What I Eat In A Day, Living Alone In The Countryside Edition 👨‍🌾

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good morning or good day wherever you are in the world welcome to the beautiful Welsh Countryside in today's video I'm going to be showing you what I eat in a day when I'm having one of my chill days I'm not crazy drinking this Cleaver water if you watch my Homestead video I talk about all that amazing health benefits that Cleavers have to offer us and it's the most refreshing drink first thing in the morning it actually tastes like cucumber water it's quite strange but it's very delicious and so refreshing first thing um now that my body is suitably hydrated it's time to get to the gym and put that work in I'm gonna lift some heavy weights get that blood flowing around my body weight myself up go for a little run as well to build up an appetite for a delicious hearty breakfast [Music] um you can't get more hearty than this for breakfast inspired by my trip to Jamaica recently this is Peanut porridge very simple to put together and I make enough for meal prep too first up get some unroasted unsalted peanuts into your blender along with some organic oats add some non-dairy milk I'm using some coconut milk get it blitzed up until it's lovely and smooth then transfer it to a saucepan over a low heat stir in some ground cinnamon and some vanilla bean paste or whatever vanilla you can get hold of plus I'm adding some coconut sugar for sweetness keep stirring the mixture until it thickens up and goes creamy and luxurious then serve up and top it with some toppings of your choice I'm topping mine with some bananas some blueberries some peanut butter a little maple syrup and some hemp seeds [Music] thank you guys I got some more rhubarb from my neighbor's Garden if you saw my Homestead video that we post recently where I did a whole tour and gave you an update on my plans for this year in the garden and living in the countryside you would have seen my lovely neighbor's garden and all their amazing rhubarb that she lets me help myself to whenever I want and there's one big task that I have to do today and that is making my kombucha I wasn't going to get this into the what I eat in a day video but it's such a ritualistic amazing experience making the kombucha for me and so many people get so excited when I give them a bottle of my homemade kombucha I thought I'd share it with you because it is so fun and it's nice to do here she is Mike kombucha it's really nice to be doing this outside in the garden where most of the ingredients that we're flavoring this with have come from today I'm going to be infusing some of this lovely rhubarb into my kombucha that I've already fermented so it's fermented once and the second fermentation is when you infuse a flavoring into it and we bottle it up yeah these herbs are going to go so well with that rhubarb if you've not heard of Kombucha before it's a beautiful fermented tea drink that originated in China years ago it's got some amazing health benefits including being really good for your gut bacteria I'll show you how to make kombucha in a video that's coming soon but today I'll just show you how to bottle it up I've sterilized some bottles in some boiling water and then I'll fill them with some of my lovely flavorings including my neighbor's rhubarb some home grown herbs such as lemon balm and Thyme plus a little bit of maple syrup and that Sugar from the maple syrup is actually going to help ferment this drink even more creating a really amazing Fizz now the exciting bit whoa you've got to stop it just before the top to allow some room for the gas because you can see already it's fizzy look at that that's unbelievable even though there's loads of room for the the gas to escape but we're gonna seal this now and it's gonna force all of that gas into the drink to make it really bubbly when you open it I got this fancy bottling machine just online it's not that fancy but basically pop it on and then press down and it seals it I'll let this second ferment now for three days maybe pop it in the fridge then and it will slow it down so it doesn't explode because it has exploded on me in the past so there we go we got nine bottles of my homemade Welsh rhubarb lemon balm and Thyme kombucha I reckon this one is going to be probably my best one yet time works out so for lunch I wanted to make use of something that's growing abundantly everywhere at the moment there are stingy Nettles people don't really realize how nutritious they are and I actually made a video that covered Nettles completely and we made some delicious recipes using them so I'm going to get some more now and show you another amazing recipe with Nettles that you have to make the perfect lunch it's so windy what is going on come on Nettles where are you [Music] found some Nettles I'm working for my food which means it tastes better and these are some lovely Nettles oh shh it's harder getting down [Music] first up let's give these lovely netos a wash just soaking them in some water foreign this lovely leek and garlic down now meanwhile chop up my Nettles I will have to add the safety message of don't just pick them up with your bare hands because you will get stung I have got stung already but it's all good I'm gonna use my tongs and we're going to chop them roughly and then get them to the pan [Music] so any kind of processing of the Nettles will get rid of that sting so with me sauteing them off now I don't have to worry that when I eat them they're going to sting me so whether you're boiling them steeping them stir frying them drying them the sting will be removed I promise so Nettles have been used by coaches all around the world for a long long time for their amazing health benefits but also some magical purposes some people say that they ward off evil spirits so they must be good meanwhile I'm going to whisk together my chickpea flour batter so some chickpea flour I'm going to add some turmeric some cumin and some coriander all ground plus a little bit of sweet smoked paprika mix it up then whisk in some non-dairy milk and some water plus a pinch of salt [Music] all right so get this batter in let it set for a minute and then give it a stir to break it all up so you just want to work the mixture just breaking up any large chunks letting that chickpea flour cook out I'm going to season up now with some lemon juice and some lemon zest too and I'm going to serve up the Scramble with some lovely roasted wedges some sauerkraut salad and some tahini dressing thank you try and get as many seeds as I can into my food so topping