HUGE Grocery Haul + Simple Meal Prep for Weight Loss

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[Music] hey sweet friends welcome back and welcome if you're new today's video is a little bit impromptu but I think it's going to be a lot of fun so I desperately need to go grocery shopping I'm talking there is nothing in my fridge or Pantry I am somehow out of everything all at once haven't been shopping in a minute but not only that I have been um just really really busy the last couple of weeks and I've really put meal prep and Whole Food nutritious meals kind of on the back burner we've been grabbing a lot of quick easy things we've been eating out a lot and I'm starting to feel it I don't know if you guys can relate but there's such a difference between cooking your own food eating healthy and then not for a week or two I get bloated I'm usually up on the scale like 3 to 5 lbs which is no big deal um it's just you kind of have to check in with yourself know your body and be intentional and for me that's what I'm doing today I'm being intentional I'm heading to the grocery store I'm going to stock up on all my favorite healthy foods and I'm going to come home we're going to do a little haul well actually it should be a big haul and not only that but I'm going to show you how I meal prep and set myself up for Success when I'm ready to deep loat maybe lose a couple pounds and just have a healthy week of eating so if you're excited for this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and if you're new here subscribe I would love to have you and let's head to the grocery store this is not revolutionary or anything but just a friendly reminder I just filled up my 40 o water here drink your water especially if you haven't been eating the best the last few days or you feel a little bit bloated I know it's kind of it can feel counterproductive but it's not because fluid pushes fluid the more water you drink the more water and salt and booat you will flush out and I can always tell such a difference when I'm drinking my water versus when I'm not so friendly reminder we all need sometimes drink your water but before we head to the grocery store I did want to take a moment and kindly thank better help for sponsoring today's video just like you have to be intentional with your diet and nutrition you also need to be intentional with your mental health it's really important that you check in with yourself and you're really open and honest about how you're doing I know for me there are times where I'm kind of just an autopilot go go go I'm a wife I'm a mom I'm taking care of a home these are just the things that I do in my daily rhythms and sometimes I have to take a step back and have a real honest checkin how am I doing what do I need and it's taken me some time and a lot of therapy to realize that but there are days and weeks where I'm not well you know I'm I'm overwhelmed I'm stressed I'm not coping with it in as healthy as a way as I should be and so I'm so grateful to my therapist at betterhelp who I talk with weekly and have that Weekly check-in it has made such a difference in my day-to-day life and I am so grateful and if you don't know better help is an online therapy platform that makes therapy more affordable and accessible the beautiful thing about better help is that you can do therapy from anywhere from the comfort of your own home if you're a home body like me over the phone via video chat or even through messaging on the app getting started with a therapist is really simple you just fill out a questionnaire it just takes a couple of moments just kind of basic information maybe share some mental health struggles you may be going through so that better help can match you with the right therapist and you're usually matched within 48 hours in most cases so the process is really easy I love that you can schedule your therap therapy for a time that's convenient for you your busy wife and mom like I am that has been the biggest blessing just being able to have therapy at times that just work for me in my busy schedule and I'm able to do it over the phone in my living room in my pajamas if I want if you're thinking about therapy maybe you just need someone to talk to or maybe you're really struggling consider Better Health you can use my link down in the descript description below it's Fritz and you'll receive a special discount on your first month's therapy so definitely check that out and again a big thanks to betterhelp for sponsoring today's video okay friends I am back from the grocery store now that was a lot I just brought everything in and unbagged everything laid it all out for you guys so I can show you exactly what I got and then I'm going to share what I plan to eat for the week kind of my meals and how I'm going to break them up then we'll prep some food but before we get into that I bought these beautiful flowers aren't they so pretty I don't usually treat myself to fresh cut flowers but we actually have our realtor coming to the house this week to take a look at everything and get their thoughts and