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[Music] hi guys welcome to my channel i hope you guys are all doing well and are ready to hang out with me today i'm going to be doing a what i eat in a day i'm going to give you guys oh here comes the dogs i also want to give you guys a little update about what's been going on the last few days why things have been a little bit quiet on my channel but it is going to pick up because things are we're back in the rv we're settled so i'll give you guys an update about that after we make some breakfast but first i'm gonna make some iced coffee i'm gonna be using the cold brew stokes i got this starbucks creamer this is the cinnamon dolce latte i think i'm just gonna do like one tablespoon of this because it's one tablespoon for 40 calories and then i'm going to do a splash of half and half instead of unsweetened almond milk joey got me some half and half and that sounds really good and i do really like half and half i feel like the flavor is really good i have my ice here and we are going to get our coffee started and i'm going to be sharing everything that i eat today um on my weight loss journey my goal is to continue to lose weight i've lost 57 pounds um and i feel really good and i'm ready to just continue that and that's what i'm doing i also wanted to mention i mentioned i also want to mention i talk a lot about bites and points i reference my food to that and that is because i am on i track bites better balance plan which is an app that just gives you like a daily allowance which is pretty much equal equivalent to calories you're trying to hit your daily allowance your your daily calories they just call it bites i also do track my calories in that app you can do both so that is what i do it's very similar to kind of weight watchers it's like a copycat of that so that's kind of why i talk about fights so much but yeah i hope you guys enjoy this video let's get started i always feel like i need to mention i live in an rv because it looks different the sound is different um yeah i don't know i live in an rv but we are hopefully going to buy by the end of this year um hopefully if the market gets better and things like that we want to buy a house really bad we do love living in the rv if it was a little bit bigger honestly honestly if it was bigger if we would have thought about that oh i just kind of spelled that everywhere if we would have thought more long term when we bought this rv and like thought it through a little bit more honestly we would have gotten a bigger rv with a washer and dryer with maybe like a spare little second room um to make into an office or storage we would have got something that had like a bigger closet so if you're thinking about rv living because i've had a few people um ask me questions about rv living my biggest suggestion would honestly like just in my experience it would be go a little bit bigger than what you're thinking of you will not regret going a little bit bigger and having a little bit more space right joey yeah that's right did you even hear what i said yeah don't you think that would be like the biggest advice to give someone yeah always go bigger than what you think you need all right coffee is ready i got these little plastic cups with a lid and a straw at the dollar general market for two dollars for a set of two and i love them all right i need to take all of my supplements i feel like i actually have been taking a lot of supplements i'm going to take my zinc and silica this is the collagen drink i'm just going to finish it i feel like my hair has really been loving the collagen and it's definitely healthier longer shinier and i've been taking the collagen every day so i think that's what's honestly doing it and then this is the chlorophyll drink it's green it doesn't really taste like much besides like spearmint kind of tastes a little minty all right for breakfast i don't know what i want oh you know what i do know what i'm gonna make for breakfast i'm gonna make avocado toast on rice cakes instead of bread because that's all i have is rice cakes and then eggs i think um with candied jalapenos that's been my favorite breakfast is eggs with candied jalapenos we got candy jalapenos from the lakeland farmers market so i'll show you guys that but i'm going to get it started because i'm a hungry this is the candied jalapenos it's the peach flavor he had a few different flavors but this is called for pedro's sake i'll leave a link down below he has an etsy shop where you can order from but it's so good and it's so good with eggs i love it so as you guys can see i've used quite a bit of it so we're going to add that to the eggs and we're going to have some avocado fruit we got some strawberries and papaya i like to make sure i cut up some fruit um so that i can have this for the morning for breakfast i really like rice cakes um 45 calories for one and i've really been liking them as like my bread i mean you definitely can still have bread you don't need to be scared of that or avoid bread because there's some really great options like sara lee and nature's own has a really low calorie bread but i don't know lately i've just really been liking rice cakes do you want a rice cake baby do you want any yeah you do yeah [Music] i'm gonna cut up some avocado and weigh it out i like to weigh it out in grams and i use a digital scale that i got from amazon you can find um so many different brands of digital skills i don't really recommend one specific brand i would just read the reviews is all that i did and surprisingly avocado like i used to avoid it so much i was so scared of avocado and i don't know why just like diet culture but now i am all for it and i will let you know how many calories this is so i'm just gonna do 22 grams is where we're at 22 grams of avocado for eye track bites it's only one bite and 