what I eat in a day (high protein) + healthy living vlog

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[Music] hey sweet friends welcome back I'm so glad that you're here with me this morning today I thought it'd be fun to sort of Vlog my morning and just kind of share the healthy habits that I've been focusing on as well as just share how I'm really focusing on my home and being a homemaker and a mom and how I'm sort of balancing it all but like every typical morning I started with a piping hot cup of coffee with my vital proteins collagen powder I've been doing this for years actually and it's my absolute favorite way to start the [Music] day [Music] okay at this point now I've had some coffee I just ran and dropped the kids off at school really quick and hopped back home for an at home workout I usually try to squeak in about an hour or so and and you know the earlier I can get this done in the day the more likely I am to get it done Al together and for anyone looking to start running or strength training I encourage you don't get shiny object syndrome find a plan that works for you that you love and keep your head down and stay focused and stick with it be consistent Don't Go Changing your plans every other day or every other week I've been there I've made made that mistake just be consistent with something you don't have to be perfect just consistent and I promise it'll be worth it after my workout it's usually a quick shower didn't wash the hair and a quick 5 minute makeup routine nothing fancy just want to feel like myself and feel a little bit put together for the day if you see me talking I was actually on the phone with my mom while I was getting ready and this is just your gentle reminder to call the people in your life that mean a lot to you we're not guaranteed tomorrow if there's a loved one a relative a friend you haven't talked to in a while give them a call I promise you won't regret [Music] it seems around [Music] you I know that you feel all alone in this world but you have to put your trust into us and we will you [Music] through and nothing says mental Clarity like making your bed for the day even if it's not perfect even if it's not pretty get it made and you will feel so much better I [Music] promise so for breakfast this morning I'm going to make a smoothie I had this Core Power protein milk on hand and it is jam packed with protein I used about half of that so it had about 20 gr of protein about half a banana a tablespoon or so of peanut butter about a tablespoon of hemp seeds these are also great for some added plant protein and fiber and then I'm going to add some blueberries full of antioxidants and some spinach and this was delicious and ended up being about 30 g of protein to start my day which not only tastes great but keeps me feeling full until lunch and I've just found that I've really been enjoying a smoothie lately [Music] in 2023 I got myself in the habit of starting and finishing one load of laundry a day and I start that load of laundry while my coffee is brewing in the morning and then I you know roll it over right away and then I usually have a load done by 8 or 9:00 in the morning and it's been a game changer good official morning friends I am wrapping up my last cup of coffee I just finished up that smoothie it was delicious whenever I'm in a pinch and I don't have a ton of groceries on hand making a smoothie is pretty much always my go-to but today um I hope you're kind of enjoying this spend the day with me spend the morning with me we're also going to be doing a what I eat in a day starting with that protein shake smoothie I just had for breakfast um but before I make lunch today I actually need to go pick up some groceries pretty desperately so we'll head over to Aldi I'll come back and do a little Aldi haul um and we'll just kind of see what the Day brings but before we go any further in today's video I did want to just take a quick moment and thank today's video sponsor better help I have seen such a huge difference in My overall mental health and emotional well-being ever since starting therapy with better help um back eight or nine months ago at this point and at this season of life I currently do a weekly call with my therapist and it is something that I truly now look forward to so much sometimes it's just nice to have a thirdparty person who doesn't have any bias who can professionally speak into your life and really just give you the tools you need to handle certain situations if you aren't familiar better help is an online therapy platform with over 30,000 licensed therapists that specialize in all sorts of needs and finding a therapist is as simple as filling out a questionnaire answering your preferences what you're looking for in a therapist and in most cases you'll get matched with a therapist and as little as 48 hours and better help can be a little bit like dating in that it might take a few therapists to figure out what's right for you and that's totally okay because changing therapists through the betterhelp app is as simple as a click of a button in these settings and it comes at no additional cost to you which is awesome having an app like better help um really helped me find a therapist that fits my needs and works with my lifestyle it's great because you can schedule your therapy sessions around a time that's convenient for you and your therapy sessions can look like a video call a phone call or even messaging through the betterhelp app I encourage you join the 4 million people who have started using therapy through better help to live an overall healthier happier life myself included by