What I Learned from Living in a Rural Cottage - how I live a quiet peaceful life

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About a year and a half ago, I quit my job,  moved to the countryside, and started a new life. Since then I've learned quite a few lessons on   how to cultivate a feeling of  abundance while living simply. I grew up moving quite a bit, I lived in  multiple different countries and traveled   to even more. When I moved here without any  plans to move or travel again in the future,   it was a cathartic experience in which I had to  redefine what it was to live a meaningful life. True fulfillment doesn't come from the  acquisition of material things, nor is it   acquired through traveling, visiting new places,  and constantly having new exciting experiences.   It's a little more complicated than that. I find   it's part of the life journey in which we continue  to discover what it is that makes us happy. There is no easy cure for sadness, instead I  find that to cultivate joy you must treat it   like a seed. You must take care of it and let  it grow and watch over it. Sometimes it doesn't   produce the abundance that you were hoping  for, but with time - maybe next year - it will.   The key is to know that things don't ever  stay the same for long... the seasons change   and so will you. It's impossible to predict  where your life will be in the future,   I could have never predicted that I would be here.   City life was overwhelming to my more sensitive  quiet spirit, I longed to move to the countryside,   it wasn't until I came here that I  realized how crucial one's environment   is to their creativity and their mental health. Living in a rural area did not solve my lack of  fulfillment, but it did create a foundation in   which I could start to build up my courage to live  my life how I wanted, instead of comparing it to   that of others. I never realized how oppressing  it was to live by someone else's standards. Over time I got back in touch with  what it is that makes me truly happy   the day-to-day experiences  and joys of simple living. I no longer needed to travel or to acquire things  in order to feel as if my life was a success,   instead the sweet smell of calendula tea was  enough to make my day just about perfect.   For example, I take care of young children  as my primary job and spending time with them   and experiencing the world through their eyes  constantly reminds me to change my perspective   and see the little moments of life as what is  truly meaningful, and what is truly living. I am constantly surprised how my new lifestyle  ignites my creativity. Not only do I enjoy   painting and reading and writing, but I am  trying all types of new skills and crafts.   While we often covet the ability to travel  the world at a whim, I find that there is   long lasting fulfillment from learning new  skills and experimenting with new ideas. I hope this video brought you some peaceful  thoughts, i'm not offering solutions to anyone's   difficulties I'm just simply sharing the little  things that i've learned through living in a rural   area on how to cultivate a feeling of abundance  in a society that often focuses on scarcity   and negativity. There is so much joy to be had in  this world and while we can recognize the darkness   we must make sure to also encourage  the light in our own hearts
Channel: TheCottageFairy
Views: 2,956,357
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Keywords: how to find calm in the city, lessons i learned from living a rural life, 10 lessons from living in a rural cottage, how to redefine your purpose, what i learned from living in a rural cottage, How I learned to be slow again, how I moved from the city to the countryside, why i moved to washington state, lessons in happiness from living alone, lessons in peace from living alone, lessons in calm from living alone, how to find peace in the city, vlog, how I live a quiet peaceful life
Id: jZB08H8ND8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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