opinion on selling our home which is so better sweet but that does mean we're one step closer to moving into our new home um if you're new here we're building a house but um that's why I bought some flowers want everything looking nice so I'm going to get these in some water in a vase behind me here get everything kind of situated and then we'll dive into what I bought from the grocery store [Music] okay clean cozy kitchen Vibes and all of this so let's just start over here I'm going to I turned the camera around and I wanted to do it this way so it didn't take all day to get through everything and I figured you could see stuff close up that way too but um we're just going to move right along starting with Basics fruit tons of bananas I buy bananas like they're going out of style because I eat them a ton my kids eat them a ton I just buy them green or like green at the stem that's actually the very best time to eat them if you didn't know that that is when they contain the most um Prebiotic fiber and they're really really good for you so try to buy them as green as I can we'll eat them these will probably be gone in a week um same thing with berries we eat a ton of berries I've been doing a lot of berries at breakfast time and the kids always do as well so I got a big thing of strawberries blackberries and blueberries I also bought some bags of onion those are for basic things I'm always cooking with onion I do a lot of red onion and salads um also pretty basic I got a gallon of milk that's mostly for the kids but you know sometimes we use it too um apples cuz we eat those like crazy um I've got some sparkling water here I ended up buying some herbs they had them out at the grocery store on sale and I figured why not so I'm actually going to pot these today and keep them in the kitchen here for a couple more weeks and if they do well maybe I'll change plant them outside um I needed to buy some basil anyway so I thought might as well try the real thing today so we'll pot those you guys this mint is like wafting it smells so good in here um I love fresh herbs okay moving right along you can see here I have some salmon I try to go to the clearance part of the seafood um Deli counter and sometimes you can get a really really good deal or just save a couple of bucks here and there and every bit counts in this economy um these are going to go they needed to sell by I think tomorrow and so or maybe the following day even this one says 424 this one is tomorrow um but regardless because of that they are reduced price so I got this one for $727 and this one for 7.42 so that'll feed the whole family and we'll just have them for dinner tomorrow at the latest either tonight or tomorrow I think tomorrow is the plan but if you guys have been around my channel you know I love salmon we do a lot of roasted salmon air fryer salmon and veggies often it's like one of my favorite meals and then I was low on balsamic vinegar so I picked some up as well as some liave when I was in college um there was this cute little vegan cafe that I used to love going to cuz they had a salad I really like and the salad dressing was just balsamic vinegar and Agave just Blended maybe a little salt and pepper and that combination is really good it's sweet it's beautiful on salads with again red onion or even fruit on them so so good and you don't have to use any oil so I don't always do that but whenever I see this combo that's what it makes me think of I tend to like liave as a sweetener over honey um just because it's a little bit lighter but I love honey too so just depends and then I've got some different veggies here I've got some brussels sprouts um these I will end up roasting up or pans seering with either chicken or salmon I don't do like very strict meal planning or prepping in my head when I'm at the grocery store I tend to just kind of buy my Meats you'll see here in a bit buy my veggies and then I mix and match throughout the week so got some Brussels sprout got some mushrooms I love mushrooms broccoli and carrots roasted together that's a really good combo um and then as far as for like salads I've got some radishes just for some Crunch and color I've got some snap peas here I love snap peas I love to snack on them with hummus and I love roasted red pepper hummus I was running low on Dijon mustard so I picked some of this up this those in my salad dressings a lot um I find that I just end up using a lot of Dijon mustard I also put Dijon mustard on my salmon before I air fry it um I have shared that on my YouTube channel it's in one of my what I eat in a day videos I'll try to link it down below if I can remember um but yeah got that got the hummus and then moving over here I saw these for the first time today and I've never tried them they are protein Pizza crusts three come in a pack and each crust is 18 g of protein so I thought that was really good and I thought it would be a yummy easy lunch so I got that I also bought my oops it's upside down but bought my carb balance tortillas I love these because they're really high in fiber they help me get some