31 calories 31 calories like why do we fear it i get all that avocado on my rice cake for 31 calories that's what it's looking like we're gonna add our egg beautiful beautiful a little bit more everything bagel on top all right now i have some fruits i have some cold key is cold fruit love it i have some cold papaya i'm gonna add a little bit of that to my plate i also have some strawberries i'm gonna add that to my plate as well a little bit of lime juice just on top of the fruit so yummy the pickled jalapenos just a little bit to the top of the egg yeah you like that rice cake yeah it's like a replacement of really good you're surprised i'm telling you i'm telling you i'm telling you you couldn't do that that's what they're like cheddar rice cake yeah this is the cheddar rice cake with avocado you like it really good yeah try it out you guys honestly i almost like it better than toast at least right now i do because of the white cheddar yeah i like it better in toast do you good okay okay you heard it from them here's my breakfast let me give you guys a better view of it i thought an egg would be weird but now i wish i would have got one yeah so this is breakfast we have a side of fruit and a high protein delicious good and fat little rice cake look at that that looks so good and we're also drinking of course coffee chlorophyll so i'm gonna eat breakfast um and chat with you guys about what's been going on where we've been so a few days ago actually more than a few like last week sometime our air conditioner has some issues there is a fan on the air conditioner um that joey likes to clean off and get like all the dirt and dust that gets up on it but while he was cleaning it the fan cracked so we weren't able to use our air conditioner and it gets super super hot in the rv so it's not like we could stay here with the dogs because we live in florida it's like 90 in the mid 90s um so we had to go to joey's mom's and we were at his mom's for two days while we were waiting on the part for joey to fix it joey fixed the air and we were able to come home very happy about that and then i was going to film and i turned the air conditioner off when i go to film and i filmed and then when i turned it back on i must it was too much power to our outlet cord our electric cord that plugs into the rv um and it pretty much like burnt it out so our air conditioner wouldn't work our electric wouldn't work like our outlets nothing so we had to go back to joey's mom's house and stay there again so we were at his mom's for the second time we were there for another two days because we had to wait on the part um the part was way more money than what we thought we thought we were gonna be able to get like a little adapter that was like 60 bucks but you know how it goes never is easy so we had to get the more expensive part wait like hundreds of dollars more expensive and then we had to wait a day to get it but joey was able to fix it and replace it and we're back home in the rv they everything's running smoothly our internet i it fried the internet adapter too so we weren't able to even have internet we didn't realize that and then we had to buy a new box and hook it all up yesterday during all of this joey is like sleep deprived i don't know if you guys know but joey works nights so you know we're trying to figure out we're playing with the breaker box when this happened we're you know trying to mess around and see like what it could be because we didn't really know what it was um you know he's not sleeping we're traveling to his mom's and you know he's sleeping in a new area and then has to wake up and drive all the way to work i mean it was just stressful the dogs had a blast because they were you know able to play fetch and run around so they're exhausted like they're still tired even though we've been home for a day they've just been sleeping so much but yes so i wasn't really able to like film but i was editing i was getting editing done and stuff like that but i also you know like when stressful things happen you definitely play like that self-pity card and i definitely was getting into like that headspace but i had to like stop myself from going there and um luckily i had some friends to talk to during this time and i was just trying my hardest to stay positive that like something good was going to come out of this something good actually did come out of it honestly i was very grateful to come home you know sometimes when you want a house so bad like you start to i started to really not like the rv and it was like picking at it and like you know making excuses for certain things in the rv that was holding me back from filming etc but then when i came home like i had so much appreciation for the rv and yeah so i feel like something good did come of it honestly i just wanted to update you guys where i've been why i've been a little bit more quiet and just you know my life like i love sharing not just food with you guys but just my whole life in general not everything obviously but a lot of other things than just food related things i know you guys care about me joey and the dogs and i love knowing that too that's very comforting so but we're back home we're very happy to be home and back to our routine also i'm very excited next month we're going on vacation for my mom's birthday we're going to the beach joey has off work he was approved for his vacation days we cannot wait to just relax i feel like this month has just been a roller coaster so i feel like next month early next month when we go on vacation it's just gonna be so nice to relax so that's what i'm really looking forward to hopefully wherever you guys are watching this from i really hope that hovid's getting a little bit better in your area and you're able to go out more and if not hang in there i can't even express like how sad it is for people's mental