What I Eat In a Day *living alone* 🌱 simple home cooked meals, workout routine, easy healthy recipes

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] I got these ones from Costco this is the joy burst energy drink it's in grape it's 100 m of natural caffeine mhm oh my God I really have to change my spot I'm always in the kitchen but you know what this is a what I eat in a day video you guys so I'm sure you guys can see from the title we are doing a what I eat in a day and it's the beginning of the day I just got myself together quickly I'm trying to figure out what tops I should wear I just got these tops from gym shark and they are sponsoring today's video I wouldn't got more graphic te's because I absolutely love the graphic te's especially in the men's section on gym shark oh no this this one was the women's cuz I got an extra large so this is quite baggy it is an extra large in women's and it's oversized so I really like the oversiz look um and this is the front of it so it's just like a plain black baggy graphic tea and in the back is where you'll see the graphic design I honestly got it because it was pink and I just love like the look of like black and pink and I wanted more black te's because I really do like the look of them but this blue one I got in the men's section and I got this one in a size large because it was from the men's section so I figured because it's in the men's section it's already oversized I love to tuck it in on my sports bra like underneath kind of sit up something like that like nice and baggy I just love the font of the gym shark this is the pink oversized tea again I tucked it in the back I don't know if I tucked it properly I usually like looking in the mirror while I do it let me see yeah this one's super cute as well and then I did get this one so this is the one I was kind of contemplating wearing this one is also from the men's section this one was labeled as heavy oversized or like Ultra overs ized or something so it was like extra oversized and or maybe it was extra oversized but anyways so because of that I got this one in a medium I just figured it would probably be the same like I just didn't want it to be like too big but this one is like really cool as well has the label gym shark I was actually going to wear this one and then the back is just like really cool you got like the hand wraps as well so I think the sleeves are a bit longer um but this again is a size medium if you guys are into wearing baggy tees to the gym and you guys kind of like don't want to always wear tight clothing especially during that time the the month I love to wear baggy t-shirts and I love to wear baggy t-shirts on leg days as well we are doing legs today and I think I'm going to switch into the black and blue top I just absolutely love the black and blue this is literally like one of my favorite shades of blue as well that's what I'm going to wear to the gym this fit here and like I said they are sponsoring today's videos so if you guys do want to shop with gym shark you guys can use my code kesa I'll have it right on the screen here and then you guys can check it out down below as well I have a link for gym shark there I feel like I haven't had a good workout in a minute so that's what we're gonna do this is what usually counts my calories it's like a Fitbit or um like an apple watch those are obviously have more to it I misplaced the charger and it's like such a unique charger I can't like use anything for this so yeah I can't wear this but I just want this for literally my heart rate and um my calories and stuff and my steps I loved watching how many steps I took in the day now that the days are like longer the sun has actually started hitting my second bedroom where the office is and I'm absolutely loving it like I love when the sunshine hits that room um but like literally that's the only time the Sun hits in this place but still I like enjoy it while it last because I feel like it's only going to last for the summertime and then once the winter hits again it's going to be like gloomy again but I kind of enjoy it because when I was in Toronto I was in like a room that had sunshine and it was so hot so I think I'm going to be thankful for not having that much sunshine I broke off this nail and it took half my real nail off so it was bleeding and I just like obviously cleaned up my face and everything and then this came off so it's like I need to put a Band-Aid on it cuz I need to heal it I don't know how long it takes for nails to grow back but I'm like sad about it because I have like these nails that still have like the acrylic on and I kind of filed it down took off like the color and stuff but they're like very grown out and I just don't want to like take off the acrylic because I don't want to like drill on my actual nail I don't even know how to put like a Band-Aid on this finger I just feel like it looks so gross and I feel like cooking and stuff you guys are going to see my hands a lot so if you guys see the bandaid on my finger that's why it's cuz I need it on there feel like I haven't worn these in forever oh my gosh my allwhite Converse going to wear [Music] these