Fiber in the day there's 17 gram of fiber in each tortilla it's absurd it's like almost your daily amount in one little wrap um but I love to do this with rotisserie chicken veggies um deli meat whatever I try to sneak one of these a day in my diet and I find I get plenty of fiber that way but regardless I wanted to try these just to see I got these thinking I would try it with just some pizza sauce and then I got some I have the basil I've got some fresh fresh mozzarella over there I've got some other mozzarella so just kind of like a easy pizza I could do a salad with it I don't know I just thought this would make a nice little lunch for me or Caleb or the kids I also got some Jarred marinara um we do a lot of pasta and so I always keep Jarred marinara on hand as well as chicken sausage I have found chicken sausage is such a cheap easy way to feed your family find a couple flavors you like definitely go for like the nitrate free or no nit traits added and my kids love this honey crisp apple one which is really really yummy with some roasted veggies like brussels sprouts broccoli um peppers onions like really whatever you have on hand you can roast with it on a sheet pan and it's a quick easy meal I really love the Blazing Buffalo I'll probably eat this for lunch just by myself my kids don't like that one as much because it's kind of spicy um but keep lots of chicken sausage on hand it's just a quick way to feed your family um salads I like to keep salad greens on hand I eat a lot of salad whether it's with my lunch or with my dinner and I really love this um it's a local Farm to us in the Dayton are area but it is the Power Crunch and I like it a lot cuz it has the Sprouts um and like the micro Greens on it it's really really yummy and crunchy and then I've got some single cut green leaf lettuce they kind of went the lazy route here but this is just great for um sorry if it'll focus come on camera there we go it's great for lettuce wraps so if you want to do some deli meat in a lettuce wrap if you want to do a burger which I'm going to do tonight in a lettuce wrap um whatever you need to wrap in lettuce super easy way to have it on hand you could just as easily buy some roma or AE a lettuce and do that yourself but again I went the LA czy rout there um because we are going to do some burgers tonight these are some of my favorite Burgers they're brisket Burgers they're really yummy we're going to grill these up and I got Brio buns for Caleb and the kids and then I will just wrap mine in Lettuce Burgers have been a staple for me in my health journey I just kind of ditch the bun not that the bun is bad sometimes I do the bun too but if I'm trying to be lighter um kind of cut my calories like I kind of am this week I'll go with the lettuce and sometimes I'll just have two burgers that way um it just kind of depends but regardless that's what that's for um more veggies here I've got some mini cucumbers I love to keep these on hand because you can just grab one at a time one tends to be perfect per kind of salad serving the kids also like to snack on these I've got some heirloom tomatoes um I got some fresh mozzarella balls so I figured I can either do capris or these might end up going on our burgers tonight I grabbed some garlic and then some avocado I have been really enjoying hard-boiled eggs avocado and fruit in the morning and when I'm trying to be a little bit lighter that's just one of my favorite breakfast I'll also add in like a a um an English muffin or a piece of toast with peanut butter and egg Berry avocado it's I call it my rainbow breakfast it is delicious filling really really nutrient F dents and so try to sneak some avocado in I've got some cherry tomatoes here for snacking salads whatever we go through a lot of those got some green onions I always seem to need green onions for some sort of topping I'm going to make some spicy uh Asian noodles this week and that's what that's primarily for but we'll use it up regardless I love green onion I've got some zucchini here and this is actually I have a spiralizer and I like to keep zucchinis on hand to make zoodles so zucchini noodles so one night you know I might make some zoodles we'll have it with um maybe some Italian chicken sausage or maybe even go um meatless but usually I'll do the chicken sausage and then either a marinara or an alfredo sauce really yummy really easy way to go low carb for me if I'm trying to kind of watch it at night or um I can just add it into whatever pasta we're cooking and sneak and veggies in so it just kind of depends but I like to keep these on hand and making zucchini noodles is pretty simple once you have a spiralizer it's really not hard and cooking them is really quick and easy too so that's why I bought those um I've got some eggs here some pasturised eggs going to hard boil some of these today um I've got my favorite bread here the Dave's Killer Bread the 70 calorie sliced um thin sliced one ones are my favorite I can do sandwiches with these I can do toast usually have peanut butter toast a lot of mornings I usually top it with