health right now and that i definitely can just relate to that because when we were even in quarantine it was really hard and i can't imagine still being in quarantine but i truly think things are going to start getting better so i wanted to just mention that because i know i'm like going on vacation and things are very relaxed here in florida where i'm from yeah i just hope that it gets like better for everyone no matter where you're from and where you're watching this because i know some people still are in quarantine in different locations and i'm very sorry and i hope that watching my videos and stuff like that doesn't make you feel worse you know i was thinking of like filming at the beach but then i was like gosh like i don't want anyone to ever watch my videos and like feel worse after watching them you know what i mean um so yeah i don't know if i'm gonna film we'll see that's the update pretty much so i'm gonna go finish this and then get some work done and then i will chat with you guys when i eat next which i already know what i'm eating next because i got it in the mail yesterday and i'm really excited to show you guys what it is and um it's gonna be kind of like a side for my lunch so i'm gonna have like a lunch with a little side and i'll show you guys what that is one i'm ready to eat lunch um i want to show you guys how tired the dogs are sleep we are gonna make lunch but first i wanted to show you guys what i got in the mail i am so excited i screamed when it arrived because i was just so excited um if you guys have followed me for a while you guys know i love suja juice i'm obsessed with the brand i show them all the time um i've been drinking them for so long i was looking back at like the first tag i've ever tagged them in was like 132 weeks ago um so yeah i've been drinking them for a while and they sent me a big bag of shots because you guys know i love shots and so much juice like this is just some of the ones that i pulled out to show you guys but they sent me so much juice i'm so grateful just so grateful um i'll leave them linked down below because the good thing about ordering online is one a lot of stores don't carry every flavor of the suji juice so you can pick and choose try new juices it it gets delivered straight to your door it's like cold it comes with ice packs and everything and yeah i'm gonna leave the link down below for you guys if you're interested um i'm just so happy but i never tried so many of these because they just weren't in my store i didn't even know that they had all of these but i had this one yesterday this fuel one and it was delicious i'm tempted to drink it again today it's carrot orange pineapple apple and lemon 140 calories for that one and then they have this pineapple coconut gut health which is 45 calories for this bottle so this is like a really low option calorie juice there's no added sugars it's it's no preservatives no added flavors it's organic fruit it's cold pressed so it keeps all the nutrients in the juice and then this is one of my favorites that i often get the most it's called the mighty dozen it has apple celery cucumber kale and collard greens and also has um mint tea ginger spinach spirulina chlorella barley grass and lemon so it has a lot of good stuff and this one's 80 calories i don't know which one i'm gonna have today but i am going to take a little shot because i love taking these i'm going to take the vitamin c with probiotics so i'm going to take a quick little shot this is 20 calories for this check them out down below seriously it's something i've literally been drinking for so long and i love them so much so cheers just gotta down them so for lunch me and joey are gonna split this kale pecan cranberry chopped salad and i also have some rotisserie chicken from yesterday that we'll throw in there and then i think i'm going to pair it with the juice i'll probably just honestly have the mighty dozen and i'll see if joey wants to split that with me [Music] i really usually typically make my own salad combo but when me and joey were at his mom's we ate a lot of these salad kits because i wanted to eat somewhat my normal foods because um yeah i wanted to stay feeling pretty good so we got lots of salad kits while we were there and we're eating that and i really realized i really like how easy salad kits are and how you can just add your own stuff to it i have some rotisserie chicken saved over so i'm just going to cut like little pieces of chicken to add some protein to this and yeah that will be lunch just a quick little lunch and then we're gonna split the screen juice [Music] i'm also going to add some sunflower seeds i'm just going to do one tablespoon of sunflower seeds these are uh salted yeah roasted salted sunflower seeds from trader joe's and i'm also going to add some hemp seeds just a little bit of hemp seeds all right there is lunch you guys just a simple little salad kit with some added stuff to it to make it a little bit more filling so good and then a little side of my suja mighty dozen green juice which i love it's so refreshing so this looks like a healthy little lunch make us feel good and fueled and energized i feel like i eat more standing up than sitting down is that weird leave me a comment and let me know do you eat always sitting down or standing up [Music] i just got in a few tops from shane i wanted to try on really quick um because we're going to the beach next month so i just wanted a few tanks to wear around the beach and in the hotel to like lounge around in um so the first one is just this black basic top it is just so soft and stretchy i actually really like this one i have another one similar that i got from boohoo but i like this one better i just like the material and i thought that was very flattering i like the neck like this like the high neck little crop tops next is this linen