanese   and especially in tourist areas  there's a lot of English speakers. But most of all, the ports  and port towns were very,   very welcoming of tourists, and went out  of their way to make it easy to self-tour. As an aside, they are so welcoming  that most ports would have bands,   school choirs or school marching troupes  perform to say goodbye to the ship. I loved self-touring as was also a chance  to experience Japan in more immersive way. The local restaurants have pictures of  the food on the menus and those plastic   replicas in the window, so I found it  easy to point and mime to order a meal. There are drink vending machines all over,  which are easy to use. I also loved getting   to visit crazy shops the Japanese seem to  love like those stocking toys in capsules,   and playing in the bright,  gaudy, and massive game arcades. By the way, I found it less expensive  than I expected in port, partly because   of the favorable exchange rate, and it was  London kind of prices once converted. So,   self-touring did not feel that costly,  and I found using Cards was easy versus   cash. I only converted $200 into Yen at the  start if the trip and did not use even all   that as used cards mostly. I will say though  that Tokyo hotels were crazy costly to stay. Trying things that are out of the  cruise tour bubble is a real must.   And as I said way easier to  do than I expected. However,   there some important considerations  you need to factor in as I discovered. I found that culturally there are some key  differences that we as visitors need to respect. I found Japan to be very rules-based and  respectful of others. I saw signs all over   with rule after rule, and the Japanese expect  us to follow them. I did feel there were many   in and around ports, which I suspect are  targeted at us and our western behaviours! For example, it's considered inappropriate  to speak loudly, be on phone calls on the   Metro and public transport, and to listen  to music where noise leaks from earphones,   doing FaceTime calls and watching videos  without earphones is a no-no. Even in   the Japan Airlines lounge phone  calls were not permitted other   than in specific booths. There's a real  expectation to be polite and respectful. Never drop litter. People are likely to tap you  on the shoulder if they see litter, as happened   to me, as they assumed as the only Westerner  around, I must have discarded it on the floor. I also found that tipping is not a thing in  Japan. I found leaving money in a restaurant,   they handed it back to me assuming I had  left it by mistake. Although tour guides,   of course seemed more used to being tipped. I think it disappointing that Japan is becoming  more Westernised. I saw so many Western chains   like Starbucks, McDonald's, Burger King  and loads of 7-Elevens. But certainly,   from a culture perspective, I found  the Japanese very respectful, polite,   tidy, and very considerate of other  people. So do bear that in mind. Japan should be on your cruise bucket list. To  find out what other places I think should be too,   join me in this video where I start  with two that most people have on the   list that should not be there, See you over there.
Channel: Tips For Travellers
Views: 100,408
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, Cruise Tips For Travellers
Id: TlOm6c_RQq8
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Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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