okay I'm all ready for the gym got my shoes on sorry there's literally a mess here with boxes that I have to take down [Music] [Music] might [Music] even [Music] [Music] get [Music] so I just got out of the shower and I'm feeling nice and clean we're going to have our first meal of the day and we're going to make something with this avocado I like to put egg turkey bacon and then I have this biscuit I might just use half of it and then we're going to do a yogurt Bowl as well um cuz I love yogurt granola and like fruits and stuff I keep forgetting I need to get another one of these because I always get like two types of berries and I never have like anywhere to put the second one so I need to get that I thought I grabbed one one time so I'm going to grab an egg as well oops and turkey bacon Okay so oh this isn't turkey bacon chicken bacon egg avocado on half a biscuit I think I'm just going to use half a biscuits I'll probably use the full and then I'm also going to have a little yogurt Bowl as well so I get this yogurt it's the Liberty I think that's how you say it I really like this one cuz they come in different like flavors this one is BlackBerry I also like the strawberry one and then there's another one that I like raspberry that one's really good and then I have some strawberries and some blueberries to go in it and then I like to put granola cheeses and stuff like that so we're just going to go ahead and make it cuz I'm starving you guys and then um for lunch and dinner I do want to quickly stop at the grocery store cuz I kind of have an idea honestly I play it by year it just really depends what I have in my kitchen and how I'm like feeling and like what I want to cook I haven't made pasta in a minute so I think I'm going to make pasta tonight and to kind of like balance it out for lunch I think I'm going to have a salad but the salad for me is going to be quite heavy still cuz I I like to put like a bunch of stuff in it so we're just going to go ahead and make this breakfast so let's get started [Music] baby Focus run and I keep looking at youu on your phone [Music] you I'm going say this one for my salad I think this [Music] [Music] avocado I like to make my bacon nice and crispy I'm going to half this I'm going to put this here we're going to toast a little bit we can take the bacon off this egg to flip it over one I'm going to mash this so I'm just going to put this in a bowl cuz I think it's still kind of like not as ripe as I want it to be now I'm going to put it on this one [Music] here focus on me focus on me some heat I love on Avocado then we're going to half the chicken bacon the egg right on top I'm going to finish off with some chalula hot sauce I'll put that on this side of the bread and then I'm going to put this bread on top of the sandwich that looks so [Music] good I do that com good night T you I thought I like you that [ __ ] like all so this is the first meal of the day this is a yogurt Bowl I put some yogurt some granola mix and then this chia mix as well and then just topped it with some strawberries and blueberries and then this is the breakfast sandwich I just cut it in half to show you guys I like the egg a little runny so I'm actually going to drink it with my celery juice and it's going to be nice and filling [Music] so I just got myself together and I'm ready to go to grab a couple groceries for lunch and dinner um I'm just going to have a chopped salad like a chicken Cho salad not chopped salad more like a Southwest it's going to have like corn beans and stuff like that because I still have leftover corn and beans and I have some like cheese and stuff but I'm going to go to the grocery store grab some things um and yeah also I got these new headphones this is from Sony these are the Sony m5s I think or like th000 xm5 or something like that but I just love them I was like contemplating well I wasn't really contemplating cuz I don't really like the airpod Mac like the way they look and I heard a lot of bad things about them falling but honestly like I feel like these are going to fall as well um especially when I'm like working out and stuff but I know the sound quality I heard is a little bit better I've heard mixed reviews actually like the airpod Max's are better these ones are better these ones are cheaper though so and I really like the all just a solid color and then also these ones are very light so they're like a plastic material so they do I guess feel cheaper but they are lighter on your head so it's like less straining I guess I'm going to take these to the grocery store get my grocery shopping out of the way I'm going to put you guys on a little tripod hopefully I can get some clips honestly I'm just going to grab some stuff um and we will see so I'm going to head there right now I just put something quick on black leggings um and then just this Nike Nike zip up it's actually like in the men section um it's nice and bag and this is the purse I'll be taking this is from Aldo a nice big bag to wear um probably wear this one 2s yeah better you got 2s can beat the sh but you I look I ain't got that much you seem anxious you seem ad but you ain't press my line