like hemp seed chia seed so good so so good um carrots these will just be for roasting I tend to buy like the same veggies over and over again brussels sprouts carrots broccoli mushroom zucchini and asparagus and I just chop it all up um drizzle it with olive oil salt pepper maybe some garlic powder and like a 375 oven for 25 30 minutes and you have some delicious roasted veggies and we'll do that I'll just kind of pick one two three veggies a night and we'll roast it up with either like chicken breast here and maybe Caleb will Grill these or even I'll just throw them on the sheet pan with the veggies and have simple roasted chicken and veggies or salmon that kind of thing you probably if you've watched my Channel at all that's a pretty typical week night dinner for us um I got some more chickpeas I've been making a really yummy chickpea salad I'm probably going to meal prep some of it today so you'll get to see that um I also love to make chickpea like salad kind of like a chicken salad or an egg salad where I do chickpea and avocado on toast really yummy simple lunch idea just kind of a pantry staple I've got sweet potato here I think I'm going to make some sweet potato fries tonight to go with our Burgers but regardless we go through sweet potatoes like crazy in this house I love to roast them up with my veggies with dinner I also got some fingerling potatoes so we might do these instead I'm not sure which route I'm going to go tonight whatever I'm feeling I've got some ground whoa did I get everything I've got two things of chicken breast I've got some ground chicken breast this is what I used in my spicy um noodle Asian noodle recipe it's kind of like a it's a goju Jong and like peanut it's kind of got like Thai peanut flare I've made it once here on my channel again I will link that down below if I can find it um but that's what that's for I've got chicken thighs because I thought one night we could do some kebabs some chicken like Greek Chicken Kebabs with the chickpea salad I thought would be a really yummy combo um I don't always buy these and I used to do the kefir but my kefir grains fizzled out cuz I stopped doing it but I did buy some siggies probiotic drinks um just cuz my I've been kind of bloated and I just thought you know if I could have one or two of these this week that'd probably be a good thing for my gut um I got some mild cheddar these are for the burgers tonight I've got a bunch of part skim shredded mozzarella the this is for the pizzas and really anything we have I seem to go through your mozzarella cheese like crazy around here um kind of along the same lines um like going back to the zucchini noodles um I get asked a lot on my Channel about do your kids eat what you eat and 80% of the time yes you know they love their meat and veggies so they are happy as can be most nights but um like a night like here in a couple nights when I want to have kind of more of a pasta night but I'm trying to make maybe be a little lower carb at dinner time um I will make myself zucchini noodles let's just say for example and then I'll make the kids some cheese tortillini and Caleb for that matter and then we'll all have the Italian chicken sausage on our pasta dish quote unquote so um they are happy I'm happy it's not hard to make both types of noodles per se I've got some alfredo sauce all ready to go I've got my marinara ready to go if i' prefer to do that do something lighter and it's just finding like kind of the happy medium so that's a really easy meal even though we're kind of making two different things it kind of feels all seamless and like one um so we'll do that one night it's just kind of finding that balance and um I would say for the most part my kids do eat 80% of what I do so um just kind of have to figure out what they like what you like and what works for your family but doing little things like that just little easy swaps like regular noodles for zucchini noodles in whatever sauce and meat you're making is an easy swap so anyway I got some plain Bagels my kids have this with strawberry cream cheese a lot for breakfast I also got them these protein waffles they really like these they're very yummy um and they're really easy to just pop in the toaster with some peanut butter my kids will eat them just like that and it's a really easy breakfast on a busy School morning I got the kids some um lowfat yogurt I don't need this Hy yogurt but they do they love yogurt and granola with honey um in the morning too so just kind of try to have a couple breakfast options so they don't get too bored um I've got my cottage cheese you guys know I love my good culture I go through this a ton whether it's just snacking on I've been making cottage cheese pizza toast a lot um I sneak this into recipes whenever I can for more protein it's delicious I got some of these honey mustard and onion pretzel crisps they are really yummy I love to snack on these with some hummus or even just plain my kids really love these Dusty Ranch veggie straws I got some of these um organic quinan brown rice bags these are already in 90 seconds