one i just wanted to get something again really lightweight it's like a linen soft material it has like little cutouts on the side right here which i thought was really cute i also got this one in black there is the black one just again super comfy and casual and i'd wear this with like denim lighter shorts um i wouldn't wear it black on black or anything but yeah i thought this was really cute so i wanted a pair of like tan glasses so i picked these sunglasses up and that is everything that i got from shannon a little snack so i'm getting hungry i'm gonna have that leftover papaya and then i'm gonna have a fourth cup of this probiotic yogurt i got this from sprouts it's a very strong yogurt like i don't know how to describe it but it's pretty good it's really good in probiotics good for the gut so i'm gonna have 1 4 cup is plenty of this stuff honestly so just pour that in here my camera died so i had to change the battery but i'm adding one tablespoon of honey to the top of this just to sweeten it with a natural sweetener some hemp seeds and some cinnamon [Music] and there is a little snack i have some water and i'm watching catfish and i'm gonna just chill and watch catfish and enjoy this snack really quick and then we'll make dinner all right you guys i am going to make dinner i am pretty hungry now and since i didn't eat too much throughout the day i feel like i have pretty small portions throughout the day and ain't very light i am gonna have a larger dinner i'm gonna have lots of salmon i love salmon it's my favorite fish it's so good um in my opinion i think it's amazing so i'm gonna show you how i air fry my salmon and the flavoring i do for it and everything like that so let's get started and set you up i have a nice sized piece of salmon here i did put some salt and pepper on it i'm gonna spray some avocado oil it really really covered in avocado oil and then we're also going to add some red pepper chili flakes eliminate this if you don't like heat um but i really like spicy stuff and this is gonna be more of like a sweet and spicy because you'll see the sauce that i made is on the sweeter side i have my sauce this is one tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of the trader joe's soyaki sauce i love that sauce it's so good so that's what's in here and save this set this aside because we're not cooking the salmon with this because it'll just melt off we are going to toss the salmon in this once it's done in the airfryer so set that aside there we go all right you guys over here i have some water boiling i'm gonna add one cup of this instant brown rice this is what it looks like i am just doing one serving and we are going to mix it in with this rice veggie cauliflower medley so that's kind of like my hack is mixing rice with cauliflower rice to kind of bulk it up but you get that yummy carb um so that's kind of what i do and then i cook it with a little bit of avocado oil and then i scramble an egg in the stir-fry and it's so good you can totally just use the cauliflower rice i've done that many times but i really want some carbs tonight so i'm adding in some real rice some brown rice actually [Music] bye [Music] oh my gosh look at this i'm so excited to eat dinner i just topped a little sauce on top i added the cauliflower rice and this is a beautiful dinner i'm going to just devour this looks so good i wish i had like a little radish or kimchi but i do not but that would pair very nice with this or some avocado that would be good too crispy so good in the airfryer salmon you guys have to try it couldn't you hear that crunch it's the best the cauliflower mixed with the rice is like perfect addition and the egg is really good you can even put a little bit of sauce on top of the rice if you want add a little bit of sauce super filling super healthy just one of my this is my absolute favorite go-to recipe if you guys ask me what my go-to recipe like meal is not a recipe but my go-to meal is this all right here's the leftovers we have one container here joey can choose which one he wants and one container here he'll probably pick this one because he'd want more rice and less salmon and then this will be for tomorrow for one of us most likely me so i got some leftovers as well that look delicious not for you no if you don't know what to do with your salmon skin if it's cooked and it's a good salmon natural not like crap ingredients or added weird stuff you can give the skin to your dogs it's super good for them it's really good for their coat you only want to do it occasionally because it is high in fat but it's a nice little treat for the dog come here sit [Music] was that delicious i love you i love you and i love you and that was a nice little treat [Music] boy all right guys that is everything that i am eating today i am just going to get ready for a bed i need to do the dishes kind of clean up and then go to bed so i hope you guys enjoyed this what i eat in a day and got some new food ideas some new food inspiration so i'm going to end the video here i hope you guys liked this wedding day and yeah i'll see you guys in i can't stop squeezing his face i'll see you guys in my next video bye guys say bye he doesn't know to look at the camera look at the camera look brixie you want to say bye brexit brixie's here she's just down low she's here though she's here she's here she's here she's here sleeping you're cute all right love you guys bye you
Channel: Amanda Lewis
Views: 55,184
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: What I eat in a day, What I eat in a day to lose weight, What I eat in a day for weight loss, Healthy what I eat in a day, How I lost 57 pounds, What I eat for losing weight, What I eat in a day in a calorie deficit, Weight loss
Id: Vp5c-55gMxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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