using the link down in the description below or by going to betterhelp.com Amy FRS and you will receive 10% off of your first month's therapy and again a big thanks to betterhelp for sponsoring today's video okay it is around lunchtime now I just got back from running errands most of the morning and running to Aldi and we are going to make some delicious sweet potato barbecue chicken nachos for lunch okay to get started I'm going to preheat my other oven to 425 and get that going okay this is not hard at all it's very easy to make it's a little timec consuming but not too bad I start by slicing up a whole sweet potato I leave the skin on just to make life easier and I coat the sweet potato in a bowl with some olive oil some salt pepper paprika chili powder garlic powder I just season it really really well and then once the potato round are nice and coated I just placed them on a baking sheet with some parchment paper and I cook them for 20 minutes okay sweet potatoes have about 10 more minutes in the oven when they are done they're going to come out and I'm going to top them with a bunch of chicken I've got some rinsed black beans here I just need just try to get some more you fiber going in my diet and then I'm going to also top it with some Mexican cheese and put it back in the oven for 5 minutes let the cheese melt it'll come out we'll top it with some yummy stuff I've got some barbecue sauce some pickled jalapeno and red onion and oh my word so delicious [Music] oh my word does that not just look amazing but Final Touch is just a little drizzle you don't need a lot but it's definitely a step you don't want to skip it's just a little bit of barbecue sauce you can use whatever kind you prefer trying to do like a tablespoon is but yum time for lunch sat down to eat my delicious meal and I wanted to mention something as you know a work from home mom I'm trying to just keep things like not fussy and just easy No Mess no um long cleanup afterwards and so I threw everything on the baking sheet um with parchment paper and then when it was done and it's time to eat I just lift the parchment paper up with the nachos intact and I just put it on a cutting board and that works as my plate and then I don't have to do any dishes and it's delicious easy super simple love it it's been a go-to lately and to drink I'm going to have a spin drift and um hopefully after this I can get back to work this afternoon but I will check back in later okay friends it's now about 2:45 in the afternoon usually around this time sometime between 2: and 3: I start to get a little hungry and I like to have a little snack to TI me over until dinner and so I'm just sitting at my desk here getting some work done but I have a half a cup of cottage cheese just a tiny drizzle like a teaspoon worth of honey and a handful of blueberries here and it kind of kicks a sweet tooth for me in the afternoon again it's really high protein a half a cup of cottage cheese is 13 grams of protein so it's going to keep me feeling full and it's delicious and um yeah so cheers to snack time I'll see you guys at dinner okay hey guys coming up on dinner time I'm heating up a skillet now and we're doing a teraki shrimp stir fry tonight for dinner this is super simple it's hardly even a recipe but but I'm just heating up some oil I think I did avocado oil tonight I love this meal to keep in the weekly rotation because I pretty much always have shrimp on hand and then I can just plug and play whatever veggies I want whether they're frozen fresh it's an easy meal to whip up fast and it's fairly healthy so um we're going to do broccoli and red pepper tonight cuz that's what I have on hand so I'm just going to add it to my Skillet and let it soft and cook up for a few minutes and soften and then we'll add the [Music] shrimp so this is the shrimp that I'm using today um you know shrimp is one of those high volume foods you can eat a lot of for not a lot of calories and a lot of nutrients um you can see here seven shrimp which is a serving size you could eat more if you wanted cuz it's only 90 calories and 21 g of protein so you really can't beat those numbers um I'm probably going to make up this whole bag and that will definitely feed Caleb and I like I mentioned or maybe I didn't mention earlier I don't know my kids aren't super crazy about shrimp they might have like a piece or two but they'll definitely enjoy the chicken in the chicken fried rice I have cooking [Music] up [Music] [Music] hey friends this looks so delicious it's got all these beautiful colors with all the veggies from the fried rice and then the stir fry um it's going to be nice and filling with that rice rice and the shrimp it's tons of protein so overall I feel like it's a pretty well-rounded meal to end the day um my family is waiting on me to Plate their food so we can all eat so I just wanted to quickly film this little outro and say thank you so much for watching today's what I eat in a day and just kind of spending the day with me I really appreciate you for sticking around for watching and I'm so thankful for you I hope that today's video gave you some recipe IDE ideas or just general meal and nutrition inspiration if you like today's video be sure to give it a thumbs up or maybe share with a friend and I will see you guys really soon in my next video bye
Channel: Amy Fritz
Views: 55,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what i eat in a day, day in the life, high protein meals, weight loss, weight loss journey, amy fritz
Id: -OOHyClXfFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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