it's just when I'm feeling really lazy and don't feel like cooking rice um I don't have any more meal meal prepped it's good to keep things like this in the pantry cuz then there really is no excuse it's pretty easy to make a healthy meal with that I got some fresh orange juice and then this is my favorite coffee creamer I keep on hand um I needed more peanut butter so I got some more of that this is the Goji Jong that goes in the spicy peanut noodles that I was talking about earlier I needed more of that we were fresh out as well as the water chestnuts I put that in my Asian noodles or my stir fry whenever I can I just love these things and then kind of last but not least I was running low on lentils and I love black lentils green lentils red lentils I have been a lentil fanatic lately I will meal prep some of these today they are such a superfood that don't get enough credit there's nine grams of protein and four G of fiber boom perfect way to kind of round out your plate if you need some more protein need some more fiber really really good source there and um I F I find that I throw these in like salads bowls uh on the side with my chicken or salmon it's just I don't know I've been enjoying it doing more of this than the rice lately and doing my lentils then do like a veggie and it's a really yummy way to sneak in some more some more protein and fiber and then I guess this is last but not least I love my spin drift sparkling water this one is the blood I think it's blood orange and tangerine yeah blood orange and tangerine really yummy love this stuff so I think that is everything you guys now that we have all of these delicious ingredients from the grocery store and I want to show you my version of meal prepping I have never been the kind of girl that can prep chicken and rice in 12 containers and just eat that over and over again I get so bored with that I love creating beautiful plates of food with a variety of things on it so for me I find that prepping ingredients is the way to go so I started by hard boiling some eggs I just put them in a water let them boil turn off the heat cover them 10 minutes or so got some lentils going in my rice cooker really simple just cooking them with water and now I'm going to prep a big batch of sweet potatoes I love roasted sweet potatoes they are so delicious they're a great side dish for any week night meal and I like to throw them in bowls or even eat them cold in salads so I'm cutting up about six sweet potatoes I'm going to toss them in a bowl and then I'll show you how I prepare them [Music] [Music] so all I really do is toss the potatoes in some olive oil I don't measure I just kind of eyeball at this point and then I love this seasoning but it's just salt pepper and garlic powder so if you don't have this that's all you need I seasoned my food really generously I also added onion powder as well as paprika and as you can see again I'm just eyeballing but then you want to toss everything really well you want everything coated really really well with that olive oil and then you're going to place this on a baking sheet I like to use parchment paper for easy easy cleanup makes life super simple and this is going to go into a 375° oven for about 30 minutes or so but first we're going to prep a few other things before that goes [Music] in so at this point my eggs had been sitting in the boiling water with the heat turned off for about 8 minutes going directly into an ice bath to stop the cooking I like my hardboiled eggs more over medium but if you like yours more over hard you don't have to worry worry about this step but now we're going to prep some chicken for the week this is chicken I put in salads I just eat by itself I might throw on you know those um protein pizzas put in a wrap this chicken is so delicious so easy high protein I took three chicken breasts and I cut them into bite-sized pieces and then I'm going to throw them in a bowl so that I could toss them really well but here's what you want to make sure you do first of all you want to season the chicken really well I'm using that same salt pepper garlic seasoning papra onion powder a little oregano a little parsley maybe some Italian seasoning just lots of seasoning and then I coat that really well and this is kind of the secret ingredient you want to throw in about a half a cup maybe even a full cup depending on how much chicken you use of plain Greek yogurt you don't want any flavoring cuz that would be gross but just plain Greek yogurt and this makes the chicken so moist it gives it um doesn't really change the flavor of it it just helps it kind of coat and be very flavorful with all of those spices so after I toss it in the Greek yogurt I put it on a sheet pan and this is also going to go in the oven just like the potatoes will um for about 30 minutes or so so I'm able to prep both the chicken and the sweet potatoes together in a 375 on oven 375 oven again for about 30 minutes and you'll see when these come out oh my word so beautiful so [Music] delicious and now we're going to prep some really clean simple salad