What I Eat In A Day *simple, healthy & realistic* high protein recipes, grocery shop & haul

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[Music] n [Music] m [Music] good morning my beautiful people welcome back to another Vlog today I thought we would do a full day of eating just an updated what I eat in a day I am about to head out to the gym we're doing a full upper body session but first I have a little Wellness sh shot that I'm going to take it's the ginger turmeric lemon shot to kind of Kickstart my day I have been loving Ginger shots whether they're homemade I've been getting them from a bunch of different juiceries around the city and that's definitely something that has changed in my what I eaten a days in the last little bit say the last few months I've been pretty consistent with having a little Wellness shot in the morning so cheers let's down this and head out to the gym [Music] it was so sunny when I woke up and now it looks like it's going to pour rain but I don't care I'm excited to be going to the gym I woke up not really wanting to go but we're on our way so let's do it [Music] we are back from the gym I am going to make myself a quick little protein shake and I normally you guys know I'm normally just like a protein powder and water girl but recently I've been doing protein powder banana and then some collagen as well for a little bit of extra protein and also like collagen is just so good for you good for your skin good for your bone health so I'm going to whip that up quick and then get ready for the day I haven't filmed what I eat in a day I feel like it's been at least over a year and I wanted to do like a full day of eating cuz I know some of you have been requesting more recipes and meals and stuff again and I feel like I've slowly gotten back into cooking and so I thought I would share that but as always before any of my what I eat in a day I am not a nutritionist and this is what works for me I'm always trying to gain muscles so I always try and eat a higher protein diet if you take inspiration from this I love that but by no means is this what you should 100% eating and every single day looks different for me in terms of what I eat so I also feel like sometimes these what I eat a days are like here's just a few fun meal ideas I feel like I should do a full what I eat in a week so you guys can get more of a scope of like what I'm actually eating but obviously what I eat in a day what I eat in a week what I eat in a month it's always changing in some sort of way I like to spice up my meals but let's make my little protein shake and get on with the [Music] day I have been using this s'mores protein powder from bless for the last few months and I love it it's chocolatey and kind of subtle I'm definitely a big fan of chocolate protein powders which is also why I don't really have protein smoothies because chocolate in smoothies just does not go with everything and then this is the collagen I've been using it's from evern it's actually a local Toronto brand and it is so good creamy love it particularly in smoothies I feel like whenever I'm having collagen it's when I'm adding it to [Music] smoothies all right makeup is done I'm dressed ready for the day it's time for breakfast and I'm going to make protein pancakes because I got this protein panc Pake mix a few weeks back and I have probably been having protein pancakes now I feel like at least two to three times a week for the last few weeks and so it just makes sense to show you guys that because I feel like this has just been my go-to breakfast for the last little bit and it's so easy and quick and high protein there's no bad ingredients or anything or like added sugar in this mix at all it's ground flax seed pea protein so good so let's do it it quite literally too is as easy as adding this protein pancake cake mix with water and that is it done and [Music] bake so the pancakes going to be kind of boring this morning I would normally add some berries or something on top but it is grocery shop day so I don't have anything to add on top but I do like doing a little bit of plain Greek yogurt and then I'll do some maple syrup drizzle so good every single time breakfast Obsession right now 100% [Music] I'd say most days there's about a 50/50 chance of whether I make coffee at home or I go out and work at a coffee shop today I'm actually meeting a friend for coffee and then I'm going to work at a coffee shop and then I'm going to work at that coffee shop as well so we are going to go get coffee out I've actually been really good as well about about waiting until like mid morning and not having coffee on an empty stomach I feel like that's something I used to do all the time and it would give me such bad coffee anxiety Jitters I'm definitely someone who's highly affected by coffee caffeine and I just I love the taste of coffee I feel like it's just a gets my energy going but also like I genuinely enjoy having like a iced coffee or a latte or something in the mornings so if I've had a good amount of food and then I have some coffee in me I'm normally okay so so we're going to go head out for coffee otherwise I probably would have made coffee at home but I also don't have milk again it is grocery shop day so we're going to do a full grocery shop prep and reset as well after after my little coffee work morning out but let's go get caffeinated [Music] nah [Music] here's the full grocery haul for this week nothing crazy but also like a lot of good things we're going to start with the fact that I got laqua to try for the first time ever I got the Raz cranberry I recently have been a drink gal in the evening so I wanted to get a different sparkling water to try got plain Greek yogurt some arugula spinach I also got regular milk for the first time since I moved out at 18 I have not bought regular milk for myself I've bought oat or almond or literally any nut milk but I've recently been reintroducing regular milk into my diet just because I don't love all of the additives that are in most nut milks and then I got some tofu some frozen mango as well as I bought red meat for the first time since I moved out at 18 I have not really eaten red meat a ton in the last 5 years if at all I really have just been reintroducing it the last few months since so I wanted to make like a steak salad situation sometime this week as well as some ground chicken some salmon some raspberries because I want to meal prep some overnight Chia oats again as well as eggs mango avocados the rest of the stuff's kind of just regular but cucumber lemon broccoli some lentils banana and then radishes for my radish lentil salad so that's the full little grocery haul this will probably