wondering why why why no you ain't shy shy shy I'm Say by bye bye but I let go [Music] your don't I'm just boy you you going to let it wind down you got 24 seconds and it's starting right [Music] I don't [Music] ENT okay so we did our shop from the grocery store and I got some corn and some beans just in case I think these are still good cuz I literally made nachos and quesadillas the last couple days oh yeah they're still fine so these are still good black beans and corn so I'm going to use that for our salad um let me just take everything out and then I'll show you guys like what we're going to make but I got some stuff for is that outside I can't tell if that's outside or my TV anyways I'm going to put everything away that I'm not going to be using until dinner time I only really had to go to the grocery store for produce so sorry about all these plastic bags honestly I wasn't really thinking I have my true Earth um reusable bags which I like to use but I just I honestly didn't even think about grabbing them and then some plain grape yogurt for actually what we're going to make the dressing with it's just like easy dressing onion garlic I've been craving avocado recently so I just got another one for tomorrow I'm going to take this all out wash my hands change and then we can get started with [Music] lunch I don't want to tell you the but I don't want to your yeah yeah something makes me look at you too often something baby r baby I'm talking crazy eat you right in myace I eat it baby I'm late but I with you know that I need my friend I wouldn't want to leave if you know why wouldn't want to bed my [Music] my don't know what it is I can't tell you what it is but you got be going [Music] crazy baby my body SL [Music] baby [Music] baby on me ickly learn through me [Music] already I guess why I'm not cuz I don't want to hurt [Music] overy I if you [Music] [Applause] [Music] got [Music] [Applause] [Music] I almost forgot to put the avocado so I just added that right now but this is the salad all done and then I put the dressing here on the side and then some chips as well um you can actually crunch these up like you can make them smaller and put them as like a sprinkle on top um I'm just going to leave them to the side cuz I didn't realize how packed this salad would be so yeah I'm just going to like mix it up and probably eat this like as I go with it but that is [Music] lunch [Music] [Music] around I just started like mixing it together you guys probably saw that I wanted to have pasta tonight and now I'm thinking if I'm going to be hungry and for pasta but then again pasta is really good the next day as well so if I do make the pasta and I have like obviously I can't eat it all I'm going to have like my dinner portion and then I'll save it for tomorrow in the next day if I have enough but yeah pasta is really good to make especially if you're like you don't know if you want that much um it's really good the next day so yeah I'm going to make some pasta tonight anyways I'm going to eat my lunch and then I'll check with you guys later you got to get I was just doing some work so now it's time to eat some dinner um for dinner I'm going to make pasta I think I already said that earlier but I'm going to put on my cooking robe cuz I forgot I should have put this on Bowl I was just making a salad but still I'm going to do some more cooking and it's probably going to get messy cuz of like the sauce and stuff so I'm going to put this apron on I got this from like one of the supermarkets that I went to and I think it'll just look cute for the bed I don't know if I should keep this light on or if I should turn it off let me I put like a little light on top is that better no I should probably put the bigger light on huh we're going to get to cooking now so I'm going to make pasta and I'm really like wanting this pasta I made off of hellofresh and it was like really good it was like a rigatoni and it had like red sauce well like tomato um and I can't remember if it was like crushed um crushed tomato or diced so I got diced cuz they're like thicker I guess um so we'll see let me grab everything so I have cream harmeson that's for after but whatever some [Music] garlic got my rigoton we have some turkey some diced tomatoes some tomato paste some cream um parmesan well it's actually whipping cream I think that I couldn't find like regular heavy cream or whatever but I heard that this one this is essentially the same thing parmesan parsley zucchini onion I was looking actually for white onion I couldn't find it I think they were out but I got sweet onion um garlic and then the ratoni pasta so I think this is everything that I need if I need anything else I'll just let you guys [Music] know all then I would have played it just how you want it to play you didn't see my word so you tried to me but I was so in love I just got a [Music] littleit [Music] w yeah sometimes we laugh sometimes we cry but I guess you know now [Music] baby I took her she took the whole thing slow [Music] down bab we took a now you can't even pay me enough to react been waking up in the crib sometimes I don't even know where I'm at [Music] [Music] [Music] I