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the number you have dialed has been [Music] cleaned [Music] your voice is [Music] [Music] cute good morning everybody happy vlogmas again we're headed out this morning it feels so early but it's really only 25 10 45 but we're getting a late start to the day we're actually meeting up with my brother and his family at his new restaurant i announced it on instagram but it's this place called holdack and they have really good fried chicken so they do like fried chicken sandwiches it's like a east asian twist i'm so excited we actually brought like little lawn chairs and we're gonna camp out in the parking lot have some nice lunch in the sun really soak it up and then we're gonna give them their advent calendars that we got them so they can get started on that so we found a nice little parking lot we like parked in this parking space and we're gonna have his family parking the other one across and then just eat in the middle and we just made sure that there's not a lot of people here so we're not blocking the space from anybody it's gonna be a nice little campout hi guys [Music] uh a little family picnic diy kobe style yes we are alive to say i knocked out is an understatement i definitely like fell asleep for like four hours that food was just so good it just put me right to sleep but now we're actually gonna go pick up one of my black friday purchases i'm so excited i'm gonna do a haul when i get home should i tell you guys what it is no i'm not gonna tell you until we get back home but we are going to best buy so that's a little hint god i'm so excited right now i've been wanting this for so long everything just aligned and it was on sale for a really good price let's hit the road jack don't you come back no more no more no more no more god when you're the band the chorus and the lead singer exhausting let's go contactless curbside pickup where did i get this country axing from i'm not sure we're in lucky number three third time's a charm yes i am in number three i like feel so bad i do not want them to come take my stuff out to my car but like i can't go in 2-7 thank you thank you that was so fast i have two things to share when i get home because i've been waiting for the other thing well there's a whole story behind the other thing and i'm gonna tell you because it's an interesting one everything's here what what hi how are you i'm the new jeffree star hello guys so i ordered a couple things during black friday i just got like emails here and there and i was like oh i'll just look and then i ended up finding way too much stuff this jacket was so popular when i posted it on instagram it's just like some corduroy like ripped jacket that's super simple i'll link it down below you guys she's here you guys are probably wondering like she already has a camera why she buy this one i'm like normally really shy when i go out in public and like bringing my camera that i have now stresses me out more than anything if you guys notice when i go out it's always at like a lower angle so people can't see me because i get like stressed out i always care what people think of me i don't know why it's like a bad habit i need to break i ended up getting this one this is a canon g7x it was actually like 150 off so it was pretty reasonable to buy it's just mainly for vlogging the camera that i'm using now the screen that does not flip out so half the time when you see me and i'm like recording just like half my face it's because i can't see what i'm recording [Laughter] this one actually flips out so i'll be able to see what i'm recording and it's so much smaller so this is her and then she flips out i'll do like a side-by-side comparison in the mirror so you guys can see the difference between the two cameras the size difference you can see here and i'll be able to like carry this more easily oh my god it's so clear i'm a little shook this is a little scary how clear it is hi hello then so i did not order this on black friday but i did order this on like august 2nd and it's almost halfway through december i bought a new laptop i'm not here to flex or anything i normally don't like sharing like things that i got actually the first time i ever got a laptop was my senior year of high school and i got my first mac and i still have it but it takes like 10 minutes to turn off and i have like no space left on it so i have to work off of a hard drive which makes editing videos really hard for me okay that's probably why it doesn't work very well because i keep dropping it everywhere she's stuck on a show hey poster there she is i just want to say thank you so much to you guys because pretty much everything that i've made on this channel all went into buying this laptop and it's all going back to stuff i'm doing on here i just want to say thank you to you guys for watching my videos and just supporting me because it means the world to me i'm going to show you the stickers that i bought that came in as well so i can decorate this new laptop it's a new era i know i'm getting stickers from the site called red bubble they literally have every single sticker you could ever think of i'm gonna link it down below but i got some fun ones so my mom's side of the family is from hawaii i ended up getting like a little like plane ticket sticker and then i got this funny text message one that says i can't the angels are playing of course i had to get a show hey jersey from all-star weekend just do it i also got some mammoth stickers because i love going up there for snowboarding and then long beach because i went to college there got a wrap and then i got this cute little lightning bolt for be electric if you guys were with me for the past like two years i made merch with lightning bolts so this was really really nostalgic and like meaningful to me and then i also got another honolulu sticker let's get iced coffee you guys know me i had to all of these together were like 20 bucks so i definitely recommend because if you go to the store it's like five dollars per sticker usually i'm gonna open this right now as i'm opening this i will tell you guys what happened so originally i had bought this on like october 1st or 2nd it said it was gonna come in about four weeks so i got tracking info that it was here and i was like oh my god this is so fast and it was actually at a fedex facility 20 minutes away from my house and i thought it was coming and then all of a sudden i looked again and it said pending and i was like what the heck why is it pending so then i was like okay it says like contact company or something so i contacted apple and i was like hey it said it's here but like it said to contact you guys and they're like oh well originally i had said it was gonna get to you on monday and it was like friday before so they're like oh just wait till monday so like okay so monday comes around and like nothing so i called fedex and they're like oh we can't find your package and i was like like what does that mean and they're like oh we'll find it and i was like like wait what and so then they're like oh we'll contact you but like no one called my dad was calling them they're like oh like we need to check security cameras because we can't find a package they said they're gonna call us i just felt like super helpless apple had to send me a new one at one point it said that it was stuck in china and i was like oh my god no this is not happening again and then all of a sudden it just showed up at my doorstep and here we are i literally opened it and i was like is this a mirage this can't be happening craziness just craziness okay i don't realize how big she is compared to my other one it's a baby and a mama wow here we go this stresses me out more than anything because i don't know which pattern to put them in i think it's off center this is gonna take some time stressed i thought i cut the actual sticker that would have been bad have commitment issues don't want to put them on so she a little lopsided but everything in this corner like fit together perfectly then we'll figure out the rest but most importantly we've got shell hay on there that's your father [Music] i think i'm gonna put this one here actually and then we're gonna probably have to buy more but yeah i really like how it turned out so far we're into it yeah i am exhausted and i will see you guys tomorrow bye maybe you should stay here with me i just make it hard on party
Channel: leighannk_
Views: 2,486
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, lifestyle vlogger, los angeles vlogger, hannah meloche, ava jules, daily vlogger, la vlogger, vlogger, leighannk_, leighann kamifuji, leighannk, california vlogger, socal vlogger, socal girl, best dressed, elena taber, caitlyn rae, keaton milburn, ellie thumann, los angeles, vlogmas, vlogmas 2020, vlogmas day 7, orange county, canon g7x, unboxing apple, apple laptop
Id: OFllc7kjAnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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