last me about a week and a halfish cuz I do still have some left over produce and protein from last week I typically grocery shop every week to week and a half it really varies on the week and obviously like if I'm going out for food or not I typically go out I feel like for a meal once to twice a week so one or two meals out on average I would say but obviously again it varies every single week this is definitely an interesting what I eat in a day because like you can see from today's grocery shop there's some things that are a little bit more AB abnormal because I'm like slowly reintroducing them to my diet I've just been doing a lot more research and reading and things that I previously excused from my diet I want to slowly start incorporating back in and yeah just try to find a new balance and what is healthy and works for me [Music] now that the groceries are away it is time to make lunch and I don't currently have anything prepped for lunch I feel like usually for me lunches mean leftovers I like making bigger dinners and having enough left for at least one to two meals the day after or the next two days but today that is not the case and I did buy salmon at the grocery store it is a 50% off so it does need to be at least cooked and prepped today so I thought I would make my favorite a little spicy salmon Bowl if you've been around on the channel for a while you know what this recipe is I've made it a few times in some of the Vlogs that is really what I'm craving today so going to throw on some rice real quick because that takes a little bit of time and then start prepping the other ingredients but I'm actually so excited I haven't had this meal in a while I feel like it's been it's been a hot minute since I've made this meal so I'm excited I'm hungry let's get cooking [Music] it's great because these pieces of salmon are already pre-seasoned so I might just add just like a little bit of extra salt but other than that they don't really need much and can just go straight in the frying pan [Music] my Infamous spicy salmon Bowl I'm going to take it and eat it while I work a little bit I'm going to do a little bit of a working lunch today just because I have a ton that still needs to be done I'm literally so excited I haven't had this in forever and it looks so bomb this hits literally every single time I don't think I'll ever stop making this recipe it is so good so easy and easy to prep as well because you can have the rice in the salmon precooked and then just chop up fresh cucumber avocado add spinach and at a mom and it's good to [Music] go I will say that I do know that eating and working is not the best for your digestion I am just like a very I am very much a busy body and I do like taking my dinners to like slow down and breakfast I do typically have no screen as well but my workday is often just not chaotic but very very jam-packed between basically running two businesses Health Cafe getting busier and then planning my own wedding on top of that it does typically equate to me eating lunch and working at the same time which I don't mind if I'm just like answering emails or doing a bit of editing if you can avoid working and eating at the same time definitely better for your digestion just thought I would like pop that in there but today I am doing a lot of admin and then also some behind the scenes applications for some things so excited I can't tell you guys about it yet but things are coming things are moving and I have a few calls and meetings later today so we got to get to work [Music] [Music] you guys this was just what I needed I am absolutely 100% that girl that as soon as I get home from a workday comfy clothes are on makeup is coming off jewelry normally comes off so the fact that I still have this on is actually kind of funny it's dinner time I'm excited I'm hungry it is almost 8:30 I just got home from Health Cafe we're going to make some dinner I think we're going to do something somewhat kind of easy I'm going to do some roasted beets carrots probably some sweet potato fries and then I think I'm going to fry up the steak strips that I bought earlier today maybe do some broccoli in the oven as well I think that's the plan this also is freaking amazing will be buying this again I think I'm going to pour it over some ice and have it in a little glass maybe a wine glass I love having a good sparkling water in a wine glass feel a little fancy but let's get making dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] while the veggies are roasting in the oven I am going to make a little whipped feta side dish to have with the veggies as well as to have with the steak and then probably Crush some walnuts and put that on top cuz walnuts and beets together is always like delicious I'm going to see if I can find a recipe but I just feel like a whipped feta dip would go really really well with this so I found this recipe for a whipped feta dip and it's pistachios not walnuts but I'm going to use walnuts it seems pretty easy there's not a ton of ingredients and I have everything so I thought I'd give this little recipe a try [Music] okay I can't tell you guys how excited I am to eat this I think the little whipped feta dip for the veggies turned out so good this looks delicious let's give it a little first taste test and then I did also top it with walnuts and then a little bit of parsley but I'm just going to take a beet and dip it in a little bit of it and see how it is that is so good okay I'm literally going to devour this food probably put on a show [Music] most nights I do also make like a little ginger tea or have some sort of sweet treat like chocolate almonds or something of the sort but tonight like I am feeling fully satisfied I'm going to chill for the rest of the evening so I'm going to end off today's video here I hope you guys enjoyed this little what I eat in a day and grocery shop Vlog let me know what else you want to see in this Wellness series but I love you guys so much and I will see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Vanessa Tiiu
Views: 30,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanessa tiiu, fernanda ramierez, maggie macdonald, productive vlog, becca watson, kaylie stewart, healthy lifestyle, that girl, lifestyle motivation, wellness vlog, productive day in the life, toronto vlog, what i eat in a day, health meal inspo, sanne vloet, simple what i eat in a day, what i eat in a week, day in the life, my workout routine, what i eat in a day healthy, what i eat in a day to lose weight, high protein recipes, what i eat to lose weight, pinterest meal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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