dressing I know I talked about the balsamic and the agave which I love to do but this is another one that I do almost weekly and I sort of eyeball but I do about A3 cup of olive oil about 2/3 cup of red wine vinegar I do about a tablespoon or so of Dijon mustard and then quite a bit of agave or honey works really well you could do maple syrup as well whichever sweetener you prefer I just do like one squeeze and then I season it with salt pepper and lots of oregano and this is a really beautiful vinegarette I put it on salads I'm going to put it in a chickpea salad here you'll see me prep in a minute and it's just nice to have salad dressing for the week ready to go and it's clean it doesn't have all of the chemicals that you typically find in store store bought dressings can't talk today you guys sorry um but moving along I'm also going to pickle some red onion now this is not something I do every single week but every once in a while I do and it is so good I never regret it I love having this on hand I do 2 cups of water 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and about A3 cup of sugar get that to about a boiling point you basically just want the sugar to dissolve and put some red onion in a mason jar or whatever jar you would like I do just one onion cuz that's about all I need for the week um and then you're just going to pour the hot liquid over the Red Onion cover it and stick it in the fridge overnight and within 24 hours you have pickled red onion it is so delicious so Tangy it's just a fun topping to add to any salad or bowl or even just to eat Plain on your plate sometimes I just eat it as a side dish it is so yummy and then I was about halfway through cooking these um potatoes and the chicken and I just wanted to give everything a quick toss to make sure everything was cooking evenly with those potatoes cuz with the sweet potatoes you definitely want to give them a good Shake every 10 or 20 minutes or so this last thing we're going to prep is one of my favorites one can of drained rinsed chickpeas about4 or so of a red onion diced nice and fine um about two of those mini cucumbers you can really adjust this recipe to what you prefer and like but I do about two cucumbers a bunch of cherry tomatoes and then of course we're going to do some green Greek pitted olives I love these they add so much salt and flavor to this salad really gives it that Greek flare and then it wouldn't be a Greek chickpea salad without some feta cheese so I'm doing lots and lots of feta cheese and then because I had the basil on hand I went ahead and just added some you could really add whatever you wanted or none at all you could do parsley even some mint I don't know whatever herbs you have on hand but you could definitely do away without the herbs as well and then I'm just going to use a little bit of my salad dressing and coat it and toss it until it's nice and coated but not too soupy and this will last in the fridge for several days although I love it so much I usually eat it within a few days I like to have this with my lunch we have this as a side dish with dinner just to get more greens in if I don't feel like making a salad and it's been something I've been making on repeat it is delicious [Music] so I'm just here to remind you and encourage you that you can find the time to prepare healthy meals it doesn't take a lot of time this took me about 1 hour today so if you have an hour this week to dedicate to prepping some healthy ingredients you can eat healthy all week long and it doesn't have to be boring or tasteless these are all really beautiful things that help me stay on track with my goals I enjoy eating these Foods I feel really good I've got the chickpea salad and the eggs and the red onion and the salad dressing that gorgeous chicken the sweet potatoes and the lentils and I can plug and play and use these ingredients all week long whether we're having a burger for dinner and I want to use the chickpea salad as a side dish or I want those hard-boiled eggs at breakfast time my favorite way to eat some of these ingredients at lunch in a bowl with lentils and the red onion and the chicken maybe some hummus just finding ways to enjoy these Foods all week long it really does help me stay on track and enjoy the journey and I just know as the week progresses I'm going to be feeling so much better feeling like myself again in no time just remember it takes just a little bit of intentionality you don't have to be perfect all the time you don't have to eat boring things to lose weight to feel good to be healthy you really can eat a variety of foods that are delicious and nutritious so hope you enjoyed today's video if you did give it a big thumbs up maybe share it with a friend or a loved one and I will see you guys really soon in my next one bye
Channel: Amy Fritz
Views: 52,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grocery haul, meal prep, weight loss tips, healthy meal ideas, healthy grocery haul
Id: 9Vuhjf8EI0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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