What I use to make my bases!

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what is that my friend's cubby Wayne from w Wayne Studios so today I wanted to do this quick little video here on my bases I've been getting quite a few questions on my social medias accounts as to what I do for my bases for my sculpture so I just figured I do this quick little video here to kind of show you what I do personally I've always wanted to make my bases very simple and have my sculptures be the major focal point so I keep my bases very simple what I've done is I've gone to tap plastics and which is an Oregon here but you could pretty probably pretty much go anywhere that sells acrylic plastics or whatnot but I would recommend checking out tap plastics they've got a really nice selection of dowels and rods that are plastic solid plastic but anyway I went to tap plastics and I picked up this rod dowel I picked this size because I I knew I wanted to do smaller sculptures and I'm not sure exactly what the dimensions are on this one maybe two inches I think but anyway I just got this a section of a plastic acrylic dowel and it's solid of course and anyway I have them cut a specific size and as you can see it's great they just got it all cut for me everything's great I could you know smooth that down but anyway what I did was I went ahead and I made a mold of it of this piece here and I just made a mold I just grabbed a just plastic cup and wrap made a base or a a tube or a chamber for that and then I just poured the silicone over the top of that and then this is I made a mold of it so there's my mold of this piece here once that's done then I can take my mold and then I can just mix up some resin and I can make that mold as big as I want so I can make it this full-size or as you can see you can pour up these smaller ones here which are these are great and I use these for my originals and for the sculptures that I'm going to be molding and they're all going to be one piece so it just really depends on what it is that I'm wanting to do but basically I just pour up a simple one from four especially term I like my original one offs I just want to have a very simple small base so what I'll do is I'll pour up resin in here get it to the right height that I want once that kicks I pull it out I hit it with my grinder and just nothing else smooth it all up take some sandpaper to it really quick then what I'll do is I will get a nail a decent size now I'm not really sure what the gauge is on this but anyway what I'll do is I will pre-drill into the resin base down a portion of the way so that it's you know about 2 there somewhere I don't want to go through because that will punch a hole through the bottom of my my base but I'll just go down to about here somewhere I'll pre-drill so that the drill hole is a little smaller than the PIP in the nail so that it's when you go to hammer it in it is really really tight which is good but you want to pre-drill this to make sure that it doesn't split and crack the resin because I've done that I tried to do it without pre-drilling and it just split the thing right in half so always pre-drill this but it's a little smaller than the nail so it the retention of the the tightness of the hole holds this nail in really really tight I mean it's in there then what I will do oh and I should mention that I find Center using this amazing combination square that my dad got me I appreciate that thank you so much but anyway it was a fit it's a fantastic fantastic tool in it fine center so you just set your you know your resin piece in there and it'll it'll find Center so you just mark it scribe it drill the hole and then from there you can go ahead and and drill that in then once that's done I'll just go in with a dremel tool and cut the head off of the nail so that way I have something to hammer on and then cut it off and then now this is you know the dowel that your sculpture is going to go on and usually what you do is you have one of these pre-made so that you you're sculpting you know how to you can bake it directly on this which is nice because then you can just add your foil or your sculpt or your like your clay or your wires whatever it is and then you can just wrap it around there and then that just slides down on there and then you can you can adjust the height of that nail however you want if you want it to go all the way down I just cut it shorter so just drop some touches the base but I like a little bit of length in there but yeah and then you just mix up a you know a five minute epoxy or super glue drop in there and there you go so that's pretty much what I use for my basis for doing original sculptures with the super sculpey or if I'm going to be molding it I will just sculpt directly to that and mold it all up is one piece and then cast it up in in them or do it in silicone and cast it in resin so anyway that's what I do with my bases it's pretty easy to do I want you especially what you have the mold and everything but yeah so anyway I just wanted to show you guys kind of what I do to answer that question as to how I get my bases the way that I do excellent questions by the way I really truly appreciate you guys giving me some the input on the videos that you guys want to see so thank you guys so much for the new subscribers as well you guys are awesome I appreciate it yeah so you can also check me out on Instagram W Lane Studios over there on Instagram but yeah so anyway you guys are awesome thank you for checking this video out and as usual I will catch you in the very next video
Channel: Toby Wayne Studios
Views: 11,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toby, wayne, studios, www.tobywaynestudios.com, toby wayne studios, tap plastics, plastic, resin, silicone, silicone mold, resin base, sculpt, sculpting, sculpture, how to, how to video, how to tutorial, tutorial, smooth on, smooth on products, moldmaking, model kits, garage kits, kit bashing, acrylic, acrylic plastic, acrylic dowels, machine, work bench, combination square, nail, hammer, drill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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