relax can you [Music] inist it and I never been embraced and the money's hard to make so I bet on face right now he [Music] 100% [Music] me me [Music] Rec I hold [Music] [Music] close okay there's like so much left you guys I'm going to definitely have like so much leftovers it's crazy I really like this pasta it tastes so good I honestly I didn't realize till I was doing the the cooking but I should have actually got crushed tomatoes um I got diced so like I didn't need this much and I don't know if I kind of want to put like more Tomatoes I could but I don't really like like the thick Tomatoes like I was eating my salad today and honestly I go through phases where I like tomato and I don't like tomato and today was just one of those days where I was like kind of like leaving the cherry tomatoes out of the salad so I don't know that's just how it is sometimes I'm going to put this in a jar save it in case I do end up using it but we are all done the pasta just don't want to overdo it I didn't even put the garlic you guys I just was like doing a bunch of things and honestly I could have put it last minute but I don't really like the chunks of garlic so I like it to be like cooked with the meat and I forgot to put it when I was doing the onion I put a lot of garlic powder so I think we're good um clean as you go you guys we don't want this kitchen to be like messy you know I like to just let it like sit in the sauce a little [Music] [Music] bit I feel like everyone does this drink but it's actually so good so this is dinner I have a sleepy girl mocktail as well you guys can find out how to make this from Tik Tok super easy um you just need like the ingredients and stuff but I'm going to eat this now finally take off my cooking robe I look crazy so like sweaty and gross but I'm like ready to eat now your girl is starving watch a movie I don't know what movie to watch I just started watching physical 100 I don't know who was talking about it in a in one of their Vlogs but someone was talking about it and I was like oh what is that so cuz I've been looking for like a new show on Netflix now because I feel like I've just finished I usually like um like shows like the challenge I don't know if you guys watch The Challenge and they usually are like on CTV now or MTV um and that where they do like challenges it's actually on Paramount plus um and I think there should should be a new season coming out soon which I'm really excited about but I love shows like that where they're like competitive um and then kind of like reality shows and then I love like the dating shows as well um even though like a lot of it's like scripted and stuff or like twisted and stuff but I just love like shows like that the drama I don't know I'm here for it I also like the circle um just like game like reality but then also I do like the I do like the love ones anyways if you guys have suggestions on what you guys like to watch on Netflix let me know and let me know if like perfect match and too hot to handle like the newer seasons are worth watching cuz I haven't like delve into those ones I just watched like too hot to handle I think the first and second season and then I never like went back to it cuz I was like H just seems kind of like it just kind of came off a little fake to me anyways I'm about to eat I'm going to sit on the couch eat this and watch physical 100 cuz that's kind of what I'm into right now it it it [Music] it it it [Music] I have a sweet tooth now and I'm about to end the video because this is the end of what I'll be eating in a day so I'm going to have I'm going to finish off my night by having this mini kit kat um ice cream bar take this these are so good and I feel like this is like a really good size for just like the perfect amount of like sweetness at the end of the night I feel like this is a good amount I'm going to finish off eating this and that is pretty much what I eat in a day so let me know if I should film more of these I actually had fun doing this and I feel like it kind of like put me on the spot to like make it kind of like nice and aesthetic so I enjoyed making this video um let me know if I should do it again and if you guys did enjoy this video make sure to give me a thumbs up if you do want to see any more videos from me then make sure to hit that subscribe button turn on your post notifications so you'll be notified every time I upload a new video anyways thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music] guys you know
Channel: Kisha Alejandra
Views: 45,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Week of Workouts, What I eat in a day, week of workouts, 5 day workout split, what i eat pre and post workout, what i eat before and after workout, my full workout routine, workout routine, fitness vlog, week of workouts 2023, week in my life, weekly vlog, what i eat in a day to lose weight, weekly workout routine, my full week of workouts, supplements i take, leg workout, glute workout, gym motivation, productive gym day, healthy meals, 2023, goal setting tips
Id: J6w6I_b7fg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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