with some pumpkin seeds as well and a bit of smoked paprika to finish Bosch I actually never made this before so I'm intrigued to see what it tastes like but look at that beautiful it looks lovely in the sunlight too laughs okay um wow so if you don't eat eggs and you want a scrambled egg like dish that doesn't have any soy in it then this is perfect for you and then if you want to add some amazing nutrition add in Nettles to the scramble Game Changer it's really really good actually hmm [Music] foreign [Music] just about to make dinner but we just got distracted by the little lambs they just run back and forth all evening like they're having the time of their lives it's so cute to watch this is Wales for you there's more sheep in Wales than people crazy so for dinner this is something that I'm gonna make and eat over the next couple of days because I don't always just cook each meal from scratch I ain't got time for that who does but anyway we're gonna make some kimchi fried rice I love kimchi so much and usually I just eat it obviously fresh but this one I'm actually going to be cooking it so it kind of kills all the good stuff in it but that flavor that it adds to the fried rice is just incredible so what I'm going to do first though is actually prepare some tofu and this is how I get my tofu really crisp and succulent in the center I'm going to crumble it into some nice chunks and sprinkle over some corn flour some chili flakes and also I've got some wild garlic powder if you watched the recent Wild Garlic video where I explored all the incredible mythical facts about wild garlic you would have seen me harvesting it and this is that same Wild Garlic that I harvest and dried to a powder if you don't have this just use some garlic granules I've had a few people that have told me that I haven't cooked for that they just can't get on with hopefully they don't like it they don't like the texture they say it's bland but cooking it using this technique will persuade them I'm I'm that confident so the corn flour coating it in that and also the flavorings help create that crispness and as soon as that hits the oil in a non-stick pan or a wok like I'm using today it will just instantly crisp and go really golden and caramelize it it's a really great way of cooking tofu I'll let it cook for like five minutes in the pan and meanwhile I'm gonna make this amazing kimchi sauce that's going to run through this fried rice so into a mini blender I'm going to add some kimchi some tomato paste for that real Umami flavor that tomato has a small onion garlic ginger and chili plus some soy sauce and some Nori it's so important if you're eating a plant they start to get seaweed into your diet and Nori is sold everywhere so it's very convenient to get that and add it to any of your meals check on this sauce oh yeah that has got that powerful flavor wow [Music] add some heat to this too let's check on this tofu oh it's already getting crispy look at that there look at that beautiful so before I get that amazing kimchi sauce into this I'm gonna finely chop up some vegetables make sure you cut them all the same size so they take the same amount of time to cook stir fry that for a while get my kimchi sauce in and then we'll stir through our cooked rice little nuggets they are [Applause] beautiful [Music] all right this is where it gets sighting add in the sauce we're going to give this a really good stir-fry then serve through the rice all of that sauce has got to go in yeah boy this is going to be delicious and this is just pre-cooked rice that I cooked yesterday scramble it in each piece of rice coated in that amazing sauce get all those bits that are on the bottom of the pan that's where the flavor is once the rice is stir-fried prepare some garnishes all I'm topping mine with is some chopped spring onion some more of the gochugaro chili flakes sesame seeds and I got some lime as well [Music] voila Tamara and Tom is getting a portion of course so that's why I'm doing this one up are you hungry cameraman's arm laughs and the rest of it will be my meal prep [Music] a bit of lime over the top and now let's eat I feel like a nice sit down on the sofa tonight and eat my food oh look at that steam piping hot bit of everything on my foot hmm I had a nice chunk of tofu and it still remained like very very meaty just because of the way we cooked it absolutely delicious now I definitely think I've revealed that I really love fermented foods in today's video we've had sauerkraut we've had homemaking Butcher and kimchi I think I could definitely do a nice fermentation video specifically to fermentation if you're up for that then comment below I need to know if you're even intrigued at all before I do it because it's quite a complex one it's easy but quite complex so comment below so it's been a few weeks this is a taste test of the rhubarb Thyme and lemon balm kombucha that I made that is beautiful subtle flavor of the Aruba which is so nice it's not as fizzy as I'd like but I just need to leave it out of the freezer a little bit longer perfect so there you go guys there's a few meals for you that I hope will get you inspired thanks for joining me on just a random chill day that I had um actually turned out to be a little work because we had to film all the videos but there we go it was fun and we had some tasty food I usually end the day with a lovely herbal tea and a few dates just a little relaxed now before I head to bed and get my four eight nine hours ideally and I actually made a herbal tea recipe in uh this video I forgot what I called it but this video you can see me make a really calming homemade tea that with ingredients that you probably have already at home thank you so much for watching please subscribe like the video If you enjoyed it comment as well and also um click join plus check out the website for sign copies in my cookbooks see you soon guys thank you for watching foreign good night now I'm going to bed foreign [Music]
Channel: Gaz Oakley
Views: 247,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, food, cooking, plant based, raw, eat, chef, lifestyle, veg, cooking show, avantgardevegan, gaz oakley, what i eat in a day, vegan what i eat in a day, vegan daily food, gaz oakley vegan food, gaz oakley high protein meal prep, high protein vegan, nasi goreng recipe, vegan chef, what i eat in a day high protein, foraging, nettle, nettle recipes, vegan scramble recipe, how to make egg free scramble, kimchi fried rice
Id: b0D8lAWkju8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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