WHAT I GOT (other people) FOR CHRISTMAS 2018! | VLOGMAS 23-25

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[Music] the snow started this morning are what is up you guys Merry Christmas I'll be lasting your vlogmas I hope you guys had a wonderful day with your families friends so today we're doing something a little bit different different like I'm different yeah um Frank actually thought about this for a very long time and I was like since I'm like what normal fool too and I was like well I'm not really thought normal so it doesn't really matter I decided not to do a what I bought for Christmas this year personally I'm not comfortable doing that I rather record other people's reactions of what they got or what I got them for Christmas then no means is this a like flex video or anything this was like my first year I was financially stable and I could spend what I've earned within the past year on people that I love are important to me yes in no way is this a flex video but I wanted to thank you guys mostly for the support it means a lot and I was finally able to give back without further ado let's get to it so let's go get these presents what is up you guys it is later in the day on vlogmas a 22 and meanwhile I'm rushing because I found out one of my old roommates my second year of college he had got into grad school all the friends I'm gonna go celebrate him tonight we're going out I have to be ready and look at how I wear it I'm not ready at all and I stopped to edit um nails that can go up with the blonde twirl but meanwhile I'm gonna stuff my face with sushi then me seen a sushi roll here we go here we go I just have some leftovers from dinner last night it does not really look that appetizing but I swear it's good well it's 8:13 and I stopped to pick an outfit so that was an ultimate fail of rushing but your girl's not trying to look crusted and dusted tonight so let me pick out an outfit meanwhile yeah completely forgot that this nail broke off so I'm going to attempt to page it and see how well it blends in you know I'm gonna have to say that it doesn't look that bad compared to what it was ready to take on the town oh the log is almost up come on buddy you can do it you can do it this will be up tomorrow at 11:00 I'm headed out after I pick an outfit oh this is the worst part about going out yeah we are out for the night three people top oh my hair is so brassy I need to get it fixed so I cut this shirt and now it's unraveling normal t-shirts don't do this but it's a weird material so by then another night I might have a crop top I will see you guys maybe tonight maybe tomorrow we'll see I'm already running late and you know when you have the free time to go get gas and you're like nah just get it before I let go not like never happens and I always end up screwing myself over her so here I'm getting gas actually think I'll be there like right on time someone's wig was snatched you have to open it though marry Chrysler thanks for always helping me with my photos if you okay see so Casey I've played basketball with her since like maybe like sixth grade I've known her for a very very long time and if you guys watch the vlogs you guys know that she comes to a lot of events with me and she takes photos for me she's always been supportive she like even offered to like switch around her work schedule to help with me yeah she's just been so awesome not only this year but all of the past year she's always been a really good friend I decided that I would get her an espresso machine and me in Casey always have talks about like coffee it's so funny because that girl orders like four shots of expresso and she goes to Starbucks she loves coffee so espresso machine I thought that would be a nice gesture for her so I'm in the midst of ordering it on Amazon the campus on has literally like thrown off my duction of shipping time any time a site sounds like five to ten business days I'm like [Music] this is the one I'm getting her it's like a perfect for the house marry Chrysler thanks for always helping me with my photos I need a full video of you making coffee yay from friends Mis and there was so much fun we literally grew up playing basketball together since we were 5 and like College kind of separated us all but it's nice now that we're all graduated we can spend time together you do well I want to show you guys what I've got from my Secret Santa Cole had began and she gave me so much stuff so she gave me a box of a sugarfina handy if you guys know me you know I love sugarfina and she gave me and the champagne bears sea salt caramels and the peach Bellini these are my favorite ones like a bento box they call it let's see Sarah gave us all these chocolate bars the Ghirardelli peppermint barks this one's dark chocolate and she made these little snowmen out of wine cork she like painted it and put like a toothpick in it for the nose it's so cute I feel like it's so funny when you're like younger if you wait to open all your presents on Christmas but when you're older you open them when you got them and then Casey gave us all a bottle of wine we all love Stella Rosetta so she gave us all Stella Nicole also gave me a free Secret Santa bottle of Chardonnay I think I'm gonna take a nap because I was out late last night and I'm really tired [Music] it is now time to wrap presents we are cutting it close here people use those little arms look at those little toothpick you look like you're struggling so you try look at the flick of the wrist so easy dude but you say to your mama easy money baby back in my day didn't call me on the vo saw do you want to know what's going on she's Santa's Little Helper oh they look magnificent I did such a great job one for me one for the cookie do's Mary Chrysler can tie one knot rock thank you good flipper buttons crunch factor too crunchy good morning and welcome to vlogmas day 24 happy Christmas Eve I woke up this morning and gave Kona and you got bad look at you fresh and clean squeaky clean you get a high-five girl my parents are making me go to the grocery store because they forgot to get things and named a worst day to go to the grocery store everyone I'm their mother or father sister brother extended and extended uncle great-grandfather is going to be at this local grocery store because I'm back home where my high school was and it's gonna be a high school reunion [Music] I remembered a reusable bag this time y'all let's go [Music] the bag is secured I would say that was a successful grocery store trip considering I did not see anyone from my high school record time I think I was in there for maybe 10 minutes max you know and your parents sent you to the grocery store and you're like I literally like don't know where this is or what it is on the list I had to text my dad insert text here it comes like is this the one I'm headed home gotta get ready and then we're going to my brother and sister-in-laws house all right bye from the grocery store I just got ready for Christmas Eve like early dinner slash lunch I'm wearing leggings for maximum like eating capacities we're having a Mexican food tonight so they make like taquitos enchiladas oh my god it's so so good I'm so excited for Christmas oh my god vlogmas is literally like basically done spicy mommy hot tamale hi Elliot have tamales some homemade Spanish rice and geladas beans and a taquitos trying this new game called a yogya and my spaghetti gonna be Christmas in six minutes but with that being said but that being said we're going to go to sleep and whining and happy last day of lovelies I was up till 3:00 a.m. last night editing I'm so tired come on woke me up because she wants to open presents okay this dog how you just want to know why everyone was up so early this morning get it dude you can't be serious you gave a gift to yourself my mom opened my present on accident you guys have to sit right there and right there facing it that way facing that way so for my parents my dad hasn't been to Hawaii and about probably like eight years me and my mom went together maybe like five years ago no my dad hasn't gone with her but it's just like really hard having like my mom's side of the family there so for this Christmas I decided since I am an adult and I guess like growing up like I never really had like a real job so I was always like using my parents money to buy my other parent a gift kind of thing so now that I finally like have my own source of income I feel like this is the lease that my parents deserve because I love them so much and they've done like so much for me they put me through college like I can't even name like the whole list but I just thought it would be nice to send them to Hawaii unfortunately I can't find them like a specific ticket because they have different work schedules so they're gonna have to like work it out with each other but I'm gonna do like a little like I guess like scavenger hunt for them so it'll be more fun rather than in just being like you're going to Hawaii I'm gonna get them two separate cards probably like cut like letters out of different magazines and then number them and they have to like put the words together and then I'm gonna give them the final envelope with like the money in it I literally didn't know what I was going to give them until like probably like a couple days ago okay so now I have to go to the bank because I have to pick up my parents Christmas gift my parents are wrapping CONUS gifts downstairs I'm going to do my parents Christmas party right now I don't how your nails are sharp you're like Wolverine bro you try to catch these hands start out these two separate cards rather than two oh man did Picasso do that whoo wait you have to fit are you mom you guys have to mix them together to spell something home oh why here you go I'm gonna cry shakin gay toes O'Brien and chose get it okay so we finished with breakfast and opening presents as Christmas was just so special to me I don't really want to show you guys what I got for Christmas I know a lot of youtubers do like what I got for Christmas videos but personally like I'm not really comfortable doing that so which is why I decided to flop this video around and do a what I got people for Christmas I'm gonna get ready and I think I'm gonna film an intro for this video which will be fine we're gonna switch it up a bit because I thought I was like oh no it has to be like blocks out but like imma do it a little different this year and then the family is gonna come over and they get to open their presents you're just living the lavish life girl Kona can you please move I'm trying to make my bed here peekaboo dude oh my gosh look at you did you and bow and bow and bow here you go Kaitlyn Merry Christmas Merry Christmas [Music] wahoo a new shirt finally yeah yeah man okay Riley here you go this is from me so I would have to say that my cutting skills are absolutely horrifying first clue I'm putting you so bad you're gonna be first clue is done and now we're gonna go attach these to the LOL surprises are you helping you see this little helper hey checking out those LOL surprises you guys i went wild I'd be lying if I said I didn't watch an unwrapping or unboxing of these on YouTube wrap this one like a cream cheese wonton honestly I really played myself by getting the most unwrapped a ball shapes ever like this one didn't even reach the bottom have to figure out how to wrap this big boy alright so we just got the text that family is coming now so I gonna go hide Riley's presence [Music] [Applause] oh my god I'm sweating from how much I just ran around the house but we are done that hiding Riley's presence I messed up because there was 10 present so I made 10 clues but in reality there shouldn't even I don't know it's just confusing numbers math so each one has a present and then a clue so you can open the present first and then you read the clue after I hope you guys enjoyed the video I know it's a little different than what I've been doing thanks for watching and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: leighannk_
Views: 13,295
Rating: 4.8582678 out of 5
Keywords: Leighannk, leighannkamifuji, leighannk_, leighann kamifuji, vlog, daily vlogger, la vlog, la vlogger, los angeles, college vlog, oc vlog, weekly vlogger, vlogger, california vlogger, socal vlogger, what i got for christmas 2018, vlogmas 2018, vlogmas, vlogmas day 25, lol surprise, nespresso, what i got peope for christmas, ava jules, emma chamberlain, hannah meloche, christmas 2018, christmas haul, funny vlog
Id: yPoZqMHjQ-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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